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以典型挺水植物芦苇和蒲草作为研究对象,在静水条件下研究其对不同污染浓度水体中总氮的去除效果。结果显示,2种植物在生长期对水体中总氮浓度均有影响,在同种污染浓度条件下,芦苇和蒲草对总氮的吸收存在着季节差异性,但是3种污染水体中总氮浓度的变化在时间上具有一致性;3种污染水体中,蒲草对水体中总氮的去除率均高于芦苇。  相似文献   

3种挺水植物对生活污水主要污染物净化能力的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
选用鸢尾(Iris tectorum)、石龙芮(Ranunculus sceleratus L.)、酸模(Rumex acetosa L.)3种挺水植物作为湿地植物进行无土栽培,研究它们在生活污水中的生长特性及对生活污水中主要污染物的净化能力。试验集中在春末夏初进行,结果表明,3种植物均生长良好。当污水停留时间(HRT)为7 d时,鸢尾对COD,TP,TN去除的贡献率分别为46.74%,17.71%,11.33%;石龙芮对COD,TP,TN去除的贡献率分别为39.82%,28.59%,8.88%;酸模对COD,TP,TN去除的贡献率分别为54.69%,20.26%,7.47%。经过处理后的污水水质显著提高,充分表明这3种植物应用于人工湿地是可行的。  相似文献   

几种挺水植物净化生活污水总氮和总磷效果的研究   总被引:27,自引:0,他引:27  
研究了石菖蒲、灯心草和蝴蝶花3种不同植被系统、基质为河砂的潜流型人工湿地净化生活污水总氮和总磷的效果,并同无植被系统、相同基质的潜流型人工湿地净化效果进行了比较,结果表明:在较低浓度范围里无植被的人工湿地和3种有植被的人工湿地对污水中总氮有较好的去除作用,随着污水中总氮浓度的增加,虽然无植被的人工湿地和有植被的人工湿地去除总氮的效果均有下降的趋势,但有植被的人工湿地仍然能维持较高的总氮去除水平,无植被的人工湿地总氮去除效果则下降较快。在有植被的人工湿地中,以石菖蒲植被人工湿地氮素净化能力最强,其次为灯心草和蝴蝶花,这与植被自身吸收同化污水中氮素水平以及植物根系微生物作用有关。对于污水中总磷的去除,本研究中由于污水中磷素浓度较低,无植被和有植被的人工湿地对污水中磷素均有很好的去除作用,没有明显差异,但不同的植物体中磷素仍有明显的吸收同化富集现象,其中石菖蒲吸收同化磷素能力最强,其次为蝴蝶花和灯心草,植被在人工湿地系统中对于污水中总氮和总磷的去除起着重要的作用。  相似文献   

挺水植物对氮磷的固定及其腐烂释放研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
北方天然湿地内采集芦苇、菖蒲2种挺水植物,测定其氮、磷含量,以分析湿地通过收割挺水植物每年可去除的氮、磷污染物的量,同时开展了挺水植物腐烂释放实验,为湿地内挺水植物的收割时间提供科学依据。研究表明,每年通过收割挺水植物芦苇、菖蒲可去除氮943 kg.hm-2、可去除磷33 kg.hm-2,而植物收割建议在枯萎后尽快进行。  相似文献   

挺水植物作为构建人工湿地的主要植物类型,具有净污能力稳定、生命周期长等特点,因而得到大量应用.利用Meta分析法分析了6种常见的挺水植物对总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(COD)三种水质指标的去除率效应值,结果表明:①芦苇、香蒲对TN的去除率综合效应值较高且稳定,美人蕉、芦苇对TP的去除率综合效应值较高且稳定,...  相似文献   

再力花(Thalia dealbata)别名水竹芋,竹芋科再力花属植物。原产美洲热带,我国华南地区有栽培,为优良的大型湿地挺水植物,观赏价值极高。  相似文献   

几种挺水植物净化生活污水总氮和总磷效果的研究靠   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
研究了石菖蒲、灯心草和蝴蝶花3种不同植被系统、基质为河砂的潜流型人工湿地净化生活污水总氮和总磷的效果,并同无植被系统、相同基质的潜流型人工湿地净化效果进行了比较,结果表明在较低浓度范围里无植被的人工湿地和3种有植被的人工湿地对污水中总氮有较好的去除作用,随着污水中总氮浓度的增加,虽然无植被的人工湿地和有植被的人工湿地去除总氮的效果均有下降的趋势,但有植被的人工湿地仍然能维持较高的总氮去除水平,无植被的人工湿地总氮去除效果则下降较快.在有植被的人工湿地中,以石菖蒲植被人工湿地氮素净化能力最强,其次为灯心草和蝴蝶花,这与植被自身吸收同化污水中氮素水平以及植物根系微生物作用有关.对于污水中总磷的去除,本研究中由于污水中磷素浓度较低,无植被和有植被的人工湿地对污水中磷素均有很好的去除作用,没有明显差异,但不同的植物体中磷素仍有明显的吸收同化富集现象,其中石菖蒲吸收同化磷素能力最强,其次为蝴蝶花和灯心草,植被在人工湿地系统中对于污水中总氮和总磷的去除起着重要的作用.  相似文献   

几种植物去除污染水体中养分效果研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
对城市尾水和人工模拟富营养化水体进行了静态培养试验.通过比较不同植物对城市尾水中氮、磷去除效果,以及它们在不同磷浓度条件下对不同形态氮素去除效果研究,目的在于筛选出适合治理富养分污染水体的植物品种.研究结果表明,空心菜(Ipomiea aquatica)、酸模(Rumex acetosa)、莎草(Cyperus glomeratus)3种植物都能很好地吸收尾水中的营养物质,且生长状况良好.经3种植物处理的城市尾水,其氮、磷浓度随水培时间的增加而降低.莎草、酸模对污水中TN的去除率达90%以上,其中莎草最高,达93.4%;空心菜对全磷的去除率最高达76.9%.NH_4~+-N在处理前期变化显著,且莎草的净化效果最好达94.4%;污水中NO_3~--N含量随着水培时间的增加而逐渐下降,但在试验后期NO_3~--N又有所增加.酸模去除NO_3~--N效果最好,达65.4%.另外3种植物对NH4+-N和NO_3~--N都具有一定的吸收作用,并且优先吸收NH_4~+-N.且从对于NH_4~+-N和NO_3~--N净化效果看,莎草>酸模>空心菜.  相似文献   

3种浮床植物对关中地区2种污染源涝池水体净化效率研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于对植物修复空间特异性的理解,针对联通关中水系的涝池近年来出现的水体富营养化和黑臭现象,选取常见浮床植物美人蕉、水菖蒲和西伯利亚鸢尾,通过室外水培试验,探究其对涝池污染原水的净化效果,试验共持续35天。结果表明:(1)试验结束时,3种植物在株高、根长生物量均有显著增加,增长率表现为美人蕉水菖蒲西伯利亚鸢尾。(2)美人蕉、水菖蒲和西伯利亚鸢尾对水体中TN的平均去除率分别为56.18%,52.17%,60.76%,均显著高于对照组(P0.05);美人蕉和水菖蒲对水体中TP平均去除率分别为55.42%和58.32%,均显著高于对照组(P0.05),而西伯利亚鸢尾组与对照组无显著差异(P0.05),此外美人蕉和水菖蒲还能起到调节水体pH和DO的作用。(3)3种植物对水体中NH_3—N的平均去除率分别为76.98%,65.71%,78.94%,其中美人蕉组和水菖蒲组NH_3—N的主要去除途径为植物吸收和硝化反应,西伯利亚鸢尾组NH_3—N的主要去除途径主要是氨的挥发和硝化反应等,而对照组NH_3—N去除率高达60.55%的主要原因是氨的挥发;植物组及对照组中NO_3~-—N浓度随时间均呈现增加趋势,主要与各试验组中水体硝化反应及植物吸收效率的差异性有关。(4)3种植物中,水菖蒲适用于点源和面源2种污染源涝池水体的净化,美人蕉只适合用于面源污染涝池水体的净化,而西伯利亚鸢尾净化能力较差,生长适应性差,不适宜作为水生浮床植物推广。研究结果为涝池污染水体修复的浮床植物选择提供参考。  相似文献   

3种植物浮床对冬季富营养化水体氮磷的去除效果研究   总被引:11,自引:0,他引:11  
采用浮床栽培黑麦草(Lolium multif)、"矮脚黄"和"苏州青"(后两者为青菜品种,Brassica rapa)研究其对冬季天然富营养化水体中N、P的去除效果。结果表明:黑麦草、"矮脚黄"、"苏州青"和对照对富营养化水体中总N的平均去除率分别为49.75%、45.77%、45.12%和28.91%,对总P的平均去除率分别为67.66%、60.19%、58.28%和42.56%,植物处理的去除效果与对照之间均达显著差异(P<0.05),它们为冬季富营养化水体的处理提供了新的植物资源。黑麦草对P的去除以吸收作用为主,植物累积的P占所去除P总量的89.53%,"矮脚黄"和"苏州青"则分别为34.64%和42.42%;但植物累积的N只占去除N总量的一小部分。  相似文献   

两种水生植物对重富营养化水体修复效果研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了探索重富营养化水体的植物修复方法,在人工模拟条件下选取了两种水生植物伊乐藻(Elodea nuttallii)和黄花水龙(Jussiaea stipulacea Ohwi),采用漂浮生长方式对富营养化水体中养分的去除效果进行研究。结果表明:沉水植物伊乐藻在水面漂浮条件下可起到净化水体的作用,对总氮、氨态氮、硝态氮、总磷、COD、叶绿素a的去除率分别为62.9%,90.83%,53.90%,71.21%,43.33%,50.05%;漂浮植物黄花水龙对上述污染物的去除效果分别为93.56%,97.38%,99.44%,97.74%,52.49%,58.34%。变异分析表明,两者对这些养分的去除达到了显著水平(P<0.05)。黄花水龙对上述污染物的去除效果明显好于漂浮培养条件下的伊乐藻,适合重富营养化水体中养分的去除,而伊乐藻则在水质维持方面发挥更大作用。  相似文献   

Phosphate from agricultural runoff is a major contributor to eutrophication in aquatic systems. Vegetated drainage ditches lining agricultural fields have been investigated for their potential to mitigate runoff, acting similarly to a wetland as they filter contaminants. It is hypothesized that some aquatic macrophytes will be more effective at removing phosphate than others. In a mesocosm study, three aquatic macrophyte species, cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides), cattail (Typha latifolia), and bur-reed (Sparganium americanum), were investigated for their ability to mitigate phosphate from water. Mesocosms were exposed to flowing phosphate-enriched water (10?mg?L?1) for 6?h, left stagnant for 42?h, and then flushed with non-nutrient enriched water for an additional 6?h to simulate flushing effects of a second storm event. Both L. oryzoides and T. latifolia decreased the load of dissolved phosphate (DP) in outflows by greater than 50?%, significantly more than S. americanum, which only decreased DP by 15?±?6?% (p????0.002). All treatments decreased concentrations inside mesocosms by 90?% or more after 1?week, though the decrease occurred more rapidly in T. latifolia and L. oryzoides mesocosms. By discovering which species are better at mitigating phosphate in agricultural runoff, planning the community composition of vegetation in drainage ditches and constructed wetlands can be improved for optimal remediation results.  相似文献   

Under the present investigation phytoremediation of mercury and arsenic from a tropical open cast coalmine effluent was performed. Three aquatic macrophytes Eichhornia crassipes, Lemna minor and Spirodela polyrrhiza removed appreciable amount of mercury and arsenic during 21 days experiment. Removal capacities of these macrophytes were found in the order of E. crassipes > L. minor > S. polyrrhiza. Translocation factor (shot to root ratio of heavy metals) revealed low transportation of metals from root to leaves leading higher accumulation of metals in root as compared to leaves of the plant. It was evident from plant tissue analysis that mercury and arsenic up take by macrophytes had deteriorated the N, P, K, chlorophyll and protein content in these macrophytes. Correlations between removal of arsenic and mercury from mining effluent and its increase in plant parts were highly significant. Results favoured selected species to use as promising accumulator of metals.  相似文献   

In the greenhouse and container nursery production industry there is potential for runoff of nitrogen (N) and phosphorus (P), which may contaminate surface and groundwater. Since the 1950s constructed wetlands (CWs), as a simple, low-technology method, have been shown to effectively treat agricultural, industrial, and municipal wastewater. We investigated the N and P attenuating potential of three floating hydrophytes planted in a laboratory-scale subsurface flow (SSF) CW system. Over an 8-week period plants were supplied with N and P (0.39 to 36.81 mg·L?1 N and 0.07 to 6.77 mg·L?1 P) that spanned the rates detected in nursery runoff between the discharge and inflow locations of a commercial nursery currently employing CWs. Whole plant dry weight was positively correlated with N and P supplied. Highest N recovery rates were exhibited by water hyacinth (Eichhornia crassipes [Mart.] Solms.) and water lettuce (Pistia stratiotes L.). P recovery rates were similar for water hyacinth, water lettuce, and dwarf redstemmed parrotfeather (Myriophyllum aquaticum [Vell.] Verdc.). These floating hydrophytes can be cultivated in a SSF CW to remediate runoff losses of N and P. The possibility exists for integrating them into a polycultural remediation system that includes emergent aquatic macrophytes for processing and polishing nursery/greenhouse wastewater.  相似文献   

水生观赏植物对城市污水的修复研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
将黄花鸢尾、石菖蒲、菖蒲、千屈菜、泽泻、玉带草6种水生观赏植物种植于模拟人工湿地系统中,对城市污水进行绿色修复研究。分别在第5天、第10天、第15天测定污水中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、化学需氧量(COD)、生化需氧量(BOD5)、重金属元素(Cr,Pb,Cd)的含量,研究水生观赏植物对城市污水的处理效果和修复能力。结果表明:各植物系统对TN,TP,COD,BOD5以及重金属Cr,Pb,Cd去除效率随时间的推移逐渐上升,至第15天去除效率分别达88.1%,95.9%,90.6%,86.7%,78.1%,83.2%,91.4%以上。各植物系统对各种污染物的去除效率呈现一定差异,处理时间的不同对植物的修复效果也存在一定影响。6种水生观赏植物中,综合净化能力以黄花鸢尾和石菖蒲最为突出,是值得推荐的城市污水修复植物。  相似文献   

Agricultural runoff containing nitrogen fertilizer is a major contributor to eutrophication in aquatic systems. One method of decreasing amounts of nitrogen entering rivers or lakes is the transport of runoff through vegetated drainage ditches. Vegetated drainage ditches can enhance the mitigation of nutrients from runoff; however, the efficiency of nitrogen removal can vary between plant species. The efficiency of three aquatic macrophytes, cutgrass (Leersia oryzoides), cattail (Typha latifolia), and bur-reed (Sparganium americanum), to mitigate dissolved and total nitrogen from water was investigated. Replicate mesocosms of each plant species were exposed to flowing water enriched with ammonium and nitrate for 6?h, allowed to remain stagnant for 42?h, and then flushed with non-enriched water for an additional 6?h to simulate a second storm event. After termination of the final simulated runoff, all vegetated treatments lowered total nitrogen loads exiting mesocosms by greater than 50%, significantly more than unvegetated controls, which only decreased concentrations by 26.9% (p????0.0023). L. oryzoides and T. latifolia were more efficient at lowering dissolved nitrogen, decreasing ammonium by 42?±?9% and 59?±?4% and nitrate by 67?±?6% and 64?±?7%, respectively. All treatments decreased ammonium and nitrate concentrations within mesocosms by more than 86% after 1?week. However, T. latifolia and L. oryzoides absorbed nitrogen more rapidly, lowering concentrations by greater than 98% within 48?h. By determining the nitrogen mitigation efficiency of different vegetative species, plant communities in agricultural drainage ditches can be managed to significantly increase their remediation potential.  相似文献   

通过比较不同的提取溶剂和使用量,就水体中毒死蜱和TCP残留提取的效果及不同的流动相组成和比例对毒死蜱和TCP测定的影响,建立了水体中毒死蜱及TCP的HPLC残留分析方法。结果表明,水体中毒死蜱和TCP最佳提取溶剂为乙酸乙酯,提取次数为2次,用量分别为50和30mL。色谱条件为:流动相为甲醇:水=90:10或乙腈:水=90:10,流速1mL·min^-1;紫外检测波长300nm。当流动相为甲醇:水=90:10时,毒死蜱和TCP的保留时间分别为6.4和3.6min;当流动相为乙腈:水=90:10时,其保留时间分别为5.6和2.5min。毒死蜱和TCP的检出限分别为0.5和0.15ng。当毒死蜱和TCP在水中的添加浓度为0.01~5mg·L^-1时,标准添加回收率分别为91.4%-105.1%和90.6%~105.4%,变异系数分别为0.99%~4.12%和0.29%~9.33%。水样中毒死蜱和TCP的最小检出浓度分别为2和0.6ng·mL^-1。  相似文献   

以茶花凤仙和百日草为供试植物,对不同镉浓度条件下两种植物的生物量、镉含量及其对镉的吸收、富集状况进行了研究.结果表明,不同程度镉浓度处理的土壤中生长的茶花凤仙和百日草对镉的吸收和富集特性不同,生物量随土壤镉浓度的升高而升高,但达到一定浓度时,生物量又随土壤镉浓度的升高而降低.茶花凤仙在低浓度区域,富集镉的能力要强于百日草,但是在高浓度区域时,茶花凤仙富集镉的效果却低于百日草的富集效果.本试验中所选的两种植物,百日草和茶花凤仙均没有达到超积累植物要求的标准.  相似文献   

Removal of soil phosphorus (P) in crop harvest is a remediation option for soils high in P. This 4-year field-plot study determined P uptake by annual ryegrass (ARG, Lolium multiflorum Lam.) and common bermudagrass (CB, Cynodon dactylon (L.) Pers.) from Ruston soil (fine-loamy, siliceous, thermic Typic Paleudult) enriched in P by five previous annual applications of poultry litter, and related P removed to Bray 2 P in surface (0–15 cm) soil. Decreases in surface soil Bray 2 P were largely attributable to uptake. Phosphorus uptake was positively related to Bray 2 P but approached a limit. Mass of P removed in harvest closely approximated the decrease in mass of surface soil Bray 2 P. Maximum Bray 2 P drawdown per harvest (ARG and CB, average) was ?3 mg kg?1 at Bray 2 P ? 300 mg kg?1, generally consistent with measured decreases in Bray 2 P.  相似文献   

EDTA-enhanced phytoremediation by corn (Zea mays L.) of soil supplemented with 500 mg L?1 lead (Pb) was examined. The chelate EDTA was used in order to increase Pb bioavailability at four levels: 0 (control), 0.5 (low), 1.0 (medium), and 2.5 mmol kg?1 (high). Plants were grown under controlled conditions in a growth-chamber with supplementary light. An EDTA concentration of 5.0 mmol kg?1 was lethal to plants. At high and medium EDTA levels plants grew significantly less than control ones. Lead concentrations in corn leaves increased with increased EDTA levels. Plants subjected to medium EDTA level had the greatest root to shoot Pb translocation. Plants subjected to high EDTA level showed high phosphorus (P) uptake and translocation within plants. Therefore, possibly it was not only Pb that caused toxic effect on plants, but also the high internal concentration of P that in turn could have complexed active Fe.  相似文献   

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