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This report on the successful meeting held in May of this year has been provided by Mrs. Joyce G. Wright, M.R.C.V.S., organizing Secretary of the Symposium.  相似文献   

动物营养学是一门主要以动物生理学和动物生物化学为基础,揭示营养物质在体内的代谢机理、规律及功能、研究发挥最大遗传潜力对各种营养素的适宜需要量以及评定饲料对动物的营养价值的应用基础科学,它是沟通动物饲养学与动物生理生化等基础学科的桥梁,最终目标是为畜禽饲养中科学配制全价平衡高效饲料,用最少的饲料投入向人类提供量多、质优且安全的畜产品,同时减少畜牧生产对环境的污染,保护生态平衡,  相似文献   

猪抗病营养研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
抗病营养是研究营养与健康关系的交叉领域,以揭示动物健康的营养调控规律与机制,建立抗病营养原理和技术,提高动物对应激和疾病的抵抗力.抗病营养研究内容包括营养与免疫、营养与肠道健康、营养与抗病基因、营养与应激、营养与疾病、营养与抗营养因子6个方面.本文在构建抗病营养理论体系和研究内容基础上,综述了四川农业大学近几年在猪抗病营养方面的研究进展.结果显示,适宜的营养素、营养源和营养水平及其组合可以明显增强猪的抗病力,提高健康水平.  相似文献   

Prolactin in Canine and Feline Reproduction   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

镁在大量的细胞生化反应中扮演着重要角色,它参与生物体内所有的能量代谢,催化或激活300多种酶体系.本文综述了鱼类镁的缺乏症、镁在鱼体内的吸收和代谢以及镁对鱼类生长、体组成、脂肪代谢、免疫、渗透调节等方面的影响,并阐述了镁与其他营养素的相互关系.介绍了鱼类对镁的利用率以及镁需要量的研究概况,对镁的营养生理机制做了简单探讨...  相似文献   

Recent advances in swine protein nutrition are characterized by the development of functional amino acids (AA) in regulating fetal and postnatal survival, growth and development. These AA include arginine, glutamine, glutamate, proline, leucine, cysteine and tryptophan. Due to limited knowledge on AA nutrition, pork producers have traditionally paid little attention to supplementing the arginine family of AA to swine diets. Results of recent studies indicate that functional AA serve important regulatory functions in nutrient metabolism, protein turnover, and immune function, therefore enhancing efficiency of feed utilization by pigs. The underlying mechanisms include activation of nitric oxide, mammalian target of rapamycin, gaseous signaling, and AMP-activated protein kinase pathways, as well as anti-oxidative function. Dietary supplementation with arginine, glutamine, proline or leucine to weanling piglets enhances their growth performance. Arginine or glutamine is also effective in increasing milk production by lactating sows. Furthermore, supplementing arginine to the diet of pregnant gilts between days 30 and 114 of gestation increases the number of live-born piglets and litter birth-weight. Availability of feed-grade functional AA holds great promise for improving animal health and nutrient utilization in pig production worldwide. Additionally, feedstuffs of animal origin [e.g., blood meal (ring dried), feather meal (hydrolyzed), meat and bone meal, porcine protein meal, and poultry by-product meal (both feed- and petfood-grades)] are excellent and cost-effective sources of both essential and functional AA for formulating balanced swine diets. New knowledge on AA nutrition provides a much needed scientific basis for revising the next edition of swine nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

纳米硒在动物营养中的研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
硒(Se)是动物机体必需的微量元素,在机体抗氧化体系、免疫细胞功能、促生长及精子的形成和游动、前列腺素的功能等方面起着重要作用。动物体内已知存在35种以上的含硒蛋白质,其中谷胱甘肽过氧化物酶(GPx1-GPx6)和硫氧还蛋白还原酶(TrxR1-TrxR3)在机体抗氧化体系中发挥着重要的作用。国内生产中通常应用亚硒酸钠作为补硒制剂,但亚硒酸钠在使用中存在吸收率低、过氧化作用及潜在的污染等问题。有机硒和纳米硒具有吸收率高、生物活性强、环境污染小等优点。与有机硒相比,纳米硒有更显著的低毒高效性,是已发现的毒性最低的补硒制剂。近年来,纳米硒替代有机硒、无机硒源的研究已成为热点。  相似文献   

Recent advances in swine protein nutrition are characterized by the development of functional amino acids(AA)in regulating fetal and postnatal survival,growth and development. These AA include arginine,glutamine,glutamate,proline,leucine, cysteine and tryptophan. Due to limited knowledge on AA nutrition,pork producers have traditionally paid little attention to supplementing the arginine family of AA to swine diets. Results of recent studies indicate that functional AA serve important regulatory functions in nutrient metabolism,protein turnover, and immune function,therefore enhancing efficiency of feed utilization by pigs. The underlying mechanisms include activation of nitric oxide,mammalian target of rapamycin,gaseous signaling,and AMP-activated protein kinase pathways, as well as anti-oxidative function. Dietary supplementation with arginine,glutamine, proline or leucine to weanling piglets enhances their growth performance. Arginine or glutamine is also effective in increasing milk production by lactating sows. Furthermore,supplementing arginine to the diet of pregnant gilts between days 30 and 114 of gestation increases the number of live-born piglets and litter birth-weight. Availability of feed-grade functional AA holds great promise for improving animal health and nutrient utilization in pig production worldwide. Additionally, feedstuffs of animal origin[e. g. , blood meal (ring dried),feather meal(hydrolyzed),meat and bone meal, porcine protein meal,and poultry by-product meal(both feed- and petfood-grades )]are excellent and cost-effective sources of both essential and functional AA for formulating balanced swine diets.New knowledge on AA nutrition provides a much needed scientific basis for revising the next edition of swine nutrient requirements.  相似文献   

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