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Four adult sheep were given .4 microCi/kg of BW of D-alpha[5-Me-3H]tocopherol orally. Plasma alpha-tocopherol specific activities were measured serially during a 72-h period, after which the sheep were killed. The disposition kinetics were best described by the use of a two-compartment model. The radiotocopherol had a slow distribution phase followed by a relatively slow elimination phase. During the 72-h period of serial monitoring the peak plasma specific activities were observed between 32 to 48 h. At slaughter (72 h after dosing) tissue radioactivity distribution indicated a high rate of accumulation in some glandular organs such as the liver and adrenals. Identification of radioactive components excreted in bile, using HPLC or thin-layer chromatography, showed that unchanged radiotocopherol was present only at very low concentrations (less than 3% of the total recovered radioactivity).  相似文献   

The purpose of the current study was to investigate the therapeutic efficacy of valacyclovir against EHV1 in a controlled study. Eight na?ve Shetland ponies were inoculated with 10(6.5) TCID(50) of the neuropathogenic strain 03P37. Four ponies were treated with valacyclovir at a dosage of 40mg/kg bodyweight, 3 times daily, for 5 (n=2) or 7 (n=2) consecutive days, while the other four ponies served as untreated controls. The treatment regimen started 1h before inoculation. Ponies were monitored daily for clinical signs. At 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 7, 9, 11, 14, 17 and 21 days post inoculation (d pi), a nasopharyngeal mucus sample was taken to determine viral shedding. At the same time points, blood was collected and peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMC) were isolated to determine viremia. During the treatment, blood samples were collected 6 times daily, i.e. just before valacyclovir administration and 1h later, to determine the concentration of acyclovir in plasma. Also a nasopharyngeal swab was taken to measure the acyclovir concentration in nasal secretion. No differences could be noticed between valacyclovir-treated and untreated ponies. The clinical signs, the viral shedding and the viremia were similar in both the groups. Plasma acyclovir concentration could be maintained above the EC(50)-value of EHV1 during 50% of the entire treatment period in valacyclovir-treated ponies. Acyclovir could be detected in nasal swabs at concentrations varying from 50% to 100% of the corresponding plasma concentration. Although sufficiently high acyclovir levels could be reached in plasma and nasal mucus, no effect was seen of the treatment with valacyclovir on clinical signs, viral shedding and viremia of EHV1-infected ponies.  相似文献   

Changes in formalin concentration were measured over time in uncontaminated solutions and solutions heavily contaminated by mud, faeces, wool or straw. Shallow plastic trays containing 1.11 of a 9% aqueous solution of formalin were exposed for 6 days (trial 1) or 8 days (trial 2) to windy autumn weather. Evaporation of solution volumes was high (47-73%). Concentration generally increased over time: by 13-31% in trial 1 and by 61-162% in trial 2. These figures represent actual increases in percentage formalin of up to 3.0% in trial 1 and up to 7.6% in trial 2. Exposure to mud, sheep faeces or wool did not affect the increase in concentration but there was no increase in the presence of straw. As exposure to excessively concentrated formalin solutions produces hyperaemia, cracking of interdigital skin and lameness in sheep it is recommended that footbath solutions should be diluted to 2-S%, prepared on the day of use and discarded daily whether contaminated or not. Addition of formalin or water to existing solutions of unknown strength should be avoided.  相似文献   

Changes in formalin concentration were measured over time in uncontaminated solutions and solutions heavily contaminated by mud, faeces, wool or straw. Shallow plastic trays containing 1.11 of a 9% aqueous solution of formalin were exposed for 6 days (trial 1) or8 days (trial 2) to windy autumn weather. Evaporation of solution volumes was high (47–73%).

Concentration generally increased over time: by 13–31% in trial 1 and by 61–162% in trial 2. These figures represent actual increases in percentage formalin of up to 3.0% in trial 1 and up to 7.6% in trial 2. Exposure to mud, sheep faeces or wool did not affect the increase in concentration but there was no increase in the presence of straw.

As exposure to excessively concentrated formalin solutions produces hyperaemia, cracking of interdigital skin and lameness in sheep it is recommended that footbath solutions should be diluted to 2–5%, prepared on the day of use and discarded daily whether contaminated or not. Addition of formalin or water to existing solutions of unknown strength should be avoided.  相似文献   

The pathophysiologic responses of 13 sheep inoculated orally with 100 metacercariae of Fascioloides magna were monitored for 4 months after inoculation. There were no differences in weight gains between these and a number of noninoculated control sheep throughout the experiment. Complete blood cell counts showed an increase only in the absolute number of eosinophils. Serum preparations (2 times a week) from 7 inoculated and 7 noninoculated sheep did not identify any significant changes in alkaline phosphatase, aspartate aminotransferase, alanine aminotransferase, and gamma-glutamyl transferase activities. There were no changes in total bilirubin, BUN, creatinine, inorganic phosphorus, calcium, albumin, chloride, potassium, and sodium values. Four months after they were inoculated, all sheep were necropsied, and flukes were recovered. Gross lesions attributed to fluke migration were found in the liver and portal lymph nodes, diaphragm, lungs, kidneys, and spleen. Microscopically, liver lesions in inoculated sheep occurred in the portal areas, veins, and Glisson's capsule and were characterized by both active and chronic forms of inflammation. Abundant infiltrates of eosinophils and plasma cells often marked the portal areas. Endophlebitis, with or without thrombosis, was the predominate vascular lesion. The flukes recovered varied greatly in size (6.5 to 48.0-mm long) and demonstrated some sexual development, but none was sexually mature.  相似文献   

Hypomagnesaemic tetany was induced in non-lactating and lactating ewes by feeding them semi-synthetic low magnesium diets containing additional potassium chloride and citric acid. Aqueous and vitreous humour were sampled from one eye at the time of death (fresh) and from the second eye after the head had been stored at ambient temperature for 24 hours (24-hour). There were significant relationships between the concentrations of magnesium in cerebrospinal fluid and plasma and its concentrations in fresh aqueous humour and fresh vitreous humour. Magnesium concentrations of < 0.33 mmol/litre in fresh aqueous humour and < 0.50 mmol/litre in 24-hour aqueous humour were associated with severe hypomagnesaemia and tetany. However, the concentration of magnesium in aqueous humour is relatively unstable and, unless the time of death was known accurately, its interpretation would be difficult. Magnesium concentrations of < 0.60 mmol/litre in fresh vitreous humour and < 0.65 mmol/litre in 24-hour vitreous humour were associated with severe hypomagnesaemia and tetany in adult sheep. The concentration of magnesium in vitreous humour was relatively stable for up to 48 hours postmortem.  相似文献   

Three trials were conducted to assess the size and frequency of lesions induced by an oil-based and an alum-precipitated aqueous B. nodosus commercial footrot vaccine at two injection sites (neck and brisket) with or without prior skin swabbing with methanol. Animals used were previously unvaccinated and clean and dry at time of vaccination. Trial 1 contained 57 2-tooth Booroola Merino x Coopworth ewes, trial 2 contained 60 mixed-age Corriedale ewes, and trial 3 contained 39 rams of mixed age and sex. Firm nodules or plaques with indurated edges and with a maximum dimension of 1cm or more appeared soon after vaccination and were still very common (50-100% of sheep vaccinated) 5-6 weeks after injection. A variable proportion exhibited a liquefied central area of necrosis and later discharged necrotic material. The oil-based vaccine produced significantly larger lesions than the alum-precipitated aqueous vaccine. Lesion size at the brisket site was significantly larger than the neck site in ewes but not in rams. Skin preparation with methanol had no effect on lesion frequency or size.  相似文献   

The suppression of nematode egg output in faeces was measured in ewes treated just before lambing with either oxfendazole or ivermectin by oral drench or with ivermectin by subcutaneous injection. Ivermectin and oxfendazole given orally were similarly effective, whereas ivermectin given by subcutaneous injection extended the period of suppressed egg output by about one week. The more persistent anthelmintic effect of ivermectin given subcutaneously was probably due to its extended half-life in the plasma of treated sheep. Plasma pepsinogen activity was less in the sheep given anthelmintic than in the untreated controls. Ivermectin caused a significantly greater reduction in pepsinogen activity than oxfendazole and was more effective when given subcutaneously than when given orally.  相似文献   

2006年辽阳地区雨水多,导致往年不常见的羊腐蹄病爆发流行。给养羊业带来了一定的损失。腐蹄病是由厌氧坏死杆菌引起的一种慢性传染病。该病主要侵害羊的蹄部,在蹄部形成溃疡、化脓、空洞,导致羊跛行。  相似文献   

The bioavailability of three formulations of ivermectin was determined following oral administration to dogs. The average peak plasma level (C max) of ivermectin administered in the standard tablet formulation at 6 and 100 µg/kg of body weight was 2.97 and 44.31 ng/g, respectively. This suggest dose-dependent pharmacokinetics.C max and total ivermectin bioavailability, as assessed from the area under the plasma curve (AUC), were similar between two tablet formulations of ivermectin administered at 100 µg/kg. Furthermore,C max was similar following administration of radiolabelled ivermectin at 6 µg/kg in either a beef-based chewable formulation or in the standard tablet formulation.  相似文献   

The recommended treatment for canine ehrlichiosis is tetracycline or its analog doxycycline, although recent reports have documented ineffective clearing of Erchlichia canis after doxycycline administration. Imidocarb dipropionate is used as an alternative treatment to tetracycline or is used in conjunction with doxycycline. The effectiveness of imidocarb dipropionate in clearing Ehrlichia species from the blood and tissues of dogs with E. canis infection has not been thoroughly evaluated. Fifteen dogs were experimentally infected with E. canis. Ten dogs were treated with imidocarb dipropionate (6.6 mg/kg, IM, 2 injections given 2 weeks apart). Five infected control dogs were not treated. Blood samples from all 15 dogs were E. canis DNA positive by PCR assay by 3 weeks after inoculation (PI), and E. canis antibodies were detected by IFA assay by 1 week PI. Blood platelet counts in all dogs were below the reference interval by 4 weeks PI. E. canis DNA was detected in bone marrow and splenic aspirates by PCR assay 4 weeks PI but not before infection. Bone marrow aspirates were E. canis DNA positive by PCR assay in 14/15 dogs, and splenic aspirates were E. canis DNA positive by PCR assay in 13/15 dogs. Blood samples from all treated and control dogs remained positive for E. canis DNA by PCR assay, and platelet counts remained below preinoculation values 13 weeks PI (6 weeks after 2nd treatment). As administered in this study, imidocarb dipropionate did not clear experimental E. canis infection in dogs.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 400-cow dairy unit in the Waikato suffered a severe outbreak of facial eczema (FE) despite consistent zinc supplementation and significantly elevated serum zinc concentrations. CLINICAL FINDINGS: FE prevention had begun in mid-January 2006, via zinc sulphate supplementation in the water. Photosensitisation was reported on 06 April, contemporaneous with a marked increase in the number of Pithomyces chartarum spores in pasture samples. Within 10 days of this first clinical case, 100 affected cows had been dried off, eight of which subsequently died or were culled. Blood samples were collected from ten affected cows; all had serum zinc concentrations >17 micromol/L, and eight had gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities >200 U/ml, indicating that the photosensitisation was secondary to liver damage, i.e. probably FE. Further investigation identified that this herd had been receiving excess copper supplementation; 4/6 culled cows had liver copper concentrations within or above the marginal range for copper toxicity. DIAGNOSIS: Severe FE despite zinc supplementation that increased serum zinc concentrations above recommended levels. CLINICAL RELEVANCE: As zinc supplementation significantly reduces apparent copper status, copper supplementation is often used to counteract this. Previous excess copper intake may reduce the efficacy of zinc in preventing FE, thus copper intake should be assessed prior to the start of zinc supplementation.  相似文献   

CASE HISTORY: A 400-cow dairy unit in the Waikato suffered a severe outbreak of facial eczema (FE) despite consistent zinc supplementation and significantly elevated serum zinc concentrations.

CLINICAL FINDINGS: FE prevention had begun in mid-January 2006, via zinc sulphate supplementation in the water. Photosensitisation was reported on 06 April, contemporaneous with a marked increase in the number of Pithomyces chartarum spores in pasture samples. Within 10 days of this first clinical case, 100 affected cows had been dried off, eight of which subsequently died or were culled. Blood samples were collected from ten affected cows; all had serum zinc concentrations >17 µmol/L, and eight had gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT) activities >200 U/ml, indicating that the photosensitisation was secondary to liver damage, i.e. probably FE. Further investigation identified that this herd had been receiving excess copper supplementation; 4/6 culled cows had liver copper concentrations within or above the marginal range for copper toxicity.

DIAGNOSIS: Severe FE despite zinc supplementation that increased serum zinc concentrations above recommended levels

CLINICAL RELEVANCE: As zinc supplementation significantly reduces apparent copper status, copper supplementation is often used to counteract this. Previous excess copper intake may reduce the efficacy of zinc in preventing FE, thus copper intake should be assessed prior to the start of zinc supplementation.  相似文献   

The effect of two qualities of feed on the kinetic disposition of triclabendazole (TCBZ) metabolites was investigated in sheep (n = 4) following oral administration of TCBZ at 10 mg/kg body weight. The same sheep were given sequentially two qualitatively different diets: a low-quality (LQ) diet based on wheat straw ad libitum, and a high-quality (HQ) diet based on barley+alfalfa. The triclabendazole sulphoxide (TCBZSO) and triclabendazole sulphone (TCBZSO2) concentrations were determined in blood samples taken serially from the jugular vein between 5 min and 9 days after TCBZ administration. The parent drug TCBZ was not detected in any of the samples. The quality of feed affected the kinetics of both TCBZ metabolites. The rate of appearance (Tlag and Tmax) in the jugular blood was slower and the formed amount (AUC) of TCBZSO was slightly higher when the sheep were on the LQ diet (Tlag = 7.74 h; Tmax = 27.91 h; AUC = 1042 g.h/ml) than when they were offered the HQ diet (Tlag = 1.90 h; Tmax = 16.01 h; AUC = 832.4 g.h/ml). The MRT of TCBZSO was about 40% longer with the LQ diet than with the HQ diet. Similarly, the rate of appearance of TCBZSO2 in plasma of sheep was slower when they were on the LQ diet than when they were on the HQ diet, suggesting an impairment of the hepatic enzymatic activity involved in the oxidation of TCBZSO to TCBZSO2.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the infectivity of ovine and caprine strains of Dichelobacter nodosus for both sheep and goats. DESIGN: Pen experiments in which 20 sheep and 19 goats were challenged directly with the two strains, and transmission experiments on pasture, using donors infected by experimental challenge. RESULTS: Sheep and goat strains of D nodosus infected both animal species in experimental challenges. Animals so infected transmitted footrot to both sheep and goats on pasture plots. A significantly smaller proportion of goats than sheep was infected when challenged with either strain. The interval between exposure and development of footrot in goats was longer than in sheep when recipient animals were exposed to infected donors on pasture. The disease was less invasive in goats than in sheep. CONCLUSIONS: With the strains of D nodosus used there was no evidence of host specificity. Direct transmission of footrot can occur between sheep and goats in the same environment. There is a need to include goats in ovine footrot eradication programs and vice versa.  相似文献   

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