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Landscape preference is the focus of landscape research, in which the relationship between landscape elements and landscape preference is an important issue. Most previous studies have analysed correlation between the landscape preference scored by the public and scores on the quality of landscape elements by experts; some have compared the effects of individual landscape elements on landscape preference by photo simulation. In this study, landscape preference is regarded as the selection preference of landscape element combination. The conjoint analysis method is used to further explore the ranking and optimal combination of the significant degrees of impact of landscape elements on landscape preference when multiple landscape element combinations are used. The results show that the influence degrees of landscape elements on landscape preference in urban parks followed the order water, square, openness of the landscape, vegetation, road and seats. The optimal combination of landscape elements is the open landscape with flowing water, a shaded square, rich vegetation, a road and seats. This study demonstrates the advantages of the conjoint analysis method over the univariate method in controlling multiple variables, improving experimental efficiency and obtaining more meaningful results. A combination of urban park landscape elements based on landscape preference is helpful to inspire landscape architects to make choices among multiple landscape elements, provides evidence-based design methods for landscape design and offers basic parameters for the wide application of the parametric design or computational design of landscape architecture.  相似文献   

Landscape diagnosis provides a bridge between scientific knowledge and socio-economic issues that is needed to meet the demands of sophisticated landscape planning and management. The diagnostic assessment of landscape functions (capacities, goods and services supported by the landscape) at different spatio-temporal scales is a valuable tool that can solve the transformation problem. A variety of landscape classification systems – including biophysical and landscape units – can be applied as a spatial reference system. Examples are described from the multitude of approaches to assess landscape functions that can be employed in landscape diagnosis. The theoretical and methodological aspects of the approach are illustrated using examples both from Germany and the Czech Republic. The examples focus on landscape functions such as groundwater recharge, regulation of water balance, and resistance to wind erosion. In addition, the rarity of and threats to landscape types, landscape aesthetic values, and the landscape character and landscape persistence are discussed.  相似文献   

The idea that landscape has been created by human activities on a biophysical basis allows for clear cause–effect reasoning. However, landscape planning and management practice learns that it is impossible to neglect the social perception of landscape, i.e. the ways people think about nature and landscape. It is the result of social research and human sciences of the last decade that a differentiation in views of nature and landscape can be identified in the different groups of social actors in the landscape. Case studies from France and the Netherlands show a marked change in values attributed to nature and landscape in the end of the last century. Social demand for landscape is growing and a shift from a functional image of nature and landscape to a more hedonistic image like the Arcadian and wilderness images has taken place. Comparing the Netherlands with France and rural with urban inhabitants, the influence of urbanisation is evident in this process. It is further shown that images of nature vary considerably between for example farmers, urban residents, hunters and conservationists. The way people perceive landscape seems determined by their functional ties with the landscape and the social praxis in which they encounter the landscape. It is concluded that the concept of landscape is nearer to the lifeworld of people than the abstract notions of nature and biodiversity. This implies a big challenge both for national and international landscape policies and for local landscape management initiatives to be developed, taking into due consideration both the material and immaterial nature of landscape.  相似文献   

川西寺庙园林植物造景探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
川西寺庙园林是一个完整的历史序列;川西寺庙植物选择在满足宗教文化特定要求下主要以乡土植物为主,多选用长寿植物和常绿植物,重视古树名木的文化价值;川西寺庙园林植物造景主要以庭院的规则式布置和附属园林的自然式配置为主.从这三个方面切入研究川西寺庙园林,以期更进一步的探索川西园林的本质特征,挖掘其地方特色,丰富中国园林的研究内容和完善中国古典园林的艺术体系.  相似文献   

基于人类社会与自然和谐发展的背景,生态设计成为当前园林设计所追求的主题,回归自然已成为当下园林设计的主调。如何通过合理的设计,实现自然与美学的结合,建立资源节约型园林,成为现阶段园林设计的重要课题。通过对现代园林生态设计的研究,提出适合赣州市生态园林规划建设的建议。  相似文献   

现代居住小区景观,由于受规划条件和路网格局的限定,真正用于景观设计的用地略显破碎,如何在被限定的空间格局内打造出整体性,并具有特定性格的景观空间组群,使小区景观呈现出整体的、有机的、统一的特色,同时,又能体现各组团景观细节的差异化,是景观设计从业者必须要考虑的问题。通过对景观设计"形"与"势"的分析,并以上海森兰外高桥小区景观设计为实例,探讨现代居住小区景观设计的"形"与"势"的应用,希望对住区景观设计从业者有所启发。  相似文献   

纪念性景观是景观设计的重要类型,是社会历史文化传承的重要形式之一,以人物为纪念对象的纪念性景观,更加注重人物精神传承和生平事迹的展示。本文以李元龙纪念林景观设计为例,对人物类纪念性景观设计表达方式进行了探讨。  相似文献   

戴腾 《现代园艺》2011,(11):101-102
微缩景观艺术在我国造园活动中历史久远,形成的门派风格众多,现代微缩景观设计能否将其蕴含的中国传统元素发展应用,是值得关注的一个重要议题。即从微缩景观艺术的意象、微缩景观艺术的美术思想和微缩景观设计的继承与创新等几个方面去探讨微缩景观艺术的美学价值及其应用。  相似文献   

李平  包隆桦 《现代园艺》2011,(11):147-148
园林景观建设是发展城市品味和文化建设的需要。要搞好园林景观建设,就必须抓好园林景观工程的施工管理。分析了园林景观工程的特点,并对园林工程中实行EPC总承包管理模式提出了几点看法。  相似文献   

杜丽  吴玉娜 《北方园艺》2012,(11):80-84
文化景观是增加景观可识别性和有助于景观可持续发展的物质载体。高校校园环境更是需要文化景观营造文化氛围,它是高校永久、连续发展的生命力和原动力。现简述高校文化景观的价值和特征,将高校文化景观传承分解为物质、非物质二大部分,并从高校文化景观的历史性、地域性、空间结构、意识形态和行为模式等方面阐述了其传承方式和方法,探讨了高校文化景观的保护与更新设计问题。  相似文献   

That the relationship between remote sensing and landscape ecology is significant is due in large part to the strong spatial component within landscape ecology. However it is nevertheless necessary to have frequent overview of the interface between remote sensing and landscape ecology, particularly in the light of developments in the types of image data and techniques. The use of remote sensing within European landscape ecology provides a rich range of examples of the interface, including application of some of the latest types of image data. This paper is an overview of the interface that remote sensing has with European landscape ecology, with seven examples of the application of image data in European landscape ecology and examination of associated landscape classification issues. These examples are discussed in terms of the trends and the different roles for image data in landscape ecology that they illustrate, and in particular their classificatory and informational implications. It is suggested that with regard to classification there is a need for re-examination of the roles of image data.  相似文献   

The reciprocal interaction of landscape structure and ecological processes is a cornerstone of modern landscape ecology. We use a simulation model to show how landscape structure and herbivory interact to influence outbreaks of southern pine beetle (Dendroctonus frontalis Zimmermann) in a landscape representative of the southern Appalachian Mountains, USA. We use LANDIS and its biological disturbance agent module to simulate the effects of landscape composition (proportion of landscape in host area) and host aggregation on the size and severity of insect outbreaks and the persistence of the host species, Table Mountain Pine (Pinus pungens Lamb.). We find that landscape composition is less important in the modeled landscapes than host aggregation in structuring the severity of insect outbreaks. Also, simulated southern pine beetle outbreaks over time tend to decrease the aggregation of host species on the landscape by fragmenting large patches into smaller ones, thereby reducing the severity of future outbreaks. Persistence of Table Mountain pine decreases throughout all simulations regardless of landscape structure. The results of this study indicate that when considering alternative restoration strategies for insect-affected landscapes, it is necessary to consider the patterns of hosts on the landscape as well as the landscape composition.  相似文献   

抽样调查和分析怀化市住宅小区绿地及园林植物应用现状,并用AHP法进行景观评价.结果表明:怀化市住宅小区绿地率较低,所用园林植物种类品种较少;住宅小区绿化景观整体AHP评价为A-.问题主要为景观特色、植物多样性与景观多样性方面的不足,尤其是对小区景观与城市绿地系统的关系,小区生态环境与城市生态系统的关系处理方面的不足.最后,就小区绿化建设如何更好地服务于生态宜居城市建设,从植物种类选择、造景理念与生态效益5方面进行讨论.  相似文献   

园林技术措施控制病虫害探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合园林工作实际,将园林技术措施控制病虫害的实现途径进行多角度、多层次的探析,即统筹协调"园林植物—病虫害—环境"所组成的生态系统的关系,建设生态园林,实现园林绿地与花木生产基地病虫害的可持续控制。  相似文献   

郝怡 《中国食用菌》2020,(3):213-215
对食用菌农业景观采用了现代设计手法,进行了食用菌主题下农业景观空间尺度设计、声景观设计和地面铺装的设计,提出了利用食用菌组合图案进行农业景观设计的方法。对现代农业景观的设计提供了参考,促进了食用菌主题休闲农业的发展。  相似文献   

行为心理学在园林设计中的应用   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
行为心理学在园林景观设计中应用越来越受到人们的重视.在园林景观设计中离不开人的思维活动,因此研究人类的行为心理在设计中必不可少.综述了行为心理学在园林设计中的应用现状,分析了国内外行为心理学在园林设计中的应用特点.发现,国内的研究主要集中在佘园设计、住宅区设计、广场设计、道路设计、商业步行街设计等具体应用方面.而国外的研究则更全面和深入,除了研究其在园林设计中的应用外,还对以人类的行为心理为主的园林设计理论进行了研究.分析国内外的研究进展,为创建合理的景观设计理论知识打下基础.  相似文献   

在高尔夫球场中,景观区受重视的程度越来越高,在球场中所占的比重也越来越大。从原先的林克斯风格一统天下的局面,逐渐分化为林克斯球场、森林球场、湿地球场、园林球场等等。本文从几个方面阐述了高尔夫球场中景观区所发挥的作用、景观区设计原则和景观区主要组成部分的设计方法。在景观区设计及营造过程中,将中国优秀的园林设计理念融入其中,也许能给中国的高尔夫球场带来新的发展契机。  相似文献   

张燕 《中国食用菌》2020,(3):202-203,206
在分析室内景观设计的原则的基础上,从环境认知心理和视觉科学理论的角度,讨论了盆栽蘑菇的室内景观设计要素。并对盆栽蘑菇造型对室内景观设计的影响,研究了视觉造型和色彩要素对室内景观设计的影响。体现了现代室内景观设计的理念和方法。  相似文献   

篙新技术产业开发区景观作为城市景观的新兴类型,是高新技术与自然要素紧密结合的景观印象,是最有活力与生机的综合景观.它类型多样,功能繁多,以自然生态及产业优彳匕等原则对其进行规划,并以点、线、面的结构方法予以设计,为高新技术产业开发区景观这一新兴事物的规划设计探索了一条行之有效的道路.  相似文献   

随着人们生活水平的提高,居民对于生活环境的要求也日益增高。植物景观作为居住区景观设计的一个重要元素,是必不可少的。本文通过对昆明市月牙塘小区植物造景的调查研究,对昆明市居住区植物景观设计有了一定的了解,从而给今后居住区植物造景提供些参考。  相似文献   

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