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Domestic animals are often repeatedly exposed to the same anthropogenic stressors. Based on cortisol secretion and heart rate, it has been demonstrated that transport is stressful for horses, but so far, changes in this stress response with repeated road transport have not been reported. We determined salivary cortisol concentrations, fecal cortisol metabolites, cardiac beat-to-beat (RR) interval, and heart rate variability (HRV) in transport-naive horses (N = 8) transported 4 times over a standardized course of 200 km. Immunoreactive salivary cortisol concentrations always increased in response to transport (P < 0.001), but cortisol release decreased stepwise with each transport (P < 0.05). Concentrations of fecal cortisol metabolites increased from 55.1 ± 4.6 ng/g before the first transport to 161 ± 17 ng/g the morning after (P < 0.001). Subsequent transport did not cause further increases in fecal cortisol metabolites. In response to the first transport, mean RR interval decreased with loading of the horses and further with the onset of transport (1551 ± 23, 1304 ± 166, and 1101 ± 123 msec 1 d before, immediately preceeding, and after 60–90 min of transport, respectively; P < 0.05). Decreases in RR interval during subsequent transports became less pronounced (P < 0.001). Transport was associated with a short rise in the HRV variable standard deviation 2 (P < 0.001 except transport 1), indicating sympathetic activation. No consistent changes were found for other HRV variables. In conclusion, a transport-induced stress response in horses decreased with repeated transport, indicating that animals habituated to the situation, but an increased cortisol secretion remained detectable.  相似文献   

It is widely accepted that transport is stressful for horses, but only a few studies are available involving horses that are transported regularly and are accustomed to transport. We determined salivary cortisol immunoreactivity (IR), fecal cortisol metabolites, beat-to-beat (RR) interval, and heart rate variability (HRV) in transport-experienced horses (N = 7) in response to a 2-d outbound road transport over 1370 km and 2-d return transport 8 d later. Salivary cortisol IR was low until 60 min before transport but had increased (P < 0.05) 30 min before loading. Transport caused a further marked increase (P < 0.001), but the response tended to decrease with each day of transport. Concentrations of fecal cortisol metabolites increased on the second day of both outbound and return transports and reached a maximum the following day (P < 0.001). During the first 90 min on Day 1 of outbound transport, mean RR interval decreased (P < 0.001). Standard deviations of RR interval (SDRR) decreased transiently (P < 0.01). The root mean square of successive RR differences (RMSSD) decreased at the beginning of the outbound and return transports (P < 0.01), reflecting reduced parasympathetic tone. On the first day of both outbound and return transports, a transient rise in geometric HRV variable standard deviation 2 (SD2) occurred (P < 0.01), indicating increased sympathetic activity. In conclusion, transport of experienced horses leads to increased cortisol release and changes in heart rate and HRV, which is indicative of stress. The degree of these changes tended to be most pronounced on the first day of both outbound and return transport.  相似文献   

Bringing the head and neck of ridden horses into a position of hyperflexion is widely used in equestrian sports. In our study, the hypothesis was tested that hyperflexion is an acute stressor for horses. Salivary cortisol concentrations, heart rate, heart rate variability (HRV) and superficial body temperature were determined in horses (n = 16) lunged on two subsequent days. The head and neck of the horse was fixed with side reins in a position allowing forward extension on day A and fixed in hyperflexion on day B. The order of treatments alternated between horses. In response to lunging, cortisol concentration increased (day A from 0.73 ± 0.06 to 1.41 ± 0.13 ng/ml, p < 0.001; day B from 0.68 ± 0.07 to 1.38 ± 0.13 ng/ml, p < 0.001) but did not differ between days A and B. Beat‐to‐beat (RR) interval decreased in response to lunging on both days. HRV variables standard deviation of RR interval (SDRR) and RMSSD (root mean square of successive RR differences) decreased (p < 0.001) but did not differ between days. In the cranial region of the neck, the difference between maximum and minimum temperature was increased in hyperflexion (p < 0.01). In conclusion, physiological parameters do not indicate an acute stress response to hyperflexion of the head alone in horses lunged at moderate speed and not touched with the whip. However, if hyperflexion is combined with active intervention of a rider, a stressful experience for the horse cannot be excluded.  相似文献   

Heart rate (HR) and heart rate variability (HRV) are often determined with Polar heart rate monitors (HRMs; S810i; Polar, Kempele, Finland). The aims of this study were to compare data from horses obtained by Polar HRMs and a portable Televet electrocardiogram (ECG; 100 version 4.2.3; Kruuse, Marslev, Denmark) device and to determine appropriate recording times in horses (n = 14). Correlations were calculated and a Bland-Altman analysis was carried out to examine agreement between recording systems. For beat-to-beat (RR) interval, uncorrected and corrected data were highly correlated irrespective of the recording system and recording time (r > 0.99, P < 0.001). For HRV variables, standard deviation of RR interval and root mean square of successive RR intervals, correlations higher than 0.9 were obtained between uncorrected and corrected ECG but not Polar data. The RR interval, HR, and HRV from corrected Televet and Polar data at no time differed between the recording systems. However, with the increase in recording time, the RR interval decreased (P < 0.001). Thus, for comparisons, recording intervals of similar length should be chosen. Correlations among RR interval, HR, and HRV variables obtained by ECG and HRMs were highly significant at all recording times (r > 0.9, P < 0.001). Correlations increased with increasing recording time. Bland-Altman graphs showed a strong agreement between HRMs and ECG and mean RR intervals, HR, and HRV variables were close to identical. In conclusion, Polar HRMs are as adequate as ECG recordings in horses. Owing to a low HR in stationary horses, recording times below 2 minutes will underestimate changes in HR and HRV.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine the effects of immersion in warm springwater (38 degrees to 40 degrees C) on autonomic nervous activity in horses. ANIMALS: 10 male Thoroughbreds. PROCEDURE: Electrocardiograms were recorded from horses for 15 minutes during a warm springwater bath after being recorded for 15 minutes during stall rest. Variations in heart rate (HR) were evaluated from the power spectrum in terms of low frequency (LF, 0.01 to 0.07 Hz) power and high frequency (HF, 0.07 to 0.6 Hz) power as indices of autonomic nervous activity. RESULTS: Mean (+/- SE) HR during stall rest and immersion in warm springwater was 31.1 +/- 1.7 and 30.3 +/- 1.0 beat/min, respectively. No significant difference was found between the HR recorded during stall rest and that recorded during immersion in warm springwater. The HF power significantly increased from 1,361 +/- 466 milliseconds2 during stall rest to 2,344 +/- 720 milliseconds2 during immersion in warm springwater. The LF power during stall rest and immersion in warm springwater was 3,847 +/- 663 and 5,120 +/- 1,094 milliseconds2, respectively, and were not significantly different from each other. Similarly, the LF:HF ratio did not change during immersion in warm springwater. The frequency of second-degree atrioventricular block, which was observed in 2 horses, increased during immersion in warm springwater, compared with during stall rest. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Increases in HF power indicates that the parasympathetic nervous activity in horses increases during immersion in warm springwater. Thus, immersion in warm springwater may provide a means of relaxation for horses.  相似文献   

The pattern of variation in heart rate on a beat-to-beat basis contains information concerning sympathetic (SNS) and parasympathetic (PNS) contributions to autonomic nervous system (ANS) modulation of heart rate (HR). In the present study, heart period (RR interval) time series data were collected at rest and during 3 different treadmill exercise protocols from 6 Thoroughbred horses. Frequency and spectral power were determined in 3 frequency bands: very low (VLF) 0-< or = 0.01, low (LO) >0.01-< or = 0.07 and high (HI) >0.07-< or = 0.5 cycles/beat. Indicators of sympathetic (SNSI = LO/HI) and parasympathetic (PNSI = HI/TOTAL) activity were calculated. Power in all bands fell progressively with increasing exercise intensity from rest to trot. At the gallop VLF and LO power continued to fall but HI power rose. SNSI rose from rest to walk, then fell with increasing effort and was lowest at the gallop. PNSI fell from rest to walk, then rose and was highest at the gallop. Normalised HI power exceeded combined VLF and LO power at all gaits, with the ratio HI to LO power being lowest at the walk and highest at the gallop. ANS indicators showed considerable inter-horse variation, and varied less consistently than raw power with increasing physical effort. In the horses studied, the relationship between power and HR changed at exercise intensities associated with heart rates above approximately 120-130 beats/min. At this level, humoral and other non-neural mechanisms may become more important than autonomic modulation in influencing heart rate and heart rate variability (HRV). HRV at intense effort may be influenced by respiratory-gait entrainment, energetics of locomotion and work of breathing. HRV analysis in the frequency domain would appear to be of potential value as a noninvasive means of assessing autonomic modulation of heart rate at low exercise intensities, only. The technique may be a sensitive method for assessing exercise response to experimental manipulations and disease states.  相似文献   

The objective of this study was to compare the stress response of horses suffering from laminitis after short- and long-term treatment with the intent to evaluate power spectral analysis of heart rate variability (HRV) for pain monitoring. Data were collected from 19 horses with acute or chronic exacerbating laminitis without known primary disease before and after treatment with non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAID). Recordings were carried out the day after admission to the equine hospital. Measurements were repeated on day 7 of the treatment. The recorded parameters included a clinical orthopaedic index (OLPI: Obel-grade plus hoof tester score), frequency of weight-shifting between contralateral limbs, mean beat-to-beat interval (R-R) duration, standard deviation of continuous R-R intervals, low- (LF) and high-frequency (HF) components of HRV, sympatho-vagal balance (LF/HF), and plasma concentration of cortisol, adrenalin and noradrenalin. The LF represents mainly sympathetic influences on the heart whereas HF is mediated by the parasympathetic tone. Weight-shifting and OLPI decreased significantly with treatment. The LF normalized units (n.u.) decreased after NSAID from 60.41 +/- 21.42 to 51.12 +/- 19.81 and was 49.33 +/- 22.64 on day 7, whereas HF n.u. increased from 35.07 +/- 20.02 to 43.14 +/- 18.30 and was 45.98 +/- 23.00 on day 7. Hormone levels showed no tendency to change with treatment. The OLPI was only correlated with LF/HF, LF and HF (R = 0.57, 0.55 and -0.54 respectively). Significant negative correlations existed between HFn.u. and weight-shifting frequency (R = -0.37), HFn.u. and adrenalin (R = -0.47), and HFn.u. and noradrenalin (R = 0.33). The LFn.u. only correlated positively with adrenalin. Cortisol levels were poorly associated with the other parameters. Determination of the sympatho-vagal influences on cardiac function may offer complementary information for reliable assessment of pain and may represent a valuable alternative method to catecholamine measurements.  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of repeated atropine injection on heart rate (HR) variability in resting Thoroughbred horses, two microg/ kg of atropine as parasympathetic nervous blockade was injected intravenously every 6 min to a total of 8 microg/kg after intravenous administration of 0.2 mg/kg of propranolol as sympathetic nervous blockade. We recorded electrocardiograms and obtained the HR, then evaluated variation in HR from the power spectrum in terms of low frequency (LF, 0.01-0.07 Hz) power and high frequency (HF, 0.07-0.6 Hz) power. Administration of atropine decreased parasympathetic nervous activity in a dose-dependent manner, affecting first the LF power, then the HF power and finally HR. These responses may provide valuable information for evaluating autonomic nervous activity in Thoroughbred horses.  相似文献   

A good horse-rider 'match' is important in the context of equine welfare. To quantify the influence of repetition and horse-rider matching on the stress of horses encountering challenging objects, 16 Warmblood horses were ridden in a test-setting on three occasions. On each occasion the horse was ridden by a different rider and was challenged by three objects (A-C). Heart rate (HR), heart rate variability (HRV) of horse and rider, and behaviour score (BS) of the horse were obtained for each object and as a total for each test. The horse-rider interaction was evaluated with each combination and assessed as 'matching' or 'mismatching', and the horses were categorised as 'compliant', 'partly-compliant' or 'non-compliant'. Horses exhibited a decreased HR (P=0.015) and a decreased BS (P=0.004) within and across different tests. 'Matching' horse-rider combinations exhibited less stress as indicated by reduced HR ('match' 69±10 vs. 'mismatch' 72±9, P=0.001) and BS ('match' 1.9±1.1 vs. 'mismatch' 3.8±1.4, P=0.017) of the horse. 'Compliant' (68±8, P<0.001) and 'partly-compliant' (71±9, P=0.002) horses had significantly lower HR than 'non-compliant' (75±9) animals. The findings of the study indicate that HR and BS measurements support a subjective 'match' diagnosis and HR measurement may be a valuable tool in assessing horse compliance.  相似文献   

The effects of hyoscine-N-butylbromide (hyoscine) and propantheline-bromide (propantheline) on heart rate (HR), HR variability (HRV) and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) contractions in the normal horse were determined. Five adult horses had ECG recordings for 180 min after treatment with propantheline (100 mg), hyoscine (120 mg) or saline. Both propantheline and hyoscine reduced GIT sounds, with propantheline having a longer duration of effect (⩾120 min). Both drugs elevated HR relative to the control baseline period (P < 0.05), with the effects of propantheline again being of longer duration. HRV analysis indicated that propantheline suppressed Total Power (P < 0.05), and both the high frequency (HF) and low frequency (LF) components of the power spectral analysis for up to 60–90 min post treatment. Hyoscine had no effect on HRV Total Power but reduced the HF component for 30 min after drug injection. Time domain variables correlated with Total Power and HF data (P < 0.01). The marked effect of these compounds on parasympathetic control of cardiac and GIT function in normal horses should be taken into consideration when evaluating a clinical response to these agents.  相似文献   

The effects of hyoscine-N-butylbromide (hyoscine) and propantheline-bromide (propantheline) on heart rate (HR), HR variability (HRV) and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) contractions in the normal horse were determined. Five adult horses had ECG recordings for 180min after treatment with propantheline (100mg), hyoscine (120mg) or saline. Both propantheline and hyoscine reduced GIT sounds, with propantheline having a longer duration of effect (?120min). Both drugs elevated HR relative to the control baseline period (P<0.05), with the effects of propantheline again being of longer duration. HRV analysis indicated that propantheline suppressed Total Power (P<0.05), and both the high frequency (HF) and low frequency (LF) components of the power spectral analysis for up to 60-90min post treatment. Hyoscine had no effect on HRV Total Power but reduced the HF component for 30min after drug injection. Time domain variables correlated with Total Power and HF data (P<0.01). The marked effect of these compounds on parasympathetic control of cardiac and GIT function in normal horses should be taken into consideration when evaluating a clinical response to these agents.  相似文献   

This study aimed to investigate the effect of transportation and restraint in a van on heart rate (HR) and HR variability in Thoroughbreds. Eight healthy Thoroughbreds were exposed to four conditions, each for a duration of 30 min: stall rest (REST), restraint inside a van (VAN), restraint inside a van with the engine running (V + E), and road transportation (TRANS). Electrocardiograms were recorded to determine HR, low-frequency (LF) power, high-frequency (HF) power, and LF/HF ratio. During TRANS, HR was significantly greater than during REST and V + E. There was a significant increase during VAN compared with REST. These results demonstrated that restraint inside the transport vehicle was one of the major stressors that may cause physiological changes during transportation.  相似文献   

The heart rate (HR) induced by maximal beta-adrenergic activation, which was elicited by infusion of isoproterenol, was studied in 8 healthy horses before (control) and after hyperthermia was induced by IV administration of 2,4-dinitrophenol (DNP). Isoproterenol was administered IV at 1.0 micrograms.kg-1.min-1 for 3 minutes, and the HR was determined during the final 30 seconds of the infusion. As the rectal temperature increased (P less than 0.001) from 38.2 +/- 0.1 C (mean +/- SEM; normothermic control) to 40.1 +/- 0.1 C at 60 minutes after DNP administration, the isoproterenol-induced HR also increased from 198 +/- 4 beats/min (control) to 214 +/- 4 beats/min (P less than 0.001). It appeared that the values of HR achieved with maximal beta-adrenergic activation were augmented by the hypermetabolic, hyperthermic state induced by DNP.  相似文献   

Horse trekking (HT) is having a stroll on a horse along a walking trail in a forest, field, and/or sandy beach. Generally in HT, horses exercise in tandem line outside the riding facilities. Because the leading horse will be confronted with stressors in the forefront, we hypothesized that the leading horse shows higher stress responses than the following one. In order to verify the hypothesis, we compared short‐term stress responses between each position in six horses. Exercise consisted of 15 min of ground riding and 45 min of HT with walking and trotting. Heart rate variability was analyzed for 5 min at 30, 60, and 90 min after the exercising period. There was no significant difference in heart rate during exercise between leading and following positions. The high frequency / low frequency power band of heart rate variability, an index of sympathetic nervous activity, after exercise, tended to be higher in the leading position than following one (P < 0.1). The result in this study can suggest that the leading horse was in a higher stressed state than the following horse after HT.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To determine whether evaluation of heart rate (HR) and HR variability (HRV) during prolonged road transportation in horses provides a sensitive index of autonomic stimulation. ANIMALS: Five 2-year-old Thoroughbreds. PROCEDURE: ECGs were recorded as horses were transported for 21 hours in a 9-horse van. Heart rate, high-frequency (HF) power, low-frequency (LF) power, and LF-to-HF ratio from Fourier spectral analyses of ECGs were calculated and compared with values recorded during a 24-hour period of stall rest preceding transportation. RESULTS: HR, HF power, and LF power had diurnal rhythms during stall rest but not during road transportation. Heart rate was higher and HF power and LF power lower during road transportation than stall rest, and HR, HF power, LF power, and LF-to-HF ratio all decreased with time during road transportation. Heart rate during stall rest was weakly and inversely associated with LF power, but during road transportation was strongly associated with LF power, HF power, and LF-to-HF ratio. Neither LF power nor HF power was correlated with LF-to-HF ratio during stall rest, but LF power was strongly and HF power weakly correlated with LF-to-HF ratio during road transportation. High-frequency power and LF power were significantly correlated with each other during stall rest and road transportation. Heart rate was significantly influenced by LF power and LF-to-HF ratio during stall rest (R(2) = 0.40) and by HF power and LF-to-HF ratio during road transportation (R(2) = 0.86). CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: HR is influenced by different sympathovagal mechanisms during stall rest, compared with during road transportation; HRV may be a sensitive indicator of stress in transported horses.  相似文献   

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