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Fifteen multipurpose tree species native and introduced to the matorral (low dry shrubland and forest) of the Gulf Coastal Plain in north-eastern Mexico were planted in monoculture in four randomized blocks. Measurements of various growth parameters and volume of trees over the first five years were evaluated. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. microtheca, Leucaena leucocephala (exotic species) and Parkinsonia aculeata (native species) performed best while Prosopis glandulosa, Helietta parvifolia and Acacia rigidula (native species) did not establish well due to biotic problems which arose under plantation conditions. Acacia farnesiana, A. wrightii and two Pithecellobium spp. (native species) showed high yields which is of great interest since their multipurpose potential is the best of all fifteen species. These species could be of great importance in rehabilitating badly degraded parts of the matorral before such areas deteriorate to an irreversible desertified condition.
Resumen Para cuantificar el crecimiento y la productividad de las plantas leñosas, quince especies nativas e introducidas con caracteristicas multipropósito fueron plantadas en monocultivo en una zona de matorral de la Planicie Costera del Golfo Norte de México a partir de 1984. Durante cinco años de medición continua sobre diferentes parámetros de crecimiento, fueron evaluados los resultados sobre el comportamiento y productividad (volumen de la madera) de las especies. Eucalyptus camaldulensis, E. microtheca, Leucaena leucocephala (especies exóticas) y Parkinsonia aculeata (especie nativa) presentaron los mejores crecimiento en altura y en volumen en comparación con Prosopis glandulosa, Helietta parvifolia y Acacia rigidula (especies nativas). El desarrollo de Acacia farnesiana, A. wrightii y ambos Pithecellobium spp. (especies nativas) se puede considerar bastante bueno. Estas últimas especies son de gran interés como potencial forestal y forrajero. Todas las especies ensayadas son de suma importancia en la rehabilitación de matorral degradado y en el manejo silvicola de estos vastos recursos.

The aim of this study was to describe the dynamics of seedling establishment and development in spruce-dominated uneven-aged boreal forests. The study was based on empirical data from 15 stands with permanent plots, which had been intensively monitored for 10 years in southern Finland. All trees (height > 1.3 m) were measured every fifth year. Regeneration was measured on 64 permanent sample plots (4 m2) in each stand. The establishment of first-year seedlings was analysed on a yearly basis. The survival and development of older Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) H. Karst.) seedlings were analysed based on observations made every five years. The establishment of spruce seedlings was closely correlated with the abundance of seed crops. Seedling cohorts originating from abundant seed crops were clearly detectable in the development of seedling height distributions over time. It took about 15 years for spruce seedlings to reach a height level of 15-30 cm. Local basal area had hardly any effect on the emergence or survival of small spruce seedlings, while the number of higher spruce seedlings decreased with increasing local basal area.  相似文献   

Thorn scrub vegetation in Mexico is distributed over 50 million ha, where native tree species are the source of forage, timber, firewood and charcoal. Research describing wood durability of species from this vegetation type has not been fully determined, nor classified according to international standards. Thus, the aim of this study was to determine and classify the natural durability of ten woody species. Their natural durability was determined according to the European Pre-Norm 807, the loss of dynamic modulus of elasticity (MOEdyn) (MPa) was determined and wood mass loss (g) after being exposed to Trametes versicolor and Coniophora puteana fungi. Wood durability was classified according to the European Norm 350-1. Highly significant differences (p<0.001) were found between the durability of woody species. The more durable species with lower MOEdyn lost were Condalia hookeri (57.5%±0.6%), Havardia pallens (58.2%±0.4%) and Acacia schaffneri (58.9%±6.3%). Species with lower mass loss after exposed to Coniophora puteana were Ebenopsis ebano (6.3%±1.9%), Condalia hookeri (8.6%±2.3%) and Cordia boissieri (11.8%±2.3%). E. ebano (7.1%±2.4%), Condalia hookeri (8.2%±2.5%) and Cordia boissieri (11.5%±3.1%) showed the lower mass lost after exposed to T. versicolor. According to European Norm 350-1, three woody species were classified as very durable and durable species.  相似文献   

The coast of the Gulf of Mexico is characterized by dry regions with high variation in climatic conditions. This area is rich in drought-tolerant or subhumid species. The species that are potentially useful for reforestation, regreening, agroforestry activities and the production of timber, fodder, fuelwood and human food have been overexploited, resulting in the gradual decrease and degradation of their populations. This study was undertaken in order to suggest ways of improving the regeneration of these species. Fifteen native and exotic multipurpose tree species of low dry shrubland planted in monoculture in four randomized blocks. Measurements of various growth parameters, volume of trees, fodder potential and agroforestry uses over 15 years were evaluated. Eucalyptus camaldulensis Dehnh., E. microtheca F. Muell., Leucaena leucocephala (Lam.) de Wit. (exotic species), Acacia farnesiana (L.) Wild and Parkinsonia aculeata L. (native species) tend to have better characteristics in terms of growing annual rate, economic value and management schemes, while Prosopis glandulosa Torr. and Helietta parvifolia (Gray) Benth. (native species) did not establish well due to biotics problems which arose under plantation conditions. Acacia rigidula Benth., A. wrightii Benth. and two Pithecellobium spp. (native species) had intermediate yields of great interest since their multipurpose potential is the best of all 15 species. The forage potential of the exotic species (483–1684 kg DM//ha/year) were notably superior to native species (76–721 kg DM/ha/year). The firewood production volume varied between averages of 0.3–1.2 (native species) and 0.4–2.5 m3/ha/year (exotic species). This revised version was published online in June 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

对会同县杉木二代种子园立项背景、地理位置、自然条件、社会经济及优势基础作了简要论述,对种子园平面设计原则、区划及效果进行了扼要的描写。系统地总结了二代种子园建立的关键技术:包括定砧与砧木培育、种子园优树来源、优树标准、无性系配置、建园方式与嫁接管理等。  相似文献   

Mineral soil-capped, inverted mounds (a layer of organic matter topped by a mineral soil cap on an undisturbed in situ soil horizon) are often created as planting sites for tree seedlings in areas dominated by a very competitive grass, Calamagrostis canadensis. Mounding, however, has had variable success at slowing the spread of this grass into the planting sites. A series of three field experiments investigated the pattern of rhizome growth of C. canadensis into mounds. Experiment 1 tested the interaction of mound thickness and clonal connections of C. canadensis to plants outside the mounds; experiment 2 the removal of the organic layer containing most of the rhizomes (screefing) prior to mounding, and experiment 3 the effect of mulching and fertilising on penetration and distribution of rhizomes through the mound. The thickness of the mineral soil cap was the most important factor determining the success of C. canadensis colonisation, while clonal connections were only of importance for shallow mounds. Screefing before creating the mound resulted in a reduction of C. canadensis establishment. Rhizome penetration from plants outside of the mound was not strongly affected by fertilising and mulching. A fourth experiment, conducted in a controlled environment, tested the ability of rhizomes from buried C. canadensis sods to grow through mineral soil caps of different thickness. The grass sods had different growth potentials which were achieved by a pre-treatment of two levels of light and nutrients, resulting in high and low rhizome carbohydrate concentrations. Low reserves did not reduce the ability of rhizomes to penetrate any thickness of the mineral soil cap. Strategies of C. canadensis establishment on mounds are discussed.  相似文献   

Studies on litterfall and decomposition provide estimations of decomposition rates of different ecosystems.This is key information to understanding ecosystem dynamics and changes in a scenario of global warming.The objective of this research was to assess litterfall production,the potential deposition of macro and micronutrients through leaf and twig fall as well as macronutrient—use efficiency in three forest ecosystems at different altitudes: a pine forest mixed with deciduous species(S1); a Quercus spp.forest(S2); and,a Tamaulipan thornscrub forest(S3).Total annual litterfall deposition was 594,742 and 533 g m~(-2) for S1,S2 and S3.Leaf litter was higher (68%) than twigs(18%),reproductive structures(8%) or miscellaneous material(6%).Micronutrient leaf deposition was higher for Fe followed by Mn,Zn and Cu.Macronutrient leaf deposition was higher for Ca followed by K,Mg and P.Even though P deposition in leaves and twigs was lower than other macronutrients,its nutrient use efficiency was higher than Ca,Mg or K.Altitude and species composition determine litter and nutrient deposition,with higher values at mid-altitudes(550 m).Altitude is an important factor to consider when analyzing litter production as well as nutrient deposition as shown in this study.Litter production and nutrient deposition are expected to change in a scenario of global warming.  相似文献   

Interception loss, gross precipitation, throughfall and stemflow solution chemistry beneath pine (Pinus pseudostrobus Lindl.), oak (Quercus sp.) and pine-oak natural forest canopies in northeastern Mexico were measured. Coefficients of variation for throughfall were 12% in pine and oak canopies and 17% in the mixed pine-oak canopy. The variability of stemflow averaged 66, 126 and 73% for pine, oak and the mixed pine-oak canopies, respectively. Linear regression analysis of net versus gross precipitation for the three canopies showed highly significant correlations (r = 0.974-0.984). Total precipitation during the experimental period was 974 mm and estimated interception loss was 19.2, 13.6 and 23% for the pine, oak and pine-oak canopies, respectively. Stemflow did not occur following rainfall events of less than 4 mm and, in all canopies, stemflow represented a minimal proportion of gross precipitation (0.60, 0.50 and 0.03% for pine, oak and pine-oak, respectively). Throughfall pH in pine (6.2), oak (6.3) and pine-oak (6.3) canopies was significantly more acidic than gross precipitation (6.6). Stemflow pH ranged from 3.7 (pine) to 6.0 (oak). The pine-oak canopy registered the highest throughfall and stemflow electrical conductivities, 104 and 188 microS cm(-1), respectively. Net nutrient leaching of K, Mg, Na, Fe, Mn and Zn was significantly higher from the pine-oak canopy than from the pure pine and oak canopies. Mean depositions of Ca and Cu in throughfall behaved similarly among the three types of canopies. A greater proportion of Zn in gross precipitation was absorbed by the oak canopy than by the pine and pine-oak canopies. Enrichment factors beneath the pine-oak canopy relative to gross precipitation varied from 1.2 to 3.2 for macro-nutrients (Ca, K, Mg and Na) and from 1.4 to 3.1 for micro-nutrients (Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn). Stemflow depositions of Ca, K, Mg and Cu were higher in the pine-oak canopy, whereas stemflow depositions of Na, Fe, Mn and Zn were higher in the pine canopy.  相似文献   

The relationships between seed size, emergence, stand establishment and seedling height were examined in a trial comparing tree and shrub species as hedgerows for alley cropping in four environments in Haiti. Logarithmic functions relating % emergence, % stand establishment and seedling height to seed weight were positive and significant. These relationships were stronger when species weighing > 10 g 100−1 seed were excluded from the analysis. Higher R2 values were obtained regressing % stand than regressing % emergence on seed weight. Although exceptions were noted, a majority of species having seed weights between 2.5 g and 10 g 100−1 had good stands. Establishment was poor or inconsistent for species with seed < 2.5 g 100−1. The effect of seed size on height was more important for seed weights < 5 or 8.8 g 100−1, depending upon the site, than for larger seed. Species with < 2.5 g 100−1 seed are unsuitable for direct seeding where the chance of drought is high.  相似文献   

In many forests of the Alps, permanent forest cover and, therefore, its continuous renewal is the main silvicultural goal. Regenerating these forests must be based on a sound understanding of the ecology of the tree species in question. The regeneration of silver fir (Abies alba Mill.) and Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) in the upper montane zone of the southern central Alps has so far received little attention. The aim of this study was, therefore, to characterize the ecological niche for the establishment and growth of silver fir and Norway spruce seedlings in this zone. The study was conducted as a case study on a plot of 1.5 ha in the upper montane zone of southern Switzerland, at an altitude of 1380 m. The basal area of the mixed Norway spruce–silver fir stand was 43.7 m2 ha−1. Seedlings were censused on 375 plots of 1.0 m2 area. Seedling density was 1.30 ± 4.25 m−2 (mean ± standard deviation) for Norway spruce and 0.87 ± 1.50 m−2 for silver fir. Logistic regression models were used to test the effect of microsite characteristics on seedling occurrence, and general linear models for effects on seedling height growth and biomass increment. Most seedlings received less than 10% light (photosynthetic photon flux density) as compared to values in the open. Silver fir occurrence was positively related to microsites at the edge of canopy trees, but unrelated to ground cover type, light and micro-relief. Norway spruce occurrence was only, and positively, related to the presence of mosses. Height growth and biomass increment of seedlings of both species were only loosely correlated with microsite conditions. Seedlings without canopy cover grew faster than those under canopy cover, probably as a result of light and moisture limitations under the canopy of adult trees. Diffuse radiation was positively correlated with average annual biomass increment of silver fir, but not of Norway spruce seedlings. In general, the results suggest that silver fir seedlings have less specific microsite requirements than Norway spruce seedlings in terms of ground cover. They are also more shade tolerant, and therefore, grow faster than Norway spruce in low-light environments of the upper montane zone of the southern Alps. While the microsite concept can be helpful in designing silvicultural operations, it has limitations when only patch characteristics that are easy to assess are used, and others neglected. Finally, our study suggests that counting the number of green shoots is a promising method to quickly and non-destructively estimate the biomass of a great number of small seedlings.  相似文献   

Establishing trees in pastures can have production and conservation benefits, but is complicated by the presence of livestock. The need to protect seedlings from livestock increases tree establishment costs, which in turn, can deter landowners from planting trees. Living fences are a ubiquitous feature of pasture landscapes in the tropics that could help protect newly planted trees by preventing livestock trampling and browsing. This study quantified the effectiveness of a living fence in protecting tree seedlings during the first 2 years after planting. The four native tree species evaluated were: Cedrela odorata L., Pachira quinata (Jacq.) W.S. Alverson, Samanea saman (Jacq.) Merr., and Tabebuia rosea (Bertol.) A. DC. Results show that the living fence provided protection from livestock except in cases where tree species were highly palatable as forage (i.e. P. quinata). Trees planted into the living fence generally had greater survival (62 vs. 28%), relative growth (10.3 times initial height vs. 5.8 times initial height), and final height (191 cm vs. 108 cm) compared to those planted in open pasture after 2 years. However, survival and growth of trees planted into the fence remained lower than that observed at a nearby plantation with no livestock, regular weeding and no living fences. This study indicates that use of living fences as a protective barrier could be an effective low-cost approach for establishing trees in tropical pasture landscapes.
E. W. BorkEmail:

四川桤木选优及实生种子园营建技术   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
以四川桤木在湖南省生长特性研究的基础上。确立了形质指标、生长指标、材性指标选择四川桤木优树的标准和方法。并分类特别速生型、特别抗旱型、特别耐瘠薄型实选了湖南省桤木实生种子园的建园材料149个。为控制共祖率和减少近交的抑制作用,对园址选择、园地区划、家系配置、园地管理进行了研究和介绍。  相似文献   

Wightman  Kevyn Elizabeth  Shear  Ted  Goldfarb  Barry  Haggar  Jeremy 《New Forests》2001,22(1-2):75-96
Seedlings of three economically important and ecologicallydifferent native hardwoods, Cordia alliodora (Boraginaceae),Hyeronima alchorneoides (Euphorbiaceae), and Calophyllumbrasiliense (Clusiaceae), were grown in Rootrainers® (abook-type container), paper pots, and plastic bags filled witheither soil, soil with fertilizer, or compost substrates. Aftertransplanting in the field, treatments with and withoutfertilizer and herbicide were applied to all nursery stock types.In the nursery, species responded primarily to substrate type.Cordia grew better in bags of soil with NPK fertilizer andcompost than in unamended soil, probably responding to highernitrogen availability. Despite large treatment differences atplanting, there were no significant differences in plant sizeafter one year in the field between book containers and bags. Theexception were stump plants that were shorter and had highermortality. Hyeronima grew better in compost than in soil with orwithout fertilizer, probably responding to higher phosphorusavailability and lower bulk density of the compost. Plantsproduced in compost were also bigger after one year's fieldgrowth. Plants produced with soil or in paper pots had highermortality. Calophyllum grew less in compost compared to soil andgrew better when micronutrients were added to the compost andsoil. In the field, seedling produced in soil or withmicronutrients had higher survival or growth, respectively. Ingeneral, species grew better with herbicide and fertilizerapplication after transplanting. However, there were nointeractions with nursery treatments. Responses to fieldtreatments were independent and thus additive to the nurserytreatments. Differences in species response can be related tobiomass allocation patterns and ecology of the species.  相似文献   

Larix olgensis is one of the important commercial timber tree species in northeastern China, but it does not naturally regenerate in L. olgensis forests even after cutting. To identify the causes of the regeneration failure, the authors tested the effects of site preparation in a thinned stand and in a clearcut on the emergence and early establishment of L. olgensis seedlings. The results indicated that there was no correlation between cumulative emergence percentage (CEP) of L. olgensis seedlings and canopy openness, but the CEP was significantly affected by site preparation (< 0.001). The average seedling survival rates after treatments consisting of removing both litter cover and understory vegetation cover were significantly higher in the clearcut than in the thinned stand (< 0.001). Without site preparation, all seedlings in both the thinned stand and the clearcut disappeared within the first growing season, meaning that ground cover (understory vegetation cover and litter cover) was not beneficial to seedling survival. The average growth of seedlings exhibited significant differences between the thinned stand and the clearcut, and among the site preparations (< 0.001). Intensely thinned stands without ground cover improved seedling growth. These results imply that light and ground cover might be the main factors limiting the early establishment of L. olgensis seedlings in managed plantation forests  相似文献   

A study was conducted to examine the germination requirements of Cedrela odorata, Guaiacum sanctum and Calycophyllum candidissimum seeds, and the effect of light intensity on survival and growth of C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seedlings planted on open, partially-open and beneath the canopy of a dry forest in Nicaragua. The results show that germination of C. Candidissimum seeds was significantly higher in light than darkness at constant temperatures ranging from 20–35oC. Both C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seeds germinated in light and darkness to a varying extent, and the optimal germination temperature was around 20-25oC. Alternating temperature regimes did not improve germination. Survival of G. Sanctum seedlings was 70% beneath the canopy and 80% in the open, and its relative growth rate in collar diameter was 1.88 mm/month in the open and 1.42 mm/month in the understory. Survival was generally poor for C. Odorata, particularly in the understory. We concluded that light is an absolute requirement for the germination of C. Candidissimum seeds while germination of C. Odorata and G. Sanctum seeds are more sensitive to temperature. Owing to its high survival rate on open site, G. Sanctum could serve as a candidate species for reforestation of degraded sites.  相似文献   

In order to determine the influences of environmental factors on seed germination and to identify the effects of germination characteristics on seedling establishment for Sasa veitchii var. hirsuta, germination experiments and a survey on current seedling dynamics were conducted in a natural habitat after mass flowering. The results of the germination experiments revealed that the seeds require a low-temperature environment for germination; those exposed to low-temperature conditions for a time similar to the length of winter (4 months of low-temperature conditions) germinated gradually, while those exposed for longer (>4 months of low-temperature conditions) germinated rapidly. These results were compatible with field observations indicating that seedlings emerged from June to October in the year after mass flowering, and they suggested this germination characteristic (i.e., variation of germination timing due to seed dormancy) may play an ecological function in spreading risk (although it may also increase the potential for seed predation). The results also revealed that stronger light and alternating temperature conditions had no effect on germination, whereas high temperatures and drying had negative effects. The outcomes of the survey on current seedling dynamics revealed that the seedling establishment ratio was high in a forest understory compared to that seen at a site where solar radiation was strong and soil water content was low. This implies that germination characteristics may promote seedling establishment in forest understory.  相似文献   

We studied the establishment of natural seedlings after seed tree cutting and scalping in two drained Scots pine peatland stands in northern Finland (Simo and Sievi). Approximately, 50?ha?1 of Scots pine stems were retained on both sites. During the six subsequent years, five seedling surveys were conducted. The effect of site preparation was analysed using generalized linear mixed models (GLMM). The mean density of pine seedlings increased more quickly in the scalped plots and was ca. 1.1?m?2 after six years compared to 0.87?m?2 in the non-scalped plots, on average. Scalping increased the number of pine seedlings 2-fold compared to that in non-treated plots in Simo, however, in Sievi non-treated plots had 30% higher pine seedling density after six years. Downy birch seedling density was 9–10-fold compared to that of non-treated plots in both sites. In terms of seedling density, seed tree cutting led to satisfactory pine regeneration after just two growing seasons in drained pine peatlands, even without scalping. Scalping significantly increased the number of pine seedlings, but it also enhanced the germination of birch seedlings strongly.  相似文献   

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