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Container volume and irrigation management affect seedling growth in the nursery and field. We evaluated the effects of container volumes (D40, 656?ml; D60, 983?ml) and subirrigation schedules (85%, 75%, 65%, and 55% of 100% total substrate moisture content, TSMC) on seedling growth in a greenhouse and outplanting performance of Chinese cork oak (Quercus variabilis Blume) for one growing season. In the greenhouse, morphological attributes of seedlings grown at 85% and 75% TSMC in D60 were greater than those grown at 65% and 55% TSMC in D40. After outplanting, seedlings grown at 75% TSMC in D60 were tallest but not different than those grown at 65% TSMC. Shoot (9.2?g), root (28.0?g), and total (37.2?g) biomass of seedlings subirrigated at 55% TSMC in D60 reached maximum values, but shoot biomass for seedlings grown at either 65% or 55% TSMC was similar. Root and total N and K contents of seedlings subirrigated at 65% and 55% TSMC were greater than those grown at 85% and 75% TSMC. Our results suggest that reducing the subirrigation schedule threshold and using a container with more volume could improve oak seedling growth and nutrient accumulation during the first growing season of outplanting.  相似文献   

为解决刚松裸根苗移植造林成活率低的问题,于2004~2007年对其系列容器苗培育技术进行了研究。结果表明:聚乙烯塑料袋适宜培育苗高6-150cm的中小苗木,密度随容器规格而定;聚丙烯编织袋适宜培育150cm以上的大苗,密度以每公顷16650~20850株为宜。营养土以肥沃中壤农田土,配以适量过磷酸钙,菌根土即可,各种规格刚松容器苗造林成活率均达98%以上,用于园林绿化、荒山造林效果良好。  相似文献   

Larch tree species (Larix Mill.) are both ecologically and commercially valuable in their native range and are the focus of many restoration, afforestation, and commercial reforestation efforts in the boreal forests of the northern hemisphere. Land use change, shifting climate, and poor natural regeneration are making it increasingly difficult to establish the species; therefore, artificial regeneration is critical to ensure this timber species maintains its productive role on the landscape. New stocktypes are continually being developed to aid target seedlings for difficult sites, and critical, non-confounding evaluations of them are needed for target seedling development. This research evaluates the effect of container parameters on potential target seedlings. It examines tolerance thresholds of western larch (Larix occidentalis Nutt.) with respect to moisture and temperature status in the rhizosphere during early establishment. A suite of morphological measurements was used to assess seedling quality and relative performance following transplant. Modifying a commercially available container developed four distinct stocktypes of 111, 143, 175 and 207 ml that were paired with a volume-dependent nutrient regime at two culturing densities. Seedling phenotype was affected to a greater extent by container density than by container volume. Despite changes to container volume, root:shoot were found to be similar, indicating benefits of a tailored nutrient regime during nursery culture. Simulated field trials revealed that a low density growing arrangement improved post-transplant seedling growth, specifically root growth. Also, the 207 ml container facilitated greater growth in dry soil conditions compared to smaller containers. Lower (10 °C) rhizosphere temperature hindered root growth; however, seedling survival was 100 %, warranting the testing of earlier outplanting windows for this species. This evaluation of stocktype performance contributes to a greater body of work with this species and its congeners, which will ultimately benefit reforestation and afforestation efforts alike.  相似文献   

意大利石松是一种优良的园林绿化及防风固沙树种,在世界各地被广泛种植。通过从国外引进优质种子,在民勤治沙综合实验站温室大棚内进行意大利石松引种栽培试验,结果表明:种子处理方式对意大利石松容器育苗的发芽表现、发芽势等影响差异性不显著,但发芽指数表现为浸种催芽高于堆放催芽,通过催芽处理可使得意大利石松种子缩短发芽时间;土壤基质对容器苗冠幅和生长量的影响具有显著的差异性,表现为细沙土中沙粗沙腐殖质混合物耕作土。  相似文献   

In this study an attempt was made to gather information on the relationships of morphological attributes of bareroot Pinus sylvestris seedlings in order to determine the possible use of these attributes for grading purposes. The covariance structure of different morphological variables was studied in commercially produced crops. From each selected batch of Scots pine seedlings, 300 seedlings were sampled, three successive living seedlings from each of the 100 systematically selected sampling points ("clusters"). Variance in the seedlings crop was described using a linear model: total covariance was divided into variance between batches, between clusters and between individual seedlings (error).

Most of the correlations between different plant parts were large and positive. Only needle length and root length seemed to vary independently of other “length”; variables. Within one batch, at the end of the growing season, height‐diameter was more clearly size‐independent than shoot‐root ratio. Needle biomass increased exponentially with seedling height but the smallest seedlings had relatively less needle biomass than the biggest seedlings. It is not necessary to include dry mass in the requirements for seedling quality since it correlates well and can be described with other variables that can be measured more easily. Of the principal components for morphological characteristics, the “stem”; component explained 69% of the height variation and 77% of the diameter variation, the “needle”; component explaining 79% of the variation in current needle length, and the “root”; component 58% of the variation in root length. Together the three components explain 76% of the total variance in the original crops.  相似文献   

It has become apparent that some interventions are required to aid the regeneration of woody species in the Sudanian savanna. Direct seeding has been ineffective, thus planting high quality seedlings may be a viable alternative. In this study, we examined the stock quality of two valuable Sudanian savanna species, Acacia macrostachya and Pterocarpus erinaceus. Different nursery production periods were tested as well as the species’ field performance under well-watered and stressed conditions. The results showed that older seedlings (9-month) were morphologically distinct from younger ones (3-month), particularly in the case of P. erinaceus. Eighteen months after planting out, survival and growth of seedlings were not affected by initial seedling size; this was the result of the high root to shoot ratio of seedlings in all age groups at the time of planting. Seedling mortality as high as 30% was observed and attributed to both drought stress and other factors such as herbivory. Regression analyses revealed that initial shoot height was a poor predictor of field performance for both species, but initial root collar diameter accounted for 25% of the variation in diameter of P. erinaceus in the field. We conclude that initial seedling size does not affect survival and growth in the field provided that all sizes of seedling have a high root to shoot ratio at the time of planting. The prediction of field performance could be improved by developing a model that incorporates a wide range of root collar diameter.  相似文献   

酸枣地下根茎发达,适应性强,多野生于山坡、地埂、山崖等,喜温凉.在我国北方分布普遍.在陕北地区的分布更是到处可见,只要加强人工管理,简单易行,费工不多,受益成倍,同时还是防风固沙的好树种.  相似文献   

苗圃施肥应注意的几个问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在苗圃施肥管理上应采取提高圃地氮磷含量,注意速效养分的补给;积极进行土壤改良,避免圃地酸度过大;注意肥料的合理搭配;杜绝施肥的盲目性等项技术措施。  相似文献   

Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Muell. commonly known as rain tree seeds were treated with five pre-sowing treatments to study the effect of pre-sowing treatments on germination and initial seedling development in the nursery.The experiment was established in the nursery of the Institute of Forestry and Environmental Sciences.University of Chittagong, Chittagong, Bangladesh. Results revealed that Nail clipping in one side of the seed (at the distal end of the seed) (T4) provides the highest (50%) seed germination. The second highest germination (42%) was obtained for the seeds treated with immersion in cold water for 24 h (T1). Germination was completely inhibited when the seeds immersed in boiled water for 30 s followed in cold water soaking for 24 h. Other germination parameter and initial morphological growth and biomass production of the seedlings was also higher for the treatments T4and Ti in comparison to the control (Ta)treatment. Pre-sowing treatments of T4 e.g. Nail clipping in one side of the seed (at the distal end of the seed) and T1 (Seeds immersed in cold water for 24 h) may be recommended for maximum germination and initial vigorous seedlings growth of Albizia sarnan in the nursery.  相似文献   

赤皮青冈容器育苗基质筛选及大田育苗富根壮苗试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
开展了赤皮青冈容器育苗基质筛选及大田育苗富根壮苗试验,结果表明:赤皮青冈容器育苗基质最佳配方为泥炭土:黄心土:钙镁磷肥=50:45:5。赤皮青冈大田育苗不同浓度GGR6对苗木进行叶面喷施处理后,其苗木根长大于5 cmⅠ级侧根数、苗高生长、地径生长均有显著差异。考虑到成本因素,宜采用100 mg/L GGR6喷施叶面且连喷3次,在此处理下,相比对照,赤皮青冈苗木根长大于5 cmⅠ级侧根数增加70%以上,苗高生长增加20%以上,地径生长增加15%以上。富根壮苗出圃率达75%。  相似文献   

播种前对雨豆树(Albizia saman (Jacq.) F. Muell.)的种子进行了5 种预先处理,研究种子预先处理对种子发芽和苗圃种苗发育的影响。实验是在孟加拉吉大港大学林业与环境研究所的苗圃进行。研究结果表明,在种子末端修剪(处理4)提高种子发芽率50%,在冷水中浸泡24 小时(处理1)提高种子发芽率42%,在开水中浸30 秒后再在冷水中浸泡24 小时(处理2),种子发芽完全被抑制。处理4 和处理1 的种子发芽率、种苗初期形态生长和生物量都明显高于对照组。因此,这2 种播种前的种子预处理方法,可用于提高雨豆树种子发芽率和促进早期壮苗生长。图2 表3 参30。  相似文献   

闽楠容器育苗基质筛选及大田育苗富根壮苗试验结果表明:闽楠容器育苗基质最佳配方为泥炭土∶黄心土∶腐熟有机肥∶钙镁磷肥=70∶20∶5∶5。不同浓度GGR6叶面喷施处理后的闽楠大田苗,其苗木根长5 cm的Ⅰ级侧根数、苗高生长、地径生长均有显著差异。考虑到成本因素,宜采用20 mg/L GGR6液连续喷施苗木叶面3次,可使苗木5 cm的Ⅰ级侧根数比对照增加80%以上,苗木高生长比对照增加25%以上,苗木地径生长比对照增加15%以上。  相似文献   

樟子松为耐低温、抗干旱树种 ,能忍耐 - 40℃~ - 5 0℃的低温 ,在土壤水分含量为 2 %~ 3%情况下仍能正常生长 ,但在干旱沙丘地带 ,自然条件恶劣 ,水、肥、热分配悬殊 ,采用常规的造林技术很难成功。因此 ,从 1 998年开始 ,我们在塞罕坝机械林场西部的沙丘地带 ,进行了樟子松容器苗造林技术研究 ,在提高造林成活率方面取得了良好的效果。1 造林地自然条件造林地选在塞罕坝机械林场西部沙丘地带 ,海拔高度为 1 32 0~ 1 5 0 0m ,年平均气温 - 1 .4℃ ,年积温 2 1 0 0℃ ,年降雨量为 35 0~ 480mm ,年蒸发量在 1 2 0 0mm左右 ,土壤贫瘠 ,植…  相似文献   

Diplodia tip blight is a serious disease of >30 conifer species worldwide. Symptoms are particularly severe on non‐native, two‐needled Pinus species, and typically include stunted, necrotic needles and shoots and a general decline of the tree. Latent Diplodia pinea infections occur in current‐year shoots of some symptomless pines, and in some apparently healthy current‐year shoots of diseased pines. Latent infections also occur in symptomless terminal buds. A histological approach was used to investigate the nature of latent infections in shoot stems and terminal buds of landscape Pinus nigra. Fungal colonization was compared in healthy, diseased and latently infected tissues. A nested‐PCR technique that is specific for D. pinea was used to differentiate latently infected tissues from uninfected ones. Latent D. pinea infections were localized in the outer stem cortex, usually in the vicinity of needle scales at leaf axes. In contrast, pathogenic D. pinea infections were characterized by fungal colonization throughout the shoot stem tissues, even very early in symptom development. The presence of necrophylatic periderms in two of the latently infected samples suggests that host defences play a role in the production and maintenance of latent stem infections. Latent infections of terminal buds appeared to originate from the distal bud scales of axillary buds in the terminal bud cluster, and not from the subtending shoot. Fungal tissues were never observed inside asymptomatic, PCR‐negative shoots.  相似文献   

Bayley  A.D.  Kietzka  J.W. 《New Forests》1997,13(1-3):341-356
Two types of containerized P. patula seedlings, referred to as hard and soft seedlings, were raised by droughting and different fertilizer applications. Hard seedlings were raised by applying half the water and a quarter of the fertilizer (0.01 g per seedling 21%N:7.1%P:14.2%K) applied to the soft seedlings. At the end of the nursery cultural treatments the two types of seedlings were morphologically distinct. Hard seedlings had lower heights, height to root collar diameter ratios and seedling dry masses than soft seedlings, but mortality was similar for both seedling types when planted during seven different production periods within the planting season on three sites which differed climatically and geologically. Correlations between mortality and height to root collar diameter ratio (r = 0.76), root to shoot ratio (r = 0.83) and root growth potential (r = --0.69) were obtained indicating that grading of seedlings on these parameters may improve survival. However, it was evident that survival could be significantly improved by identifying the best time of year and conditions for planting, as well as improving stock quality.  相似文献   

New Forests - Pinus pinea is an interesting species for its valued pine nuts. Despite the high demand for this nut, the species is mostly harvested from natural forests, because the time elapsed...  相似文献   

油茶轻基质容器育苗试验   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
为提高油茶苗造林成活率,缩短育苗周期,降低苗木运输成本,以郴2-9号油茶无性系芽苗嫁接苗为材料,采用不同的轻基质配方进行容器育苗试验.结果表明:郴2-9号油茶无性系芽苗嫁接苗在不同的轻基质配方容器中高生长和地径生长差异极显著,用(珍珠岩30%+泥炭土70%)或(锯木屑30%+泥炭土70%)做基质时,苗木高生长平均达9....  相似文献   

Seedlings of Pinus pinea L. growing in plastic containers were treated with seaweed concentrate (SWC). Different concentrations of SWC were applied, 0 to 3 times, to the roots or shoots of the seedlings. Shoot application increased plant weight mainly by increasing shoot growth. This was manifested as increased shoot length and weight and a decrease in the root/shoot ratio. Root drenches did not change the total plant weight but it accelerated root growth and increased lateral root dry weight. Root growth capacity (RGC) tests for both shoot and root applications indicated an increase in root length and some increases in root number when applied as a root drench. This study indicates that root application of SWC improved seedling quality and increased the ability of seedlings to survive transplanting into pots.Abbreviations GC-MS Gas Chromatography-Mass Spectrometry - RGC root growth capacity - SWC seaweed concentrate  相似文献   

Micromorphological change of the epicuticular wax structure in Pinus pinea needles was analysed by scanning electron microscope and the relationships between the rates of wax weathering over seasons and the pollution-climate at one urban and two rural sites arediscussed.  相似文献   

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