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在早年营造的针叶混交林中,由于树种的遗传性不同,红松处于被压状态,营养生长和生殖生长受到严重抑制。本文分析了人工针叶混交林改建林分和未改建林分红松球果产量与经济效益的差异,球果产量2者相差33.1倍,产值2者相差48.6倍。说明通过疏伐改建,培育红松果材兼用经济林是可行的。  相似文献   

Throughfall varies in space, which complicates measurements and makes it difficult to achieve accurate spatial representation. In the present research, we measured gross rainfall and throughfall from May 2011 to September 2012, leaf area index, and locations of trees within a Pinus tabulaeformis plantation forest in the Loess Plateau of northwestern China. The spatial heterogeneity of throughfall and related factors, as well as the minimum number and locations of collectors needed to measure throughfall accurately, were analyzed by statistical techniques. The results indicated that the throughfall was concentrated at the canopy edge, indicating that the edge of the canopy of P. tabulaeformis had a convergence effect on throughfall. The analysis of semivariance of throughfall demonstrated that canopy structure was a key factor influencing spatial variation of throughfall in low rainfall events, but measurement errors and other nonspatial variables were the primary factors affecting the variation of throughfall in high rainfall events. Based on the mean throughfall at different proportions of canopy radius centered on the individual tree stem, the minimum number and locations of collectors needed to accurately measure throughfall was estimated. In this study, four rain collectors (diameter 20?cm) at the 3/5 canopy radius could reasonably represent the average throughfall under the individual P. tabulaeformis canopy.  相似文献   

《Southern Forests》2013,75(4):217-227
The aim of site quality assessment of Pinus radiata plantations is to determine the quality and productivity of the growing stock at different sites. It provides a useful indication of the site productivity to assist in the allocation of optimum thinning and fertiliser regimes and the scheduling of silvicultural operations. The predominant stand height (PDH) at a specific reference age, also known as site index (SI), is often used for site quality assessment of Pinus radiata plantations in Australia, as it is closely correlated with site productivity. However, measuring PDH in the field can be a time- and resource-consuming task. This paper proposes the use of light detection and ranging (LiDAR) data to estimate PDH for assessing the site quality of Pinus radiata. LiDAR provides highly accurate digital elevation and surface data that can be used to build a canopy height model (CHM). In this study, the state-of-the-art image segmentation technique, marker-controlled watershed segmentation, was employed for identifying locations of individual trees and estimating their heights from a CHM. Using an empirically derived SI equation, PDHs with reference age 11 years (SI11) were estimated from the tallest trees identified in each forest stand, and were then used to determine the site quality class for each stand. The comparison of LiDAR-derived tree heights with field measurements produced an RMSE value of 0.42 m. The maximum horizontal distance between the field-measured locations of individual trees and the LiDAR-detected locations of their treetops was 1.87 m. Site quality classification was conducted in terms of 0.05 ha gridded plots, which revealed more detailed spatial variations of site quality across the study area than classification based on management plots. The study demonstrated that LiDAR provides an effective and accurate method for site quality classification of Pinus radiata.  相似文献   

About 90% of the annual losses of tropical rain forests are caused by transformation into arable land. Most of the cropping activities on the former forest land are characterised by low input, partly shifting cultivation practices, leading to fast degradation of the lands which are finally abandoned owing to infertility. Success in protecting land from further degradation is determined by the economic viability of the respective system. Therefore, sustainability of agricultural systems depends on their economic sustainability. Intensive plantation cropping on former rain forest land appears to offer such an incentive to prevent the land from further degradation by employing the best technology available.Examples of intensive oil palm cultivation as a sustainable cropping system, in terms of economy and ecology, are given. Oil palm cultivation in a suitable environment outyields most annual crops and reveals a significant potential for efficient conversion of solar energy.With the employment of sound agronomic measures the present production potential can be fully realised and new techniques in the production of tissue cultured planting material provide further improved economic viability and environmentally sound cropping systems. Such an intensification offers excellent prospects for reducing the rate of deforestation in the humid tropics.  相似文献   

To add to knowledge of ectomycorrhizal (ECM) community structure on the roots of Pinus thunbergii seedlings in a Japanese coastal forest, we sampled naturally regenerated current-year and 1- to 5-year-old seedlings. We classified the 667 root tips on current-year seedlings and the 1,927 root tips on older seedlings into 13 phylotypes based on morphological and genetic analyses. Cenococcum geophilum, members of the families Clavulinaceae, Russulaceae, or Thelephoraceae or the genus Trichophaea, were indicated to be fungi forming P. thunbergii ectomycorrhizas. Among them, C. geophilum and Clavulinaceae sp. 1 were the most or second most dominant species. A species accumulation curve based on the number of samples nearly reached a plateau, with observed species richness equal to 11 species and the Jackknife2 and Chao2 richness estimators indicating 14 and 12 species, respectively. In addition, Simpson’s 1/D was 3.89 and Shannon–Wiener’s H′ was 1.71, indicating a relatively low taxonomic diversity. There was no significant difference in the ectomycorrhizal formation rate, or the occurrence frequency and the number of ECM phylotypes between current-year and older seedlings. These results indicated that less diverse fungi were involved in ectomycorrhizal formation on coastal pine seedlings compared with those in comparable inland forests in the study area.  相似文献   

In the 1990s, an expansion of small-scale (farm) forestry in medium to low rainfall areas was considered to be an important part of increasing the national forest estate but it remains a very minor source of timber, largely confined to the higher rainfall areas. In most areas, returns from timber are much less than for alternative land uses, even with low discount rates. If however, there are additional returns from plantation grazing and carbon sequestration and there are other potential management gains, multiple use plantations may be more attractive. The goal of this study is to estimate the net present values of multiple use spotted gum plantations in a medium rainfall area of southeast Queensland. For the case study, production, carbon sequestration and emissions data were supplemented by formal and informal interviews with landholders, sawmill staff and government extension personnel. Forest inventory, biomass and soil sampling, and stakeholder interviews were used as sources of primary data. The costs and benefits data were converted into monetary terms and discounted to produce net present values. Evaluations in this study identify the optimal rotation age of plantations to be 33–34?years. This is the case if including carbon and stock values, and using either farm- or factory-gate timber prices. The net present value increases significantly however if farmers harvest the trees themselves. In addition, at harvesting age, it was found that carbon and stock had the potential to account for 19.2 and 11.4?% respectively of the total returns from spotted gum plantations. Policy initiatives to support the farm forestry sub-sector should include pricing greenhouse gas emissions and developing and strengthening farmers co-operatives and marketing institutions to enhance farmers’ bargaining power.  相似文献   

Biomass and nutrient removal and redistribution were estimated for combinations of two levels of harvest utilization (stem-only vs. complete tree) and two methods of site preparation (chop/broadcast burn vs. shear-pile/disk) in the Piedmont of North Carolina. Stem-only harvest removed 57 kg ha−1 N, 5 kg ha−1 P, 35 kg ha−1 K, 52 kg ha−1 Ca and 14 kg ha−1 Mg. Complete-tree harvest increased N, P, K, Ca and Mg removal over stem-only harvest by 216, 304, 152, 254 and 151%, respectively, although biomass removal was increased by only 65%. Estimated displacement of N and P into windrows during site preparation depended on harvest utilization, but generally exceeded harvest removals by at least 200%. Nutrient losses resulting from broadcast burning were small, primarily due to ineffectual burns. Removals, displacements and/or losses of nutrients during harvest and intensive site preparation were equal for both harvest utilization levels. These amounted to 714 kg ha−1 of total N in biomass and soil, and 46, 154, 481 and 88 kg ha−1 of P, K, Ca and Mg, respectively, in biomass and Mehlich III soil extractions.  相似文献   

Tree carbon (C) uptake (net primary productivity excluding fine root turnover, NPP') in a New Zealand Pinus radiata D. Don plantation (42 degrees 52' S, 172 degrees 45' E) growing in a region subject to summer soil water deficit was investigated jointly with canopy assimilation (A(c)) and ecosystem-atmosphere C exchange rate (net ecosystem productivity, NEP). Net primary productivity was derived from biweekly stem diameter growth measurements using allometric relations, established after selective tree harvesting, and a litterfall model. Estimates of A(c) and NEP were used to drive a biochemically based and environmentally constrained model validated by seasonal eddy covariance measurements. Over three years with variable rainfall, NPP' varied between 8.8 and 10.6 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1), whereas A(c) and NEP were 16.9 to 18.4 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1) and 5.0-7.2 Mg C ha(-1) year(-1), respectively. At the end of the growing season, C was mostly allocated to wood, with nearly half (47%) to stems and 27% to coarse roots. On an annual basis, the ratio of NEP to stand stem volume growth rate was 0.24 +/- 0.02 Mg C m(-3). The conservative nature of this ratio suggests that annual NEP can be estimated from forest yield tables. On a biweekly basis, NPP' repeatedly lagged A(c), suggesting the occurrence of intermediate C storage. Seasonal NPP'/A(c) thus varied between nearly zero and one. On an annual basis, however, NPP'/A(c) was 0.54 +/- 0.03, indicating a conservative allocation of C to autotrophic respiration. In the water-limited environment, variation in C sequestration rate was largely accounted for by a parameter integrative for changes in soil water content. The combination of mensurational data with canopy and ecosystem C fluxes yielded an estimate of heterotrophic respiration (NPP' - NEP) approximately 30% of NPP' and approximately 50% of NEP. The estimation of fine-root turnover rate is discussed.  相似文献   

以苏南丘陵地区的马尾松天然次生林和人工林为研究对象,进行了树干解析及各测树因子(即胸径、树高和材积)的生长模型拟合,并依据该区域森林资源历史调查数据中的森林起源信息对马尾松天然林与人工林生长状况进行了对比分析。结果表明:马尾松人工林的胸径和树高连年生长量最大值出现在10年左右,平均生长量最大值出现在15年左右;马尾松天然林的胸径和树高连年生长量最大值出现在18年左右,平均生长量的最大值同样出现在15年左右;马尾人工林数量成熟龄为47年,天然林数量成熟龄为50年;选用Richards生长模型对区域内马尾松各测树因子进行拟合的效果最好。  相似文献   

Simultaneous measurements of windspeed were made outside and inside a pine (Pinus thunbergii Parl.) coastal forest with different thinning intensities. Synchronously, optical stratification porosity (OSP), which is defined as vertical distribution of the proportion of sky hemisphere not obscured by tree elements inside a forest stand, was estimated using hemispherical silhouettes in each treatment area. Based on the observations, the frequency distribution of velocity, turbulence intensity, wind profile, and the corresponding relationships of these respective parameters with the vertical forest structure (OSP) were examined and compared among the treatment areas. A normal distribution of wind velocity was observed at the lower zone of the forest stand in all treatment areas. The turbulence intensity, the highest value of which was found near the canopy, changed greatly with height, wind velocity, and treatment, and decreased with windspeed and increased with the thinning intensity. It was found that the exponential relationship between windspeed and height could be used to describe the wind profiles within the canopy of the coastal forest. The results demonstrate that the attenuation coefficient of the wind profile corresponds to the grade of thinning intensities. The wind patterns in a coastal forest with different thinning intensities are related to the vertical forest structure, particularly, wind profiles within the canopy are closely correlated with the distribution of OSP. The results indicate that wind profiles can be estimated simply based on the measurement of OSP with a very high coefficient of determination. Reciprocally, the estimation of OSP can also be obtained from the measurement of wind profile. Portions of this paper were presented at the 111st Annual Meeting of the Japanese Forestry Society. Appreciation is due to Professor Masashi Yamamoto, Mr. Kenji Sakioka, Mr. Takahiro Yoshida, Mr. Hirotaka Yamazaki, Mr. Yasunori Hasegawa and the members of the Sabo Division of the Faculty of Agriculture of Niigata University for their help in collecting the field data and in constructing the observation towers.  相似文献   

Allometric equations are required for a rapid estimation of commercial timber volume and forest biomass stocks. In order to preserve the forest ecosystem, this study applied a non-destructive sampling approach to measure biophysical properties of living trees. From these measurements, volume and biomass models were developed for 11 dominant tree species in a semi-deciduous natural forest and for Acacia auriculiformis in a plantation located in southern Benin. The observations were combined to develop also generic models applicable to non-dominant tree species. Wood samples of the tree species were collected with an increment borer and analysed in the laboratory to determine species-specific wood densities. The sample size was composed of 243 trees in natural forest and 21 trees in plantation. The measurements were conducted in 30 plots of 50 m × 50 m. The graphical assessment of correlation between model outputs (biomass and volume) and variables (diameter and height) and the statistical analysis confirmed that the logarithmic model with two variables had the best predictions. The assessment also confirmed that the model using diameter only as a variable had good predictions when observations on height were unavailable. The comparative analysis of model predictions showed that the generic model in this study over-estimated biomass by up to 74.80% for certain species and under-estimated biomass by 21.18% for other species. The study shows that there are no statistically significant differences between the wood densities in this research and that published in previous studies.  相似文献   

Soil properties under an exotic plantation (Pinus caribaea) and an indigenous plantation (Podocarpus imbricatus) were compared with adjacent secondary forests and abandoned land in the tropical forest areas of Jianfengling National Nature Reserve in Hainan province, southern China. The surface soil (0–0.2 m) under Pi. caribaea has higher bulk density, lower soil organic carbon, total N, total K, available N, microbial biomass carbon, and smaller soil microbial communities (as indicated by soil Biolog profiles) than under Po. imbricatus. Both land use types showed negative cumulative soil deterioration index (DI) compared to secondary forests. However, compared to abandoned land (DI = –262), the soil quality of Po. imbricatus showed improvement (DI = –194) while that of Pi. caribaea showed deterioration (DI = –358). These results demonstrated that these exotic pine plantations can significantly and negatively influence soil properties. By contrast, our results showed that adoption of indigenous species in plantations, or natural regeneration, can improve soil quality.  相似文献   

The amount and distribution of rainfall throughout the year is used to highlight climatic differences between Australia and New Zealand. Plantation forest growth is strongly influenced by both available moisture and nutrients. Practices such as cultivation and mounding (bedding) are used on wet sites, whereas cultivation, ripping, weed control, mulching andheavier thinning regimes are recommended for dry sites.

Management of nutrients to improve growth includes some of the practices listed above which enhance moisture relationships. Nutrient conservation measures and the selection of planting stock with better root systems to explore the soil are suggested as methods to improve growth, along with the direct application of nutrients in fertiliser, sewage effluents and wastes.

Responses to a questionnaire distributed to the major forestry enterprises in Australia showed that practices with very conspicuous benefits (e.g. weed control) had generally been accepted, but the lead-time for implementation of positive research and development was still excessive. A number of other promising practices (e.g. mycorrhizal inoculation of nurseries) had only received minimal or at best a moderate acceptance by managers.

In reviewing the positive impact of recent past research on management practices, we suggest that more information on the interaction of moisture availability and nutrition along with detailed research on both positive and negative effects of cultivation is required. The potential benefits from the use of wastes and effluents within forests to supply both water and nutrients will ensure the development of this practice. Experiments should be designed to explore the interactions between genetically improved stock, sites and cultural treatments, as well as physiological processes determining growth.  相似文献   

Long-term planning for the management of multiple-species plantation forests can be a difficult undertaking, particularly when the forests have been created by afforestation over several decades so that the age-class structure of the compartments is seriously unbalanced. A time-staged linear-programming model is developed to assist forest managers in such situations. The model is expressly designed to be small enough to permit solutions with microcomputers of the type available to forest managers even in many developing countries. Investigations with the model for a forest project in Tanzania indicate that such models must be formulated to explicitly consider the structure of the forest at the planning horizon. Otherwise, harvesting schedules that seem to satisfy all of the forest manager's requirements during the planning horizon may lead to disastrously unbalanced harvesting patterns beyond the planning horizon.  相似文献   

Private native forests in Australia perform a dual production and conservation role, providing an important source of timber, and complementing formal conservation reserves. A comparison of policies for private native forests in New South Wales, Queensland, Victoria and Tasmania illustrates the scope for timber harvesting, the provision for environmental values, and initiatives for responsible and sustainable forest management. The sustainable management of Australia’s forests requires initiatives by both government and landowners to accommodate changes in community attitudes, new management strategies, integrated catchment management principles and both commercial and non-commercial opportunities for forest use. Of all of the Australian states, New South Wales has the most restrictive laws in terms of forest management and harvesting. Queensland and Victorian legislation have a more commercial focus, while Tasmania has a balance of both environmental and commercial objectives. The duty of care for private native forests is a responsibility that falls to the landholder, and while this should be enforced by legislation, the private provision of community benefits requires both recognition and reward. The presence or absence of incentives potentially determines the effectiveness of forest codes of practice.  相似文献   

Prevention efforts to combat pine wilt disease must be instituted to avoid destruction of coastal forests in Hokkaido, northern Japan. We examine an alternative method involving the conversion of Pinus thunbergii forests to native broadleaf species through advancing their growth, but we have little knowledge about the response of advanced growth to overhead canopy release. To demonstrate the demographic and height growth response of advanced growth to the light change in a coastal Pinus thunbergii forest, canopy trees were removed and the sapling populations were monitored for 6?years. Inhibition in height growth caused by light increase was observed in Cerasus sargentii and Kalopanax septemlobus saplings. Especially in Kalopanax septemlobus, a remarkable decline was observed in the saplings growing in the darker positions which experienced light change. Therefore, large light changes should be carefully avoided for this species especially in the darker positions. In contrast, relative height growth rates of Quercus crispula and, especially, Quercus dentata increased with increasing light, and saplings tended to die in the darker positions. No dead trees of Sorbus commixta were observed during the study period. The saplings also showed good height growth even when under closed canopy. This species seems to be adaptive to a dark environment. Since Quercus dentata and Kalopanax septemlobus are the major components of the natural coastal forests in Hokkaido, gradual canopy release is available to foster advanced growth in coastal Pinus thunbergii forest, in accordance with the concept of density control in coastal forests.  相似文献   

The C2H2 reduction method was used on eight occasions between January 1983 and January 1984 to measure the effects of adding superphosphate (60 kg P ha−1 applied in September 1979) and of prescribed burning (May 1981) on nitrogenase activity in the forest floor of an 18 year old Pinus elliottii plantation in southeast Queensland.Averaged over sampling days, superphosphate increased nitrogenase activity in the forest floor 4.0-fold in the unburnt plots and 2.0-fold in burnt plots. In the absence of superphosphate, burning increased activity 3-fold but in plots receiving superphosphate a response to burning was seldom evident. The responses were attributed to increased nutrient availability. Nitrogenase activity was highest in the F1 layer (weathered needles in the centre of the forest floor) and lowest in the L layer (recently fallen needles). Moisture content has a strong effect on forest floor nitrogenase activity and, in laboratory dried material, activity increased most rapidly for moisture contents between 80 and 170%.Mean nitrogenase activity in the forest floor on individual sampling days ranged from 3 nmol C2H4 g−1 (L layer, control treatment) to 233 nmol C2H4 day−1 (F1 layer, combined refertilized and burnt treatment). Activity was also detected in dead wood, female cones, thinning debris, soil (0–5 cm) and roots, but was negligible in bark and green needles.  相似文献   

We compared the abundance, species richness and diversity of saprobic filamentous microfungi in the forest and in coffee plantation systems (with different biophysical structures of the vegetation and agricultural management) and evaluated the degree of similarity in species composition among these sites. Soil washing was used to isolate the saprobic filamentous microfungi. Emerging colonies were quantified and transferred to tubes with culture medium and then mounted on semi-permanent slides for identification under the microscope. From 90 samples and 4,500 inoculated soils particles, 415 species were distinguished. The genera Trichoderma, Penicillium, Fusarium, Chaetomium and Humicola were the most frequent in all study sites. The transformation of the tropical montane cloud forest in coffee plantation had no significant effect on the abundance, species richness and diversity of the saprobic filamentous microfungi. Effects of the biophysical structures of the vegetation and the agricultural management of the sites were only detected at the level of dominant genera (Fusarium, Trichoderma and Penicillium) and on the evenness. The low degree of similarity among the six sites suggests the existence of a high exchange of species.  相似文献   

Bird species diversity and bird species richness were surveyed in a natural mixed forest (mature forest) and in a coniferous plantation (30–40 years old) monthly from 1990 to 1994. These forests were 20 km apart and had similar weather conditions and soil types. There were larch and cedar plantations, and hardwoods along streams in the coniferous plantation. In the natural mixed forest, 55 bird species were found, whereas 40 species were recorded in the coniferous plantation. The species diversity of bird communities was significantly higher in the natural mixed forest than in the coniferous plantation mixed with hardwood trees. This result indicates that the coniferous plantation mixed with hardwood trees, presumed to be a more simplified environment, is likely to be less inhabitable for many bird species than the natural mixed forest, suggesting a relationship between the diversity of the forest environment and the diversity of the bird community. A higher number of bird species was recorded in the small coniferous forest mixed with hardwood trees compared with those in the coniferous plantation. The mixing of broad-leaved trees in a coniferous plantation was suggested to be effective in increasing number of bird species. These tendencies were recorded all through the year during our study. In snow-covering periods, both the diversity and the bird species richness fell in all study sites every year. Snow cover would have greater effect on bird species diversity in the coniferous plantation than in other forest types probably due to diet shortages caused by the snow cover over the forest floor.  相似文献   

In-vitro and in-situ N mineralization were studied in a natural Acacia seyal stand and in a Eucalyptus camaldulensis plantation in Senegal.Mineralizable N, measured by 20 days in-vitro incubations, averaged 40–50 ppm in Acacia soil and 11–14 ppm in Eucalyptus soil, and reached 3.5 and 2.3%, respectively, of total N. The coarse light fractions (>0.2 mm) of Eucalyptus soil organic matter did not produce any mineral N; about 80% of the mineral N was supplied by the organo-mineral fraction, as against 30–50% in Acacia soil.In-situ mineralization was related to precipitation, and ranged from 18 to 40 ppm over 4 weeks during the rainy season in the Acacia stand where 7–10% of total N was mineralized each year. Under Eucalyptus, N mineralization reached only 10 ppm over 3 weeks in the beginning of the rainy season and then decreased sharply. It was assumed that this decrease was related to a depressive effect of herbaceous root growth, the possible processes of which are discussed.  相似文献   

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