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甜樱桃砧木的耐盐性试验初报   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以Gisela 5、Gisela 6、Gisela 7、M17、草原樱桃和毛把酸为试材,把土壤含盐量分别调整为0.2%、0.3%、0.4%、0.5%和0.6%进行盆栽试验,确定供试砧木的耐盐性。结果表明,Gisela5的耐盐性强于其余5种砧木,在土壤含盐量0.2%时能正常生长。草原樱桃、M17、毛把酸和Gisela 7耐盐性较弱,只能在含盐量0.2%以下的土壤中栽植;Gisela 6耐盐性最弱,不能在盐碱地上生存。  相似文献   


Soil solarization and grafting onto a resistant tomato rootstock (‘Brigeor F1‘), and the integrated use of both methods were evaluated in four field trials carried out in Cyprus, for management of soil-borne pathogens and pests of eggplant. Soil solarization was highly effective against Verticillium wilt (V. dahliae) but only partially effective against corky root rot (Pyrenochaeta lycopersici) and root-knot nematodes (Meloidogyne spp.); it also controlled adequately most annual weeds. By contrast, grafting provided complete protection from corky root rot and root-knot, but only partial protection from Verticillium wilt. Complete resistance to nematodes, however, occurred only in trials with greenhouse-grown (winter) crops. In open-field (summer) crops, about 50% of the grafted plants sustained slight nematode infection, apparently because of breakdown of resistance at high soil temperatures. Solarization, or grafting gave significant yield increases over that of the untreated check. However, a combination of both was much more effective than either alone. Together, they provided complete protection from all three diseases. Most importantly, they had an additive effect on yield, resulting in a significant increase over that obtained by either method alone. The average yield (kg plant-1) obtained in two greenhouse trials was 9002E5 for the control, 16.1 for grafting alone, 14.1 for solarization alone and 20.2 for the combination of the two methods. The integrated use of solarization and grafting appears to be a sustainable alternative to methyl bromide fumigation.  相似文献   

White root rot (Dematophora necatrix (Mart.)) is a serious disease of apple (Malus domestica Borkh) in nurseries and orchards in India. In 2002 and 2003, field experiments were conducted to integrate soil solarization with native isolates of Azotobacter chrococcum and vesicular–arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi and observe its effect on the incidence of white root rot and growth of the saplings. Apple seeds coated with two native isolates of A. chrococcum (AZUHF1 and AZUHF2) were sown in plots inoculated with 4 native isolates of va-mycorrhiza, i.e. AMUHF1 (Glomus fesiculatum), AMUHF2 (Glomus macrocarpum), AMUHF3 (Glomus mosseae) and AMUHF4 (Gigaspora sp.) in 14 different combinations and these plots were solarized with transparent polyethylene mulch (25 μm thick) for 40 days in summer months. Soil solarization resulted around 9 °C higher temperature with average maximum temperature of 38–39 °C. Inoculation of saplings with AMUHF1 isolate of va-mycorrhiza and AZUHF1 isolate of A. chrococcum and then their planting in solarized soil was found most effective with no incidence of white root rot in comparison to 33.6–35.4% in control accompanied with 78–113% increase in shoot length and 81.6–84.3% increase in root length. Shoot and root length of the saplings was 9.6–10.6 and 9.2–16.0% higher, respectively, in solarized plots in comparison to sterilized plots.  相似文献   

【目的】探明PcMPK3基因的表达调控规律。【方法】利用染色体步移技术从甜樱桃矮化砧木Gisela 6中克隆PcMPK3基因的启动子序列PcMPK3pro。利用Neural Network Promotor Prediction、softberry、PLACE和PlantCARE网站在线预测PcMPK3基因的基础启动子、转录起始位点和顺式作用元件。将PcMPK3pro定向替换植物表达载体pBI121-SN1的CaMV35S组成型启动子,构建重组表达载体pBI-PcMPK3pro:GUS,瞬时转化烟草叶片。【结果】结果表明,PcMPK3pro含有启动子核心元件TATA-box和CAAT-box等多种响应胁迫的顺式作用元件。受病原菌丁香假单胞菌番茄致病变种(Pseudomonas syringae pv. tomato DC3000,Pst DC3000)侵染,PcMPK3pro能驱动GUS报告基因表达且GUS酶活性显著提高。【结论】推测PcMPK3基因参与植物响应病原菌感染的胁迫过程。  相似文献   


The aims of this work are to describe the effects of pruning and planting density on growth and water relations of ungrafted and grafted sweet cherry trees. A trial with cherry rootstocks ‘Prunus avium’, ‘CAB 11E’, ‘Maxma 14’, ‘Gisela 5’ and ‘Edabriz’ was begun in 1997. Pruning severities were applied to the rootstocks (0, 30, 60 and 90% of the vegetative growth was removed corresponding to P1, P2, P3 and P4 treatments, respectively) after planting to two plant spacings (S1 = 0.25 × 1.0 m and S2= 0.45 × 1.5 m). Canopy, root growth and leaf water potential (ψleaf) were quantified throughout the growing season. Pruning significantly affected root length and root weight of the rootstocks. Uncut plants (P1) showed a heavier and expanded root biomass (231 g and 108 m) than the intensively pruned plants (P4) (187 g and 75 m). The greater root biomass was obtained with the spacing/pruning combination, S1/P1 (285 g), and the smaller with S1/P4 (180 g) and S2/P4 (176 g). ψleaf varied significantly between the rootstocks and plant spacing but not with pruning. ‘Maxma 14’ and ‘P. avium’ attained the lowest values of midday ψleaf, –2.28 and –2.04 MPa, but the highest values of predawn ψleaf, –0.29 and –0.25 MPa, respectively. Generally, with high density (S1), the rootstocks exhibited lower predawn and midday ψleaf. In 1998, cultivars ‘Burlat’, ‘Summit’ and ‘Van’ were grafted onto rootstocks and a trial was installed in 1999. Predawn and midday stem water potential (ψstem) on cherry trees, measured in 2002, were affected significantly by the rootstock/genotype combination. Cultivars grafted on ‘P. avium’ and ‘Maxma 14’ showed the less negative midday ψstem, –1.36 and –1.42 MPa respectively, so these rootstock genotypes perhaps induced a higher drought resistance to the scion. Recorded data show that the scion-rootstock interaction with regard to production performance under water deficits may be an important consideration in cherry tree planting strategies.  相似文献   

The objective of this study is to investigate the response of screening, and selection of novel indigenous AM fungal species and Azotobacter chroococcum strains for inoculating apple under different soil disinfestations and moisture conservation mulch practices for sustainable nursery management. Two local AM fungal species namely, Glomus fasciculatum (Thaxter sensu Gerdemann) and Glomus mosseae (Nicol. & Gerd.), and two strains of A. chroococcum viz., A. chroococcum strain-I (AZ1) and A. chroococcum strain-II (AZ2) were inoculated at nursery stage under soil solarization, chemical disinfestation and natural soil conditions at four different mulch materials namely, black plastic mulch (BPM), and organic mulches, i.e. grass mulch (GM); cover crops (CC); green manuring + clean cultivation (Gm + Cc). The comparative performance of the seedlings on the impact of local AM species and A. chroococcum strains on growth characteristics, microbial population, root colonization and leaf nutrient status was evaluated. The inoculation of seedlings to G. fasciculatum and AZ1 increased all growth characteristics (plant height, stem diameter, leaf area and total root length), microbial consortium of the rhizosphere soil and leaf N, P, K and Zn content in all those plots where soil solarization and black plastic mulching was used followed by chemical disinfestations and natural soil conditions at all other mulch types used. These findings suggested that the soil inoculation of G. fasciculatum and AZ1 strain to seeds and/or the saplings under soil solarization with black plastic mulch attained a desirable plant height and become ready for grafting which however saved a period of 1 year for nursery management compared to traditional nursery raising practice, and thus, it may be a viable and feasible approach to maintain soil productivity under nutrient limited soils for sustainable apple nursery production under temperate rain-fed conditions.  相似文献   

The problem was studied whether tomatoes, grown in a hot and arid climate, benefit from grafting on egg-plant, which is highly efficient in water uptake. Growth and development of tomato (T), tomato grafted on its own rootstock (TT) and tomato grafted on egg-plant rootstock (TE) were compared at air temperatures of 28°C during the day and 18°C during the night (2818) and at 28°C constantly (2828), at soil temperatures of 14, 21 and 28°C with the following soil moisture regimes: wet (W1), medium (W2) and dry (W3).At 2818 and 2828 water consumption was about equal, but the transpiration ratio at 2828 was twice as high as that at 2818. The latter conditions gave a much stronger plant with more fruits. At a soil temperature of 14°C water use was strongly reduced. The transpiration ratio increased with the soil temperature. Differences in plant type were small. At the highest soil temperature of 28°C fruit growth was strongly reduced. At lower soil moisture levels less water was used and the transpiration was lower. Plant type was correlated herewith.Vegetative growth of TT was weaker than of T, but generative growth was stimulated. The strong E rootstock stimulated vegetative growth at high air and soil temperature, but fruit growth was very poor under these conditions; at a low soil temperature of 14°C vegetative growth was also reduced.The hope that the E rootstock would be beneficial for fruit growth at high temperatures was not fulfilled.An additional experiment in a growth-room at 23°C showed that under conditions of moisture stress there was no difference in water potential between leaves of TT and TE.  相似文献   

以平顶海棠(Malus robusta Rehd.)为试验材料,以4个不同树龄苹果园的土壤为对象,研究了不同树龄苹果园土壤对再植平顶海棠幼苗生长的影响。结果表明,在前茬树龄为3、8、15和24 a苹果园土种植的平顶海棠幼苗比正茬土对照的平均株高分别减少31.22%、46.38%、57.66%和63.10%;再植平顶海棠幼苗地上部干质量分别减少0.96%、57.58%、76.88%和78.10%;地下部干质量分别减少40.38%、48.79%、64.03%和79.43%。在24 a生苹果树土壤中再植海棠幼苗校正发病率达到了72.73%,而在3 a生苹果树的土壤中再植海棠幼苗校正发病率只有18.18%。对不同树龄的苹果园土壤根际细菌和真菌群落结构的差异进行分析,其结果为,随着苹果树龄的提高,根际土壤中真菌种类和数量显著增加,而细菌的种类和数量则随着树龄的增加显著减少。  相似文献   

近年来,临朐县大樱桃保护地种植面积呈上升趋势,且经济效益高,但在栽培管理中还存在一些误区。针对大棚大樱桃栽培管理中易出现的误区,提出相应的解决对策。  相似文献   

于甜樱桃园进行垄上覆膜和行间种白三叶草试验,观察其对土壤温度和新梢生长的影响.结果表明,垄上覆草和行间种白三叶草后,不同深度和不同时刻的土壤温度与清耕区有明显差别.两项措施均能降低各土层温度日较差,增加同土层温度稳定性.早春覆膜有利于提高地温;行间种白三叶草有利于降低地表温度,降温效果明显.覆膜和行间种白三叶草对2年生樱桃的新梢生长具良好的促进作用.  相似文献   


The aim of this work was to dwarf the vigorous apple rootstock A2 by insertion of the rolA gene. To optimize conditions for a successful transformation, regeneration tests were carried out. The use of sucrose in the regeneration medium gave higher regeneration frequency than sorbitol in some cases and the shoot number per regenerated leaf was higher at 10 |j.M TDZ compared with 2.5 |j.M TDZ on the sucrose medium. Two transgenic clones, verified by PCR and Southern analysis, have been obtained on the sucrose medium together with 2.5 |j.M TDZ and 1.0 or 2.5 |j.M NAA and wounding by forceps. The two clones, named LAI and LA2, contained both the rolA and nptll genes. The results of in vitro rooting showed that LAI had a lower rooting percentage and a reduced root number per rooted shoot than the untransformed control shoots and the clone LA2 on the rooting medium containing 5 |JLM IBA. Growth analysis revealed that both transgenic clones had a reduced plant height and a shortened internode length compared with the control plants. However, the node number and the stem diameter were significantly larger for clone LAI than clone LA2 and the control plants.  相似文献   

葡萄品种及砧木抗寒性评价方法研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
【目的】探寻适宜葡萄品种及砧木抗寒性研究的评价方法。【方法】以‘北冰红’‘左山一’‘贝达’及‘双红’4个葡萄品种为试材,分别测定了不同低温处理下各品种的相对电导率、丙二醛、游离脯氨酸、可溶性糖及可溶性蛋白含量等抗寒相关指标的变化,以电导法结合隶属函数法综合评价其抗寒性。【结果】随着处理温度的降低,4个品种相对电导率和丙二醛含量逐渐升高,呈"S"型曲线变化,而游离脯氨酸、可溶性糖和可溶性蛋白含量近似呈单峰曲线变化;指标平均隶属度与各理化指标相关性均较高;低温半致死温度几乎与综合评价结果一致,各品种抗寒性为:‘左山一’‘双红’‘贝达’‘北冰红’。【结论】抗寒相关指标平均隶属度变化曲线能够更全面可靠地反映出葡萄品种及砧木抗寒性差异的本质及其可承受的冻害极限温度。  相似文献   

近年来大连地区甜樱桃发展势头迅猛。无论是露地还是保护地生产,其规模和经济效益均大幅度增加。但是在栽培技术上.尤其是修剪整形方面还存在一些问题。笔者结合自己的生产实践就甜樱桃修剪的若干问题谈点浅薄见解。供读者参考。  相似文献   

【目的】研究设施内不同土壤管理模式对提升地温及春季葡萄生长发育的影响,以期为葡萄设施栽培提供理论及技术支持。【方法】以2 a(年)生酿酒葡萄‘赤霞珠’(Vitis vinifera‘Cabernet Sauvigon’)/3309M嫁接苗为试材,进行"裙膜"覆盖、地膜覆盖和起垄栽培,以平地裸露栽培为对照的土壤管理模式,研究其对设施内地温、土壤理化性状及春季葡萄生长发育的影响。【结果】设施地温明显滞后于气温,无论晴天还是阴天,地温明显滞后于气温2 h左右,"裙膜"覆盖后仅滞后于气温1 h左右,升温更快。"裙膜"覆盖的地温比对照提高1.2~1.5℃,比垄栽提高1.1~2.4℃,黑地膜覆盖效果与其相当。在2017年12月—2018年2月期间,设施内环境温度大于10℃的时间共计888 h(折合37 d),对照地温大于10℃的时间共计1 385 h(58 d),起垄共计1 197 h(50 d),黑色地膜覆盖共计1 501 h(62.5 d),而"裙膜"覆盖后共计高达1 510 h(63 d),持续时间长。第45天测定,与对照相比,"裙膜"处理的土壤相对含水量显著增加23.9%,土壤容重显著降低16.7%,土壤孔隙度则显著提高19.8%。与对照相比,"裙膜"处理的‘赤霞珠’葡萄根和芽中,生长素合成及转运基因的表达量都明显上调,外在表现为发芽期显著提前7~10 d,展叶期提前5~7 d,根系生长量比对照显著增加了32.9%,根系活力提高了13.8%。对发芽效果(时间及整齐度)来说,"裙膜"覆盖效果最好,黑地膜覆盖及起垄栽培效果次之。【结论】"裙膜"覆盖可以显著提高设施地温,有效改善土壤紧实度及土壤通气性,并有助于保持土壤含水量,提早葡萄发芽进程,促进春季葡萄生长发育。  相似文献   

大连市金州区农业良种示范场为栽培面积100hm2的国家级甜樱桃标准化示范园区.本文介绍该园区概况及果品品种多样化、生产规模化和管理科学化等栽培管理经验.  相似文献   

A study was conducted to investigate the variability in the fruit antioxidant content and physical characters of six clingstone cultivars and three breeding selections of peach grafted on three rootstocks. The parameters measured were fruit weight, fruit and stone dimensions, flesh color using CIELAB color variables, total antioxidant activity using the radical DPPH, total phenolics, ascorbic acid, soluble solids and total acid content. Fruit from cultivar PI-E45 had the highest total antioxidant activity (10.7 mg g−1 DW) and total phenolic (6.9 mg g−1 DW) content, which were up to 6.3- and 5.3-fold greater, respectively, compared with the rest studied cultivars. The highest ascorbic acid content was found in Fortuna (7.3 mg 100 g−1 FW) and was up to 1.4-fold greater compared with the rest studied cultivars. A high correlation between AEAC and the phenolic content was found, but not between AEAC and the ascorbic acid content. The largest fruit was harvested in cultivar Andross followed with a descending order by PI-E45, PI-IB42, PI-A37 (seedlings of Andross), Fortuna and Loadel ? Everts and Catherina ? Romea. Changes in the fruit weight were usually according to changes in stone width. The fruit and stone shape differed among the cultivars but not among the rootstocks studied. Effects of rootstock on the fruit antioxidant contents were not pronounced. Nevertheless rootstocks altered the fruit weight since in all cultivars, apart from Romea and Catherina, when grafted on GF 677 produced the largest fruit (mean 186 g) followed by PR204 (mean 176 g) and even smaller by KID1 (mean 161 g). Results from correlation analyses showed that flesh brightness (measured in frozen fruit) may suggest for more nutritional flesh and small sized fruit may contain a redder and less bright colored flesh.  相似文献   

In the culture of the mushroom, Agaricus bisporus, significant amounts of water are taken up from the casing soil. The water potential of the casing soil was lowered by adding sodium chloride. A lowering of the water potential reduced crop yield, slowed fruit-body development and increased the dry-matter content of sporophores as a percentage of wet weight. Values for dry-matter content of the fruit bodies ranged from 6.7 to 11.5%. Regulation of dry-matter content is therefore possible by adjusting the concentration of salt in the casing soil. The total dry weight of all harvested fruit bodies of the first two flushes (breaks) from cultures with a low water potential in the casing soil (high salt) was as high as that of the crop of cultures with a high water potential (no salt added). The total concentration of osmotically active substances in the pressed juice of caps of fruit bodies increased with decreasing water potential of the casing soil. The increase in mannitol concentration of the press juice contributed significantly to this increase. A positive correlation was found between the concentration of osmotically active substances in the pressed juice and the increase in dry-water content of fruit bodies. Mechanisms of water uptake and movement from the casing soil to the growing fruit bodies are discussed.  相似文献   

There was no effect of irradiance level on surviving percentages of shoot tip explants of the pear rootstock BP10030, but low irradiance stimulated the initial growth of the explant. Irradiance had a strong effect on shoot multiplication. With an increase in photosynthetic photon flux (PPF) from 10 to 80 μmol m?2s?1, shoot number and length and shoot fresh and dry weights increased. The greatest number of shoots and the longest ones were obtained with a 16 h photoperiod, while the highest fresh and dry weight of shoots were produced with a 24 h photoperiod. Rooting percentage and the number of roots were markedly promoted under 80 μmolm?2s?1 PPF. Photoperiods of 8, 16 and 24 h produced similar effects on rooting percentages and the numbers of roots. Four to seven days of darkness were the optimum for rooting. Rooting percentage and the number of roots increased with increased temperature during darkness between 5 and 25°C. A further increase in dark temperature up to 30°C reduced rooting percentage and root number.  相似文献   

Paclobutrazol (1.6 g a.i.), applied to the soil beneath nine year old trees of two sweet cherry cultivars in 1983, controlled shoot growth better in the year of treatment than foliar sprays (1500 followed by 750 mg l-1) of the same chemical applied in late May and early June. Although no further treatments were applied, extension growth was strongly inhibited by both treatments in the two subsequent years and some inhibition persisted for four years after treatment. Inhibition of the shoot growth of both cultivars was more severe and persisted for several years longer for trees on ‘Colt’, compared with F. 12/1 rootstock. Paclobutrazol foliar sprays reduced yields in the year of treatment, and the residual effects of both soil and foliar treatments on yields were also negative in some years, particularly on the cv. Van. The reasons for these negative effects on yields were sought in studies of flowering density, flower quality and the efficiency of fruit set and retention.  相似文献   

土壤有机质含量是衡量果园肥力水平的指标之一。由于我国果园建园选址多为贫瘠的荒山地及丘陵地,加之一些不当的传统耕作模式,致使果园土壤有机质含量低下,平均不足1%,这是制约果园生产发展的重要因素。综述了果园土壤有机质含量的影响因素及几种常见的维持或提高果园土壤有机质的管理策略,以期为提升果园土壤有机质含量,实现果园提质增效,确保果园优质丰产提供理论依据。  相似文献   

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