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Public urban green spaces (PUGS) play a vital role in the dense urban fabric as places of Nature-Society contact and socialization. Despite some advances in the field, the relationship between the PUGS surroundings and their users' behaviours remains unclear. This study examined the patterns of human behaviour in four PUGS of the city of Porto, on the north Portuguese coast, where the behavioural mapping method was applied. Observational data regarding 979 PUGS users' socio-demographics and behaviours were recorded on a base map and a grid between August and November 2020. The use patterns during different times of the day were disaggregated across behaviours and users' profiles, and their relationship with the surroundings and design elements was assessed with ANOVA, Chi-Square test, and Pearson correlation. The findings presented may pave the way for future studies and inform the urban planning and design of the effectiveness of new interventions, namely providing more accurate aligning between the greenspace design language with users' needs. Furthermore, this study highlights the importance of considering the sociodemographic background of PUGS users and the surroundings to guide designers and planners.  相似文献   

概述生态设计理念发展历程,讨论我国景观设计中的生态问题与解决方法,以及当代景观设计的生态设计原则、常用手法。  相似文献   

当代景观设计中生态设计理念的探索   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
概述了生态设计的含义,结合国外生态设计的实践,讨论了当代景观设计中生态设计的原则与手法.并通过对当代景观设计的分析,探索了生态设计的理念,综合说明了只有生态的景观设计才能保证人类社会的可持续发展.  相似文献   

中国传统园林精妙绝伦的造景手法及所蕴含的崇尚自然的精神为世人所称道,但在当代景观设计潮流中却充满盲目照搬西方园林的各种案例。文章通过对中国传统造园手法的分析,并结合具体实践案例的应用,对如何将中国传统造园手法结合现代景观设计建设进行探索。  相似文献   

进行了7种甜菜种植方式的试验,结果表明,以纸筒育苗大垄双行移栽产质量最好,经济效益最高。  相似文献   

蔬菜日光温室高效种植模式的研究   总被引:6,自引:0,他引:6  
在3种类型的日光温室中进行了4种种植模式的比较试验。结果表明,3种类型的日光温室在最冷的1月份最低温度均能保持在4℃以上,以当前河北省中南部地区流行的CK型日光温室保温效果最好;4种种植模式中以A(黄瓜→套种油菜或蒜苗→番茄→平菇)、B(黄瓜→套种油菜或蒜苗→黄瓜→番茄→蒜苗)两种效益最高,平均年产鲜菜每公顷分别为494t和405t,年纯收入分别为53万元和54万元。适于北方地区推广。  相似文献   

陕西辣椒套种的组合、配比与结构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王周录 《辣椒杂志》2005,3(3):13-15
本文介绍了陕西线辣椒主要套种的组合、配比和结构,并总结分析了套种组合和相应配比、结构的生物学效应与实际生产效益。生产实际应用证明,辣椒套种与单种相比,每667m:可增收小麦350~500kg、玉米100kg、辣椒干50kg。  相似文献   

长豇豆早春保护地栽培模式的比较试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以鄂豇豆 2号、特早 3 0、之豇 2 8 2豇豆品种作为试验材料 ,采用“大棚套小拱棚营养钵育苗 +移栽露地地膜覆盖 +套小拱棚栽培”、“大棚套小拱棚营养钵育苗 +移栽大棚栽培”和“露地直播 +地膜覆盖栽培”3种武汉地区长豇豆早春保护地栽培的常用栽培模式 ,组合成 9种不同的处理进行双因子试验。结果表明 :长豇豆早春保护地栽培的优良品种是鄂豇豆 2号 ,优良栽培模式是栽培模式 1(大棚套小拱棚营养钵育苗 +移栽露地地膜覆盖 +套小拱棚栽培 ) ,优良组合栽培模式是处理组合 1C(大棚套小拱棚营养钵育苗 +移栽露地地膜覆盖 +套小拱棚栽培和鄂豇豆 2号豇豆品种组合栽培模式 )和 2C(大棚套小拱棚营养钵育苗 +移栽大棚栽培和鄂豇豆 2号豇豆品种组合栽培模式 )。  相似文献   

阐述了国内外有关甘蔗间作的研究进展,分析了间作对甘蔗品质和产量、土壤养分的影响以及对甘蔗病虫草害的控制,提出我国甘蔗间作应注意的关键问题。  相似文献   

Assessing the associations between spatial patterns in population abundance and environmental heterogeneity is critical for understanding various population processes and for managing species and communities. This study evaluates responses in the abundance of the European rabbit (Oryctolagus cuniculus), an important prey for predators of conservation concern in Mediterranean ecosystems, to environmental heterogeneity at different spatial scales. Multi-scale habitat models of rabbit abundance in three areas of Doñana, south-western Spain, were developed using a spatially extensive dataset of faecal pellet counts as an abundance index. The best models included habitat variables at the three spatial scales examined: distance from lagoons (broad scale), mean landscape shrub coverage and interspersion of pastures (home-range scale), and shrub and pasture cover (microhabitat scale). These variables may well have been related to the availability of food and refuge for the species at the different scales. However, the models’ fit to data and their predictive accuracy for an independent sample varied among the study regions. Accurate predictions in some areas showed that the combination of variables at various spatial scales can provide a reliable method for assessing the abundance of ecologically complex species such as the European rabbit over large areas. On the other hand, the models failed to identify abundance patterns in a population that suffered the strongest demographic collapse after viral epidemics, underlining the difficulty of generalizing this approach. In the latter case, factors difficult to implement in static models such as disease history and prevalence, predator regulation and others may underlie the lack of association. Habitat models can provide useful guidelines for the management of landscape attributes relevant to rabbits and help improve the conservation of Mediterranean communities. However, other influential factors not obviously related to environmental heterogeneity should also be analyzed in more detail.  相似文献   

荔枝树成花与碳水化合物器官分布的关系研究   总被引:7,自引:1,他引:7  
 选择荔枝不同末端梢抽生期的植株, 于成花诱导期间取样分析, 比较了高成花树与低成花树可溶性糖和淀粉含量的变化。‘桂味’荔枝末端秋梢抽生早的树(10 月5 日抽梢) 成花枝率为95.8% , 而抽生晚的树(11月15 日抽梢) 为18.0% ,‘妃子笑’荔枝10月1日抽梢树和‘糯米糍’荔枝两个抽梢期树(10 月15 日和11 月5 日) 的成花枝率均在99%以上。从11月中旬到1月中旬, 各器官可溶性糖含量一般先上升而后下降; 淀粉含量则不同程度地提高。低温来临前各器官淀粉含量差异不大, 到花发端之前, 3个品种高成花率树的淀粉含量以小枝(粗度1 cm) 为最高, 形成从小枝到末端秋梢和叶片的下降梯度, 而低成花率的桂味荔枝树的淀粉含量则未见这种梯度。认为这种淀粉含量分布可能是荔枝枝梢接受成花诱导、反映诱花效果的一个标志。  相似文献   

PermutMatrix是一种全新的能对基因表达数据进行图像分析的软件。它是从Eisen采用的依赖于图形的分析方法发展而来,同时能对行和列的数值进行优化重组和分析。为了给更多的研究者提供新的数据分析平台,对此软件进行了简要介绍。同时,我们利用该软件对观赏桃亲本(1987-7-1×矮丽红)及其10株杂交F1代的花瓣数、萼片数以及花朵直径进行了数值聚类分析。结果表明,花瓣、萼片遗传距离较近,和花径的大小也有一定的遗传关系,结果可为观赏桃花的育种和遗传特征提供一定的参考依据。  相似文献   

Understanding the impacts of landscape change on species behaviour is a major challenge in landscape ecology. A focus on the functional traits of species may improve this understanding if species with similar traits (functional guilds) are impacted by landscape change in similar ways, but this idea has not been widely tested on bat communities in urban landscapes. We examined changes in bat species richness and the activity level of species in different functional guilds within 72 residential neighbourhoods across 18 towns and cities spanning over 250,000 square km in south-eastern Australia. Species richness increased close to native vegetation, declined with increasing urbanization, and had a hump-shaped relationship with neighbourhood vegetation cover. Also, the activity level of all bat species combined peaked at mid-range values of neighbourhood vegetation cover. The activity of species in the open-adapted guild was not strongly related to any urban characteristic, but our results concur with previous findings that the activity of most open-adapted species does not appear to be negatively impacted by urbanization. Conversely, clutter-adapted species appear more sensitive to urbanization and their activity level was negatively related to urban intensity and increased closer to native vegetation, consistent with previous studies. The functional-trait approach may improve the capacity to make generalisations across different landscape contexts for clutter-adapted and open-adapted guilds, but is currently hampered for other bat species owing to variation in the behaviour of different species assigned to the same functional guild, and a lack of ecological knowledge regarding the impacts of different types of landscape change on particular species.  相似文献   

Mapping Spatial Patterns with Morphological Image Processing   总被引:4,自引:3,他引:1  
We use morphological image processing for classifying spatial patterns at the pixel level on binary land-cover maps. Land-cover pattern is classified as ‘perforated,’ ‘edge,’ ‘patch,’ and ‘core’ with higher spatial precision and thematic accuracy compared to a previous approach based on image convolution, while retaining the capability to label these features at the pixel level for any scale of observation. The implementation of morphological image processing is explained and then demonstrated, with comparisons to results from image convolution, for a forest map of the Val Grande National Park in North Italy.  相似文献   

In this study we measure urbanization based on a diverse set of 21 variables ranging from landscape indices to demographic factors such as income and land ownership using data from Stockholm, Sweden. The primary aims were to test how the variables behaved in relation to each other and if these patterns were consistent across scales. The variables were mostly identified from the literature and limited to the kind of data that was readily accessible. We used GIS to sample the variables and then principal component analyses to search for patterns among them, repeating the sampling and analysis at four different scales (250 × 250, 750 × 750, 1,250 × 1,250 and 1,750 × 1,750, all in meters). At the smallest scale most variables seemed to be roughly structured along two axes, one with landscape indices and one mainly with demographic factors but also impervious surface and coniferous forest. The other land-cover types did not align very well with these two axes. When increasing the scale this pattern was not as obvious, instead the variables separated into several smaller bundles of highly correlated variables. Some pairs or bundles of variables were correlated on all scales and thus interchangeable while other associations changed with scale. This is important to keep in mind when one chooses measures of urbanization, especially if the measures are indices based on several variables. Comparing our results with the findings from other cities, we argue that universal gradients will be difficult to find since city shape and size, as well as available information, differ greatly. We also believe that a multivariate gradient is needed if you wish not only to compare cities but also ask questions about how urbanization influences the ecological character in different parts of a city.  相似文献   

Patterns of disturbance at multiple scales in real and simulated landscapes   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
We describe a framework to characterize and interpret the spatial patterns of disturbances at multiple scales in socio-ecological systems. Domains of scale are defined in pattern metric space and mapped in geographic space, which can help to understand how anthropogenic disturbances might impact biodiversity through habitat modification. The approach identifies typical disturbance 'profiles' based on the similarity of trajectories in a pattern metric space over a range of spatial scales. When different profiles are coherent in pattern metric space, they describe a regional spatial pattern. The divergence of a profile indicates a scale-dependent transition to a local spatial pattern, which can be examined for correspondence to different regions of geographic space. We illustrate the conceptual model with simulated maps and real disturbance maps from satellite imagery in south Italy. The results suggest that management of disturbances in the study region depend less on local drivers of disturbance and more on broader-scale drivers within the socio-ecological framework.  相似文献   

莲藕是武汉市蔡甸区农业主导产业之一,近年来,蔡甸区在莲藕种植过程中,示范推广地膜覆盖栽培技术,上市期提前一个星期左右,综合效益增长达34%。现将示范结果及主要栽培技术介绍如下。1地膜覆盖示范结果1.1生育期缩短,结藕早莲藕从萌发到新藕完全成熟,可划分为3个时期,即幼苗期、旺盛生长期、结藕期。地膜覆盖莲藕,前  相似文献   



Recent years have seen an increase in methods for plant phenotyping using image analyses. These methods require new software solutions for data extraction and treatment. These solutions are instrumental in supporting various research pipelines, ranging from the localisation of cellular compounds to the quantification of tree canopies. However, due to the variety of existing tools and the lack of central repository, it is challenging for researchers to identify the software that is best suited for their research.


We present an online, manually curated, database referencing more than 90 plant image analysis software solutions. The website, plant-image-analysis.org, presents each software in a uniform and concise manner enabling users to identify the available solutions for their experimental needs. The website also enables user feedback, evaluations and new software submissions.


The plant-image-analysis.org database provides an overview of existing plant image analysis software. The aim of such a toolbox is to help users to find solutions, and to provide developers a way to exchange and communicate about their work.

根据田间试验表现,并结合生产应用效果,从品种选择、茬口安排、田间管理及病虫害防治等方面,总结出赣南叶菜类一年多茬及蕹菜—苦瓜套种等高效种植模式,通过分析其经济效益,建议可根据市场行情进行推广。  相似文献   

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