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Clinically healthy reptiles may shed Salmonella and therefore act as a potential zoonotic threat. Most people in Northern European countries are rarely exposed to reptiles, but many zoos have education departments where children have direct contact with this group of animals. The objectives of this study were to determine the prevalence and serotype distribution of Salmonella among reptiles in the Education Department (n = 55) at Copenhagen Zoo and compare it to the Zoo’s main reptile collection (n = 145) to evaluate the zoonotic risk. Salmonella was isolated from cloacal swabs by selective enrichment, and a single isolate from each positive sample was further identified by biochemical tests and serotyped. The overall prevalence was 35% (69/200) with significant difference between the Education Department (64%, 35/55) and the main reptile collection (23%, 34/145). A total of 28 serotypes were detected. Ten serotypes were isolated from more than one specimen and four from more than one species. Salmonella enterica subsp. enterica serovar Eastbourne was the predominant serotype (32%, 22/69) and was also the serotype isolated from most reptile species (n = 7). Transmission of serotypes from one department to another was very limited indicated by the serotype distribution. Despite the relative high prevalence observed among the reptiles in the Zoo’s Education Department compared to the reptiles in the Zoo’s main reptile collection, no Salmonella cases have been linked to the Zoo, and Salmonella ser. Eastbourne is very rarely isolated from humans in Denmark. Simple hygienic procedures such as hand washing which is consistently carried out following handling of reptiles at the Education Department may reduce the risk and therefore contribute to this low prevalence.  相似文献   

Animal antimicrobial use and husbandry practices increase risk of emerging zoonotic disease and antibiotic resistance. We surveyed 700 households to elicit information on human and animal medicine use and husbandry practices. Households that owned livestock (n = 265/459, 57.7%) reported using animal treatments 630 times during the previous 6 months; 57.6% obtained medicines, including antibiotics, from drug sellers. Government animal healthcare providers were rarely visited (9.7%), and respondents more often sought animal health care from pharmacies and village doctors (70.6% and 11.9%, respectively), citing the latter two as less costly and more successful based on past performance. Animal husbandry practices that could promote the transmission of microbes from animals to humans included the following: the proximity of chickens to humans (50.1% of households reported that the chickens slept in the bedroom); the shared use of natural bodies of water for human and animal bathing (78.3%); the use of livestock waste as fertilizer (60.9%); and gender roles that dictate that females are the primary caretakers of poultry and children (62.8%). In the absence of an effective animal healthcare system, villagers must depend on informal healthcare providers for treatment of their animals. Suboptimal use of antimicrobials coupled with unhygienic animal husbandry practices is an important risk factor for emerging zoonotic disease and resistant pathogens.  相似文献   

Antibiotic resistance is a major emerging global public health threat. Farmers in the Khartoum state are believed to misuse antibiotics in animal farming leading to daily exposure to resistant bacteria and antibiotic residues. Hence, farmers are at potential risk exposure to bacteria, zoonotic infection and toxicity. We hypothesized that farmers' misuse of antibiotics could be due to their ignorance of the importance of optimal use of antibiotics, the potential health hazards and the economical waste associated with antibiotic misuse practices. In the present study, we investigated knowledge and practices among farmers regarding antibiotic use and resistance. For this purpose, a cross-sectional study was conducted in Khartoum state where data were collected from 81 farmers using structured interviews. Data were analysed both quantitatively and qualitatively. Fifty-two per cent of farmers were uneducated or had studied for < 6 years. The majority reported antibiotic use for treatment and prevention while only 5% stated use for growth promotion. Antibiotic group treatment for both sick and healthy animals was commonly practiced among most farmers. The most commonly used group of antibiotics was the quinolones, which was reported by one-third. Only 30% of the farmers had heard of antibiotic resistance and provided their definition. Almost half were not aware of the commonly transferred zoonotic infections between humans and animals. The farmers consume 1-2 meals/day from their own farm products. A significant association between low education, poor knowledge of farmers on antibiotic use, antibiotic resistance and zoonotic infections was found. This association may play a vital role in the present practiced misuse of antibiotics. Our findings on farmers' practices could be used as baseline information in defining the gaps related to antibiotic use and resistance in animal farming in Sudan. It can thus serve as a foundation for future interventions.  相似文献   

动物应用抗菌药的风险及防制对策   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
食品动物因大量应用抗菌药物产生耐药菌株,对动物和人类健康及生态环境造成危害,为此欧盟对多种促生长抗菌药颁布了禁令,导致了动物治疗用抗菌药的急剧增加及畜牧业经济效益的降低。本文就此展开讨论,强调必须开发新型抗菌药物,合理应用抗菌药,加强抗菌药药效学及药动学研究,健全食源性病原菌耐药性监测系统等。  相似文献   

为了鉴定小熊猫(Ailurus fulgens)肺源致病菌并研究其耐药性和耐药基因,从死亡小熊猫肺部组织中无菌分离培养致病菌,进行革兰氏染色及16S rDNA测序鉴定。采用纸片扩散法(K-B法)进行细菌药敏试验和小鼠致病性试验,应用PCR法检测分离株的28种β-内酰胺酶相关基因、6种氨基糖苷类修饰酶基因(AMEs)、外膜蛋白D2基因(oprD2)、磺胺耐药基因(qacE△1-sul1)、3种整合子基因(intⅠ1、2、3)和主动外排泵调节基因(mexR)等共40种耐药基因。肺组织样品中分离培养的1株菌鉴定为铜绿假单胞菌,革兰氏染色阴性,药敏试验对氯霉素敏感,对β-内酰胺类、头孢类、氨基糖甙类、大环内酯类、硝基咪唑类、喹诺酮类和利福霉素等均具有耐药性,小鼠表现与小熊猫相似的症状而死亡。5种耐药基因TEM、aac(3)-Ⅱ、ant(3″)-Ⅰ、qacE△1-sul1、intⅠ1为阳性,其他35种为阴性。该小熊猫肺源铜绿假单胞菌具有较强的致病性和多药耐药性,其耐药机制与5种耐药基因有关。  相似文献   

BackgroundNumerous nosocomial infections including urinary tract infection (UTI) have been reported to be linked to Pseudomonas aeruginosa (P. aeruginosa). This bacterium is one of the most common pathogen colonized in the urinary tract. The main purpose of this study was to evaluated the presence of antibiotic resistance genes and also the most frequent genotype patterns of P. aeruginosa in the patients with UTI hospitalized in different wards of hospitals.Materials and methodsIn this study, 70 strains of P. aeruginosa isolated of urine samples from the patients with UTI were assessed. The isolated strains were genotyped using Multiple-Locus Variable Number Tandem Repeat Analysis (MLVA) method. We have also analyzed the presence of TEM and SHV resistant genes in the isolates.ResultsA total of 70 P. aeruginosa strains was isolated from the UTI patients. Based on MLVA method, 61 various genotypes of P. aeruginosa were identified which grouped into two main clusters and 4 sub-clusters. Moreover, approximately 80% and 70% of isolated strains carried the TEM and SHV resistance genes, respectively.ConclusionOur findings showed that the majority of patients hospitalized in different wards of hospitals have experienced the urinary tract infection caused by P. aeruginosa. According to the genotyping results, a high diversity of the P. aeruginosa population was observed in the patients with UTI. Our results can provide a better understanding of the P. aeruginosa genotype distribution and epidemiology of infection, which can be applied as basic data for future antibiotic therapies.  相似文献   

It is well understood that Salmonella is carried by animals and in majority of cases as asymptomatic hosts. Surveillance efforts have focused on the role of agriculture and contamination points along the food chain as the main source of human infection; however, very little attention has been paid to the contribution of wildlife in the dissemination of Salmonella and what effect anthropogenic sources have on the circulation of antibiotic resistant Salmonella serovars in wildlife species. A purposive survey was taken of large corvids roosting yearly between November and March in Europe and North America. Two thousand and seven hundred and seventy‐eight corvid faecal specimens from 11 countries were submitted for Salmonella spp. culture testing. Presumptive positive isolates were further serotyped, susceptibility tested and analysed for antibiotic resistance genes. Overall, 1.40% (39/2778) (CI = 1.01, 1.90) of samples were positive for Salmonella spp. Salmonella Enteritidis was the most prevalent serovar followed by S. Infantis, S. Montevideo and S. Typhimurium. No significant difference (P > 0.05) was found in the proportion of Salmonella recovered in Europe versus North America. The most variability of serovars within a site was in Kansas, USA with five different serovars recovered. European sites were significantly more likely to yield Salmonella resistant to more than one antibiotic (OR 71.5, P < 0.001, CI = 3.77, 1358) than North American sites, where no resistance was found. Resistance to nalidixic acid, a quinolone, was recovered in nine isolates from four serovars in four different sites across Europe. Large corvids contribute to the transmission and dissemination of Salmonella and resistance genes between human and animal populations and across great distances. This information adds to the knowledge base of zoonotic pathogen prevalence and antibiotic resistance ecology in wild birds.  相似文献   

为查明河北某水貂养殖场水貂死亡原因,本研究进行了病理组织学检查、细菌分离培养、细菌形态学观察、生化鉴定、16S rDNA鉴定、药敏试验、耐药基因和毒力基因检测、动物回归试验等。结果显示,共分离到3株铜绿假单胞菌,16S rDNA序列与GenBank中铜绿假单胞菌相应序列相似性达到100%,且3株分离菌均能使大鼠死亡。药敏结果表明,分离菌对左氧氟沙星、庆大霉素、阿米卡星、多黏菌素B敏感,对β-内酰胺类、氨基糖苷类、大环内酯类、喹诺酮类、四环素类等抗生素耐药。分离菌携带3种超广谱β-内酰胺酶基因(blaCTX-M1、blaOXA-2、blaOXA-10)、3种碳青霉烯酶基因(blaVIM-1、blaSPM-1、blaKPC-1)及吸附相关基因、T1SS-T3SS分泌系统、氧化应激相关基因、群体行为调控基因、磷脂酶相关的17种毒力基因。本研究结果为水貂绿脓杆菌病的临床诊断和治疗提供了参考依据。  相似文献   

在冷藏的原料乳中,假单胞菌经常出现并成为主导菌群,其分泌的耐热酶会使原料乳变质。对从原料乳中分离的102株假单胞菌经rpoB基因测序进行菌种分析,用偶氮酪蛋白测试所有假单胞菌在2种培养条件(30℃培养2d或6℃培养8d)下胞外肽酶的蛋白水解活性和耐热性。结果表明:荧光假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fluorescens)是假单胞菌中最主要的菌种,其次是莓实假单胞菌(Pseudomonas fragi)和假单胞菌sp1 (Pseudomonas sp1)。不同假单胞菌菌种之间的产肽酶能力存在明显差异。大多数荧光假单胞菌(23/41)在不同温度(30℃和6℃)条件下培养后能产肽酶,而大多数的假单胞菌sp1不产肽酶,所有分离的莓实假单胞菌(13/13)只在6℃条件下产肽酶,大多数的假单胞菌所产肽酶都有热稳定性。在6℃培养条件下,荧光假单胞菌菌株M02有最高肽酶活力(11.78ΔA/ (h·mL)),其胞外肽酶最佳催化pH值为6.5,最佳催化温度为40℃。当M02的接种浓度为103 CFU/mL时,6℃培养5d就能使脱脂乳溶液产生沉淀。对耐冷假单胞菌的种类和产肽酶能力进行分析和考察有助于提高原料乳或乳制品的质量和安全性。  相似文献   

利用本室自主研制的新型96点阵药敏检测盒检测山东地区动物源大肠杆菌、沙门氏菌的药物敏感性,试验结果表明,大肠杆菌对氨苄西林和喹诺酮类药物的抗药率达98%以上,禽源大肠杆菌的抗药率高于猪源大肠杆菌,猪源大肠杆菌的抗药谱广于禽源大肠杆菌;沙门氏菌抗药率略低于大肠杆菌,但同样呈现多重抗药,主要集中在5抗-7抗和13抗-14抗两个范围。96点阵抗生素药敏检测盒是适合于试验室进行大规模抗药性监测的新工具,具有简易、准确、快速、大通量、节约的优点,为临床治疗中抗生素的使用、细菌病的治疗提供了技术保障,从而达到避免盲目使用抗生素,降低细菌抗药率的目的。  相似文献   

本研究旨在了解种鸡场中种蛋孵化死胚和周围环境中感染或污染铜绿假单胞菌(Pseudomonas aerugino-sa,PA)的比率及分离株的耐药性.从广东省的5个规模化种鸡场采集孵化厅死胚及其周围环境样本进行PA的分离鉴定,采用K-B纸片扩散法分析其抗菌药物敏感性,并通过常规PCR检测对应的耐药基因.结果 显示,在采集...  相似文献   

By investigating the prevalence and antimicrobial resistance characteristics of Gram‐positive bacteria from organic and conventional keeping systems of laying hens, it was to be determined to what extent these properties are influenced by the different systems. For this purpose, a total of 799 cloacal swabs and 800 egg samples were examined. Prevalences for all selected bacteria from cloacal swabs were much the same for both organic and caged birds: Listeria spp. 1.3%[org] versus 1.6%[con]; Enterococcus spp. 95.5%[org] versus 97.5%[con]. Egg contents and eggshells were generally contaminated to a lesser extent, primarily with Enterococcus spp. Listeria isolates were susceptible to almost all tested antibiotics, only three Listeria innocua from conventional keepings were resistant to clindamycin; one isolate additionally to imipenem. High percentages of Enterococcus faecalis were resistant to doxycycline and macrolides. Enterococcus faecium proved to have high resistance rates to clindamycin, fosfomycin and erythromycin; 9.1% were even resistant to the reserve antibiotic synercid. Further, Enterococcus spp. showed higher resistance rates to doxycycline, erythromycin, fosfomycin and rifampicin. No glycopeptide resistant enterococci were detected. A correlation between keeping system and resistance/susceptibility rates could be demonstrated. In detail, E. faecalis from organic laying hen husbandries showed significant lower resistance prevalences to tylosin, streptomycin and doxycycline; susceptibility rates were higher for enrofloxacin and ciprofloxacin. Rifampicin and imipenem were more effective in isolates from conventional keepings (P < 0.05). The amounts of resistant isolates of the Enterococcus raffinosus from organic farms were significantly lower, the amounts of sensitive isolates were significantly higher than from conventional farms concerning eight antibiotics (P < 0.05). When comparing the susceptibility/resistance rates, as well as the mean minimum inhibitory concentrations values, the consistent tendency is that bacteria from organic layer flocks are more susceptible to antimicrobials. These results show that organic livestock farming plays a part in contributing to reduced antibiotic resistance.  相似文献   

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