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A 3-year study was conducted to examine leaf gas exchange response of Vitis vinifera L. (cv. Tempranillo) grapevines growing in the central Iberian Peninsula as a function of soil water availability. Net CO2 assimilation rate (A), stomatal conductance (gs) and transpiration (E) of leaves were measured at the east and west side of vines planted in north/south orientated rows. Soil water availability was varied by three different irrigation treatments at 0.45, 0.30 and 0.15 of ETo and a fourth non-irrigated treatment. Approximately 60% of the variation in gs over 3 years was due to changes in soil water content (θv); the correlation between the two was closer when examined on a season by season basis. Net CO2 assimilation rates were significantly correlated with gs. Stomatal conductance decreased by approximately 25–30% when measured 15:00 h (west side of vines) compared to 09:00 h (east side of vines); reductions in A were even greater than those in gs. Leaf E increased approximately by 15–25% from morning to afternoon. The reduction in A and gs from morning to afternoon was observed even in irrigated vines but absolute differences increased with decreasing soil water. This occurred when maximum daily gs was less than 200 mmol m−2 s−1. These responses indicate that in hot areas training systems and row orientation, which minimize exposed leaf, area in the afternoon should be recommended.  相似文献   

Calcium chloride, calcium hydroxide, potassium carbonate and the alkylpolyglycoside surfactants Glucopon 215 CSUP and Plantacare 12 UP are salts applied to leaves as foliar nutrients and fungicides. These chemicals were sprayed on apple (Malus domestica BORKH.) and broad bean (Vicia faba L.) leaves. Stomatal conductance and rates of net photosynthesis were measured continuously in the light and in the dark using a Portable Photosynthesis System CIRAS-1. All compounds with the exception of Ca(OH)2 affected stomatal conductance and net photosynthesis, albeit to different degrees. In light, Plantacare either alone (0.2 g l−1) or in combination with CaCl2·2H2O (5 g l−1) or K2CO3 (5 g l−1) caused a rapid initial increase in stomatal conductance during the first 1–3 h after spraying on the leaves, maximum conductances were observed about 6 h after application. A rather high stomatal conductance was observed during the dark period when Glucopon (0.2 g l−1) was applied either alone or in combination with Ca(OH)2. The combination CaCl2·2H2O + Glucopon did not cause this elevated stomatal conductance during the dark. CaCl2·2H2O reduced stomatal conductance in combination with both Glucopon and Plantacare. The surfactant Plantacare reduced net photosynthesis during the first light period (12 h), if applied alone or in combination with CaCl2·2H2O. Treatment of broad bean leaves with K2CO3 + Plantacare resulted in a rapid decrease in net photosynthesis during the first hour, and then the rates of net photosynthesis increased rapidly and approached to those of the water control. The effects of surfactants and salts on net photosynthesis had nearly disappeared by the beginning of the second light period. Non-specific glycosidases presumably cleaved the glycosidic bond between the alkyl and the sugar moieties during the preceding night. Our data showed that foliar applications of CaCl2·2H2O and K2CO3 together with alkyl polyglycoside surfactants can affect gas exchange. However, the effects of the chemicals at the concentrations used in our study were not very large and were transient. They practically vanished within 24 h and a detrimental effect on growth and development of crops was not likely.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the physiological and morphological response of carnation plants to different levels of irrigation and to evaluate regulated deficit irrigation as a possible technique for saving water through the application of controlled drought stress. Carnations, Dianthus caryophyllus L. cultivar, were pot-grown in an unheated greenhouse and submitted to two experiments. In the first experiment, the plants were exposed to three irrigation treatments: (control); 70% of the control (moderate deficit irrigation, MDI) and 35% of the control (severe deficit irrigation, SDI). In the second experiment, the plants were submitted to a control treatment, deficit irrigation (DI, 50% of the control) and regulated deficit irrigation (RDI). After 15 weeks, MDI plants showed a slightly reduced total dry weight, plant height and leaf area, while SDI had clearly reduced all the plant size parameters. RDI plants had similar leaf area and total dry weight to the control treatment during the blooming phase. MDI did not affect the number of flowers and no great differences in the colour parameters were observed. RDI plants had higher flower dry weight, while plant quality was affected by the SDI (lower number of shoots and flowers, lower relative chlorophyll content). Leaf osmotic potential decreased with deficit irrigation, but more markedly in SDI, which induced higher values of leaf pressure. Stomatal conductance (gs) decreased in drought conditions more than the photosynthetic rate (Pn). Osmotic adjustment of 0.3 MPa accompanied by decreases in elasticity in response to drought resulted in turgor less at lower leaf water potentials and prevented turgor loss during drought periods.  相似文献   

Stomatal conductance (Gs), net photosynthesis (An) and environmental variables were measured from October 2006 to January 2007 under stable soil water content in solar greenhouse in Northeast China. Seventy percent of the measurements were used to parameterize the Gs models and others were used to validate these models. The diurnal variations of Gs were bimodal curves in early period and unimodal curves in latter period. The Ball–Berry model was run by using either observed An (BAobs-model) or predicted An (BApred-model), which was simulated from environmental variables. The BApred-model performed less successful than statistical models because of the systematic error in predicting An. The BAobs-model performed well (explained 89% of observed Gs) in the present study. Several statistical methodologies (Partial Least Square, PLS; Neural Net Analysis, NNA) were used to build models to predict Gs. PLS analysis found a high number of components, and the overall components explained 87% of the observed Gs variability. We tested four neural net models and found radial basis function network (RBF) performed the best. In most situations, measurements of photosynthesis are not available and Gs must be predicted from environmental data. In such case, we conclude that the PLS and NNA are more successful in predicting Gs of cucumber crop in solar greenhouse than the Ball–Berry model.  相似文献   

Water scarcity in the Mediterranean basin in addition to the extension of irrigated lands is one of the main factors limiting agricultural development. The need for supplementary irrigation of the Chemlali olive cultivar (Olea europaea L.) during summer and autumn periods was investigated. Leaf water content, gas exchange parameters, fruit development and yield in rain-fed and in irrigated plants have been monitored in 12-year-old olive trees grown under environmental conditions in semi arid regions characterized by high temperatures and high light intensity. Trees were subjected to three irrigation treatments, T0, T1 and T2 corresponding respectively to 0, 33 and 66% of crop evapotranspiration (ETc) by a drip irrigation system. The water deficit during the summer (from June to August) led to the decrease of soil moisture, leaf water content and gas exchange parameters. Irrigated trees showed the same slow activity in the three summer months as the rain-fed trees. For all treatments, net CO2 assimilation, stomatal conductance and transpiration rates were markedly decreased by environmental conditions (high air temperature and high light intensity) during the summer period. At the partial active growth phase of the Chemlali olive cultivar (September–November), a significant re-increase in all parameters was observed. However, net photosynthesis and stomatal conductance of control plants (T0) were, respectively, 57 and 40% lower than those of plants conducted under milder water contribution (T1). The decrease of physiological activity in irrigated plants during hot and dry (summer time) and cold (winter) seasons was a clear evidence that water supply during such periods will be without a great benefit for photosynthetic activity, and thus growth, if applied under critical conditions inducing the rest phase of the plant. The non-statistically significant slight differences as well in photosynthetic performances activities (Pn, Gs and E rates), as in olive production between the two irrigated treatments will not cover the expenses of water loss when applying irrigation at 66% of ETc especially in arid region characterized by scant and irregular rainfall. On the light of these results, we can conclude that the irrigation of this species during the vegetative growth phase (in spring and autumn), and stopping it during the olive rest phase (in summer and winter) could be recommended at least under the experimental conditions of this study; and that the contribution of 600 mm of water per year (33% of ETc) can respond to the needs of the Chemlali olive cultivar in a semi arid region without impairing photosynthetic activity and olive production.  相似文献   

Efficient, automated irrigation systems, which can irrigate the substrate of potted plants to a desired level and supply those plants with just the amount of water required for normal plant growth are currently not available. These systems, if developed, could reduce wastage of irrigation water due to excess application. This subsequently could reduce leaching and run-off, and aid growers to cope with increasing regulations of water-use by state governments in the US. Here we describe an irrigation controller that irrigates a substrate to a set-point (volumetric water content, θ) and maintains θ close to that set-point for several weeks. The controller uses calibrated, dielectric moisture sensors, interfaced with a datalogger and solenoid valves, to measure the θ of the substrate every 20 min. When the θ of the substrate drops below the set-point, the controller opens a solenoid valve, which results in irrigation. The θ of the substrate is maintained near a constant level as the datalogger is programmed to increase θ by only 2–3% during each irrigation. Using this controller with bedding plants, we were able to maintain four distinct levels of θ for a prolonged period (40 days), regardless of changes in plant size and environmental conditions. The daily average θ maintained was slightly higher (within 2–3% on any particular day) than the set-point. When the θ measured and maintained by the dielectric moisture sensors was tested using measurements with another probe placed in the same container, the θ measured by both probes was found to be similar, indicating that the controller can indeed maintain θ near the target level. This controller may also have applications in stress physiology, since it allows control over the rate at which drought stress is imposed on plants.  相似文献   

To develop efficient seedling production methods for Laccosperma secundiflorum and Eremospatha macrocarpa, a study was conducted to examine regeneration using offsets combined with several physical and chemical treatments of seeds. Offsets categorized into small, medium and large diameters, were planted in three conditions: shaded and open nursery, and greenhouse. We tested sucker from E. macrocarpa, and sucker and rhizome from L. secundiflorum. For both species, high viability percentage (ranging from 55% to 100%) were observed for small and medium suckers planted in shaded nursery and greenhouse, against less than 49% for sucker planted in open nursery. The mean seedling emergence times were estimated to 84, 77 and 75 days after planting (DAP) for small, medium and large sucker of L. secundiflorum, respectively under open nursery condition, and 76, 75, 95 DAP for small, medium and large suckers of the same species, respectively in shaded condition. Greenhouse has a significant positive effect on E. macrocarpa seedlings emergence time. For this species, the mean seedling emergence times were estimated to 43 DAP for small sucker and 76, 93 DAP for medium and large suckers. No seedling was obtained from rhizome planted in all the growing conditions tested. Concerning seed dormancy breaking, germination percentages and rates were determined for 13 treatments. The best treatments were pre-soaking unscarified seeds for 4 days in 1.01 g l−1 and 0.10 g l−1 KNO3, with 79% and 68% of germination, respectively and in 3.46 × 10−3 g l−1 GA3 for 68% of germination. These methods are suggested to improve germination of L. secundiflorum seeds. Successful and recommended methods for E. macrocarpa are pre-soaking scarified seeds in 3.46 × 10−3 g l−1 and 3.46 × 10−4 g l−1 GA3, 96% and 94% of germination, respectively. Dormancy, probably a combination of mechanical and chemical dormancy, is present in the two species.  相似文献   

Passiflora mollissima, Passiflora tricuspis and Passiflora nov sp. are three passion fruit species occurring in Bolivia. Germination percentages and rates were determined for 11 different treatments. Per species, germination of 100 seeds was monitored every 3 days, during 90 days. Germination started after 9 days and 50% of final germination was reached within a month or less. Successful, recommended methods for P. mollissima are removing the basal point of seeds (27% germination) or removing the basal point in combination with pre-soaking seeds for 48 h in 50 ppm GA3 (18%). Pre-soaking seeds for 24 h in 400 ppm GA3 (42%) and removal of the basal point in combination with pre-soaking seeds for 48 h in 50 ppm GA3 (36%) are suggested methods to improve germination of P. nov sp. Removing the apical point of P. tricuspis seeds resulted in maximal germination (57%). No unique treatment gave satisfactory results for the three species tested. Exogenous dormancy, probably a combination of mechanical and chemical dormancy is present in the three species studied. Presence of physical dormancy was found in P. mollissima.  相似文献   

A short postharvest life is the major constraint associated with cut Acacia flowers and foliage. Treatment with CuSO4 (Cu2+) has previously been shown to improve the longevity of cut Acacia holosericea stems. Towards refining the treatments, a range of Cu2+ and Cu+ salts were assessed for relative efficacy in improving vase life and water relations of A. holosericea. Five hour pulses with the Cu2+ salts CuSO4, CuCl2, (CH3COO)2Cu and Cu(NO3)2 at 2.2 mM gave equally longer vase lives by ∼2.5-fold over deionised water (DIW) and standard tap water (STW) controls. The same Cu2+ salts at 0.5 mM in the vase solution also gave significantly (P < 0.05) improved vase life, relative fresh weight and water uptake compared to the DIW control. For Cu2+ versus Cu+, optimum concentrations with Cu2+ could not be directly compared due to the low solubility of the Cu+ salt CuCl. However, Cu+ from CuCl at 0.415 mM also had positive effects on vase life compared to the DIW control. Thus, both Cu2+ and Cu+ treatments can enhance vase life parameters for cut A. holosericea foliage. The benefits were irrespective of the counter ion and, thus, Cu2+ and Cu+per se were responsible. The most effective Cu2+ pulse treatment decreased stomatal conductance of phyllodes initially, but did not cause sustained stomatal closure. Cu accumulated to greater levels in basal stem and phyllode tissues than in upper stem and phyllode tissues of cut A. holosericea stems. Possible mechanisms of Cu2+/Cu+ action are discussed.  相似文献   

Grapevine cultivars are known to differ in their drought adaptation mechanisms, but there is little knowledge on how they behave when recovering after a drought event. The effects of increasing water deficit and recovery after rewatering were evaluated on four widely grown red grapevine cultivars native from different climates (Cabernet Sauvignon, Cs; Garnacha, syn. Grenache, Ga; Merlot, Me; and Tempranillo, Te) through the study of gas exchange (GE) measurements and transpiration decline curves (TDC). As a whole, Ga has proved to be the cultivar best adapted to water deficit, since it showed the highest water use efficiency (WUE) and the greatest water saving ability after leaf excision. Te, on the contrary showed the lowest values for those parameters under increasing stress, although when rewatered showed greater acclimation ability than Cs and Me, remarkably improving its behaviour. The two methodological approaches (GE and TDC) used at different water deficit levels and after rewatering, have complemented each other, allowing a better cultivar characterization than each method would had allowed itself.  相似文献   

Pot culture experiments were conducted to assess the extent of growth, photosynthetic capacity, sennoside concentration and yield attributes of Senna plant under the individual as well as combined influence of NaCl and CaCl2. Six treatments, i.e. NaCl (80 and 160 mM), CaCl2 (5 and 10 mM) alone and a combination of NaCl + CaCl2 (80 + 10 and 160 + 10 mM) were given to the growing Senna plants at pre-flowering (45 DAS), flowering (75 DAS) and post-flowering (90 DAS) stages. Significant reductions were observed in pod biomass, leaf area, stomatal conductance, photosynthetic rate and sennoside concentration and yield, with each NaCl treatment. On the contrary, individual CaCl2 treatments had a favourable effect. Under the effect of combination treatments, although these parameters were reduced, the extent of reduction was much less than one caused by NaCl treatments. The combined treatments thus mitigated the adverse effects caused by NaCl.  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod (10, 12, 16, 20 or 24 h), day-temperature (12, 15, 18, 24 or 30 °C), the number of short days (14, 21 or 28 days), plant age (4, 8 or 12 weeks) and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated in strawberry cv. Korona. No flowers emerged in plants exposed to photoperiods of 16, 20 or 24 h or to a short-day treatment for 14 days. All plants exposed to short days at daily photoperiods of 10 or 12 h for 21 days or longer, emerged flowers at temperatures between 12 and 18 °C. A further increase in temperature led to a drastic decrease in the total number of flowers per plant. A short-day treatment (10 or 12 h photoperiod) of 28 days resulted in highest numbers of inflorescences and flowers per plant, while a short-day treatment of 21 days resulted in the highest numbers of flowers per inflorescence. Complete flower induction was observed in only 4-week-old runner plants. The number of inflorescences and the number of flowers per inflorescence increased with plant age. However, the start of flowering was delayed with increasing plant age.  相似文献   

Michelia yunnanensis Franch. is a Chinese endemic ornamental shrub with potential for greater utilization as a landscape and medicinal plant if propagation was less difficult. Seed development and breaking of seed dormancy were investigated to improve propagation of M. yunnanensis. No fresh seeds germinated when tested at the time of dispersal. Newly matured seeds of M. yunnanensis contained differentiated linear underdeveloped embryos that were physiologically dormant. The embryo/seed length ratio of M. yunnanensis was 0.15. Warm stratification did not break seed dormancy. Dormancy was broken by cold stratification at 4 °C but not by flowing water or nitrate. Embryos developed grew inside seeds during cold stratification at 4 °C. In newly harvested dormant seeds, embryos were 0.94 mm long and increased in length 139% before radicle emergence (germination). GA3 substituted for cold stratification to break dormancy in seeds of M. yunnanensis incubated at 25 °C or 20/25 °C. Mature M. yunnanensis seeds exhibited intermediate complex morphophysiological dormancy. Optimal germination of non-dormant seed in terms of both germination percentage and rate occurred at 20/25 °C.  相似文献   

Three nectarine (Prunus persica var. Nectarina Maxim.) cultivars grown under solar-heated greenhouse and open-field in northwest China, were tested to evaluate their photosynthetic and chlorophyll fluorescence response to both growth conditions, and whether nectarine plants acclimate to the solar-heated greenhouse growth condition. Comparisons of light-saturated photosynthetic capacity (Amax) and CO2-saturated photosynthetic capacity (RuBPmax) indicated that each cultivar (Z, Zao-Hongzhu; H, Hua-Guang; Y, Yan-Guang) maintained similar rates of light-saturated and CO2-saturated carbon assimilation when grown in both conditions. The curve of diurnal variation of net photosynthetic (PN) rate showed double peaks in open-field but single when grown in greenhouse. Compared with open-field-grown plants, a significant increase of daily average PN was found in Z but decreased in Y in greenhouse. The diurnal variation of Fv/Fm indicate that plants grown in greenhouse experience less photoinhibition than in open-field condition. A reduction in chlorophyll (chl) a/b ratio in leaves of greenhouse grown plants with significant increase in chlorophyll (chl) b content were obtained. The results suggest that some nectarine cultivars have the ability to acclimate to the solar-heated greenhouse growth condition.  相似文献   

There has been limited research on measuring potential differences in leaf gas exchange of Arracacha (Peruvian parsnip, Arracacia xanthorriza Bancroft) cultivars, as affected by different environments, as well as its relation to storage root-yield. The present paper reports field measurements of leaf CO2 assimilation rates (A) for five contrasting cultivars grown at two different high-altitude locations. Using a design of plots chosen at random with three repetitions, commercial root production was determined in the two locations at different altitude (1580 and 1930 m). Daily leaf gas exchange was repeatedly monitored with a portable open-mode infrared gas analyzer at different times in both locations during the growth cycle. Root-yield, leaf area and dry weight were measured. Significant differences in leaf photosynthetic rate and in specific leaf area (SLA) were observed among cultivars. Cultivars with high SLA, had high CO2 assimilation. Mean (An) and total (Atot) of CO2 assimilation and SLA were significantly correlated with storage root-yield across cultivars and locations. The three cultivars with the greatest commercial root production also had the highest maximum values for A and the highest specific leaf area, indicating that these two parameters can be used to select for highly productive cultivars of A. xanthorriza.  相似文献   

Root restriction often depresses photosynthetic capacity and the mechanism for this reduction, however, remains unclear. To identify the mechanism by which root restriction affects the photosynthetic characteristics, tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) seedlings were subjected to root restriction stress with or without supplemental aeration to the nutrient solution. With the development of the root restriction stress, CO2 assimilation rate was decreased only in confined plants without supplemental aeration. There were also significant decreases in leaf water potential, stomatal conductance (gs), intercellular CO2 concentration (Ci), and increases in the stomatal limitation (l) and the xylem sap ABA concentration. Meanwhile, the maximum carboxylation rate of Rubisco (Vcmax) and the capacity for ribulose-1,5-bisphosphate regeneration (Jmax) also decreased, followed by substantial reductions in the quantum yield of PSII electron transport (ΦPSII). Additionally, root restriction resulted in accumulation of carbohydrates in various plant tissues irrespective of aeration conditions. It is likely that root restriction-induced depression of photosynthesis was mimicked by water stress.  相似文献   

The effect of some pesticides (sodium arsenite, thiabendazole and ziram) and the natural phytoalexin (resveratrol) on mycelial growth of Phaeomoniella chlamydospora and Phaeoacremonium angustius was studied. Several strains of these species were grown on malt extract agar (MEA) plates containing different concentrations of inhibitory compounds and colony diameters were measured. While sodium arsenite and ziram had little effect on the growth of both species, thiabendazole inhibited colony growth, at minimum concentrations of 6 μM for Ph. chlamydospora and 15 μM for P. angustius. Resveratrol at concentrations equal to or grater than 867 μM also inhibited colony growth of both species. To assay the effect of these substances on plant response to infection, in vitro grapevines were inoculated with Ph. chlamydospora or P. angustius spores and were grown in the presence of sodium arsenite (0–30 μM), thiabendazole (0–30 μM) or resveratrol (0–876 μM). Infected untreated plants and sodium arsenite-treated plants developed symptoms of senescence (reduced growth, increased membrane lipid peroxidation, and decreased chlorophyll content and fluorescence). In contrast, infected plants treated with thiabendazole (30 μM) or with resveratrol (876 μM) showed similar characteristics of fresh weight, malondialdehyde accumulation and chlorophyll fluorescence to those of uninfected plants. These results are promising with respect to the use of thiabendazole-containing pesticides as alternatives to currently used pesticides for control of esca in vines. Results also suggest that the presence of resveratrol in grapevines may be useful to induce resistance to these fungi.  相似文献   

Callistemon is an Australian species used as ornamental plant in Mediterranean regions. The objective of this research was to analyse the ability of Callistemon to overcome water deficit in terms of adjusting its physiology and morphology. Potted Callistemon laevis Anon plants were grown in controlled environment and subjected to drought stress by reducing irrigation water by 40% compared to the control (irrigated to container capacity). The drought stress produced the smallest plants throughout the experiment. After three months of drought, the leaf area, number of leaves and root volume decreased, while root/shoot ratio and root density increased. The higher root hydraulic resistance in stressed plants caused decreases in leaf and stem water potentials resulting in lower stomatal conductance and indicating that water flow through the roots is a factor that strongly influences shoot water relations. The water stress affected transpiration (63% reduction compared with the control). The consistent decrease in gs suggested an adaptative efficient stomatal control of transpiration by this species, resulting in a higher intrinsic water use efficiency (Pn/gs) in drought conditions, increasing as the experimental time progressed. This was accompanied by an improvement in water use efficiency of production to maintain the leaf water status. In addition, water stress induced an active osmotic adjustment and led to decreases in leaf tissue elasticity in order to maintain turgor. Therefore, the water deficit produced changes in plant water relations, gas exchange and growth in an adaptation process which could promote the faster establishment of this species in gardens or landscaping projects in Mediterranean conditions.  相似文献   

The effects of application method and concentration of gibberellic acid (GA3), paclobutrazol and chlormequat on black iris performance were assessed. Plants (10 cm high, 4 ± 1 leaves) were sprayed with 125, 250, 375 or 500 mg L−1 or drenched with 0.25, 0.5, 1 or 2 mg L−1 GA3. In a second experiment, the plants were sprayed with 100, 250, 500 or 1000 mg L−1 or drenched with 0.25, 0.5, 1 or 2 mg L−1 paclobutrazol. Other plants were sprayed with 250, 500, 1000 or 1500 mg L−1 or drenched with 100, 250, 375 or 550 mg L−1 chlormequat. In each experiment, the control treatment consisted of untreated plants. Results indicated that the tallest plants (37.3 cm) in the GA3 experiment were those sprayed with 250 mg L−1. The most rapid flowering (160 days after planting) occurred when a 375 mg L−1 GA3 spray was used, whereas flowering was delayed to 200 days using 1 mg L−1 GA3 drench. Drenching with 1 mg L−1 GA3 increased height of the flower stalk by 7 cm compared to the control. Though relatively slow to flower, plants drenched with 1 mg L−1 GA3 had long and rigid stalks, which were suitable as cut flowers. Number and characteristics of the sprouts were not affected by GA3. All paclobutrazol sprays resulted in leaf falcation. A 500 or 1000 mg L−1 paclobutrazol spray resulted in severe and undesirable control of plant height, drastic reduction in stalk height and weight, and delayed flowering. Plants drenched with 0.25 or 1 mg L−1 paclobutrazol were suitable as pot plants. Chlormequat reduced plant height only at the highest drench concentration, which also reduced flowering to 70%. No leaf falcation was observed with GA3 or chlormequat. Chemical names: ( ± )-(R*,R*)-beta-((4-chlorophenyl)methyl)-alpha-(1,1,-dimethylethyl)-1H-1,2,4,-triazol-1-ethanol (paclobutrazol); (2-chloroethyl) trimethylammonium chloride (chlormequat).  相似文献   

The efficiency of chromomycin A3 (CMA) staining was examined for parental chromosome differentiation in citrange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] and citrangequat (Fortunella sp. × citrange). All of the accessions analyzed had the same chromosome number of 2n = 18. CMA staining revealed six characteristic banding patterns on the basis of the number and position of CMA positive bands (CMA+) as follows; A: two terminal and one proximal band, B: one terminal and one proximal band, C: two terminal bands, D: one terminal band, E: no band, and F: one proximal band. Chromosome CMA banding patterns of the accessions were 1A + 1B + 2C + 13D + 1F in Fortunella margarita, 2B + 2C + 7D + 7E in ‘Fukuhara’ orange, 2B + 10D + 6E in Poncirus trifoliata, 1B + 1C + 10D + 6E in citrange and 1A + 1C + 11D + 4E + 1F in citrangequat. The results of this study confirmed the intergeneric and tri-generic hybridity of citrange and citrangequat, respectively.  相似文献   

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