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Digestibility trials were performed with laying hens receiving 3 types of rations containing equal proportions of the same dietary components. The percentage of high-protein wheat in these rations was 74%. Ration I was supplemented with 0.12% lysine while 0.06% lysine was added to ration II; ration III remained unsupplemented. The crude protein content of rations 1 to 3 was 16.1%, 16.5% and 16.6%, respectively. The corresponding lysine percentages were 0.66, 0.62 and 0.56. Studies were made to investigate the influence of different lysine levels on the rate of N excretion and various amino acid data. These studies were carried out during two successive laying periods. Only random differences between the data for urinary N excretion and N balances per kg liveweight were obtained in the two laying periods and for the different lysine levels. The true lysine digestibility was significantly lower in the poor-lysine ration as compared with the ration with 0.66% lysine. Moreover, the absorptive capacity for thio-amino acids is influenced by the lysine level of the ration. The proportion of lysine contained in faecal crude protein increased with the decreasing lysine content of the ration. Similarly, the total number of amino acids present in faecal crude protein increased with the declining supply of lysine. These findings suggest that relatively more NPN compounds are excreted in the faeces if adequate amounts of amino acids are supplied rather than when one amino acid is deficient.  相似文献   

24 experimental birds were fed the same basal ration containing 74% high-protein wheat, 4% extracted soya bean meal, 7% extracted groundnut meal, 2% feed yeast, 1.75% dried green meal, 1.25% mixed vitamins and 10% of a mineral mixture. The birds were placed in 4 groups each comprising 6 hens. The first two groups received an optimum of lysine (0.68%) added to the ration. The rations for the two other groups contained 0.55% lysine. 6 birds of each group receiving either the lysinesupplemented or the unsupplemented rations were colostomated to investigate in which way the hydrolysed urine would affect the true amino acid digestibility. 8.3% of urinary N from the total amount of faecal N were precipitated as uranyl acetate in the faeces of hens fed the lysine-supplemented ration as compared with 7.3% urinary N in birds receiving the unsupplemented ration. The corresponding figures for non-precipitable faecal N were 8.9% and 8.2%. A comparison was made between the levels of amino acids excreted by colostomated and non-colostomated hens showing that 12.4% +/- 3% and 11.7% +/- 3% more amino acids (figures for the supplemented and unsupplemented rations) were excreted in the presence of urine. On the basis of these results the authors recommend that only colostomated hens should be used in digestibility and total metabolism trials.  相似文献   

1530 laying hybrid hens kept under conditions of large-scale production were used to test whether varying lysine levels given to young hens would later on influence the production of the birds during their laying period. Thus, young hens received isonitrogenous and isocaloric diets with varying lysine content (group 1-4: 0.59%, 0.61%, 0.54%, 0.46%) and varying sources of lysine (group 1: wheat/fish meal; group 2--4: wheat/synthetic L-lysine). The ration used for the controls was prepared on the basis of nationally prescribed formulas.  相似文献   

豆粕以其良好的营养特性.被誉为“植物性蛋白质饲料之王”.它与“动物性蛋白质饲料之王”鱼粉和“能量饲料之王”玉米组合的日粮是最佳配方,因为,三者可以相互取长补短.使日粮中各种氨基酸基本达到平衡,因此.豆粕在蛋白质饲料中的应用占有较大的比例,在很大程度上影响着畜禽饲料的成本。  相似文献   

It was found that different procedures of heat treatment influenced the true digestibility of nitrogen and of the amino acids in cereals. In view of the fact that under practical feeding conditions pelleting is the most widely used procedure studies were made in trials with young pigs fed coarsely ground barley or maize of pellets of these as sole diet.  相似文献   

Trials were performed to investigate in which way mechanical and/or thermal treatment of horse beans would have an effect on the harmful components that were shown to be present in horse beans. In the course of these trials amino acids from heat-treated horse beans (variety Fribo) were analyzed for their true digestibility. Apart from heat-treated horse beans the investigation included undecorticated and decorticated beans and a mixture of horse beans with spring barley.  相似文献   

A large-scale trial was carried out under commercial conditions to investigate to which extent the feeding of rations with varying lysine content to young hens would influence the crude nutrient content of the body fractions and might change the pattern of amino acid composition and the activity of GOT in the blood. Four rations were fed each containing 14.2% crude protein, 626-633 EFh units/kg and 0.59%, 0.61%, 0.54% and 0.46% lysine. The crude protein and crude fat content of the total body and of body fractions were in no case found to be related to the feeding regime. The proportion of crude ash in the "remainder of non-utilizable parts", in "bones", "intestinal and abdominal fat", "ovaries" and "small intestine" decreased with the decreasing lysine content of the rations. The concentrations of free lysine, histidine, arginine, and phenylalanine in the deproteinized blood plasma of the young hens were significantly (a = 0.01) lower in the birds of the lysine deficient group than in the hens of the other groups. Positive regressions were calculated for the lysine content or the content of aspartic acid in the ration and the pattern of free amino acids in blood plasma. Positive and negative linear relationships were found to exist between the concentrations of free lysine, and those of histidine, arginine or threonine, and serine. A close correlation existed between the total amount of essential amino acids in blood plasma and the lysine concentrations of the plasma. Increasing lysine supplementation produced a decline in the N content of the whole blood and blood corpuscles but a rise in the N content of blood plasma. The activity of GOT in the blood of young hens was not found to be useful as an indicator of the quality of dietary proteins.  相似文献   

Generally, the faeces of laying hens fed 15N casein rations were found to contain equal proportions of TCE-precipitable and TCE-soluble nitrogen. Considerable variations were observed to occur between the 64 samples investigated (27%-75%) and no explanation was found to account for this fact. The content of basic amino acids in faecal proteins was found to differ considerably from that of the proteins in the intestinal contents. A high lysine content was found after the feeding of wheat. The present trial substantiated this result, provided the casein contained a certain proportion of non-available lysine. The apparent and true digestibility of dietary N was 88% or 91%, that of 15N (2nd and 6th day of experiment) and 92%. During the feeding of labelled casein a higher level of N labelling was found in the TCE-soluble portion of the faeces, whereas on the 8th to 12th day a higher level of labelling was observed in the TCE-precipitable portion of the faeces. The peak of 15N excretion occurred on the 3rd day of experiment. When 15N administration terminated the atom% 15N in the faeces and in urine was found to decrease rapidly approximating the initial level of labelling asymptotically.  相似文献   

Thermal treatment inactivates harmful components in some feedingstuffs such as extracted soy bean meal. The true digestibility of amino acids from untreated and heat-treated extracted soya bean meal had been determined in order to investigate the great variety of ways in which thermal treatment might affect food proteins, e.g. in producing a decomposition of inhibitors or damaging the amino acids. The trials were carried out with young pigs.  相似文献   

In a 15N labelling experiment 12 colostomized laying hens received 15N labelled wheat with 14.37 atom-% 15N excess (15N') over 4 days. 3 hens each were butchered after 12 h, 36 h, 60 h and 108 h after the last 15N' application. The gastro-intestinal tract was divided into 3 parts (oesophagus with crop and gizzard as well as glandular stomach, small intestine, large intestine). These parts and the pancreas were hydrolysed with 6 N HCl and the individual basic as well as the sum of acid and neutral amino acids were determined in the hydrolysed fractions. In addition, the amino acids and peptides were determined in the TCA soluble N fraction. The atom-% 15N' was determined in the individual amino acid and peptide fractions. The labelling of the basic amino acids in the individual tract segments was lower than in the acid and neutral amino acids. In comparison to the peptides, a higher atom-% 15N' could be determined in the free amino acids.  相似文献   

Over a period of 4 days 12 colostomized laying hens daily received 36 g coarse wheat meal containing 14.37 atom-% 15N excess (15N') together with a conventional ration. After the homogenisation of each oviduct N and 15N' were determined. After the precipitation with TCA the 15N' of the amino acids was analysed in both the precipitate and the supernatant. In addition, the free amino acids and the peptides were determined in the TCA soluble fraction. The atom-% 15N' in the total N and in the non-basic amino acid N showed a parallel decrease; it diminished from 1.75 atom-% 15N' to 0.64. Of the three basic amino acids, lysine shows the lowest labelling at all four measuring points. The quotas of non-basic amino acid 14N and 15N' in the total 14N and 15N' of the oviduct are the same and amount to 53%. In contrast to this, the quota of the 14N of the basic amino acids in the total 14N of the oviduct only amounts to 21.6% and that of 15N' only to 15.4%. The average atom-% 15N' of the free amino acids 12 h after the last 15N application is 1.54 and is considerably above that of the peptides with 1.15 atom-% 15N'. 36 h after the last 15N application the ascertained value of 1.25 is identical in both fractions. The labelling of the free amino acids decreases more quickly than that of the peptides the more time has passed after the last 15N application.  相似文献   

In several test series with rats, the influence of native crude fibres (straw meal and pea hulls) on the amount of metabolic fecal nitrogen (MFN) was tested. It could be ascertained that native crude fibres increase MFN. The influence of the increased MFN on the true digestibility of nitrogen and the amino acids was investigated in test series with casein diets. The casein diets were supplemented with native crude fibres. Generalising, we can state that native crude fibres--due to their structure (lignin)--fix amino acids and thus withhold them from absorption. They do not, however, increase the MFN by mechanical action (increase of the scraping off of intestinal epithelium).  相似文献   

12 colostomized laying hens which received 15N labelled wheat over 4 days were butchered 12 h, 36 h, 60 h and 108 h (3 animals each) after the last 15N application. The intake of 15N excess (15N') from the wheat amounted to 540 mg 15N' during the application period. The 15N' in the blood plasma decreased after the last 15N' application from 0.76 atom-% to 0.55 atom-% after 108 h, the labelling of the corpuscular components at the same measuring points increased from 0.28 to 0.50 atom-% 15N'. 96.6% of the plasma 15N' and 93.8% of that in the corpuscles is precipitable in trichloric acetic acid. The atom-% 15N' of histidine in the total blood remained unchanged in dependence on the butchering time. The 15N amount in lysine and arginine and that in the non-basic amino acids decreased inconsiderably in the period between 12 h and 108 h after the last 15N' wheat feeding.  相似文献   

Over 4 days 12 colostomized laying hens received together with a commercial ration labelled wheat with a 15N excess (15N') of 14.37 atom-%. The labelling of the basic amino acids amounted to 13.58 atom-% for lysine, to 14.38 atom-% for histidine and to 13.63 atom-% 15N' for arginine. 3 animals each were butchered 12 h, 36 h, 60 h and 108 h resp. after the last application of 15N. The heavy nitrogen in the total N and in the N fraction of non-protein origin as well as in the basic amino acids in faeces was daily determined for the individual hens in the total experimental period. On average the crude protein of faeces contained 5.45 % lysine, 2.32% histidine histidine and 3.68% arginine: the protein of faeces correspondingly contained 5.43% lysine, 2.32% histidine and 4.07% arginine. The quota of TCA soluble N in the total N of faeces amounts to one third on the 3rd und 4th days of the experiment and that of 15N' to 28%. The average atom-% 15N' of the protein fraction is 3.48 atom-% 15N' and that of the non-protein N fraction of faeces 2.93 atom-% 15N'. The apparent digestibility and that of the non-protein N fraction of faeces 2.93 atom-% 15N'. The apparent digestibility of the 14N of the ration on average amounts to 82.8% and that of the wheat 15N' to 87.5%. The average quota of the basic amino acids in the protein compounds of faeces amounts to 70.9% for lysine 15N', 73.7% for histidine 15N' and 70.3% for arginine 15N'. The digestibility of the 15N labelled amino acids amounts to 80.4% for lysine, 90.8% for histidine and 90.2% for arginine.  相似文献   

3 colostomized laying hybrids received 1% 15N labelled urea with 96.06 atom-% 15N excess (15N') with a commercial ration over a period of 6 days. After the application of the same ration with unlabelled urea on the following 2 days the animals were butchered. In the muscles of the breast, the leg and the heart, the labelling of total nitrogen and the incorporation of urea 15N' into 15 amino acids of the 3 different kinds of muscles were ascertained. On average, significant differences could be ascertained between the atom-% 15N of the muscles of the skeleton and those of the heart. The 15N' of the breast and leg muscles was 0.25 and 0.34 atom-% resp.; that of the cardial proteins 0.71 atom-% 15N'. The incorporation of urea 15N into the basic amino acids is low and varies both between the kinds of muscles and between the amino acids. On average the highest level of labelling was found among the essential amino acids valine, isoleucine and leucine; the average atom-% 15N' for the muscles of the breast is 0.13, of the leg 0.17, and of the heart 0.27; the 15N' quota of branched chain amino acids in the total 15N' of the respective muscle is accordingly 6.0%, 5.0% and 4.5%. The non-essential amino acids, particularly glutamic acid, are more highly labelled in the muscles than the essential ones. A 15N' for glutamic acid of 0.24 atom-% in the breast muscles, of 0.27 atom-% in those of the legs and of 0.64 atom-% in the heart muscle could be detected. The average quota of the 15N' of these acid amino acids in the 15N' for breast, leg and heart muscles is 7.4, 6.2 and 6.7 resp. The quota of the 15N' in the 6 non-essential amino acids in the total 15N' in all 3 kinds of muscles is approximately two thirds and in the 9 essential ones one third of the total 15N'. Although the results show that there is a certain incorporation of 15N' from urea into the amino acids of the muscle proteins, their contribution to meeting the demands is to be considered irrelevant.  相似文献   

Each of three colostomized laying hens received per os 0.2% L-Lysine with 48 atom-% 15N-excess (15N') labelled in alpha-position in addition to a pelleted laying hen ration of 120 g over a period of 4 days. On the following 4 days they received equal amounts of unlabelled lysine. The eggs laid during the 8 days of the experiment were separated into the white of egg, the yolk and the eggshell, and the to and heavy nitrogen in the individual fractions were determined. Above that, 17 amino acids and their atom-%15N' were determined in the 19 samples of the white and yolk of egg. Of the total 15N' from the lysine fed in the 4 days, 10.1% were found in the yolk, 10.5% in the white of egg and 1.1% in the eggshells of the eggs laid during the 8 days of the experiment. 85% of the total amino acid-15N' of the yolk and 86% of the white of egg detected to be lysine-15N'. The 15N'-amount of the other 16 amino acids was mainly concentrated in the two acid and basic amino acids. Approximately 50% of the non-lysine 15N' in the egg are contained in aspartic acid, glutamic acid, histidine and arginine. A very low incorporation of the labelled lysine only could be detected in the aromatic and sulphur-containing amino acids from both the yolk and the white of egg. 43% of the 15N' was detected in the 10 essential and semi-essential (except lysine) and 57% in the 6 non-essential amino acids of the yolk and 52% and 48% resp. of the white of egg. One can summarize that the incorporation of 15N' into the egg shows the same development as that of the labelled amino acids of the wheat protein and that 15% of the lysine-15N' could be detected in the 16 other amino acids.  相似文献   

Different parameters were investigated in a trial carried out for the 8-week chick period with an experimental group receiving a protein feed in which 7% of the feed, relative to that of the control group, was replaced by protein-rich wheat. Values for consumption were higher in the controls than in the experimental chicks because of the lower energy content of the ration. Statistically well-established data were obtained indicating that the amounts of crude protein, lysine and sulfur-containing amino acids consumed per unit of weight gain were lower in the experimental group than in the control group. Total body analyses showed that the bodies of the control birds contained more crude protein (alpha less than 0.05) and less fat (alpha less than 0.001). The rate of mortality during the 8-week chick period was 1.1% in the control group and 0.5% in the experimental group.  相似文献   

In a series of experiments in two ileo-rectostomized pigs the precaecal apparent and true digestibilities for crude protein of seven 15N-labelled feedstuffs were studied using the mobile bag technique. True digestibility values of crude protein calculated with the help of isotope dilution were 4-14 units higher than the corresponding apparent digestibility values. This is caused by the infiltration of the bag residues with endogenous unlabelled nitrogen. In dependence on the kind of feedstuff the endogenous N portion in the bags amounted to 25-70% of the total N. In addition, the contamination is influenced by differences between the animals (mean 4-7%) and by different treatments of bags after gut passage (3-10%).  相似文献   

Studies were carried out with pigs for determining, with classical methods, the true digestibility of amino acids contained in 5 intensively grown wheat varieties imported from the Soviet Union and in one wheat variety grown in the GDR. Of all the varieties tested the variety Mironovskaya 808 exhibited the best characteristics. An extremely low true lysine digestibility was established for the variety Avrora (68%). If this variety is to be more extensively grown and used for feeding purposes further studies will have to be made to see whether this low lysine digestibility is really characteristic of this variety.  相似文献   

Over 4 days 12 colostomized laying hens received, together with the ration, 36 g wheat with 14.37 atom-% 15N excess (15N'), The basic amino acids were nearly equally labelled. Three animals each were butchered after 12 h, 36 h, 60 h, and 108 h after the last 15N' application. Emission spectrometric determination of 15N' in the liver and in the amino acids was carried out. In addition, atom-% 15N' was determined in the free amino acids and the peptides. The labelling in the liver 12 h after the last 15N' application amounted to 1.75 atom-% 15N' and decreased after 108 h to 0.81 atom-% 15N'. The average TCA precipitable 15N' quota in the total 15N' amounted to 81.4% and was nearly identical at all measuring times. The arginine 15N' amount in the liver was twice as high as that of lysine 15N'. In dependence on the period of time after the last 15N' application the decrease in the labelling of the free arginine is considerable in comparison to free lysine. At the first measuring time (12 h) it was 1.69 atom-% 15N' and at the last one (108 h) 0.57 atom-% 15N'. Based on the results of 15N' labelling of the peptides in the liver further, more detailed series of experiments for studies of the peptide metabolism in the liver should be carried out.  相似文献   

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