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Excessive amounts of irrigation water and fertilizers are often utilized for early potato cultivation in the Mediterranean basin. Given that water is expensive and limited in the semi-arid areas and that fertilizers above a threshold level often prove inefficacious for production purposes but still risk nitrate and phosphorous pollution of groundwater, it is crucial to provide an adequate irrigation and fertilization management. With the aim of achieving an appropriate combination of irrigation water and nutrient application in cultivation management of a potato crop in a Mediterranean environment, a 2-year experiment was conducted in Sicily (South Italy). The combined effects of 3 levels of irrigation (irrigation only at plant emergence, 50% and 100% of the maximum evapotranspiration - ETM) and 3 levels of mineral fertilization (low: 50, 25 and 75 kg ha−1, medium: 100, 50 and 150 kg ha−1 and high: 300, 100 and 450 kg ha−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O) were studied on the tuber yield and yield components, on both water irrigation and fertilizer productivity and on the plant source/sink (canopy/tubers dry weight) ratio. The results show a marked interaction between level of irrigation and level of fertilization on tuber yield, on Irrigation Water Productivity and on fertilizer productivity of the potato crop. We found that the treatments based on 50% ETM and a medium level of fertilization represent a valid compromise in early potato cultivation management. Compared to the high combination levels of irrigation and fertilization, this treatment entails a negligible reduction in tuber yield to save 90 mm ha−1 year−1 of irrigation water and 200, 50 and 300 kg ha−1 year−1 of N, P2O5 and K2O, respectively, with notable economic savings for farmers compared to the spendings that are usually made.  相似文献   

Chickpea (Cicer arietinum L.) is one of the most important pulse crops in the world, cultivated on a wide range of environments. In Mediterranean regions, it is traditionally grown as a spring-sown rainfed crop, very dependent on rainfall. In this situation, supplemental irrigation can improve significantly the crop yield. The objective of this study was to evaluate the improvement on chickpea crop yield and water productivity (WP) of five chickpea varieties with supplemental irrigation, in the Mediterranean conditions, with both dry and wet years. Field tests were carried out over two cropping seasons, in Southern Portugal, using three kabuli-type and two desi-type chickpea varieties and four irrigation treatments, corresponding to 100, 50, 25 % of crop irrigation requirements (IR) and rainfed. The results show that all chickpea varieties responded to supplemental irrigation with the increase in grain and biomass yield. However, the magnitude of individual chickpea response depends on the year and the genotype. In 2009, a dry year, the highest WP values were attained at the 50 % IR treatment, whereas in 2010, a wet year, it was the rainfed treatment that showed the highest WP values. The Elixir variety showed the best grain yields and water productivity.  相似文献   

This study examines whether there are any beneficial effects of magnetic treatment of different irrigation water types on water productivity and yield of snow pea, celery and pea plants. Replicated pot experiments involving magnetically treated and non-magnetically treated potable water (tap water), recycled water and saline water (500 ppm and 1000 ppm NaCl for snow peas; 1500 ppm and 3000 ppm for celery and peas) were conducted in glasshouse under controlled environmental conditions during April 2007 to December 2008 period at University of Western Sydney, Richmond Campus (Australia). A magnetic treatment device with its magnetic field in the range of 3.5-136 mT was used for the magnetic treatment of irrigation water. The analysis of the data collected during the study suggests that the effects of magnetic treatment varied with plant type and the type of irrigation water used, and there were statistically significant increases in plant yield and water productivity (kg of fresh or dry produce per kL of water used). In particular, the magnetic treatment of recycled water and 3000 ppm saline water respectively increased celery yield by 12% and 23% and water productivity by 12% and 24%. For snow peas, there were 7.8%, 5.9% and 6.0% increases in pod yield with magnetically treated potable water, recycled water and 1000 ppm saline water, respectively. The water productivity of snow peas increased by 12%, 7.5% and 13% respectively for magnetically treated potable water, recycled water and 1000 ppm saline water. On the other hand, there was no beneficial effect of magnetically treated irrigation water on the yield and water productivity of peas. There was also non-significant effect of magnetic treatment of water on the total water used by any of the three types of vegetable plants tested in this study. As to soil properties after plant harvest, the use of magnetically treated irrigation water reduced soil pH but increased soil EC and available P in celery and snow pea. Overall, the results indicate some beneficial effect of magnetically treated irrigation water, particularly for saline water and recycled water, on the yield and water productivity of celery and snow pea plants under controlled environmental conditions. While the findings of this glasshouse study are interesting, the potential of the magnetic treatment of irrigation water for crop production needs to be further tested under field conditions to demonstrate clearly its beneficial effects on the yield and water productivity.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 2 years to investigate the effects of deficit irrigation, nitrogen and plant growth minerals on seed cotton yield, water productivity and yield response factor. The treatment comprises six levels of deficit irrigation (Etc 1.0, 0.9, 0.8, 0.7, 0.6 and 0.5) and four levels of nitrogen (80, 120, 160 and 200 kg N ha−1). These were treatments superimposed with and without plant growth mineral spray. Furrow irrigation treatments were also kept. Cotton variety Ankur-651 Bt was grown during 2006 and 2007 cotton season. Drip irrigation at 1.0 Etc saved 26.9% water and produced 43.1% higher seed cotton yield over conventional furrow irrigation (1.0 Etc). Imposing irrigation deficit of 0.8 Etc caused significant reduction in seed cotton yield to the tune of 9.3% of the maximum yield. Further increase in deficit irrigation from 0.7 Etc to 0.5 Etc significantly decreased seed cotton yield over its subsequent higher irrigation level. Decline in the yield under deficit irrigation was associated with reduction in number of bolls plant−1 and boll weight. Nitrogen at 200 kg ha−1 significantly increased mean seed cotton yield by 36.3% over 80 kg N ha−1. Seed cotton yield tended to increase linearly up to 200 kg N ha−1 with drip Etc 0.8 to drip Etc 1.0. With drip Etc 0.6-0.5, N up to 160 kg ha−1 provided the highest yield, thereafter it had declined. Foliar spray of plant growth mineral (PGM) brought about significant improvement in seed cotton yield by 14.1% over control. The water productivity ranged from 0.331 to 0.491 kg m−3 at different irrigation and N levels. On pooled basis, crop yield response factor of 0.87 was calculated at 20% irrigation deficit.  相似文献   

In the dry areas, water, not land, is the most limiting resource for improved agricultural production. Maximizing water productivity, and not yield per unit of land, is therefore a better strategy for dry farming systems. Under such conditions, more efficient water management techniques must be adopted. Supplemental irrigation (SI) is a highly efficient practice with great potential for increasing agricultural production and improving livelihoods in the dry rainfed areas. In the drier environments, most of the rainwater is lost by evaporation; therefore the rainwater productivity is extremely low. Water harvesting can improve agriculture by directing and concentrating rainwater through runoff to the plants and other beneficial uses. It was found that over 50% of lost water can be recovered at a very little cost. However, socioeconomic and environmental benefits of this practice are far more important than increasing agricultural water productivity. This paper highlights the major research findings regarding improving water productivity in the dry rainfed region of West Asia and North Africa. It shows that substantial and sustainable improvements in water productivity can only be achieved through integrated farm resources management. On-farm water-productive techniques if coupled with improved irrigation management options, better crop selection and appropriate cultural practices, improved genetic make-up, and timely socioeconomic interventions will help to achieve this objective. Conventional water management guidelines should be revised to ensure maximum water productivity instead of land productivity.  相似文献   

Chickpea is one of the major legume crops grown in the West Asia and North Africa (WANA) region. It has considerable importance as a food, feed and fodder. Traditionally, it is sown in spring as a rainfed crop in the region, which has highly variable and often insufficient rainfall. It is, therefore, largely raised on residual moisture, which results in low and variable yields and discourages farmers from investing inputs in its production. In the early 1990s, a winter-sown chickpea technology was developed that outweighs spring-sown chickpea in terms of productivity, water use efficiency and other traits. Limited supplemental irrigation can, however, play a major role in boosting and stabilizing the productivity of both spring-sown and winter-sown chickpea. Therefore, we investigated the effect of supplemental irrigation and sowing date on yield and water use efficiency in winter-sown chickpea.An experiment was carried out over four cropping seasons (1997–2001) at ICARDA’s main station at Tel Hadya, Aleppo, northern Syria (mean annual rainfall 330 mm). A cold-tolerant chickpea cultivar with improved resistance to ascochyta blight (ILC 3279, released as Ghab 2 in Syria) was grown in rotation with wheat. The experiment included three sowing dates (late November, mid-January, and late February) and four levels of supplemental irrigation (SI): full SI, 2/3 SI, 1/3 SI, and no SI, i.e. rainfed. The plots were replicated three times in a split-plot design, with date of sowing being the main plot treatment. Soil water content was monitored at approximately at 7–14-day intervals using a neutron probe. Crop evapotranspiration was determined for each subplot during each time interval, from sowing to harvest, using the soil-water balance equation. Water use efficiency was determined as the ratio of crop yield per unit area to seasonal evapotranspiration.The results showed that chickpea yield per unit area increases with both earlier sowing and increased SI. However, water use efficiency under supplemental irrigation decreases with earlier sowing, due to the relatively large increase that occurs in the amount of evapotranspiration at early sowing dates. The study’s results indicated that a 2/3 SI level gives the optimum water use efficiency for chickpea under supplemental irrigation. Under rainfed conditions, however, it was found that sowing chickpea around mid-January resulted in the highest WUE. The analysis also proposed a function, based on regression, which relates winter-sown chickpea yield to water use and which is applicable under both supplemental and rainfed conditions.  相似文献   

A field experiment was conducted for 3 consecutive years to study the effects of water deficit on yield, water productivity and net return of wheat. Yield attributes were affected by deficit irrigation treatments although they are not statistically different in all cases. The grain and straw yields were significantly affected by treatments. The highest grain yield was obtained with the no-deficit treatment. Differences in grain and straw yield among the partial- (single- or two-stage deficit) and no-deficit treatments are small and statistically insignificant in most cases. The highest water productivity and productivity of irrigation water were obtained in the alternate deficit treatment (T7), where deficits were imposed at maximum tillering (jointing to shooting) and flowering to soft dough stages of growth period, followed by single irrigation at crown root initiation stage. Under both land- and water-limiting conditions, the alternate deficit strategy (T7) showed maximum net financial return. The results will be helpful in policy planning regarding irrigation management for maximizing net financial returns from limited land and water resources.  相似文献   

Camelina sativa (L.) Crantz is a promising, biodiesel-producing oilseed that could potentially be implemented as a low-input alternative crop for production in the arid southwestern USA. However, little is known about camelina’s water use, irrigation management, and agronomic characteristics in this arid environment. Camelina experiments were conducted for 2 years (January to May in 2008 and 2010) in Maricopa, Arizona, to evaluate the effectiveness of previously developed heat unit and remote sensing basal crop coefficient (K cb ) methods for predicting camelina crop evapotranspiration (ET) and irrigation scheduling. Besides K cb methods, additional treatment factors included two different irrigation scheduling soil water depletion (SWD) levels (45 and 65 %) and two levels of seasonal N applications within a randomized complete block design with 4 blocks. Soil water content measurements taken in all treatment plots and applied in soil water balance calculations were used to evaluate the predicted ET. The heat-unit K cb method was updated and validated during the second experiment to predict ET to within 12–13 % of the ET calculated by the soil water balance. The remote sensing K cb method predicted ET within 7–10 % of the soil water balance. Seasonal ET from the soil water balance was significantly greater for the remote sensing than heat-unit K cb method and significantly greater for the 45 than 65 % SWD level. However, final seed yield means, which varied from 1,500 to 1,640 kg ha?1 for treatments, were not significantly different between treatments or years. Seed oil contents averaged 45 % in both years. Seed yield was found to be linearly related to seasonal ET with maximum yield occurring at about 470–490 mm of seasonal ET. Differences in camelina seed yields due to seasonal N applications (69–144 kg N ha?1 over the 2 years) were not significant. Further investigations are needed to characterize camelina yield response over a wider range of irrigation and N inputs.  相似文献   

Irrigation plays an important role in increasing food production in China. The impact of irrigation on crop yield (Y), crop water productivity (CWP), and production has not been quantified systematically across regions covering the whole country. In this study, a GIS-based EPIC model (GEPIC) was applied to simulate Y and CWP for winter wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in China at a grid resolution of 5 arc-minutes and to analyze the impacts of reducing irrigation water on wheat production. The findings show that irrigation is especially important in improving CWP of winter wheat in the North China Plain (NCP), the “bread basket” of China. On average, the provincial aggregate CWP was 56% higher under the irrigated than that under the rainfed conditions. The intensification of water stress and the associated increase in environmental problems in much of the NCP require critical thoughts about reducing water allocation for irrigated winter wheat. Two scenarios for irrigation reduction in the NCP provinces are presented: reducing irrigation depth (S1), and replacing irrigated winter wheat by rainfed winter wheat (S2). The simulation results show that S1 and S2 have similar effects on wheat production when the reduction in irrigation water supply is below 20% of the current level. Above this percentage, S2 appears to be a better scenario since it leads to less reduction in wheat production with the same amount of water saving.  相似文献   

为推动再生水灌溉作物的适宜性分类,该文研究了再生水灌溉对果菜类蔬菜产量与品质的影响。结果表明,再生水处理与对照处理相比可显著增加果菜类蔬菜产量,其中,西红柿、黄瓜平均增产15.1%、23.6%。茄子、豆角增产60.7%、7.4%。再生水灌溉对果实含水率、粗蛋白、氨基酸含量、可溶性总糖、维生素C、粗灰分、硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐等品质或营养指标无显著影响,再生水灌溉处理硝酸盐、亚硝酸盐含量低于标准限值。研究为再生水适宜灌溉的作物筛选提供了技术依据。  相似文献   

咸水灌溉对土壤水盐分布和小麦产量的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在石羊河流域中游开展田间灌溉试验,试验设置3种灌水量,灌溉定额分别为355,280,205 mm(W1,W2和W3);4种灌水矿化度0.7,3.0,5.0和7.0 g/L(S1,S2,S3和S4),共12个处理,每个处理3组重复.研究结果表明:淡水灌溉条件下,土壤积盐率不超过15%,当灌水矿化度在3.0 g/L以上时,土壤剖面盐分积累峰值在20~40 cm层,灌溉水带入的盐分有40%~80%积累在60 cm深度.当灌水矿化度为3.0 g/L时,盐分胁迫造成春小麦减产在10%以下;灌水矿化度为5.0 g/L和7.0 g/L时,春小麦减产严重,最高可达28%.相同灌水矿化度条件下,与充分灌溉(W1)相比,W2和W3分别减产10%和15%左右.拔节期-灌浆期是春小麦需水关键期,灌水要及时,3种灌水量均可以保证春小麦根区含水量维持在田间持水量的60%~80%.因此,3.0 g/L的微咸水灌溉不会造成春小麦大幅减产,合理调控灌水时间,灌水量为205~355mm可以保证春小麦土壤含水量维持在适宜的水平.  相似文献   

为合理高效利用河北低平原区浅层地下咸水资源,采用田间试验的方法,系统研究了不同矿化度(1,2,4,6,8 g/L)灌溉水对土壤盐分分布与冬小麦产量的影响.结果表明,随灌溉水中矿化度的增加,0~20 cm厚度的土层土壤容重增加,同时土壤孔隙率逐渐降低.与淡水处理(1 g/L)相比,矿化度为2 g/L的灌溉水浇灌的麦田0~100 cm土层土壤平均盐分含量未出现明显增加;冬小麦拔节期、孕穗期和抽穗期的叶面积指数、株高以及单位面积穗数、穗粒数、千粒质量和籽粒产量未呈现明显差异.然而,当灌溉水矿化度增加到4 g/L以上时,0~100 cm土层土壤平均盐分含量大幅增加,植株生长受到明显抑制,籽粒产量出现显著下降,减产主要因素为咸水灌溉导致的冬小麦穗数减少.在该灌溉模式下,推荐冬小麦咸水灌溉的适宜矿化度低于2 g/L.  相似文献   

华北平原农业灌溉用水非常紧缺,水资源日益缺乏与粮食需求日益增多之间的矛盾尖锐。充分利用微咸水资源是缓解这一矛盾的重要途径之一。该文以中国农业大学曲周试验站1997-2005年冬小麦和夏玉米微咸水灌溉田间长期定位试验为基础,研究了充分淡水、充分淡咸水、关键期淡水、关键期淡咸水和不灌溉等5个处理下土壤饱和电导率和含盐量的动态变化,探讨了微咸水灌溉对冬小麦和夏玉米产量的影响。结果表明:土壤水盐动态呈受灌溉和降雨影响的短期波动和受季节更替影响的长期波动;在正常降雨年份,使用微咸水进行灌溉是可行的,不会导致土壤的次生盐渍化;微咸水灌溉虽然导致冬小麦和夏玉米产量降低10%~15%,但节约淡水资源60%~75%。如果降雨量达到多年平均水平以及微咸水灌溉制度制订合理,微咸水用于冬小麦/玉米田间灌溉前景广阔。  相似文献   

A field study on cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L., cv.) was carried out from 2005 to 2008 in the Çukurova Region, Eastern Mediterranean, Turkey. Treatments were designated as I100 full irrigation; DI70, DI50 and DI00 which received 70, 50, and 0% of the irrigation water amount applied in the I100 treatment. The irrigation water amount to be applied to the plots was calculated using cumulative pan evaporation that occurred during the irrigation intervals. The effect of water deficit or water stress on crop yield and some plant growth parameters such as yield response, water use efficiencies, dry matter yield (DM), leaf area index (LAI) as well as on lint quality components was evaluated. The average seasonal evapotranspiration ranged from 287 ± 15 (DI00) to 584 ± 80 mm (I100). Deficit irrigation significantly affected crop yield and all yield components considered in this study. The average seed cotton yield varied from 1369 ± 197 (DI00) to 3397 ± 508 kg ha−1 (I100). The average water use efficiency (WUEET) ranged from 6.0 ± 1.6 (I100) to 4.8 ± 0.9 kg ha−1 mm−1 (DI00), while average irrigation water use efficiency (WUEI) was between 9.4 ± 3.0 (I100) and 14.4 ± 4.8 kg ha−1 mm−1 (DI50). Deficit irrigation increased the harvest index (HI) values from 0.26 ± 0.054 (I100) to 0.32 ± 0.052 kg kg−1 (DI50). Yield response factor (Ky) was determined to be 0.98 based on four-year average. Leaf area index (LAI) and dry matter yields (DM) increased with increasing water use. This study demonstrated that the full irrigated treatment (I100) should be used for semiarid conditions with no water shortage. However, DI70 treatment needs to be considered as a viable alternative for the development of reduced irrigation strategies in semiarid regions where irrigation water supplies are limited.  相似文献   

Water use efficiency and yield of barley were determined in a field experiment using different irrigation waters with and without nitrogen fertilizer on a sandy to loamy sand soil during 1994–1995 and 1995–1996. Depending upon different fertilizer treatments, the overall mean crop yield ranges for two crop seasons were: greenmatter from 19.48–55.0 Mg ha−1 (well water) and 21.92–66.5 Mg ha−1 (aquaculture effluent); drymatter from 6.86–20.69 Mg ha−1 (well water) and 7.87–20.90 Mg ha−1 (aquaculture effluent); biomass from 4.12–21.31 Mg ha−1 (well water) and 8.10–19.94 Mg ha−1 (aquaculture effluent) and grain yield from 2.12–5.50 Mg ha−1 (well water) and 3.25–7.25 Mg ha−1 (aquaculture effluent). The WUE for grain yield was 3.37–8.74 kg ha−1 mm−1 (well water) and 5.17–11.53 kg ha−1 mm−1 (aquaculture effluent). The WUE for total biomass ranged between 6.55–33.88 kg−1 ha−1 mm−1 (well water) and 12.88–31.70 kg ha−1 mm−1 (aquaculture effluent). The WUE for drymatter was 10.91–32.90 kg ha−1 mm−1 (well water) and 12.51–33.22 kg ha−1 mm−1 (aquaculture effluent). It was found that grain yield and WUE obtained in T-4 and T-5 irrigated with well water and receiving 75 and 100% nitrogen requirements were comparable with T-4 and T-5 irrigated with aquaculture effluent and receiving 0 and 25% nitrogen requirements. In conclusion, application of 100 to 150 kg N ha−1 for well water and up to 50 kg N ha−1 for aquaculture effluent irrigation containing 40 Mg N l−1 would be sufficient to obtain optimum grain yield and higher WUE of barley in Saudi Arabia.  相似文献   

Population increase and the improvement of living standards brought about by development will result in a sharp increase in food demand during the next decades. Most of this increase will be met by the products of irrigated agriculture. At the same time, the water input per unit irrigated area will have to be reduced in response to water scarcity and environmental concerns. Water productivity is projected to increase through gains in crop yield and reductions in irrigation water. In order to meet these projections, irrigation systems will have to be modernized and optimised. Water productivity can be defined in a number of ways, although it always represents the output of a given activity (in economic terms, if possible) divided by some expression of water input. Five expressions for this indicator were identified, using different approaches to water input. A hydrological analysis of water productivity poses a number of questions on the choice of the water input expression. In fact, when adopting a basin-wide perspective, irrigation return flows often can not be considered as net water losses. A number of irrigation modernization and optimization measures are discussed in the paper. Particular attention was paid to the improvement of irrigation management, which shows much better economic return than the improvement of the irrigation structures. The hydrological effects of these improvements may be deceiving, since they will be accompanied by larger crop evapotranspiration and even increased cropping intensity. As a consequence, less water will be available for alternative uses.  相似文献   

Efficiently controlling soil water content with irrigation is essential for water conservation and often improves potato yield. Volumetric soil water content (θv) in relation to irrigation, plant uptake, and yield in potato hills and replicated plots was studied to evaluate four water management options. Measurements of θv using a hammer driven probe were used to derive a θv index representing the relative θv status of replicated plots positioned along a hill slope. Time series for θv were determined using time domain reflectometry (TDR) probes at 5 and 15 cm depths at the center, shoulder, and furrow locations in potato hills. Sap flow was determined using flow collars in replicated field plots for four treatments: un-irrigated, sprinkler, surface drip, and sub-surface drip irrigation (40 cm depth). Irrigated yields were high/low as the θv index was low/high suggesting θv excess was a production problem in the wetter portions of the study area. The diurnal pattern of sap flow was reflected in the θv fluctuation it induces at hill locations with appreciable uptake. Hill locations with higher plant uptake were drier as was the case for the 5 cm (dry) depth relative to the 15 cm (wet) depth and for locations in the hill (dry) relative to the furrow (wet). The surface drip system had the lowest water use requirement because it delivers water directly to the hill locations where uptake is greatest. The sub-surface drip system wetted the hill gradually (1-2 days). Measurement of the θv index prior to experimental establishment could improve future experimental design for treatment comparisons.  相似文献   

Irrigation policy makers and managers need information on the irrigation performance and productivity of water at various scales to devise appropriate water management strategies, in particular considering dwindling water availability, further threats from climate change, and continually rising population and food demand. In practice it is often difficult to access sufficient water supply and use data to determine crop water consumption and irrigation performance. Energy balance techniques using remote sensing data have been developed by various researchers over the last 20 years, and can be used as a tool to directly estimate actual evapotranspiration, i.e., water consumption. This study demonstrates how remote sensing-based estimates of water consumption and water stress combined with secondary agricultural production data can provide better estimates of irrigation performance, including water productivity, at a variety of scales than alternative options. A principle benefit of the described approach is that it allows identification of areas where agricultural performance is less than potential, thereby providing insights into where and how irrigation systems can be managed to improve overall performance and increase water productivity in a sustainable manner. To demonstrate the advantages, the approach was applied in Rechna Doab irrigation system of Pakistan’s Punjab Province. Remote sensing-based indicators reflecting equity, adequacy, reliability and water productivity were estimated. Inter- and intra-irrigation subdivision level variability in irrigation performance, associated factors and improvement possibilities are discussed.  相似文献   

The effect of first irrigation (26, 40 and 54 days after seeding) and the rate of irrigation (5.5, 7.5 and 9.5 cm) applied subsequently at IWEpan ratio of 0.9 on wheat root distribution, water extraction pattern and grain yield was studied on a barrier-free, sandy loam soil. The crop developed a more extensive root system when the first irrigation was applied after 26 days than after 40 and 54 days. With the first irrigation on the 26th day, the crop, receiving subsequent irrigations less frequently but at a heavier rate, developed a deeper root system than the crop receiving frequent, light irrigations. The water extraction pattern corresponded with the root distribution pattern. A relatively small difference in root density in the deeper layers caused a greater difference in soil water content than in the upper layers. Light and frequent irrigations produced maximum grain yields. However, for developing an extensive root system and enhancing water utilization in the subsoil, an early, light irrigation with subsequent irrigations applied less frequently at a relatively heavier rate seems desirable.  相似文献   

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