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Conceptual model of a future farm management information system   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Future and even current European farmers are experiencing that the managerial tasks for arable farming are shifting to a new paradigm, requiring increased attention to economic viability and the interaction with the surroundings. To this end, an integration of information systems is needed to advise managers of formal instructions, recommended guidelines and documentation requirements for various decision making processes. In the EU funded project FutureFarm, a new model and prototype of a new Farm Information Management System (FMIS) which meets these changing requirements will be developed. The aim of the work presented in this paper is to define and analyse the system boundaries and relevant decision processes for such a novel FMIS as a prerequisite for a dedicated information modelling.The boundaries and scope of the system are described in terms of actors and functionalities, where actors are entities interfacing with the system (e.g. managers, software, databases). In order to analyse the complex and soft systems situations of how to develop an effective FMIS, which effectively meets farmers’ changing needs a conceptual model was developed based on soft systems methodology (SSM) and based on information derived from four pilot farms representing diverse conditions across the EU that are partners of the FutureFarm project. The system components were depicted as part of rich pictures and linked to the subsequent derived conceptual model of the overall system as an outline for the development of the specific FMIS requirements. This research has shown the benefit of using dedicated system analysis methodologies as a preliminary step to the actual design of a novel farm management information system compared with other more rigid and activity oriented system analysis methods.  相似文献   

根据饲料企业现状和发展趋势,综合饲料企业的物流管理,构建饲料企业的进销存管理信息系统,并引入地理信息系统,通过对空间数据的统计和分析,帮助决策企业运作政策。  相似文献   

Functional requirements for a future farm management information system   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
As a subsequent step of the conceptual modelling and the information modelling involving the specification of the knowledge content of the decision processes and the involved data imbedded in the information entities, a derivation of the functional requirements was carried out to support and guide the selection of the technological infrastructure of a dedicated farm management information system (FMIS). The study employed the core-task analysis (CTA) method involving a combination of science-based modelling, practice-based modelling, and integrated information modelling.The “process” entities of the information flow model which represent the usage processes of the information, and of the “information” entities which represent the data elements were identified for the specific case of fertilising. This identification of the usage processes as well as the associated data elements showed the complexity of the decision making process within the domain of field operations. In a fully structured and formalised information flow decomposition, many actors are required to deliver information to the decision processes in order to fully emulate the tacit knowledge that the farmer are currently using. Especially, the concept of assisting services has to evolve in order to sustain the need of more automated decision processes in the future. New information management concepts and designs mean that farmers have to be ready to adopt new working habits and perhaps also undergo further training.  相似文献   

在“九五”“蛋鸡系统”研究基础上,进一步集成和扩充,实现鸡场龙头企业信息系统以及系统后台数据库的升迁,介绍实现系统平稳升级的编程和数据库设计技巧,构建一个适用于我国国情的企业生产经营管理辅助决策系统。系统采用Client/Server与Browser/Server相结合的方式运行,以不同的接入方式输入和获取企业生产经营管理决策信息,系统的实现将为集约高效养殖企业提供更全面、准确与及时的生产及经营信息,提高生产、管理、决策和经营水平。  相似文献   

信息系统信息安全风险管理的发展趋势分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
信息技术已经成为世界经济增长的重要动力,而信息系统的脆弱性又对国家构成威胁,因此信息安全风险管理成为经济发展的基础.本文分析了信息安全风险管理的发展历程,探讨了我国信息安全风险管理研究的趋势.  相似文献   

基于GIS的测土配方施肥信息系统设计与开发研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文对测土配方施肥的信息与应用的需求进行分析,按土壤与作物营养施肥设计并开发配方施肥的信息管理与应用系统两部分的功能模块,在GIS软件的基础上针对作物种类和目标产量采用养分算法模式以实现整个系统对农业生产的实际使用指导.  相似文献   

本文针对GIS在农业综合开发信息系统的开发应用上的研究,对基于GIS的农业综合开发信息系统的系统构成、数据库、设计等作了讨论。指出地理信息系统将有效的提高农业综合开发的管理工作,并将有很好的应用前景。  相似文献   

基于掌上电脑的农田信息空间分析系统的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
变量作业是精细农业的核心,信息采集和分析是实现变量作业的关键.为了实时分析采样数据,本文研制了基于掌上电脑的空间分析模块,该模块主要应用于基于掌上电脑的农田信息采集系统中,从而使基于掌上电脑的农田信息采集系统不但能实时地采集数据,而且能及时地分析数据,以此得到整个地块的产量或养分的空间分布情况,并用可视化技术,直观地显示分析结果.  相似文献   

基于GIS的土壤资源信息系统研究与开发   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
地理信息系统是现代地理学的重要技术支撑,具有较强的数据获取、存取、处理等功能。本文简要地介绍了地理信息系统二次开发的3种方法,详细阐述了采用OLE技术实现沈阳市东陵区土壤资源信息系统的开发过程及其系统的主要功能。系统的编程语言采用Visual Basic 6.0和MapBasic,属性数据库的构建由Microsoft公司的Access工具完成。  相似文献   

为了科学、合理、有序地经营森林,充分发挥森林的生态、经济和社会效益,根据《浙江 省森林经营方案编制实施细则》(试行)的要求,查清了林场各类土地面积和森林蓄积,林木和林 地资源,分析了森林资源与经营状况。根据森林资源动态和特点,遂昌县湖山林场编制了森林 经营方案,提出实施森林经营管理,森林经营活动的建议。  相似文献   

本文对宅基地管理存在的主要问题、原因进行了初步研究之后,结合Com GIS技术,对宅基地管理信息系统的结构、功能等进行了初步设计,并阐述了系统实现的关键技术,以期为宅基地管理工作提供一个可行的信息管理实现方案.  相似文献   

The identification of homogeneous management zones (MZs) within a field is a basis for site-specific management (SSM). We assessed the method of defining MZs based on the spatio-temporal homogeneity of six soil properties and above-ground biomass data from paddy rice, winter wheat and soybean over 3 years on a farm with 124 contiguous small paddy fields. The soil data were recorded at 372 soil sampling sites on a rectangular grid over the farm. A non-hierarchical cluster analysis was applied to the soil data and the algorithm grouped the sites into three clusters with similar soil properties. These clusters represent soil fertility and soil drainage. The three clusters were not randomly distributed across the fields, but formed contiguous areas associated with landscape position. This was due to the spatial variation of the soil in the study area. We delineated five MZs based on the spatial structure of the soil heterogeneity of the study area. The validity of the MZs was evaluated using the biomass data from paddy rice, winter wheat and soybean in each MZ; this depended mainly on soil fertility when conditions were dry. When the growing season precipitation was greater than the 10-year average, the biomass of winter wheat and soybean depended on soil drainage. This suggested that the delineation of MZs for site-specific management in fields under a paddy-upland crop rotation system should be based on several soil properties. The biomass data from the three crops over 3 years was not effective for delimiting MZs.  相似文献   

浅谈信息时代的农业科研管理   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
本文论述了信息化对农业科研管理工作的重要性,就目前农业科研管理工作的现状,提出信息时代农业科研管理工作的建议.  相似文献   

分析了当前农业科技信息化存在的问题,提出了信息化建设的解决方案,构建了以福建省农科院丰富的农业科技信息资源为基础、数字化网络为载体、融数字化科技信息的采集与存储、信息网络传输与分析处理、数字控制管理于一体的农业信息化生产管理体系;硬件系统构建主要包括网络、安全、服务器和存储设备等,业务应用系统开发包括科研管理与办公自动化系统、农业专业数据库与资源整合及农业科技信息网站系统等.论述了该项目的总体思路、主要研究内容、系统平台构建,以及测试运行情况和应用前景.  相似文献   

The value of management information systems (MISs) arises from improved managerial decision making and, therefore, will vary from farm to farm. Insight into this variation will be of use not only to farmers who consider (new) MIS investments, but also to companies that design and market MISs. In this study, the impact of farm management on the value of sow-herd MISs is investigated. Within the same research population, farm management is assessed with two conceptually different classification approaches — the sociological ‘style of farming’ approach and the farm-economic ‘management level’ approach. Management levels of sow farmers turned out to be positively correlated with MIS value (r=0.35, P=0.02). Although farmers with high management levels tend to be better informed anyway than farmers with low management levels, they get more added value from MISs.  相似文献   

中华农业科教基金信息管理系统   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文简要介绍了中华农业科教基金信息管理系统的设计与实现。该系统针对基金会日常管理的需求,应用计算机技术、数据库技术和管理信息系统技术,实现了基金会管理从项目申报、数据采集、信息统计到报表生成的计算机管理,提高了基金会办公自动化程度。该软件系统界面友好、操作方便、实用性强。  相似文献   

以与安徽省松材线虫病疫情相关的空间数据和多项属性数据为基础,建立了以地区、县、乡三级区划为管理单元,具有信息查询、数据维护、信息存贮与管理、显示、输出等五大功能的计算机管理系统.  相似文献   

【目的】将环境成本纳入分析范畴,对规模化养猪场进行效益分析,为全面揭示与评价养猪场的费用效益提供参考。【方法】根据环境价值理论和规模化养猪场的环境问题,构建规模化养猪场环境成本的计算方法;用构建的环境成本计算方法,计算陕西咸阳市某规模化养猪场2006年的环境成本,并对其进行了费用效益分析。【结果】该养猪场当年环境成本高达13万元多,其利润的50.2%以上是以环境损失为代价的,效费比低于1.07,利润较差的年份其效费比则更低。【结论】构建了基于环境成本的规模化养猪场费用效益分析方法,该方法能够全面揭示和评价养猪场的费用效益,有助于引导养猪场改善生产条件、减少资源消耗和环境损失。  相似文献   

本文从分析寻呼网络发展的实际工作入手,应用PB数据库开发工具,阐述了"寻呼网络信息管理系统"应用软件设计的目的意义、结构以及系统功能实现等内容.  相似文献   

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