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IgG-2 deficiency in gangrenous mastitis in cows   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
In bovine species 4 classes of immunoglobulins have been identified. Murphy et al. (1965) have demonstrated the presence of IgM, while Mach et al. (1969) and Vaerman (1970) have described the presence of IgA in cattle sera. Two subclasses of IgG (IgG-1 and IgG-2) have been described and characterized by Murphy et al., Pierce & Feinstein (1965), and Aalund (1968). Nansen (1970) prefers to designate these subclasses as IgG-fast and IgG-slow. However, it seems to be the general tendency to accept the nomenclature IgG-1 and IgG-2.  相似文献   

Bovine respiratory syncytial virus (BRSV) caused a large epizootic of acute respiratory disease in Japan in 1968—69 (Inaba et al. 1970, Inaba et al. 1972). A much smaller outbreak occurred in Switzerland (Paccaud & Jacquier 1970). In Belgium the virus has been isolated from an outbreak of respiratory disease (Wellemans et al. 1970). BRSV has later been proved an important causal agent of respiratory disorders in the same country (Wellemans & Leiinen 1975). In England and USA the virus has caused and been isolated from outbreaks of acute respiratory disease in calves (Jacobs & Edington 1971, Rosenquist 1974, Smith et al. 1974). In Denmark BRSV has sporadically been isolated from pneumonic calf lungs (Bitsch et al. 1976).  相似文献   

Infectious pancreatic necrosis (IPN) is a disease of salmonid fishes. It has been reported in many countries throughout the world (MGonigle 1940, Wood et al. 1955, Besse & Kinkelin 1965, Vestergård Jørgensen & Bregnballe 1969, Sano 1971, Ball et al 1971, Ljungberg & Vestergård Jørgensen 1972, Schlotfeldt et al. 1975). Outbreaks of the disease can cause serious losses in populations of hatchery reared salmonids, the mortality rate varying between 10 and 90 % (Vestergård Jørgensen & Kehlet 1971). There are at least four different serotypes of the virus distinguished by neutralization tests (Wolf et al. 1968). Twenty-five isolates of IPN virus in Denmark proved to represent only two serotypes (Sp and Ab) (Vestergård Jørgensen & Kehlet). The present paper reports the first isolation of IPN virus from the stock at a fish farm in Norway.  相似文献   


Feline infectious peritonitis was first described as a distinct disease entity in 1966 in the United States (Wolfe and Griesemer, 1966), although it had been observed prior to that date (Holzworth, 1963). The disease is widespread in that country (Disque et al., 1968: Hardy and O'Reilly, 1969; Ward and Pederson, 1969; Colby and Low, 1970; Colgrove and Parker, 1971) and has been recorded in Canada (Stephenson et al., 1971), England (Ingram, 1970), Ireland (Hartigan and Wilson, 1972), Japan (Konishi et at., 1971), the Netherlands (Mieog and Richter, 1971), Switzerland (Stunzi and Grevel, 1973) and most recently in Australia (Watson et al., 1974; Jones and Hogg, 1974). Two cases of feline infectious .peritonitis have, been seen in New Zealand (R. C. Gumbrell, pers. comm.). One experimental cat inoculated with peritoneal fluid from this case developed clinical signs and lesions said to be consistent with feline infectious peritonitis.  相似文献   

The first report of the isolation of adenovirus from a pig was that of Haig et al. in 1964. The virus was isolated from faeces and was serologically different from many of the common human adenoviruses. In Denmark, six strains have been found in organ material from pigs (Rasmussen 1966). In the USA Kasza (1966) isolated an adenovirus from the brain of a pig with encephalitic symptoms, and in West Germany the virus was demonstrated in tissue culture of pig kidney from a group of animals where up to every tenth kidney was found to be infected (Mahnet & Bibrack 1966).The present study deals with virus strains isolated from non-inoculated cell cultures or from normal or diseased pigs. It includes a serological classification of strains isolated from organ material and a study of the cytopathogenic effect of the viruses in cell cultures of the kidneys and lungs of pig embryos and of the kidneys of bacon pigs and calves.  相似文献   

Feline leukemia (leukosis, lymphosarcomatosis) is now known to be caused by a virus (Jarrett et al. 1964). The feline leukemia virus antigen has been demonstrated in salivary glands of leukemic cats (Hardy et al. 1969, 1970) and according to Gardner (1971) the C-type virus particles will replicate in the salivary glands of leukotic cats.  相似文献   

It is often maintained that after intramammary application of penicillin the excretion of penicillin via the untreated glands takes place by direct diffusion from treated to untreated glands (vide Hawkins et al. 1962, Jacobs & Pennings 1969, Rollins et al. 1970). Blobel (1960) mentions the possibilities of both direct diffusion from gland to gland and the excretion via the blood.  相似文献   

Porcine pleuropneumonia caused by Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae (A. pleuropneumoniae) is a major problem in modern swine industry worldwide. At present 12 serotypes have been recognized (Nielsen 1990). Serotyping has been based upon capsule associated, heat-stabile antigens of polysaccharide (PS) and lipopolysaccharide (LPS) nature. A variety of tests have been used for serotyping including slide agglutination (Mittal et al. 1982), immunodiffusion (Gunnarsson et al. 1978, Nielsen & O’Connor 1984), indirect haemagglutination (Mittal et al. 1983a) and coagglutination (Mittal et al. 1983b). Recent studies report on serotyping of A. pleuropneumoniae strains using monoclonal antibodies in enzyme-linked immunosorbent assays (Lida et al. 1990, Nakai et al. 1990).  相似文献   

Staphylococcal enterotoxins (SE’s) are a group of small exoproteins produced by some strains of Staphylococcus aureus. The SE’s, designated A to E according to their antigenic specificities, are important causes of food poisoning worldwide. Milk and dairy products are frequently associated with S. aureus enter-otoxin food poisoning, and it is supposed that infected milk from mastitic animals constitute the main source of enterotoxigenic S. aureus of animal origin (Bryon 1983, Gilmour & Harvey 1990, Bergdoll 1989). Indeed, S. aureus is the most common cause of bovine mastitis worldwide, and if mastitis strains produce SE this makes up an enormous reservoir of potential enterotoxin producers. The production of SE by S. aureus isolated from bovine mastitis have been investigated in several countries (Matsunaga et al. 1993, Kenny et al. 1993, Olson et al 1970, Orden et al. 1992, Olsvik et al. 1981, Adekeye 1980, Garcia et al. 1980, Abbar 1986, Harvey & Gilmour 1985). Since no studies have been performed on the prevalence of enterotoxigenic strains of S. aureus isolated from bovine mastitis in Denmark, a well characterized collection of S. aureus (Aarestrup et al. 1995) was investigated with respect to this property.  相似文献   

Until now 11 serotypes of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae have been described (Nicolet 1971, Gunnarsson 1980, Nielsen 1982, Rosendal & Boyd 1982, Nielsen & O’Connor 1984, Nielsen 1985, Kamp 1986). Recently a hitherto unrecognized serotype was isolated from 9 Danish outbreaks of pleuropneumonia in pigs. The origin of the strains is given in Table 1. From 3 herds the unrecognized serotype was found in 2 to 3 pigs submitted for necropsy at different times. The present study describes the serological properties of the 13 isolated strains.  相似文献   

During recent years, Yersinia enterocolitica has been isolated from humans and various animal species in connection with intestinal disorders, such as acute ileitis and appendicitis. Cases of septicaemia, polyarthritis and erythema nodosum have also been described (Mollaret & Destombes 1964, Nilehn 1969, Winblad 1969, Lassen 1972, Langford 1972). Y. enterocolitica has been isolated most frequently from chinchillas and hares, but sporadic isolations from deer, cow, horse, rabbit, goat and dog have been reported (Langford, Krogstad et al. 1972). In Norway, an outbreak of the disease in a goat herd is the only described case of yersiniosis among animal species (Krogstad et al.). A case of chronic enteritis in a dog from which Y. enterocolitica was isolated is presented in the following.  相似文献   

Eggs from the pig roundworm Ascaris suum are easily obtainable in large numbers from uterus of adult worms. It is therefore natural that eggs isolated from that organ have been used almost exclusively in experimental ascariasis, both in the natural host (Kelley & Nayak 1965, Gaafar & Keittevuti 1972, Andersen et al. 1973, Jørgensen et al. 1975 and others) and in small laboratory animals (Jeska et al. 1969, Berger 1971 and others). In some cases no details are given on the origin and preparation of the infective eggs or the eggs may originate both from uteri of adult worms and from pig faeces (Kelley et al. 1957).  相似文献   

During the fall of 1969, 1970 and 1971, Central Illinois practitioners preconditioned (PC) 1,576 beef calves at a cost range of $3.02 to $4.72. The PC program included weaning calves 30 days before sale, having calves eating grain from a bunk and drinking from a tank, vaccinated against blackleg, malignant edema, infectious bovine rhinotracheitis (IBR) and bovine parainfluenza virus (PI3). Calves were tagged in the right ear with the green certified preconditioned for health (CPH) tag of the American Association of Bovine Practitioners. Bovine virus diarrhea (BVD) vaccine was added to the program in 1970 and 1971 since clinical cases of the disease occurred in PC calves not receiving the vaccine in 1969. Intranasal PI3 vaccine and Pasteurella hemolytica and multocida bacterin was added to the 1971 program to attempt better immunization. In 1969, more PC than non-preconditioned (NPC) calves were treated for acute respiratory disease after sale. The 1970 study showed that fewer PC than NPC calves were treated for acute respiratory tract disease. The 1971 finding showed the greatest differences. A comparison of 389 PC and 227 NPC calves sold at auction in 1971 and moved into the same feedlots showed a statistically significant reduction in number of cases of acute respiratory tract disease treated in PC calves. Generally, PC calves sold at a higher price than NPC calves.  相似文献   

Twelve Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotypes were differentiated by restriction fragment length polymorphism (RFLP) of polymerase chain reaction (PCR)-amplified fragments from the outer membrane lipoprotein (omlA) gene. All 12 reference serotypes and 80 field isolates produced the expected 950-base pair (bp) fragment of the omlA gene by PCR. Combining the RFLP patterns obtained with SfaNI, Bst71I, AluI, NciI, nine distinct patterns were observed in the 12 serotype reference strains. The PCR-based RFLP analysis of omlA genes allows differentiation among the 12 serotypes, with the exception of group 1 (serotypes 1, 9 and 11), and group 2 (serotypes 2 and 8). When the PCR products from the 70 field isolates were subjected to RFLP analysis, 68 showed the same RFLP patterns as their respective serotype reference strain. Two isolates that could not be typed had the same RFLP patterns as those of serotype 5. These results suggest that PCR-based RFLP analysis of the omlA genes may be of value in differentiating among 12 A. pleuropneumoniae serotypes.  相似文献   

Lactic acid bacteria are considered indigenous members of the gastrointestinal microflora in a number of animal species (Savage 1977a). Some intestinal strains of lactobacilli and streptococci are aWe to adhere to stratified squamous epithelium of some animals (Tannock et al. 1987), in the non-secreting part of the stomach of piglets (Barrow et al. 1980, Fuller et al. 1978) and rodents (Tannock et al. 1982), and in the crop of poultry (Fuller 1978). The presence of lactic acid bacteria in the digestive tract is believed to be of beneficial value to the host animal (Fuller 1989). The production of organic acids in the stomach or the crop helps maintaining a low pH which may be important for inhibiting the colonization of potentially pathogenic bacteria, particularly in the newborn animal (Barrow et al 1980, Fuller 1977, Fuller 1978). The adhesion of lactobacilli to squamous epithelium is host specific: strains capable of adhering to the epithelium of piglets are usually not able to adhere in rodents or poultry and vice versa (Fuller 1978, Lin & Savage 1984, Tannock et al 1982). Adhesion of lactic acid bacterial strains to other epithelia than stratified squamous epithelium has been reported. Thus, the attachment of lactobacilli to cells from the secreting epithelium of the murine stomach (Kotarski & Savage 1979), to intestinal cells of humans (Goldin & Gorbach 1987), and to columnar epithelial cells of piglets and calves (Mäyrä-Mäkinen et al 1983) has been demonstrated using in vitro methods. In another study the in vivo attachment of Enterococcus faecium to duodenal epithelium of gnotobi-otic chickens was demonstrated (Fuller et al 1981). Recent research indicated that in adult mink lactic acid bacteria are not indigenous members of the intestinal flora, and they do not attach to epithelium in any part of the gastrointestinal tract (Federsen & Jørgensen 1992). The present paper presents evidence that Gram positive cocci may colonize the gut of suckling mink kits and attach to the gut mucosa.  相似文献   

Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae serotype 17, one of the two most recent serotypes described, has been isolated from diseased pigs in North America. Yet, no serological test for surveillance has been developed so far. An enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) using the long-chain lipopolysaccharide antigen (LC-LPS) of this serotype is described. As predicted by previous genetic data on the O-antigen locus, cross reactions were observed between this serotype and serotypes 3, 6, 8, and 15. Although animals infected by serotype 17 would be detected using the current serotype 3 LC-LPS ELISA, better results may be obtained when plates are coated with the antigen purified from the homologous serotype.  相似文献   

Streptococcus suis is an important pig pathogen which is associated with respiratory problems, meningitis and less fre-quently with a variety of other conditions(Hommez et al. 1986). S. suis type 1 causes disease mainly in 1–2 week old pigs while serotype 2 is found commoaily in 2–22 week old pigs, S. suis type 2 is a zoonosis. It can cause meningitis and septicaemia in man (Christensen & Kronvall 1985). Several other serotypes of S. suis have also been identified on the basis of the capsular poly-saccharide (Perch et al. 1983, Hommez et al. 1986). We present a case where we isolated S. suis types 1 and 2 from the brain and lungs respectively of the same diseased suckling piglet. This i/s the first reported case of S. suis types 1 and 2 in Finland.  相似文献   

In double immunodiffusion tests between a bovine subgroup 2 adenovirus (serotype 8) and other mammalian adenoviruses, no group-specific crossing was demonstrated.However, in cross-fluorescent antibody tests (FAT) between bovine subgroup 2 viruses (serotypes 5, 7 and 8) and conventional (non-subgroup 2) adenoviruses from several species (bovine adenovirus serotypes 1 and 2, ovine serotypes 1, 4 and 5, porcine serotype 1, and human serotypes 2 and 5) sharing of antigens was demonstrated. The FAT titres observed when rabbit antisera to conventional adenoviruses were used to stain bovine subgroup 2 viruses were, however, much lower than titres with other non-subgroup 2 viruses. The converse was also true. The crossing was also predominantly one-sided.The low level cross was confirmed using antisera to selected viruses prepared in chickens to exclude interference by possible natural adenovirus infections in the rabbits used to prepare the antisera in the initial experiments.  相似文献   

A DNA microarray system was prepared and shown to facilitate identification and typing of Actinobacillus pleuropneumoniae. The DNA microarray, composed of 18 DNA polymerase chain reaction (PCR) amplicons printed on glass slides and arranged in 3 subarrays, was developed. These target DNA included 1 or multiple fragments of the outer membrane lipoprotein, apx toxin, capsular polysaccharide, and disulfide bound formation protein E (dsbE)-like genes of A. pleuropneumoniae. These arrayed target DNA retained their expceted hybridization properties. The hybridization signal intensities ranged from the least-intense to the most-intense, 4626 to 9789 arbitrary fluorescence units, respectively. Cy3-probes of A. pleuropneumoniae strains labeled with multiplex PCR were hybridized to the DNA microarray. A total of 51 different A. pleuropneumoniae strains representing serotype 1 to 12 reference strains and clinical isolates were detected and typed by the DNA microarray. Twelve reference serotypes produced 11 distinct target DNA hybridization patterns, and hybridization patterns of serotypes 1 (n = 7), 3 (n = 5), and 7 (n = 6) field isolates were identical to hybridization patterns of reference serotypes 1, 3, and 7, respectively. Non-serotyped isolates 4, 6, and 11 (out of 21) from diseased pigs had identical hybridization patterns to reference serotypes 3, 7, and 1, respectively. The results show that the DNA microarray system described in the present study is a valuable tool for identifying and typing reference strains and isolates of A. pleuropneumoniae, and enables relatively rapid identification of non-serotyped isolates.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to compare the pathological effects of Shiga toxin-producing Escherichia coli (STEC) that vary in their association with bovine and human disease. Shiga toxin-producing E. coli of serotypes associated with both dysentery in calves and hemolytic uremic syndrome (HUS) in humans (O5:H-, O26:H11, O111:H-, O113:H21) were compared with O157:H7 STEC, which are associated with HUS in humans but not with disease in calves. The STEC were administered orally to 80 day-old chicks and into ligated loops in the ileum and colon of four 2- to 6-day-old calves. Examination of the ceca of the chickens 10 d postchallenge showed no adherence or tissue abnormality for any isolate. The calves were euthanized 8 to 10 h postinoculation, and sections of the intestinal loops were examined by light microscopy, transmission and scanning electron microscopy, and immunohistochemistry. All strains showed consistent focal adherence associated with mild lesions in the colon. Attaching and effacing lesions were observed with the eae-positive strains. Ileal lesions were similar to the colonic ones but were sometimes severe, with marked polymorphonuclear leukocyte proliferation in the lamina propria. It is concluded that chickens were unsuitable for studying interaction of STEC with the intestine and that there was no difference in the interaction of the ligated calf intestine with STEC of serotypes associated with disease in calves compared with O157:H7 STEC.  相似文献   

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