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目前大部分转基因(GM)植物及其产品被用作饲料原料,而且随着今后转基因技术的不断发展,转基因植物种类将会不断增多。但转基因饲料的安全性一直受到质疑,我国对转基因问题一贯持谨慎态度,于2002年颁布了《农业转基因生物标识管理办法》,规定作为饲料原料的转基因豆粕、玉米、油菜籽粕,必须进行标识。鉴于转基因饲料存在非预期风险,对转基因饲料的使用应加强监管,确保动物源性食品安全。  相似文献   

转基因饲料的安全性评价进展   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
<正>目前生物技术正朝着纵深发展,在医药方面已经给人们带来了可观的经济效益,在转基因植物方面也取得了令人瞩目的发展。但对于转基因生物的安全评价一直是国际上学术界讨论的热门话题,并广泛涉及到经济、贸易、文化和政治各个方面。但至今为此,不管是学术界还是国际社会对转基因生物的安全问题尚无定论。1转基因饲料的安全性及安全性评价的必要性转基因技术的日渐成熟,已经可以准确地将  相似文献   

本文在目前被普遍关注的转基因作物安全性评价的原则与方法的基础上,介绍了当前各国转基因作物安全性评价概况,从转基因饲料营养成分、繁殖性能的影响、生长性能和免疫机能的影响、外源DNA和表达蛋白的残留检测四个方面对转基因饲料生物安全评价的研究进展进行综述。  相似文献   

转基因饲料的安全性及其概况   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
有关转基因食品安全性的议论经常见于多种媒体。1996年9月,卫生厅接受了卫生调查委员会的申请,对适合于安全性评价标准指南的7个转基因食品给予了确认。这些转基因食品量虽不多,但在日本利用转基因玉米和菜籽油制成的食品已见诸于市场。现在作为评价对象的可直接食用的转基因食品还仅来源于植物,而来自动物、微生物的尚不  相似文献   

1前言2002年9月5日,国务院办公厅转发《农业部关于促进饲料业持续健康发展若干意见的通知》,通知中要求:“在逐步提升现有的饲料原料和产品质量标准的基础上,加紧修订完善饲料卫生安全强制性标准,尽快制定转基因和动物性饲料检测方法标准。”饲料安全关系到食品安全,而食品安全关系到人类的身体健康。由于转基因饲料大量为动物所食用,对其安全性进行全面评价迫在眉睫。我国对转基因问题一直持谨慎态度,已于2001年颁布了相应法规,这些法规一般都是针对转基因作物以及直接以转基因作物作为原料而生产的非动物性食品;但是,对于转基因作物作为饲…  相似文献   

现代生物技术的发展为利用外源动物、植物、微生物基因培育优良转基因水稻品种提供了新的途径。随着人们对食品安全问题的格外关注,转基因水稻的食用安全性日益成为关注的焦点。作者简要综述了近年来国内外转基因水稻研究现状与安全性评价的最新进展。  相似文献   

有关专家指出,饲料的安全关系到食品安全。由于目前转基因饲料大量为动物所食用,对其安全性进行全面评价已成为一个迫在眉睫的问题,我国应尽快建立健全转基因饲料安全评价体系。 专家指出,转基因产品对动物和人体健康可能产生的影响主要表现为:(1)转基因产品可能存在的过敏反应;(2)抗生素标记基因有可能使  相似文献   

随着全球农业生物技术产业的迅速发展,转基因作物种植面积日益迅速扩大。这些转基因作物与人类的食物和动物的饲料密切相关。近年来,转基因作物及其产品作为饲料原料的安全性问题越来越引起人们的关注。转基因饲料安全与转基因食品安全二者紧密相关,前者也是后者的重要环节,因此本文将转基因饲料安全问题与转基因食品安全问题一同加以阐述。  相似文献   

转基因农作物饲用安全评价是我国农业生物安全管理的重要组成部分。中国已跃居世界第一商品饲料生产大国。为满足国内饲料产业的巨大需求,转基因作物已成为饲料产品的主要生产原料,国内大量饲料产品实为转基因饲料,但我国对转基因饲料生物安全的监管仍处于建设阶段。为提高对转基因饲料产品安全更为广泛的关注与重视,本文旨在讨论国内转基因饲料安全评价的科研进展、目前已有的相关法规以及建立转基因饲料安全评价体系的紧迫性,从而为及早完善转基因饲料安全评价及管理提供参考及依据。  相似文献   

近年来,转基因农作物及其副产品以其独有的优势在世界粮食和饲料资源中扮演了越来越重要的角色.但到目前为止,人们对于转基因作物的安全性仍然没有一个定论.围绕转基因农作物及其副产品用作食品及饲料的安全性问题,各国学者作了大量研究.本文综述了近年来转基因农作物及其副产品的安全性问题由来及其用作动物饲料时与非转基因作物相比的安全性和饲喂价值差异等方面的一些研究进展,并对未来转基因农作物饲用安全性的研究方向提出了作者的观点.  相似文献   

饲料中转基因植物成分的检测   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为了确保动物产品对人体健康不造成危害,有必要对饲料中是否含有转基因成分进行检测。本文主要综述了可用于饲料中的转基因作物、检测饲料中转基因成分常用的方法以及这些方法在实际中的应用。  相似文献   

饲料产品中转基因成分定量分析的问题与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章综述了国内外农产品转基因成分标识管理的现状,评价了现有转基因作物定量检测方法的特点与弊端,提出了以基因特异性为依据、建立更适合饲料等复杂产品中转基因成分定量检测的改进建议。  相似文献   

GM plants are widely grown all over the world, but many constraints still tend to discourage their use in Europe. Potential risks suggested to be associated with the use of GM are unexpected gene effects, allergenic potential, antibiotic resistance, gene flow. GM feed safety is presently evaluated by adopting the concept of GM substantial equivalence, by comparison with non-GM isogenic crops. Comparison is based on a wide spectrum of chemical components and on livestock performance. From the available experimental data, currently utilized GM plants appear safe and show no effects on animals or animal products. Hence, although they potentially exist, safety risks caused by the use of GM plants appear to be so low as be negligible in comparison with their potential benefits, if appropriately designed. GM plants represent a valuable option for future breeding, to increase yield while reducing the use of pesticides, improve plant adaptation to unfavourable environments, and produce better quality crops, also from a nutritional point of view. Nonetheless, GM crops are novel foods and the assessment of their safety using a scientific sound approach seems essential to protect the environment, as well as the health of humans and livestock.  相似文献   

GM plants are widely grown all over the world, but many constraints still tend to discourage their use in Europe. Potential risks suggested to be associated with the use of GM are unexpected gene effects, allergenic potential, antibiotic resistance, gene flow. GM feed safety is presently evaluated by adopting the concept of GM substantial equivalence, by comparison with non-GM isogenic crops. Comparison is based on a wide spectrum of chemical components and on livestock performance. From the available experimental data, currently utilized GM plants appear safe and show no effects on animals or animal products. Hence, although they potentially exist, safety risks caused by the use of GM plants appear to be so low as be negligible in comparison with their potential benefits, if appropriately designed. GM plants represent a valuable option for future breeding, to increase yield while reducing the use of pesticides, improve plant adaptation to unfavourable environments, and produce better quality crops, also from a nutritional point of view. Nonetheless, GM crops are novel foods and the assessment of their safety using a scientific sound approach seems essential to protect the environment, as well as the health of humans and livestock.  相似文献   


GM plants are widely grown all over the world, but many constraints still tend to discourage their use in Europe. Potential risks suggested to be associated with the use of GM are unexpected gene effects, allergenic potential, antibiotic resistance, gene flow. GM feed safety is presently evaluated by adopting the concept of GM substantial equivalence, by comparison with non-GM isogenic crops. Comparison is based on a wide spectrum of chemical components and on livestock performance. From the available experimental data, currently utilized GM plants appear safe and show no effects on animals or animal products. Hence, although they potentially exist, safety risks caused by the use of GM plants appear to be so low as be negligible in comparison with their potential benefits, if appropriately designed. GM plants represent a valuable option for future breeding, to increase yield while reducing the use of pesticides, improve plant adaptation to unfavourable environments, and produce better quality crops, also from a nutritional point of view. Nonetheless, GM crops are novel foods and the assessment of their safety using a scientific sound approach seems essential to protect the environment, as well as the health of humans and livestock.


The safety assessment of genetically modified (GM) food and feed is performed to identify the possible effects upon animal and human health, also the long-term, multigenerational influence upon functioning of different organs and systems, such as the immune system. In this study C57BL/6J mice were fed for five consecutive generations with pellets containing 20% of conventional triticale grain (control) vs. pellets containing 20% of the transgenic triticale grain resistant to BASTA herbicide (experimental). The F5 experimental animals showed enlarged inguinal and axillary lymph nodes, but not spleens, and increased WBC counts in blood (but within the norm for Mus musculus). Immunophenotyped cell suspensions derived from spleens, inguinal and axillaris lymph nodes and PBMCs from blood showed the significant decrease in the percentage of T cells in spleen and lymph nodes and the B cells in lymph nodes and blood of the F5 experimental mice in comparison to the control F5 mice. Immunoblotting analysis of IL-2, IL-4, IL-10, IL-12, IL- 6, IFN-gamma levels in serum showed significantly increased IL-2 levels and decreased IL-6 levels in the F5-experimental mice sera. No significant changes in the levels of IgE in sera in both mice groups were observed. The obtained results indicate that multigenerational use of feeds for rodents containing the GM-triticale leads to expansion of the B cell compartment in the secondary lymphoid organs, but it is not caused by malignant processes or the allergic response.  相似文献   

In 2012, genetically engineered (GE) crops were grown by 17.3 million farmers on over 170 million hectares. Over 70% of harvested GE biomass is fed to food producing animals, making them the major consumers of GE crops for the past 15 plus years. Prior to commercialization, GE crops go through an extensive regulatory evaluation. Over one hundred regulatory submissions have shown compositional equivalence, and comparable levels of safety, between GE crops and their conventional counterparts. One component of regulatory compliance is whole GE food/feed animal feeding studies. Both regulatory studies and independent peer-reviewed studies have shown that GE crops can be safely used in animal feed, and rDNA fragments have never been detected in products (e.g. milk, meat, eggs) derived from animals that consumed GE feed. Despite the fact that the scientific weight of evidence from these hundreds of studies have not revealed unique risks associated with GE feed, some groups are calling for more animal feeding studies, including long-term rodent studies and studies in target livestock species for the approval of GE crops. It is an opportune time to review the results of such studies as have been done to date to evaluate the value of the additional information obtained. Requiring long-term and target animal feeding studies would sharply increase regulatory compliance costs and prolong the regulatory process associated with the commercialization of GE crops. Such costs may impede the development of feed crops with enhanced nutritional characteristics and durability, particularly in the local varieties in small and poor developing countries. More generally it is time for regulatory evaluations to more explicitly consider both the reasonable and unique risks and benefits associated with the use of both GE plants and animals in agricultural systems, and weigh them against those associated with existing systems, and those of regulatory inaction. This would represent a shift away from a GE evaluation process that currently focuses only on risk assessment and identifying ever diminishing marginal hazards, to a regulatory approach that more objectively evaluates and communicates the likely impact of approving a new GE plant or animal on agricultural production systems.  相似文献   

In 2012, genetically engineered (GE) crops were grown by 17.3 million farmers on over 170 million hectares. Over 70% of harvested GE biomass is fed to food producing animals, making them the major consumers of GE crops for the past 15 plus years. Prior to commercialization, GE crops go through an extensive regulatory evaluation. Over one hundred regulatory submissions have shown compositional equivalence, and comparable levels of safety, between GE crops and their conventional counterparts. One component of regulatory compliance is whole GE food/feed animal feeding studies. Both regulatory studies and independent peer-reviewed studies have shown that GE crops can be safely used in animal feed, and rDNA fragments have never been detected in products (e.g. milk, meat, eggs) derived from animals that consumed GE feed. Despite the fact that the scientific weight of evidence from these hundreds of studies have not revealed unique risks associated with GE feed, some groups are calling for more animal feeding studies, including long-term rodent studies and studies in target livestock species for the approval of GE crops. It is an opportune time to review the results of such studies as have been done to date to evaluate the value of the additional information obtained. Requiring long-term and target animal feeding studies would sharply increase regulatory compliance costs and prolong the regulatory process associated with the commercialization of GE crops. Such costs may impede the development of feed crops with enhanced nutritional characteristics and durability, particularly in the local varieties in small and poor developing countries. More generally it is time for regulatory evaluations to more explicitly consider both the reasonable and unique risks and benefits associated with the use of both GE plants and animals in agricultural systems, and weigh them against those associated with existing systems, and those of regulatory inaction. This would represent a shift away from a GE evaluation process that currently focuses only on risk assessment and identifying ever diminishing marginal hazards, to a regulatory approach that more objectively evaluates and communicates the likely impact of approving a new GE plant or animal on agricultural production systems.  相似文献   

国内外转基因食品安全管理法律法规概览   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
转基因食品是一种新兴事物,有许多悬而未决的问题需要解决,故引起很多争议。为此,各国政府制定了一系列的法律法规对转基因食品进行监督。现将美国、欧盟、日本以及我国制定的转基因食品安全方面的法律法规作一概述。  相似文献   

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