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‘Pájaro’ strawberry fruit were treated at 45 °C by hot air or hot water prior to storage at 3 °C for 10 days. Control fruit were stored without treatment. Modifications in cell wall composition and fruit quality caused by heat treatment were assessed after removal of fruit from storage. Treatment with hot water improved fruit resistance to fungal infection, but caused external damage, which rendered fruit commercially unacceptable. Hot air treatment did not affect external appearance, improved resistance to fungal infection and preserved firmness. Heat treatments did not affect cell wall yields obtained, but caused alterations in solubility of the different cell wall polysaccharide fractions. Higher yields for CDTA- and KOH-soluble fractions were observed as a consequence of treatment, suggesting decreased solubilization of cell wall polymers in treated fruit, even though no apparent relationship to fruit firmness was found. Higher degrees of esterification as well as total sugar contents in both CDTA- and KOH-soluble fractions were also found in heated fruit.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in ‘Chandler’ strawberry with the aim to optimize planting time and mulching material under the semi-arid region of north Indian plains. Three planting times viz., mid-September, mid-October and mid-November and three mulch materials viz., black polyethylene (50 μm), clear polyethylene (50 μm) and paddy straw (10 cm thickness) were tried with three replications in a split plot design. Mid-September planting favoured plant growth, enhanced flowering (77.3 days), which resulted in production of significantly larger fruit (13.0 g) and higher yield (174.4 g/plant) with fruit having higher TSS (9.23%), acidity (1.22%) and ascorbic acid content (44.1 mg/100 g of pulp) with lesser incidence of albinism (9.6%) and botrytis rot (8.1%) than other plantings. Plants mulched with black polyethylene have significantly better growth, and they flowered (80.2 days) and fruited early (29.2 days), and produced larger fruit (12.6 g) and higher yield (172.4 g/plant), with slightly higher incidence of albinism (20.1%), but with lower incidence of botrytis rot (7.3%) than those mulched either with clear polyethylene or paddy straw. Planting time × mulching interaction has significantly influenced plant growth; flowering and fruiting; fruit yield and quality, and albinism and botrytis rot. Plants have best growth parameters like, plant height (11.2 cm), crown spread (24.1 cm) and leaf area (87.9 cm2), they took lesser days to flowering (73.7 days) and fruiting (31.3 days), produced larger fruit (13.7 g) and higher yield (191.3 g/plant) with fruit having higher TSS (9.41%), acidity (1.17%) and higher ascorbic acid content (46.4 mg/100 g pulp) with a slightly higher incidence of albinism (10.3%), but comparatively lower incidence of botrytis rot (5.2%) when planted during mid-September and mulched with black polyethylene than other plantings and mulched either with clear polyethylene or paddy straw. These studies indicated that strawberry could be planted in mid-September with black polyethylene mulch under semi-arid regions of India for early fruiting, and higher yield of better quality fruits.  相似文献   

This study compares agronomic traits of two cultivars of strawberry in plants derived from conventional propagation, micropropagation and cryopreserved apices. The agronomic traits evaluated were fruit production and fruit quality. Differences were found in some of the fruit production traits studied in the plants post-micropropagation and post-cryopreservation when compared to conventionally propagated plants of the cultivar ‘Andana’; showing the first two groups higher second class yield and smaller fruits. Plants of the cultivar ‘Camarosa’ post-cryopreservation showed differences in traits related to fruit quality when compared to the other two groups of plants (internal colour, firmness and soluble solids). No adverse effect on agronomic traits could be associated with the use of cryopreservation. Plants from in vitro and cryopreservation origin were phenotypically similar to the conventional propagated plants in production field.  相似文献   

Changes in membrane lipid composition are important in the acclimation of plants. The influence of four day/night growing temperature combinations (18/12, 25/12, 25/22, and 30/22 °C) on membrane lipids of ‘Earliglow’ and ‘Kent’ strawberry (Fragaria × ananassa Duch.) were studied. The monogalactosyl diglyceride (MGDG) and digalactosyl diglyceride (DGDG) were the major galactolipids in the strawberry leaves. ‘Earliglow’ contained a higher amount of galactolipids in the leaves than ‘Kent’. The major phospholipids in the strawberry leaves, roots, and fruit were phosphatidylcholine (PC), phosphatidylinositol (PI), phosphatidylglycerol (PG), and phosphatidylethanolamine (PE). PC and PE were the two predominant phospholipids in the strawberry. The leaves and fruit of ‘Earliglow’ contained higher amounts of phospholipids compared to those of ‘Kent’, whereas ‘Kent’ strawberry roots had higher phospholipids. Palmitic (C16:0), stearic (C18:0), oleic (C18:1), linoleic (C18:2), and α-linolenic (C18:3) acids were major fatty acids in galacto- and phospholipids of the ‘Earliglow’ and ‘Kent’ strawberry. PC is very rich in linolenic acid in leaves compared to the fruit and root tissues. PC had the highest ratio of unsaturated to saturated fatty acids among all phospholipids. There was a significant increase in the content of galactolipids (MGDG, DGDG) and phospholipids (PC, PI, PG and PE) and unsaturation of their fatty acids in the cool day/night growth temperature. Increasing day/night growth temperatures decreased MGDG/DGDG ratios. The shifts in saturation and composition of fatty acids observed with strawberry may be an adaptation response of plants to the temperature changes.  相似文献   

Studies were conducted in ‘Chandler’ strawberry to determine if pre-harvest foliar application of Ca, B or their combination influences physiological disorders, fruit yield and quality or not. For this, treatments consisted of (i) five sprays of calcium as CaCl2 (first spray was performed at the petal fall stage and later at 7 days interval), (ii) three sprays of boron as boric acid (first spray at the beginning of flowering and later at 15 day interval), (iii) combination of (i) and (ii), and (iv) plants sprayed with water served as the control. Results indicated that fruit harvested from plants, which were sprayed either with Ca or Ca + B had significantly lesser incidence of albinism (6.7 and 6.5%), and grey mould (1.3 and 1.2%) than those harvested from plants sprayed either with B alone or in control. Although, B alone could not influence the incidence of albinism and grey mould, but it reduced fruit malformation (3.4 and 3.1%) significantly. Further, Ca, B or their combination had not influenced the individual berry weight, but marketable fruit yield differed significantly. The lowest marketable fruit yield (149.3 g/plant) was recorded in plants under control, and the highest (179.2 g/plant) in plants sprayed with Ca + B. Similarly, such fruit were firmer; had lower TSS, higher acidity and ascorbic acid content at harvest than those in control. Similarly, such fruit after 5 days storage were firmer and brighter, and have significantly lower TSS (7.9 and 7.8%); higher ascorbic acid content (43.7 and 45.0 mg/100 g pulp) and acidity (1.08 and 1.07%) than those in control or those receiving B alone. Incidence of grey mould was significantly lesser in fruit, which received Ca (2.2%) or Ca + B (1.9%) than those, which received either B (8.1%) alone or those in control (8.4%). Our studies indicated that pre-harvest foliar application of Ca + B is quite useful for reducing the incidence of disorders and getting higher marketable yield in ‘Chandler’ strawberry.  相似文献   

To investigate flower induction in June-bearing strawberry plants, morphological changes in shoot apices and Histone H4 expression in the central zone during flower initiation were observed. Strawberry plants were placed under flower inducible, short-day conditions (23 °C/17 °C, 10 h day length) for differing number of days (8, 16, 20, 24 or 32 days) and then these plants were transferred to non-inducible, long-day conditions (25 °C/20 °C, 14 h day length). The shoot apices of plants placed under short-day conditions for 8 days were flat, similar to shoot apices of plants in the vegetative phase of development, and Histone H4 was not expressed in the central zone during the experimental period. On the other hand, the shoot apices of plants placed under short-day conditions for 16 days remained flat, similar to shoot apices of plants placed under short-day conditions for 8 days, but Histone H4 was expressed in the central zone at the end of the short-day treatment. Morphological changes in the shoot apices of these plants were observed 8 days after the change in day-length. These plants developed differentiated flower organs after they were grown for another 30 days under long-day conditions. These results indicate that changes in the expression pattern of the Histone H4 gene occur before morphological changes during flower induction and that the expression of the gene in the central zone can be used as one of the indicators of the flowering process in strawberries.  相似文献   

The effects of timing of nitrogen (N) fertilization relative to the beginning of a 4-week floral-inducing short-day (SD) period have been studied in ‘Korona’ strawberry plants under controlled environment conditions. Groups of low fertility plants were fertilized with 100 ml of calcium nitrate solution for 3 days a week for a period of 3 weeks starting at various times before and at the beginning of the SD period, as well as at different times during the SD period. All plants, including SD and long day (LD) control plants, received a weekly fertilization with a low concentration complete fertilizer solution throughout the experiment. Leaf area, fresh and dry matter increments of leaves, crowns and roots, as well as leaf chlorophyll concentration (SPAD values) were monitored during the experimental period. A general enhancement of growth took place at all times of N fertilization. This was paralleled by an increase in leaf chlorophyll concentration, indicating that the control plants were in a mild state of N deficiency. When N fertilization was started 2 weeks before beginning of the SD period, flowering was delayed by 7 days, and this was gradually changed to an advancement of 8 days when the same treatment was started 3 weeks after the first SD. The amount of flowering was generally increased by N fertilization although the effect varied greatly with the time of N application. The greatest flowering enhancement occurred when N fertilization started 1 week after the first SD when the number of flowering crowns and the number of inflorescences per plant were more than doubled compared with the SD control, while fertilization 2 weeks before SD had no significant effect on these parameters. Importantly, the total number of crowns per plant was not affected by N fertilization at any time, indicating that enhancement of flowering was not due to an increase in potential inflorescence sites. No flowering took place in the control plants in LD. Possible physiological mechanisms involved and practical applications of the findings are discussed.  相似文献   

The objective of the study was to determine the effect of foliar application of vermicompost leachates on growth, yield and quality of strawberry (Cv. Chandler). For this, three leachates collected from vermicomposting of cow dung (FCD), vegetable waste (FVW) and mixture of cow dung and vegetable waste in 1:2 ratio (FCVW) were used at 2 ml l−1 at monthly interval (total five sprays) in strawberry. The results indicated that foliar application of vermicompost leachates improved leaf area (10.1–18.9%), dry matter of plant (13.9–27.2%) and fruit yield (9.8–13.9%) significantly over control (water spray only). Foliar application of FCVW reduced albinism (from 12.1 to 5.7%), fruit malformation (11.2–8.5%) and grey mould (5.1–2.6%) thus improving marketable fruit yield (26.5% higher) with firmer fruits of better quality. The foliar application of FCD and FVW also improved these parameters and resulted in to higher marketable fruit yield (12.6 and 17.8% higher, respectively) compared to control. The study confirmed that leachates derived from composting processes have potential use as foliar fertilization for strawberry.  相似文献   

Experiments were conducted to observe the effects of foliar application of gibberellic acid on vegetative growth, flowering, fruiting and various disorders in ‘Chandler’ strawberry. GA3 (75 ppm) was applied to the strawberry plants either during mid-November (at fruit bud differentiation stage), or mid-February (pre-flowering stage) or at both times. Fruit under control were sprayed with tap water only. Observations were recorded on vegetative attributes like crown height, crown spread, petiole length, leaf number, leaf area; flowering and fruit set, fruit size; production of albino, malformed and button berries, total yield and marketable fruit yield and quality parameters, like juice content, TSS, ascorbic acid contents, acidity etc. Results indicated that GA3 (75 ppm) spray either during mid-November or mid-February or at both times has favourably influenced all vegetative attributes of ‘Chandler’ strawberry over control. Similarly, fruit set was increased, and production of malformed and button berries was reduced, but albinism remained unaffected. Although individual berry weight was reduced slightly, but fruit number, total as well as marketable yield was increased tremendously over control with no adverse effect on fruit quality parameters. In all, spraying GA3 both during mid-November and mid-February was much more effective in achieving the desirable results than single application of GA3 either during mid-November or mid-February.  相似文献   

Fruit nutrient content and lipoxygenase (LOX) activity were determined in strawberry fruit to establish a relationship, if it exists, between nutrients, and LOX activity with the fruit malformation and nubbins or button berry disorders. Nearly 17% fruit were affected by malformation and 10% by nubbins in open-field-grown strawberries. ‘Etna’ produced higher proportion of malformed (22.7%) as well as button berries (16.9%) and ‘Sweet Charlie’ the lowest (8.9% and 3.3%, respectively). Dry matter content (%) was lower in malformed (5.2%) and button berries (3.23%) than normal berries (7.41%). The concentration of P and Mg did not differ significantly, but that of N and K was notably higher and of Ca and B was lower in malformed and button berries than normal berries. Consequently, the N/Ca and K/Ca ratios were higher in malformed and button berries. LOX activity was significantly higher in malformed as well as button berries than normal berries, with significant differences among cultivars. The correlations between N, K and malformed and button berries were positive and between Ca and B, and malformed and button berries were negative. Similarly, the correlation between LOX activity and malformed, and button berries were also positive, indicating that excess of N and K, and deficiency of Ca and B are related to the production of malformed and buttons or nubbins in strawberry.  相似文献   

Chilean strawberry (Fragaria chiloensis) is arising as a new fruit crop that can diversify the world supply of berries. Fruit softening is thought to be linked to an extensive modification of pectin and hemicellulosic cell wall fractions which in turn is determined to a great extent by the action of some cell wall-modifying enzymes. The objective of this work was to compare cell wall changes and the enzyme activities of pectin methylesterase (PME), polygalacturonase (PG), endoglucanase (EGase), α-arabinofuranosidase (AFase), β-galactosidase (βGal), and β-xylosidase (βXyl) between F. chiloensis and Fragaria ×ananassa (cv. Chandler) at three fruit developmental stages: large green (LG), turning (T) and ripe (R). A rapid decrease in fruit firmness between LG and T stages was observed in both species; nevertheless firmness reduction in F. chiloensis was steeper than in F. ×ananassa. This could be related to a faster loss of HCl-soluble polymers (HSP fraction) presented in F. chiloensis fruit. However, commercial F. ×ananassa showed a greater depolymerization of HSP polymers than F. chiloensis. With the exception of PME, the activity of all assayed enzymes was higher in F. chiloensis than in F. ×ananassa fruits. The role of PG and EGase seems to be central in both species: these enzymes are correlated to the decrease in the content of HSP and NaOH-soluble polymers (NSP fraction), respectively. In addition, activity levels of βGal and βXyl were significantly correlated with fruit firmness reduction in F. chiloensis and F. ×ananassa, respectively.  相似文献   

Nitrogen plays a major role in the growth and yield of strawberry. For optimizing nitrogen fertilizer application, it is necessary to understand the response of strawberry to nitrogen supply. The objective of this study was to determine the effect of nitrate supply and plant size on strawberry nitrate uptake and nitrate reductase activity (NRA). Strawberry plants cv. Selva were grown under growth chamber conditions in nutrient solutions containing 0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.7 or 4 mM nitrate. Cumulative nitrate uptake increased with the increase in nitrate supply. Increasing nitrate concentrations from 0 to 0.25 mM decreased leaf NRA; however, further increases to 4 mM nitrate restored NRA to activities observed at 0 mM nitrate. The activity of NADH- and NADPH-dependent NR was similar at every external nitrate concentration. Activity of NR was greater in the smallest plants and decreased as plant size increased. However, increasing external nitrate concentration increased nitrate uptake, but had not the same effect on nitrate reductase activity, showing that NRA and nitrate uptake are not necessarily correlated.  相似文献   

In order to study the effect of brassinosteroids on the amelioration of the inhibitory effect of salinity on strawberry plants, a short-term experiment was conducted in greenhouse to test different concentrations of 24-epibrassinolide (24-EBL) (0.0, 0.5, and 1 μM) by foliar application on some agro-physiological properties, such as shoot dry weight, and root dry weight, stomatal conductance (SC), leaf relative water content (LRWC), leaf chlorophyll reading values (LCRV) and membrane permeability (MP) of strawberry ‘Fern’ and ‘A6’ cultivars irrigated with salt water (35 mM NaCl). 24-EBL solutions were applied twice during late afternoon hours with 7 d intervals using a hand-held sprayer. Plant shoot dry weight, root dry weight, SC, LRWC and LCRV were reduced by 29–33%, 45–15%, 71–55%, 11–13%, and 12–13% for ‘A6’ and ‘Fern’ cultivars at 35 mM (without 24-EBL applied), respectively, as compared to the nonsaline treatment, but MP increased 40% and 12%. An exogenous supply of 24-EBL was found to be successful in alleviating of the inhibitory effects of salt stress on plant growth parameters and nutrient contents. 24-EBL (1 μM) application under saline condition significantly increased shoot and root dry matter, SC, LRWC and LCRV of plants, and alleviation effects of 1 μM 24-EBL application was 20%, 15%, 122%, 5.8%, and 10.9% for ‘A6’ and 47%, 8.0%, 83%, 33.3% and 6.0% for ‘Fern’ cultivars, respectively. Macro-micro element content of plant leaf and root increased with increase 24-EBL except for Na under salinity stress. These results support the view that supplementary 24-EBL application can overcome the effects of salinity stress on plant growth and growth parameter under saline conditions.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to understand the molecular systematics and genetic differences between 10 original chrysanthemum cultivars and 11 mutants. The similarity among the cultivars and mutants varied from 0.17 to 0.90 using RAPD analyses, a simple but efficient method to distinguish cultivars and to assess parentage. Two distinct groups were found. Two cultivars were present as a separate group showing differences from all other cultivars. Mutants with different flower colour could be identified at the molecular level using RAPD technique holding promise to identify unique genes as SCAR markers. A high genetic distance among the different chrysanthemums showed that there exists a possibility of introgressing new and novel genes from the chrysanthemum gene pool.  相似文献   

Many cool season garden crops, including Viola × wittrockiana Gams. (pansy), exhibit reduced flowering outdoors during the warm summer months. Twelve pansy cultivars varying in summer garden performance were grown under either 20 ± 1.5 or 30 ± 1 °C (air temperature) to determine growth and flowering responses to prolonged high-temperature exposure and to identify selection criteria to screen pansies for flowering heat tolerance. Increasing temperature from 20 to 30 °C increased leaf number below the first flower on ‘Crystal Bowl Primrose’ and ‘Skyline White’ only. Flower bud number reduction at 30 °C versus 20 °C varied from 20% for ‘Crystal Bowl Purple’ to 77% for ‘Majestic Giants Red and Yellow’. Flower diameter reduction at 30 °C versus 20 °C ranged from 14% for ‘Skyline Beaconsfield’ to 44% for ‘Super Majestic Giants Ocean’. The percentage reduction in total color (flower number × estimated flower area) ranged from 60% for ‘Crystal Bowl Primrose’ to 88% for ‘Majestic Giants Rose Shades’. Based on a weighted base selection index, ‘Super Majestic Giants Canary’ and ‘Delta Yellow’ were identified as the most heat-tolerant cultivars, while ‘Super Majestic Giants Ocean’ and ‘Majestic Giants Rose Shades’ were identified as the most heat-sensitive. In a second experiment, root and shoot dry mass were determined after 10, 20, or 30 d when grown at 20 or 30 °C. Relative growth rate and root:shoot ratio were also calculated. After 30 d, ‘Crystal Bowl Primrose’, ‘Crystal Bowl Sky Blue’ and ‘Skyline White’ relative growth rates were lower at 30 °C versus 20 °C. Root:shoot ratio on day 30 was lower at 30 °C compared to 20 °C for six cultivars, but similar across temperature for five cultivars and higher for ‘Crystal Bowl Primrose’. Flower bud number at first flower was positively correlated with branch number, shoot dry mass at flowering, but not correlated with root dry mass at flowering, and negatively correlated with flower diameter and root:shoot ratio (either at flowering, or after 10, 20 or 30 d at 30 °C), suggesting that these traits may be useful when screening pansies for flowering heat tolerance.  相似文献   

An attempt was made to understand the molecular systematics and genetic differences between 10 original chrysanthemum cultivars and 11 mutants. The similarity among the cultivars and mutants varied from 0.17 to 0.90 using RAPD analyses, a simple but efficient method to distinguish cultivars and to assess parentage. Two distinct groups were found. Two cultivars were present as a separate group showing differences from all other cultivars. Mutants with different flower colour could be identified at the molecular level using RAPD technique holding promise to identify unique genes as SCAR markers. A high genetic distance among the different chrysanthemums showed that there exists a possibility of introgressing new and novel genes from the chrysanthemum gene pool.  相似文献   

The efficiency of chromomycin A3 (CMA) staining was examined for parental chromosome differentiation in citrange [Citrus sinensis (L.) Osbeck × Poncirus trifoliata (L.) Raf.] and citrangequat (Fortunella sp. × citrange). All of the accessions analyzed had the same chromosome number of 2n = 18. CMA staining revealed six characteristic banding patterns on the basis of the number and position of CMA positive bands (CMA+) as follows; A: two terminal and one proximal band, B: one terminal and one proximal band, C: two terminal bands, D: one terminal band, E: no band, and F: one proximal band. Chromosome CMA banding patterns of the accessions were 1A + 1B + 2C + 13D + 1F in Fortunella margarita, 2B + 2C + 7D + 7E in ‘Fukuhara’ orange, 2B + 10D + 6E in Poncirus trifoliata, 1B + 1C + 10D + 6E in citrange and 1A + 1C + 11D + 4E + 1F in citrangequat. The results of this study confirmed the intergeneric and tri-generic hybridity of citrange and citrangequat, respectively.  相似文献   

The influence of IAA (1.0 mg dm−3), and IBA (1.16 mg dm−3), on the development of highbush blueberry (Vaccinium × covilleanum But. et Pl.) ‘Herbert’ in vitro shoot cultures was examined. Depending on the kind of auxin and 2iP concentration in vitro cultures consisted of various number of axillary (AX) and adventitious (AD) shoots. Three different categories of AD shoots were found: leaf shoots (AD-L), node-adjoin shoots (AD-P), and base-adjoin shoots (AD-M, madshoots). The AX shoots were the least habituated (towards auxins, cytokinins and vitamins) whereas the AD-M shoots (madshoots) the most. In comparison to IAA, IBA caused dying or callusing higher number of initial explants. However, IBA generally suppressed development of AD shoots, especially madshoots whereas slightly weakened multiplication of AX shoots. IBA significantly enhanced elongation of AX shoots also. Axillary shoots obtained on IBA-media had relative long internodes and rigid, well-developed leaves. The adventitious shoots, especially base-adjoin (AD-M) ones, were easily distinguishable as were more thin and fragile, more or less vitrified, and had short internodes and smaller, sometimes unfolded leaves. Development of blueberry in vitro cultures on auxin-free and IAA-supplemented media was similar. AX shoots grown on such media resembled AD shoots. 2iP applied in higher doses along with IAA promoted much proliferation of AD than AX shoots. In contrast, 2iP applied in higher doses together with IBA stimulated significantly only growth of AX shoots whereas in general, development of adventitious shoots was not affected. Micropropagation carried out through routine method based on subculturing of shoot explants or shoot clumps on the medium supplemented with IAA (4 mg dm−3) and 2iP (10–15 mg dm−3) as well as stimulation of shoot elongation on the blank medium causes in fact the propagation of highbush blueberry through highly habituated adventitious madshoots. Replacement of IAA by IBA facilitates micropropagation of highbush blueberry cv. Herbert through axillary shoots.  相似文献   

Effect of different concentrations of putrescine on post-harvest life of strawberry (Fragaria ananassa Duch.) fruit, cultivar Selva at 5 °C was studied. Fruits were immerged in 0.3, 0.5, 1 and 2 mM putrescine as well as distilled water (control) for 5 min, then transferred into the fridge (5 °C) together with untreated fruits (dry treatment). The rate of weight loss, ethylene production, flesh firmness, soluble solids content, titratable acidity and pH of fruits were determined 5, 9 and 13 days after the beginning of storage. Flesh firmness, appearance, color change and taste of fruits were also determined in the same intervals using a taste panel. Storage life of the strawberry fruits was significantly increased by the use of putrescine, so that the untreated and control fruits had 6 and 8 days storage life, respectively, while the immerged fruits in 1 and 2 mM putrescine were still suitable to be exposed in the market 12 and 14 days after the beginning of storage, respectively. No significant weight losses were observed in treated fruits compared to controls and dry treatment at all determination times. Ethylene production was decreased significantly by the use of putrescine. Untreated fruits (dry treatment) had the highest rate of ethylene production and the lowest rate was occurred in 2 mM putrescine treatment at all determination times (5, 9 and 13 days after the beginning of storage). The use of putrescine also prevented the softening of fruit flesh during the storage and kept their firmness, so that, the 2 mM putrescine treatment caused the highest fruit firmness at all determination times. Distilled water treatment (control) had the lowest fruit firmness 5 and 9 days after storage, while this occurred for the dry treatment 13 days after storage. Soluble solids content, pH and titratable acidity of the fruits were not significantly affected by the use of putrescine, but the highest and lowest rate of titratable acidity were related to the 2 mM putrescine and dry treatment, respectively, at the three determination times. Overall, the quality of fruits was improved by the use of 2 mM putrescine in terms of properties evaluated by the taste panel.  相似文献   

A protocol is developed for Agrobacterium-mediated genetic transformation of Amaranthus tricolor via explant co-cultivation with Agrobacterium rhizogenes. Bacteria-plant specific factors which influenced transformation were optimized. Of the two Agrobacterium strains employed, LBA9402 was more infectious compared to A4. Bacterial suspensions grown overnight with 100 μM acetosyringone and experiencing O.D.660 = 0.6 followed by dilution to a density of 109 cells ml−1 were the most effective. Explants from garden-grown plants were more responsive than those from in vitro cultures; stem internodes being better than leaves. Immersion of the pre-pricked explants in bacterial suspension resulted in a markedly higher transformation frequency compared to the direct injection method. The infection of internode explants with the LBA9402 strain followed by co-cultivation on growth regulator-free MS medium (MS0) for 5 days resulted in emergence of hairy roots up to a maximum frequency of 97.22%. Roots were individually cultured in MS0, but fortified with bactericidal antibiotic (500 μg ml−1 cefotaxime). Rhizoclones showing prolific growth were renewed through successive subcultures in MS0. Opine gene expression was revealed by positive agropine and mannopine synthesis in all selected transformed rhizoclones. Shoot regeneration from root clones, capable of auxin-independent growth and opine proficiency, was stimulated in MS augmented with 2.0 mg l−1 zeatin. pRi TL–DNA rolB and pRi TR–DNA man2 ORF were detected in leaf tissues of regenerated plants from selected hairy root clones through PCR amplification. The implication of such findings is discussed on the possibility of conferring protection to crop amaranths against biotic stress challenges, particularly due to insects, viruses or fungal pathogens.  相似文献   

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