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韩良 《种子科技》2020,(5):93-93,96
森林是生态系统的基础组成部分,对维持生态平衡、保护生物多样性起到了决定性的作用。为优化我国的生态体系,提高森林面积覆盖率,改善人民群众生活环境,近年来我国逐步加大了生态林建设工作力度,大力推动了生态林业的发展。从生态林业建设的现状出发,简要分析了目前存在的问题,并提出了相应的解决措施。  相似文献   

百般红紫斗芳菲,盛世花开中国梦。第十届中国花卉博览会在崇明举办,我们因花而约、以花结缘,齐聚崇明世界级生态岛,围绕“花开中国梦”主题,共话生态文明、共谋绿色发展。习近平总书记强调,生态文明建设是关系中华民族永续发展的根本大计。  相似文献   

正全国绿化委员会近日召开全体会议。国务院副总理、全国绿化委员会主任汪洋在会上强调,要认真贯彻落实党中央、国务院关于加快推进生态文明建设的决策部署,坚持以创新、协调、绿色、开放、共享的新发展理念为引领,加快造林绿化,提升森林质量,发展绿色产业,筑牢国家生态安全屏障,为促进经济社会持续健康发展提供有力支撑。汪洋指出,"十二五"期间,我国国土绿化工作取得巨大成绩,2015年全国森林覆盖率  相似文献   

经济可持续增长是生态文明建设的重点.生态文明建设与农业经济增长具备共存性和互动性;绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展的基本途径也是转变农业经济增长方式的重点任务和顶层设计依据.本文按照生态系统的原理、结构特性和规律,研究和改进农业经济系统功能以促进系统创新,为转变经济增长方式开辟了新的途径.  相似文献   

由刚刚成立的中国生态文化协会主办的首届中国生态文化高峰论坛10月9日在北京国际竹藤大厦举行。此次论坛的主题是:“弘扬生态文化,倡导绿色生活,共建生态文明。”  相似文献   

李玉良 《种子科技》2019,(14):115-115,117
生态文明的建设发展是我国经济可持续发展的根本,在生态文明持续推进的背景下,需要健全我国国土开发空间的有序性,保证资源节约利用的有效性以及实现生态环境保护的持续性。基于此,对生态文明视角下的耕地保护机制进行深层次的探究,为我国耕地保护机制的完善提供新的实践渠道。  相似文献   

张卫国 《贵州茶叶》2008,36(1):28-32
茶产业是贵州的传统优势产业。省委省政府对我省茶产业的发展十分重视。在黔党发[2007]6号文件《关于加快茶产业发展的意见》中明确指出:“茶产业是关联度大、带动力强的产业”“发展茶产业对于实施生态立省战略、促进生态建设、减少水土流失,构筑‘两江’上游生态屏障,有着重要的作用。”黔中地区地处贵州腹部,是展示贵州绿色生态旅游的重要窗口,发挥优势、着力打造黔中茶产业经济带,不仅能有效促进该地区农业农村经济结构调整,增加农民收入和地方财政收入,推进社会主义新农村建设,推动农村一、二、三产业发展,同时,还能有效提升贵州绿色生态游的窗口形象。  相似文献   

为贯彻落实党的十六届五中全会、中央经济工作会议和中央农村工作会议精神,加快发展现代农业,扎实推进社会主义新农村建设,农业部决定从2006年起,组织实施农业和农村经济发展“九大行动”:社会主义新农村建设示范行动、农业科技提升行动、优势农产品产业带促进行动、畜牧水产业增长方式转变行动、农业产业化和农产品加工推进行动、农产品质量安全绿色行动、生态家园富民行动和禽流感等重大动物疫病防治行动,其中生态家园富民行动与本栏目密切相关,现将其具体内容摘录介绍如下,以飨读者。  相似文献   

我国森林覆盖率高,为落实可持续绿色发展规划,我国积极建造人工林、保护原始森林,却引发了大规模病虫害,不仅影响林木生长,也对生物多样性和林业生态环境造成威胁。文章以无公害防治技术的价值为切入点,阐述了林业产生病虫害主要是由于未能合理用药、森林生态破坏、气候环境恶化、营林方式不当等,并以此为基础,提出了无公害防治技术及其应用措施,以期为相关工作者提供参考。  相似文献   

<正>胡锦涛同志在党的十八大报告中指出:建设生态文明,是关系人民福祉、关乎民族未来的长远大计。面对资源约束趋紧、环境污染严重、生态系统退化的严峻形势,必须树立尊重自然、顺应自然、保护自然的生态文明理念,把生态文明建设放在突出地位,融入经济建设、政治建设、文化建设、社会建设各方面和全过程,努力建设美丽中国,实现中华民族永续发展。坚持节约资源和保护环境的基本国策,坚持节约优先、保护优先、自然恢复为主的方针,着力推进绿色发展、循环发展、低碳发展,形成节约资源和保护环境的空间格局、产业结构、生产方式、生活方式,从源头上扭转生态环境恶化趋势,为人民创造良好生产生活环境,为全球生态安全作出贡献。  相似文献   

‘Blanquilla’ pears processed as fresh-cut products are highly sensitive to browning and softening. Common postharvest methods, such as the use of antibrowning compounds and/or modified atmosphere packaging, fail to preserve ‘Blanquilla’ pear slices long enough to be marketable. However, treatment with 1-MCP before cutting and peeling considerably improved their textural properties (9.2 N vs. 1.1 N with and without 1-MCP treatment, respectively) and color (a* values of 1 vs. 5 after 15 d at 4 °C, for slices pear treated with 1-MCP and without treatment, respectively). These positive changes were closely related to a decrease in respiratory activity determined on whole pears after 3 months of storage in air at 0 ± 1 °C and 95% R.H. (0.40 ± 0.05 mmol CO2 kg−1 h−1 vs. 0.77 ± 0.04 mmol CO2 kg−1 h−1 with and without 1-MCP treatment, respectively) and ethylene production (1.18 ± 0.36 nmol C2H4 kg−1 h−1 vs. 5.751 ± 1.12 nmol C2H4 kg−1 h−1 for samples treated with and without 1-MCP, respectively). The use of 1-MCP allows fresh-cut ‘Blanquilla’ pears to be sold up to about 5 d after processing. Treatment with 1-MCP could be a viable alternative to common technologies for extending the shelf-life of ‘Blanquilla’ pears as a fresh-cut product.  相似文献   

The inheritance of the resistance to Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. melonis (F.o.m.) races 0 and 2 in ‘Tortuga’, a Spanish cantalupensis accession, was studied from crosses of ‘Tortuga’ by the susceptible line ‘Piel de Sapo’ and the resistant one ‘Charentais-Fom1’ that carries the resistance gene Fom-1. The segregation patterns observed in the F2 (‘Tortuga’ × ‘Piel de Sapo’) and the backcross (‘Piel de Sapo’ × (‘Tortuga’ × ‘Piel de Sapo’) populations, suggest that resistance of ‘Tortuga’ to races 0 and 2 of F.o.m. is conferred by two independent genes: one dominant and the other recessive. In the F2 derived from the cross between accessions ‘Tortuga’ and ‘Charentais-Fom1’, the lack of susceptible plants indicated that the two accessions are carrying the same resistance gene (Fom-1). The analysis of 158 F2 plants (‘Tortuga’ × ‘Piel de Sapo’) with a Cleaved Amplified Polymorphic Sequence marker 618-CAPS, tightly linked to Fom-1 (0.9 cM), confirmed that ‘Tortuga’ also carries a recessive gene, that we propose to symbolize by fom-4.  相似文献   

The effects of temperature, scan interval and rate of oxygen (O2) decline on pulse frequency modulation (PFM)-based minimum fluorescence (Fα) and the Fα-based lower oxygen limit (LOL) were investigated using ‘Honeycrisp’ apples (Malus × domestica Borkh). The effects of temperature and hypoxic stress on pulse amplitude modulation (PAM) fluorescence parameters were also investigated. The PFM scan interval had no effect on the Fα baseline, but increases in the scan interval decreased the low-O2-induced fluorescence spike intensity (ΔFα). Temperature negatively correlated with the Fα baseline while ΔFα °C−1 was greater at lower than at higher temperatures. When using a PAM fluorometer, the minimum fluorescence (Fo), and to a lesser extent the maximum fluorescence (Fm), were similarly affected by temperature as was Fα. Temperature altered the LOL in fruit. Apples stored at 20, 10, 3.5 and 0 °C spiked at 0.72, 0.33, 0.22 and 0.08 kPa O2, respectively, under a rapid O2 decline (i.e., 20.9 to <1 kPa O2 in ≈5–6 h). Although the low-O2 Fα spike apex values did not change with temperature, the spike intensity increased with temperature due to a reduced fluorescence baseline. A slower O2 decline rate produced slightly higher LOL and lower spike intensity values. In conclusion, temperature and rate of O2 decline affected the low-O2-induced PFM fluorescence spike intensity as well as the LOL, while the PFM scan interval affected the spike intensity.  相似文献   

Rust resistance in the sunflower line P386 is controlled by Pu6, a gene which was reported to segregate independently from other rust resistant genes, such as R4. The objectives of this work were to map Pu6, to provide and validate molecular tools for its identification, and to determine the linkage relationship of Pu6 and R4. Genetic mapping of Pu6 with six markers covered 24.8 cM of genetic distance on the lower end of linkage Group 13 of the sunflower consensus map. The marker most closely linked to Pu6 was ORS316 at 2.5 cM in the distal position. ORS316 presented five alleles when was assayed with a representative set of resistant and susceptible lines. Allelism test between Pu6 and R4 indicated that both genes are linked at a genetic distance of 6.25 cM. This is the first confirmation based on an allelism test that at least two members of the Radv/R4/R11/ R13a/R13b/Pu6 cluster of genes are at different loci. A fine elucidation of the architecture of this complex locus will allow designing and constructing completely new genomic regions combining genes from different resistant sources and the elimination of the linkage drag around each resistant gene.  相似文献   

To improve brown planthopper (Nilaparvata lugens Stål; BPH) resistance of an elite indica cultivar of South China, Hemeizhan (HMZ), we applied marker‐assisted backcross (MABC) to incorporate three BPH‐resistance genes (Bph3, Bph14 and Bph15) into the genetic background of HMZ. In the third backcross (BC3) generation, we obtained near‐isogenic lines (Bph3‐NIL, Bph14‐NIL, Bph15‐NIL and Bph14 + Bph15‐NIL) with more than 96% recovery of recurrent parent genome, and pyramided lines (Bph3 + Bph14‐PYL, Bph3 + Bph15‐PYL and Bph3 + Bph14 + Bph15‐PYL) with more than 89% recovery of recurrent parent genome. These lines showed stronger resistance against BPH than HMZ at seedling and booting stages. The rank of resistance gene effect was Bph3 + Bph14 + Bph15  Bph3 + Bph15  Bph3 +Bph14  Bph14 + Bph15  Bph3  Bph15  Bph14 > none. Compared with HMZ, only Bph3 + Bph14 + Bph15‐PYL had a significant difference in yield per plant, and the lines carrying Bph3 had higher amylose contents, indicating that Bph3 was tightly linked to Wxa allele. These improved lines are good intermediate sources of broad‐spectrum and durable BPH resistance to improve other indica cultivars. Our results demonstrate that MABC is a very efficient approach to improve BPH resistance of elite rice cultivar.  相似文献   

不同类型陆地棉品种对棉大卷叶螟的抗性研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 2006年对长江流域国家棉花区域试验的31个棉花品种(系)的棉大卷叶螟发生为害情况进行了调查,另外还研究了叶片茸毛密度性状与棉大卷螟发生为害的关系。结果表明,品种(系)间对棉大卷叶螟的抗性有极显著的差异,棉花对棉铃虫的抗性与对棉大卷叶螟的抗性有极显著的正相关;与转基因抗虫棉相比,不抗虫的常规棉百株卷叶螟数、百株卷叶数、卷叶株率分别是转基因抗虫棉的11.1,7.2和4.6倍;品种(系)间叶片茸毛密度差异明显,对棉大卷叶螟来说,光叶与叶片密生茸毛都是一种形态抗性。  相似文献   

Helleborus species are members of the family of the Ranunculaceae. These popular perennials are all diploids (2n = 2x = 32). This study investigates polyploidy induction by different antimitotic agents. Colchicine, oryzalin and trifluralin were tested in vitro on shoots of Helleborus niger, H. orientalis and H. × nigercors. Furthermore the effect of the antimitotic agents on the viability and the multiplication rate of cultured plantlets were analyzed. Flow cytometry demonstrated that polyploidisation was genotype dependent: using H. niger, tetraploids were obtained using either oryzalin (3 μM) or trifluralin (3 or 10 μM), whereas for H. × nigercors only trifluralin (3 or 10 μM) induced polyploidisation. For H. orientalis neither treatment was effective to produce tetraploids or mixoploids. For these three species, colchicine (100 μM) was ineffective. The polyploidisation events in H. niger and H. × nigercors were confirmed by chromosome counts of mounted nuclei derived from root tips (2n = 4x = 64).  相似文献   

干旱荒漠区物理结皮的土壤水文效应   总被引:7,自引:2,他引:5  
在干旱荒漠区,物理结皮是广泛发育的一类结皮,其存在对维持干旱荒漠区生态平衡具有重要作用。笔者总结了物理结皮种类、形成及影响因素,综述了物理结皮对土壤降雨入渗、蒸发、地表径流以及土壤发育和微生物生长等方面的国内外研究动态,探讨了物理结皮和生物结皮的相互联系,在此基础上,提出了物理结皮进一步研究的展望,认为:在河西走廊东段的民勤沙区,粘土沙障加梭梭的固沙造林模式,促使粘土沙障在雨滴的冲刷下物理结皮广泛发育,发育的结皮降低了降水入渗,增加了地表径流,使深层土壤旱化,造成人工梭梭固沙林衰退和较深层土壤水分的减少,导致沙区生态水文过程和植被格局变化,研究对退化荒漠植被恢复与干旱沙区土壤水分循环具有意义。  相似文献   

Genetic analysis of presence and absence of lint and fuzz in cotton   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
X. M. Du    J. J. Pan    R. H. Wang    T. Zh.  Zhang Y. Zh.  Shi 《Plant Breeding》2001,120(6):519-522
Cotton fibre mutants that were fuzzless and/or lintless were crossed with each other and a normal genotype (fuzzy, linted) to produce F2 and BC1 generations. F2 segregation ratios from the cross of fuzzless‐lintless × fuzzy‐linted, for fuzzy‐linted, fuzzless‐linted and fuzzless‐lintless were 45 : 15 : 4. From the cross of fuzzless‐lintless × fuzzy‐linted, the F2 segregation ratios were 9 : 39 : 16 whereas the BC1F1 segregation ratios from the F1 backcrossed to fuzzless‐lintless were 1 : 3 : 4. These data suggest that the presence or absence of lint and fuzz are controlled by the interaction of four gene loci on non‐homologous chromosomes. We designate these loci as N1, N2, Li3 and Li4, where N1 N1 confers the presence of fuzzy, N2N2 confers inhibition of fuzzy initiation and development, and duplicate gene pairs, Li3Li3 and Li4Li4, determine the presence of lint. Homozygosity for li3li3 and li4li4 might also inhibit fuzz from development. In other words, they were recessive epistatic to fuzz genes.  相似文献   

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