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Root length and root distribution in the soil profile is important in determining the amount of nutrients and water taken up by the plant. Data about year to year variation of corn (Zea mays L.) root growth and its relation to nutrient uptake are limited. An evaluation of the importance of root system size and distribution on P and K uptake and corn yield was made from samples taken annually from a long‐term fertility experiment on Raub silt loam, fine silty, mixed, mesic Aquic Argiudolls. Root density varied with soil depth among years, whereas P and K fertilizer treatment had no measureable influence on total root length. Ear leaf P concentration was highly correlated with the amount of roots in the 0 to 15 cm layer which contained most of the available P. Since P was not appreciably limiting corn yield, no significant relation was found between yield and P content of the ear leaf. Yields on K deficient plots were positively correlated with root density in the topsoil. Correlations of root densities in the deeper soil layers with both yield and ear leaf nutrient concentration became increasingly smaller with depth in the soil profile. The results indicate that root length plus root distribution in the soil may influence year to year variation in yield particularily on soils having low available nutrient levels. This variation in root growth may be responsible for differences among years in the response of crops to applied P and/or K.  相似文献   


Clay mineralogy of thirteen spodic horizon samples from seven Cryorthods developed on diverse materials (peridotite, andesite, lapilli, volcanic ash, slate, granite and granodiorite) in Chubu and Kanto, Japan was determined by successive chemical dissolutions with dithionitecitrate and 0.5 m NaOH-differential infrared spectroscopy in combination with chemical, X-ray diffraction, electron microscopic and thermogravimetric analyses. Thc major part of the soluble iron was found to be crystalline goethite. Presence of allophane (and imogolite) in the lower parts of the spodic horizons, but not in the upper parts, was interpreted as indicating a relatively limited supply of complexing fulvic acid from the overlying organic-rich horizons. The well-developed Al interlayers in the 2 : 1 type minerals associated with gibbsite suggest that the environment of the lower sub-horizons is rich in active aluminium,  相似文献   

Effects of seed and root exudates obtained from common bean on the proliferation of Rhizobium sp. (Phaseolus) were examined in a combination of three plant cultivars with three Rhizobium strains. In the first experiment, seed or root exudate was mixed with an Andosol soil extract, and bacterial proliferation in the mixture was traced. Seed exudate was prepared from hydroponic solution used in seed imbibition for 24 h, and a series of root exudates was prepared from a hydroponic solution collected every 24 h from the initiation of rooting up to 96 h after rooting. Regardless of the common bean cultivars and Rhizobium strains used, Rhizobium population markedly increased of the 24 h of culture in the mixture containing seed exudates, whereas a negligible increase was detected in the mixture with root exudates. The mixture containing root exudates collected within a period of 72–96 h after initial rooting (96–120 h after seed imbibition) exerted an inhibitory effect on Rhizobium proliferation. The seed exudates contained large amounts of sugars, amino acids, nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and magnesium compared to any root exudates. In the second experiment, Rhizobium was inoculated directly to common bean seeds sowed in a vermiculite bed which was sterilized and moistened with a plant nutrient solution. Compared with the control (without seed), a remarkable increase in the number of bacterial cells was observed in all the combinations of plant cultivars and Rhizobium strains 24 h after sowing. These results reveal that seed exudates of common bean have a substantial potential to promote Rhizobium proliferation, and that root exudates in a particular period of culture contain some inhibitory factors.  相似文献   

Pot and field experiments were conducted to clarify the effect of soil exchangeable potassium (K) and cesium-137 (137Cs) on 137Cs accumulation and to establish soil index in rice (Oryza sativa L.). Four paddy soils in Fukushima Prefecture, Japan, showing different transfer factors for radioactive Cs derived from the accident of Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Station in the field were compared in terms of 137Cs accumulation in rice in a pot experiment. 137Cs accumulation in shoots and brown rice widely varied among soils with the transfer factor ranging from 0.018 to 0.068 for shoots and 0.004 to 0.065 for brown rice. 137Cs concentration in brown rice and shoots tended to decrease with higher levels of soil exchangeable K, and they were more closely related to the exchangeable Cs/K ratio. Similar relationships between the Cs/K ratio and Cs accumulation in plants were obtained for the stable isotope cesium-133 (133Cs). The distributions of 137Cs and 133Cs in grains were also similar and variable among soils. The transfer factors obtained in pot experiments mostly agreed with field observations. The results imply that the exchangeable 137Cs/K can be a potential soil index to estimate 137Cs accumulation in rice.  相似文献   


The accident at Fukushima Dai-Ichi Nuclear Power Station (NPS) extensively contaminated the agricultural land in the Tohoku region of Japan with radioactive cesium [sum of cesium-134 (134Cs) and cesium-137 (137Cs)]. We evaluated the status of radioactive cesium (Cs) contamination in soil and plants at the Field Science Center of Tohoku University, northern Miyagi prefecture, 150 km north of the NPS. In seven pastures with different management, we examined: (1) the distribution of radioactive Cs in soil, (2) the concentration of radioactive Cs in various herbaceous plant species and (3) the change in radioactive Cs content of plants as they matured. We collected samples of litter, root mat layer (root mat soil and plant roots), and subsurface soil (0–5 cm beneath the root mat) at two to three locations in each pasture in December 2011 and May 2012. The aboveground parts of herbaceous plants (four grasses, two legumes, and one forb species) were collected from May 9 to June 20, 2012, at 14-d intervals, from one to five fixed sampling locations in each pasture. The distribution of radioactive Cs in soil differed among pastures to some degree: a large proportion of radioactive Cs was distributed in the root mat layer. Pasture management greatly influenced the radioactive Cs content of herbaceous plants (p < 0.001); plant species had less influence. Radioactive Cs content was highest (> 3 kBq kg?1 dry weight) on May 9 and significantly decreased with maturity (p < 0.001) for most of the pastures, whereas it remained low (0.04–0.18 kBq kg?1 dry weight) throughout the measurement period in the pasture where composted cattle manure was applied. The soil-to-plant transfer factor was negatively correlated to pH(H2O) (R2 = 0.783, p < 0.001) and exchangeable K content (R2 = 0.971, p < 0.001) of root mat soils, which suggests that surface application of composted cattle manure reduces plant uptake of radioactive Cs by increasing the exchangeable K content of the soil. The radioactive Cs content of plants decreased with plant maturity; its degree of decrease (May 9 to June 6) was smaller in legumes (80.6%) than grasses (55.5%) and the forb (58.6%). Radioactive Cs content decreased with plant maturity; also, the proportion remaining in the aboveground plant was higher in legumes (80.6%) than grasses (55.5%) and the forb (58.6%).  相似文献   

为了探讨根区施用钾肥对黄淮烟区石灰土烤烟产量和钾素吸收利用的影响,采用田间试验,研究根区枸溶性钾肥与硫酸钾配施对烟叶产量、钾含量以及钾素吸收利用的影响。试验共设9个处理,分别为CK、CP_1、CP_2、WP_1、WP_2、CW_(1-50%)、CW_(2-50%)、CW_(1-75%)与CW_(2-75%)(CK表示对照,CP表示只施用枸溶性钾肥,WP表示只施用硫酸钾,CW表示枸溶性钾肥与硫酸钾配施;数字1、2表示施用量分别为225、300 kg/hm~2,百分数表示硫酸钾的配施比例)。结果表明,烟叶钾含量随生育期推进呈下降趋势,不同施肥处理各时期烟叶钾含量均高于CK;不同施肥处理下土壤钾素在垂直和水平方向上迁移距离较小,根区钾肥施用可直接有效的增加根区土壤速效钾含量;施钾(K_2O)300 kg/hm~2与225 kg/hm~2相比,可显著提高烟叶钾含量和钾肥利用效率(P0.05);CW_(2-75%)处理下烟叶钾含量、土壤速效钾含量和钾肥利用率最高,而CW_(2-50%)处理下烟叶产量最高。综上所述,根区施用含75%硫酸钾的枸溶性钾肥300 kg/hm~2(CW_(2-75%)处理)可有效改善黄淮烟区石灰土钾素养分,提高该区烤烟产量、钾含量与钾肥利用效率,达到优质高产。  相似文献   

基于Hydrus-1D模型的玉米根系吸水影响因素分析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
为探索土壤质地、植物生长状况和气象条件对不同土壤水分条件下根系吸水速率的影响机理,该文以相对根吸水速率与土壤含水率的关系衡量土壤水分有效性,利用Hydrus-1D模型模拟了3种土壤(壤黏土、黏壤土和砂壤土)中不同玉米生长状况(包括叶面积指数、根系深度和根系剖面分布)或蒸发力条件下根系吸水速率随含水率的动态变化,确定了不同条件下根系吸水速率开始降低的临界含水率。结果表明:土壤质地、植物的叶面积指数和根系分布及大气蒸发力都对根系吸水动态曲线的临界含水率有一定影响,其中根系深度和根系分布形状还影响根系吸水速率与含水率关系曲线的形状,但在3种土壤中,根系吸水速率的动态变化对植物生长和大气蒸发力的响应不同。总体而言,3种土壤临界含水率的大小是壤黏土>黏壤土>砂壤土;临界含水率随大气蒸发力的升高而升高,随根系深度和深层根系分布的增加而降低;各因子对玉米根系吸水影响程度的大小是土壤质地>根系分布形状>根系深度>大气蒸发力>叶面积指数。  相似文献   

研究成龄葡萄根系分布与吸水特征及耗水规律,能够为制定成龄葡萄灌溉制度、提出丰产与节水相协调的成龄葡萄田间水分管理模式和创建成龄葡萄水分高效利用技术体系提供技术支撑。该文在分析灌溉条件下葡萄吸水特征的基础上,建立了一维非饱和土壤水分运动的无网格数值模拟模型,并依据实测葡萄根系分布特征,获得了葡萄一维根系分布函数,将其与不同的经验根系分布函数应用于数值模型进行动态模拟。通过模拟值与土壤水分实测值的比较分析,结果表明,不同根系分布模型下土壤水分模拟差别不大,相对误差均在1%以下,但相对于其他根系分布,指数根系数分布模拟值与实测值的误差较大,因此,认为拟合的根系分布函数和无网格数值模型能很好的模拟极端干旱地区葡萄根系吸水和土壤水分运动,且在缺乏实际根长分布数据的条件下,线性根系分布和分段根系分布都可反映葡萄实际根系分布,为利用简单一维根系分布模型分析不同灌溉条件葡萄吸水特征提供参考。  相似文献   

黄土退耕坡地植物根系分布特征及其对土壤养分的影响   总被引:12,自引:4,他引:12  
为明确黄土退耕坡地植物根系分布特征及其对土壤养分的影响,在陕西神木六道沟流域选取退耕30 a的长芒草坡地和裸地坡面,利用图像处理和常规分析方法研究了长芒草根系和土壤养分在土壤剖面分布及其相互关系。结果表明:长芒草根系主要分布在0~50 cm土层,分布规律可用指数函数来模拟。有根系存在的土壤表层有机质、全氮、全磷、硝态氮和铵态氮含量均高于无根系存在的坡面。在有根系存在时土壤有机质、全氮和硝态氮的具有明显的表聚现象。0~ 50 cm有机质、全氮、硝态氮和铵态氮随深度的变化可用幂函数来表示,而全磷随深度呈线性相关。0~50 cm的土壤养分与根长密度的关系可以用线性函数来表示。其研究结果为坡面退耕地土壤管理提供科学依据。  相似文献   

紫花苜蓿不同根系分布模式的土壤水分模拟和验证   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:3  
根系分布影响着土壤水分养分吸收,实测根系分布费时费力,经验根系分布函数参数简单,应用方便。该研究在田间采用苜蓿栽培土柱试验,测定根系分布,并将其和不同经验根系分布函数分别应用于Hydrus-1D对土壤水分进行动态模拟,通过土壤水分实测值和模拟值比较,验证分析了经验根系分布函数的适用性以及对土壤水分动态变化的影响。结果表明:拟合的根系分布、Prasad分布、Hoffman和van Genuchten分布3种根系分布函数的根长密度模拟值与36 cm以下的根长密度实测值较为吻合,Raats根系分布模拟值与实测值及其他分布函数则差别较大。不同根系分布下土壤水分模拟差别不大,平均相对均方根误差在3.5%以下。非胁迫生长条件下,Prasad根系分布、Hoffman和van Genuchten根系分布都可描述紫花苜蓿实际根系分布状况。  相似文献   

蚕豆根分泌物对紫色土有效养分及微生物数量的影响   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为培育紫色土肥力和合理利用蚕豆资源,本研究首先通过溶液培养法收集到蚕豆根系分泌物后,并通过真空旋转蒸发仪得到浓缩液,然后通过室内土壤培养试验,即分别在3种60 g紫色土(酸性紫色土、碱性紫色土和中性紫色土)添加2个水平[6 m L(低量)和12 m L(高量)]的蚕豆根系分泌物浓缩液,并置于25℃恒温箱中黑暗培养15 d,从而探索蚕豆根系分泌物对不同紫色土有效养分和微生物数量的影响。结果表明:在3种紫色土上,与对照相比,添加低量和高量蚕豆根系分泌物浓缩液后,土壤碱解氮含量和p H均显著降低;而土壤有效磷、速效钾、有效铁、有效锌含量和微生物数量均显著增加,且此趋势随根系分泌物浓缩液添加量增加而增强。与其他两种紫色土相比,酸性紫色土添加蚕豆根系分泌物浓缩液对于土壤碱解氮含量和p H的降低效应最明显,对土壤中细菌和真菌数量增加效应更为显著,与对照相比,增幅分别为-32.00%、-4.51%、3.51倍和9.00倍。与其他两种紫色土相比,碱性紫色土添加高量蚕豆根系分泌物浓缩液对土壤有效磷、速效钾、有效锌和有效铁含量活化效应最强,分别是对照的4.48倍、2.04倍、147.10%和128.00%。在中性紫色土上,添加高量蚕豆根系分泌物浓缩液对以上土壤有效养分和土壤微生物数量的影响介于酸性紫色土和碱性紫色土之间。总之,蚕豆根系分泌物对不同紫色土土壤有效养分(土壤碱解氮和p H除外)和土壤微生物活性有不同促进效应,这对于紫色土肥力培育有深远影响。  相似文献   

低钾胁迫下外源生长素对烟草根系生长及钾吸收的影响   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1  
【目的】探明生长素参与低钾胁迫下植株根系的生长发育及吸钾机制,同时为提高植物体内钾素水平提供理论依据。【方法】采用室内水培法,以模式植物烟草为试验材料,通过设置2个钾浓度(5、0.15 mmol/L)和5个外源生长素(3–吲哚乙酸)浓度(0、5、10、20、40μmol/L),对植物根系生理特征、内源生长素浓度、钾素累积及钾吸收动力学和相关钾离子通道基因转录表达进行比较研究。【结果】1)与正常钾水平相比,在低钾胁迫条件下,植株地上部干重显著降低15.6%;根系扫描8项指标中,除根平均直径外,其余7项指标值均显著降低;ATPase活性显著降低43.3%;主根尖、侧根尖及叶片内源生长素浓度显著升高;钾吸收动力学参数Vmax、Km值分别显著降低了89.2%、99.6%;植株根系、叶片钾浓度分别显著降低了93.0%、62.2%;根系中内流型钾离子通道基因Ntkc1的表达量显著降低56%。2)添加外源生长素后,正常供钾植株的根系干物质重、根系活力、主根尖及侧根尖内源生长素浓度有增加的趋势,Vmax值和内流型钾离子通道基因NKT2、NtKC1的表达量明显增加;低钾条件下,植株表现出和正常供钾相似的规律,除此之外,低钾植株的根系生长得到明显改善,ATPase活性和地上地下部钾素浓度明显增加,外流型钾离子通道基因Ntork1的表达量明显降低。3)当添加生长素浓度为10μmol/L时,与未添加生长素相比,正常供钾植株的地上地下部干重显著增加了6.05%、8.54%;根体积及根系交叠数显著增加16.5%、23.2%;根系活力显著增加了298%;Vmax值显著增加了118%;低钾植株地上地下部干重与不添加相比显著提高了5.61%、28.6%;根系活力达到113μg/(g·h), FW,为无添加生长素时的3.3倍;根系ATPase活性相对增加了87.5%;根系钾浓度显著增加250%;钾离子通道基因NKT2在根系中表达量显著增加了7.04倍,Ntork1在根系及叶片中表达量显著降低了49.5%、72.5%。【结论】低钾胁迫影响烟草根系生长及植株对钾素的吸收累积,添加适当浓度外源生长素可改善植株根系生长发育状况,增加内流型钾离子通道基因NKT2、NtKC1的表达量,降低外流型钾离子通道基因Ntork1的表达量,且提高植株钾吸收动力学参数Vmax值、降低Km值,从而提高了植株对钾离子的吸收能力与亲和力,进而增加植株钾素浓度。  相似文献   

氮肥施用量对高产甜菜纤维根系分布及活力的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为了解施N肥对甜菜生长的影响规律。在田间条件下,研究了不同施N量(0、90、180、270、360 kg/hm2)对甜菜(KWS2409)纤维根系生长、分布和活力变化的影响。结果表明,施N比对照增加浅层侧根数、外层和深层纤维根干重及100 cm土层纤维根总干重,并提高各生育期侧根和主根活力。其中,100 cm土层最大纤维根干重施N 比对照增加了60.4%~168.4%,最大侧根数增加了22.7%~75.1%,且以0—20 cm和40—60 cm深的外土层及80—100 cm深的内土层纤维根系增加较大,分别比对照增加了129.6%~266.8%、71.0%~234.0%和101.5%~202.8%。主根伤流液量和侧根的活力分别比对照增加了56.2%~89.9%、23.7%~63.4%。N 180 kg/hm2处理0—100 cm土层中纤维根总量、各土层中根量最大,各生育时期主根和侧根活力最强,块根产量(82609.63 kg/hm2)和产糖量(13892.64 kg/hm2)均最高,而含糖率(16.83%)较N0处理(18.34%)略降。说明合理施N量有利于甜菜纤维根系生长和提高产糖量。  相似文献   

137Cs在耕作土壤中的均一性分布研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
王小雷  杨浩  桑利娟  刘晓海  赵其国 《土壤》2009,41(6):897-901
选择一块面积为35m×30m较为平坦的农耕地作为研究对象,采集68个样点,共计112个样品,对~(137)Cs在土壤中的垂直分布和水平分布进行了探讨.结果表明,~(137)Cs在耕作土壤剖面中分布主要集中在耕层以内,且各个层的质量活度介于2.92~4.01Bq/kg之间,在土壤表层中水平面上质量活度介于28.77~30.98Bq/kg之间,该核素在土壤剖面和地表水平面上都呈现均一性分布特征.  相似文献   

Information is needed about root growth and N uptake of crops under different soil conditions to increase nitrogen use efficiency in horticultural production. The purpose of this study was to investigate if differences in vertical distribution of soil nitrogen (Ninorg) affected root growth and N uptake of a variety of horticultural crops. Two field experiments were performed each over 2 years with shallow or deep placement of soil Ninorg obtained by management of cover crops. Vegetable crops of leek, potato, Chinese cabbage, beetroot, summer squash and white cabbage reached root depths of 0.5, 0.7, 1.3, 1.9, 1.9 and more than 2.4 m, respectively, at harvest, and showed rates of root depth penetration from 0.2 to 1.5 mm day?1 °C?1. Shallow placement of soil Ninorg resulted in greater N uptake in the shallow‐rooted leek and potato. Deep placement of soil Ninorg resulted in greater rates of root depth penetration in the deep‐rooted Chinese cabbage, summer squash and white cabbage, which increased their depth by 0.2–0.4 m. The root frequency was decreased in shallow soil layers (white cabbage) and increased in deep soil layers (Chinese cabbage, summer squash and white cabbage). The influence of vertical distribution of soil Ninorg on root distribution and capacity for depletion of soil Ninorg was much less than the effect of inherent differences between species. Thus, knowledge about differences in root growth between species should be used when designing crop rotations with high N use efficiency.  相似文献   

大汶河流域杨树根系的生物量组成和空间分布   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
根系生物量在不同直径根系中的分配是根系重要的结构特征,采用分层挖掘法,研究大汶河流域杨树不同径级根系的生物量组成和空间分布.结果表明:1)不同直径根系的生物量差异显著,其中根系直径d为10mm<d<20 mm的根系生物量最大,其次是d<2mm的根系,d>20 mm根系的生物量最小.2)不同直径根系生物量的空间分布规律基本一致,在水平方向上各土层间分布的根系生物量差异性极显著,距离树干愈远,土层中的根系生物量愈小.垂直方向上杨树根系生物量集中于0~60 cm土层中,各土层间根系生物量差异性显著,但其空间分布无明显规律.3)土壤有机质及有效氮、磷、钾等养分质量分数总体上随着土层的加深递减,细根生物量的空间分布与土壤养分呈弱正相关性.  相似文献   

为明确土壤中不同残膜量对根系生长和分布的影响,该研究于2019—2020年在河套灌区九庄农业综合节水试验站设置了5个农膜残留量水平,分别为CK(0 kg/hm2)、T1(150 kg/hm2)、T2(300 kg/hm2)、T3(450 kg/hm2)和T4 (600 kg/hm2),研究不同残膜量对玉米根长密度、不同径级根系分配及根系分布等影响,并引入残膜量,建立了适用于农膜残留农田的根系分布模型。结果表明,根系在水平分布时,侧根区的根系受残膜影响显著(P<0.05),当残膜量为300 kg/hm2(T2)时根长密度出现突降现象,降幅为75.98%;垂直分布时,根系随残膜量增加呈明显下降趋势,特别是在0~30 cm土层,当残膜量达到450 kg/hm2时,根长密度降低50.02%。另外,残膜减小了玉米粗根比例(d>2 mm,d为根系直径),降幅为29.25%;增加了细根比例(d≤2 mm),为4.80%。构建考虑残膜量的相对根长密度(Residual Plastic Film-Normalized Root Length Density,RPF-NRLD)分布模型精度较高,其中决定系数(R2)为0.961,均方根误差(RMSE)为0.282,平均相对误差(MRE)为18.87%。同时考虑不同径级根系的RPF-NRLD分布模型模拟显示,玉米极细根和细根的MRE分别为14.91%和14.96%,粗根的MRE为35.41%。基于RPF-NRLD分布模型进行情景分析显示当农田残膜量控制在0~100 kg/hm2范围内,根系能够维持正常生长,特别是极细根和细根,根长密度未出现大幅下降。该研究对于残膜污染区作物生长的数值模拟研究及残膜回收政策的制定具有科学意义。  相似文献   


Concentration ratios (CR values) for cesium and strontium were measured in tumbleweed shoots as a function of plant age and radionuclide concentration in a totally mixed soil and radionuclide system. At a given plant age, CR values were found to be independent of soil concentration over five orders of magnitude for Sr and three orders of magnitude for Cs. CR values for Sr in 4‐, 8‐, and 12‐week old plants were 10.8, 9.6, and 19, and for Cs were 0.025, 0.033, and 0.053, respectively. Based on shoot growth and tissue concentration data for Sr and Cs, the CR values appear to be dependent on shoot dry matter production, with the rate of uptake of Sr and Cs remaining relatively constant over the 12‐week period.  相似文献   

【目的】蚯蚓和丛枝菌根真菌处于不同的营养级,但在促进植物生长和提高土壤肥力等方面却都发挥着积极作用。单独对土壤微生物或土壤动物的研究较多,但对土壤微生物与土壤动物之间相互作用的研究很少。因此研究它们对土壤和植物生长的作用可为挖掘土壤生物的潜力和提高土壤生物肥力提供依据。【方法】采用盆栽试验,研究了蚯蚓(Eisenia fetida)与丛枝菌根真菌(Rhizophagus irregularis)互作对甘薯生长和养分吸收的影响。试验采用两因素完全随机试验设计,分为接种和不接种菌根真菌及添加和不添加蚯蚓。试验共4个处理: 不加菌根和蚯蚓(CK); 接种菌根真菌(AM); 添加蚯蚓(E); 添加蚯蚓和菌根真菌(E+AM),每个处理4次重复。调查了甘薯养分吸收、 根系形态及土壤养分变化,采用Canoco4.5软件对土壤生物与植物对应关系进行RDA (redundancy analysis)分析。【结果】接种菌根真菌显著提高了甘薯地上和地下部生物量(P0.05),而添加蚯蚓的处理仅提高了甘薯地上部生物量。同时添加蚯蚓和菌根的处理显著提高了甘薯地上地下部生物量,并且高于其他三个处理(P0.05)。与对照相比,接种菌根真菌显著提高了土壤磷酸酶活性(P0.01),增幅近一倍; 同时提高了土壤磷的植物有效性,土壤有效磷含量下降了30%左右。添加蚯蚓后土壤脲酶活性从5.45 mg NH+4-N/g显著增加到8.71 mg NH+4-N/g,土壤碱解氮的含量从5.82 mg/kg显著增加到6.89 mg/kg (P0.05)。RDA分析表明蚯蚓菌根互作对甘薯地上和地下部氮磷含量、 根表面积、 根体积、 根平均直径和根尖数均存在显著的正交互效应。蚯蚓菌根互作通过调控土壤酶和改变土壤养分有效性促进甘薯对土壤氮磷养分的吸收。【结论】蚯蚓(Eisenia fetida)通过调控土壤脲酶和碱性磷酸酶增加了土壤中氮磷的有效性从而促进甘薯地上部生长。丛枝菌根真菌(Rhizophagus irregularis)通过调控土壤磷酸酶和增加植株地上地下部吸磷量从而促进甘薯生长。添加蚯蚓或接种菌根真菌均能增加根系吸收面积和根体积从而促进甘薯对养分的吸收。蚯蚓和菌根真菌相互作用通过调控土壤酶和改变土壤养分有效性以及促进根系发育从而互补的促进甘薯养分吸收和生长。  相似文献   

A rhizobox experiment was conducted to compare the differences of soil potassium (K) distribution and absorption between two cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) genotypes under drought and K‐deficit conditions. Treatments included two levels of water (drought and optimum soil moisture: 25% and 35% volumetric water content) and K fertilizer rates (0 and 0.48 g potash kg?1 soil) applied to two cotton genotypes (namely HEG and LEG). Both the genotypes showed significant differences in total K accumulation without exogenous K addition. After absorption, soil content of the readily available potassium (RAK) decreased rapidly. This promoted the conversion of the mineral K into slowly available potassium (SAK). Drought significantly decreased the cotton growth and K use efficiency, and thereby reduced the effect of K fertilizer. Consequantly, the contents of RAK and SAK were greatly increased. However, K bioavailability was decreased under water stress conditions. Differences in root parameters and soil microorganisms between two cotton genotypes were significantly increased and had marked relations with available soil K contents. This study provides important information for understanding the mechanism of K use efficiency, especially under water and K stress.  相似文献   

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