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There is evidence of genetically determined host resistance mechanisms for most of the sheep parasites evaluated. The mechanisms vary; from no or reduced establishment, early expulsion, to suppression of parasites resulting in reduced size and fecundity. There is a need to integrate breeding for parasite resistance with the genetic improvement of production traits in farm animals, aiming for optimum solutions for potentially conflicting responses. Sustainable parasite control must be based on Integrated Parasite Management utilising an interdisciplinary approach.  相似文献   

一、犬巴贝氏虫病 犬巴贝氏虫和吉氏巴贝氏虫是犬巴贝氏虫病的病原,血红扇头蜱是犬巴贝氏虫的传播媒介,犬是犬巴贝氏虫的储存宿主。摄入犬巴贝氏虫的任何时期的血红扇头蜱都具有传染性。血红扇头蜱摄入犬巴贝氏虫后2~3天就可以传染给犬。  相似文献   

Tick-borne diseases are a constraint to livestock production in many developing countries as they cause high morbidity and mortality, which results in decreased production of meat, milk and other livestock by-products. The most important tick-borne diseases of livestock in sub-Saharan Africa are East Coast fever (caused by Theileria parva), babesiosis (caused by Babesia bigemina and B. bovis), anaplasmosis (caused by Anaplasma marginale) and heartwater (caused by Ehrlichia ruminantium). Despite their economic importance, information on the epidemiology of these diseases in many countries, including Zambia, is often inadequate, making rational disease control strategies difficult to implement. In this study 18S and 16S rRNA gene PCR assays were used for a comprehensive epidemiological analysis of tick-borne disease of cattle in three provinces of Zambia (Lusaka, Central and Eastern). All the disease pathogens under study (T. parva, T. mutans, T. taurotragi, B. bovis, B. bigemina, Anaplasma spp and E. ruminantium) were prevalent in each of the provinces surveyed. However, variation was observed in prevalence between regions and seasons. There was no association between live vaccination against East Coast fever and being PCR positive for T. parva. A number of risk factors were shown to be associated with (a) the occurrence of tick-borne pathogens in cattle and (b) cattle tick burdens in the wet season. A negative association was observed between the number of co-infecting pathogens and the erythrocyte packed cell volume (PCV) of carrier cattle.  相似文献   

Tick-borne fever (TBF) is a rickettsial disease of domestic and wild ruminants in temperate climates. It is characterized by high fever and severe leukopenia. In the present study, the possible difference in the severity of disease in sheep and goats was investigated by inoculating one group of eight goats and one group of eight sheep with the Old Sourhope (OS) strain of Ehrlichia (Cytoecetes) phagocytophila. All sheep and goats experimentally infected with E. phagocytophila reacted with fever and rickettsiaemia, but there were significant differences between goats and sheep in the severity of clinical disease, the duration and magnitude of fever, the magnitude of rickettsiaemia and the patterns of reduction in the number of total leucocytes. Sheep reacted with fever significantly earlier than goats and the febrile period lasted for a significantly longer period. In contrast, the magnitude of rickettsiaemia was significantly higher in goats than in sheep. Infection with TBF was characterized by a transient increase in the number of neutrophils, which was quickly followed by an acute reduction in the number of lymphocytes and a prolonged reduction in the number of neutrophils in both sheep and goats. In both groups of animals, infection with TBF was also characterized by significant reductions in the total number of red blood cells (RBCs), thrombocytes and packed cell volume (PCV) and the concentration of haemoglobin (Hb). However, the mean corpuscular volume (MCV) and mean corpuscular Hb (MCH) were significantly increased in sheep only.  相似文献   

This investigation was carried out in an area covering part of three southern Italian regions: Campania, Basilicata and Apulia. Eighty-one farms were involved using the formula suggested by Thrusfield; they were equally distributed over the area which was subdivided into 81 geo-referenced sub-areas. In May and June 1999 from a total of 506 cattle, older than 18 months, blood-samples were taken and ticks were collected and identified. Serum samples were tested for antibodies of Bahesia bigemina, Babesia bovis and Anaplasma marginale with an ELISA technique. Eight farms (9.8%) out of the 81 examined were positive for B. bigemina only, 3 (3.7%) for A. marginale only, and 70 (86.4%) for both. None of the animals of any farm was found to be positive for B. bovis. Out of the 506 sera tested, 117 (23.1 %) were positive for B. bigemina only, 58 (11.5%) forA. marginale only and 250 (49.4%) for both species; 81 (16.0%) were negative for all of them. Ticks were collected on animals on 62 (76.5%) out of the 81 farms. Adult ticks (1 410) were collected and identified; the highest number belonged to the Rhipicephalus bursa species (65.5%), followed by Rhipicephalus turanicus (8.6) and Haemaphysalis punctata (8.4). The results showed that B. bigemina, A. marginale and their potential vectors are common in the area examined and indicated that there is a risk for animals imported from tick-borne disease-free areas.  相似文献   

Modern aspects of sheep mastitis   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  

Small ruminants infected with scrapie show a large range of often unspecific clinical symptoms. The most-often described signs, locomotion, sensibility and behavioural disorders and emaciation, rarely occur together, and cases have been described in which only one of those signs was detectable.Thus, formulating a well-circumscribed definition of a clinical suspect case is difficult. Most animals with CNS-effecting diseases such as listeriosis, polioencephalomacia, cerebrospinal nematidiasis and enterotoxemia will, in a thorough neurological examination, show at least some scrapie-like symptoms. Among the 22 neurological field cases examined in this study, a goat with cerebral gliomatosis and hair lice showed the closest similarity to clinical scrapie. The unilateral deficiency of the cerebral nerves has potential as an clinical exclusion criterion for scrapie. However, the laboratory confirmation--or exclusion--of scrapie remains important. It thus needs to be realized that a consistent and thorough examination of neurologically diseased small ruminants (including fallen stock) is the backbone of a good surveillance system for these diseases. This should be a motivation for submitting adult sheep and goats for neuropathological examination.  相似文献   

A South African isolate of bluetongue virus type 3 was inoculated intradermally into three different breeds of British sheep under conditions designed to test its virulence in animals under stress. All animals inoculated developed a pyrexia and viraemia followed by clinical evidence of bluetongue disease. Marked alterations in serum enzyme levels, in particular of creatine phosphokinase, lactate dehydrogenase and aldolase occurred in the more severely affected animals. Nine out of the 12 inoculated animals subsequently died. No major differences in response could be detected in the different breeds of sheep nor in the stressed compared with the unstressed groups. The virulence of this bluetongue virus isolate was thereby confirmed and its potential risk to the British sheep industry. Consequently, stringent import regulations must be maintained to prevent its entry into Britain.  相似文献   

There have been changes in the emergence and inability to control of a number of sheep parasitic infections over the last decade. This review focuses on the more globally important sheep parasites, whose reported changes in epidemiology, occurrence or failure to control are becoming increasingly evident. One of the main perceived driving forces is climate change, which can have profound effects on parasite epidemiology, especially for those parasitic diseases where weather has a direct effect on the development of free-living stages. The emergence of anthelmintic-resistant strains of parasitic nematodes and the increasing reliance placed on anthelmintics for their control, can exert profound changes on the epidemiology of those nematodes causing parasitic gastroenteritis. As a consequence, the effectiveness of existing control strategies presents a major threat to sheep production in many areas around the world. The incidence of the liver fluke, Fasciola hepatica, is inextricably linked to high rainfall and is particularly prevalent in high rainfall years. Over the last few decades, there have also been increasing reports of other fluke associated diseases, such as dicroceliosis and paramphistomosis, in a number of western European countries, possibly introduced through animal movements, and able to establish with changing climates. External parasite infections, such as myiasis, can cause significant economic loss and presents as a major welfare problem. The range of elevated temperatures predicted by current climate change scenarios, result in an elongated blowfly season with earlier spring emergence and a higher cumulative incidence of fly strike. Additionally, legislative decisions leading to enforced changes in pesticide usage and choices have resulted in increased reports and spread of ectoparasitic infections, particularly mite, lice and tick infestations in sheep. Factors, such as dip disposal and associated environmental concerns, and, perhaps more importantly, product availability have led to a move away from more traditional methods of pesticide application, particularly dipping, to the use of injectable endectocides. This has coincided with increased reports of sheep scab and lice infestations in some countries. Reduction in the use of organophosphate dips appears to have to some extent contributed to reported increased populations of ticks and tick activity, a consequence of which is not only of significance to sheep, but also many other hosts, including increased human zoonotic risks.  相似文献   

Climate and vegetation are the major factors affecting the distribution of ticks. Consequently, spatial distributions can be analysed by statistical methods that look for correlations between abiotic factors and known data about tick presence/absence. Remote sensing features can be obtained from a wide database of sensors with different characteristics, then applied to the problem of mapping prediction of tick distribution. Some studies had demonstrated that the use of these abiotic variables from satellite imagery has biological significance, therefore statistical accuracy of these distribution models can be interpreted under an ecological framework. Furthermore, models can be linked to these predictive maps, enabling the forecast of spatial and temporal dynamics of ticks, looking for seasonal patterns of activity and accurate use of acaricide treatments.  相似文献   

Basing on experience in sheep herd health service light is thrown on sheep keeping in Germany concerning protection of sheep against cruelty. Despite there is at the moment no legislative regulation especially on keeping sheep, there exist a number of local and european recommendations. Cruelty and undesirable or avoidable disorders and loads occur in small sheep flocks often due to unawareness of the owner who keeps his sheep as a hobby. In large herds the increasing flock size and the more and more extensive husbandry clash increasingly with the requirements of the sheep.  相似文献   

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