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The global area covered with transgenic (genetically modified) crops has rapidly increased since their introduction in the mid-1990s. Most of these crops have been rendered herbicide resistant, for which it can be envisaged that the modification has an impact on the profile and level of herbicide residues within these crops. In this article, the four main categories of herbicide resistance, including resistance to acetolactate-synthase inhibitors, bromoxynil, glufosinate and glyphosate, are reviewed. The topics considered are the molecular mechanism underlying the herbicide resistance, the nature and levels of the residues formed and their impact on the residue definition and maximum residue limits (MRLs) defined by the Codex Alimentarius Commission and national authorities. No general conclusions can be drawn concerning the nature and level of residues, which has to be done on a case-by-case basis. International residue definitions and MRLs are still lacking for some herbicide-crop combinations, and harmonisation is therefore recommended.  相似文献   

Economic and herbicide use impacts of glyphosate-resistant crops   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
More than 95% of United States maize, cotton, soybean and sugarbeet acres are treated with herbicides for weed control. These products are used to improve the economic profitability of crop production for farmers. Since their introduction in 1996, over 75 million acres of genetically engineered glyphosate-resistant crops have been planted, making up 80% of soybean acres and 70% of cotton acres in the USA. These genetically engineered crops have been adopted by farmers because they are perceived to offer greater economic benefits than conventional crop and herbicide programs. The adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops has saved US farmers 1.2 billion dollars associated with the costs of conventional herbicide purchases, application, tillage and hand weeding. With the adoption of glyphosate-resistant sugarbeets on currently planted sugarbeet acres, US growers could potentially save an additional 93 million dollars. The adoption of glyphosate-resistant crops by US agriculture has reduced herbicide use by 37.5 million lbs, although the adoption of glyphosate-resistant sugarbeets would dampen this reduction by 1 million lbs.  相似文献   

Transgenic herbicide‐resistant rice is needed to control weeds that have evolved herbicide resistance, as well as for the weedy (feral, red) rice problem, which has been exacerbated by shifting to direct seeding throughout the world—firstly in Europe and the Americas, and now in Asia, as well as in parts of Africa. Transplanting had been the major method of weedy rice control. Experience with imidazolinone‐resistant rice shows that gene flow to weedy rice is rapid, negating the utility of the technology. Transgenic technologies are available that can contain herbicide resistance within the crop (cleistogamy, male sterility, targeting to chloroplast genome, etc.), but such technologies are leaky. Mitigation technologies tandemly couple (genetically link) the gene of choice (herbicide resistance) with mitigation genes that are neutral or good for the crop, but render hybrids with weedy rice and their offspring unfit to compete. Mitigation genes confer traits such as non‐shattering, dwarfism, no secondary dormancy and herbicide sensitivity. It is proposed to use glyphosate and glufosinate resistances separately as genes of choice, and glufosinate, glyphosate and bentazone susceptibilities as mitigating genes, with a six‐season rotation where each stage kills transgenic crop volunteers and transgenic crop × weed hybrids from the previous season. Copyright © 2009 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Mechanisms of herbicide resistance include (1) modified target site, (2) enhanced detoxification or delayed activation, and (3) alterations in the uptake, translocation, or compartmentalization of a herbicide. The first two mechanisms have mainly been identified in plants. Herbicide resistance genes were isolated for several herbicides of different modes of action. Genes that coded for herbicide target or detoxification enzymes were transferred into crop plants. The transgenic plants expressing these genes were tolerant of the active ingredients of herbicides. Before commercialization, the transgenic plants were tested in the field for risk assessment. In the case of crops with herbicide detoxification enzymes, including cytochrome-P450-species-metabolizing xenobiotics, the substrate specificity of the enzymes as well as the toxicological properties of the herbicide metabolites and the pattern of secondary metabolites in plants must be evaluated. © 1999 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Glyphosate has been associated with control failures for Spermacoce verticillata in some Brazilian States. The objective of this work was to evaluate and determine the possible causes of this and propose alternative herbicides to use. Glyphosate was applied at three plant stages of development (2–4 leaves, 4–6 leaves and full bloom) where foliar absorption and translocation of glyphosate to various plants parts and time were analysed using the 14C technique. Data were submitted to nonlinear regressions and analysis of variance, where means were compared by a Tukey test at 5% probability. Plant control by the application of different herbicides (19) in the same three stages of development of weed was evaluated. Twenty‐one days after herbicide application, control was visually evaluated and data analysed and means were compared. Due to absorption and/or translocation problems, S. verticillata plants were not controlled by glyphosate. Plants with 4–6 leaves showed lower absorption and translocation of the herbicide to the leaf/root regions compared with plants at the beginning of their development. Plants at full bloom showed lower translocation of the herbicide to the root. In addition to the application of glyphosate at early stages of development, the application of paraquat, flumioxazin and mixtures of glyphosate with flumioxazin or cloransulam is recommended. Late applications could result in poor control, principally if glyphosate is used. Therefore, early applications are strongly recommended for control of this species.  相似文献   

It is suggested that selection for late germinating seed cohorts is significantly associated with herbicide resistance in some cropping systems. In turn, it is conceivable that rotating herbicide modes of action selects for populations with mutations for increased secondary dormancy, thus partially overcoming the delaying effect of rotation on resistance evolution. Modified seed dormancy could affect management strategies – like herbicide rotation – that are used to prevent or control herbicide resistance. Here, we review the literature for data on seed dormancy and germination dynamics of herbicide‐resistant versus susceptible plants. Few studies use plant material with similar genetic backgrounds, so there are few really comparative data. Increased dormancy and delayed germination may co‐occur with resistance to ACCase inhibitors, but there is no clear‐cut link with resistance to other herbicide classes. Population shifts are due in part to pleiotropic effects of the resistance genes, but interaction with the cropping system is also possible. We provide an example of a model simulation that accounts for genetic diversity in the dormancy trait, and subsequent consequences for various cropping systems. We strongly recommend adding more accurate and detailed mechanistic modelling to the current tools used today to predict the efficiency of prevention and management of herbicide resistance. These models should be validated through long‐term experimental designs including mono‐herbicide versus chemical rotation in the field. © 2017 Society of Chemical Industry  相似文献   

Due to increasing restrictions on the use of toxic and expensive nematicides, there is now a greater than ever need for crop cultivars that are resistant to plant-parasitic nematodes. Genetically engineered nematode resistance is not as well developed as other engineered traits but, even so, the first genetically modified plants with enhanced nematode resistance have been produced and tested. Plant-derived enzyme inhibitor and lectin genes are being evaluated for their ability to confer broad-spectrum nematode resistance in transgenic crop plants. Early indications are that these are likely to be effective. Gene pyramiding has potential to increase field durability and to widen the spectrum of nematodes controlled by any one transgenic line. © 1998 SCI.  相似文献   

李香菊 《植物保护》2023,49(5):316-324
基因重组技术的发展突破了作物有性杂交的限制, 为培育耐除草剂作物提供了新途径。转基因作物种植产生了显著的经济效益、社会效益和生态效益, 种植面积迅速增长。全球转基因作物1996年仅170万hm2, 2022年种植面积扩大到2.022亿hm2, 增加了近120倍。面积最大的前5个国家转基因作物种植比例均在90%以上, 阿根廷种植比例接近100%, 耐除草剂性状一直是转基因作物的主要性状。2008年, 我国启动了转基因生物新品种培育科技重大专项, 利用生物育种技术研发出中黄6106、DBN8002、DBN9936、DBN9858、DBN3601T等多个含有耐除草剂草甘膦基因的转化体, 并获得农业转基因生物生产应用安全证书。2021年-2023年, 我国在云南、内蒙古等地开展了转基因作物试点种植, 结果表明, 草甘膦在上述转化体及其衍生品种上应用, 除草效果好、增产节本优势明显, 适合不同的轮作与栽培模式。本文概述全球转基因作物的研发和商业化应用情况, 分析我国农田杂草危害现状及防控需求, 结合具体国情和转基因耐除草剂作物应用需求, 论述其在我国产业化应用的前景, 以期为转基因耐除草剂作物的研究、种植和草害可持续控制提供参考。  相似文献   

While cultivation of transgenic crops takes place in seven of the EU member states, this constitutes a relatively limited part of the total acreage planted to these crops worldwide. The only glyphosate-resistant (GR) crop grown commercially until recently has been soybean in Romania. In addition, large-scale experimental European data exist for GR sugar and fodder beets, and, to a lesser extent, GR oilseed rape. These GR crops are likely to have an impact both on the use of herbicides and on the environmental impact of the latter. From the data on these GR crops, it appears that quantities of herbicides applied to GR beets are decreased while those on GR soybean are slightly increased compared with their conventional counterparts. Depending on the parameters used for prediction or measurement of environmental impacts of GR crops, generally similar or less negative impacts were observed compared with conventional crops. Favourable environmental effects of the glyphosate-containing herbicide regimes on GR crops appear feasible, provided appropriate measures for maintaining biodiversity and prevention of volunteers and gene flow are applied.  相似文献   

农田杂草抗药性及其检测鉴定方法   总被引:25,自引:5,他引:20  
杂草的抗药性是杂草综合治理中存在的重大难题之一,本文根据国内外已报道的文献,对农田杂草抗药性的现状与发展,抗药性杂草产生的原因和机理以及抗药性杂草的检测鉴定方法作一综述。  相似文献   

Euphorbia heterophylla populations endued with resistance to both imazethapyr (an acetolactate synthase inhibitor) and fomesafen (a protoporphyrinogen oxidase inhibitor) were first detected in Brazil in 2004. The objectives of this study were to determine the number and dominance of genes conferring imazethapyr and fomesafen resistance in E. heterophylla and to establish the types of inheritance of the resistance traits. It was hypothesised that two dominant nuclear genes control this herbicide resistance and each gene confers resistance to a single herbicide. We crossed a susceptible (S) and a multiple-resistant (R) E. heterophylla biotype and generated F1 families which, in turn, were self-fertilised to produce F2 families. Backcrosses of the F1 families with the S- and R parental biotypes resulted in BCs and BCr families respectively. The F1, F2, BCs and BCr families and the S and R parental biotypes were subjected to imazethapyr and fomesafen wherein each herbicide was used as a selecting agent. F1 plants and the S- and R parental biotypes were used to evaluate the dominance of the resistance trait in multiple-dose bioassays with imazethapyr and fomesafen. The observed frequencies of resistant plants in the F1, F2, BCs and BCr families did not significantly differ from the expected frequencies for a resistance trait regulated by two dominant genes in which each gene confers resistance to a single herbicide. The lack of difference in herbicide response between the F1 family and the R parental biotype was taken as evidence for completely dominant resistance to imazethapyr and fomesafen. Herbicide resistance in E. heterophylla presents with dominant monogenic nuclear inheritance for each herbicide mode of action. Our findings underscore the necessity and urgency of adopting integrated strategies to control E. heterophylla and to inhibit the evolution of new herbicide-resistant strains.  相似文献   

为明确高粱田主要杂草对HPPD抑制剂类除草剂喹草酮的抗性,采用整株生物测定法测定马唐Digitaria sanguinalis、稗Echinochloa crusgalli、狗尾草Setaria viridis、野稷Panicum miliaceum、反枝苋Amaranthus retroflexus和藜Chenbopodium alum六种主要杂草的敏感种群对喹草酮的敏感基线,同时测定全国不同生态区高粱田中这6种杂草对喹草酮的抗性水平。结果显示,喹草酮对野稷、稗、反枝苋和藜的防除效果较好,GR50介于12.76~32.72 g (a.i.)/hm2之间,GR90介于68.04~193.54 g (a.i.)/hm2之间,对马唐的防除效果略低,GR50介于44.23~56.19 g (a.i.)/hm2之间,GR90介于472.26~849.24g(a.i.)/hm2之间。采自全国不同生态区高粱田的马唐、稗、狗尾...  相似文献   

Cultivars of soyabean [ Glycine max (L.) Merr.] resistant to the herbicide imazethapyr were identified by suspending the roots of 5-day-old seedlings in nutrient culture containing 2.5 mg a.i. L–1 imazethapyr and then comparing the inhibitory effect on root length and shoot dry weight. The four most resistant cultivars were subsequently screened as regenerating tissue cultures in a medium containing 2.0 mg a.i. L–l imazethapyr to select somaclonal cells with increased resistance. Surviving portions of cultures were regenerated to give shoots, the plants isolated, allowed to flower and seed. These progeny were then used for further seed multiplication and seedlings from this latter generation were exposed to imazethapyr in vivo and callus and cell suspension cultures derived from these seedlings were exposed to imazethapyr in vitro . A reduction in the inhibitory effect of the imazethapyr was noted in the somaclone seedlings and tissue cultures. However, measurement of acetolactate synthase (ALS) activity showed no differences among the parent cultivars and in the selected somaclones in this trait.  相似文献   

刘晓蓓  张勇  陈巨莲 《植物保护》2023,49(5):181-189
小麦蚜虫是小麦上的重大害虫, 严重威胁小麦产量和粮食安全。种植抗虫品种为最经济有效的麦蚜防控措施之一, 充分了解小麦品种对蚜虫的抗性及其机制是培育与利用抗性品种的基础。本文对近10年来小麦抗蚜品种的鉴定筛选、抗蚜机理、抗蚜基因与抗性遗传, 以及转基因抗蚜小麦创制等研究进展进行了系统综述, 并对今后研究进行展望, 以期为深入研究小麦对蚜虫抗性机制, 促进抗虫小麦改良, 并为抗虫品种在麦蚜绿色防控中应用提供参考。  相似文献   

Wheat production is threatened by a constantly changing population of pathogen species and races. Given the rapid ability of many pathogens to overcome genetic resistance, the identification and practical implementation of new sources of resistance is essential. Landraces and wild relatives of wheat have played an important role as genetic resources for the improvement of disease resistance. The use of molecular approaches, particularly molecular markers, has allowed better characterization of the genetic diversity in wheat germplasm. In addition, the molecular cloning of major resistance (R) genes has recently been achieved in the large, polyploid wheat genome. For the first time this allows the study and analysis of the genetic variability of wheat R loci at the molecular level and therefore, to screen for allelic variation at such loci in the gene pool. Thus, strategies such as allele mining and ecotilling are now possible for characterization of wheat disease resistance. Here, we discuss the approaches, resources and potential tools to characterize and utilize the naturally occurring resistance diversity in wheat. We also report a first step in allele mining, where we characterize the occurrence of known resistance alleles at the wheat Pm3 powdery mildew resistance locus in a set of 1,320 landraces assembled on the basis of eco-geographical criteria. From known Pm3 R alleles, only Pm3b was frequently identified (3% of the tested accessions). In the same set of landraces, we found a high frequency of a Pm3 haplotype carrying a susceptible allele of Pm3. This analysis allowed the identification of a set of resistant lines where new potentially functional alleles would be present. Newly identified resistance alleles will enrich the genetic basis of resistance in breeding programmes and contribute to wheat improvement.  相似文献   

弹尾虫虫体微小、种类丰富、分布广泛。近年来发现该虫对食用菌、天麻、姜、蒜、百合、芋头等多种经济作物为害严重。本文详细介绍了弹尾虫的外部形态特征、生物学特性及其对经济作物的危害。  相似文献   

Crops and soils from field trials in 1967–1970 in several countries have been analysed for residues of the triazine herbicide cyanazine (‘BLADEX’
  • 1 Shell Registered Trade Mark.
  • a or ‘FORTROL’a' 2-chloro-4-(1-cyano-1-methylethylamino)-6-ethylamino-1,3,5-triazine) and for its degradation products 2-chloro-4-(1-carbarmoyl-1-methylethylamino)-6-ethylamino-1,3,5-triazine ( II ), 2-chloro-4-(1-cyano-1-methylethylamino)-6-amino-1,3,5-triazine ( V ) and 2-chloro-4-(1-carbonyl-1-methylethylamino)-6-amino-1,3,5-triazine ( VI ). The time for the concentration of cyanazine in soils to fall to half the initial value was in the range 1.3 to 5 weeks with a mean value of 2.4 weeks. The rate of loss was not affected by sparse crop cover and there was some indication that the rate was greater under moist soil conditions. Residues of up to 0.5 part/million of ( II ) and up to 0.08 part/million of ( VI ) were detected in soils at 4 weeks from cyanazine application at 2 kg/ha. The residues of cyanazine and the degradation products declined rapidly and were 0.07 part/million or less at 16 weeks from treatment. Repeated annual applications did not lead to a detectable build up of residues in soil. Neither residues of cyanazine nor those of ( II ), ( V ) or ( VI ) could be detected in a wide range of crops harvested from soil treated in accordance with the likely recommendations and the limits of detectability were 0.01 to 0.04 part/million.  相似文献   

    The use of fungicides in wheat and barley production has increased impressively during the last 10 years in Switzerland. Although no resistance to fungicides has yet been recorded in the field, strategies to delay resistance build-up have been developed. They are the result of collaboration between official research and advisory services. More co-operation is desirable, however, between officials and chemical companies at the level of farmer advice. Our recommendations are based on the following points: 1) minimal numbers of applications; 2) whenever possible, fungicides with multisite action should be used; 3) all components of a mixture should aim at pathogens present to a significant extent in the crop; 4) long-term, flexible strategies. Implementation of these strategies is made easier by several methods for deciding when and whether to treat (EPIPRE; risk evaluation; disease threshold levels). We recommend the alternation of single-site compounds according to their mode of action, rather than the use of mixtures (multi- + single-site, or single-site). A major reason is the common, simultaneous occurrence of a variety of pathogens in cereal crops. Preferring a ‘mixture strategy’ to alternation would imply the use of cocktails of several compounds with possible major disadvantages such as cost, residues, and iatrogenic diseases.  相似文献   

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