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Necromass is an important stock of carbon in tropical forests. We estimated volume, density, and mass of fallen and standing necromass in undisturbed and selectively logged forests at Juruena, Mato Grosso, Brazil (10.48°S, 58.47°W). We also measured standing dead trees at the Tapajos National Forest, Para, Brazil (3.08°S, 54.94°W) complementing our earlier study there on fallen necromass. We compared forest that was selectively logged using reduced-impact logging methods and undisturbed forest. We estimated necromass density accounting for void volume for necromass greater than 10 cm diameter at Juruena for five decay classes that ranged from freshly fallen (class 1) to highly decayed material (class 5). Average necromass density adjusted for void space (±S.E.) was 0.71 (0.02), 0.69 (0.04), 0.60 (0.04), 0.59 (0.06), and 0.33 (0.05) Mg m−3 for classes 1 through 5, respectively. Small (2–5 cm) and medium (5–10 cm) size classes had densities of 0.52 (0.02) and 0.50 (0.04) Mg m−3, respectively. The average dry mass (±S.E.) of fallen necromass at Juruena was 44.9 (0.2) and 67.0 (10.1) Mg ha−1 for duplicate undisturbed and reduced impact logging sites, respectively. Small and medium sized material together accounted for 12–21% of the total fallen necromass at Juruena. At Juruena, the average mass of standing dead was 5.3 (1.0) Mg ha−1 for undisturbed forest and 8.8 (2.3) Mg ha−1 for forest logged with reduced impact methods. At Tapajos, standing dead average mass was 7.7 (2.0) Mg ha−1 for undisturbed forest and 12.9 (4.6) Mg ha−1 for logged forest. The proportion of standing dead to total fallen necromass was 12–17%. Even with reduced impact harvest management, logged forests had approximately 50% more total necromass than undisturbed forests.  相似文献   

In East Kalimantan (Indonesia), impacts of conventional (CNV) and reduced-impact logging (RIL) on forest ecosystems were compared on the basis of pre- and post-harvesting stand inventories. There was a positive and significant correlation between the proportion of trees damaged by felling and the density of trees felled. Logging intensity ranged from 1 to 17 trees ha−1(9–247 m3 ha−1) and averaged 9 trees ha−1 (86.9 m3 ha−1). The study has shown that with RIL techniques, logging damage on the original stand can be significantly reduced by 50% compared with conventional logging. However, this 50% reduction in logging damage, was dependent on the felling intensity. With a felling intensity of 8 stems ha−1 or less, RIL techniques only damaged 25% of the original tree population whereas 48% were damaged with conventional techniques. Above this felling intensity (i.e. 8 stems ha−1), the effectiveness of RIL in limiting forest damage was significantly reduced, mainly because of the increasing felling damage. Moreover, the removal of all harvestable timber trees, leaving only few potential crop trees, will result in a seriously depleted residual stand. Because of the high damage involved by high felling intensity, leaving few potential crop trees, and the yield capacity of the remaining stand, acceptable harvesting volume will not be reached within the felling rotation of 35 years. It is concluded that silvicultural system based on diameter limit alone, as is the Indonesian system (TPTI), cannot be compatible with sustainability and more sophisticated harvested-selection rules are needed.  相似文献   

Two field experiments, located in Central and Northern Sweden, were used to study the influence of standing volume on volume increment and ingrowth in uneven-aged Norway spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.) stands subjected to different thinnings. Each experiment had a 3 × 2 factorial block design with two replications. Treatments were thinning grade, removing about 45, 65, and 85% of pre-thinning basal area, and thinning type, removing the larger or the smaller trees, respectively. Each site also had two untreated control plots. Plot size was 0.25 ha. Volume increment was 0.5–6.8 m3 ha−1 year−1 for the plots, and significantly positively (p < 0.01) correlated with standing volume. Within treatment pairs, plots thinned from Above had consistently higher volume increment than plots thinned from Below. Ingrowth ranged from 3 to 33 stems ha−1 year−1, with an average of 14 and 21 stems ha−1 year−1 at the northern and southern site, respectively. At the southern site ingrowth was significantly negatively (p < 0.01) correlated with standing volume, but not at the northern site. Mean annual mortality after thinning was 2 and 7 stems ha−1 year−1at the northern and southern site, respectively.  相似文献   

A thinning levels study was initiated in a 9-year-old loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) plantation containing 26.6 m2 ha−1 basal area during the spring of 1984 in southeastern Oklahoma. Thinning treatments consisted of (1) three control plots (BA100), (2) three plots thinned to approximately 50% of the original basal area (BA50) and (3) three plots that were thinned to 25% of the original basal area (BA25). In 1987 the BA50 and BA25 plots were both rethinned to a basal area of 12 m2 ha−1. No other thinnings were done through age 24.The control plots have attained a basal area of 45.3 m2 ha−1 and basal area is now starting to decline. The BA25 and BA50 plots have basal areas between 34 and 35 m2 ha−1. Mortality has averaged about 90 trees ha−1 per year from age 10 to age 24 on the control plot, declining from 2078 trees ha−1 at age 10 to 827 trees ha−1 at age 24. Mortality losses in the BA25 and BA50 plots have been only 3.2–7.7 trees ha−1 per year over the entire study period. Cumulative stem biomass lost to mortality was 10.5, 16.0 and 61 Mg ha−1, respectively, for the BA25, BA50 and BA100 treatments. Cumulative standing live biomass at age 24 in the BA100 treatment is 132 Mg ha−1. Cumulative standing live biomass in the BA25 and BA50 treatments at age 24 is 86 and 79%, respectively, of that observed in the BA100 treatment. These results suggest wide ranges of residual stand densities left after an early thinning will produce a high percentage of the potential total maximum standing stem biomass. Diameter distributions at age 24 show only 33% of the trees in the BA100 treatments have the dimensions to be sawtimber (≥30 cm) but 92 and 95% of the trees in the BA25 and BA50, respectively, are sawtimber dimension or larger. Mean annual stem biomass production (MAI) of the BA100 treatment is 7.5 Mg ha−1 per year at age 24. MAI of the thinned treatments is about 5.1 Mg ha−1 per year and is converging to that of the BA100 treatment. The basis for this convergence is not that the live trees in the BA100 treatment are producing live biomass less rapidly than the thinned plots, but that mortality losses in the BA100 plot are much higher. Current annual stemwood production in all treatments is often limited by the severe summer droughts that occur in this region. The wide variations in weather experienced at this site also result in variations in earlywood:latewood ratio and ring specific gravity.  相似文献   

We produced a map of the biomass density and pools, at the county scale of resolution, of all forests of the eastern US using new approaches for converting inventoried wood volume to estimates of above and belowground biomass. Maps provide a visual representation of the pattern of forest biomass densities and pools over space that are useful for forest managers and decision makers, and as databases for verification of vegetation models. We estimated biomass density and pools at the county level from the USDA Forest Service, Forest Inventory and Analysis database on growing stock volume by forest type and stand size-class, and mapped the results in a geographic information system. We converted stand volume to aboveground biomass with regression equations for biomass expansion factors (BEF; ratio of aboveground biomass density of all living trees to merchantable volume) versus stand volume. Belowground biomass was estimated as a function of aboveground biomass with regression equations. Total biomass density for hardwood forests ranged from 36 to 344 Mg ha−1, with an area-weighted mean of 159 Mg ha−1. About 50% of all counties had hardwood forests with biomass densities between 125 and 175 Mg ha−1. For softwood forests, biomass density ranged from 2 to 346 Mg ha−1, with an area-weighted mean of 110 Mg ha−1. Biomass densities were generally lower for softwoods than for hardwoods; ca. 40% of all counties had softwood forests with biomass densities between 75 and 125 Mg ha−1. Highest amounts of forest biomass were located in the Northern Lake states, mountain areas of the Mid-Atlantic states, and parts of New England, and lowest amounts in the Midwest states. The total biomass for all eastern forests for the late 1980s was estimated at 20.5 Pg, 80% of which was in hardwood forests.  相似文献   

Forest degradation and savannization are critical environmental issues associated with forest fires in the Gran Sabana, southern Venezuela. Yet little is known about the ecological consequences resulting from the conversion of forest to savanna in this region. In this study we quantified the change in C and nutrients in aboveground biomass along a fire induced gradient consisting of unburned tall primary forest (TF), slightly fire-affected medium forest (MF), strongly fire-affected low forest (LF) and savanna (S). Total aboveground biomass (TAGB) decreased from 411 Mg ha−1 in TF to 313 Mg ha−1 in MF, 13 Mg ha−1 in LF and 5 Mg ha−1 in S. The pools of C and nutrients in TAGB decreased 13–25% from TF to MF, 88–97% from TF to LF and 97–98% from TF to S. In TF and MF, about 40% of C and over 80% of base cations (Ca, K and Mg) was stored in TAGB, whereas the bulk of N and P were stored in the soil (90% of N and 72% of P). This distribution of elements was different in LF and S, where about 50% of base cations were stored in TAGB, and more than 94% of C, 98% of N and 87% of P were stored in the mineral soil. The large amount of elements stored in the biomass of the tall unburned forest demonstrates the high sensitivity of this ecosystem to fire. The change from tall forest to low forest and savanna implies large losses of C and nutrients stored in aboveground biomass and soils (namely 390–399 Mg C ha−1, 11–13 Mg N ha−1, 70–72 kg P ha−1, 783–818 kg K ha−1, 736–889 kg Ca ha−1, and 200–225 kg Mg ha−1). Such drain of C and nutrients in soils extremely low in silicates, which can replenish the lost nutrients by weathering reduces the recuperation chance of these ecosystems and therefore their future capacity to sequester C and accumulate nutrients.  相似文献   

Turvo Park in the Alto Uruguay River region of the State of Rio Grande do Sul is the last intact remnant of the Seasonally Deciduous Forest in southern Brazil. This forest once covered large parts of southern Brazil but it is now reduced to less than 3% of its original size due to intensive logging caused by its exceptional richness in tree species with commercial timber value. The current study presents results on the diversity of timber species inventored in Turvo Park and in a number of small and scattered forest remnants in its vicinity. All timber plants with DBH ≥5 cm were included in the forest inventory on 540 sampling points, established using the point-centred quarter method. On average, 313 plants ha−1 were recorded, belonging to 57 different species from 25 families. Timber species of commercial value represented 64% of all woody species and 36% of all woody plants. Nectandra megapotamica and Apuleia leiocarpa were the main dominant species. Twenty percent of all plants showed a DBH greater than 40 cm, representing 67% of the total log volume. Differences in species diversity and plant density among the forest remnants were detected. The few forest remnants represent an enormous richness of timber species, being the maintainers and propagule repository for all the biodiversity of that ecosystem. A knowledge-based forest management plan is therefore required to secure their vital role in forest enrichment programs or in projects aiming at recovering abandoned and degraded areas, and in breeding programs for the timber production improvement.  相似文献   

Reforestation and afforestation have been suggested as an important land use management in mitigating the increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration under Kyoto Protocol of UN Framework Convention on climate change. Forest inventory data (FID) are important resources for understanding the dynamics of forest biomass, net primary productivity (NPP) and carbon cycling at landscape and regional scales. In this study, more than 300 data sets of biomass, volume, NPP and stand age for five planted forest types in China (Larix, Pinus tabulaeformis, Pinus massoniana, Cunninghamia lanceolata, Pouulus) from literatures were synthesized to develop regression equations between biomass and volume, and between NPP and biomass, and stand age. Based on the fourth FID (1989–1993), biomass and NPP of five planted forest types in China were estimated. The results showed that total biomass and total NPP of the five types of forest plantations were 2.81 Pg (1 Pg = 1015 g) and 235.65 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (1 Mg = 106 g), respectively. The area-weighted mean biomass density (biomass) and NPP of different forest types varied from 44.43 (P. massoniana) to 146.05 Mg ha−1 (P. tabulaeformis) and from 4.41 (P. massoniana) to 7.33 Mg ha−1 yr−1 (Populus), respectively. The biomass and NPP of the five planted forest types were not distributed evenly across different regions in China. Larix forests have the greatest variations in biomass and NPP, ranging from 2.7 to 135.37 Mg ha−1 and 0.9 to 10.3 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. However, biomass and NPP of Populus forests in different region varied less and they were approximately 50 Mg ha−1 and 7–8 Mg ha−1 yr−1, respectively. The distribution pattern of biomass and NPP of different forest types closely related with stand ages and regions. The study provided not only with an estimation biomass and NPP of major planted forests in China but also with a useful methodology for estimating forest carbon storage at regional and global levels.  相似文献   

Pre-marked skid trails, directional felling and climber cutting when logging in tropical rainforests may be important ways of reducing damage to the forest, thus creating a healthier stand and improving future yields.This study, carried out in a virgin dipterocarp rainforest in the south of Sabah, Malaysia, compared two types of logging (both with and without pre-cutting climbers): conventional selective logging (CL) and supervised logging (SL). The latter is a selective logging system in which both pre-marked skid trails and directional felling were implemented. The pre-marked skid trails were aligned parallel to each other, spaced 62 m apart. A randomised complete block 2 × 2 factorial design was used in the experiment, consisting of 16 gross treatment plots, each of 5.76 ha with a 1 ha net plot in the centre.Fewer trees tended (0.050 < P  0.100) to be logged in SL plots than in CL plots (on average 9.4 and 13.0 trees ≥60 cm diameter breast height ha−1). Pre-felling of climbers resulted in four more dipterocarp trees being logged ha−1, compared with no climber cutting: a statistically significant difference (P  0.050). The basal areas lost of both large trees (≥ 60 cm dbh) and small dipterocarp trees (10–29 cm dbh) tended to differ between the logging systems, with CL leading to greater losses.There were significant differences in the residual stands left by the logging systems, with respect to the number of dipterocarps and their basal area in the diameter class 10–29 cm; ca 30% more stems being found after SL. No significant differences (or tendencies) in these variables were found in the residual stands in other diameter classes, or when trees of all species were considered.  相似文献   

This paper examines carbon (C) pools, fluxes, and net ecosystem balance for a high-elevation red spruce–Fraser fir forest [Picea rubens Sarg./Abies fraseri (Pursh.) Poir.] in the Great Smoky Mountains National Park (GSMNP), based on measurements in fifty-four 20 m × 20 m permanent plots located between 1525 and 1970 m elevation. Forest floor and mineral soil C was determined from destructive sampling of the O horizon and incremental soil cores (to a depth of 50 cm) in each plot. Overstory C pools and net C sequestration in live trees was estimated from periodic inventories between 1993 and 2003. The CO2 release from standing and downed wood was based on biomass and C concentration estimates and published decomposition constants by decay class and species. Soil respiration was measured in situ between 2002 and 2004 in a subset of eight plots along an elevation gradient. Litterfall was collected from a total of 16 plots over a 2–5-year period.The forest contained on average 403 Mg C ha−1, almost half of which stored belowground. Live trees, predominantly spruce, represented a large but highly variable C pool (mean: 126 Mg C ha−1, CV = 39%); while dead wood (61 Mg C ha−1), mostly fir, accounted for as much as 15% of total ecosystem C. The 10-year mean C sequestration in living trees was 2700 kg C ha−1 year−1, but increased from 2180 kg C ha−1 year−1 in 1993–1998 to 3110 kg C ha−1 year−1 in 1998–2003, especially at higher elevations. Dead wood also increased during that period, releasing on average 1600 kg C ha−1 year−1. Estimated net soil C efflux ranged between 1000 and 1450 kg C ha−1 year−1, depending on the calculation of total belowground C allocation. Based on current flux estimates, this old-growth system was close to C neutral.  相似文献   

Stand structure and fuel mass were measured before and after a post-fire logging operation conducted 2 years after the 1996 Summit Wildfire (Malheur National Forest), in a ponderosa pine-dominated forest in northeastern Oregon. Variables were measured both pre- and post-logging in four replicate units for each of three treatments [un-logged control, commercial harvest (most dead merchantable trees removed), fuel reduction harvest (most dead merchantable trees removed plus most dead trees >10 cm diameter)]. Post-fire logging resulted in a significant decrease in mean basal area, down to 46% pre-treatment level in commercial units, and down to 25% in fuel reduction units. Logging significantly reduced tree density, especially for the smallest (<22 cm diameter) and intermediate (23–41 cm) diameter classes. Fuel reduction units also had significantly fewer snags (dead trees >30 cm diameter—4 ha−1), compared to both commercial (23 ha−1) units and to un-logged controls (64 ha−1) in the year following timber harvest. Logging did not change ladder height or tree species composition (% ponderosa pine, Douglas-fir and grand fir). Total woody fuel mass increased significantly in fuel reduction units when compared to controls, with the greatest difference among treatments occurring in the slash fuel (<7.6 cm diameter) component (mean of 6.2 Mg/ha for fuel reduction stands versus 1.3 Mg/ha for un-logged stands). Logging activity caused no change in the mass of the forest floor (litter or duff). Model projections of the fuel bed using the fire and fuels extension of the forest vegetation simulator (FVS–FFE) indicate that the disparity in slash fuel mass between fuel reduction and un-logged units would be sustained until about 15 years post-logging, but a re-burn of moderate intensity occurring during this time would likely kill all young trees, even in un-logged units, because of the influence of other components of the fuel bed, such as grasses and shrubs. Model projections of 1000-h fuels (woody fuels >7.6 cm diameter) indicate that standing structure in all stands would collapse quickly, with the result that un-logged stands would contain two- or three-fold greater masses at 25 and 50 years post-logging, leading to much higher consumption rates of fuel in the event of a re-burn in the same place. Variation in dead tree fall and decay rates did not change the relationship among treatments in 1000-h fuel loads, but changed the time at which treatment differences were projected to disappear. Despite treatment differences in heavy fuel accumulations over time however, FVS–FFE predicts no differences among treatments in mortality of young trees due to either moderate or high intensity fire occurring in the same place at 25, 50, or 100 years post-fire logging. The lack of a re-burn effect is in part due to the reliance on flame length as the primary mechanism leading to tree death in the fire effect models used by FVS–FFE. If tree death turns out to be caused more by root burning or cambial heating, the observed variations in 1000-h fuel loadings among treatments could be significant in the event of a future re-burn.  相似文献   

The use of renewable resources is important to the developing bioenergy economy and short rotation woody crops (SRWC) are key renewable feedstocks. A necessary step in advancing SRWC is defining regions suitable for SRWC commercial activities and assessing the relative economic viability among suitable regions. The goal of this study was to assess the potential profitability, based on obtainable yield and economic feasibility; of Pinus taeda L. (loblolly pine) across 13 states of the southern USA. A process-based growth model, 3PG, produced estimated yields of P. taeda in terms of mean annual increment (MAI) that were evaluated as internal rate of return on investment (IRR) and land expectation value (LEV). Coastal areas (southeast Texas, southwest Louisiana, and northern Florida) have the highest potential MAI production ranging from 13.7 to 18.9 Mg ha 1 yr 1. LEVs ranged from − 1126 to 3111 $ ha 1 on upland sites and − 2261 to 2341 $ ha 1 on lowland sites. IRR ranged from − 0.3% to 14.2% on uplands and − 2.9% to 10.4% on lowlands. On soils of the same textural class, LEV and IRR were higher on uplands relative to lowlands given lower site preparation costs, although the projected yield from upland soils are generally lower than those from lowland soils. The highest LEV and IRR were in northern Florida, southern Alabama, southern Georgia, and southern South Carolina. The lowest LEV and IRR were in Virginia and northern North Carolina. Spatially categorizing suitable lands in biological and economic terms can use geographic information system technology to advantage in combination with societal considerations to begin to answer sustainability questions as well as identify suitable sites for bioenergy plantations.  相似文献   

Loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) is a highly plastic species with respect to growth responses to forest management. Loblolly pine is the most planted species across the southern United States, a region with the most expansive and intensively managed forest plantations in the world. Management intensity, using tools such as site preparation and fertilization, is increasing greatly in scope over time. To better define to the productive potential of loblolly pine under intensive management, the influence of 6 years of management with weed control (W), weed control plus irrigation (WI), weed control plus irrigation and fertigation (irrigation with a fertilizer solution) (WIF), or weed control plus irrigation, fertigation, and pest control (WIFP) since plantation establishment on stand productivity in loblolly pine was examined. The site is located near Bainbridge, GA (30°48′N latitude and 84°39′W longitude) and is of medium quality (site index=18 m, base age 25). Increasing management intensity greatly accelerated stand development and biomass accumulation. At age 6 total production (above plus belowground) was nearly doubled from 50 to 93 Mg ha−1 in WIFP stands compared to W stands, and standing stem biomass increased from 24 Mg ha−1 in W stands to 48 Mg ha−1 in response to WIFP treatment. Stem current annual increment (CAI) peaked at age 5 in the WIF and WIFP stands at 17–18 Mg ha−1 per year at a basal area between 18 and 21 m2 ha−1. Year to year variation in CAI was better explained by previous-year leaf area index (LAI) than current-year LAI. Maximum stemwood production in loblolly pine was achieved through large increases in LAI and small decreases in allocation to woody roots (tap+coarse roots) versus woody shoots (stem+branches) associated with intensive treatments.  相似文献   

Biodiversity loss is a major problem in terms of loss of genetic and ecosystem services and more specifically via impacts on the livelihoods, food security and health of the poor. This study modeled forest management strategies that balance economic gains and biodiversity conservation benefits in planted tropical forests. A forest-level model was developed that maximized the net present value (NPV) from selling timber and carbon sequestration while maintaining a given level of biodiversity (as per the population density of birds). The model was applied to Eucalyptus urophylla planted forests in Yen Bai Province, Vietnam. It was found that the inclusion of biodiversity conservation in the model induces a longer optimal rotation age compared to the period that maximizes the joint value from timber and carbon sequestration (from 8 to 10.9 years). The average NPV when considering timber values plus carbon sequestration was 13 million Vietnamese Dong (VND) ha 1 (765 USD ha 1), and timber, carbon sequestration and biodiversity values were 11 million VND (676 USD) ha 1. Given this differential, governments in such tropical countries may need to consider additional incentives to forest owners if they are to encourage maximizing biodiversity and its associated benefits. The results also have some implications for implementing the climate control measure of “Reducing Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation-plus (REDD +)” in developing countries, i.e., payment for carbon sequestration and biodiversity benefits in planted forests.  相似文献   

Nothofagus antarctica (Forster f.) Oersted is a deciduous tree species, which naturally grows on poorly drained or drier eastern sites in the Andes Mountain near Patagonian steppe. Above- and below-ground biomass and nutrients pools were measured in pure even-aged stands at different ages (5–220 years) and crown classes. Functions were fitted for total biomass and nutrients accumulation, and root/shoot ratio of individual trees against age. Total biomass accumulated for mature dominant trees was eight times greater than mature suppressed trees. Biomass root/shoot ratio decreased with age from 1.8 to a steady-state of 0.5. All nutrients concentration (except Ca) decreased with age and varied according to the degree of crown suppression classes. Nutrient concentrations varied between biomass pool components following the order leaves > bark > small branches > fine roots > medium roots > rooten wood > coarse roots > sapwood > heartwood. Total nutrient accumulation followed the order dominant > codominant > intermediate > suppressed trees and its accumulation rate varied over time, e.g. P accumulation rate of dominant trees increased from 0.17 g tree−1 year−1 during regeneration to 1.39 g tree−1 year−1 in mature trees. Nutrients uptake reached a peak during the period of maximum biomass production, and root/shoot ratio of nutrients decreased from its maximum value at 5 years of age (0.6, 4.0, 0.9, 1.5, 1.0 and 2.6 for N, P, K, Ca, S and Mg, respectively) to a steady-state asymptote beyond 50 years of age. Thus, accumulation of nutrients in roots was greater during the regeneration phase of stand development, and nutrient accumulation increased in above-ground over time. Also, nutrient use efficiency increased in mature trees (111–220 years) and decreased in suppressed crown classes. The equations developed for individual trees have been used to estimate stand biomass and nutrient accumulation from forest inventories data. Total stand biomass varied from 62.5 to 133.4 t ha−1 and total nutrients accumulation ranged from 3 kg Mg ha−1 to 1235 kg Ca ha−1. Proposed equations can be used for practical purposes such as to estimate pasture nutrients requirement in a silvopastoral system based on nutrients supply from leaf litter returns, or to determine amelioration practices like debarking stems before harvesting.  相似文献   

Wood volume yield and stand structure were investigated for Norway spruce understorey growing at 1500 trees ha−1 under birch shelters of two different densities, 300 and 600 trees ha−1, and Norway spruce growing without shelter, in a field trial in the boreal coniferous forest, 56 years after the establishment of the stand and 19 years after establishment of the trial.Wood volume yield in sheltered spruce (mean annual increments of 1.87 and 1.78 m3 ha−1 year−1 under the dense and sparse shelterwoods, respectively) was significantly lower than that of unsheltered spruce (mean annual increment 2.43 m3 ha−1 year−1). The loss in wood volume yield for sheltered spruce was more than compensated for by the additional wood volume yield in the shelterwoods (mean annual increments 3.26 and 1.88 m3 ha−1 year−1 for the dense and sparse shelterwood respectively).Shelterwood density did not produce any significant differences in inequality of the understorey stands, measured as skewness and the Gini coefficient for the wood volume distributions. This implies that two-sided competition for nutrients and water was more significant than competition for light.Immediately after trial establishment, trees in the no shelterwood treatment (i.e. where all overstory trees had been removed) showed a marked increase in diameter growth. Over time, the growth rate of unsheltered Norway spruce was reduced to a level comparable to that of sheltered spruce. The difference in average diameter has persisted during the trial period. There was no similar effect on height growth, resulting in an increased slenderness index (h/d) with increased shelterwood density for the understorey trees.  相似文献   

Aboveground biomass and nutrients and soil chemical characteristics were examined in young plantations of four indigenous tree species: Hieronyma alchorneoides, Vochysia ferruginea, Pithecellobium elegans, and Genipa americana, growing in mixed and pure stands at La Selva Biological Station, Costa Rica. Total tree biomass production rates ranged from about 5.2 Mg ha−1 year−1 for G. americana to 10.3 Mg ha−1 year−1 for H. alchorneoides pure stands, and for the species mixture it was about 8.9 Mg ha−1 year−1. Branches and foliage formed 25–35% of total tree biomass but they represented about 50% of total tree nutrients. H. alchorneoides, the four species mixture, and P. elegans had the greatest accumulations of total aboveground nutrients per hectare. The importance of the plantation floor as a nutrient compartment varied temporally. When forest floor litter biomass was at its peak, plantation floor litter N, Ca, and Mg were roughly equal to, or greater than stem nutrients for all species except for P. elegans. For P. elegans, the plantation floor consistently represented a very low proportion of total aboveground nutrients. G. americana and V. ferruginea trees showed 55–60% less biomass accumulation in mixed than in pure stands while H. alchorneoides and P. elegans trees grew 40–50% more rapidly in mixture. P. elegans foliage had 60% lower Ca but higher P concentrations in mixed than in pure stands, and G. americana had higher foliar Mg in mixed than in pure stands. V. ferruginea stands had the highest concentrations of soil Ca, Mg, and organic matter, particularly in the top layers. Relative to pure plantations, soil nutrient concentrations in mixed plantations were intermediate for N, P, and K, but lower for Ca and Mg. The results of this study can be used in the selection of tree species and harvest designs to favor productivity and nutrient conservation.  相似文献   

The objectives of this study were to examine the effects of stand development and soil nutrient supply on processes affecting the productivity of loblolly pine (Pinus taeda L.) over a period approximately equal to a pulpwood rotation (18 years). The experiment consisted of a 2×2 factorial combination of complete and sustained weed control and annual fertilization treatments (C: control treatment, F: fertilization, W: weed control, FW: combined fertilization and weed control), located on a Spodosol in north-central Florida, USA. The reduction of soil nutrient limitations through fertilization or control of competing vegetation resulted in dramatic increases in almost every measure of productivity investigated, including height (19.7 m in the FW treatment versus 12.5 m in the C treatment at age 18 years), basal area (FW=44.2 m2 ha−1, F=39.6 m2 ha−1, W=36.6 m2 ha−1, C=19.9 m2 ha−1 at age 16 years), stemwood biomass accumulation (114 Mg ha−1 in FW versus 42.8 Mg ha−1 in C at age 18 years), foliar nitrogen concentration (1.53% in plots receiving fertilization versus 1.06% in unfertilized plots at age 17 years) and leaf area index (age 16-year peak projected of approximately 3.3 at age 9–10 years in F and FW plots, 2.5 in the W treatment and 1.5 in the C plots). Cultural treatments also decreased the growth ring earlywood/latewood ratio, and accelerated the juvenile wood to mature wood transition. While soil nutrient supply was a major determinant of productivity, production changes that occurred within treatments over the course of stand development were equally dramatic. For example, between age 8 and 15 years, stemwood PAI in the FW treatment declined by 275%; similarly large reductions occurred in the F and W treatments over the same time period. The reductions in PAI in the treated plots were linearly related to stand BA, suggesting the decline in productivity was associated with the onset of inter-tree competition. Responses of stemwood PAI to re-fertilization treatments at age 15 years suggests that the declines in growth and growth efficiency with time were partially attributable to nutrient limitations.  相似文献   

In 1984, a liming experiment with a surface application of 4 t ha−1 of dolomitic limestone was started at the acidic N-saturated Norway spruce forest “Höglwald” in southern Germany and monitored until 2004. The decay of surface humus due to the accelerated mineralisation accounted for 18.5 ± 2.7 t ha−1 C or 50% of the initial pool and 721.6 ± 115.0 kg ha−1 N or 46% for N. Due to some translocation of organic material to the mineral soil the values to 40 cm depth are slightly lower (13.5 ± 4.4 t ha−1 C or 15% of the initial pool and 631.6 ± 192.8 kg ha−1 N or 13% for N). In the control plot NO3 concentrations at 40 cm depth were above the European level of drinking water (0.8 mmolc l−1 or 50 mg NO3 l−1) for nearly the whole investigation period. Liming increased NO3 concentrations in seepage water for approximately 15 years, and accelerated leaching losses by 396.2 NO3–N kg ha−1 from 1984 to 2003. The increase in pH of the soil matrix was more or less restricted to the humus layer and the upper 5 cm of the mineral soil during the whole time span, while the base cations Ca and Mg reached deeper horizons with seepage water. From 1984 to 2003, an amount that nearly equalled the applied Mg, was leached out of the main rooting zone, while most of the applied Ca was retained. The time series of the elemental concentrations in needles showed minor changes. Ca concentrations in needles increased with liming, while Mg remained nearly unchanged, and P decreased in older needles.  相似文献   

We studied the effect of experimental logging of 4 ha plots on the regeneration of tree species in a forest 90 km north of Manaus, Amazonas, Brazil. Logging resulted in a total reduction in live wood volume of 44–107 m3 ha−1, although only 63% of this volume was felled, and only 43% removed from the plots. The density of established regeneration (trees and shrubs with diameter at breast height ≤10 cm, and height ≥200 cm) was greater in logged plots than in control plots when measured 3 and 7–8 years after logging. Species richness was also significantly higher in logged plots than in controls. We registered 139 species per 1000 stems, 7–8 years after logging, 143 species per 1000 stems, 3 years after logging, and 136 species per 1000 stems in control plots. Overall species composition was significantly affected by the intensity of logging damage in the plots after 7–8 years, and control plots were significantly different from plots logged 3 years previously. However, changes were not great in relation to natural variation within the forest. Most species increased in density after logging (mean=17%), and the number of individuals belonging to species with commercial value on the local market was 15% greater in logged plots than in control plots. The total potential value of the regeneration, based on the value of wood per m3 (when adult) of the individuals, was 23% higher in logged plots than in control plots, though this difference was not statistically significant. Therefore, enrichment planting is not necessary to maintain either the biodiversity, or potential economic value for wood production, of this forest.  相似文献   

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