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Housing growth is a primary form of landscape change that is occurring throughout the world. Because of the ecological impacts of housing growth, understanding the patterns of growth over time is imperative in order to better inform land use planning, natural resource management, and conservation. Our primary goal was to quantify hotspots of housing growth in the North Central United States over a 60-year time frame (1940–2000) using a spatial statistical approach. Specifically, our objectives were to: (1) determine where housing growth hotspots exist; (2) determine if hotspots are changing in space and over time; and, (3) investigate if hotspots differ based upon the type of measurement and scale of analysis. Our approach was based on a spatial statistical framework (Getis-Ord G* statistic) that compared local housing growth patterns with regional growth rates. Over the 60-year period the number and mean area of hotspots, measured both as absolute and percent growth, remained largely constant. However, total area of all hotspots increased significantly over time as measured by absolute growth. Spatially, the hotspots shifted over time and exhibited different patterns based upon the measurement. Absolute growth hotspots exhibited patterns of expanding sets of rings around urban centers, whereas percent growth hotspots exhibited both expanding rings and shifting locations throughout rural locations. When increasing the neighborhood size used to discern hotspots from 5 to 50 km, the number of hotspots decreased while their size increased. Regardless of neighborhood size, ∼95 and ∼88% of the landscape, as measured by absolute and percent growth, respectively, never contained a hotspot. Overall our results indicate that housing growth is occurring at distinct locations on the landscape, which change in space and time, and are influenced by the scale of analysis and type of measure. In general these results provide useful information for the natural resource, planning, and policy communities.  相似文献   


Blueberry (Vaccinium sp.) production has expanded rapidly in the Southeastern U.S. over the past two decades, and various production problems have been encountered. These problems include poor pollination, low fruit set, freeze damage, variable yields, and small fruit size among others. Plant growth regulators (PGRs) have been utilized to overcome some production problems with some degree of success. This paper reviews findings of research that has been conducted over the past few years with PGRs and blueberries in the Southeast.  相似文献   

Information describing spatial and temporal variability of forest fuel conditions is essential to assessing overall fire hazard and risk. Limited information exists describing spatial characteristics of fuels in the eastern deciduous forest region, particularly in dry oak-dominated regions that historically burned relatively frequently. From an extensive fuels survey of unmanaged forest lands (1,446 plots) we described fuel loadings and spatial patterns of fine and coarse fuels. We attempted to explain the variability in fuel loading of each time-lag fuel class using landscape and seasonal variables through a multiple regression modeling approach. Size class distributions of woody fuels were generally homogeneous across the region except in the glaciated portions of Illinois where loadings appeared lower. Temporally, litter depths progressively decreased from leaffall (November). A fire hazard model that combined seasonal changes in litter depth and fuel moisture content depicted the degree of regional spatial variability during the transition between extreme dry and wet conditions. In the future, fire hazard indices could be paired with ignition probabilities in order to assess spatio-temporal variability of fire risk within the region.  相似文献   

美国家庭园艺市场繁荣,而家庭园艺也逐渐走进我国居民的日常生活。介绍与美国家庭园艺发展相关的若干行业的概况,以期为我国新兴的家庭园艺市场的进一步发展提供参考。  相似文献   

We examined the use of coarse resolution land cover data (USGS LUDA) to accurately discriminate ecoregions and landscape-scale features important to biodiversity monitoring and management. We used land cover composition and landscape indices, correlation and principal components analysis, and comparison with finer-grained Landsat TM data, to assess how well LUDA data discriminate changing patterns across an agriculture-forest gradient in Minnesota, U.S.A. We found LUDA data to be most accurate at general class levels of agriculture and forest dominance (Anderson Level I), but in consistent and limited in ecotonal areas of the gradient and within forested portions of the study region at finer classes (Anderson Level II). We expected LUDA to over-represent major (matrix) cover types and under-represent minor types, but this was not consistent with all classes. 1) Land cover types respond individualistically across the gradient, changing landscape grain as well as their spatial distribution and abundance. 2) Agriculture is not over-represented where it is the dominant land cover type, but forest is over-represented where it is dominant. 3) Individual forest types are under-represented in an open land matrix. 4) Within forested areas, mixed deciduous-coniferous forest is over-represented by several orders of magnitude and the separate conifer and hardwood types under-represented. Across gradual, transitional agriculture-forest areas, LUDA cover class dominance changes abruptly in a stair-step fashion. In general, rare cover types that are discrete, such as forest in agriculture or wetlands or water in forest, are more accurately represented than cover classes having lower contrast with the matrix. Northward across the gradient, important changes in the proportions of conifer and deciduous forest mixtures occur at scales not discriminated by LUDA data. Results suggest that finer-grained data are needed to map within-state ecoregions and discriminate important landscape characteristics. LUDA data, or similar coarse resolution data sources, should be used with caution and the biases fully understood before being applied in regional landscape management. This revised version was published online in July 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

An assessment of noise audibility and sound levels in U.S. National Parks   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Throughout the United States, opportunities to experience noise-free intervals are disappearing. Rapidly increasing energy development, infrastructure expansion, and urbanization continue to fragment the acoustical landscape. Within this context, the National Park Service endeavors to protect acoustical resources because they are essential to park ecology and central to the visitor experience. The Park Service monitors acoustical resources in order to determine current conditions, and forecast the effects of potential management decisions. By community noise standards, background sound levels in parks are relatively low. By wilderness criteria, levels of noise audibility are remarkably high. A large percentage of the noise sources measured in national parks (such as highways or commercial jet traffic) originates outside park boundaries and beyond the management jurisdiction of NPS. Many parks have adopted noise mitigation plans, but the regional and national scales of most noise sources call for conservation and management efforts on similar scales.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Understanding how the Northern Forest landscape has changed and is likely to change, both in terms of forest extent and forest configuration, has important implications for...  相似文献   

Residential properties in the United States represent a considerable amount of land area and contain substantial tree cover. Homeowners are important decision makers in the management of city trees because they influence the structure of urban forests, and ultimately, ecosystem service potential. To better understand the perceptions, knowledge, and practices of homeowners regarding residential tree preservation, we surveyed owners of newer versus older homes in a midwestern suburb in the United States. We found that newer homeowners were younger, wealthier, and less knowledgeable about the natural aspects of their property. During the redevelopment process, they relied on professionals to make major decisions regarding tree preservation. In contrast, owners of older homes often identified as retirees and gardeners, had more knowledge of the natural aspects of their property, and were more likely to hire an arborist. Regardless of these differences, both homeowner groups expressed equal appreciation for nature, planted, pruned, and mulched their trees, experienced tree loss, hired landscaping and tree care professionals, and communicated with the City’s Forestry Section. The results of our study further clarify the role that homeowners play in decision-making during development and highlight the important relationships that exist between homeowners and urban forest professionals.  相似文献   

国外水果业的经营策略   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
随着WTO脚步的逼近,国外水果业纷纷进 军中国大陆市场,仅北京已 有十多个国家40多个种类的水果在争奇斗艳,前年进口果交易量仅17000吨,去年已突破20000吨。在国内各大城市,我国的水果业已和国外水果商短兵相接,竞争日趋剧烈。因此了解国外水果业的经营策略,对于水果种植占农业较大比例的漳州市,对于今后水果业的经营与发展,无疑具有重要意义。 一、主要目标放在国际市场的竞争 国外水果厂商无不把目光放在全球的市场经营上,为了争夺国际市场,他们大都采用大兵团的作战优势,甚至以国家的实力和法律作后盾,采取了许多争夺的…  相似文献   

Residential lands constitute a major component of existing and possible tree canopy in many cities in the United States. To expand the urban forest on these lands, some municipalities and nonprofit organizations have launched residential yard tree distribution programs, also known as tree giveaway programs. This paper describes the operations of five tree distribution programs affiliated with the Urban Ecology Collaborative, a regional network for urban forestry professionals. We analyzed the programs’ missions, strategies, and challenges as reported through surveys and interviews conducted with program staff. The programs were led by nonprofit organizations and municipal departments in New York City, NY; Baltimore, MD; Philadelphia, PA; Providence, RI; and Worcester, MA. These organizations focused their tree distribution efforts on private residential lands in response to ambitious tree canopy or planting campaign goals. We assessed these programs through the framework of urban forests as social-ecological systems and discuss the programs’ biophysical, social and institutional contexts. Programs face principle-agent problems related to reliance on individual tree recipients to meet goals; their institutional strategies meant to ameliorate these problems varied. Differing organizational and partner resources influenced the programs’ abilities to perform outreach and follow-up on tree performance. Programs attempted to connect with diverse neighborhoods through free trees, targeting areas with low existing canopy, and forging partnerships with local community groups. Given tree recipients’ demand for smaller flowering or fruiting trees, as well as lack of resources for tree survival monitoring on private lands, program leaders appeared to have turned to social measures of success − spreading a positive message about trees and urban greening − as opposed to biophysical performance metrics. We conclude with suggestions for outcomes monitoring, whether those outcomes are social or biophysical, because monitoring is critical to the sustainability and adaptive management of residential tree programs.  相似文献   



Species distribution models (SDM) establish statistical relationships between the current distribution of species and key attributes whereas process-based models simulate ecosystem and tree species dynamics based on representations of physical and biological processes. TreeAtlas, which uses DISTRIB SDM, and Linkages and LANDIS PRO, process-based ecosystem and landscape models, respectively, were used concurrently on four regional climate change assessments in the eastern Unites States.


We compared predictions for 30 species from TreeAtlas, Linkages, and LANDIS PRO, using two climate change scenarios on four regions, to derive a more robust assessment of species change in response to climate change.


We calculated the ratio of future importance or biomass to current for each species, then compared agreement among models by species, region, and climate scenario using change classes, an ordinal agreement score, spearman rank correlations, and model averaged change ratios.


Comparisons indicated high agreement for many species, especially northern species modeled to lose habitat. TreeAtlas and Linkages agreed the most but each also agreed with many species outputs from LANDIS PRO, particularly when succession within LANDIS PRO was simulated to 2300. A geographic analysis showed that a simple difference (in latitude degrees) of the weighted mean center of a species distribution versus the geographic center of the region of interest provides an initial estimate for the species’ potential to gain, lose, or remain stable under climate change.


This analysis of multiple models provides a useful approach to compare among disparate models and a more consistent interpretation of the future for use in vulnerability assessments and adaptation planning.


Coastal landscapes evolve in response to sea-level rise (SLR) through a variety of geologic processes and ecological feedbacks. When the SLR rate surpasses the rate at which these processes build elevation and drive lateral migration, inundation is likely.


To examine the role of land cover diversity and composition in landscape response to SLR across the northeastern United States.


Using an existing probabilistic framework, we quantify the probability of inundation, a measure of vulnerability, under different SLR scenarios on the coastal landscape. Resistant areas—wherein a dynamic response is anticipated—are defined as unlikely (p < 0.33) to inundate. Results are assessed regionally for different land cover types and at 26 sites representing varying levels of land cover diversity.


Modeling results suggest that by the 2050s, 44% of low-lying, habitable land in the region is unlikely to inundate, further declining to 36% by the 2080s. In addition to a decrease in SLR resistance with time, these results show an increasing uncertainty that the coastal landscape will continue to evolve in response to SLR as it has in the past. We also find that resistance to SLR is correlated with land cover composition, wherein sites containing land cover types adaptable to SLR impacts show greater potential to undergo biogeomorphic state shifts rather than inundating with time.


Our findings support other studies that have highlighted the importance of ecological composition and diversity in stabilizing the physical landscape and suggest that flexible planning strategies, such as adaptive management, are particularly well suited for SLR preparation in diverse coastal settings.


The distribution of human occupation across a landscape provides informationabout how people use the landscape, about patterns of economic development,and about social interactions of human groups. When the distributions areexamined over several thousand years, we gain an evolutionary understanding,not only of the people and their cultural patterns, but also of physicallandscape development. The focus of this assessment was to examine andcompare settlement patterns of prehistoric, historic, and present timeperiods, based on known cultural sites in the Eastern Upper Peninsula ofMichigan, U.S.A., and to generate hypotheses about the interaction ofsettlement pattern and landscape change at multiple scales. Patterns ofsettlement among the three time periods were compared at three geographicscales: by subregional ecosystems, by landscape ecosystems and by terraincharacteristics. The Michigan Bureau of History database of archaeologicalsites was searched for prehistoric habitation sites of Middle or LateWoodland period (ca. 3000-300 years before present). Historic occupationswere drawn from pre-European settlement landscape data based on General LandOffice survey notes of the 1850s. We extracted urban categories from landcover classified from Landsat Thematic Mapper imagery to measure presentoccupations. Spatial patterns and dynamics of settlement areas in each timeperiod were examined using the ARC/INFO geographic information system (GIS).Results showed a tendency for settlement in all time periods on the bedrockand lowland landscape groups near Great Lakes shorelines, generally occupyingslopes less than two percent. The distribution of present occupations, interms of both slope aspect and geographic subregion (multi-scalar), wassimilar to the distribution of prehistoric occupations. Both prehistoric andpresent sites were primarily south facing and were frequently found alongGreen Bay and Lake Michigan shorelines.  相似文献   

Land-use legacies can persist for hundreds to thousands of years, influencing plant species composition, nutrient cycling, water flows, and climate. To understand how land use has affected regional land-cover composition in Wisconsin (USA), we assessed the magnitude and direction of change in land cover between: (1) c.1850, at the onset of Euro-American settlement; (2) c.1935, the period of maximum clearing for agriculture following widespread forest logging; and (3) 1993, which, especially in northern Wisconsin, follows farm abandonment and forest recovery. We derived land-cover maps using U.S. Public Land Survey records (c.1850), the Wisconsin Land Economic Inventory (c.1935), and Landsat TM satellite data (1993). We stratified Wisconsin (145,000 km2) into two ecological provinces and used spatial error models, multinomial logistic regression, and non-metric multi-dimensional scaling ordination to examine change. Between 1850 and 1935, forest cover in the North declined from 84% to 56%, cropland increased to 24%, and mixed/coniferous forests and savannas were replaced by deciduous forests. In the South, formerly dominant savannas (69%) and prairies (6%) were mostly converted to cropland (51%) and pasture (11%). Remnant deciduous savannas and coniferous forests and savannas were replaced by deciduous forests. Remarkably little recovery to pre-settlement land-cover classes occurred from 1935 to 1993. Less cropland was abandoned than expected, and there was little net gain in coniferous/mixed forest. Based on these general land-cover classes, current cover is significantly different from that in 1850, but not from that in 1935, and thus continues to reflect historical logging and agricultural patterns. These results provide a historical framework for measuring associated changes in ecosystem function and can be used to guide restoration where desirable and feasible.  相似文献   

Widespread and increasing urbanization has resulted in the need to assess, monitor, and understand its effects on stream water quality. Identifying relations between stream ecological condition and urban intensity indicators such as impervious surface provides important, but insufficient information to effectively address planning and management needs in such areas. In this study we investigate those specific landscape metrics which are functionally linked to indicators of stream ecological condition, and in particular, identify those characteristics that exacerbate or mitigate changes in ecological condition over and above impervious surface. The approach used addresses challenges associated with redundancy of landscape metrics, and links landscape pattern and composition to an indicator of stream ecological condition across a broad area of the eastern United States. Macroinvertebrate samples were collected during 2000–2001 from forty-two sites in the Delaware River Basin, and landscape data of high spatial and thematic resolution were obtained from photointerpretation of 1999 imagery. An ordination-derived ‘biotic score’ was positively correlated with assemblage tolerance, and with urban-related chemical characteristics such as chloride concentration and an index of potential pesticide toxicity. Impervious surface explained 56% of the variation in biotic score, but the variation explained increased to as high as 83% with the incorporation of a second land use, cover, or configuration metric at catchment or riparian scales. These include land use class-specific cover metrics such as percent of urban land with tree cover, forest fragmentation metrics such as aggregation index, riparian metrics such as percent tree cover, and metrics related to urban aggregation. Study results indicate that these metrics will be important to monitor in urbanizing areas in addition to impervious surface.  相似文献   

番木瓜四倍体与二倍体的核型分析及45S r DNA-FISH研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
 以番木瓜四倍体与二倍体植株为材料, 利用45S rDNA为探针, 结合核型分析与荧光原位杂交( fluorescence in situ hybridization, 简称FISH) 技术, 分析比较了二者之间的核型特征。结果表明: 二倍体与四倍体番木瓜在核型特征上没有明显差异, 染色体绝对长度在2.35~4.76μm之间, 属于中小染色体,均由中部着丝粒染色体(m) 和近中部着丝粒染色体( sm) 组成, 属“2A”类型, 二倍体核型公式为2n=2x=18=16m (2SAT) +2 sm, 四倍体为2n=4x =36=32m (4SAT) + 4 sm; 在二倍体体细胞中期染色体及间期核中, 均发现两个杂交信号位点, 在四倍体中则发现4个杂交信号位点。二者的杂交信号均位于第6对带有随体的同源染色体的次缢痕区域。由此认为该四倍体是由二倍体直接加倍形成的同源四倍体。  相似文献   

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