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毒氟磷是我国自主创制的新型植物抗病毒剂,研究毒氟磷的环境行为和归趋对科学评价其环境风险具有重要意义。本试验采用14C同位素示踪技术,以[噻唑基-2-14C]-毒氟磷为示踪剂,研究了毒氟磷在A和B两种水-沉积物系统中的好氧降解动态以及残留转化规律。结果表明,毒氟磷母体在两种水-沉积物系统中的水相消散和降解均符合一级动力学模型,其水相消散半减期分别为7.23 d (A)和13.86 d (B),在水-沉积物整个系统中的母体降解半减期则分别为121.60 d (A)和65.39 d (B)。毒氟磷在供试水-沉积物系统中的残留转化规律存在显著差异,培养结束时(培养时间为100 d),可提态残留在A和B系统中分别占放射性引入量的77.41%和43.71%,矿化量分别占放射性引入量的1.11%和2.83%,结合态残留分别占放射性引入量的24.11%和49.25%;较高的降解率和阳离子交换量是毒氟磷及其代谢产物在B系统中更易形成结合残留的主要原因。本研究结果为科学评价毒氟磷在水-沉积物系统中的安全性提供了基础数据和科学依据。  相似文献   

玉米In5-2启动子功能区域在洋葱瞬时表达系统中的分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本研究旨在通过对根癌农杆菌侵染洋葱表皮细胞的条件进行优化,从而建立一种新的瞬时表达系统,并将其应用于玉米In5-2启动子的功能区域的分析中,明确In5-2启动子的乙酰苯胺类化合物诱导元件的具体位置.在本研究中采用根癌农杆菌(Agrobacterium tumefaciens)侵染洋葱(Allium cepa)表皮细胞,对转β-葡糖醛酸酶(GUS)基因的瞬时表达进行研究,并分析了侵染液中乙酰丁香酮(As)的浓度、侵染时间、菌液浓度、共培养时间对GUS基因的瞬间表达的影响.结果显示,在OD600值为0.8的农杆菌液中感染15 min,共培养3 d,能够得到较高的GUS基因瞬间表达,从而建立了一种新的瞬间表达系统.同时,构建了含不同长度的玉米(Zea mays)In5-2启动子片段缺失载体,利用新的瞬时表达系统分析其功能区域,推测出乙酰苯胺类化合物诱导元件位于ATG上游-220~-143 bp之间.结果表明新的瞬时表达系统可以快速有效地进行启动子的分析.  相似文献   

以转反义ACS(ACC合成酶)和反义NR(乙烯受体蛋白)基因番茄和普通番茄(Lycopersicon escclentum Mill.)作为试材,通过ELISA(enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay)方法研究了抑制乙烯合成的外源基因转入番茄后,伤流中植物激素的变化。发现转基因番茄和普通番茄在盛花期和盛果期伤流中各种植物激素的含量变化不显著;而到了成熟期伤流中IAA、GA,和CTKs(细胞分裂素)仍然没有显著变化,但转基因番茄伤流中ABA含量与普通番茄相比却显著减少,说明ABA和乙烯对番茄成熟衰老的控制是共同起作用的,乙烯释放量的改变和信号转导途径的抑制都会影响ABA的伤流运输。  相似文献   

采用野外调查采样和室内培养、分析相结合的方法,探讨蔬菜对多氯代有机污染物(PCOPs)的富集和转移特征。结果表明:不同旱地蔬菜对不同PCOPs的富集能力和转移能力各不相同,主要体现在叶菜类对六六六(HCB)的富集系数最高,根菜类对滴滴涕(DDT)类的转移系数最高等特点;不同盆栽蔬菜的富集和转移特点和旱地蔬菜的基本一致,且随着土壤受污染程度的加剧会导致其富集系数和转移系数降低,这与蔬菜生物量较小而影响其对PCOPs的富集和转移能力有关。研究结论可为了解PCOPs由土壤环境进入蔬菜体内及其在体内的转移提供科学依据。  相似文献   

K. OH  T. KATO  H. L. XU 《土壤圈》2008,18(2):222-226
An experiment was carried out to study the transport process of nitrogen (N) assimilation from tea roots by monitoring the dynamic composition of N compounds in xylem sap after 15^N-NO3 and 15^N-NH4 were fed to the root of tea plants (Camellia sinensis L.). Results showed that the main amino acids were glutamine, theanine, axginine, asparic acid and glutamic acid, which accounted for 49%, 17%, 8%, 7%, and 4%, respectively, of the total amino acids in the xylem sap. After the tea plants were fed with 15^N-NO3 and 15^N-NH4 for 48 h, the amount of total amino acids in xylem sap significantly increased and those fed with 15^N-NH4 had higher increment than those with 15^N-NOa. Two hours after 15^N- NO3 and 15^N-NH4 were fed, 15N abundance in glutamine, asparagine, glutamic acid, alanine, and arginine were detected and increased quickly over time. This indicated that it took less than 2 h for NO3-N and NH4-N to be absorbed by tea roots, incorporated into the above amino acids and transported to the xylem sap. Rapid increase in 15^N-NO3 in the xylem sap of tea plants fed with 15^N-NO3 indicated that nitrate could be directly transported to the xylem sap. Glutamine, theanine, and alanine were the main amino acids transported in xylem sap of tea plants fed with both 15^N-NO3 and 15^N-NH4.  相似文献   

根-土界面的微生态过程与有机污染物的环境行为研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
徐建明  何艳 《土壤》2006,38(4):353-358
土壤-植物系统是地球生态系统中与人类生存与健康关系最为密切的亚系统。该系统中有机污染物的运移必须历经根-土界面多层次的微生态过程的控制。这些微生态过程涉及到系统中许多生物、生物化学和物理化学反应机理,与土壤中污染物迁移转化及其归宿等环境行为具有密切的关系。理解这些微生态过程及其对有机污染物环境行为的影响,对提高作物生长、改善土壤环境质量和提高农产品品质安全具有直接的理论和实践指导意义。  相似文献   

Root active uptake and remobilization of boron (B) have been accepted as mechanisms contributing to nutrient efficiency under low supply of boron. Here, we examined the existence of these mechanisms in eggplant (Solanum melongena L.) supplied either with luxury (100 μM, B+) or low (7.5 μM, B–) B in the growth medium via semihydroponic cultivation. Boron treatment was marginally not limiting growth thus avoiding side‐effects and impairment of acclimation mechanisms of plants. The induction of a B‐concentrating mechanism was evident in the roots as B concentration in the xylem sap was only decreased by 23% in B– compared to B+ plants, i.e., B– roots concentrated B by a factor of 2.7 relative to the external solution. Leaf B concentration in the B– treatment decreased by 33% and 40% in young fully expanded and mature leaves, respectively. Larger differences were observed in the soluble B fraction that decreased by 65% in mature leaves. However, both total and soluble B concentrations in developing leaves were almost equal for both treatments exhibiting a pattern commonly observed in B‐remobilizing plants. On the other hand, amounts of B export in the phloem sap were small compared to other species in which B is highly mobile. The B export rate from source leaves was slightly increased under low B supply while that of sucrose was not affected. We conclude that the root concentrating mechanism contributes to the alleviation of B deficiency in eggplant under low B supply while B remobilization may also contribute to a lower degree.  相似文献   

不同水、氮条件对水稻苗生长及伤流液的影响   总被引:12,自引:2,他引:12  
为探明不同水分供应和氮素形态对水稻根苗及伤流液的影响,设正常水分及50 g/L PEG模拟水分胁迫和3种不同质量比例的NH4+-N/NO3--N(9/1,5/5,1/9)氮素营养处理,测定了水稻幼苗生物量,根系形态指标,根系活力及根基伤流量。结果表明,正常水分条件下,NH4+-N促进水稻根系平均直径增大,有利于水稻地上部物质累积;NO3--N则使水稻根系总吸收面积增大,促进根系物质累积;NH4+-N/NO3--N为5/5处理的水稻活跃吸收面积最大,活跃吸收面积比亦最高。水分胁迫条件下,NH4+-N/NO3--N为5/5的处理更有利于水稻地上部分的生长,NO3--N有利于水稻鲜重和干重增加,促进根系平均直径增大,水稻的根系总吸收面积、活跃吸收面积均随NO3--N供应比例的增加呈上升趋势。正常水分条件下,水稻幼苗白天的耗水量随NH4+-N/ NO3--N比例降低呈下降趋势,水分胁迫条件降低了水稻对水分的吸收。水分胁迫显著降低各处理水稻伤流量,正常水分条件下,NH4+-N/NO3--N为5/5处理的水稻伤流量最大;水分胁迫后,9/1处理的水稻伤流量相对较多。  相似文献   

蚯蚓蓄积疏水性有机污染物的过程及预测模型   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
史志明  徐莉  胡锋 《土壤学报》2014,51(1):1-10
简述了蚯蚓蓄积疏水性有机污染物(HOC)的过程和影响因素,并介绍了几种预测蚯蚓蓄积疏水性有机污染物的模型,包括经验模型、速率模型、平衡分配模型、机制模型和逸度模型。一般地,蚯蚓蓄积疏水性有机污染物的途径包括经口和经皮两条,主要方式是简单扩散,其中对于大多数疏水性有机污染物,经皮途径占主导地位,然而随着疏水性的提高(logK ow5),经口途径贡献增大,尤其是在有机质含量高的土壤中。不同的蓄积预测模型除速率模型外均是基于三个假设:(1)疏水性有机污染物,主要是持久性有机污染物,在土壤-蚯蚓系统间的基本行为是土壤固液之间和蚯蚓生物相之间的分配平衡过程;(2)蚯蚓的脂肪相是此类污染物的主要蓄积库;(3)污染物在蚯蚓体内不存在或者存在可忽略的代谢和生物转化过程。最后提出未来的研究应该重视疏水性有机污染物在蚯蚓体的内部行为如分布,以更好地了解蚯蚓毒理上的相关信息。  相似文献   

Eleven rice varieties differing in grain size were grown under controlled environmental conditions during the grain-filling period. The grain weight of upper grains in a panicle was examined at successive stages of growth during the grain-filling period. The effect of temperature on the rate and the duration of the period of grain-filling was determined using Khao Lo, a large-grain variety, and Bom Dia, a small-grain variety. Both the grain-filling rate and duration of the period of grain-filling differed among rice varieties and were positively and significantly correlated with the grain size. The duration of the grain-filling period from flowering to the time when almost maximum grain weight was attained ranged from 12 days at 32/24°C in Bom Dia to 36 days at 20/12°C in Khao Lo. The grain-filling rate was low in small-grain varieties, and generally increased with increasing grain size.

By lowering the temperature, the grain-filling rate decreased, the duration of the grain-filling period increased but the grain weight was almost constant.

Weight per grain was closely correlated with hull size. No relationship was found between weight per grain and nitrogen percentage of brown rice.  相似文献   

Barley (Hordeum vulgare L.) plants were grown hydroponically in a greenhouse for 14 d under Fe-deficient conditions before treatment for 3 h with excess Mn (25 µM) and equimolar amounts of plant-borne (phytosiderophores, PS) or synthetic (ethylene diamine tetraacetic acid, EDTA) metal chelators. The xylem sap was collected for 3 h and analyzed for PS, Fe, Mn, Zn, Cu, and citrate concentrations. Excess Mn in the feeding medium decreased the concentrations of PS, Fe, Zn, and Cu in the xylem sap. Addition of 25 µM Mn and an equimolar amount of PS to the feeding medium increased the concentrations of PS, Fe, and Cu in the xylem sap, while EDTA decreased the concentrations of PS and the above nutrients. Excess Mn in the feeding medium increased the Mn concentration in the xylem sap and this increase was more pronounced with the addition of PS to the feeding medium, while EDTA had a depressing effect. These findings suggested that the roots of Fe-deficient barley plants can enhance the absorption and/or translocation of both Mn2+ and a PS-Mn complex. Addition of excess Mn to the feeding medium, irrespective of chelators, did not affect the xylem citrate concentration, indicating that citrate may not contribute to the translocation of metal micronutrients. In the xylem sap of Fe-deficient barley plants, the concentrations of metal micronutrients were positively correlated with the concentrations of PSG  相似文献   


To elucidate the effects of broadcast urea on ammonia (NH3) exchange between the atmosphere and rice, we investigated the NH3 exchange flux between rice leaf blades and the atmosphere, xylem sap ammonium (NH+ 4) concentration, leaf apoplastic NH+ 4 concentration and pH, and determined the stomatal NH3 compensation point. Paddy rice (Oryza sativa L. cv. Nipponbare) cultivation using experimental pots was conducted in the open air. Three treatments, no nitrogen (NN), standard nitrogen (SN) and high nitrogen (HN), were prepared for two supplemental fertilizations. Urea with 0, 30 and 60 kg N ha?1 for the NN, SN and HN treatments, respectively, was broadcast at panicle initiation, and urea with 0, 20 and 40 kg N ha?1 for the NN, SN and HN treatments, respectively, was broadcast at heading. The NH3 exchange fluxes between the rice leaf blades and the atmosphere (SN treatment) measured using a dynamic chamber technique showed net deposition in general; however, net emission from the old leaves occurred 1 day after the application at heading. In contrast, the xylem sap NH+ 4 concentrations increased markedly 1 day after both applications, which suggests direct transportation of NH+ 4 from the rice roots to the above-ground parts. The applications resulted in no obvious increase in the leaf apoplastic NH+ 4 concentrations. The relationship between the NH+ 4 concentration in the xylem sap and that in the leaf apoplast was uncertain, although the NH+ 4 in the xylem sap came from the roots and the NH+ 4 in the apoplast might be affected by the stomatal deposition of NH3. The stomatal NH3 compensation point of rice was estimated to be 0.1–4.1 nmol mol?1 air (20°C). The direction and intensity of the exchange flux through the stomata, interpreted on the basis of the temperature-corrected NH3 compensation point, agreed with the observed exchange flux between the rice leaf blades and the atmosphere.  相似文献   

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