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Soil samples from the upper 10-cm-thick layer of the humus horizon (without forest litter) were taken in Podol’sk and Serpukhov districts (1130 and 1080 km2, respectively) of Moscow oblast. At each sampling site, ecosystem (forest, plowland, or fallow), soil (soddy-podzolic, soddy-gley, bog-podzolic, meadow alluvial, gray forest, and anthropogenically transformed soils of lawns and industrial zones), predominant vegetation, and topography (floodplain and low, medium, and upper parts of watersheds) were determined. The carbon content of the microbial biomass (Cmic) was determined by the method of substrate-induced respiration; we also determined the rate of basal (microbial) respiration (BR) and the organic carbon content, pH, and particle-size distribution. Overall, 237 samples from Serpukhov district and 45 samples from Podol’sk district were analyzed. The BR/Cmic ratios (respiration quotient qCO2) and Cmic/Corg ratios were calculated. The Cmic content in the soils ranged from 43 to 1394 μg C/kg; the BR varied from 0.06 to 25 μg CO2-C/g per h, qCO2, from 0.34 to 6.52 μg CO2-C/mg Cmic per h; and the Cmic/Corg ratio, from 0.19 to 10.65%. It was found that the most significant factors affecting the variability of the Cmic and BR are the parameters of ecosystem (50% and 80%, respectively) and soil (30% and 9%, respectively). The most significant variability of these indices was found in forest soils; it was mainly controlled by the soil texture (33 and 23%) and the Corg content (19 and 24%). The Cmic parameter made it possible to differentiate the soils of the territory for the purposes of their evaluation, monitoring, and biological assessment more clearly than the BR value and the soil chemical characteristics.  相似文献   

In three laboratory experiments with gray forest soils, the rates of mineralization of the bacterial mass, green oat mass, and cellulose applied in increasing doses were determined based on the measurement of the C-CO2 emission. The substances applied were used as biological indicators of the mineralizable organic matter pool in the gray forest soils.  相似文献   

The effect of two methods for the preparation of soil samples for sorption experiments—hard (dehydration at 105°C) and mild (drying over P2O5 at 20°C in vacuum) drying—on the values of the vaporphase sorption of p-xylene was studied depending on the content of organic matter in the soil. It was shown with dark gray forest and chernozemic soils as examples that the hard drying of soil samples taken from the upper layer of the humus profile with a high content (>4%) of organic carbon decreased their sorption capacity in the range of 0–5% by 7–81%. Therefore, the method is unsuitable for these soils. It was also found that the mild method of soil preparation had obvious analytical advantages.  相似文献   

Changes in the physical, physicochemical, and biological properties of cultivated gray forest soils after their abandoning and overgrowing with meadow and forest vegetation for 8–10 years are clearly seen in the upper part of the former plow layer. The organic matter content and the content of available forms of phosphorus and potassium increase; a significant increase in the root biomass and in the soil biological activity is observed. Changes in the physical properties—an increase in the degree of soil aggregation and a decrease in the bulk density values—are seen in the upper and middle parts of the former plow layer. The biological factor is the major factor of transformation of formerly cultivated gray forest soils upon their abandoning and overgrowing with meadow and forest vegetation. At the same time, a significant role in the improvement of the structural state of the soils belongs to the physical shrink-swell and freezing-thawing processes.  相似文献   

A study was carried out to investigate the potential gross nitrogen (N) transformations in natural secondary coniferous and evergreen broad-leaf forest soils in subtropical China. The simultaneously occurring gross N transformations in soil were quantified by a 15N tracing study. The results showed that N dynamics were dominated by NH4+ turnover in both soils. The total mineralization (from labile and recalcitrant organic N) in the broad-leaf forest was more than twice the rate in the coniferous forest soil. The total rate of mineral N production (NH4+ + NO3) from the large recalcitrant organic N pool was similar in the two forest soils. However, appreciable NO3 production was only observed in the coniferous forest soil due to heterotrophic nitrification (i.e. direct oxidation of organic N to NO3), whereas nitrification in broad-leaf forest was little (or negligible). Thus, a distinct shift occurred from predominantly NH4+ production in the broad-leaf forest soil to a balanced production of NH4+ and NO3 in the coniferous forest soil. This may be a mechanism to ensure an adequate supply of available mineral N in the coniferous forest soil and most likely reflects differences in microbial community patterns (possibly saprophytic, fungal, activities in coniferous soils). We show for the first time that the high nitrification rate in these soils may be of heterotrophic rather than autotrophic nature. Furthermore, high NO3 production was only apparent in the coniferous but not in broad-leaf forest soil. This highlights the association of vegetation type with the size and the activity of the SOM pools that ultimately determines whether only NH4+ or also a high NO3 turnover is present.  相似文献   

In incubation experiments, the soil supply with carbon of mineralizable (Cmin), potentially mineralizable (Cpm), and active (Cac) organic matter, and of microbial mass (Cmb) in natural and agricultural ecosystems of Moscow region (gray forest soil) and Catalonia (Xerochrept) was assessed based on the measurements of the C-CO2 emission. In the gray forest soil, the Cpm and Cac contents decreased in the following sequence of ecosystems: forest > meadow > unfertilized agrocenosis; in the Xerochrept, forest > pasture > scrub > agrocenoses with organic fertilizer > unfertilized agrocenosis. A method for measurement of the Cmb according to the C-CO2 emission during an 11-to 14-day incubation of previously dried soils is proposed.  相似文献   

The carbon budget in agroecosystems with spring wheat was studied in long-term (1997–2004) field experiments on gray forest soils in the forest-steppe of the Lake Baikal region, including soils polluted with the fluorides emitted by an aluminum plant. Pollution was revealed to increase the deficit in the carbon budget due to the more intense mineralization of organic matter and CO2 emission from the soils. Raising of the crops’ productivity upon permanent application of fertilizers may provide maintenance of a positive carbon budget.  相似文献   

Priming effects initiated by the addition of 14С glucose have been compared for humus horizons of soils existing under continuous input of fresh organic substrates and for buried soil horizons, in which entering of organic matter has been essentially limited. The effect of microrelief on the manifestation of priming effect in the humus horizons of gray forest soil on microhigh and in microlow has been estimated. Humus horizon in soils on microhigh, not activated by glucose, produced two times more СО2 in comparison with soils of microlow. However, the introduction of glucose canceled the effect of microrelief on СО2 emission. The intensity of absolute priming effect correlated with the Сorg pool, initial microbial biomass, and enzyme activity, decreasing from humus horizons to the buried ones, and did not depend on microrelief. The effect of microrelief was observed, when assessing the priming effect relative to control (soil not activated by glucose): the value of relative priming effect was 1.5 times greater in А horizon of gray forest soil in microlow in comparison with that on microhigh being the result of increasing activity of enzymes.  相似文献   

The long-term investigations (1996–2002) of the gray forest soils in the agroecosystems of the Lake Baikal basin, including technogenic soils that are fluoride-polluted by emissions of the Irkutsk aluminum (SUAL) plant, revealed the specificity of the seasonal and long-term dynamics of the CO2 emission. The fluoride pollution is shown to activate the mineralization of soil organic matter and, thus, to increase the gaseous carbon losses.  相似文献   

Soil pollution with Cr, Cu, Ni, and Pb oxides and with oil products in the Adygea Republic leads to the deterioration of the soil biological properties. According to the degree of deterioration of the biological properties, the soils of Adygea may be arranged into the following sequence: brown forest soils > mountainous meadow (subalpine) soils > gray forest soils > soddy calcareous soils = leached vertic chernozems. With respect to the negative effect of heavy metal oxides on the biological properties of the soils, they form the following sequence: CrO3 > CuO = PbO ≥ NiO.  相似文献   

Samples of soddy-podzolic soil (long-term overgrown fallow and continuous bare fallow), gray forest soil (forest, farming agrocenosis), and a typical chernozem (virgin steppe, forest area, farming agrocenosis, continuous bare fallow) have been incubated under stable conditions; other samples of these soils have been subjected to six drying-wetting-incubation-freezing-thawing-incubation cycles during 136 days. The wetting of dried soils and the thawing of frozen soils result in an abrupt but short increase in the emission rate of C-CO2 by 2.7–12.4 and 1.6–2.7 times, respectively, compared to the stable incubation conditions. As the soil is depleted in potentially mineralizable organic matter, the rate of the C-CO2 emission pulses initiated by disturbing impacts decreases. The cumulative extra production of C-CO2 by soils of natural lands for six cycles makes up 21–40% of that in the treatments with stable incubation conditions; the corresponding value for cultivated soils, including continuous clean fallow, is in the range of 45–82%. The content of potentially mineralizable organic matter in the soils subjected to recurrent drying-wetting-freezingthawing cycles decreased compared to the soils without disturbing impacts by 1.6–4.4 times, and the mineralization constants decreased by 1.9–3.6 times. It has been emphasized that the cumulative effect of drying-wetting-freezing-thawing cycles is manifested not only in the decrease in the total Corg from the soil but also in the reduction of the mineralization potential of the soil organic matter.  相似文献   

The values of the soil-ecological index and microbiological parameters (the carbon of microbial biomass Cmic, its ratio to the total organic carbon Cmic/Corg, and basal respiration) were determined for the soddy-podzolic, soddy-gley, bog-podzolic, meadow alluvial, and gray forest soils under different land uses (forest, fallow, cropland, and urban areas) in the Podolsk and Serpukhov districts of Moscow oblast (237 and 45 sampling points, respectively). The soil sampling from the upper 10 cm (without the litter horizon) was performed in September and October. To calculate the soil-ecological index, both soil (physicochemical and agrochemical) and climatic characteristics were taken into account. Its values for fallow, cropland, and urban ecosystems averaged 70.2, 72.8, and 64.2 points (n = 90, 17, and 24, respectively). For the soils of forest ecosystems, the average value of the soil-ecological index was lower (54.4; n = 151). At the same time, the micro-biological characteristics of the studied forest soils were generally higher than those in the soils of fallow, cropland, and urban ecosystems. In this context, to estimate the soil quality in different ecosystems on the basis of the soil-ecological index, the use of a correction coefficient for the biological properties of the soils (the Cmic content) was suggested. The ecological substantiation of this approach for assessing the quality of soils in different ecosystems is presented in the paper.  相似文献   

Among the geophysical tools used in soil science, electrical methods are considered as potentially useful to characterize soil compaction intensity. A laboratory investigation was undertaken on agricultural and forest soils in order to study the impact of compaction on bulk soil electrical resistivity. Samples taken from four different types of loamy soils were compacted at three bulk densities (1.1, 1.3 and 1.6 g cm−3). Bulk soil resistivity was measured at each compacted state for gravimetric water contents ranging from 0.10 to 0.50 g g−1. A specific experimental procedure allowed the control of the water‐filling of the intra‐aggregate pores and the inter‐aggregate pores. Soil resistivity decreased significantly with increase in density and typically for gravimetric water contents less than 0.25 g g−1. The decrease was more pronounced for the drier soils, indicating the strong impact of the surface conductance, especially in agricultural soils. The experimental data were in good agreement with simulated values given by the petro‐physical model of Waxman‐Smits (1968) , at least for water saturation greater than 0.3. The analysis of the petro‐physical parameters derived from the experimental data suggested that: (i) the electrical tortuosity of the loamy agricultural soil was significantly affected by compaction and (ii) the forest soil had a singular microstructure from an electrical point of view and had isolated conductive zones associated with clay embedded in a poorly conductive medium comprised mainly of soil solution and quartz grains. Our results provide the phenomenological basis for assessing, in the field, the relationship between soil electrical resistivity and compaction intensity.  相似文献   

The short-term effects of wildfire on the characteristics of Mediterranean pine forest soils, exposed to semiarid climatic conditions, were evaluated by measuring different chemical, biochemical and microbiological parameters 9 months after the fire. Soils in which the fire had been intense showed higher electrical conductivity values than unburnt soils. All burnt soils had higher contents of nitrates, exchangeable NH4 + and available P and K while their contents of total organic C, extractable C, humic acids, water-soluble C and total and water-soluble carbohydrates were, in general, lower than those of unburnt soils. Microbial biomass-C in burnt soils represented from 50% to 79% of that of unburnt soils; basal respiration and dehydrogenase activity were also negatively affected by fire. In general, fire decreased urease and N-α-benzoyl-l-argininamide hydrolysing protease activities. Alkaline phosphatase activity in burnt soils was 29–87% that of the respective unburnt control soil. Arylsulphatase activity was also lower in burnt soils as was β-glucosidase activity, although in this case the differences from values of unburnt soils were not always statistically significant. Received: 15 July 1996  相似文献   

Specific features of determining the carbon content in the soil microbial biomass using the method of substrate-induced respiration (MBSIR) were studied as related to the conditions of the incubation (the glucose concentration and temperature) and pre-incubation (the duration and temperature) of the soil samples collected in the summer (tundra gley and soddy-podzolic soils and chernozems) and in different seasons (for the gray forest soil). The glucose concentration providing the highest substrate-induced respiration (SIR) in the soils studied was shown to be 2–15 mg/g. The MBSIR in the soil samples collected in summer and in the soils pre-incubated for 10 and 22°C (7 days) did not significantly differ. The MBSIR in the gray forest soil pre-incubated at 3, 6, and 10°C (winter, spring/autumn, and summer, respectively) and at 22°C (recommended by the authors of the SIR method) was similar for the cropland in all the seasons. For the meadow, it was the same in the winter, summer, and autumn, and, in summer, it did not differ only for the forest. For the comparative assessment of the MBSIR, soil samples from different ecosystems are recommended to be collected in the autumn or in the summer. Soil samples of 100–500 g should be pre-incubated for 7 days at 22°C and moisture of 60% of the total water capacity; then, 1-2 g soil should be incubated with glucose (10 mg/g) at 22°C for 3–5 hours.  相似文献   

 The amount, quality and turnover of soil P is heavily influenced by changes in soil management. The objective of this study was to investigate the effects of deforestation and pasture establishment on the concentrations, forms and turnover rate of soil P in mountain soils of the Alay Range, Khyrgyzia. A sequential extraction was applied to distinguish soil P pools. We used particle-size fractionation to follow the dynamics of different P pools in soils under forest and pasture and 31P-NMR spectroscopy to investigate the structure of alkali-soluble P forms. In the A horizons of the forest soils, total soil P concentration was 1093 mg kg–1, organic P (Po) representing 46% of the total P. Deforestation followed by pasture establishment not only increased significantly (P<0.01) the total P concentration (1560 mg kg–1) but also the contribution of Po to total P was increased by 17%. Pasture soils had significantly higher P pools than forest soils except highly labile inorganic P (Pi NaHCO3) and primary Pi (Pi HCldil). Both in forest and pasture soils stable P increased with decreasing particle size (coarse sand 50%, clay 80% of total P) and primary P decreased with decreasing particle size. Phosphate monoesters and diesters represented 80% of P identified by 31P NMR. Low monoester to diester ratios in the alkali extracts of forest and pasture soils indicate low microbial activity. This is consistent with high C/Po ratios and high stable Po concentrations in the fine earth of forest and pasture. Received: 10 March 1999  相似文献   

Experimental and literature data on the contents and stocks of active organic matter in 200 soil samples from the forest-tundra, southern-taiga, deciduous-forest, forest-steppe, dry-steppe, semidesert, and subtropical zones have been generalized. Natural lands, agrocenoses, treatments of long-term field experiments (bare fallow, unfertilized and fertilized crop rotations, perennial plantations), and different layers of soil profile are presented. Sphagnum peat and humus–peat soil in the tundra and forest-tundra zones are characterized by a very high content of active organic matter (300–600 mg C/100 g). Among the zonal soils, the content of active organic matter increases from the medium (75–150 mg C/100 g) to the high (150–300 mg C/100 g) level when going from soddy-podzolic soil to gray forest and dark-gray forest soils and then to leached chernozem. In the series from typical chernozem to ordinary and southern chernozem and chestnut and brown semidesert soils, a decrease in the content of active organic matter to the low (35–75 mg C/100 g) and very low (<35 mg C/100 g) levels is observed. Acid brown forest soil in the subtropical zone is characterized by a medium supply with active organic matter. Most arable soils are mainly characterized by low or very low contents of active organic matter. In the upper layers of soils, active organic matter makes up 1.2–11.1% of total Corg. The profile distribution of active organic matter in the studied soils coincides with that of Corg: their contents appreciably decrease with depth, except for brown semidesert soil. The stocks of active organic matter vary from 0.4 to 5.4 t/ha in the layer of 0–20 cm and from 1.0 to 12.4/ha in the layer of 0–50 cm of different soil types.  相似文献   

An integral estimation of the effect of γ radiation at doses of 1, 5, 10, and 20 kGy, microwave radiation of 800 W, and an alternating magnetic field of industrial frequency (50 Hz) on biological properties of soils in southern Russia was performed on the basis of the integral index of the biological soil status (IIBSS). By the degree of resistance to an alternating magnetic field estimated from the IIBSS value, the soils of southern Russia formed the following series: brown forest soil > chernozem ≥ soddy-calcareous soil ≥ gray sandy soil. By the resistance to microwave radiation estimated from the IIBSS value, the soils formed the following series: gray sandy soil > chernozem > chestnut soil ≥ brown forest soil.  相似文献   

Changes in soil microbial processes and phytocenotic parameters were studied in clearings made for power transmission lines in the subtaiga and southern taiga of Central Siberia. In these clearings, secondary meadow communities play the main environmental role. The substitution of meadow vegetation for forest vegetation, the increase in the phytomass by 40–120%, and the transformation of the hydrothermic regime in the clearings led to the intensification of the humus-accumulative process, growth of the humus content, reduction in acidity and oligotrophy of the upper horizons in the gray soils of the meadow communities, and more active microbial mineralization of organic matter. In the humus horizon of the soils under meadows, the microbial biomass (Cmicr) increased by 20–90%, and the intensity of basal respiration became higher by 60–90%. The values of the microbial metabolic quotient were also higher in these soils than in the soils under the native forests. In the 0- to 50-cm layer of the gray soils under the meadows, the total Cmicr reserves were 35–45% greater and amounted to 230–320 g/m3; the total microbial production of CO2 was 1.5–2 times higher than that in the soil of the adjacent forest and reached 770–840 mg CO2-C/m3 h. The predominance of mineralization processes in the soils under meadows in the clearings reflected changes in edaphic and trophic conditions of the soils and testified to an active inclusion of the herb falloff into the biological cycle.  相似文献   

Adverse changes in the physical and chemical properties of arable gray forest and soddy meadow soils (forest-steppe zone, Lake Baikal region) polluted with fluorides emitted by an aluminum smelter in Irkutsk are shown. The field experiments of the long-term (1997–2005) monitoring and laboratory incubation experiments revealed that the CO2 emission from the gray forest soil was higher than from the soddy meadow soil. Its intensity depended on the soil properties and buffering capacity of the soils to fluorides, as well as on the content of water-soluble fluorides and the hydrothermal factors.  相似文献   

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