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规模化猪场清粪工艺比选分析   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
生猪产业是中国畜牧业的主导产业,是城乡居民"菜篮子"产品的重要组成部分。随着生猪产业的持续发展,养殖所产生的粪便污染对环境的影响也日益突出,逐渐成为重要的农业面源污染之一。作者简要论述了生猪养殖对环境的影响,分析了当前生猪养殖的几种重要清粪工艺,对规模化猪场清粪工艺进行了比选分析,并提出了规模化猪场清粪工艺选择的建议。  相似文献   

传统的人工干清圈工艺由于高成本、低效率已难适应大型规模化猪场的技术工艺需求,水泡粪和机械干清圈工艺逐渐成为规模化猪场的主流清圈工艺.本文就规模化猪场机械干清粪与水泡粪工艺应用效果比较进行了简单的分析.  相似文献   

规模化猪场机械干清粪与水泡粪工艺应用效果比较探究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统的人工干清圈工艺由于高成本、低效率已难适应大型规模化猪场的技术工艺需求,水泡粪和机械干清圈工艺逐渐成为规模化猪场的主流清圈工艺。文章就规模化猪场机械干清粪与水泡粪工艺应用效果比较进行了简单的分析。  相似文献   

3 水冲清粪的技术与设施 水冲清粪方式是目前多数规模化猪场采用的清粪方式,猪舍地面全部或部分采用漏缝地板,借助猪踩踏,使粪便落入地板下的粪沟,然后用水将沟内粪便冲出,流入舍外粪井或粪池。水冲清粪方式根据水冲方式的不同可分为以下2种。  相似文献   

牧原公司探索设计的机械干清粪工艺,解决了困扰大型养殖场清粪难题,可满足机械化、规模化生产需求,经环保部组织专家评审可完全替代传统干清粪工艺,成为生猪产业集约化、规模化、机械化发展的首选工艺,被业内专家认定是生猪粪污的治本之策。  相似文献   

近年来,在规模化羊场经营和发展的过程中,自然堆肥发酵技术得到了越来越广泛的应用。借助于该项技术的有效应用,能够将羊粪转化为营养物质含量丰富的堆肥。既能够有效的解决规模化羊场的粪便处理问题,又能够为农业生产领域提供大量的有机肥料。本文就规模化羊场粪便自然堆肥发酵技术做了相关的阐述与分析。  相似文献   

干清粪工艺配套猪用混凝土微缝地板使用效果研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
规模化养猪场采用的清粪方式包括水冲清粪、水泡清粪和干清粪。与水冲式和水泡式清粪工艺相比,干清粪工艺固态粪污含水量低,粪中营养成分损失小,肥料价值高,便于高温堆肥或其他方式的处理利用;产生的污水量少,且其中的污染物含量低,易于净化处理。在中国劳动力资源比较丰富的条  相似文献   

干清粪工艺技术要点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正干清粪工艺是指粪便一经产生便进行分离,干粪由机械或人工收集、清扫,尿及冲洗水则从下水道分流,分别进行处理。根据国家环保总局《畜禽养殖业污染防治技术规范》(HT/T81-2001)规定:"新建、改建、扩建的畜禽养殖场应采取干法清粪工艺,采取有效措施将粪及时、单独清出,不可与尿、污水混合排出,并将产生的粪渣及时运至贮存或处理场所,实现日产日清。采用水冲粪、水泡粪湿法清粪工艺的养殖场,要逐步改为干法清粪工艺"。干清粪工艺具有舍内气味相对较小,污水产  相似文献   

新型多层楼房式猪舍智能化机械清粪系统的设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,由于规模养殖业用地越来越紧张,多层楼房式猪舍逐渐被众多业主所接受。与多层楼房养猪相适应的清粪、环控、喂料等配套工艺技术是这一模式成功应用的关键。文章针对四层楼房式猪舍设计了一种楼房式猪舍自动化刮板清粪工艺,在大跨度小单元全进全出式猪舍,舍内一层每单元采用一拖二刮板清粪机将粪便从湿帘端刮入风机端主粪沟;二、三、四层采用刮粪机刮粪、收集粪便通过落粪管落入一层主粪沟;舍外主粪沟采用一拖一刮粪机清粪。整套工艺采用自动化智能化控制,该系统能够大幅度提高清粪效率,减少人工,节约用水,有效改善猪舍内环境,提高舍内猪群的健康水平,从而提高养殖场的总体效益。  相似文献   

近年来,我国的畜牧业呈现出持续、快速、稳步地发展,已经成为了农村经济的支柱产业.然而,在畜禽饲养规模不断扩大,为农村经济的发展开辟了新途径的同时,大量的废弃物也对环境造成了严重的污染.目前,规模化羊场粪便的无害化处理和资源化利用已经成为了亟待解决的突出问题.本文以牛羊健康养殖方面的粪便无害化处理为切入点,认真分析了规模化羊场粪便无害化处理和资源化利用技术,以供参考.  相似文献   

集约化猪场臭气产生及调控技术研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
集约化猪场的污染物除了粪、尿以外,还有臭气。本文主要综述了集约化猪场臭气的产生、危害以及消除臭气的各种调控技术,为猪场的生产、环境的净化等提供理论指导。  相似文献   

集约化猪场的污染物除了粪、尿以外,还有臭气.本文主要综述了集约化猪场臭气的产生、危害以及消除臭气的各种调控技术,为猪场的生产、环境的净化等提供理论指导.  相似文献   


The effect of urine and dung deposition on the patch grazing patterns of cattle and sheep in the Southern Tall Grassveld was investigated using an experiment with four treatments, viz. artificial urine, fresh cattle dung, fresh sheep dung, and a control. Cattle and sheep preferentially grazed the sward surrounding and within urine deposits for six months after deposition. Cattle rejected herbage from both cattle and sheep dung patches for six months after deposition. Sheep initially rejected the herbage from cattle dung patches, but their grazing patterns were no longer affected at six months after deposition. Sheep grazing tended not to be influenced by sheep dung. Urine deposition may consequently be an important factor in patch initiation and patch development.  相似文献   

Objective To evaluate the safety of monepantel and its major metabolite for dung fauna. Monepantel is a new oral anthelmintic drug for use in sheep at a dose of 2.5 mg active ingredient/kg body weight. Hazard (toxicity) is related to the expected exposure. Design The methodology was based on the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) draft guideline for testing of chemicals, so dung from cattle, not sheep, and eggs of the dung fly, Scathophaga stercoraria and larvae of the dung beetle Aphodius constans were used. Procedures Monepantel or its sulfone metabolite were mixed into bovine faeces in which either dung fly eggs or dung beetle larvae were placed and their development observed. The primary endpoint was survival. Real exposure data (faecal concentrations) for comparison with the generated laboratory data were taken from a kinetics study in sheep dung. Results The no-observed effect concentration (NOEC) for monepantel was >1000 mg/kg substrate for dung flies and 250 mg/kg for dung beetles. The sulfone metabolite was slightly more toxic, with a NOEC of 500 mg/kg for dung flies and 125 mg/kg for dung beetles. Conclusion A comparison of the results to the maximum concentrations of 15 mg monepantel and 4.5 mg sulfone per kg dung observed under an exaggerated dosing regime in sheep indicates that monepantel poses no risk to insect dung fauna when used as recommended. The study is considered valid because representatives of both genera were able to develop in bovine or ovine dung.  相似文献   

为了解新疆南北疆地区集约化养殖场春季羊舍环境的变化及羔羊健康状况,本研究对新疆昌吉州木垒县(ML)和阿克苏地区温宿县(WS)两个典型的集约化养殖场羊舍春季环境指标:二氧化碳(CO2)、氨气(NH3)、硫化氢(H2S)、甲烷(CH4)、光照强度、温度、湿度、噪音、可吸入颗粒物(inhalable particles,PM10)和总悬浮颗粒物(total suspended particulars,TSP)进行为期15 d的连续监测,采集连续5 d的24 h数据,分析其日周期变化规律,同时对两羊场羔羊健康与疾病状况进行临床观察。结果表明,木垒羊场羊舍春季噪音极显著高于温宿羊场羊舍(P<0.01),温宿羊场羊舍春季NH3、CO2浓度及TSP、PM10浓度都极显著高于木垒羊场羊舍(P<0.01);从环境指标日周期变化来看,木垒、温宿春季羊场羊舍温度分别约有15和24 h超过国家行业标准(NY/T 388-1999)限值范围。两羊场春季羔羊主要疾病为腹泻、咳嗽及营养不良导致的瘫痪,且温宿羊场羔羊的咳嗽率显著高于木垒羊场(P<0.05),木垒羊场羔羊的瘫痪率显著高于温宿羊场(P<0.05)。综上,两羊场羊舍除温度指标外其他环境指标参数均符合国家标准,表明两场春季羊舍环境对于羊的生长发育比较适宜,但需要对羊舍的温度进行把控从而保证动物的福利及健康需求;两羊场春季监测羊舍的断奶羔羊整体健康状况良好,但木垒羊场需加强对新生弱羔初乳获得、育肥羔羊的补饲等方面的饲养管理。此研究可为新疆地区舍饲肉羊适宜养殖环境标准制定提供一定参考,同时也为新疆肉羊养殖场的饲养管理、动物健康和福利的保障、生产水平的提高提供科学依据。  相似文献   

Dung beetles are considered keystone species because of their role in decomposition, seed dispersal, and control of vertebrate parasites in grazed habitats. Despite the ecological importance of this group to pasture ecosystem functioning, still little is known about its relationship with grazing management activities. We evaluated the conservation value of protected areas for dung beetle diversity by comparing two different management conditions of Mediterranean savanna in central Spain. Four different sites with wild herbivory (red deer, roe deer) were sampled inside the Cabañeros National Park, and four sites with traditional agrosilvopastoral management were sampled in a sheep farm near the park. The dung beetle species richness was similar between savanna conditions, but the total dung beetle abundance and biomass were considerably greater in the park grasslands than in the grasslands of the sheep farm. Dung beetle species composition, species dominance, and abundance by functional groups from both park and farm sites were different, despite the high similarity among the sampled sites in both hydric content and dung availability. Onthophagus maki (Illiger 1803) and O. furcatus (Fabricius 1781) were the dominant species in the park, while O. furcatus, Aphodius foetidus (Herbst 1783), and Caccobius schreberi L. were the dominant species on the farm. Species richness and abundance of telecoprids were higher in the park than on the farm. Abundance of paracoprids was also higher in the park than on the farm, while no differences in species richness and abundance of endocoprids were observed between both conditions. These results suggest that management activities such as plowing and the use of veterinary substances affect soil structure and dung quality and could be important factors that alter dung beetle assemblages in terms of composition, abundance, and biomass on traditional farms.  相似文献   

AIM: To identify environmental, management and animal risk factors associated with the occurrence and severity of disease attributed to Salmonella Brandenburg infection in sheep. METHODS: A retrospective case-control study was undertaken, and details of disease prevalence and farm management methods were collected from two affected regions in southern New Zealand. Associations between possible risk factors and disease attributed to S. Brandenburg were evaluated using odds ratios. A case-control approach was used to assess risk factors associated with outbreaks of disease at the farm level, using unaffected farms as controls. A separate analysis was then performed within affected farms only, to assess risk factors associated with increasing severity of disease. RESULTS: Data were collected from 405 farms containing a total of 1,170,737 ewes. Of the 177 case farms, 172 (97%) had diseased mixed-age ewes, 78 (45%) had diseased two-tooth ewes and eight (5%) had diseased hoggets. Increased odds of farms being affected with S. Brandenburg were reported for farms that strip-grazed sheep, and as total numbers of sheep increased. Reduced odds of being affected were associated with feeding crops, and hilly terrain on those farms not feeding crops. Within affected farms, increased severity of disease was associated with strip-grazing and feeding hay in TT flocks, and later removal of rams in MA flocks. Reduced severity of disease was associated with shearing or crutching after July, and vaccination of sheep against Salmonella spp. CONCLUSIONS: Salmonella Brandenburg occurred in flocks that reported using intensive farming methods and that maintained high numbers of sheep. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Risk factors associated with the occurrence and severity of the disease due to S. Brandenburg have been identified. This information is necessary to identify preventative and control measures that may be effective in reducing the risk of disease.  相似文献   

To establish the association between sheep farm management practices and cryptosporidiosis in Central Mexico, 37 farms were invited and questionnaires answered by owners. Faeces samples were taken from lambs under 3 months old and ewes in the farms. Parasites were identified by modified Ziehl-Neelsen stain. Questionnaire included: general farm information, facilities characteristics, facilities cleaning measures, water use and farm and animal management practices. Farms were grouped in a low (£3,37%), medium (3.38-49.9%) and high basis (350%) according to prevalence. Associations (OR) were calculated according to positivity, compared by chi-square test. A general prevalence of 34,33% was found. Five variables showed statistical significance (p<0.05). Associations found were: use of bed, grazing place, and bottle cleaning. The only association found between management practices and cryptosporidiosis that could represent a risk was the grazing place. This report is the first one in the country regarding predisposing conditions for cryptosporidiosis.  相似文献   

为进一步掌握青海省海南州共和县铁盖乡藏羊包虫病的流行现状,为包虫病净化和综合防治工作奠定坚实依据,于2018、2019年采用屠宰检查和血清检查的方式,对辖区范围内藏羊包虫病的感染情况进行全面调查。通过对铁盖乡23个集约化规模化养殖场和中小规模养殖户养殖提供的藏羊及屠宰藏羊开展藏羊包虫病流行病学调查,2018、2019年研究的藏羊数量分别在2333、432和2456、321只。调查结果能看出当地包虫病的发生情况相对较为严重,整体防控形势较为严峻。2018、2019年屠宰场和养殖场的感染率在5.32%、9.37%和4.98%、8.31%,藏羊感染率呈现逐年下降趋势。但还是需要继续加大对包虫病的防治投入力度,强化宣传教育,普及包虫病防控知识,加强对犬科类动物的有效管理,定点屠宰牛羊,有效防范包虫病发生流行。  相似文献   

Little is known about the effectiveness of the cleaning and disinfection methods used on commercial pig farms either in Ireland or worldwide. A National Salmonella Control Programme was implemented in Ireland in August 2002 to monitor and control the infection of pigs with Salmonella species. Commercial pig herds must be categorised according to their Salmonella status as either category 1, 2 or 3, having a serological prevalence of infection with Salmonella serotypes up to 10 per cent, between 10 and 50 per cent or more than 50 per cent, respectively. The aim of this study was to assess the efficacy of washing and disinfecting finisher units on category 1 and category 3 farms in reducing or eliminating the levels of contamination. Counts of Enterobacteriaceae were used as indicators of the contamination of the environment with enteric bacteria, which could include Salmonella species. Samples were taken from the pen floors, feeders and drinkers of seven category 1 and seven category 3 farms, and Enterobacteriaceae and salmonellae were enumerated in each sample. The results suggested that intensive cleaning and disinfection was effective at reducing levels of Enterobacteriaceae on the pen floors of both categories, but that residual contamination remained on the surfaces of the feeders and drinkers on all the farms, particularly on the category 3 farms.  相似文献   

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