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The conservation value of residential landscapes is becoming increasingly apparent in our urbanizing world. The ecological characteristics of residential areas are largely determined by the decisions of many individual “managers.” In these complex socio-ecological systems, it is important to understand the factors that motivate human decision-making.


Our first objective was to quantify wildlife resources and management activities in residential landscapes and compare vegetation in front and back yards. Our second objective was to test three hypotheses linked with variation in yards: socioeconomic characteristics, neighborhood design factors, and perceptions of neighborhood birds.


We conducted surveys of over 900 residents in 25 Chicago-area neighborhoods to examine the wildlife resources contained in front and back yards and the social factors associated with variation in yards. We used a multi-scalar approach to examine among-yard and among-neighborhood variation in residential landscapes.


Results indicate that back yards contain more wildlife resources than front yards, including greater vegetation complexity, more plants with fruit/berries, and more plants intended to attract birds. Furthermore, different hypotheses explain variation in front and back yards. Perceptions of birds were most important in explaining variation in back yard vegetation and wildlife-friendly resources per parcel, while neighbors’ yards and socioeconomic characteristics best explained front yard vegetation.


This study demonstrates the importance of back yards as an unexplored and underestimated resource for biodiversity. In addition, the results provide insight into the complex factors linked with yard decisions, notably that residents’ connections with neighborhood birds appear to translate to on-the-ground actions.

The soundscape is proposed as a phenomenological entity with which to investigate environmental complexity. In particular, the avian soundtope, which is defined as a place in which sound is intentionally structured by different bird species, is regarded as an agency acting to achieve several goals. In fact, the soundtope could be viewed as a special case of an eco-field used by birds, not only to establish territorial ownership and patrol an area but also as a means of locating and evaluating the availability of many other material and immaterial resources. The meaning of the multifaceted acoustic pattern produced by bird communities during the breeding season is discussed here under the acoustic niche hypothesis in terms of community coalescence and the permanent establishment of an inter-specific communication network. Furthermore, the spatial and temporal dimensions of a bird soundscape have also been analyzed and discussed in terms of their relationship with environmental proxies. A new Acoustic Complexity Index (ACI), coupled with the implementation (ACI plug-in) of a specific sound editor (WaveSurfer©), is proposed as a way of processing sound data efficiently, thus providing new opportunities to use the bird soundscape signature for landscape characterization and describing the ecological dynamics of long-term monitoring schemes.  相似文献   

In eastern North America, large forest patches have been the primary target of biodiversity conservation. This conservation strategy ignores land units that combine to form the complex emergent rural landscapes typical of this region. In addition, many studies have focussed on one wildlife group at a single spatial scale. In this paper, studies of avian and anuran populations at regional and landscape scales have been integrated to assess the ecological value of agricultural mosaics in southern Ontario on the basis of the maintenance of faunal biodiversity. Field surveys of avian and anuran populations were conducted between 2001 and 2004 at the watershed and sub-watershed levels. The ecological values of land units were based on a combination of several components including species richness, species of conservation concern (rarity), abundance, and landscape parameters (patch size and connectivity). It was determined that habitats such as thicket swamps, coniferous plantations and cultural savannas can play an important role in the overall biodiversity and ecological value of the agricultural landscape. Thicket swamps at the edge of agricultural fields or roads provided excellent breeding habitat for anurans. Coniferous plantations and cultural savannas attracted many birds of conservation concern. In many cases, the land units that provided high ecological value for birds did not score well for frogs. Higher scores for avian and anuran populations were recorded along the Niagara Escarpment and other protected areas as expected. However, some private land areas scored high, some spatially connected to the protected areas and therefore providing an opportunity for private land owners to enter into a management arrangement with the local agencies.  相似文献   

Understanding the interplay between ecological and social factors across multiple scales is integral to landscape change initiatives in productive agricultural regions such as the rural US Corn Belt. We investigated the cultural context surrounding the use of perennial cover types—such as stream buffers, wetlands, cellulosic bioenergy stocks, and diverse cropping rotations—to restore water quality, biodiversity, and ecosystem function within a Corn Belt agricultural mosaic in Iowa, USA. Through ethnographic techniques and 33 in-depth interviews, we examined what was most important to rural stakeholders about their countryside. We then used photo elicitation to probe how interviewees’ assessments of farm practices involving perennial cover types were related to their sense of place. Our interviewees perceived their rural “countryside” as a linked social and biophysical entity, identifying strongly with the farming lifestyle and with networks of people across the landscape. While most interviewees approved of perennial farm practices on marginal agricultural land, implementation of these practices was neither a priority nor strongly assimilated into rural experience and ethics. We identified three scale boundaries in our interviewees’ perception of place which present key challenges and opportunities for landscape change: landscape-community, individual-community, and community-institution. In all cases, community social norms and networks—exhibited at landscape spatial scales—may be instrumental in bridging these boundaries and enabling networks of perennial cover types that span privately owned and operated farms. Electronic supplementary material  The online version of this article (doi:) contains supplementary material, which is available to authorized users.  相似文献   

Genxu  Wang  Xiaoyin  Guo  Yongping  Shen  Guodong  Cheng 《Landscape Ecology》2003,18(4):363-375
The relationship and feedback between landscape pattern, function and process serve to describe the behavior of a regional landscape. Based on landscape function characteristics such as biological productivity, soil nutrient content, vegetative cover, etc., a quantitative method and digital model for analyzing evolving landscape functionality in the headwaters area of the Yellow River in the People's Republic of China were devised. Through the analysis of three-phase remote sensing data from 1975, 1985 and 1995 and based upon the well-defined characteristics of this region's evolving landscape over the past 30 years, the attendant ecology of the different functional landscape ecotypes was investigated. Between 1975 and 1995 the area of AC&S (alpine cold meadow and steppe) in the source area of the Yellow River has decreased by 27.25%, ACSW (alpine cold swamp meadow) has decreased by 27.04%, ALP (alpine steppe) by 38.18% and lakes by 9.78%. The grass biomass production decreased by 752.37 Gg, of which AC&S meadows accounted for 83.8% of these losses. The overall stock capacity of the headwaters area of the Yellow River decreased by 518.36 thousand sheep units. Soil nutrients showed a similar pattern, soil nutrient loss was greater from 1985–1995 than from 1975–1985. Changes in the overall ecological functionality of the area were not simply a result of a summation of the changes associated with individual evolving landscapes, but rather an integration of positive and negative influences. Landscape evolution occurs in two main directions: degradation and strengthening (expanding and improving). An understanding of the direction, force and integration of parameters influencing landscape evolution as it impacts the attending ecosystems can allow one to foresee how the landscape of the Yellow River source area will evolve in the coming years. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

This study utilizes survey and interview data collected in 2018 and 2019 in the United States to examine a range of social, health, economic, and environmental benefits community gardens yield, as well as the political factors that enable and impede the success of community gardens. The results indicate there are a multitude of individual-level benefits that accrue to garden participants, as well as community-level benefits. The findings also suggest municipal governments can best aid gardens by providing long-term secure land access, affordable water access, administrative support, and plot fee structures that are inclusive to people of all socio-economic backgrounds.  相似文献   

Growing a resilient landscape depends heavily on finding an appropriate match between the scales of demands on ecosystems by human societies and the scales at which ecosystems are capable of meeting these demands. While the dynamics of environmental change and ecosystem service provision form the basis of many landscape ecology studies, enhancing landscape resilience is, in many ways, a problem of establishing relevant institutions that act at appropriate scales to modify and moderate demand for ecosystem services and the resulting exploitation of ecosystems. It is also of central importance for landscape sustainability that institutions are flexible enough to adapt to changes in the external environment. The model provided by natural ecosystems suggests that it is only by encouraging and testing a diversity of approaches that we will be able to build landscapes that are resilient to future change. We advocate an approach to landscape planning that involves growing learning institutions on the one hand, and on the other, developing solutions to current problems through deliberate experimentation coupled with social learning processes.  相似文献   

Vacant lots make up a large proportion of urban land and are of interest to many stakeholder groups. While they are often viewed as dangerous or unsightly, they can be an economic, social, and ecological resource. Here we present a literature review focused on restoring biodiversity in vacant lots, emphasizing the intersection of human and wildlife needs. We focus on the benefits, challenges, and processes of restoration in vacant lots and synthesize ecological, social, and economic information across these domains. We suggest that fast, inexpensive restoration techniques could be implemented in vacant lots and would be well suited to increasing greenspace in low-income areas. Furthermore, we emphasize that land managers, ecologists, sociologists, urban planners, and local communities must work together to conceptualize, carry out, and monitor restoration projects, as these projects are often characterized by disparate goals and insufficient follow-up. Vacant lot restoration is best addressed by an interdisciplinary approach that combines economic, social, and environmental needs and concerns into a holistic urban land use paradigm.  相似文献   

The role of humans in the restoration of ecosystems has been emphasised since its inception. The human dimension of restoration is particularly well established in urban ecosystems because this is where people and nature co-exist. At the same time, the altered biophysical conditions that characterise cities place constraints on restoration in its strictest sense—assisting the recovery of historic ecosystems. Rather than viewing this as a shortcoming, in this paper, we discuss the ways in which such constraints can be viewed as opportunities. There is the chance to broaden traditional conservation and restoration goals for urban settings reflecting peoples’ preferences for nature in their backyards, and in doing so, offer people multiple ways in which to engage with nature. In this paper, we consider four main restoration options—conserve and restore nature at the fringes, restore remnant patches of urban nature, manage novel ecosystems and garden with iconic species—in terms of their potential to contribute to promoting human-nature interactions in urban landscapes. We explore how these options are affected by environmental, economic, social and cultural factors, drawing on examples from cities around the world. Ecological restoration can contribute to the sustainability of urban landscapes, not just in terms of nature conservation, but also by providing opportunities for people to interact with nature and so increase our understanding of how people perceive and value landscapes.  相似文献   

Palang  Hannes  Külvik  Mart  Printsmann  Anu  Storie  Joanna T. 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(7):1807-1823

Two approaches to study landscape change have been exploited: one that tries to study the developments that have happened in the past, and another that tries to foresee future.


We analyse how this dual approach can help understanding landscape change, how people relate to it in general, what their expectations and preferences are. We also discuss the usefulness of path dependency theory, cultural sustainability, and cultural ecosystem services approaches in understanding the management of a historical cultural landscape.


First, we revisit a 1999 scenario study that outlined the possible trajectories of change prior Estonian accession to the European Union in 2004. Then, through series of studies we track the wider context of the landscape changes, analysing the results from the interviews and combining those with the visible results. We seek to answer whether or not the landscape changes that occurred followed any of the past scenarios, and if people’s preferences changed.


The dynamics of realisation of different scenarios was not straightforward. However, people showed clear preference towards landscapes that carried signs of the continuation of rural life. What was not foreseen when designing the scenarios was the upsurge of local identity creating the links with the past.


In this Estonian traditional cultural landscape, stewardship, culture and cultural ecosystem services, or nature’s contribution to people as IPBES prefers to call this now, define what caring for the landscape involves.


The spatial organisation of three major landscape types within the semi-arid woodlands of eastern Australia was studied by a detailed analysis of gradient-oriented transects (gradsects). The aim was to characterise the spatial organisation of each landscape, and to account for that organisation in functional terms related to the differential concentration of scarce resources by identifiable processes. Terrain, vegetation and soils data were collected along each gradsect. Boundary analysis was used to identify the types of landscape units at a range of scales. Soil analyses were used to determine the degree of differential concentration of nutrients within these units, and to infer the role of fluvial and aeolian processes in maintaining them. All three major landscape systems were found to be highly organised systems with distinctive resource-rich units or patches separated by more open, resource-poor zones. At the largest scale, distinct groves of trees were separated by open intergroves. At smaller-scales, individual trees, large shrubs, clumps of shrubs, fallen logs and clumps of grasses constituted discrete patches dispersed across the landscape. Our soil analyses confirmed that these patches act as sinks by filtering and concentrating nutrients lost from source areas (e.g., intergroves). We suggest that fluvial runoff-runon and aeolian saltation-deposition are the physical processes involved in these concentration effects, and in building and maintaining patches; biological activities also maintain patches. This organisation of patches as dispersed resource filters (at different scales) has the overall function of conserving limited resources within semi-arid landscape systems. Understanding the role of landscape patchiness in conserving scarce resources has important implications for managing these landscapes for sustainable land use, and for the rehabilitation of landscapes already degraded.  相似文献   

Traditional measures of species diversity and spatially-explicit measures of landscape diversity (derived from Romme 1982) are used to compare biotic diversity in six landscapes across Georgia, USA; two each from the Appalachian Highlands, Piedmont, and Coastal Plain. Species richness and evenness of plots generally increased from the Coastal Plain to the Appalachian Highlands. Community richness, landscape contrast, and landscape heterogeneity increased from the Appalachian Highlands to the Coastal Plain, opposite the gradient of topographic complexity. Coastal Plain landscapes possessed greater contrast and heterogeneity than landscapes in the other two physiographic provinces. This high level of landscape diversity is interpreted as a response to two factors: the increased role of human activity in shaping landscape structure, and the increased range of soil moisture regimes encountered in the sand-rich substrates of the Coastal Plain (from permanently flooded hydric communities to well drained xeric uplands only a few meters higher in elevation).  相似文献   

Habitat connectivity is an important element of functioning landscapes for mobile organisms. Maintenance or creation of movement corridors is one conservation strategy for reducing the negative effects of habitat fragmentation. Numerous spatial models exist to predict the location of movement corridors. Few studies, however, have investigated the effectiveness of these methods for predicting actual movement paths. We used an expert-based model and a resource selection function (RSF) to predict least-cost paths of woodland caribou. Using independent data for model evaluation, we found that the expert-based model was a poor predictor of long-distance animal movements; in comparison, the RSF model was effective at predicting habitat selection by caribou. We used the Path Deviation Index (PDI), cumulative path cost, and sinuosity to quantitatively compare the spatial differences between inferred caribou movement paths and predicted least-cost paths, and quasi-random null models of directional movement. Predicted movement paths were on average straighter than inferred movement paths for collared caribou. The PDI indicated that the least-cost paths were no better at predicting the inferred paths than either of two null models—straight line paths and randomly generated paths. We found statistically significant differences in cumulative cost scores for the main effects of model and path type; however, post-hoc comparisons were non-significant suggesting no difference among inferred, random, and predicted least cost paths. Paths generated from an expert based cost surface were more sinuous than those premised on the RSF model, but neither differed from the inferred path. Although our results are specific to one species, they highlight the importance of model evaluation when planning for habitat connectivity. We recommend that conservation planners adopt similar techniques when validating the effectiveness of movement corridors for other populations and species.  相似文献   

We present a framework that uses both sources and sinks as elements in the construction of a landscape matrix. We propose that the matrix be conceived as a collection of temporary habitats, some of which are sources, others of which are sinks, that form a landscape mosaic. The key element in this framing is that the sources are ephemeral and the sinks are propagating. A mean field approach is used to modify the classic metapopulation model, taking this new framework into account. Additionally a spatially explicit approach reveals different scaling rules for the percolation probability and the propagating probability.  相似文献   

Wang  Kelin  Zhang  Chunhua  Chen  Hongsong  Yue  Yueming  Zhang  Wei  Zhang  Mingyang  Qi  Xiangkun  Fu  Zhiyong 《Landscape Ecology》2019,34(12):2743-2763
Landscape Ecology - The karst region of southwestern China, one of the largest continuous karsts in the world, is known for its unique landscapes and rich biodiversity. This region has suffered...  相似文献   

Global change is exacerbating the need for more effective mechanisms and approaches for working towards economic, social/cultural and environmental sustainability. It is now well recognised that science for sustainability will require integrated problem-focussed research that is by nature trans-disciplinary. Resolutions to both global and regional scale issues must involve participation of a diverse number of stakeholders. One region that would benefit greatly from such an integrated approach is the Northern Territory of Australia. This area is home to some of the most pristine savanna landscapes in the world and it is also occupied by one of the oldest living human cultures which are still in existence today. However, in recent years there has been increasing pressure to develop this region. The Northern Territory is also facing problems associated with having a growing Aboriginal population with deepening health and social problems. So as well as needing to facilitate adaptation in response to global change and development for economic prosperity of the region, there is an obligation to alter management practices to reduce social disadvantage. In light of this, it will be important that future landscapes are multifunctional and designed to ensure the preservation of biological and cultural diversity, as well as having provision for the livelihoods of the people that live within them. This article recommends the adoption of a landscape ecological approach for strategic development and sustainable planning, which captures and incorporates the values and identities of the different stakeholders, as well as engaging them in a continuous, adaptive process of planning and management, and in doing so discusses the importance of human ecological holism as part of the conceptual framework for landscape ecology.  相似文献   



The design of effective responses to safeguard cultural landscape values in Europe needs collaborative action among the stakeholders involved. Despite considerable progress triggered by the European Landscape Convention (ELC) and other initiatives to link landscape science, policy and practice, a joint research–action agenda is still lacking.

Objectives and methods

We respond to this challenge by identifying common priority questions for the sustainable management of cultural landscapes in Europe. To this end, we gathered, in a first phase, the most relevant research questions through a Delphi-like process with the research community in this field. In a second phase, the questions were prioritized by three stakeholder groups: scientists (Ss), policy-makers (PMs) and practitioners (Ps). The importance ranks and the similarity between groups’ priorities were calculated and analyzed.


We found that the research question that addressed the issue of how to secure sustainable cultural landscapes where they are not economically profitable was the most important, with high level of agreement among all stakeholders. Alignment among the three groups was generally high; being higher between Ps–Ss and Ps–PMs than between Ss and PMs.


Our exercise can assist the implementation of the ELC by outlining the potential direction of future applied research and by strengthening the ties between the multiple stakeholders involved in the stewardship of European cultural landscapes.

The integration of social and ecological knowledge has been identified as one of the key issues and research priorities in landscape ecology. However, research into the tools and processes that support knowledge integration for planning sustainable land- and sea-scapes is largely lacking. To fill this gap, Bohnet and Smith (Landsc Urban Plan 80:137–152, 2007) developed a social-ecological planning framework based on a holistic landscape concept which I applied in the Tully–Murray basin to test the framework’s transferability and effectiveness for knowledge integration in a water quality improvement planning context in the Great Barrier Reef (GBR) region, Australia. In this paper I present the context in which the Tully Water Quality Improvement Plan (WQIP) was developed, the tools and processes applied during the three planning stages to achieve knowledge integration, and the results from this exercise. I then discuss the transferability and effectiveness of the framework using criteria identified to assess collaborative planning processes, outputs and outcomes, such as collaborative science and social and political capital. While many social outcomes such as the creation of partnerships between multiple-stakeholders, including Traditional Owners, local farmers, industry, government, community groups, schools, and the wider public, have been achieved, the research also highlights some of the challenges related to multiple-stakeholder relations. Further research into the roles and responsibilities of multiple-stakeholders for knowledge integration in developing and managing sustainable land- and sea-scapes is recommended.  相似文献   

This study explores the relationships between an increase in tree cover area (i.e., natural and planted-tree land covers) and changes in forest carbon storage and the potential of a landscape to provide habitat for native floristic biodiversity. Four areas experiencing an increase in tree cover were analyzed. We developed a metric estimating the potential to support native biodiversity based on tree cover type (plantation or natural forests) and the landscape pattern of natural and anthropogenic land covers. We used published estimates for forest and plantation carbon stocks for each region. Focus regions in northwestern Costa Rica, northern Vietnam, southern Chile and highland Ecuador all showed an increase in tree cover area of 390?%, 260?%, 123?% and 418?%, respectively. Landscapes experiencing increases in natural secondary forest also experienced an increase in carbon stored above and below ground, and in the potential to support native floristic biodiversity. Study landscapes in Chile and Ecuador experiencing an expansion of exotic plantations saw their carbon stock decrease along with their potential to support native floristic biodiversity. This study shows that an increase in forest area does not necessarily imply an increased provision of ecosystem services when landscapes are reforesting with monoculture plantations of exotic tree species. Changes in the support of native biodiversity and the carbon stored in pulp rotation plantations, along with other ecosystem services, should be fully considered before implementing reforestation projects.  相似文献   

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