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Some aspects of the pathogenesis and treatment of fascioliasis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  


The problem discussed in this paper is the differentiation of the several conditions which may contribute to or cause abnormally small testes in the ram, either as a result of atrophy or hypoplasia.  相似文献   

Ten bull-calves were infected with 10(8) viable cells of Mycobacterium paratuberculosis per os. During the 400-day period of observation faecal and blood samples were taken from animals at 30-day intervals. Faecal samples were examined microscopically, blood samples by the CFT, AGID and LST tests. Intradermal allergic tests were carried out at PI (post infection) days 92, 217, 336, using mammalian, avian and johnin PPD. In the period of study, these efficiency indices showed fluctuations characteristic of the given tests. In the period between PI day 160 and 400 fifteen biochemical parameters were measured monthly, TRP, ALP, TRIG and CHOL were reduced by day 400, pointing to disorders of digestion and absorption. Increased activities of CK, ALD, LDH, alpha-HBDH and ALT indicated skeletal muscle and/or liver damage in the first place. Serum CK, ALD activities and TRIG and TRP concentrations may serve as useful complementary values to the specific diagnosis of paratuberculosis, particularly in the advanced stage of the disease.  相似文献   

Between 1982 and 1999 blood samples were collected from 500 polar bears (Ursus maritimus) captured in the Beaufort and Chukchi seas, to determine the seroprevalence of Brucella species, Toxoplasma gondii, and Trichinella species infections. The bears were classified into four age groups, cubs, yearlings, subadults and adults. Brucella and Toxoplasma antibodies were detected by agglutination (a buffered acidified card antigen and rapid automated presumptive test for brucellosis and a commercial latex agglutination test for toxoplasmosis); an ELISA was used to detect Trichinella antibodies. The overall seroprevalence of Brucella species was 5 per cent, and subadults and yearlings were 2-62 times (95 per cent confidence interval 1.02 to 6.82) more likely to be seropositive for Brucella species than adults and their cubs. The antibody prevalence for Toxoplasma gondii was 6 per cent, and for Trichinella species 55.6 per cent. The prevalence of antibodies to Trichinella species increased with age (P<0.001).  相似文献   

Physiologic variables during anesthesia with medetomidine-zolazepam-tiletamine were evaluated in 52 free-ranging brown bears (Ursus arctos) darted from a helicopter and in six captive brown bears darted at a zoo. During anesthesia, rectal temperature, respiratory rate, heart rate, and pulse oximetry derived hemoglobin oxygen saturation were recorded. Arterial blood samples were collected and immediately analyzed for evaluation of pulmonary gas exchange, acid-base status, and selected hematologic and plasma variables. At the end of anesthesia, atipamezole was administered intramuscularly at five times the medetomidine dose. Capture-induced hyperthermia and lactic acidemia were documented in free-ranging bears. Hypoxemia during anesthesia was documented in both free-ranging and captive bears. In free-ranging bears, rectal temperature, heart rate, lactate, hematocrit, and hemoglobin decreased significantly during anesthesia, whereas partial pressure of arterial carbon dioxide, pH, potassium, and glucose increased. Yearlings had a significantly higher heart rate, pH, base excess, bicarbonate, and glucose, and had a significantly lower rectal temperature, sodium, hematocrit, and hemoglobin when compared with subadult and adult brown bears. In conclusion, alterations in pulmonary gas exchange and acid-base status in brown bears during anesthesia with medetomidine-zolazepam-tiletamine with the doses and capture methods used in this study were identified. Oxygen supplementation is recommended to counteract hypoxemia during anesthesia.  相似文献   

The locomotory activity of a free-ranging, male Chrysospalax trevelyani was monitored for five days in the Amatola Forest, Ciskei, using radio telemetry. In addition, locomotory activity of a captive juvenile male and adult female C. trevelyani was monitored in a special laboratory enclosure for 30 days. Preliminary results indicate that the giant golden mole has a primarily nocturnal regimen possibly associated with its feeding physiology or thermoregulation. It Is also suggested that diurnal locomotory activity of C. trevelyani on the surface occurs as a result of extreme conditions and Is not usual.  相似文献   

Liver tumors of unknown cause have frequently been described in polar bears. Concurrent decrease of vitamin A levels and chronic liver disease are associated with hepatic carcinogenesis in humans. More than 90% of the body's vitamin A is stored in the liver, where it is bound to an intracellular retinol-binding protein (RBP). Therefore, in this retrospective study, RBP was assessed by immunohistochemistry in liver sections of 11 polar bears. Two of these polar bears had hepatocellular carcinoma, four showed other chronic liver changes, and five had normal livers. In normal livers, the cytoplasm stained diffusely positive with intensely staining cytoplasmic granules. RBP staining was evaluated and the abundance of diffuse cytoplasmic staining and intracytoplasmic large granules was determined. All cases with pathologic liver changes had markedly decreased staining intensities for RBP compared with normal livers. The findings of this study suggest that in polar bears, as in humans, vitamin A metabolism may play a role in hepatic carcinogenesis.  相似文献   

The longitudinal changes in fecal steroid hormone concentrations and sexual behavior in 2 mated/pregnant and 3 non-mated female Hokkaido brown bears were investigated during the breeding season. Behavioral estrus (standing) lasted for 14 and 32 days in the mated females and for 25 to 36 days in the non-mated females. In non-mated females, sexual behavior, such as female-female mounting and masturbation, was observed for several days before and after the estrous period. In mated females, mean fecal estradiol-17beta concentrations were higher in the estrous period than in the post-estrous period, while fecal progesterone concentrations were higher in the post-estrous period than in the estrous period. The similar trends of steroid hormone changes were observed in the non-mated females.  相似文献   

The Japanese black bear (Ursus thibetanus japonicus) is endangered for extinction in some areas of Japan, and semen collection and cryopreservation are an important means to preserve genetic resources. The aim of this study was to characterize and cryopreserve semen of free-ranging Japanese black bears. Semen was collected by electroejaculation procedure from 4 free-ranging Japanese black bears at the capture point in the field. Ejaculates containing motile sperm were recovered from all of the animals and ejaculate volume, total sperm count, % motility (percentage of motile spermatozoa), % viability (percentage of spermatozoa that excluded eosin) and % abnormal morphology (range (mean)) were 0.65-2.20 (1.51) ml, 99-1082 (490) x 10(6), 5-100 (31), 42-97 (66) and 20-87 (53), respectively. Three of the 4 ejaculates were diluted with an egg yolk-TRIS-citrate-glucose extender and cryopreserved in liquid nitrogen. Motile spermatozoa were observed after freezing and thawing in all cases. This study showed that electroejaculation would be a useful method for collecting semen from free-ranging Japanese black bears and that at least motile spermatozoa would be obtained by freezing the thus collected electroejaculates.  相似文献   

In a survey of pathologic agents in the wild animals of central Japan, we found a Hepatozoon sp. in the lungs of Japanese black bears in Fukui, Shiga, and Gifu Prefectures, Japan. Histopathologic examination of organs and tissues from the 18 bears inspected showed hepatozoonosis in all. Immature and mature meronts were found in all lobules and between alveoli, with a few found between pleura and in connective tissue. In the lungs, inflammatory cells were not found around meronts, merozoites, or tubercles made of macro-phages including zoites, but inflammatory cells were found around degenerating cells, zoites, and tubercles. A Hepatozoon sp. has not been reported as being detected in bears of any species before.  相似文献   

Hepatozoon species are parasites that infect a wide variety of domestic and wild animals. The objective of the study was to detect the occurrence of Hepatozoon ursi in Indian sloth bears and to characterize the parasite based on phylogenetic analysis of the partial 18S rRNA gene sequence. Hepatozoon infection could be detected in 38 (70%) out of fifty-four blood samples of Indian sloth bears (captive and wild), suggestive of high prevalence of Hepatozoon infection in Indian sloth bears. Sequencing of partial 18S rRNA gene of the positive samples and BLAST analysis indicated that the nearest phylogenetic neighbour was H. ursi with which they exhibited 99-100% similarity. Additionally, Hepatozoon sp. isolated from wild sloth bears of India were identical to those in captive sloth bears and phylogenetically related to H. ursi reported from Japanese black bears from Japan. To our knowledge, this is the first report on the molecular characterization of H. ursi infection in Indian sloth bears.  相似文献   

Serum sex steroid and prolactin profiles were examined in the male American black bear, Ursus americanus during denning. Sera collected in December and the following March from 8 denning male black bears in Minnesota, U.S.A. were assayed for testosterone, estradiol-17 beta and prolactin. Eight bears were confirmed to be the denning mode based on a serum urea to creatinine ratio less than 10. Serum testosterone concentrations tended to increase from December to the subsequent March whereas serum estradiol-17 beta concentrations tended to decrease during this period. There were few changes in serum prolactin concentrations between December and March. These findings suggest that spermatogenesis and testicular steroidogenesis initiated during denning may be influenced by changes in serum sex steroid concentrations in the American black bear.  相似文献   

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