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Assessing connectivity of the marine environment is a fundamental challenge for marine conservation and planning, yet conceptual development in habitat connectivity has been based on terrestrial examples rather than marine ecosystems. Here, we explore differences in marine environments that could affect localized movement of marine organisms and demonstrate the importance of incorporating them into seascape models. We link a fish-based cost surface model to simulated seascapes to test hypotheses about the effects of fish mobility, water current strength, and their interactions on functional connectivity of a seascape. Our models predict that sedentary fish should be more sensitive to habitat change than more mobile fish. Furthermore, highly mobile fish should be more sensitive to water currents than habitat change. In our models, the cost of swimming against a current (of any strength) exceeded its benefits, resulting in overall decreases in connectivity with increasing current strengths. We further hypothesized that thresholds in functional connectivity will be affected by both fish mobility and water current strength. Connectivity thresholds in the models occurred when 10–50 % of benthic habitat was favourable; below these thresholds there was a rapid increase in path cost. Thresholds were influenced by the interaction of relative habitat costs (simulated fish mobility) and habitat fragmentation: thresholds for less mobile fish (higher relative cost) were reached at lower habitat abundance when habitat was fragmented, while thresholds for mobile fish were less affected by fragmentation. Our approach suggests mobility and water current are useful indicators of connectivity in marine environments and should be incorporated in seascape models.  相似文献   



Complex structural connectivity patterns can influence the distribution of animals in coastal landscapes, particularly those with relatively large home ranges, such as birds. To understand the nuanced nature of coastal forest avifauna, where there may be considerable overlap in assemblages of adjacent forest types, the concerted influence of regional landscape context and vegetative structural connectivity at multiple spatial scales warrants investigation.


This study determined whether species compositions of coastal forest bird assemblages differ with regional landscape context or with forest type, and if this is influenced by structural connectivity patterns measured at multiple spatial scales.


Three replicate bird surveys were conducted in four coastal forest types at ten survey locations across two regional landscape contexts in northeast Australia. Structural connectivity patterns of 11 vegetation types were quantified at 3, 6, and 12 km spatial scales surrounding each survey location, and differences in bird species composition were evaluated using multivariate ordination analysis.


Bird assemblages differed between regional landscape contexts and most coastal forest types, although Melaleuca woodland bird assemblages were similar to those of eucalypt woodlands and rainforests. Structural connectivity was primarily correlated with differences in bird species composition between regional landscape contexts, and correlation depended on vegetation type and spatial scale.


Spatial scale, landscape context, and structural connectivity have a combined influence on bird species composition. This suggests that effective management of coastal landscapes requires a holistic strategy that considers the size, shape, and configuration of all vegetative components at multiple spatial scales.


Seagrasses, which form critical subtidal habitats for marine organisms worldwide, are fragmented via natural processes but are increasingly being fragmented and degraded by boating, fishing, and coastal development. We constructed an individual-based model to test how habitat fragmentation and loss influenced predator–prey interactions and cohort size for a group of settling juvenile blue crabs (Callinectes sapidus Rathbun) in seagrass landscapes. Using results from field studies suggesting that strong top-down processes influence the relationship between cannibalistic blue crab populations and seagrass landscape structure, we constructed a model in which prey (juvenile blue crabs) are eaten by mesopredators (larger blue crabs) which in turn are eaten by top-level predators (e.g., large fishes). In our model, we varied the following parameters within four increasingly fragmented seagrass landscapes to test for their relative effects on cohort size: juvenile blue crab (prey) predator avoidance response, hunting ability of mesopredators and predators, the presence of a top-level predator, and prey settlement routines. Generally, prey cohort size was maximized in the presence of top-level predators and when mesopredators and predators exhibited random searching behavior vs. directed hunting. Cohort size for stationary (tethered) prey was maximized in fragmented landscapes, which corresponds to results from field experiments, whereas mobile prey able to detect and avoid predators had higher survival in continuous landscapes. Prey settlement patterns had relatively small influences on cohort size. We conclude that the effects of seagrass fragmentation and loss on organisms such as blue crabs will depend heavily on behaviors of prey and predatory organisms and how these behaviors change with landscape structure.


Landscape Ecology - The current biodiversity crisis has intensified the need to predict species responses to landscape modification and has renewed attention on the fundamental question of what...  相似文献   

Burger and Page (this volume) evaluated our models of habitat preferences and breeding success of a threatened seabird, the marbled murrelet (Brachyramphus marmoratus), based on the largest available set of confirmed nest-sites found in coastal old-growth forest of the Pacific North-West. We believe our study documented novel and unexpected patterns of landscape-level distribution of marbled murrelets in both heavily logged and relatively intact old-growth landscapes and provided insights into how these patterns influence their reproduction, and, eventually, management. Considering the importance of the issue and to ensure appropriate and responsible use of the information we welcome discussion, detailed scrutiny and evaluation of our original results. Burger and Page claim to have identified flaws with model interpretation, data quality, statistical approaches, presentation and interpretation of our results that would invalidate our conclusions. We respond that most of their critique is irrelevant and/or misdirected with respect to our study and the interpretation of GIS data models, and that valid aspects of their claims do not critically affect our conclusions.  相似文献   

Houghton  David C.  DeWalt  R. Edward 《Landscape Ecology》2021,36(10):3061-3078
Landscape Ecology - Understanding the specific natural and anthropogenic drivers of aquatic insect assemblages and feeding ecology is critical to managing aquatic ecosystems. Utilizing the counts...  相似文献   

Habitat loss is known to be the main cause of the current global decline in biodiversity, and roads are thought to affect the persistence of many species by restricting movement between habitat patches. However, measuring the effects of roads and habitat loss separately means that the configuration of habitat relative to roads is not considered. We present a new measure of the combined effects of roads and habitat amount: accessible habitat. We define accessible habitat as the amount of habitat that can be reached from a focal habitat patch without crossing a road, and make available a GIS tool to calculate accessible habitat. We hypothesize that accessible habitat will be the best predictor of the effects of habitat loss and roads for any species for which roads are a major barrier to movement. We conducted a case study of the utility of the accessible habitat concept using a data set of anuran species richness from 27 ponds near a motorway. We defined habitat as forest in this example. We found that accessible habitat was not only a better predictor of species richness than total habitat in the landscape or distance to the motorway, but also that by failing to consider accessible habitat we would have incorrectly concluded that there was no effect of habitat amount on species richness.  相似文献   

Urban green spaces (UGSs) provide a plethora of ecosystem services that benefit humans and wildlife within cities. UGS both promotes and is affected by overall urban ecological health, which can be measured by a wide range of indices. In this study, we investigated the distribution patterns and drivers of UGS within the tropical coastal city of Haikou, Hainan, China over the past decade using a combination of remote sensing data and field work. We interpreted Google earth images from 2010 and 2020 to determine the land cover of UGS within Urban Functional Units (UFUs). We collected socioeconomic variables to test if wealth, site age, and land use determine the proportion of UGS in the city. We found that the proportion of UGS in parks was the highest among all UFUs in 2010 and 2020. In general, UGS increased with maintenance frequency and housing price, which are proxies for the luxury effect. However, land use also played a role in UGS distribution across UFUs, especially in transportation areas, recreation and leisure districts, and residential districts. Haikou is similar to other cities in showing a positive luxury effect on the distribution of UGS. Our results highlight the key roles that parks, colleges and universities, and research institute areas have played in maintaining stable green space within Haikou over the past decade. We suggest that relatively recently implemented governmental programs to increase green space elsewhere in the city may not yet have achieved success within the time span that we analyzed.  相似文献   

Fire is a major driving force of landscape change in the Mediterranean region. The objectives of this paper were to explore the implications of landscape change and wildfires in a region of northwestern Portugal for the diversity of breeding birds. Land use cover for the years 1958, 1968, 1983 and 1995 was obtained from aerial photography for a study area of 3700 ha. Breeding bird assemblages in each of six land use categories were characterized in 1998 using point counts. The main landscape changes in the study area across the 40 years were a decrease in the area of agricultural land and low shrublands (respectively 29% and 48%) and an increase in forests and tall shrublands (both over 95%). Bird assemblages showed increased richness and diversity across the gradient: low shrublands tall shrublands conifer mixed deciduous agricultural areas. Many of the species with narrow niche breadth (specialists) were associated with agricultural areas and deciduous forests. In spite of the low diversity of burned areas (mostly shrublands) a few specialist species depend on this habitat. Thus, the current fire regime probably contributes to maintaining bird diversity at the landscape level. There was an inverse relationship between landscape diversity and estimated bird diversity across the last 40 years. Landscape management actions to preserve bird diversity should focus on the maintenance of agricultural land and deciduous forests. In parallel, a wider use of prescribed burning and grazing is suggested. This would contribute to maintaining low shrublands in the landscape, useful both as an habitat for some bird species and as fuel breaks for preventing the occurrence of large wildfires.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Habitat specialists residing in human-modified landscapes are likely to be more vulnerable to disturbance because of a functional reliance on very particular habitat features....  相似文献   

Little information is available regarding the landscape ecology of woodland invertebrate species with limited dispersal ability. An investigation was therefore conducted within woodland fragments in an agricultural landscape for the flightless wood cricket (Nemobius sylvestris) on the Isle of Wight, UK. The current pattern of distribution of the species, established during a field survey, was related to measures of habitat availability and habitat isolation/fragmentation. Results revealed that wood cricket populations were patchily distributed and mainly found in relatively large mature woodland fragments situated closely (<50 m) to another occupied site. Although the occurrence of wood cricket was related to fragment area, isolation, habitat availability and woodland age, a logistic regression model revealed that presence of the species was most accurately predicted by fragment isolation and area alone. These results highlight the vulnerability of relatively immobile woodland invertebrate species, such as wood cricket, to the impacts of habitat loss and fragmentation.  相似文献   

Estimating the relative importance of habitat loss and fragmentation is necessary to estimate the potential benefits of specific management actions and to ensure that limited conservation resources are used efficiently. However, estimating relative effects is complicated because the two processes are highly correlated. Previous studies have used a wide variety of statistical methods to separate their effects and we speculated that the published results may have been influenced by the methods used. We used simulations to determine whether, under identical conditions, the following 7 methods generate different estimates of relative importance for realistically correlated landscape predictors: residual regression, model or variable selection, averaged coefficients from all supported models, summed Akaike weights, classical variance partitioning, hierarchical variance partitioning, and a multiple regression model with no adjustments for collinearity. We found that different methods generated different rankings of the predictors and that some metrics were strongly biased. Residual regression and variance partitioning were highly biased by correlations among predictors and the bias depended on the direction of a predictor’s effect (positive vs. negative). Our results suggest that many efforts to deal with the correlation between amount and fragmentation may have done more harm than good. If confounding effects are controlled and adequate thought is given to the ecological mechanisms behind modeled predictors, then standardized partial regression coefficients are unbiased estimates of the relative importance of amount and fragmentation, even when predictors are highly correlated.  相似文献   

While spatial heterogeneity is one the most studied ecological concepts, few or no studies have dealt with the subject of ambient sound heterogeneity from an ecological perspective. Similarly to ambient light conditions, which have been shown to play a significant role in ecological speciation, we investigated the existence of ambient sound heterogeneity and its possible relation to habitat structure and specifically to habitat types (as syntaxonomically defined ecological units). Considering that the structure and composition of animal communities are habitat type specific and that acoustic signals produced by animals may be shaped by the habitat’s vegetation structure, natural soundscapes are likely to be habitat specific. We recorded ambient sound in four forest and two grassland habitat types in Northern Greece. Using digital signal techniques and machine learning algorithms (self organizing maps, random forests), we concluded that ambient sound is not only spatially heterogeneous, but is also directly related to habitat type structure, pointing towards the existence of habitat type specific acoustic signatures. We provide evidence of the importance of soundscape heterogeneity and ambient sound signatures and a possible solution to the social cues versus vegetation characteristics debate in habitat selection theory.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Habitat loss and fragmentation threaten species not only through structural landscape changes and resource reduction, but also through modifications to species’...  相似文献   

Habitat amount and fragmentation usually covary in natural and simulated landscapes. A common way of distinguishing between their effects is to take the residuals of the fragmentation index or indices regressed on habitat amount, as the index of habitat fragmentation. We used data on prairie songbird relative abundances from southern Alberta, Canada to compare this approach with the reverse: taking the residuals of habitat amount regressed on habitat fragmentation as the index of habitat amount. We used generalized additive models (GAMs) to derive residuals, and modeled relative abundances using linear mixed-effects models. The modeling approach used strongly influenced the statistical results. Using residuals as an index of fragmentation resulted in an apparently stronger effect of habitat amount relative to habitat fragmentation. In contrast, habitat fragmentation appeared more influential than habitat amount when residuals were used as an index of habitat amount. Regression of residuals may eliminate statistical collinearity, but cannot distinguish between the ecological effects of habitat amount and fragmentation. Habitat fragmentation may therefore have a larger effect on species than previously studies have shown, but experimental manipulations of underlying mechanisms are ultimately required to address this debate.  相似文献   

The declines of many specialist bird species in the agricultural landscapes of Central Europe have resulted in small and isolated populations. In the case of the black grouse, a ground-nesting bird species with large spatial requirements, empiric evidence about underlying landscape changes is scarce. In this study, we examined land cover and land cover changes in a farmland-forest mosaic in eastern Lower Saxony, Germany and how they affect occurrence and persistence of black grouse. Spatial information came from historic topographic maps from 1958 to 1975. The results show profound conversions of habitat to forest and farmland but also an increase in settlement area. Habitat conversions and suburbanization were negative correlates of black grouse persistence. Habitat models from before and after a decline period differed in some of the predictors and suggest black grouse habitat to be more diverse before the land cover changes. Our study confirms that land use factors at a landscape scale extent contribute to explain black grouse occurrence and thus can complement important small scale factors like the quality and size of individual habitat patches. Results also show that landscape factors affect black grouse distribution predominantly from an area much greater than an individual black grouse home range. Our models may be further evaluated on present-day landscapes and might be used to evaluate large-scale habitat availability for black grouse.  相似文献   

The loss of connectivity of natural areas is a major threat for wildlife dispersal and survival and for the conservation of biodiversity in general. Thus, there is an increasing interest in considering connectivity in landscape planning and habitat conservation. In this context, graph structures have been shown to be a powerful and effective way of both representing the landscape pattern as a network and performing complex analysis regarding landscape connectivity. Many indices have been used for connectivity analyses so far but comparatively very little efforts have been made to understand their behaviour and sensitivity to spatial changes, which seriously undermines their adequate interpretation and usefulness. We systematically compare a set of ten graph-based connectivity indices, evaluating their reaction to different types of change that can occur in the landscape (habitat patches loss, corridors loss, etc.) and their effectiveness for identifying which landscape elements are more critical for habitat conservation. Many of the available indices were found to present serious limitations that make them inadequate as a basis for conservation planning. We present a new index (IIC) that achieves all the properties of an ideal index according to our analysis. We suggest that the connectivity problem should be considered within the wider concept of habitat availability, which considers a habitat patch itself as a space where connectivity exists, integrating habitat amount and connectivity between habitat patches in a single measure.  相似文献   

We compared the performance of individuals and whole populations of meadow voles, Microtus pennsylvanicus, within and between experimentally created habitat fragments of three sizes (1.0, 0.25, and 0.0625 ha) and between a 20-ha fragmented and a 20-ha continuous habitat landscape. We recorded 10,020 captures of 3946 individuals over 17 censuses between June 1993 and October 1994. Five demographic parameters showed significantly different population responses between the two landscapes but no difference in tests comparing fragment size: i.e., mean and peak population densities (the latter, in each of the two growing seasons) averaged 149 to 172% higher, population growth rate averaged 219% higher, and adult recruitment 170% higher in fragmented than in the continuous control landscape. Observations at the individual level (body sizes, rates of reproduction, residence times) suggested that these landscape differences involved enhanced performance of adult females associated with edge habitats rather than differential immigration or emigration. If this turns out to be a common response to fragmentation, the detection of such responses will be greater when comparing fragmented and unfragmented landscapes with qualitatively different structure than for fragments of varied size with differing proportions of edge. That responses to habitat fragmentation may be more evident at the very small (individual) and very large (landscape) scales, but may be obscured at the intermediate spatial scale of fragments, is a proposition that clearly requires more attention.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of a species may be simultaneously influenced by both local-scale habitat features and the broader patch and landscape contexts in which these populations occur. Different factors may influence patch occupancy (presence–absence) versus local abundance (number of individuals within patches), and at different scales, and thus ideally both occupancy and abundance should be investigated, especially in studies that seek to understand the consequences of land management on species persistence. Our study evaluated the relative influences of variables associated with the local habitat patch, hillside (patch context), and landscape context on patch occupancy and abundance of the collared lizard (Crotaphytus collaris) within tallgrass prairie managed under different fire and grazing regimes in the northern Flint Hills of Kansas, USA. Using a multi-model information-theoretic approach that accounted for detection bias, we found that collared lizard abundance and occupancy was influenced by factors measured at both the local habitat and landscape scales. At a local scale, collared lizard abundance was greatest on large rock ledges that had lots of crevices, high vegetation complexity, and were located higher up on the hillslope. At the landscape scale, collared lizard abundance and occupancy were both higher in watersheds that were burned frequently (1–2 year intervals). Interestingly, grazing only had a significant effect on occupancy and abundance within less frequently burned (4-year burn interval) watersheds. Our results suggest that, in addition to the obvious habitat needs of this species (availability of suitable rock habitat), land-management practices have the potential to influence collared lizard presence and abundance in the grasslands of the Flint Hills. Thus, mapping the availability of suitable habitat is unlikely to be sufficient for evaluating species distributions and persistence in such cases without consideration of landscape management and disturbance history.  相似文献   

The ability to predict species occurrences quickly is often crucial for managers and conservation biologists with limited time and funds. We used measured associations with landscape patterns to build accurate predictive habitat models that were quickly and easily applied (i.e., required no additional data collection in the field to make predictions). We used classification trees (a nonparametric alternative to discriminant function analysis, logistic regression, and other generalized linear models) to model nesting habitat of red-naped sapsuckers (Sphyrapicus nuchalis), northern flickers (Colaptes auratus),tree swallows (Tachycineta bicolor), and mountain chickadees (Parus gambeli) in the Uinta Mountains of northeastern Utah, USA. We then tested the predictive capability of the models with independent data collected in the field the following year. The models built for the northern flicker, red-naped sapsucker, and tree swallow were relatively accurate (84%, 80%, and 75% nests correctly classified,respectively)compared to the models for the mountain chickadee (50% nests correctly classified). All four models were more selective than a null model that predicted habitat based solely on a gross association with aspen forests. We conclude that associations with landscape patterns can be used to build relatively accurate, easy to use, predictive models for some species. Our results stress, however, that both selecting the proper scale at which to assess landscape associations and empirically testing the models derived from those associations are crucial for building useful predictive models. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

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