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云杉八齿小蠹(Ips typographus)分布范围广,可危害多种健康和衰弱的云杉(Picea asperata)和松属树种。幼虫危害初期在树干坑道内取食,植株生长正常;危害中期被害树干上可见小蠹羽化孔,树皮较易剥离,针叶变色;严重危害时树皮极易剥落。由于其适应性强,危害存在隐蔽性,该虫对我国北方针叶林造成重大经济危害。通过对云杉八齿小蠹的风险分析,其风险评估值R=1.85,在我国属中度危险的林业有害生物。  相似文献   

王俊  黄炳夏 《林业科技》1992,17(5):27-27
云杉八齿小蠹是云杉的重要蛀干害虫,它不仅危害云杉新伐木和衰弱木,还危害健康木,轻者林木生长和结实受影响,重者活立木成片死亡,伐倒木脱皮腐烂变色。为了控制该虫泛滥,从德国引进聚集激素,开展了激素诱捕实验。经过1988~1989年两年试验和近两年的大面积使用证明,选用塑料膜制的诱捕器,效果好,制作使用运输方便,并可重复使用,成本低,不杀伤天敌,无负作用,是当前防治蛀干害虫的有效方法。  相似文献   

青海云杉(拟)齿小蠹聚集信息素研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
对危害青海云杉的光臀八齿小蠹、香格里拉齿小蠹及东方拟齿小蠹聚集信息素系统进行研究,并成功鉴定出3种(拟)齿小蠹的聚集信息素组分。光臀八齿小蠹聚集信息素由2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇,74%-(-)-小蠹二烯醇和(S)-顺式-马鞭草烯醇3种成分组成;香格里拉齿小蠹聚集信息素的有效组分为2-甲基-3-丁烯-2-醇,99%-(+)-小蠹二烯醇和(S)-顺式-马鞭草烯醇,东方拟齿小蠹聚集信息素由95%-(-)-小蠹烯醇和(S)-顺式-马鞭草烯醇2种成分组成。3种人工合成的小蠹虫聚集信息素已在害虫发生期及种群动态监测中进行野外试验,并取得预期效果。  相似文献   

云杉八齿小蠹可危害多种云杉。危害初期幼虫在寄主树干坑道内取食,树皮生长正常,针叶颜色正常;危害中期被害树干上可见小蠹羽化孔,树皮较易剥离,针叶开始变色;严重危害时被害树干树皮极易剥落,皮下可见小蠹和幼虫,或树木枯死,对云杉和木材生产造成一定程度的危害。通过对云杉八齿小蠹的风险分析,其风险评估值R=1.85,在我国属中度危险的林业有害生物。  相似文献   

应用性信息素监测与防治云杉八齿小蠹   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
监测和防治试验结果表明:用性信息素诱杀云杉八齿小蠹效果显著,防治效果可靠,诱杀持续时间长、具有经济、安全、无抗性等特点。防治效果可达90.9%。  相似文献   

云杉八齿小蠹对寄主、非寄主植物的嗅觉反应及发生机理   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
周琦  严善春  张真 《林业科技》2011,36(3):19-22
通过云杉八齿小蠹对植物挥发性化合物的嗅觉行为反应测试的结果表明:冷杉挥发物对云杉八齿小蠹有驱避作用;采用GC-MS方法在云杉和非寄主冷杉的挥发物中分析鉴定出28种化合物,在冷杉挥发物中鉴定出18种化合物,在云杉挥发物中鉴定出14种,同时发现非寄主挥发性化合物包括萜烯类、酯类、醛类、醇类和烃类5类物质,并以萜烯类化合物居...  相似文献   

采用物候期与信息素监测相结合的方法,研究了云杉八齿小蠹的扬飞规律。结果表明:林间云杉八齿小蠹成虫开始活动时,忍冬和紫丁香的花蕾出现、接骨木和东北茶藨子进入开花初期、蒲公英处于开花盛期;当榆叶梅进入开花初期、紫丁香进入开花盛期时林间虫口密度达到最高,是信息素诱集防治的最佳时机;当接骨木进入开花盛期时,整个扬飞期结束。  相似文献   

对云杉八齿小蠹寄生为害期有效积温的研究结果表明:云杉八齿小蠹自成虫蛀入寄主树皮下时开始至下一代新羽化的第1头成虫羽化后扬飞时止,其有效积温为195.415日度±10日度,发育起点温度为18.294℃±0.2℃,平均历时50.2 d。  相似文献   

云杉八齿小蠹(Ips typographus L.)。分布于黑龙江、吉林、辽宁、内蒙古等地。主要危害红皮云杉和落叶松等针叶树种,该害虫在其被害树干的韧皮部里筑坑穴进行繁殖和危害,植物被害后叶呈深黄褐色或深红褐色,叶子呈萎蔫状并下垂,严重时受害植株树液分泌停止,造成植株生长缓慢,慢慢枯死,虫害大发生时可导致树木成片死亡。  相似文献   

2009年8月在黑龙江丰林国家级保护区云杉八齿小蠹危害的红皮云杉林内,对云杉八齿小蠹体内外和坑道内真菌进行了分离.研究结果表明,黑龙江丰林国家级自然保护区内云杉八齿小蠹体内外和坑道内栖息真菌多样性比较丰富,获得真菌13属26种,其中Alternaria、Fusarium、Hypocrea、Ophiostoma、Peni...  相似文献   

Chemical ecology of the spruce bark beetle lps typographus (L.) was reviewed. The outbreak of 1.typographus in central Europe triggered extensive research on chemical ecology, Males initiate host location and produce semiochemicals which attract both males and females, A successful mass attack must first overcome the resistance of the host tree. Pioneer I. typographus evolved to use the resin flow of host trees as kairomones in host location, and synthesized semiochemicals initially to detoxify the resin. If small bark beetle populations infest healthy trees, mass attack is prevented by host resistance, Nine monoterpene alcohols were found in male hind-guts, including cis-verbenol (cV) and 2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol (MB) which are regarded as primary aggregation pheromones, and a low proportion of lpsdienol (ld) which increases attractiveness of cV and MB, Verbenone (Vn) and Ipsenol (le) are anti-aggregation pheromones, that play important roles in adjusting attack density and insect density under the bark. Non-host volatiles are repellent to L typographus, so that beetles do not waste energy boring into non-host trees. The relationship between host resistance, pheromone compounds and behavior, non-host volatiles, bioassays and mass trapping are reviewed, Results of field bioassays stressed that traps baited with specific pheromones could be used as a reasonable protection measure.  相似文献   

Logs of fresh‐felled Norway spruce were stored close to the south‐facing edges of clear‐cuts from the previous winter and treated with controlled release formulation of: 1. The pheromone components verbenone and ipsenol, which act as antiaggregative pheromone in Ips typographus. 2. Turpentine, a by‐product derived from pulp mills. The experiments were conducted in 3 locations in South‐Norway during a 3‐year period. All experiments show that treatments with a combination of verbenone and ipsenol released from laminated structure dispensers significantly reduced the attack density of I. typographus, whereas turpentine treatment had no effect on the rate of beetle infestations.  相似文献   

By means of barriere traps baited with two types ofIps typographus pheromone, Typolur and Pheroprax, nearly 240000 individuals were trapped between 1979 and 1981 in bohemian spruce stands. In the whole 64% (Typolur) resp. 61% (Pheroprax) of the beetles were females. At the beginning of the flying period the males predominated whereas some weeks later on the contrary the females were prevalent. The latter consisted of individuals founding sisterbroods. Up to 5.2% of females had lost their bristles showing that they already were through three egg laying periods.  相似文献   

Investigations on I. typographus populations were conducted in 1992–1994 in the Sudeten (south-western Poland), in Norway spruce stands that were devastated previously by insect outbreaks and that exhibited severe forest decline. Crown defoliation and the volume of infested trees per hectare were used as indices of stand health and breeding conditions; variability in the infestation density, gallery length, and body length of beetles were parameters that were used to estimate the response of I. typographus populations to changing stand conditions. In stands located in the zone above 800 m a.s.l. where both the level defoliation and tree mortality were higher, the infestation density and body length of I. typographus were higher than in the zone below 800 m a.s.l., where stands were less damaged. Contrarily, the gallery length was higher in lower montane zone, where lower infestation densities and body length values were found. A proposed mechanism for this interaction, which is attributed mainly to better breeding conditions for I. typographus populations in weakened stands, is presented and discussed.  相似文献   

A study concerning the winter mortality of a sub-corticolous population of Ips typographus and its parasitoids has been carried out in the south-eastern Alps (Italy) during the winter 1997/98. Three attacked spruce trees were sampled three times (November, February and April) by collecting infested bark disks (1?dm2 each). All insects that emerged from the bark or died in the samples before emergence were counted. The mean number of living Ips typographus occurring under the bark decreases by 49?% from November to April. Winter mortality mainly affects larval stages and young adults. The same trend was observed for the parasitoids Coeloides bostrychorum (48.5?%) and Roptrocerus xylophagorum (47.5?%).  相似文献   

During the summers of three consecutive years (2002, 2003 and 2004) the parasitoid fauna of the spruce bark beetle Ips typographus was investigated in the national park “Bavarian Forest”. In the central part of this forest no human influence in the population dynamics is allowed, whereas, in the surrounding no bark beetle attacks are accepted and all infested wood is removed consequently. Species frequency and species composition did not differ much in 2002 and 2003, when Coeloides bostrichorum and Roptrocerus sp. was most numerous. But in 2004 species composition changed with the increase of R. tutela and the decrease of C. bostrichorum. We found that C. bostrichorum reached very high numbers of individuals, but its frequency did not exceed 31% during 3 years while the pteromalid wasps were not so numerous, but had very high frequencies. For Roptrocerus, we found 55, 82 and 85% and for R. tutela 41, 67 and 85% frequency. In 2004, mean parasitization was higher (8.5) as in 2003 (5.8%). The highest parasitization in one sample was 92.2% in 2002 caused by C. bostrichorum, 73.5% in 2003 caused by C. bostrichorum and R. tutela and 59.8% in 2004 caused by R. tutela and Roptrocerus. Our hypothesis that the influence of parasitoids on the population dynamics of I. typographus is greater in natural forests than in normal treated forests could not be corroborated.  相似文献   

Larssoniella duplicati n.sp. infects the midgut muscularis, the Malpighian tubules, and the ovaries of adult Ips duplicatus (Sahlb.) in the Czech Republic. The microsporidian attacks up to 50% of the population. Oval spores of two sizes, 3–3.5×1.5–2 and 2–2.5×1.5 μm have the polar filament coiled in 6/7 coils, representing primary and environmental spores, respectively. In early sporogony the young spores produce long electron dense threads and tubules of secretions, which remain fixed around the spore and avoid their free release during dissection of infected hosts. The microsporidian was not found in associated bark beetles such as Ips typographus (L.), or I. amitinus (Eichh.) and others.  相似文献   

在内蒙古阿尔山的田间诱捕试验中,落叶松八齿小蠹引诱剂1共诱集到16头落叶松八齿小蠹和1319头天敌红胸郭公虫,而落叶松八齿小蠹引诱剂2诱集到24104头落叶松八齿小蠹和776头红胸郭公虫。室内的触角电位试验结果表明:落叶松八齿小蠹对引诱剂2的触角反应(雌虫2.139mV±0.678mV,雄虫2.169mV±0.473mV)大于引诱剂1(雌虫0.440mV±0.232mV,雄虫0.297mV±0.142mV),对引诱剂1的反应值和对照差不多;而红胸郭公虫对引诱剂1的触角反应(雌虫4.618mV±1.106mV,雄虫4.534mV±1.087mV)明显大于引诱剂2(雌虫2.209mV±0.680mV,雄虫1.953mV±0.601mV),对引诱剂2也有一定的反应值。触角电位试验与田间诱捕试验结果相符合。GC-MS分析结果表明:引诱剂1的主要成分为3.06%的cis-geraniol,1.98%的Ipsenol,80.36%的(S)-cis-verbenol和1.03%的1-verbenone;结合卖方公司提供的数据,引诱剂1的主要成分为4.78%的2-methyl-3-buten-2-ol,63.71%的Ipsenol(纯度为96.9%),1.46%的Cedrene和22.42%的Isocaryophillene。结合以上数据分析得出:不同成分引诱剂对落叶松八齿小蠹及天敌红胸郭公虫引诱能力显著不同,Ipsenol对诱集落叶松八齿小蠹起重要作用,而(S)-cis-verbenol则对诱集天敌红胸郭公虫起重要作用。  相似文献   

Four different pathogen species (Gregarina typographi, Chytridiopsis typographi, Unikaryon montanum and Menzbieria chalcographi) were found in adult Ips typographus from the Forest Demonstration Centre, BOKU University in the course of a 7-year period of investigation (1995–2001). Annual variations were found in both the spectrum and prevalence of pathogen species. Variations were found in the number of infected male and female beetles as well as the infections of beetles with different dates of emergence.  相似文献   

天牛化学通讯及其在害虫综合治理中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
天牛化学通讯机制的研究包括信息化学物质的鉴定及其在害虫综合治理中的应用,以及与信息化学物质紧密相关的天牛生殖行为特征.天牛的鞘翅、胸部和体表是产生信息素的主要部位,其短距离性信息素的碳链一般大于20个碳,长距离性信息素的碳链小于或等于10个碳,这一规律可为信息素的鉴定提供参考.应用植物源挥发物可作为引诱剂、驱避剂、拒食剂和产卵抑制剂调控天牛行为的特性来防治害虫.天牛的交配行为多数由短距离或接触性信息素启动,具有一定的生理节律和保护配偶现象,同时视觉、虫体颜色、形状、大小以及虫体体表化合物均可影响其交配行为.清楚了解天牛信息化学物质的特性及其生殖生物学,可充分发挥它们在害虫综合治理中的作用.  相似文献   

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