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  • 1. Rapid assessment protocols for determining and monitoring the status of any given coral reef are provided and include measuring: (a) standing stocks of functional indicator groups, (b) herbivore populations, (c) water‐column nutrient levels, (d) tissue C:N:P ratios, (e) algal physiological‐response assays, and (f) herbivory assays. These measurements can reveal quantitative tipping‐point levels beyond which resilience to undesirable phase shifts begins to become critically reduced. Universal tipping‐point approximations are reviewed for inorganic nutrients, and posited for the first time for herbivory.
  • 2. The relative roles of top‐down and bottom‐up controls in determining benthic community structure and the health of coral reefs are especially important management concerns. This paper specifically addresses the top‐down effects of herbivory and bottom‐up effects of nutrient enrichment on critical indicator groups, i.e. reef‐building corals, crustose coralline algae, dense turf algae and frondose macroalgae.
  • 3. A predominance of (a) massive corals and calcareous coralline algae relative to frondose macroalgae and algal turfs indicates a healthy spatially heterogeneous condition reflecting low nutrients and high herbivory. An abundance of (b) frondose macroalgae illustrates the least desirable condition of elevated nutrient levels and reduced herbivory, possibly reflecting pollution in concert with destructive herbivore fishing practices. High coverage of (c) coralline algae suggests healthy high herbivory levels, but problems with elevated nutrients that are inhibitory to some corals. Domination by (d) dense turf algae indicates desirably low nutrient levels, but an inadequate herbivory component.
  • 4. The fast growth and turnover rates of fleshy algae compared to other reef organisms highlight their value as early warning indicators of reef degradation.
  • 5. From a management perspective, levels of herbivory and nutrients rank among the most useful quantitative indicators of coral reef resilience; whereas, the degree of degradation and mortality are inferred from the above functional indicator groups of benthic primary producers.
Published in 2006 by John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Quantitative subtidal surveys of fishes, macro‐invertebrates and sessile organisms at 33 sites within the Lord Howe Island Marine Park revealed a rich fauna and flora, including 164 fishes, 40 mobile invertebrate taxa, 53 coral and other sessile invertebrate taxa, 32 algal taxa, and two seagrasses. The biota in this newly‐zoned marine park was overwhelmingly tropical when species lists were tabulated; however, species with distributions centred on temperate coasts of eastern Australia and New Zealand occurred in disproportionately high densities compared with the tropical species.
  • 2. Lord Howe Island reefs were generally in good condition. Virtually no bleached coral was observed (0.2% of the reef surface; 0.8% of total hard coral cover). Living scleractinian coral comprised the predominant group of organisms growing on reef surfaces, with 25.5% cover overall. Other major taxa observed were brown algae (18.8% cover) and red algae (16.9% cover).
  • 3. Three distinctive community types were identified within the marine park—coral reefs, macroalgal beds and an offshore/open coast community. The distribution of these community types was strongly related to wave exposure, as indicated by an extremely high correlation with the first principal coordinates axis for biotic data (R2=0.80).
  • 4. The close (<3 km) proximity of tropical coral and temperate macroalgal community types off Lord Howe Island is highly unusual, with localized patterns of nutrient enrichment suggested as the primary cause. The macroalgal community type is only known from a small area off the south‐western coast that is not protected from fishing. This community is considered highly susceptible to threats because of potential impacts of global warming and the possibility of expansion of sea urchin barrens. Coral bleaching and ocean acidification associated with global climate change also threaten the coral reef community, which includes relatively high numbers of endemic and near endemic fish species. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1 Lord Howe Island, a World Heritage Area which lies in the southern Pacific Ocean, has the most southern true coral reefs in the world.
  • 2 In the past decade, populations of Acanthaster planci, the crown-of-thorns starfish, have significantly reduced coral cover at Elizabeth and Middleton Reefs, approximately 200 km to the north of Lord Howe Island, and a small population has been reported from Lord Howe Island.
  • 3 The abundance and distribution of A. planci was evaluated using surveys by the local recreational diving industry and video-transects, and the potential rate of recovery of the coral community following predation was assessed by analysing coral recruitment patterns.
  • 4 The starfish population at Lord Howe Island remained relatively small and localized between 1984 and 1993.
  • 5 Coral recruitment was dominated by the juveniles of brooding corals, and these same species dominated the established coral community. There was limited recruitment of broadcast-spawning coral species during the study period, suggesting that southern dispersal of coral larvae from more northern sites may be a rare or sporadic event.
  • 6 The results indicate that there is only a small probability that the present starfish population will result in a major starfish outbreak. However, the recovery of the coral community from a major outbreak would be slow because of the apparently low rate of input of coral larvae from sources external to the reef.
  • 7 Management agencies need to consider whether the present small and localized starfish population should be removed, given the likely ramifications of an infestation and the economic importance of the reef to tourism.

  1. Coral reef biodiversity is rapidly decreasing as a result of the loss of coral cover, which modifies the structure and functioning of the ecosystem. Understanding how coral reef communities respond in space and over the long term is essential in order to implement management strategies and reduce the effects of biodiversity loss on coral reefs.
  2. Fish, coral, and algae communities were used as indicators to evaluate changes in coral reef systems. The variation of these communities was studied in a marine protected area composed of three management zones in Cozumel Coral Reef National Park in Quintana Roo, Mexico, over a period of 11 years (2004–2014). The following parameters were monitored annually: (i) total fish density; (ii) fish trophic group densities; (iii) species richness and three fish diversity indices; (iv) relative scleractinian coral cover; and (v) relative macroalgae cover.
  3. In the years in which coastal development, such as the construction of a marina, took place, an increase in the abundance of territorial herbivorous and planktivorous fish was observed. As the coral recovered, macrocarnivores and sessile benthic invertivores were re‐established, whereas scraper herbivores showed no changes in the period of study in any of the three management zones.
  4. Coral cover recovery showed rapid phase‐shift reversal (phase‐shift, macroalgae dominance over coral) in the three zones. Even though the fish density and coral cover recovered, the diversity indices of each fish trophic group exhibited a reduction in the three management zones over time.

We developed new assessment methods for Acropora coral recruitment using coral settlement devices (CSDs) and holes of a marine block. Both devices were deployed in situ before mass spawning of Acropora corals. The CSDs were sampled after 3–4 months of spawning to measure early recruitment, whereas holes of the marine block were observed underwater or MB was sampled to observe holes after 1 year of spawning to measure the recruitment. By combining the results, we would know the recruitment (visually identified underwater) in reefs, including the amount of early recruitment (identified by stereomicroscopic methods), and the environmental condition of the coral reef. These results would help to predict the future of a reef. Nagura Bay had a high early Acropora recruitment; however, due to competition with algae and sedimentation, the recruitment of juvenile corals was extremely low. The reef would possibly be healthy and sustainable at sites where both the early recruitment and recruitment are high. However, if both are low, the reef will be in a critical condition where urgent restoration will be required.  相似文献   

ABSTRACT: The age distribution of the sea urchin Strongylocentrotus nudus in relation to algal zonation was studied in a sublittoral rocky area on Oshika Peninsula, northern Japan, from June 1995 through to August 1996. The algal zonation observed there extends from a shallow area of cobbles to deeper areas dominated successively by Sargassum yezoense , Eisenia bicyclis and, finally, crustose coralline red algae. One-year-old sea urchins occurred only on the cobbles and crustose corallines in contrast to the presence of 2-year-old individuals from all areas and the restricted distribution of individuals aged 3 years and over to Eisenia and crustose corallines. Calculated mean body sizes in the Eisenia area became larger after the age of 2 years compared with those in the area of crustose corallines. Spawning was ascertained histologically in both the Eisenia and crustose coralline areas, although gonad indices were higher in the former area than in the latter throughout the year. Gut contents were dominated by E. bicyclis in the Eisenia area, and by crustose coralline red algae and small algae in the crustose coralline area. Thus, the sea urchin may settle most abundantly on crustose corallines and lives there for 1–2 years. Thereafter, they expand their habitat toward the Eisenia area, where there is richer sources of food for attaining a higher growth rate and to generate heavier gonads.  相似文献   

  • 1. A detailed study on the spatial and temporal patterns of reef fish assemblages associated with non‐reefal coral communities at A Ma Wan (AMW) and A Ye Wan (AYW) in Tung Ping Chau, Hong Kong, China, was carried out using an underwater visual census method from January 1998 to December 1999.
  • 2. The study identified a total of 106 species (76 genera in 39 families) of fish in the study sites, in which 88 species were recorded in AMW and 78 species in AYW. Seasonal patterns in the abundance and species richness of all reef fishes and most of the frequently encountered families/trophic groups in both study sites were observed. Seasonal fluctuation of macroalgae, the influence of recruitment of larvae, and the possible seasonal variation in the behaviour of fish may all contribute to these observed seasonal patterns.
  • 3. Multidimensional scaling (MDS) ordinations demonstrated that there were spatial variations in the fish community structures within and between sites. Such spatial patterns were possibly related to the spatial variation of the coral community structures in the study sites. The ordinations also showed that the fish community structures in the study sites were not seasonally stable. Such temporal instability of the fish community structures may be partly due to habitat isolation among the fish communities around the island.
  • 4. These results imply that preservation and enhancement of habitat connectivity of the coral communities should be one of the main conservation strategies for the reef fish communities of Tung Ping Chau, and those of Hong Kong in general. This strategy may be equally applicable to other non‐reefal coral communities elsewhere around the world.
Copyright © 2008 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

  • 1. Marine protected areas (MPAs) are being used increasingly to manage and protect marine resources. Most studies of MPAs have focused on fish. In this study, the influence of MPA protection on coral reef benthic organisms on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) was investigated. In addition, the interaction between protection and natural disturbance history was examined.
  • 2. Differences in benthic cover inside and outside MPAs were assessed at 15 pairs of Protected and General Use reefs on the GBR using annual monitoring data from the Australian Institute of Marine Science's Long‐Term Monitoring Programme (LTMP). At each reef, benthic cover was determined using a benthic video survey at three sites, with each site consisting of five 50 m transect lines separated by at least 250 m running parallel to the reef crest at 6–9 m depth.
  • 3. Benthic cover was related to both protection status and disturbance history, but natural perturbations exerted a stronger influence on benthic cover than did protection status. The influence of natural perturbation was most noticeable for hard coral.
  • 4. Most reefs where no natural disturbance events had occurred (‘undisturbed reefs’) had higher hard coral cover and lower soft coral cover than General Use reefs. While the high levels of hard coral on Protected reefs may be a result of protection status, it might also have resulted from selection bias that occurred during the initial zoning of the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park (i.e. managers may have given protection status to reefs with high coral cover).
  • 5. These results are likely influenced by the relatively low intensity of human use, both on the Great Barrier Reef in general and at the particular monitoring sites studied. Over time, as local populations and tourism increase, the effect of protection may become more evident at LTMP sites. Copyright © 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.

  • 1. Forest restoration through silviculture (gardening) programs revives productivity, biodiversity, and stability. As in silviculture approaches, the coral ‘gardening’ strategy is based on a two‐step protocol.
  • 2. The first step deals with the establishment of in situ and/or ex situ coral nurseries in which corals are farmed (originating from two types of source material: asexual [ramets, nubbins], and sexual [planula larvae, spat] recruits).
  • 3. The second is the reef rehabilitation step, where maricultured colonies are transplanted into degraded sites.
  • 4. We compare here the rationale of forest restoration to coral reef ecosystem restoration by evaluating major key criteria. As in silviculture programs, a sustainable mariculture operation that focuses on the prime structural component of the reef (‘gardening’ with corals) may promote the persistence of threatened coral populations, as well as that of other reef taxa, thus maintaining genetic diversity. In chronically degrading reef sites this may facilitate a halt in biodiversity depletion.
  • 5. Within the current theoretical framework of ecosystem restoration, the recovery of biodiversity indices is considered a core element since a rich species diversity provides higher ecosystem resilience to disturbances.
  • 6. The gardening measure may also be implemented worldwide, eliminating the need to extract existing colonies for transplantation operations. At degraded reef sites, the coral gardening strategy can assist in managing human and non‐human stakeholders' requirements as is done in forest management.
Copyright © 2003 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.  相似文献   

A new method for assessing coastal environments using the reproduction potential of corals has been developed and examined in situ. Six assessment racks were deployed before the full moon of May 2006 at three sites located around a river outlet in Nagura Bay, Ishigaki Is. and at one control location in Sekisei Lagoon. Each rack was equipped with two marine blocks (MB) containing 378 holes, two cases of coral settlement devices (CSDs), each containing 120 CSDs, and a water temperature logger. Assessment was based on recruitment of Acropora due to mass spawning. After 4 months of deployment, the surface of assessment racks showed apparent biofouling depending on sites mainly by algal settlement on the surfaces. Almost all the holes of the MBs were partly occupied, mainly by turf algae. Nagura Bay was thought likely to be an “unhealthy” coral reef due to runoff from land. However, our assessment showed that there were 0.85 corals per CSD in the Bay, compared with 0.51 in Sekisei Lagoon, indicating that coral larvae supply is not the cause of the unhealthy condition of corals in the Nagura Bay.  相似文献   

  • 1. A visual assessment method, called Discrete Group Censusing, was used to assess and monitor five coral reef fish assemblages in the Key Largo National Marine Sanctuary, Florida, USA.
  • 2. Samples were obtained quarterly from Winter 1988 to Autumn 1990 to investigate a possible relation between the variability of reef fish assemblages and human disturbance.
  • 3. Two types of disturbance were studied: a ship grounding that occurred 4 years previous to the study, and intensive, recreational snorkel and SCUBA diving. These disturbances appeared to have no short-term effect on the temporal variability of the reef fish assemblages during the study period.
  • 4. Furthermore, the assemblages at all five study sites appeared to be extremely stable over the 2 year period of the study. These results support the theory that coral reef fish assemblages are highly ordered and stable over relatively large spatial scales.
  • 5. The Discrete Group Censusing visual assessment method was found to be a valuable and easily applied tool for the nondestructive in situ monitoring of reef fish assemblages on coral reefs.

The interstices of coral rubble provide a good refuge for cryptic small crustaceans and molluscs, which are important prey items for reef fishes. In this study, we focused on the assemblage composition of cryptic mobile species along the depth gradient at an outer reef slope. Traps with coral rubble (22 × 18 × 6 cm) were set at three sites at different depths, and mobile animals that colonized the traps were sorted. In total, 117 species of larger animals (mainly Decapoda and Gastropoda) were recorded: 71 species at the 3 m point, 53 species at the 11 m point, and 37 species at the 22 m point. On average, 260.3 individuals were captured in the traps at 3 m, while 95.3 and 57.8 individuals were captured at 11 and 22 m, respectively. MDS ordination showed that assemblage composition differed among the three sites. The most abundant species at the 3 m was the galathean crab Galathea mauritiana, followed by the gastropod Diala albugo. At 11 and 22 m, the galathean crab Sadayoshia edwardsii was most abundant. Thus, at the reef slope, the benthic assemblage was most diverse at the shallow site, and specific communities occurred at the three sites.  相似文献   

We combined size-at-age and underwater survey (UVS) data to investigate the spatio-temporal distribution of life-history stages of the bristletooth surgeonfish, Ctenochaetus striatus, around Tutuila Island, American Samoa. Three age-based size categories (recruits, juveniles and adults) were determined by examining the relationship between size, age and gonad maturity. The results from combining size-at-age with UVS density data showed varying densities at the scales examined (years, exposure, sector, and habitat) on the fore-reef slopes of Tutuila Is. While recruit densities were uniform, juvenile densities varied by year, exposure and sector, and adult densities were significantly higher at topographic sites that were comparatively more exposed to water motion than inside bays. Densities of recruits were positively correlated with habitat (rubble) illustrating the importance of this substratum for the survivorship of early life history stages. Densities of adults were positively correlated with coralline algae, which may suggest co-occurrence responding to similar physical environment of adult habitat that is possibly indirectly correlated to feeding. However, densities of juveniles were negatively correlated with food source although the variance accounted for was low. We hypothesize that some other substratum may possibly be important for juveniles. There was a negative correlation between recruit and adult densities, indicating the presence of ontogenetic shifts in habitat with age and size. It is proposed that ecosystem-based fishery management of C. striatus in Tutuila Is should consider the high abundance of adults in exposed topographic habitats in the establishment of marine protected areas. We have shown that size-at-age data when combined with underwater fish surveys significantly expands its utility in the study of the population structure of a coral reef fish thus allowing the identification of areas characterized by high abundance of particular life stages for management.  相似文献   

  • 1 Ecotourism has begun to impact the coral barrier reef of Belize. Pelican Cays, near the southern end of the reef, is one of the least disturbed areas and is rich in ascidian species.
  • 2 Both the lack of stress and spatial competition probably contribute to the ability of normally cryptic species to live in exposed conditions. Activities associated with the growth in ecotourism are a potential threat to these unusual communities.
  • 3 It is recommended that a rationale for the protection and management of this environmentally important area be developed.

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