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肉牛微量元素铜的营养   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
铜是人和动物所必需的微量元素,大量的试验研究已证实,铜具有广泛的生物学作用,它与畜禽的生长性能、免疫功能等都有密切的联系。铜的缺乏对畜禽的造血功能、神经系统、骨骼、结缔组织和被毛的生长发育等均会造成不同程度的不良影响。  相似文献   

Estimates of covariance components between scrotal circumference, serving capacity, days to calving, and yearling and final weight were obtained for Hereford, Angus, and Zebu cross cattle in temperate and tropical Australia. Analyses were carried out by REML employing a derivative-free algorithm and fitting bivariate animal models. Aspects of modeling and computational requirements related to the use of this method are discussed. Estimates of heritabilities agreed closely with those from univariate analyses, being low for female reproductive performance and moderate to high for male reproduction and growth. Estimates of genetic correlation between male and female fertility traits were low but favorable, being -.25, -.28, and -.41 between scrotal circumference and days to calving for Herefords, Angus, and Zebu crosses, respectively. Genetic correlations between male reproductive traits and weights ranged from .24 to .52 for the temperate breeds and were higher (.65 to .69) for Zebu crosses. Phenotypic correlations between scrotal circumference and weights were similar for all breeds, ranging from .32 to .47, whereas serving capacity and weights were phenotypically unrelated. Estimates of correlations between days to calving and weights were less consistent. Phenotypically, there was little association between the two traits. Genetic correlations for Zebu crosses were negative and low to moderate (-.36 to -.66) and estimates for Angus were close to zero.  相似文献   

The genetics of reproduction is poorly understood because the heritabilities of traits currently recorded are low. To elucidate the genetics underlying reproduction in beef cattle, we performed a genome-wide association study using the bovine SNP50 chip in 2 tropically adapted beef cattle breeds, Brahman and Tropical Composite. Here we present the results for 3 female reproduction traits: 1) age at puberty, defined as age in days at first observed corpus luteum (CL) after frequent ovarian ultrasound scans (AGECL); 2) the postpartum anestrous interval, measured as the number of days from calving to first ovulation postpartum (first rebreeding interval, PPAI); and 3) the occurrence of the first postpartum ovulation before weaning in the first rebreeding period (PW), defined from PPAI. In addition, correlated traits such as BW, height, serum IGF1 concentration, condition score, and fatness were also examined. In the Brahman and Tropical Composite cattle, 169 [false positive rate (FPR) = 0.262] and 84 (FPR = 0.581) SNP, respectively, were significant (P < 0.001) for AGECL. In Brahman, 41% of these significant markers mapped to a single chromosomal region on BTA14. In Tropical Composites, 16% of these significant markers were located on BTA5. For PPAI, 66 (FPR = 0.67) and 113 (FPR = 0.432) SNP were significant (P < 0.001) in Brahman and Tropical Composite, respectively, whereas for PW, 68 (FPR = 0.64) and 113 (FPR = 0.432) SNP were significant (P < 0.01). In Tropical Composites, the largest concentration of PPAI markers were located on BTA5 [19% (PPAI) and 23% (PW)], and BTA16 [17% (PPAI) and 18% (PW)]. In Brahman cattle, the largest concentration of markers for postpartum anestrus was located on BTA3 (14% for PPAI and PW) and BTA14 (17% PPAI). Very few of the significant markers for female reproduction traits for the Brahman and Tropical Composite breeds were located in the same chromosomal regions. However, fatness and BW traits as well as serum IGF1 concentration were found to be associated with similar genome regions within and between breeds. Clusters of SNP associated with multiple traits were located on BTA14 in Brahman and BTA5 in Tropical Composites.  相似文献   

The aim of the study was to determine if cattle breeds differing in their carcass characteristics also differ in the profiles of their leptin and metabolic hormones. Three breeds, Belgian Blue (BB) (n = 12), Limousin (L) (n = 12) and Aberdeen Angus (AA) (n = 12) with varying ability to deposit fat and protein were compared. Blood, muscle and subcutaneous (SC) adipose tissue were sampled. Animal performance, carcass and meat characteristics were determined as well as plasma leptin concentration, leptin gene expression in SC adipose tissue, leptin-receptor gene expression in SC adipose tissue and plasma concentration of insulin, tri-iodothyronin (T3), thyroxin (T4) and cortisol. The BB bulls showed the lowest values of leptin gene expression (P < 0.05). Values of plasma leptin concentration and of leptin-receptor gene expression tended to be lower in BB than in the other breeds. For a similar amount of adipose tissue (after normalisation), BB bulls showed a higher ratio of plasma leptin (P < 0.05), whereas normalised leptin gene and leptin-receptor gene expressions did not significantly differ between breeds. Belgian Blue bulls also differed in their metabolic hormone profile, tending to show lower values of insulin, T3 and T4 than the two other breeds. Cortisol levels were significantly lower (P < 0.05) in BB than in L and AA animals.  相似文献   

The effects of nutrition on reproductive performance of beef cattle   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
The concept of feeding for optimal reproductive performance is not new. The effects of prepartum and postpartum nutritional levels on return to postpartum estrus and conception rates was reported in 1962. The effect of body condition regardless of nutrition regimen was first reported in 1975. Body condition scoring has become a popular topic for Extension and practitioner sponsored producer meetings. To effectively promote a management change that requires increased cash flow and does not have an immediate return requires demonstration of cost-effectiveness. This requires knowledge of the biologic information and transformation of that knowledge (through partial budget analysis) into additional profit for the producer. Controlling reproduction through proper nutrition at critical times of the reproductive cycle requires: 1. Calving and breeding seasons of 60 days. 2. Cows to be in moderate to good body condition at calving (BCS 5-7). 3. Cows to be slightly gaining at the beginning of the breeding season. 4. Cows to be bred to fertile bulls. 5. Evaluation and correction of body condition well in advance of the actual impact of BCS on reproductive function. 6. Producer to be prepared to initiate "alternate" plans (i.e., early weaning or 48 hour calf removal).  相似文献   

The focus of this review is maternal nutrition during the periconceptual period and offspring developmental outcomes in beef cattle, with an emphasis on the first 50 d of gestation, which represents the embryonic period. Animal agriculture in general, and specifically the beef cattle industry, currently faces immense challenges. The world needs to significantly increase its output of animal food products by 2050 and beyond to meet the food security and agricultural sustainability needs of the rapidly growing human population. Consequently, efficient and sustainable approaches to livestock production are essential. Maternal nutritional status is a major factor that leads to developmental programming of offspring outcomes. Developmental programming refers to the influence of pre-and postnatal factors, such as inappropriate maternal nutrition, that affect growth and development and result in long-term consequences for health and productivity of the offspring. In this review, we discuss recent studies in which we and others have addressed the questions, “Is development programmed periconceptually?” and, if so, “Does it matter practically to the offspring in production settings?” The reviewed studies have demonstrated that the periconceptual period is important not only for pregnancy establishment but also may be a critical period during which fetal, placental, and potentially postnatal development and function are programmed. The evidence for fetal and placental programming during the periconceptual period is strong and implies that research efforts to mitigate the negative and foster the positive benefits of developmental programming need to include robust investigative efforts during the periconceptual period to better understand the implications for life-long health and productivity.  相似文献   

The objective of this research was to assess the association between 4 cow reproductive and weight traits, and 2 preweaning calf traits and ELISA scores for paratuberculosis (0 = negative, 1 = suspect, 2 = weak-positive, and 3 = positive) in a multibreed herd of cows ranging from 100% Angus (A) to 100% Brahman (B). Cow data were 624 gestation lengths (GL), 358 records of time open (TO), 605 calving intervals (CI), and 1240 weight changes from November to weaning in September (WC) from 502 purebred and crossbred cows. Calf data consisted of 956 birth weights (BWT), and 923 weaning weights adjusted to 205 d of age (WW205) from 956 purebred and crossbred calves. Traits were analyzed individually using multibreed mixed models that assumed homogeneity of variances across breed groups. Covariances among random effects were assumed to be zero. Fixed effects were year, age of cow, sex of calf, year × age of cow interaction (except WC), age of cow × sex of calf interaction (only for WC), and covariates for B fraction of sire and cow, heterosis of cow and calf, and ELISA score. Random effects were sire (except for TO and CI), dam, and residual. Regression estimates of cow and calf traits on ELISA scores indicated that lower cow fertility (longer TO), lower ability of cows to maintain weight (negative WC), lower calf BWT, and lower calf WW205 were associated with higher cow ELISA scores. Further research on the effects of subclinical paratuberculosis in beef cattle at regional and national levels seems advisable considering the large potential economic cost of this disease.  相似文献   

营养水平对不同品种杂交肉牛育肥的影响   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
试验旨在研究不同营养水平日粮对杂交肉牛生产性能及肉品质的影响,并比较西门塔尔、安格斯和夏洛来杂交肉牛的育肥效果。选购后躯发育良好、体质量相近且肉用体型明显的10月龄西杂牛20头、安杂牛12头、夏杂牛20头。随机分为高能组和对照组2组,每组26头,各组平均始质量差异不显著。分别喂以高和中2种不同营养水平的日粮,进行240d的肥育试验和屠宰试验。结果表明:1)肥育前期,与对照组相比,高能组西杂牛、安杂牛和夏杂牛平均日增质量分别提高13.6%、7.8%和7.5%,高能组均优于对照组;肥育后期,与对照组相比,高能组安杂牛的平均日增质量提高21.9%,西杂牛和夏杂牛与对照组相比差异不显著。2)高能组试验牛的宰前活质量、胴体质量、屠宰率和优质肉块分割率均高于对照组,但组内不同品种杂交牛之间差异不显著。3)在肥育前期,与对照组相比,高能组中安杂牛日增质量最高,其次是西杂牛和夏杂牛;肥育后期,与对照组相比,高能组中的安杂牛日增质量依然最高,其次是夏杂牛和西杂牛,但组间差异不显著。4)通过屠宰试验,并对试验牛的胴体和肉品质量测定发现,安杂牛的日增质量、胴体质量、屠宰率数值最高,夏杂牛的蛋白质和氨基酸含量较高。但高能组与对照组间各项指标差异不显著,这说明,在试验条件下,日粮营养水平对不同品种杂交肉牛的育肥效果只起一定作用。  相似文献   

Using reproduction parameters as indicators for cattle welfare has limitations and, at best, these parameters should only be viewed as indirect indicators of welfare. On a farm level, measures such as fertility rates emphasize biological performance of the herd but fail to consider the welfare of individual animals. Even on an individual level, the relationship between reproductive effectiveness and animal welfare is complex. Good reproductive performance does not automatically signify good welfare, as domestication and targeted breeding programmes have led to prioritization of high productive and reproductive performance in most modern farm animal species. In this review, we synthesize literature regarding cattle husbandry, reproduction, welfare and their multidimensional relationships. We argue that practices such as artificial insemination or the use of sexed semen may provide potential welfare advantages as these practices reduce the risk of disease transmission and injury or enable selection of specific beneficial traits. Furthermore, they may offer a solution to current practices jeopardizing welfare, such as the management of surplus bull calves in the dairy industry. Conversely, the animals’ ability to perform natural behaviours such as oestrous expression, an aspect arguably contributing to welfare, is often limited on commercial farms; this limitation is particularly evident in housing systems such as tie stalls where movement is restricted. Moreover, common management practices such as oestrus manipulation may lead to negative attitudes in citizens who often regard naturalness as important element of animal welfare.  相似文献   

文章旨在了解饲料与营养对肉牛生产性能、消化性能、瘤胃发酵以及甲烷(CH4)排放的影响.文章综述了2019年国外的相关文献报道,主要从精饲料、粗饲料及饲养营养综合评价3个方面进行综述.精饲料集中于各种蛋白质饲料和能量饲料的研究.粗饲料研究侧重于粗饲料品种和加工方式对不同生理阶段肉牛生产性能、消化性能和CH4产生的影响.饲...  相似文献   

随着国民经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,肉、蛋、奶需求量逐渐增加,牛肉具有高蛋白、低脂肪且富含丰富维生素及微量元素等优点备受人民青睐,人们对牛肉需求量呈上升趋势,同时对其品质和食品质量安全有着更高的要求。本文从肉牛的营养需要及肥育、瘤胃的代谢与营养调控、饲料替抗与绿色添加剂的开发、本地特色饲料资源开发与利用等方面进行了综述,以期为我国冀北地区肉牛饲养管理与肥育发展提供参考和借鉴。  相似文献   

采用完全随机单位组设计方法,设计并开展试验,评价TMR营养水平对肉牛增重效果、产肉性能和经济效益的影响,结果表明:提高TMR营养水平可以提高肉牛日增重8.79%、采食速度、降低采食量0.65%;可以改善屠宰性能,提高肉牛屠宰率0.47%、净肉率1.28%、胴体产肉率1.46%及优质切块肉的比重;可以提高饲料报酬;两种经济效益分别提高159.53元、385.79元。综合以上结果得出,提高TMR营养水平可以提高肉牛增重效果、产肉性能及经济效益。  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were 1) to propose a profit function for Italian Chianina beef cattle; 2) to derive economic values for some biological variables in beef cows, specifically, production expressed as the number of calves born alive per year (NACY), age at the insemination that resulted in the birth of the first calf (FI), and length of productive life (LPL); and 3) to investigate the relationship between the phenotypic profit function and type traits as early predictors of profitability in the Chianina beef cattle population. The average profit was 196 Euros/(cow.yr) for the length of productive life (LPL) and was obtained as the difference between the average income of 1,375 Euros/(cow.yr) for LPL and costs of 1,178 Euros/(cow.yr) of LPL. The mean LPL was equal to 5.97 yr, so the average total phenotypic profit per cow on a lifetime basis was 1,175 Euros. A normative approach was used to derive the economic weights for the biological variables. The most important trait was the number of calves born alive (+4.03.cow(-1).yr(-1) and +24.06 Euros/cow). An increase of 1 d in LPL was associated with an increase of +0.19 Euros/(cow.yr) and +1.65 Euros/cow on a lifetime basis. Increasing FI by 1 d decreased profit by 0.42 Euros/(cow.yr) and 2.51 Euros/cow. Phenotypic profit per cow had a heritability of 0.29. Heritabilities for eight muscularity traits ranged from 0.16 to 0.23, and for the seven body size traits between 0.21 and 0.30. The conformation trait final score can be used as an early predictor of profitability. The sale price of the animal and differences in the revenue and costs of offspring due to muscularity should be included in a future profit function.  相似文献   

Korean cattle have an unusually short suckling period (4 mo) due to poor milking ability, and this is a hindrance to growth of calves. Therefore, Korean cattle breeders have shown interest in genetic improvement of milking ability. In this study, body weight (birth weight, weaning weight, and yearling weight) and five daily milk yields by period in Korean cattle (Hanwoo) were analyzed using a two-trait sire and maternal grandsire mixed model. The milk yields used were actually measured at sequential intervals from 1 to 4 mo after calving. Posterior means of the parameters were estimated using Gibbs sampling. Heritability estimates (0.25 to 0.26) for daily milk yield at weaning were larger than those with other periods. Genetic impact on daily milk yield, especially at weaning, was emphasized in order to lengthen the suckling period of Korean cattle. Genetic correlation estimates between BW and daily milk yield were all negative (-0.08 to -0.16 for birth weight, -0.04 to -0.21 for weaning weight, and -0.12 to -0.19 for yearling weight), whereas environmental correlation estimates were all positive (0.20 to 0.39 for birth weight, 0.34 to 0.51 for weaning weight, and 0.30 to 0.45 for yearling weight). The negative estimates of genetic correlation between weight and milk yield implied genetic antagonism between direct and maternal effects for weaning weight of beef cattle.  相似文献   

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