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Accurately assessing forest carbon storage on a landscape scale is critical to understanding global carbon cycles and the effects of land cover changes on ecological processes. Calculations of regional-scale forest carbon storage that rely on maps of land cover typically reflect only coarse forest classes. How differences in carbon stored by different tree species may affect such assessments is largely unexplored. We examined a range of forest carbon storage models to understand the effects of forest type specificity on carbon storage estimates in the northeastern United States.


Models estimated forest carbon in total aboveground and coarse root biomass based on three levels of forest classification specificity: (1) relative basal area by species, (2) species associations, and (3) broad forest types per IPCC (in: IPCC guidelines for national greenhouse gas inventories, IPCC, Japan, 2006) guidelines.


The specificity of forest type classifications influenced results with generally lower carbon storage estimates resulting from higher-specificity forest classifications. The two most specific models, with mean carbon storage estimates of 103–107 Mg/ha, were most accurate compared to field validation points. These estimates are greater than 2013 field-based U.S. Forest Service estimates (84–90 Mg/ha).


There are many sources of uncertainty in landscape-scale carbon storage assessments. Here we show that improving detail in one of these sources, forest stand composition, increases the accuracy of these assessments, and better reflects carbon storage patterns across heterogeneous landscapes. While more work is needed, particularly to improve stand age maps, this information can inform the interpretation of current carbon storage estimates and improve future estimates in heterogeneous forests.

Although it is widely recognized that animal movement may be facilitated by corridors and hindered by the matrix, the influence of matrix composition on the use of corridors still remain poorly understood. We used translocation experiments and state-space models to assess if the movement response of the frugivorous bird, the austral thrush, to riparian forest strips varies depending on matrix composition (open pasture vs. eucalyptus plantation). In agricultural landscapes, the directions displayed by most birds when moving in the open pasture matrix were consistent with an edge-following behavior. Riparian strips also functioned as passive drift fences in agricultural landscapes, with strips being used as conduits for movements once birds entered into a riparian strip. Our results suggest that visual perception of riparian strips by birds is hampered by the complex habitat structure in the eucalyptus matrix and that the use of riparian strips as habitat is conditioned by the surrounding matrix.  相似文献   


Insectivorous birds are sensitive to forest disturbances that may limit the availability of food consisting mainly of invertebrates. However, birds and invertebrates may be differently affected by forest disturbances while invertebrates may interact with disturbances.


We aim to determine: (i) the effects of forest degradation on invertebrates and insectivorous birds; (ii) the effect of the availability of invertebrates as a food source on birds; (iii) interactions between food availability and forest degradation.


We selected 34 1-km radius landscape units, where the abundance of birds and invertebrates was sampled in the canopy and understory. Bird density as well as the abundance and richness of invertebrates were considered as dependent variables and analysed using Generalized Linear Mixed Model and Structural Equation Models. Remote-sensing indices of forest degradation were included as predictors.


Eight indices of forest degradation affected canopy and understory invertebrates differently. Unlike invertebrates, bird abundance was affected by a smaller number of degradation indices, forest amounts as well as the cover of understory and canopy. Only two forest degradation indices had a comparable effect on bird abundance and invertebrates. We found causal relationships between understory invertebrates and the abundance of understory birds (all species and the small-sized ones), but also invertebrate abundance × forest cover interactions affected the abundance of a bird species.


Our results indicate that birds and invertebrates respond differently to forest degradation, but also provide evidence for bottom-up control by forest degradation and suggest food limitation varies with forest amounts.


Regional scale analysis of denitrification in north temperate forest soils   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Large scale analyses of biogeochemical processes are necessary for understanding anthropogenic effects on global climate and environmental quality. Regional scale estimates of denitrification from forest soils in southern lower Michigan USA were produced by stratifying the region into landscape experimental units using soil texture and natural drainage classes, and extrapolating data to larger areas using a geographic information system (GIS). Previous landscape-scale research established relationships between soil texture and drainage and denitrification and quantified annual denitrification N loss in nine soil texture/drainage groups. All forest soils within the region (64 series) were assigned to one of these nine groups based on their texture and drainage characteristics and were assigned an annual denitrification N loss value. A regional estimate of denitrification was produced by multiplying the areal extent of each of the nine soil groups by their annual denitrification N loss value. Loam-textured soils underlie 47% of the regional forest and accounted for 73% of the forest denitrification. Sandy soils were found under 44% of the regional forest but produced only 5% of the regional denitrification. Clay loam soils underlie 9% of the regional forest and produced 22% of the denitrification. Annual denitrification N loss for the region was estimated as 1.4×107 kg N/yr. We used denitrification enzyme activity (DEA) as a proxy for annual denitrification N loss to determine if the relationship between denitrification and soil texture and natural drainage that we observed at the landscape scale held up at the regional scale. DEA was measured in 22 soils across the region and was strongly related to soil texture and natural drainage (r2=0.61), suggesting that extrapolation of data from the landscape to the regional scale was justified.  相似文献   

Hard (high-contrast with pastures) and soft (low-contrast with old-fields) forest edges created by slash-and-burn agriculture have become common landscape features in regions dominated by neotropical montane forest. However, little is know about the impacts of such edge types on forest regeneration dynamics. The consequences of varying forest edge permeability for oak acorn dispersal were investigated in a forest mosaic in the Highlands of Chiapas, Mexico. Rates of acorn production and removal, as well as the abundance and composition of small mammal seed consumers, were monitored along these different edge types (hard vs. soft) at specific distances from forest edges into forest patches and adjacent grasslands during two consecutive years. Results show that acorn removal declined significantly only in grasslands of sites characterised by hard edges (Logistic regression, P < 0.05). Movements of metal-tagged acorns support the hypothesis that soft edges are more permeable to small mammals, with rodents moving acorns up to 15 m into grasslands of sites with soft edges. In sites with hard edges, higher rates of acorn dispersal were recorded from the forest edge towards the forest interior. Peromyscus spp. were the main acorn predators and/or dispersers of acorns present in our study sites. Rates of acorn removal during a non-masting year were greater than the subsequent mast-seeding year (85% removal within 138 days vs. 75% within 213 days), demonstrating that mast seeding may allow some seeds to escape predation. The implications of these results for oak dispersal and regeneration along edges in fragmented tropical forest landscapes are discussed.  相似文献   

Managed turf areas are both a source and a sink for greenhouse gases (GHGs). Management practices, including turfgrass selection and mowing, influence the amount of carbon (C) and nitrogen (N) stored in the soil, as well as the associated GHG emissions. The objective of this research was to determine the net C and N balance (i.e. the amount of C and N stored less the amount emitted) of managed turfgrass systems with different grasses (species and cultivars) and management practices (mowing frequency and grass clippings management). Data explicitly quantified in this experiment include annual mowing requirements and accompanying GHG emissions, annual dry matter yield, soil C and N accumulation, and GHG flux of tall fescue (Schedonorus arundinaceus) and Kentucky bluegrass (Poa pratensis) cultivars with varying growth rates. Leaf, verdure, and root tissue C and N were also determined, along with the corresponding biomass. Estimations of emissions from fertilization, irrigation, and pesticide applications were also included in the net balance calculations.All of the turfgrasses and management practices in this experiment resulted in a system-wide net C sink, though the magnitude of the sink varied by turfgrass selection and management strategy. In general, higher-yielding grasses and management practices increased soil C but also increased mowing requirements and thus emissions. Returning grass clippings was found to increase yield, soil and leaf tissue N, and soil C, but it also marginally increased mowing requirements. The results of this experiment support the assertion that managed turfgrass areas can act as a net C sink to help curb the increasing atmospheric GHG concentrations. The C sequestration potential of managed turfgrass is another of the numerous functional benefits of urban grasslands.  相似文献   

Recent studies have shown that barrier effects exist even in relatively vagile species such as forest songbirds. The objectives of this study were to determine whether a 560 × 100 m riparian buffer strip of mature forest was used as a movement corridor by forest songbirds and, if so, to what extent corridor effects persisted as woody vegetation regenerated in the adjacent clearcut. Over a 4-yr period, juvenile movement rates decreased in the riparian buffer strip and increased in the regenerating clearcut. Adult movement rates increased in the riparian buffer strip in the first year after logging, then gradually decreased, while still increasing in the regenerating clearcut. However, both juvenile and adult movement rates were higher in the buffer strip than in an undisturbed control site. Results suggest that most adults we captured held territories in the vicinity of the net lanes,and that most of the juveniles captured were dispersing away from their natal territory. Four years after harvest, juvenile movement rates were higher in the regenerating clearcut than in the riparian buffer strip, but several species had not yet been captured or detected in the regeneration. Our results suggest that the use of the riparian buffer strip as a movement corridor decreased with forest regeneration for both adults and juveniles. However, the buffer strip still acted as a movement corridor for the following species: Philadelphia and Red-eyed Vireos, Red-breasted Nuthatch, and Ovenbird. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Forest fragmentation is an increasingly common feature across the globe, but few studies examine its influence on biogeochemical fluxes. We assessed the influence of differences in successional trajectory and stem density with forest patch size on biomass quantity and quality and N transformations in the soil at an experimentally fragmented landscape in Kansas, USA. We measured N-related fluxes in the laboratory, not the field, to separate effects of microclimate and fragment edges from the effects of inherent biomass differences with patch size. We measured net N mineralization and N2O fluxes in soil incubations, gross rates of ammonification and nitrification, and microbial biomass in soils. We also measured root and litterfall biomass, C:N ratios, and δ13C and δ15N signatures; litterfall [cellulose] and [lignin]; and [C], [N], and δ13C and δ15N of soil organic matter. Rates of net N mineralization and N2O fluxes were greater (by 113% and 156%, respectively) in small patches than in large, as were gross rates of nitrification. These differences were associated with greater quantities of root biomass in small patch soil profiles (664.2 ± 233.3 vs 192.4 ± 66.2 g m−2 for the top 15 cm). These roots had greater N concentration than in large patches, likely generating greater root derived organic N pools in small patches. These data suggest greater rates of N cycling in small forested patches compared to large patches, and that gaseous N loss from the ecosystem may be related to forest patch size. The study indicates that the differences in successional trajectory with forest patch size can impart significant influence on soil N transformations in fragmented, aggrading woodlands.  相似文献   

为了解抚育间伐对蒙古栎林结构特征的影响,以塞罕坝机械林场的蒙古栎林为研究对象,研究了抚育间伐对林分的直径分布、树高分布以及空间分布格局的影响。研究结果表明,抚育间伐前后林木直径和树高分布均服从于Weibull分布,间伐后小径级林木所占比例明显减小,中大径级比例明显增加;抚育间伐前后,蒙古栎林在多数尺度上都表现为集群分布,但抚育间伐后其聚集程度明显下降;取样大小对蒙古栎的空间分布格局具有明显影响,随取样面积的增大,蒙古栎林的聚集程度逐渐下降,逐渐向随机分布转化。综上,抚育间伐使蒙古栎林的林分状况得到了明显改善,结构趋于合理。  相似文献   

Brotons  Lluís  Mönkkönen  Mikko  Huhta  Esa  Nikula  Ari  Rajasärkkä  Ari 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(4):377-393
Old-growth forest birds in Fennoscandia have sharply declined in numbers during the last decades apparently due to commercial forest harvesting and fragmentation of old-growth forests. Conservation measures have led to the establishment of a forest reserve network to assure the persistence of forest birds at a regional scale. However, little is known about the effects of landscape structure within and around the reserves on the distribution of old-growth forest birds. We used a hierarchical approach to address the questions of how landscape structure and composition within forest reserves, landscape composition of surrounding areas and reserve location affect the abundance of resident, old-growth forest birds in the Northern Finnish forest reserve network. The positive role of particular landscape features on bird distribution indicates that both the proportion of old-growth forests and the structure of boreal landscape mosaic has an important role in determining the distribution of these birds. The landscape composition surrounding the reserves proved to be only a weak predictor in species distribution models, which argues against the primary role of the surrounding matrix in determining species distribution within forest reserves. Reserves located near the Russian border showed a higher abundance of old-growth birds than more western ones. Once east-west gradients in overall landscape composition had been accounted for, however, reserves did not differ significantly in the number of species present. These results suggest that landscape gradients, rather than ecological processes such as the presence of source areas located along the border with Russia, are the main determinant of the distribution of old-growth forest birds in the Finnish reserve network. We propose that to enhance regional persistence of old-growth forest birds, conservation efforts should be primarily directed towards the protection and enhancement of forest habitat quality and natural heterogeneity of landscapes within targeted areas. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   



Forest landscape models (FLMs) are important tools for simulating forest changes over broad spatial and temporal scales. The ability of FLMs to accurately predict forest changes may be significantly influenced by the formulations of site-scale processes including seedling establishment, tree growth, competition, and mortality.


The objectives of this study were to investigate the effects of site-scale processes and interaction effects of site-scale processes and harvest on landscape-scale forest change predictions.


We compared the differences in species’ distribution (quantified by species’ percent area), total aboveground biomass, and species’ biomass derived from two FLMs: (1) a model that explicitly incorporates stand density and size for each species age cohort (LANDIS PRO), and (2) a model that explicitly tracks biomass for each species age cohort (LANDIS-II with biomass succession extension), which are variants from the LANDIS FLM family with different formulations of site-scale processes.


For early successional species, the differences in simulated distribution and biomass were small (mostly less than 5 %). For mid- to late-successional species, the differences in simulated distribution and biomass were relatively large (10–30 %). The differences in species’ biomass predictions were generally larger than those for species’ distribution predictions. Harvest mediated the differences on landscape-scale predictions.


The effects of site-scale processes on landscape-scale forest change predictions are dependent on species’ ecological traits such as shade tolerance, seed dispersal, and growth rates.

Wu  Mia M.  Zou  Xianghua  Liang  Yu  Stambaugh  Michael  Fraser  Jacob S.  Xu  Wenru  He  Hong S. 《Landscape Ecology》2022,37(5):1401-1416
Landscape Ecology - Study of interplay of disturbance and forest succession is key to understand forest landscape dynamics, especially under changing climate and disturbance regimes. However, most...  相似文献   

Spatially-distributed estimates of biologically-driven CO2 flux are of interest in relation to understanding the global carbon cycle. Global coverage by satellite sensors offers an opportunity to assess terrestrial carbon (C) flux using a variety of approaches and corresponding spatial resolutions. An important consideration in evaluating the approaches concerns the scale of the spatial heterogeneity in land cover over the domain being studied. In the Pacific Northwest region of the United States, forests are highly fragmented with respect to stand age class and hence C flux. In this study, the effects of spatial resolution on estimates of total annual net primary production (NPP) and net ecosystem production (NEP) for a 96 km2 area in the central Cascades Mountains of western Oregon were examined. The scaling approach was a simple `measure and multiply' algorithm. At the highest spatial resolution (25 m), a stand age map derived from Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery provided the area for each of six forest age classes. The products of area for each age class and its respective NPP or NEP were summed for the area wide estimates. In order to evaluate potential errors at coarser resolutions, the stand age map was resampled to grain sizes of 100, 250, 500 and 1000 m using a majority filter reclassification. Local variance in near-infrared (NIR) band digital number at successively coarser grain sizes was also examined to characterize the scale of the heterogeneity in the scene. For this managed forest landscape, proportional estimation error in land cover classification at the coarsest resolution varied from –1.0 to +0.6 depending on the initial representation and the spatial distribution of the age class. The overall accuracy of the 1000 m resolution map was 42% with respect to the 25 m map. Analysis of local variance in NIR digital number suggested a patch size on the order of 100–500 m on a side. Total estimated NPP was 12% lower and total estimated NEP was 4% lower at 1000 m compared to 25 m. Carbon flux estimates based on quantifying differences in total biomass stored on the landscape at two points in time might be affected more strongly by a coarse resolution analysis because the differences among classes in biomass are more extreme than the differences in C flux and because the additional steps in the flux algorithm would contribute to error propagation. Scaling exercises involving reclassification of fine scale imagery over a range of grain sizes may be a useful screening tool for stratifying regions of the terrestrial surface relative to optimizing the spatial resolution for C flux estimation purposes.  相似文献   

Analyses of carbon (C) dynamics at broad scales usually do not consider spatial interactions. The assumption is that C dynamics can be modeled within homogenous (i.e., even-aged) patches and then summed to predict broad-scale dynamics (an additive approach). The goal of this paper is to elucidate the scales over which this additive approach is sufficient to explain observed C dynamics at broad scales. We define emergent behaviors (vs. emergent properties) as those behaviors that cannot be predicted solely from the additive properties of units at a finer scale. We used a forest process model to check for possible emergent behaviors due to pattern-process interactions at multiple levels, from the patch to the landscape. Specifically, using artificial forest landscapes with various spatial structures, we estimated the relative effects of edge-induced, tree mortality (mainly due to wind) and light limitations on C dynamics. Emergent behaviors were observed at all levels examined, indicating that emergent behaviors did not cease as one proceeded from the patch to the landscape level, as we had expected. However, the magnitude of the emergent behaviors depended on the level of spatial interaction considered as well as the type and intensity of the processes included. In all simulations, interactions of light and wind processes resulted in significant emergent behaviors only when parameters controlling wind mortality were set to the highest levels observed in the literature. In one simulation, the magnitude of emergent behaviors differed among the landscapes, indicating that interactions among patches may not be accounted for by an additive correction for edge effects unless spatial interactions are addressed. The implication is that some C dynamics in fragmented landscapes may not be captured at broad-scales using an additive approach, whereas in other cases spatial interactions are small enough to be ignored.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Effects of forest patch size on avian diversity   总被引:8,自引:2,他引:8  
The effects of landscape patchiness on the diversity of birds of the Georgia Piedmont were investigated during 1993. Birds were sampled along line transects within relatively large (10–13.25 ha) and small (less than 3.25 ha) forest patches located within nonforest agricultural landscapes. Patterns of habitat use in these patches were compared to those in contiguous forest patches larger than 13.25 ha. Analysis of variance revealed significant differences in diversity between large and small woodlots and between contiguous and fragmented landscapes, especially in terms of the numbers of edge and interior species and winter-resident, summer-resident, and year-round birds observed.  相似文献   

The purpose of our study was to compare the number, proportion, and species composition of introduced plant species in forest patches situated within predominantly forested, agricultural, and urban landscapes. A previous study suggested that agricultural landscape context does not have a large effect on the proportion of introduced species in forest patches. Therefore, our main goal was to test the hypothesis that forest patches in an urban landscape context contain larger numbers and proportions of non-native plant species. We surveyed the vegetation in 44 small remnant forest fragments (3–7.5 ha) in the Ottawa region; 15 were situated within forested landscapes, 18 within agricultural landscapes, and 11 within urban landscapes. Forest fragments in urban landscapes had about 40% more introduced plant species and a 50% greater proportion of introduced plant species than fragments found in the other two types of landscape. There was no significant difference in the number or proportion of introduced species in forest fragments within forested vs. agricultural landscapes. However, the species composition of introduced species differed among the forest patches in the three landscape types. Our results support the hypothesis that urban and suburban areas are important foci for spread of introduced plant species.  相似文献   

以河北省黄土梁子林场油松林为研究对象,设置4种不同经营措施(抚育间伐、天然更新幼林抚育、抚育+林冠下造林、更新采伐)人工林样地,采用室内浸水法和环刀浸泡法,对样地内枯落物的现存量、持水量以及土壤物理性质等进行测定,并对其水源涵养能力进行研究,以期为冀北山地油松林分的森林经营提供依据。结果表明,枯落物现存量变动范围在8.02~15.90 t/hm2,由大到小依次为:更新采伐>抚育间伐>天然更新幼林抚育>抚育+林冠下造林;更新采伐下枯落物最大持水量最高,为47.72 t/hm2,最大持水率最高,为219.10%;土壤容重均值变化范围在1.00~1.39 g/cm3,其中抚育+林冠下造林土壤容重最大为1.39 g/cm3,抚育间伐土壤容重最小为1.00 g/cm3;土壤总孔隙度变动范围在25.72%~61.41%,由大到小依次为:更新采伐>抚育间伐>天然更新幼林抚育>抚育+林冠下造林;最大持水量变动范围在273.56~896.21 t/hm  相似文献   

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