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桃:(一)油桃系列:早熟品种有五月阳光、97—1、丽舂(5—12)、超红珠(6—18)、春光(12—23)、粉红。 中熟品种有中油5号、智利甜油桃、国旗红、双红、秦光2号、井村油王。 晚熟品种有红芙蓉、丽秋、布雷顶峰、晴朗。 (二)蟠桃系列:早、中、晚油蟠桃、早露蟠桃、王母巨蟠桃。  相似文献   

<正>安徽桃时代现代农业有限公司:桃、黄桃、油桃、蟠桃、观赏桃、仁用桃、久不软桃!新品种新技术网址:www.xxlxgm.com从前,桃从5月只能吃到10月,一年12个月只能吃上6个月,今后从11月可以再吃到4月,可想这6个月桃消费潜力有多大!2017年春所有超前品种全部100株以上起售(不再设万元起售)23个高收入的品种是:光战3号、早熟黄肉不软油桃、光战4号、早熟白肉不软油桃、红灯笼、中蟠11、白皮白肉不软毛桃、战斧、夏甜、秋雪、巨无霸,黄金峰2号、3号、4号,映雪红、金秋红丰、油蟠桃5号、油蟠桃7号、中蟠13、中蟠17、中秋巨蟠、秋甜、秋彤。  相似文献   

2018年春引进多个桃品种进行试栽,经多年观察,陇蜜9号、早玉、夏至早红3个桃品种适应性和抗逆性强、丰产、果实品质优,综合性状优良,未发生冻害,适宜在甘肃天水地区栽培。作者对3个品种的引种表现及适应性进行了总结,以期为广大桃种植户提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

9个哈密瓜品种叶片解剖结构及其抗旱性研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过石蜡切片,对新疆维吾尔自治区葡萄瓜果开发研究中心的9个哈密瓜品种叶片的抗旱性结构进行了测量分析.结果表明:在所测量的上表皮厚度、下表皮厚度、栅栏组织厚度、海绵组织厚度、叶片厚度等5个指标中,通过隶属函数法对几个指标的综合评价分析,获得了9个哈密瓜品种叶片抗旱特征排序由强到弱为西州密24号>香梨黄>热瓜旦>伽师瓜>西州密17号>醉仙>芙蓉>西州密25号>红心脆.  相似文献   

<正>我苗圃在多年的果树栽培中,引进400多个果树新品种,并培育了各类果树苗木,占地面积400亩,苗木树量800多万株。李子:巨早李、七月红脆李、幸运李、杏李等。珍稀李子:巨黑王李、巨艳李、金珠脆、火凤凰。油桃:巨油优系、中油8号、瑞光28、中油4号等。新特优油桃:巨天红蜜、红心珠、脆晶蜜。桃:月圆脆红桃、夏之梦、玉红巨雪、中秋王桃5号、突围桃、寒公主、中华巨蟠、蜜寒桃等。盆桃、扁桃、绿化观赏桃。稀特桃品种:红叶肉桃、霜脆紫叶桃。果特大高产奇优桃品种:丽宇桃、春脆桃、霜蜜桃。  相似文献   

正自产自销新优果树、花卉苗木400余个品种900多万株苗木优质桃:SH肉质不软桃(F1,F2,F3号、中桃9号、中桃10号、大中华桃、脆蜜糖桃),春瑞,春雪,加州早甜,早生加州早甜,甜春雪,早突围,突围,探春,春蜜优系,晚春,夏之梦,美晴,南国红桃,圆红,圣仙13号,圣仙桃。中油早4号,澳红脆,蟠桃,花桃,映雪红,77-8桃,黑桃,黄金蜜3号,锦绣黄桃等。李:公主李,红灵山李,久田李,井上李,红夏王李,黑总统李,秋姬李,7月红李等。杏:波卡特杏,丰园29杏,龙游杏,金太阳杏,凯特杏,树上干杏等。柿:甜柿,  相似文献   

为筛选适宜北方地区栽植的红肉桃品种,潍坊市农业科学院从2015年开始,先后引进'早仙红'天仙红'血桃1号'血桃2号'等南方优良红肉桃品种进行试种,并以当地红肉桃品种'黑桃2号'为对照,对引进红肉桃品种的植物学性状、生长结果习性、果实经济性状等进行了连续的观察测定。结果表明,4个红肉桃品种在潍坊地区生长结果正常,丰产稳产性好,3年生树产量可达22 500 kg/hm2,尤其是'血桃1号'血桃2号'综合栽培性状表现突出。  相似文献   

1品种选择。早熟品种以艳光、千年红为主;中熟品种以未央二号、新川中岛为主;晚熟品种以丽秋、秋红蜜为主,搭配发展春艳、中华红蜜、美香、中油5号、陆王仙等名优品种。  相似文献   

余群英 《北方园艺》2011,(15):92-93
"陇蜜9号"桃是甘肃省农科院林果花卉研究所近年选育的优质中熟鲜食桃新品种,该品种在甘肃省大部分桃产区栽培主要表现为丰产、大果,果实近全红,果实品质优,中熟、耐贮运,适应性和抗逆性均较强.目前已在甘肃省内白银、兰州、平凉、天水等地的灌区和旱地广泛栽培.近年来,通过对"陇蜜9号"桃在甘肃省各不同生态条件下的栽培管理和生长发育状况进行调查研究,逐步总结出该品种的一套栽培技术,现将其总结如下.  相似文献   

通过对贵州省清镇市引进的GL-7、单生红、香雄3号、贵椒2号、贵椒4号、贵椒6号六个干椒品种进行比较试验,结果表明,GL-7品种果实果长在5 cm左右,且大小均匀,果面光亮,植株长势和抗逆性强,果实品质优;贵椒6号植株生长势和抗逆性强,果实品质也好,鲜椒的含水量低,干椒产量高,可在贵州省清镇市作为野山椒推广应用.  相似文献   

AIM: To detect the expression of cytoplasmic inhibitor of apoptosis protein 2 (c-IAP2) and growth arrest-specific gene 1 (GAS1) in Hodgkin's lymphoma (HL) and anaplastic large cell lymphoma (ALCL) and to investigate the role of two genes in the pathogenesis of HL and ALCL.METHODS: HE staining, the antibodies CD30, CD15, CD45RO and CD20 were used to screen the cases of HL and ALCL from 288 cases of lymphoma. The clarified HL and ALCL were subjected for immunohistochemical staining by SP and ABC methods to analyze the expression of c-IAP2 and GAS1. RESULTS: ①The positive rate of c-IAP2 in HL was 25/26(96.1%) while that in ALCL was 6/19(31.6%), there presented statistic significance between HL and ALCL groups(P<0.05), meanwhile the positive rate of GAS1 showed statistic significance between HL and ALCL groups(P<0.05). ②Two cases were showed to be a mixed type combined with large tumor cells of HL and relatively smaller tumor cells of ALCL.CONCLUSION: ①The different expression of c-IAP2 and GAS1 in HL and ALCL implied a different mechanism of oncogenesis and the different defects in the pathway of signal transduction of apoptosis in HL and ALCL;②Few cases showed an overlap and a likely transitional state between HL and ALCL; ③The different expressing manner of GAS1 and c-IAP2 in HL and ALCL implied the potential marks for the differential dignosis of two kinds of lymphoma.  相似文献   

Fruit nutrient content and lipoxygenase (LOX) activity were determined in strawberry fruit to establish a relationship, if it exists, between nutrients, and LOX activity with the fruit malformation and nubbins or button berry disorders. Nearly 17% fruit were affected by malformation and 10% by nubbins in open-field-grown strawberries. ‘Etna’ produced higher proportion of malformed (22.7%) as well as button berries (16.9%) and ‘Sweet Charlie’ the lowest (8.9% and 3.3%, respectively). Dry matter content (%) was lower in malformed (5.2%) and button berries (3.23%) than normal berries (7.41%). The concentration of P and Mg did not differ significantly, but that of N and K was notably higher and of Ca and B was lower in malformed and button berries than normal berries. Consequently, the N/Ca and K/Ca ratios were higher in malformed and button berries. LOX activity was significantly higher in malformed as well as button berries than normal berries, with significant differences among cultivars. The correlations between N, K and malformed and button berries were positive and between Ca and B, and malformed and button berries were negative. Similarly, the correlation between LOX activity and malformed, and button berries were also positive, indicating that excess of N and K, and deficiency of Ca and B are related to the production of malformed and buttons or nubbins in strawberry.  相似文献   

Tardigrade communities are affected by micro and macro-environmental conditions but only micro-environmental variables, and altitudinal gradients have been studied. We review previous reports of altitudinal effects and evaluate the influence by interacting macro- (climate, soils, biome, and others) and micro-environmental (vegetation, moss and leaf litter) factors on tardigrade assemblages at the Sierra de Guadarrama mountain range (Iberian Central System Mountains, Spain). Terrestrial tardigrade assemblages were sampled using standard cores to collect leaf litter and mosses growing on rocks. General Linear Models were used to examine relationships between Tardigrada species richness and abundance, and macro- and micro-environmental variables (altitude, habitat characteristics, local habitat structure and dominant leaf litter type, and two bioclimatic classifications). Variation partitioning techniques were used to separate the effects of altitude and habitat variation, and to quantify the independent influences of climate and soil, vegetation structure and dominant type of leaf litter. Altitude shows a unimodal relationship with tardigrade species richness, although its effect independent of habitat variation is negligible. The best predictors for species richness were bioclimatic classifications. Separate and combined effects of macro-environmental gradients (soil and climate), vegetation structure and leaf litter type are important determinants of richness. A model including both macro- and micro-environmental variables explained nearly 60% of tardigrade species richness in micro-scale plots. Abundance was significantly related only to soil composition and leaf litter type. Tardigrade abundance was not explained by macro-environmental gradients analysed here, despite a significant correlation between abundance and richness.  相似文献   

西瓜甜瓜嫁接栽培技术研究进展   总被引:31,自引:19,他引:12  
综述了西瓜甜瓜嫁接栽培的意义、嫁接技术的研究和应用概况,详细论述了嫁接在亲和性、抗病抗逆性、产量、品质等方面生理和机理研究进展,探讨了西瓜甜瓜嫁接栽培的应用前景及存在的问题。  相似文献   

大蒜是世界性的药食同源植物,其营养、药用成分及功能得到了广泛关注和研究。本文从传统医学实践到现代生物医学实验的不同层面和维度对大蒜的食用和药用价值,以及功能性成分、药理作用的国内外研究进展进行了综述,并讨论了大蒜的合理开发利用和药食产业发展前景。  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate the effects of Chinese medicine, Jinan injection, on ultrastructure and mitochondria in cultured lung cancer cell lines. METHODS: The cultured lung cancer cell lines PG and PAa were used and divided into 4 groups: control (C), cisplatin (DDP), Jinan (JA) and Jinan in combination with cisplatin (DJ), respectively. The changes of morphology and mitochondria membrane potential, intracellular Ca2+ and pH in every group were observed by inverted microscope and electronic microscope as well as by using flow cytometry, staining by rhodamine, Fluo-3 and BCECF, respectively. RESULTS: Degeneration cells showed chromatin condensation and peripheral congregation. In cytoplasm autophage lysosome increased and myelinoid body was seen easily. In mitochondria structure, where the space between the inner and outer membranes of these organelles expanded as the matrix was compressed. The electron-dense or swelled was observed as vacuole degeneration and its matrix showed electron-lucent. Compared to control, mitochondria membrane potential increased in every group after 24 h and 48 h treatment. DDP increased intracellular calcium ion in PG cells, however, in PAa cells, JA and DJ decreased it. Intracellular pH got lower at 24 h and higher at 48 h in PG and PAa cells. There were significance in every group vs control in PG and PAa by statistic t-test (P<0.01). CONCLUSION: Apoptosis was induced in PG and PAa cell lines by Jinan injection and DJ. Mitochondria matrix displayed electron-dense, mitochondrial potential, intracellular calcium ion and pH showed an increasing trend. Mitochondria damages may play an important role in apoptosis induced by Jinan and DJ.  相似文献   

AIM: To investigate and screen the sensitive proteins in the formation mechanism of pathological scars by comparing the results of differential proteomic analysis between pathological scars and normal skin.METHODS: Two-dimensional gel electrophoresis was used to detect the protein expression profiles in 8 keloid patients, 8 hypertrophic scar patients and 3 matched normal skin patients.The proteins that showed differential expression of over 4-fold change were cut and analyzed by MALDI-TOF/TOF mass spectrometry.RESULTS: A two-dimensional protein profiling comparison between pathological scars and normal skin was successfully established.On average, 2 978 spots in keloid, 2 975 spots in hypertrophic scar and 3 053 spots in normal skin were identified using gel analysis software.Compared with normal skin, there were totally 36 differentially-expressed proteins in keloid and hypertrophic scar identified from the spots of over 4-fold change, including 16 proteins in both keloid and hypertrophic scar (8 up-regulated and 8 down-regulated), 11 only in keloid (9 up-regulated and 2 down-regulated) and 9 only in hypertrophic scar (4 up-regulated and 5 down-regulated).CONCLUSION: Proteomic analysis can identify the proteins with variance of pathological scars versus normal skin, thus providing probable new clues to reveal the formation mechanism of pathological scars.  相似文献   

营养液中病原菌和藻类的安全高效灭除是封闭式蔬菜无土栽培的重要技术环节。本文综述了蔬菜无土栽培营养液中病原菌和藻类的种类、侵染方式,不同灭菌除藻技术的原理、发展利用现状,并提出了新的技术途径和若干科学问题,以期为后续深入研究和推广应用提供理论依据。  相似文献   

Burger and Page (this volume) evaluated our models of habitat preferences and breeding success of a threatened seabird, the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), based on the largest available set of confirmed nest-sites found in coastal old-growth forest of the Pacific North-West. We believe our study documented novel and unexpected patterns of landscape-level distribution of marbled murrelets in both heavily logged and relatively intact old-growth landscapes and provided insights into how these patterns influence their reproduction, and, eventually, management. Considering the importance of the issue and to ensure appropriate and responsible use of the information we welcome discussion, detailed scrutiny and evaluation of our original results. Burger and Page claim to have identified flaws with model interpretation, data quality, statistical approaches, presentation and interpretation of our results that would invalidate our conclusions. We respond that most of their critique is irrelevant and/or misdirected with respect to our study and the interpretation of GIS data models, and that valid aspects of their claims do not critically affect our conclusions.  相似文献   

嫁接辣椒对青枯病的抗性及其与渗透调节物质的关系   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
 青枯病是当前设施辣椒主要的土传病害之一。为了选择抗性砧木和探讨嫁接辣椒的抗病机理,通过人工接种青枯病原菌,分析了不同辣椒品种砧木的发病率和病情指数变化,结果表明:‘富根卫士’(简称‘卫士’)发病晚,发病率低,病情指数最小,抗病性最强。以‘卫士’辣椒为砧木,以‘新丰2号’为接穗进行嫁接,以接穗自根嫁接为对照,研究其发病率、病情指数和渗透调节物质的变化。结果表明:嫁接植株的发病率和病情指数显著低于对照,接种20 d时,嫁接植株发病率和病情指数分别比对照低33%和43%。接种前嫁接的植株根系和叶片的含水量、水势、渗透势均低于对照,束缚水/自由水比值、可溶性糖及脯氨酸含量均高于对照。接种后,辣椒根系和叶片的含水量、水势、渗透势均逐渐降低,束缚水/自由水比值逐渐升高,可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量先升高后降低;与对照相比,嫁接植株根系和叶片的含水量、水势、渗透势的降低幅度及束缚水/自由水比值升高幅度明显较小,可溶性糖和脯氨酸含量显著增加。研究结果表明嫁接可显著提高辣椒青枯病的抗性,其抗病机理与渗透调节能力增强有关。  相似文献   

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