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The influence of bulb maturity at bulb harvest on growth and flowering response of Ornithogalum thyrsoides Jacq. ‘Chesapeake Starlight’ was investigated. Experiments were designed to determine if bulb maturity can be induced by bulb storage temperatures and whether bulb maturity can be evaluated by flowering responses. Bulbs with all senesced leaves at harvest were considered “mature” or with emerging young leaves and re-growing young roots were considered “immature”. Bulbs were potted after 0, 3, and 6 weeks of 30 °C or 2 weeks of 10 °C given either in the middle or at the end of 6 weeks of 30 °C. Mature bulbs, as compared to immature bulbs, took longer for leaves to emerge when control bulbs that did not receive any temperature treatment after harvest were planted upon harvest. Leaf emergence of the immature bulbs was significantly earlier than that of the mature bulbs. Mature bulbs which received 30 °C for 3 weeks (30 °C/3 week) flowered 31 days faster than immature bulbs and all bulbs flowered. Leaf emergence and flowering of mature and immature bulbs that received 30 °C/6 weeks or 2 weeks of 10 °C in the middle of 6 weeks of 30 °C (30 °C/2 weeks–10 °C/2 week–30 °C/3 weeks) did not differ from each other. Maturity can be induced by storing immature bulbs at 30 °C/6 weeks. Maturity, as evaluated by flowering percentage and days from leaf emergence to flowering, can be induced in O. thyrsoides. Immature bulbs can, therefore, be harvested for later forcing as long as bulbs are treated with 30 °C/6 weeks. It is proposed that maturity can be correlated with the speed of flowering and bulbs can be harvested at immature physiological state for forcing. Postharvest high-temperature treatment can be used to force immature bulbs that were harvested before the senescence of the leaves.  相似文献   

Asiatic hybrid lilies, Lilium × elegans Thunb., ‘Red Carpet’ and ‘Sunray’ were used to investigate the effect of bulb vernalization at 2.5 °C on plant growth, flowering, and CO2 production (respiration), and to use the CO2 production pattern to monitor the time of flower bud initiation and development. Lily shoot emergence and flowering were accelerated when bulbs received 2.5 °C bulb vernalization; however, flowering was delayed when bulbs were stored at 20 °C before treatment at 2.5 °C; this indicated that bulbs were de-vernalized. The maximum CO2 level, and the minimum level, reached in 78 h in non-vernalized bulbs and in 110 h in 6 weeks of 2.5 °C (6 weeks/2.5 °C) treated bulbs, was increased as the 2.5 °C duration was increased; this indicated that CO2 level can be an useful parameter to measure the cold stimulus (i) accumulated in bulbs following bulb vernalization. The respiration rate higher than the predicted values of the best-fit curves derived from the quadratic equations was designated as Blip A and this was correlated to the time of flower bud initiation and development. Shoot elongation may follow the rise in carbon dioxide levels after reaching the minimum level. It is proposed that increased carbon dioxide levels higher than the predicted levels (Blip A), was correlated to the time of flower bud initiation and development. Measurement of carbon dioxide production upon receipt of bulbs may be a useful technique to provide important information for optimum vernalization treatments for bulbs that have accumulated different levels of low temperature stimulus after bulb vernalization.  相似文献   

One-year-old scale and stem bulblets of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. ‘Nellie White’ (Easter lily) were grown under constant and variable growth chamber conditions and greenhouse conditions to compare growth and development and bulb production. Eight temperatures regimes were established using the following: six growth chambers set to provide day/night temperature regimes of 30/26, 26/22, 22/18, 18/14, 14/10 and 10/6 °C; a seventh growth chamber (VAR) programmed to begin at 22/18 °C, then decline in three 4–5 week steps to 10/6 °C, and subsequently increase in three 4–5 week steps to 22/18 °C to simulate seasonal field temperatures in the coastal bulb production area of northern California and southern Oregon; and a double layer polyethylene greenhouse (GH) set to begin cooling at 22 °C and heating at 18 °C. Ten percent of the scale bulblets and 35% of the stem bulblets failed to develop shoots (“no-shows”). “No-shows” increased with increasing temperature with a significant number starting at 18/14 °C. The moderately high GH temperature also induced “no-shows”. Maximum basal bulb (the main planted bulb) weight occurred at 26/22 °C for both bulblet types. Scale bulblets not only produced heavier basal bulbs with a larger circumference than stem bulblets, but also produced heavier stem bulbs. Stem bulb formation and production was maximized in the range of 18/14–26/22 °C and in the GH for scale bulblets. Stem bulb production from stem bulblets did not differ from zero. Scale bulblets produced more basal and stem roots than the stem bulblets at the end of the early growth period, but there was no significant difference at the end of the study. Root fresh weight was greatest in the range of 14/10–18/14 °C and declined at higher or lower temperatures. The VAR and GH treatments had similar root weights to those at 18/14 °C. Shoot length was maximized at 22/18 °C for stem bulblets and in the GH and at 22/18 °C for scale bulblets. Stem plus leaf (shoot) fresh weight was not statistically different between bulblet types with the exception of an increased weight for stem bulblets grown at 22/18 °C. Scale bulblets in the GH had greater stem plus leaf weights than scale bulblets in the other temperature regimes. Shoot leaf number was highest in stem bulblets at 22/18 °C and in the GH. In these two temperature treatments, more leaves were produced by stem bulblets than scale bulblets. In all other treatments, there was no significant difference in leaf number. Bulblet type had no effect on number of flowers produced. Flower number was maximum in the range 10/6–22/18 °C, decreased at 26/22 °C and in the GH, and was absent at 30/26 °C. For bulb production, reduced flowering is desired since flowers are generally removed during the outdoor bulb production period. Meristem abortion, which also causes a desirable reduction in flowers, was greater in scale bulblets. It occurred at 26/22 °C and was greater at 30/26 °C. Scale bulbs produced the largest main bulbs, with a maximum yield at 26/22 °C.  相似文献   

One-year old scale bulblets of Lilium longiflorum Thunb. ‘Nellie White’ (Easter lily) were grown for 107 days during growth period 1 (GP-1) in six growth chambers under constant day/night temperature regimes of 30/26, 26/22, 22/18, 18/14, 14/10 and 10/6 °C. Subsequently, half of the plants in each temperature regime were transferred to 18/14 °C and the other half continued at the six constant temperature regimes. Both groups of plants were grown for an additional 89 days in growth period 2 (GP-2). Continuous temperatures of 26/22, 26/22–22/18 and 26/22–18/14 °C produced the greatest increase in basal bulb fresh weight (the main planted bulb), basal bulb circumference and stem bulb fresh weight, respectively. However, shifting these optimal temperatures to 18/14 °C during GP-2 resulted in a lower increase in basal bulb fresh weight and circumference. The optimum range for stem bulb production was expanded to 30/26–14/10 °C by shifting to 18/14 °C. The greatest increase for basal root growth occurred at 14/10–10/6 °C and for stem root growth at 14/10 °C. The temperature shift did not affect either root type. Maximum increase for stem length was at 26/22 and 22/18 °C and for stem plus leaf weight at 14/10 °C under constant temperature regimes. Transferring the plants from 10/6 to 18/14 °C resulted in the greatest increase in stem length and from 10/6 and 14/10 to 18/14 °C in the greatest increase in stem plus leaf weight. The greatest increase in the number of leaves occurred at 26/22 and 10/6 °C, but this growth parameter was unaffected by shifting to 18/14 °C, indicating that leaf number was determined in GP-1. Bulbils developed only when bulbs at high GP-1 temperature regimes (30/26 and 26/22 °C) were transferred to 18/14 °C during GP-2. Lower temperatures tended to favor an increase in flower bud production under continuous temperature regimes, while shifting to 18/14 °C increased flower bud production after initially high and low temperatures. Meristem abortion was greatest at 30/26 °C followed by 26/22 °C, but was not affected by temperature shifts in GP- 2. Thus, it is concluded that the abortion was induced or initiated during GP-1.  相似文献   

The flowering responses of Brunonia australis (blue pincushion) and Calandrinia sp. to vernalization, photoperiod, temperature and plant age were investigated to provide a foundation for manipulating flowering in these potential potted plants. Plants were vernalized at 4.8 °C for 0, 3 or 6 weeks at the plant age of 1–4 or 8–14 leaves. Following vernalization, plants were grown at 25/10 or 35/20 °C (day/night) under short days (11 h, ambient daylight averaged 380 ± 44 μmol m−2 s−1) or long days (16 h) provided by an additional 5 h night break (21:00–2:00 h at <4.5 μmol m−2 s−1 from incandescent lamps), for 85 days. This is the first work to investigate flowering of these ornamental species. Both species showed enhanced flowering following vernalization and a quantitative requirement for long days. The reduction of the time until the first visible inflorescence (Brunonia) or flower (Calandrinia) buds by 8–13 days was affected by vernalization for 3 or 6 weeks, respectively. Long days were effective for reducing the time to first visible floral bud and increasing the number of inflorescence or flowers per plant for both species. For Brunonia, LDs replaced vernalization when applied to plants with 1–4 leaves. Raising temperature from 25/10 to 35/20 °C increased the number of flowers per plant of Calandrinia by 2–2.5-fold for plants with 1–4 or 8–14 leaves respectively.  相似文献   

Changes in endogenous abscisic acid and soluble sugars levels during dormancy-release of lily bulbs of Lilium rubellum were investigated. Shoot emergence and flowering of the bulbs stored for 14 weeks at 4 °C occurred more synchronously, and the time span from first to last flower in the plants was shorter than those of bulbs stored for 10 weeks at 4 °C. Longer duration of bulb storage showed accelerating effects of increasing leaf number and stem length but negatively affected flower size. Flower number per plant was not much influenced by bulb storage duration. Concentration of endogenous abscisic acid (ABA) level in the bulbs during bulb storage decreased as storage duration increased, and it remained at a constant level after being stored for 10 weeks. This result suggests that the decrease in the endogenous ABA level during bulb storage is correlated with dormancy-release. Concentrations of soluble sugars also changed during bulb cold storage. Sucrose concentration increased as the chilling term increased to 10 weeks but decreased afterward. Glucose and fructose increased from the beginning of chilling to the end of a 14-week cold storage.  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod (12, 13, 14, 15 or 16 h), day temperature (12, 15, 18, 24 or 27 °C) and night temperature (6, 9 or 12 °C) and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated by exposing 4 week old runner plants of strawberry cvs. Korona and Elsanta during a period of 3 weeks. A daily photoperiod of 12 or 13 h resulted in the highest number of plants with emerged flowers. A photoperiod of 14 h or more strongly reduced this number, while no flowers emerged at a photoperiod of 16 h. Plants exposed to photoperiods of 12 or 13 h flowered earlier and had longer flower trusses. A day temperature of 18 °C and/or a night temperature of 12 °C were optimal for plants to emerge flowers and resulted in the shortest time to flowering. A night temperature of 6 °C strongly reduced the number of plants that emerged flowers, especially when combined with lower day temperatures. Photoperiod and temperature had no effect on the number of inflorescences, all flowering plants produced on average one inflorescence. The number of flowers on the inflorescence increased with decreasing day temperature and when photoperiod was raised from 12 to 15 h. In general, ‘Korona’ was more sensitive to photoperiod and temperature as ‘Elsanta’, and had a lower optimal day temperature for flower emergence. Results of this experiment may be used to produce high quality plant material or to define optimal conditions when combining flower induction and fruit production.  相似文献   

The effects of three set-sizes (12.5, 17.5 and 22.5 mm in diameter) and seven storage temperatures (0, 5, 10, 15, 20, 25 and 30 °C) on bolting, bulbing and seed yield in two onion (Allium cepa L.) cultivars ‘Hygro’ and ‘Delta’ were investigated. The incidence of bolting increased linearly with set-size and curvi-linearly with decreasing storage temperature. Time to inflorescence emergence and floret opening showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the earliest inflorescence emergence and floret opening occurring at 5 °C and the latest at 30 °C for ‘Hygro’ and at 25 °C for ‘Delta’. Seed yield per umbel also showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the lowest seed yield occurring at 30 °C for ‘Hygro’ and at 25 °C for ‘Delta’ and the highest seed yield at 5 °C. For a seed crop, storage of large sets (22.5 mm) of these cultivars at 5 °C for 120 days appeared to be optimum with 5–12% higher seed yield per umbel than that of 90 days storage. Bulb yield showed a curvi-linear response to storage temperature with the highest bulb yield occurring at 25 °C and the lowest at 5 °C.  相似文献   

The effects of photoperiod (10, 12, 16, 20 or 24 h), day-temperature (12, 15, 18, 24 or 30 °C), the number of short days (14, 21 or 28 days), plant age (4, 8 or 12 weeks) and their interactions on flower and inflorescence emergence were investigated in strawberry cv. Korona. No flowers emerged in plants exposed to photoperiods of 16, 20 or 24 h or to a short-day treatment for 14 days. All plants exposed to short days at daily photoperiods of 10 or 12 h for 21 days or longer, emerged flowers at temperatures between 12 and 18 °C. A further increase in temperature led to a drastic decrease in the total number of flowers per plant. A short-day treatment (10 or 12 h photoperiod) of 28 days resulted in highest numbers of inflorescences and flowers per plant, while a short-day treatment of 21 days resulted in the highest numbers of flowers per inflorescence. Complete flower induction was observed in only 4-week-old runner plants. The number of inflorescences and the number of flowers per inflorescence increased with plant age. However, the start of flowering was delayed with increasing plant age.  相似文献   

High temperatures are known to reduce fruit size and fruit weight in strawberry, but cultivar differences in the response to high temperature stress during the reproductive stage up to the second inflorescence have not been sufficiently reported. We examined the effect of two day/night temperature regimes on fruit set and fruit growth in two cultivars, ‘Nyoho’ and ‘Toyonoka’. A high day/night temperature of 30/25 °C reduced the number of inflorescences, flowers, and fruits in both cultivars compared with plants grown at 23/18 °C. The percentage of fruit set in ‘Nyoho’ was not significantly different between the two temperature treatments, while that in ‘Toyonoka’ was much lower at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C. Days to ripening was shorter at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C, and no cultivar differences were observed. Fresh weight of primary, secondary, and tertiary fruits was greater at 23/18 °C than at 30/25 °C in both cultivars, and no cultivar differences were observed, except in tertiary fruits. The diameter of fruits from all positions was also reduced at 30/25 °C in both cultivars. Relative growth rates of fruits showed two peaks in both cultivars and in both temperature treatments. Both peaks appeared earlier at 30/25 °C than at 23/18 °C. Percentage of fruit set at 30/25 °C in the second inflorescence was also significantly lower in ‘Toyonoka’ than in ‘Nyoho’. These results indicate that high temperature stress negatively affects the reproductive process in strawberry and that plant response to high temperature stress is cultivar-related in such responses.  相似文献   

The effect of mean daily air temperature (MDT) on flowering rate (the reciprocal of days to flower) was quantified for 18 species of annual bedding plants. Plants were grown in environmental growth chambers at constant air temperature set points of 5, 7.5, 10, 15, 25, or 30 °C and under an irradiance of 160–180 μmol m–2 s–1, with a 16-h photoperiod. Nonlinear mathematical equations were developed to predict the effect of MDT on flowering rate and to estimate the base, optimum, and maximum temperatures (Tmin, Topt, and Tmax), which are the temperatures at which flowering rates are zero (low temperature), maximal, and zero once again (high temperature), respectively. The estimated Tmin varied among species and ranged from 1.1 °C in French marigold (Tagetes patula L.) to 9.9 °C in angelonia (Angelonia angustifolia Benth.). Topt and Tmax were only observed for 8–10 species with the temperature range tested. Topt ranged from 19.1 °C in dahlia (Dahlia × hybrida Cav.) to 28.0 °C in blue salvia (Salvia farinacea Benth.), whereas Tmax ranged from 30.3 °C in snapdragon (Antirrhinum majus L.) to 31.7 °C in moss rose (Portulaca grandiflora Hook.). Angelonia, browallia (Browallia speciosa Hook.), cosmos (Cosmos sulphureus Cav.), dahlia, and snapdragon grown at 25 or 30 °C developed a mean of two to seven more nodes before flowering compared with plants grown at ≤15 °C. The results indicate that in many species, flowering rate in response to MDT is asymmetrical around Topt and the temperature range between Tmin and Topt is wider than that between Topt and Tmax. This information could be used to improve the predictability of flowering time of these ornamental crops and to assist growers in determining energy-efficient production temperatures.  相似文献   

Many cool season garden crops, including Viola × wittrockiana Gams. (pansy), exhibit reduced flowering outdoors during the warm summer months. Twelve pansy cultivars varying in summer garden performance were grown under either 20 ± 1.5 or 30 ± 1 °C (air temperature) to determine growth and flowering responses to prolonged high-temperature exposure and to identify selection criteria to screen pansies for flowering heat tolerance. Increasing temperature from 20 to 30 °C increased leaf number below the first flower on ‘Crystal Bowl Primrose’ and ‘Skyline White’ only. Flower bud number reduction at 30 °C versus 20 °C varied from 20% for ‘Crystal Bowl Purple’ to 77% for ‘Majestic Giants Red and Yellow’. Flower diameter reduction at 30 °C versus 20 °C ranged from 14% for ‘Skyline Beaconsfield’ to 44% for ‘Super Majestic Giants Ocean’. The percentage reduction in total color (flower number × estimated flower area) ranged from 60% for ‘Crystal Bowl Primrose’ to 88% for ‘Majestic Giants Rose Shades’. Based on a weighted base selection index, ‘Super Majestic Giants Canary’ and ‘Delta Yellow’ were identified as the most heat-tolerant cultivars, while ‘Super Majestic Giants Ocean’ and ‘Majestic Giants Rose Shades’ were identified as the most heat-sensitive. In a second experiment, root and shoot dry mass were determined after 10, 20, or 30 d when grown at 20 or 30 °C. Relative growth rate and root:shoot ratio were also calculated. After 30 d, ‘Crystal Bowl Primrose’, ‘Crystal Bowl Sky Blue’ and ‘Skyline White’ relative growth rates were lower at 30 °C versus 20 °C. Root:shoot ratio on day 30 was lower at 30 °C compared to 20 °C for six cultivars, but similar across temperature for five cultivars and higher for ‘Crystal Bowl Primrose’. Flower bud number at first flower was positively correlated with branch number, shoot dry mass at flowering, but not correlated with root dry mass at flowering, and negatively correlated with flower diameter and root:shoot ratio (either at flowering, or after 10, 20 or 30 d at 30 °C), suggesting that these traits may be useful when screening pansies for flowering heat tolerance.  相似文献   

Environmental control of the annual growth cycle of ‘Glen Ample’ raspberry has been studied in order to facilitate crop manipulation for out-of-season production. Plants propagated from root buds were raised in long days (LD) at 21 °C and then exposed to different temperature and daylength conditions at varying ages. Shoot growth was monitored by weekly measurements and floral initiation by regular sampling and examination of axillary bud #5. Under natural summer daylight conditions at 60°N shoot growth was nearly doubled at 21 °C compared with 15 °C, while at 9 °C one half of the plants ceased growing and formed flower buds at midsummer. Developing shoots have a juvenile phase and could not be induced to flower before the 15-leaf stage. No significant reduction in induction requirements was found in larger plants. Plants exposed to natural light conditions from 10th August, had an immediate growth suppression at 9 and 12 °C with complete cessation after 4 weeks (by September 7). This coincided with the first appearance of floral primordia. At 15 °C both growth cessation and floral initiation occurred 2 weeks later (by September 21), while at 18 °C continuous growth with no floral initiation was maintained until early November when the photoperiod had fallen below 9 h. The critical photoperiod for growth cessation and floral initiation at 15 °C was 15 h. Plants exposed to 10-h photoperiods at 9 °C for 2–4 weeks had a transient growth suppression followed by resumed growth under subsequent high temperature and LD conditions, while exposure for 5 or 6 weeks resulted in complete growth cessation and dormancy induction. The critical induction period for floral initiation was 3 weeks although no transitional changes were visible in the bud before week 4. When exposed to inductive conditions for marginal periods of 3 or 4 weeks, an increasing proportion of the plants (20% and 67%, respectively), behaved as primocane flowering cultivars with recurrent growth and terminal flowering. It is concluded that growth cessation and floral initiation in raspberry are jointly controlled by low temperature and short day conditions and coincide in time as parallel outputs from the same internal induction mechanism.  相似文献   

Plant florogenesis is determined by the interaction between the genetics of the individual plant and environmental factors. Flower initiation and development of many studied plant species require low temperatures. However, some geophytes form flowers within the bulb during the summer quiescence period and do not require low temperatures for florogenesis. Narcissus tazetta was employed to study, in detail, the stages of flower development during the summer period, with special emphasis on the effect of temperature on inflorescence initiation. The sequence of morphological processes occurring during floral initiation and development was observed by SEM. During 3 years, the bulbs were subjected to different storage temperatures during the summer, and records were taken of the percentage of apical meristems that shifted from vegetative to reproductive development. Flowering and inflorescence quality were recorded after planting. It was concluded that, under natural conditions, the temperature increase in June, during the growth of the mother plant, leads to the transition of the apical meristem to the reproductive stage. Floral initiation and reproductive development in N. tazetta is promoted by high temperatures with an optimum of 25 °C. Sub- and supra-optimal temperatures (20 and 30 °C) delayed differentiation, while lower temperatures (12 °C) inhibited florogenesis completely.  相似文献   

Post-harvest performance of cut viburnum inflorescences was examined in the present study. Harvesting viburnum at three developmental stages resulted in significant differences on flower opening rate (FOR) and flower abscission rate (FAR), but not on vase life. Harvesting at Stage III (>50% open flowers) resulted in highest flower opening percentage, whereas harvesting at Stage I (10–30% open flowers) in significantly lower flower abscission percentage. Pulsing with 20 or 40 mg/l AgNO3 for 24 h extended vase life by 1.6 and 1.9 days, respectively, compared to the controls. Furthermore, flower abscission was significantly reduced after 20 or 40 mg/l AgNO3 treatments by 51 and 62%, respectively, compared to the controls. In contrast, vase solutions containing 100 mg/l DICA or 100 and 200 mg/l methanol did not extend vase life of cut viburnum inflorescences, but significantly reduced flower abscission. Vase solutions containing 1 or 2% (w/v) sucrose negatively affected vase life, flower opening and flower abscission of viburnum inflorescence. Post-harvest treatments with 1-MCP at 10 μl/l in an ethylene-free environment resulted in extension of vase life and in significant reduction of FAR and respiration rates compared to the controls. Vase life of 1-MCP treated inflorescences was increased by 4.2 days compared to the controls. FAR of 1-MCP treated inflorescences remained significantly lower from the second to the eighth day of the vase life period.  相似文献   

Scales excised from in vitro cultured bulblets of Lilium rubellum were cultured on MS medium supplemented with 0.044 or 4.4 μM BA in the dark for 300 days, the culture period of which was divided into three stages, with temperatures in each stage as follows: 25 °C in stage 1 (days 0–60); 25 °C or 8 °C in stage 2 (days 61–210); 20 °C in stage 3 (days 211–300). Numbers of bulblets per scale and bulblets with elongated stem (the transition from juvenile to vegetative adult phase) depended on the culture condition. The highest number of bulblets and the percentage of bulblets with elongated stems were obtained in scales cultured in medium with 4.4 μM BA at 25 °C in stage 2. On the other hand, BA concentration (0.044 and 4.4 μM) and/or temperatures (25 and 8 °C) in stage 2 influenced flowering in the bulblets with elongated stems (the transition from vegetative adult to flowering phase). Flowering occurred in bulblets with elongated stems when bulblets on scale were cultured in medium with 4.4 μM BA at 8 °C in stage 2, whereas no flowering occurred in bulblets cultured in any other culture conditions. In conclusion, the concentration of BA affects the transition from juvenile to vegetative adult phase, and the exposure of in vitro developed bulblets to low temperature is indispensable to initiate the flowering process.  相似文献   

The plants of two onion cultivars Sturon and Stuttgarter were raised from sets and placed in a growth room at 12 °C, a light flux density of 120 μmol m−2 s−1 and a 16 h photoperiod. Cultivar Stuttgarter took 195 days to initiate, whereas time for initiation in cv. Sturon was 201 days. After initiation the plants were transferred to wide range of photo-thermal regimes consisting of six set point temperatures (6, 10, 14, 18, 22 and 26 °C) and four photoperiods (8, 11, 14 and 17 h day−1). An overall mean temperature for all developmental stages under each photo thermal combination was 12.2, 12.4, 15.9, 17.8, 23 and 24.4 °C. Time to inflorescence appearance, spathe opening and floret opening decreased linearly as temperature and photoperiod increased. At low to mild temperatures (12.2–17.8 °C), longer photoperiod enhanced florets per umbel, whereas at higher temperatures (23–24.4 °C), the floret number declined with lengthening photoperiods. As the photoperiod extension in each temperature advanced inflorescence appearance, spathe opening and floret opening and this would be beneficial in a programme to accelerate seed production in onion.  相似文献   

White and purple garlic is harvested in the Bajio region of Mexico from February to August and then stored at room temperature. A complete study of quality changes under different conditions and how these conditions interact to determine the shelf life of the product has been lacking, nor have objective parameters to predict shelf life been determined. Six batches of 360 bulbs of garlic (Allium sativum L.) cv. Perla were stored for 190 days at 0 °C, 0 °C and 70% relative humidity (RH), 5, 20, 30 °C, and at room temperature (RT) (17.7 ± 7 °C). The weight loss, subjective firmness of the bulbs, clove penetration resistance, hue value, internal sprouting index, soluble solids and dry matter content of the cloves were recorded periodically. The weight loss and internal sprouting index had a negative correlation on the subjective firmness, penetration resistance, and hue of the cloves. Storage at 5 °C, 20 °C, and RT induced sprouting, and subsequent growth had an effect on a loss of firmness and color. Complete sprouting (>100%) induced a weight loss of 9–11% at these temperatures. In order to maintain an adequate safety margin for marketing, we propose an internal sprouting index of 50% to determining the effective shelf life of garlic cv. ‘Perla’. In accordance with this criterion and in conditions studying, shelf life at 0 °C was 155 days; at 5 °C and RT it was 80 days; and at 20 °C it was 60 days. These results lead us to conclude that it is possible to estimate the shelf life of garlic using the internal sprouting index.  相似文献   

The effect of the duration of high temperature interruption and the timing of its occurrence during inductive period on the extent of inhibition of inflorescence production in ‘Arbequina’ olive trees was investigated. Trees kept under inductive conditions in different growth chambers were subjected to high daytime temperature (26 ± 1 °C) interruptions for 3, 6, and 12 days. There was no significant difference in the extent of flowering between trees given an uninterrupted induction period and the trees where inductive period was interrupted with high daytime temperatures for three days. Inflorescence production was significantly reduced by both 6 and 12 days high temperature interruptions. Number of flowers per inflorescence was significantly reduced only with 12 days high temperature interruption. Since there was no significant difference between the extent of inhibition of inflorescence by 6 and 12 days high temperature interruption, therefore, 6 days high temperature interruption was used in subsequent experiments to study the effect of timing of interruption. A six day interruption of high temperature produced significant reduction (more than 83%) in inflorescence production irrespective of the time of interruption (i.e., 40 or 50 days after the start of induction) or number of interruptions. None of these treatments had any significant effect on the number of flowers per inflorescence. Higher levels of free arginine were found in trees that had greatest number of inflorescences produced under inductive conditions without any high temperature interruption.  相似文献   

The experiment was conducted at the experimental grounds of the School of Plant Sciences, University of Reading during 1996. Onion sets (22.5 mm diameter) of two cultivars (Hygro and Delta) were transferred from a low (10 °C) to a high (30 °C) temperature and vice versa on six occasions at 15 days intervals. Two control treatments where sets remained at 10 and 30 °C throughout were also included in the experiment for comparison. In both cultivars (Hygro and Delta), plants did not flower when sets were maintained at 30 °C throughout or when given 15 days at 10 °C followed by 30 °C for 75 days. Highest percentage of bolting was observed when sets were maintained for the longest period at 10 °C followed by the shortest period at 30 °C or when given 10 °C throughout. Highest number of florets and seed yield per umbel was recorded in treatments where sets were maintained at 10 °C for 90 days. Mean bulb weight increased where sets remained for longer period at higher temperature (30 °C) either before or after transfer. Bulb yield m−2 increased when sets were initially stored at 10 °C for a short period followed by 30 °C throughout.  相似文献   

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