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梨胶锈菌重寄生菌对贴梗海棠锈病菌的寄生及控病作用   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
本文报道了梨胶锈菌的重寄生菌在贴梗海棠锈病菌上的寄生形态特征、侵入及控病作用。重寄生菌在贴梗海棠锈菌的性子器旁及性子器相对叶背发生重寄生现象。描述和测量了重寄生菌产孢结构的形态及大小。重寄生菌以分生孢子萌发形成芽管,经性子器口和锈子器口侵入(不能直接侵入),完成侵入所需最短时间为7个小时。潜育期8~9天。用重寄生菌孢子悬浮液,在性子器成熟时喷雾接种防治贴梗海棠锈病,重寄生率从5月初的37.4%逐渐上升至7月中旬的94.6%。  相似文献   

牛奶子锈病及其重寄生菌   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
2002年在四川省宝兴县蜂桶寨国家自然保护区和天全县喇叭河自然保护区牛奶子上发现了牛奶子锈病,经鉴定,该锈病为牛奶子春孢锈菌Aecidiumelaeagni-umbellatae Diet.其病株率100%、病叶率26%,叶片枯斑、脱落和削弱树势.在牛奶子锈病菌上采集到自然重寄生菌,经鉴定为Tuberculina sp.,该重寄生菌为国内外首次发现.重寄生菌寄生于牛奶子锈菌春孢子器出口处,阻碍春孢子的释放,具有潜在的生防应用价值.笔者对牛奶子锈病的症状特点、病原形态特征及牛奶子锈病菌的重寄生现象与重寄生菌的形态特征等进行了研究.  相似文献   

华中五味子锈病菌及其重寄生菌的鉴定   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
 五味子属植物是我国传统的中药材。五味子春孢锈菌(Aecidium schisandrae J. Y. Zhuang)引起华中五味子(Schisandra sphenanthera)锈病为国内外新报道。该病在四川省雅安市喇叭河自然保护区华中五味子生长地造成严重危害,其病株率91%,病叶率36%,造成叶片枯斑、脱落。华中五味子锈病的重寄生菌(Tuberculina sp.)为国内外首次报道。该重寄生菌的自然重寄生率达35.5%,重寄生菌寄生在华中五味子锈菌春孢子器(锈子器)出口处,阻碍春孢子的释放。本文报道了华中五味子锈病的症状特点、病原形态特征及华中五味子锈菌的重寄生现象和重寄生菌的形态特征。  相似文献   

为了解桑里白粉病菌的重寄生真菌种类,通过分离和寄生性验证,获得2个桑里白粉病菌重寄生真菌菌株HP8和HP9,这两个菌株寄生闭囊壳后,子囊及子囊孢子溃解.菌株HP8菌落绿色,菌丝体无色至褐色,菌丝有隔膜,分生孢子梗结节状膨大,分生孢子椭圆形、单胞、褐色或无色,ITS序列(MT463536)与尖孢枝孢Cladosporiu...  相似文献   

重寄生菌F46和PR对苹果采后病害三种致病菌的控制作用   总被引:7,自引:0,他引:7  
乔宏萍  宗兆锋 《中国生物防治》2003,19(1):47-48,F003
果、蔬采后病害一直困扰着世界各国水果和蔬菜市场 ,化学防治是控制采后病害的主要措施 ,然而大量使用杀菌剂严重威胁着人类的健康[1~ 3 ] ,迫切需要研究控制采后病害的新方法 ,开发出无公害的新制剂以达到控制果、蔬采后损失的目的。本试验测定了 2株重寄生菌F4 6和PR对引起苹果采后腐烂的 3种致病真菌的生防效果。1 材料和方法1 .1 供试菌株 两株重寄生菌F4 6和PR由宗兆锋和法国Alabouvette博士在我国分离获得。梨状毛霉 (Mucorpiriformis,ATCC4 2 556 )、扩展青霉 (Penicilliumex…  相似文献   

黄柏鞘锈菌重寄生菌研究初报   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
吴云  叶华智  严吉明  秦芸  叶茂 《植物保护》2007,33(5):118-121
首次报导了重寄生菌寄生黄柏鞘锈菌(Coleosporium phellodendri Kom)的重寄生现象。重寄生菌寄生在黄柏鞘锈菌的夏孢子堆上,在不同的程度上阻碍了鞘锈菌夏孢子堆的发育和夏孢子的释放,寄生严重时甚至不能形成夏孢子。调查表明,黄柏鞘锈菌重寄生菌在7月底8月初开始发生,9月中下旬达到高峰,该重寄生菌在雅安周边县(区)的黄柏鞘锈菌上自然寄生很普遍,在一些黄柏林地,自然重寄生率高达100%,重寄生指数为60~90。经鉴定,黄柏鞘锈菌的重寄生菌为柱隔孢菌(Ramulariasp.)。  相似文献   

梨胶锈菌的重寄生菌研究——Ⅱ 重寄生菌的生物学特性   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
梨胶锈菌(Cymnosporangium asiaticum Miyabe ex Yamada)的重寄生菌(Tuberculina vinosa Sacc.)在PDA、综合马铃薯和梨叶汁培养基上能生长、产孢,以PDA最好,Czapek和硝酸铵蔗糖上生长差且不产孢。菌丝生长和产孢的适温20~30℃,适宜pH6~9,荧光可促进产孢而黑光有抑制作用。对碳源的利用,菌丝生长和干重以甘露醇、葡萄糖等6种碳源为好,甘露醇最佳,淀粉最差;葡萄糖、蔗糖、果糖和甘露醇中均能产孢,以葡萄糖最好。对氮源的利用,菌丝生长及干重以硝酸钾、甘氨酸和蛋白胨为好;产孢以天冬酰胺、蛋白胨和硝酸钾为好,甘氨酸和谷氨酸不产孢。孢子萌发适温15~30℃,相对湿度65~100%均能萌发,在水滴中萌发率最高,低于50%不萌发;最适pH4~6,低于pH3和高于pH8不萌发;光照有利于孢子萌发。  相似文献   

梨胶锈菌的重寄生菌研究——Ⅱ重寄生菌的生物学特性   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
黄云 《植物病理学报》1994,24(4):329-335
 梨胶锈菌(Cymnosporangium asiaticum Miyabe ex Yamada)的重寄生菌(Tuberculina vinosa Sacc.)在PDA、综合马铃薯和梨叶汁培养基上能生长、产孢,以PDA最好,Czapek和硝酸铵蔗糖上生长差且不产孢。菌丝生长和产孢的适温20~30℃,适宜pH6~9,荧光可促进产孢而黑光有抑制作用。对碳源的利用,菌丝生长和干重以甘露醇、葡萄糖等6种碳源为好,甘露醇最佳,淀粉最差;葡萄糖、蔗糖、果糖和甘露醇中均能产孢,以葡萄糖最好。对氮源的利用,菌丝生长及干重以硝酸钾、甘氨酸和蛋白胨为好;产孢以天冬酰胺、蛋白胨和硝酸钾为好,甘氨酸和谷氨酸不产孢。孢子萌发适温15~30℃,相对湿度65~100%均能萌发,在水滴中萌发率最高,低于50%不萌发;最适pH4~6,低于pH3和高于pH8不萌发;光照有利于孢子萌发。  相似文献   

大叶白蜡树锈病及其重寄生菌研究   总被引:6,自引:2,他引:6  
黄云  叶华智  黄天述 《植物病理学报》2002,32(4):351-355,360
 小叶白蜡树锈孢锈菌(Aecidium fraxinibungeanae Diet.)引起大叶白蜡树(Fraxinus chinensis var.rhynchophylla Hemsl)锈病为国内新记录。该锈病在我国重要白蜡产区乐山市严重发生,病株率和病叶率分别可达100%和56%,造成叶片病部坏死,病叶脱落,严重影响白蜡产量。大叶白蜡树锈病菌的重寄生菌(Tuberculina sp.)为国内外首次报道。该重寄生菌在乐山市及雅安市大叶白蜡树锈病菌上寄生很普遍,自然重寄生率达46.8%。重寄生菌寄生在大叶白蜡树锈菌春孢子器(锈子器)出口处,阻碍春孢子(锈孢子)的释放。本文还报道了大叶白蜡树锈病的危害、症状特点、病原形态特征及大叶白蜡树锈病菌的重寄生现象和重寄生菌形态特征。  相似文献   

 用葡酒锈生座孢(Tuberculina vinosa)的孢子悬浮液,在贴梗海棠、木瓜、苹果和垂丝海棠锈病发生期,喷雾接种于叶面锈菌性子器处,7-12 d出现重寄生现象。表明葡酒锈生座孢除能在自然条件下寄生梨锈病菌外,在人为接种条件下,其寄主范围包括贴梗海棠锈病菌、木瓜锈病菌(Gymnosporangium asiaticum)、苹果锈病菌和垂丝海棠锈病菌(G.yamadai)。用葡酒锈生座孢和白蜡锈生座孢(T.fraxinis)在梨锈病菌和大叶白蜡锈病菌(Aecidium fraxinibungeanae)上交互接种,结果表明,两者不能交互寄生。研究T.vinosaT.fraxinis的寄生专化性,对2种重寄生菌的应用及锈生座孢属(Tuberculina)种的鉴定具有意义。  相似文献   

长叶胡颓子锈病菌及其重寄生菌   总被引:4,自引:1,他引:4  
长叶胡颓子是具有开发利用价值的野生植物资源。胡颓子春孢锈菌引起的长叶胡颓子锈病 ,使长叶胡颓子叶枯、落叶。长叶胡颓子锈病菌的重寄生菌Tuberculinasp .是长叶胡颓子锈病菌上的自然重寄生菌 ,为国内外首次报道。该重寄生菌寄生长叶胡颓子锈菌春孢子器处 ,阻碍春孢子的释放。本文报道了长叶胡颓子锈病的症状特点、病原形态特征及长叶胡颓子锈菌的重寄生现象及重寄生菌的形态特征  相似文献   

榅桲锈病也称为雪松-榲桲锈病,病原菌为Gymnosporangium clavipes(CookePeck)CookePeck,主要分布于北美和中南美洲部分地区,是我国进境植物检疫性有害生物。本文从病原菌的分类地位、分布、寄主、症状、形态特征、生物学特性、与近似种的区别及检疫鉴定方法等方面进行详细介绍,为口岸检疫提供参考。  相似文献   

柽柳特麦蛾生物学特性的初步研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2  
柽柳 (Tamarixspp .)自 1 9世纪初作为观赏植物从亚洲引入美国后 ,由于极强的适应能力和缺乏植食者的取食胁迫而迅速扩散。其中多枝柽柳 (TamarixramosissimaLedeb .)、中华柽柳 (T .chinensisLour.)和密花柽柳 (T .parvifloraDC .) ,特别是多枝柽柳已成为美国西南部的首要有害植物[1] 。从入侵植物原产地引进天敌控制其扩散蔓延 ,是一条经济、有效的生物防治方法。迄今 ,已报道取食柽柳属植物的麦蛾有 9个属 ,其中特麦蛾属 (Teleiodes)有 2种 ,即T .brucine…  相似文献   

多胚跳小蜂在江苏沿海一年发生5—6代,在27℃时完成一代约需28天。此蜂为跨卵、幼虫寄生,能行两性生殖,孤雌生殖和多胚生殖。对为害香料作物的银纹夜蛾幼虫有很强的寄生力,每头雌蜂平均产卵26次,在寄主体内能繁殖1000头以上的蜂。7—8月间的寄生率达50~90%,以后田间很难找到银纹夜蛾。  相似文献   


Salagena sp. (Lepidoptera: Metarbelidae) is reported for the first time as a pest of cashew. The larva feeds on the bark and bores galleries in the wood, covering the point of attack with a typical mass of frass and silk. The attack is widespread on most adult cashew trees In the western province of Zambia, severely reducing their vigour and opening the way to secondary invaders leading to progressive decline of the trees. Seasonal cycle and preliminary control measures including removal of the grubs, pruning, spraying and swabbing with insecticide, are briefly described.  相似文献   

A new Phytophthora species was detected (i) in the USA, infecting foliage of Kalmia latifolia, (ii) in substrate underneath Pieris, and (iii) in Germany in soil samples underneath Aesculus hippocastanum showing disease symptoms. The new species Phytophthora obscura sp. nov. is formally named based on phylogenetic analysis, host range, Koch’s postulates and morphology. Phytophthora obscura is homothallic with paragynous antheridia and semipapillate sporangia. It is genetically closely related to P. syringae and P. austrocedrae and together these three species define a new Phytophthora subclade 8d, with significant support for all genetic loci analysed including seven nuclear genes and the mitochondrial gene coxII. The morphological and ecological characteristics are very similar to P. syringae, and it is likely that P. obscura was not described earlier because it was identified as P. syringae. Artificial inoculations indicated that horse chestnut, kalmia, pieris and rhododendron might be hosts, and Koch’s postulates were confirmed for kalmia from which it was isolated. This pathogen was named after its elusive nature since it has to date rarely been detected in the US and Germany.  相似文献   

Biodiversity surveys of natural as well as agricultural ecosystems commonly reveal novel isolates. A new species, Pythium yorkensis sp. nov., is reported here, isolated from field soil during a survey of oomycete diversity in symptomless soybean across southeastern Pennsylvania. Molecular data from both mitochondrial and nuclear loci support a unique phylogenetic position for the isolates collected, and morphological features distinguish this new species from close relatives in Pythium clade J. Pathogenicity assays suggest that this new species may be a potential agricultural pathogen, as isolates were mildly aggressive on soybean. This study highlights the continued need for culture‐based surveys in collaboration with high‐throughput sequence‐based approaches for environmental sampling.  相似文献   

A blight disease on fruits and foliage of wild and cultivated Solanum spp. was found to be associated with a new species of Phytophthora. The proposed novel species is named Phytophthora andina Adler & Flier, sp. nov. based on morphological characteristics, pathogenicity assays, mitochondrial DNA haplotyping, AFLP fingerprinting and nuclear and mitochondrial DNA sequence analyses. Isolates of P. andina (n = 48) from the Andean highland tropics of Ecuador were collected from 1995 to 2006. Phytophothora andina is closely related to P. infestans and has semipapillate, ellipsoidal sporangia borne on sympodially branched sporangiophores. It is heterothallic and produces amphigynous antheridia. The species consists of several clonal lineages, including the EC‐2 and EC‐3 RFLP lineages, which were described previously as P. infestans. Approximately 75% of isolates react as compatibility type A2 when paired with an A1 compatibility type isolate of P. infestans. However, when A2 isolates from the Anarrhichomenum section of Solanum were paired in all combinations, viable oospores were obtained in several crosses, suggesting that there is a unique compatibility interaction in P. andina that is complementary to that described in P. infestans. Nuclear and mitochondrial sequence analysis supported the species designation of P. andina. This newly identified heterothallic pathogen shares a common ancestor with P. infestans and may have arisen from hybridization events with sister taxa in the Andes.  相似文献   

A new entomopathogenic species of the genus Tolypocladium, T. terricola is described from a soil sample from Finalnd. From other known Tolypocladium species, T. terricola differs in morphology, production of secondary metabolites and possession of relatively strong mosquitocidal activity. The fungus is characterized by broad oval conidia (2.5 x 2 microns) with one pointed end which are produced in grape-like clusters, and are not firmly adherent. When treated with T. terricola, mosquito larvae show typical features of intoxication characterized by the concentration of larvae in the centre of cup, hanging by their siphons on the surface.  相似文献   

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