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目前,我国饲料蛋白质奇缺,开辟新的蛋白质资源已成为当务之急。而随着家禽养殖业的不断发展,羽毛资源不断增加,如果不很好利用,既浪费了宝贵的蛋白质饲料,又会对环境造成不同程度的污染。开发利用羽毛粉,对扩大蛋白质饲料来源,发展畜牧业,保护环境具有重要的意义。一、羽毛粉的定义及其内部分子结构羽毛粉是由畜禽的羽毛和抽绒的剩余下的羽毛梗经加工而成。属动物蛋白质饲料。羽毛是畜禽表面细胞角质化而成,它含有大量的硬蛋白(角蛋白)和纤维蛋白。由于该类蛋白是由结合牢固的二硫键(—S—S)和氢键多肽链组成,动物体内的蛋白水解酶基本无法对它们进行分解,因而不经水解的羽  相似文献   

羽毛粉的营养价值及加工利用   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
在目前蛋白质饲料资源紧缺的情况下,开辟非常规蛋白质资源已成为当务之急.现世界上已公认羽毛粉是营养价值高且质量可月的蛋白质资源(Fuller,1988)。1水解羽毛粉的营养价值羽毛粉是来自屠宰场、没有任何添加剂或生长促进剂、未腐烂分解的洁净的肖类羽毛在一定压力下的水解产品。其粗蛋白含量为85%~90%,胃蛋白酶消化率达75%~87%,它含有胱氨酸、苏氨酸、异亮氨酸、精氨酸、缬氨酸、赖氨酸、蛋氨酸等17种氨基酸。但是,氨基酸组成不平衡,赖氨酸、蛋氨酸、色氨酸和组氨酸的含量较低,分别为1.65%、0.59%、0.40%和0.58%。…  相似文献   

水解羽毛粉与蒸制羽毛粉营养价值的比较研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
用饲养试验与氨基酸真可消化率测定相结合研究水解羽毛粉和蒸制羽毛粉对蛋鸡的饲养效果。结果表明:水解羽毛粉的TAAD为77.58%,蒸制羽毛粉的TAAD为71.84%,二者差异显著;以2%~4%的水解羽毛粉或2%蒸制羽毛粉等氮取代蛋鸡日粮中的豆粕,并维持适宜的赖氨酸、蛋氨酸水平,可提高蛋鸡生产水平,降低饲料成本2.21%~2.58%。  相似文献   

在美国由肉鸡和火鸡加工业产生的羽毛每年约80万吨,由于羽毛体积大,处理成本较高,因而寻找利用羽毛的方法显得十分重要。然而由于羽毛的化学成分主要是角蛋白,单胃动物对这种蛋白的消化很有限,因此,羽毛粉在添加到动物日粮中之前必须水解,为使羽毛蛋白暴露于消化酶之中,水解解开角蛋白分子中的化学键是必需的。羽毛粉通常用蒸汽和压力水解,以增加其营养成分的利用率,水解设施和能源开支会增加羽毛粉的价格,同时有些养分有可能在水解过程中被破坏。Steineretal(1983)发现用氢氧化钠  相似文献   

在目前饲料蛋白质资源紧缺的情况下,开辟新的蛋白质资源已成为当务之急.由于羽毛粉所含蛋白单一,氨基酸组成相对稳定,现世界已公认羽毛粉是高价值而且质量可靠的蛋白资源(Fuller,1988).国内外科学工作者就如何提高羽毛蛋白的利用价值做了大量的研究,为在饲料中利用羽毛粉提供了科学的依据,同时也对羽毛粉的加工提出了更高的技术要求.  相似文献   

羽毛粉蛋白饲料的开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
禽类羽毛主要由角蛋白质构成,因其本身受氨基酸不平衡的影响,人们经常认为畜禽对其消化率低。其实羽毛蛋白并不低于一般的蛋白饲料,尤其是鱼粉。实践证明:只要经过特殊的加工工艺,再合理搭配饲料原料(肉骨粉、血粉等)是可以取得良好效果的。羽毛蛋白饲料属营养类蛋白质饲料,主要用于动物的日粮配合,补充蛋白质饲料的不足,替代鱼粉,克服鱼粉含盐量高、脱脂率低的弊端。具有提高毛皮质量、维持畜禽毛被正常生长、促进畜禽生长发育的功能,并有增进禽肝功能的作用。对严重啄羽、啄肛、食毛等现象的家禽,长期使用能够防止此类癖症的…  相似文献   

膨化羽毛粉营养价值的评定   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
135型羽毛膨化机膨化的羽毛粉营养价值较高,粗蛋白含量在79%以上,而且精氨酸、异亮氨酸和胱氨酸相对较高。用蛋公鸡测得表观代谢能值为15.1兆焦/千克,蛋白质消化率可达78.37%,因此膨化羽毛粉是禽饲养中比较好的动物性蛋白质饲料。  相似文献   

我国羽毛资源极其丰富,羽毛粉粗蛋白含量为70-80%,羽毛粉为才气生蛋白饲料之冠,开发利用羽毛粉,是缓解我国动物蛋白质饲料不足的一重要途径,我国生产羽毛粉已有15年的历史,但发展并不顺利,为了使羽毛粉的生产稳定发展,国家庆尽快制定羽毛粉质量标准,科研部门应在试验的基础上,提出羽毛粉在各类畜禽饲料中添加的正确比例。  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine 1) the effects of hydrolysis time on feather meal (FTH) protein digestion and ruminal escape and 2) whether adding blood meal (BM) to FTH evoked a complementary response in animal performance. A lamb digestion trial was conducted to estimate true protein digestibility of soybean meal (SBM), BM, and FTH hydrolyzed for 10, 12, 15, or 18 min. Ruminal escape was estimated in situ. Two 94-d growth trials were conducted using 60 growing calves (226 kg) per trial to evaluate urea, FTH, BM, and 87.5:12.5, 75:25, and 50:50 combinations (CP percentage basis) of FTH:BM. There were small numerical differences in estimated escape of protein from the rumen and DM and protein digestibilities due to hydrolysis time. True protein digestibility of the 10- and 18-min samples was 5% higher (P less than .05) than for the 12- or 15-min FTH samples. In the growth trial, the slope-ratio technique showed that the most efficiently used protein supplement was 100% BM (protein efficiency = 2.45 +/- .19). No differences (P = .30) in protein efficiency were observed among supplements containing various combinations of FTH:BM. There was a quadratic (P less than .01) response to the level of BM, indicating a complementary effect. The largest complementary effect occurred at the 12.5% level of the BM addition. There were no nutritionally important effects of hydrolysis time between 10 and 18 min. Furthermore, supplements can be formulated more economically using small amounts of BM with FTH without compromising biological efficiency.  相似文献   

Protein value of feather meal for ruminants as affected by blood additions   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
In situ digestion and growth studies were conducted to determine the effects of adding blood to feather meal. In the in situ and digestion studies, soybean meal (SBM), blood meal (BM), feather meal (Fth) and two combinations of 55% raw blood and 45% feathers (RB + F) were used. Feathers and blood were combined either before or after steam hydrolysis of feathers. Ruminal escape protein of Fth was greater than that of SBM but less than that of BM (P less than .10) determined in situ after 12 h of incubation. Ruminal in situ protein digestion was lower (P less than .10) than for the other treatments (P less than .10) when blood was hydrolyzed with feathers. Total tract digestibility was similar (P greater than .10) for SBM, BM and the mixture of RB + F when the blood was not hydrolyzed. In the growth study, calves were supplemented with urea, SBM, BM, Fth or a combination of BM and Fth (BM + Fth; each supplied an equal portion of supplemental protein). The slope ratio technique was used to evaluate the protein sources. The most efficiently used protein sources were BM and BM + Fth compared to SBM and Fth (P less than .05). There was a numerical but not significant (P greater than .1) complementary effect of adding BM to Fth. Soybean meal and Fth had similar protein efficiencies (P greater than .20). Estimated amino acid flow to the small intestine based on in situ amino acid degradation suggested that the complementary effect observed for BM + Fth was due to BM supplying lysine and Fth providing sulfur amino acids.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

麻疯树籽实是一种很有潜力的蛋白饲料资源,脱毒麻疯树种仁干物质中的粗蛋白含量高达60%。试验采用西门塔尔×鲁西黄牛杂交肉牛为瘤胃液固定供给动物,分别采用常规分析法和利用短期人工瘤胃发酵结合持续动态累积产气量记录技术评定麻疯树种仁粕的营养价值,为开发利用麻疯树资源作为蛋白质饲料提供参考。  相似文献   

One hundred ninety-six crossbred barrows of high lean gain potential (21.2 kg BW) were used in an experiment to determine the effect of dietary feather meal (FM) on barrow performance, specifically, the effects of the ingredient on ADG and carcass leanness. Additionally, 28 gilts (26.8 kg BW) were used to compare gender differences on the corn-soybean meal control diets. Treatments were control barrows and control gilts fed corn-soybean meal diets, and barrows fed according to a 2 x 3 factorial arrangement of FM levels (10 or 20%, as-fed basis) and starting weights on the diets (36, 60, or 86 kg BW). All barrow diets were formulated to contain the same apparent digestible lysine and ME. Control barrows ate more feed (2.61 vs. 2.39 kg/d; as-fed), grew faster (0.911 vs. 0.827 kg/d), had greater backfat depth at slaughter (15.6 vs. 11.6 mm), and had lower carcass lean content (P < 0.001), with no difference in daily lean gain (P = 0.848) compared with gilts. There was a linear (P = 0.010) decrease in ADG for barrows fed increasing amounts of FM from 36 kg BW to slaughter, with no effect of FM additions on ADG when initiated at 60 or 86 kg BW. There was a quadratic reduction (P = 0.008) in ADFI and estimated digestible lysine intake with increasing FM for the 36 to 60 kg BW period for barrows fed FM starting at 36 kg BW. There was a linear (P = 0.006) decrease in ADFI for the 60 to 86 kg BW period with increasing FM for barrows started on FM at 60 kg BW. There was no effect of experimental diets or starting weight on barrow 10th-rib backfat depth at slaughter. These results suggest that diets containing 10 and 20% FM were effective in decreasing overall ADG and ADFI by barrows when feeding of FM was initiated at 36 kg BW; however, backfat at slaughter was still greater than for control gilts.  相似文献   

The protein quality of two- or three-component mixtures of blood meal, feather meal and bone meal was characterized by amino acid scores and rat net protein utilization (NPU) values. A graphic method designed to find optimum levels of the limiting essential amino acids in the mixtures was suitable for predicting the optimum of NPU values determined by feeding rats with diets having 10% crude protein. The protein quality of mixtures of blood meal, feather meal and bone meal showed an optimum if blood meal constituted 60% of the protein content of the mixtures; however, poor feed intake and growth data were obtained.  相似文献   

采用国标及通用的方法,对饲用羽毛肽粉中各营养成分进行分析,并与其它饲料蛋白源进行比较。结果表明,饲用羽毛肽粉粗蛋白、粗脂肪、糖分和粗灰分、盐分含量分别为85.05%、7.9%、1%7、.76%、0.9%。饲用羽毛肽粉含有18种氨基酸,总氨基酸、必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸分别占总量的70.47%、27.78%、38.70%,总氨基酸占蛋白质的82.86%,必需氨基酸和呈味氨基酸分别占氨基酸总量的39.42%和54.92%。饲用羽毛肽粉作为鱼粉替代品的限制性氨基酸为赖氨酸(Lys)、组氨酸(His)、色氨酸(Trp)、蛋氨酸+胱氨酸(Met+Cys)。饲用羽毛肽粉含14种脂肪酸,不饱和脂肪酸、单不饱和脂肪酸、多不饱和脂肪酸、ω-3不饱和脂肪酸分别占脂肪酸总量的25%、15%、10%、2%,EPA占脂肪酸含量的2%,未发现含有DHA。饲用羽毛肽粉含有丰富的营养成分,但其作为水产动物饲料蛋白源在氨基酸平衡及不饱和脂肪酸含量较鱼粉差,可通过调整营养配方,改善其应用价值。  相似文献   

选用20kg左右的DLY生长猪64头,随机分为4个处理,每个处理4个重复,每个重复4头,分别饲喂基础日粮、添加2%、4%、6%水解羽毛粉(等蛋白替代豆粕)的日粮。结果表明,随着试验日粮中水解羽毛粉添加量的提高,试验猪的日采食量和日增重降低,而料肉比上升,并且6%处理组差异达到显著(P〈0.05);各处理组的干物质表观消化率、蛋白质表观消化率和有机物表观消化率均差异不显著(P〉0.05),而氮的表观生物学价值和净蛋白利用率随着水解羽毛粉添加量的提高明显降低,并且6%处理组的净蛋白利用率显著低于对照组(P〈0.05)和2%处理组(P〈0.05);2%处理组的单位增重饲料成本较对照组降低0.20元/kg。  相似文献   

Thirty-six four-way cross (Chester White X Landrace X Large White X Yorkshire) growing barrows and gilts were used to investigate the effects of replacing graded levels of protein from soybean meal with equivalent levels of protein from rubber seed meal in 16% CP semipurified diets on the performance characteristics, hematocrit, plasma metabolites and N utilization of pigs. The first diet (control) was largely cornstarch-soybean meal in which the soybean meal supplied all of the CP. In other diets, rubber seed meal replaced 10%, 20% and 30%, respectively, of the protein of soybean meal in the control diet. Twenty gilts were used in a 28-d growth trial and 16 barrows were used in an 8-d digestion trial (4-d collection). There were no differences (P greater than .05) in ADG, ADF intake and in the feed:gain ratios, even though there was a trend for lower ADG and gain:feed ratio as the level of rubber seed meal increased in the diet. There were no differences in hematocrit, but plasma protein and albumin tended to be depressed when rubber seed meal provided more than 10% of the dietary protein. Apparent digestibilities of GE, DM and N were lower with rubber seed meal at 20% of the protein than with any other diet, but apparent N retained and the percent of digested N retained were not depressed significantly (P greater than .05). Although rubber seed meal protein is of poorer quality than soybean meal protein for growing pigs, at least 10% of dietary protein can be provided by rubber seed meal without adversely affecting growth and N utilization.  相似文献   

These studies evaluated the effects of betaine, provided either as feed-grade betaine or as concentrated separator by-product (CSB; desugared beet molasses), on performance and carcass characteristics of finishing cattle. In Exp. 1, 175 steers (410 kg initial BW) were fed a finishing diet based on steam-flaked and dry-rolled corn, and treatments included 10.5 and 21 g/d feed-grade betaine and 250 and 500 g/d CSB (supplying 15.5 and 31 g/d of betaine, respectively). Steers fed feed-grade betaine had greater (linear and quadratic effects, P < 0.1) DMI than control steers, but ADG and gain efficiencies were not affected by treatment. Dressing percent and backfat thickness was greater (P < 0.1) for steers that received feed-grade betaine than for controls. Longissimus muscle area was lower (P < 0.1) for steers supplemented with either feed-grade betaine or CSB than for control steers. Yield grades were higher for cattle receiving feed-grade betaine (quadratic effect, P < 0.1) than for control steers. Marbling scores were not affected by supplemental betaine, but the percentage of carcasses grading USDA Select was lower (linear and quadratic effects, P < 0.1) for steers fed feed-grade betaine than for control steers, predominantly due to a greater percentage grading USDA Choice. In Exp. 2, 312 heifers (343 kg initial BW) were used in a finishing study to evaluate the effects of graded levels of feed-grade betaine and peroxide-treated feather meal on performance and carcass characteristics. Treatments included two finishing diets (containing peroxide-treated or untreated feather meal) and four levels (0, 4, 8, and 12 g/d) of feed-grade betaine arranged in a 2 x 4 factorial. No significant interactions occurred between treatment of feather meal and betaine. Treatment of feather meal with hydrogen peroxide (5% wt/wt) increased in situ protein degradability but did not alter DMI, ADG, gain efficiencies, or carcass characteristics of heifers when it replaced untreated feather meal in the diet. Top-dressing feed-grade betaine to the diets had no effect on DMI, ADG, and gain efficiencies. Marbling scores were greater (cubic effect, P < 0.05) for heifers fed diets top-dressed with 4 and 12 g/d of feed-grade betaine, but other carcass characteristics were not altered significantly. Overall, feed-grade betaine and CSB did not alter growth performance, but did have minor effects on carcass characteristics.  相似文献   

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