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The objective of this study was to evaluate the response of healthy housebound domestic cats to the simultaneous provision of 2 litterboxes of differing sizes by recording the average daily frequency of urination and defecation in each box. Forty-three households with 74 privately owned cats were each provided with 2 different-sized plastic containers, with the larger box being 86 cm in length, exceeding the size of commercially available litterboxes. Owners were also provided with an unlimited supply of clumping cat litter and a logbook to record daily urine and fecal deposits in the boxes as they were scooped over a 4-week period. The 2 litterboxes were initially placed at opposite sides of the same room in the owner's home. After 2 weeks, the boxes were emptied completely, refilled with clean clumping litter, and replaced in the opposite location. Results were recorded as simple counts of urine and fecal deposits for each day and each household. Over the 28-day period, there were a total of 5031 urine and fecal deposits in the larger boxes and 3239 urine and fecal deposits in the regular boxes. The effects of phase (days 1-14 vs. 15-28) and box size (regular vs. large) on the number of deposits per cat were evaluated using a linear mixed model. In addition to evaluating phase and box size, the effects of number of cats in the house, their average age, and gender were also evaluated. Urine deposits were significantly more frequent than fecal deposits. Large boxes were preferentially selected over regular boxes in both phases, but this difference was greater in phase 1 than phase 2. Further analysis indicated that there was a location preference during the first 2 days in phase 2, and this effect decreased as the study progressed. Results indicate that most cats show a definite preference for a larger litterbox than is typically available to them in homes and that other factors such as box cleanliness and location may have a compounding influence on this choice.  相似文献   

Testicles of 30 mongrel cats were analyzed histologically and morphometrically, divided into three groups: G1 (1-2 years old), G2 (over 2 and up to 4 years old) and G3 (over 4 and up to 6 years old). After orchiectomy and histopathology, the morphometric parameters studied were: thickness of the tunica albuginea (72 μm) and seminiferous epithelium (77.19 μm), perimeter (53.81; 90.57 μm), (54.80; 101.07 μm); area (174.23; 494.55 μm(2)), (176.68; 629.70 μm(2)); maximum diameter (14.94; 28.02 μm), (14.76; 31.66 μm); minimum diameter (13.25; 21.92 μm), (13.30; 24.52 μm); and shape factor (index for regularity of the format) (1.36; 1.36), (1.39; 1.35) of the nucleus and cytoplasm of spermatogonia and Leydig cells, respectively. The results can be used for comparative studies and contribute knowledge concerning the height of the seminiferous epithelium, thickness of the tunica albuginea and size of spermatogonia and Leydig cells.  相似文献   

To determine the presence of viral pathogens in natural areas a survey was conducted on an opportunistic sample of fifty eight wild (Felis silvestris silvestris) and feral cats (F. s. catus). The biological materials included serum, lung tissue extract and stool. Feline leukemia virus p27 antigen was detected in 13/50 serum/lung tissue extract samples (26%), canine distemper virus antibodies were detected in 2/26 serum/lung tissue extract samples (7.7%), feline coronavirus RNA was present in 6/29 stool samples (20.7%) and feline parvovirus DNA in 2/29 stool samples (6.9%). Canine distemper virus RNA was not detected. Feline immunodeficiency virus and feline coronavirus antibodies were not detected. Evidence of exposure to feline leukemia virus, canine distemper virus, feline coronavirus and feline parvovirus was found in wild and feral cats raising the importance of performing a comprehensive survey to correctly evaluate the potential threat of infectious diseases to endangered species, namely to the wildcat and to the Iberian lynx, which is meant to be reintroduced after 2012 in Portugal.  相似文献   

Over the last few years, several cases of feline leishmaniasis (FL) with cutaneous and visceral forms have been reported around the world. Nonetheless, the real susceptibility of cats to infection with Leishmania spp. and the outcome of leishmaniasis in these animals are poorly understood. Experimental studies on feline models will contribute to the knowledge of natural FL. Thus, in order to determine the susceptibility of domestic cats (Felis catus) to experimental infection with Leishmania braziliensis, 13 stray cats were infected with 10(7) promastigotes by the intradermal route in the ear and nose simultaneously and followed up for 72 weeks. Soon after infection, the earliest indication of a lesion was a papule on the ear at 2 weeks post-infection (w.p.i.). The emergence of satellite papules around the primary lesion was observed about 4 w.p.i. Two weeks later these papules coalesced and formed a huge and irregular nodule. Thereafter, there was lesion dissemination to the external and marginal surface of the ipsilateral ear, and later to the contralateral ear. At 10 w.p.i., some nodules became ulcerated. Nose lesions presented a similar evolution. At both sites, the largest lesion sizes occurred at 10 w.p.i. and started to decrease 15 days later. Ear and nose nodules healed at 32 and 40 w.p.i., respectively. Specific L. braziliensis IgG antibody titers (optical density> or = 0.01 as positive result) were detected as early as 2 w.p.i. (0.09 +/- 0.02) in only three animals (23%), and all cats had positive titers at 20 w.p.i. (0.34 +/- 0.06). Only three animals (38%) continued to show positive serology at 72 w.p.i. (0.08 +/- 0.02). Up to that time, none of the cats had lesion recurrence. In a feline model of cutaneous leishmaniasis, it seems that there is no correlation between active lesions and positive serology. The implications of these data are discussed.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To evaluate associations between relatedness and familiarity with the affiliative behaviors of maintaining proximity and allogrooming in cats. ANIMALS: 28 privately owned cats in 1 colony. PROCEDURE: 15 of the cats had 1 or more relatives present representing 5 genealogies. Each cat was observed in 15-minute intervals for 3.5 hours during the study. All occurrences of allogrooming behavior were recorded. At the onset of each 15-minute observation period and at 2-minute intervals thereafter, the identity and location of all cats within 1 m of the observed cat were recorded. RESULTS: Relatedness and familiarity was significantly associated with the number of times a cat was within 1 m of another cat and how often a cat was groomed. For relatives and nonrelatives that were equally familiar to a given cat, relatives were significantly more likely to be within 1 m and to be groomed. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Familiarity and relatedness are significantly associated with allogrooming and proximity of another cat. This may be important when considering adoption of 1 or more kittens and when adding a new cat to a household in which other cats are present. Adopting small family groups may result in higher rates of affiliative behavior, stronger bonding, and lower incidence of conflict than periodically adopting single unrelated adult cats.  相似文献   

Mycoplasma felis and M. gatae recovered from domestic cats, M. arginini from a cheetah, an unidentified glucose-fermenting mycoplasma from a lion, and M. pulmonis from a rat were inoculated into specific pathogen free (SPF) kittens by the oral, ocular and nasal routes. During the 21-day experimental period a persistent infection was established in a proportion of the kittens challenged with M. felis, M. gatae and M. arginini. The mycoplasma isolated from the lion created a transitory infection in one kitten, but M. pulmonis could not be recovered even 24 hr after inoculation. None of the organisms investigated showed any pathological effect. The implications of this work in relation to the host-specificity and pathogenicity of the feline mycoplasmas are discussed. Résumé. On a inoculé à des chatons axéniques par les voies orales, oculaires et nasales, un Myco-plasmafelis et un M. gatae recueillis de chats domestiques, un M. arginini recueilli d'un guépard, un mycoplasme non identifié à glucose fermentant recueilli d'un lion et un M. pulmonis recueilli d'un rat. Durant la période expérimentale de 21 jours, on a établi une infection persistante dans une proportion des chatons soumis aux tests de Mycoplasma felis, de M. gatae et de M. agrinini. Le mycoplasma isolé recueilli du lion a créé une infection transitoire chez un chaton, mais le M. pulmonis n'a pu être recueilli, même 24 heures après l'inoculation. Aucun des organismes sous investigation n'a montré d'effets pathologiques. On a discuté des implications de ce travail en relation avec la spécifité d'hôtes et la pathogénicité de mycoplasmes félins. Zusammenfassung. Mycoplasma felis und M. gatae von Hauskatzen erlangt, M. arginini von einem Tschita, ein unidentifiziertes Glukose-fermentierendes Mycoplasma von einem Löwen, und M. pulmonis von einer Ratte wurden in keimfreie (SPF) junge Katzen geimpft, auf oralem, Augen- und Nasenweg. Während der 21 tägigen Versuchsperiode wurde eine anhaltende Infektion in den Katzen festgestellt, die dem M. felis, M. gatae und dem M. agrinini ausgesetzt waren. Das Mycoplasma von dem Löwen abgesondert, verursachte eine vorübergehende Infektion eines Kätzchens, aber M. pulmonis konnte selbst 24 Stunden nach der Impfung nicht gefunden werden. Keines der untersuchten Organismen zeigte irgendwelche pathologischen Effekte. Die Folgerungen dieser Arbeit im Verhältnis zu der Gast-Spezifität und Pathogenizität des Katzen-mycoplasmas sind diskutiert.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To investigate the relationship of litter box location as it relates to cats' use of space in the house, elimination problems, and certain behaviors associated with elimination. SAMPLE POPULATION: 40 cats in single-cat house-holds with or without elimination behavior problems (20 cats/group). PROCEDURES: Camcorders were used to record the cats' behaviors at the litter box and other areas in which they eliminated during a 72-hour period. Use of space in the house was recorded by direct observation during 400 minutes of the 72-hour period. Elimination behaviors and other cat- and litter box-associated variables were compared between groups; litter box location with respect to inappropriate elimination was assessed. RESULTS: Litter box location did not differ between cats with and without elimination behavior problems. An inverse correlation was found between time spent sniffing and the distance of the litter box from the central core area. Cats with elimination problems spent significantly less time digging at the litter box than cats without elimination problems. There was no significant difference in the time spent pawing in litter box, sniffing, or covering excreta after elimination between the 2 groups of cats. CONCLUSIONS AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE: Times spent digging in litter boxes by cats with and without elimination problems have been determined, and data suggest that actual digging times could be used as a means to test for litter preference and litter aversion. This information may also be used to identify cats with litter aversion prior to the development of an elimination problem.  相似文献   

Data on the breeding performance and growth rate of the kittens in a Specific Pathogen Free cat colony are given. Mean litter size was 2·8 kittens in the first litter, and 4·3 and 4·0 in the second and third litters, respectively. Kitten losses were 3·3% still births, and 5·6% losses prior to weaning at 8 weeks of age. Mean birth weight of first litter kittens was 109 g, with no detectable difference between males and females. Mean 42-day weight was 625 g for males, and 534 g for females. No relationship was found between litter size and either birth weight or 42-day weight. It was concluded that there are substantial benefits in breeding cats under SPF conditions, largely because of the low pre-weaning mortality. Resumé. On indique les données concernant les résultats de l'élevage et de la croissance des chats mis dans des conditions axéniques (colonies dépourvues de germes spécifiques). Le nombre moyen des petits était de 2,8% pour la première mise-bas, et de 4,3% et 4% respectivement pour la deuxième et la troisime. Les pertes étaient de 3,3% par mortalité et de 5,6% avant le sevrage (8 semaines). Le poids moyen des chatons de la première portée était de 109 gr, sans différence nette entre les deux sexes. Le poids moyen au 42ème jour était de 625 gr pour les mâles et de 534 gr pour les femelles. Aucun rapport n'a été constaté entre le nombre des chatons de la portée et le poids au 42ème jour. On conclut que l'élevage en milieu axénique des chats apporte un bénéfice substantiel, surtout grâce af la faible mortalité d'avant le sevrage. Zusammenfassung. Es werden Daten über die Fortpflanzung von Katzen und die Wach-stumsraten der Jungkatzen in einer von spezifischen Pathogenen freien Katzenkolonie angegeben. Die mittlere Wurfgrösse betrug beim ersten Wurf 2,8 Jungtiere und 4,3 und 4,0 beim zweiten bzw. dritten Wurf. Die Verluste an Jungtieren betrugen 3,3% Totgeburten und 5,6% Verluste vor dem Absetzen im Lebensalter 8 Wochen. Das mittlere Gewicht von Jungtieren des ersten Wurfs betrug bei der Geburt 109 g, wobei keine Unterschiede zwischen männlichen und wei-blichen Nachkommen beobachtet wurden. Das mittlere Gewicht im Alter von 42 Tagen betrug 625 g bei männlichen Tieren und 534 g bei weiblichen Tieren. Es wurden keine Beziehungen zwischrn der Wurfgrösse einerseits und dem Gewicht bei der Geburt und dem nach 42 Tagen andererseits festgestellt. Es wurde der Schluss gezogrn, dass die Zucht von Katzen unter von spezifischen Pathogenen freien Bedingungen wesentliche Vorteile bietet, vor allem, weil die Sterblichkeit vor dem Absetzen gering ist.  相似文献   

The development of the gastric glands of the cat (Felis silvestris catus) There are five stages in the development of the cat's gastric glands: 1. During the stage of the indifferent epithelium from day 19 to day 24, the anlage of the stomach develops with all layers; 2. The stage of gland formation from day 24 to day 41 is the beginning of the gland buds. They develop in connection with endocrine cells on day 34 into primitive oxyntic and primative mucous cells. The latter form the basis for all other cells, including the surface mucous cells; 3. During the stage of gland evagination from day 42 to 55, the anlagen are separated into primitive pits and tubules, while the cells continue to differentiate and the first intermediate cells are seen; 4. The stage of gland branching from day 56 to birth is characterized by the formation of additional glands at the bottom of the pits which change the ordinary anlagen into branched glands. During this stage, the cardiac glands are formed; 5. In the stage of gland maturation from birth to the 9th week, the peptic cells are formed and the glands start functioning. The oxyntic cells show carbonic-anhydrase activity and signs of acid secretion, and, between the weeks 4 and 8, the peptic cells contain pepsinogen, producing a negative reaction to PAS and a positive reaction to HID. Mucous cells and mucous neck cells produce PAS- and AB-positive mucin.  相似文献   

The efficiency of spermatogonial stem cell (SSC) isolation and culture from pubertal donors is currently poor primarily, because of contamination with other testicular cells. This study aimed to purify SSC-like cells using different extracellular matrixes and a discontinuous gradient density. In experiment 1, testes (n=6) were analyzed for histology and SSC-related protein expressions (laminin, SSEA-4, DDX-4 and GFRα-1). After enzymatic digestion, the cell suspension was plated onto either a laminin- or gelatin-coated dish. The number of SSC-like cells was determined at 15, 30 and 60 min of culture (experiment 2). Experiment 3 was performed to test whether or not the additional step of Percoll gradient density centrifugation could really improve purification of SSC-like cells. Testicular histology revealed complete spermatogenesis with laminin expression essentially at the basal lamina of the seminiferous tubules. SSEA-4 and GFRα-1 co-localized with DDX-4 in the spermatogonia. The relative percentage of SSC-like cells, as determined by cells expressing SSEA-4 (59.42 ± 2.18%) and GFRα-1 (42.70 ± 1.28%), revealed that the highest SSC-like cell purity was obtained with the 15-min laminin-coated dish compared with other incubation times and gelatin treatment (P<0.05). Percoll treatment prior to laminin selection (15 min) significantly improved SSC-like cell recovery (91.33 ± 0.14%, P<0.001) and purity (83.82 ± 2.05% for SSEA-4 and 64.39 ± 1.51% for GFRα-1, P<0.05). These attached cells demonstrated a typical SSC-like cell morphology and also expressed POU5F1, RET and ZBTB16 mRNA. In conclusion, double enrichment with Percoll gradient density centrifugation and laminin plating highly enriched the SSC-like cells population.  相似文献   

采用常规石蜡切片,HE染色的方法对中国家猫的眼球壁结构进行组织学观察。结果显示,家猫眼球壁从外到内分为3层,外层由角膜和巩膜组成,中间层是虹膜、睫状体和脉络膜,内层是视网膜。角膜共分5层。巩膜组织结构致密,含有大量平行排列的胶原纤维束。睫状体、虹膜和脉络膜血管丰富,含有大量黑色素颗粒。在眼底背侧脉络膜的视网膜面,观察到一层明显的细胞性照膜。视网膜共分为10层。结果表明,家猫视网膜的10层结构层次分明,具有一般脊椎动物视网膜的结构特征;家猫视觉敏锐与虹膜肌群发达和照膜的形成密切相关。  相似文献   

Tritrichomonas foetus is recognized as the causative agent of venereal trichomoniasis in cattle. It is characterized by embryonic and early fetal death and post-coital pyometra, and feline trichomoniasis, manifest as chronic, large bowel diarrhea. Many of the infected cats are less than 2 years old and specific routes of transmission remain unknown. We recently demonstrated that feline isolates of T. foetus can successfully infect heifers, resulting in pathologic changes similar, but not identical to those previously reported as representative of bovine trichomoniasis. In this study, we experimentally infected six cats less than 1 year of age with a bovine (D-1) isolate of T. foetus and one cat with a feline (AUTf-1) isolate of T. foetus. Within 2 weeks, the cat infected with the feline (AUTf-1) isolate was culture positive for trichomonads in weekly fecal samples. At the end of 5 weeks, only one cat infected with the bovine (D-1) isolate was fecal culture positive for trichomonads. At necropsy, the intestine of each cat was removed and divided into five sections (ileum, cecum, anterior, medial and posterior colon). Contents from each section were collected and cultured. The cat infected with the feline (AUTf-1) isolate was culture positive in the ileum, cecum, medial and posterior colon. Two cats infected with the bovine (D-1) isolate were culture positive in the cecum only. Additionally, each intestinal section was submitted to a pathologist for histopathological examination. The combined results indicate that there are demonstrable differences between the feline (AUTf-1) and bovine (D-1) isolates regarding their infectivity in cats.  相似文献   

The feline claws in the forepaw and hind paw are very different in shape. An objective method of comparison will be described. The differences in function and the factors with regard to the shape are discussed.  相似文献   

There is little information known about the energy requirements of cats in temperature climates. Energy requirement of domestic short‐haired cats was determined using three groups of mixed gender – old kept outside (approximately 9.9 years of age; 4.8 kg; n = 9), young kept outside (approximately 3.1 years of age; 3.9 kg; n = 8) or young kept inside (approximately 3.1 years of age; 3.9 kg; n = 8). Cats were housed individually for 5 weeks during summer (18.5 ± 0.5 °C) and winter (8.5 ± 0.4 °C) and were fed a commercially available maintenance diet ad libitum. In both periods, energy expenditure was determined from the rates of 2H and 18O elimination for blood H2O over a 12 day period, from a doubly labelled water bolus 2H2O (0.7 g/kg BW) and H218O (0.13 g/kg BW) administered intravenously. During the summer period, macronutrient digestibility was determined. Older cats had a reduction (p < 0.05) in apparent digestibility of dry matter (approximately 9%), energy (approximately 8%) and protein (6%). There was a significant effect of age and season on energy intake and energy expenditure. While lean mass was affected by age and season, there was no effect of age or season on energy expenditure when expressed as a proportion of lean mass. Possible seasonal differences in nutrient digestibility may explain these results.  相似文献   

The kodkod population is in constant decrease and the somatic cell nuclear transfer (SCNT) might help to preserve the genetic pool of this species. The cell cycle synchronization of donor cells plays a crucial role in SCNT. The objective of this research was to evaluate two different methods for quiescence induction, serum starvation (SS) and contact inhibition (CI), both for 1, 3 and 5 days, on skin fibroblast from domestic cat and kodkod. Flow cytometry analysis revealed that in domestic cat, SS and CI, both at 3 and 5 days, increased the percentage of fibroblasts in G0/G1 compared to growing cells (GC) (p < .05). In kodkod, only SS for 3 and 5 days and CI for 1 and 3 days increased the percentage of fibroblasts in G0/G1 compared to GC (p < .05). Viability analysis by differential staining revealed that SS for 5 days decreased the proportion of live fibroblasts in domestic cat and kodkod (p < .05). Regarding gene expression analysis, in domestic cat fibroblasts, no differences were found in the BAX/BCL2 ratio in SS and CI (both at 1, 3 and 5 days) compared to GC. In kodkod fibroblasts, BAX/BCL2 ratio was increased in CI at 3 and 5 days compared to SS at 3 and 5 days (p < .05). In conclusion, in kodkod fibroblasts SS for 5 days and CI after 3 days might have a negative impact on cellular viability. According to these results, we suggest SS for 3 days for cell cycle synchronization in kodkod fibroblasts.  相似文献   

In natural populations, virus circulation is influenced by host behavior and physiological characteristics. Cat populations exhibit a great variability in social and spatial structure, the existence of different ways of life within a same population may also result in different epidemiological patterns. To test this hypothesis, we used a logistic regression to analyze the risk factors of Feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV), feline herpes virus (FHV), feline calicivirus (FCV), and feline parvovirus (FPV) infection in owned (fed and sheltered) and unowned (neither fed nor sheltered, unsocialized) cats living in a rural environment in the North Eastern part of France. A serological survey was carried out in 492 non-vaccinated and non-sterilized individuals from 15 populations living in the same area. The prevalence of feline leukemia virus (FeLV) was also studied, but too few were infected to analyze the risk factors of this virus. For each virus, the epidemiological pattern was different in owned and unowned cats. Unowned cats were more frequently infected by directly transmitted viruses like FIV, FHV and FCV (21.22%, 67.66%, 86.52% in unowned cats vs 9.55%, 53.88%, 77.18% in owned cats, respectively), a difference that may be explained by a more solitary and more aggressive behavior in unowned adults, and/or possibly by a higher sensitivity related to a more stressful life. On the contrary, owned cats were more frequently infected with FPV (36.41% in owned cats vs 15.61% in unowned cats), possibly as a result of their concentration around human settlements. The present study showed that owned and unowned cats living in a same area have behavioral and physiological characteristics sufficiently different to influence virus circulation. Pooling different types of cats in a single sample without taking it into account could give a wrong picture of the epidemiology of their viruses. The conclusion of this work can be extended to any epidemiological studies led in wildlife species with flexible behavior as any variations in social or spatial structure, between or within populations, could result in different virus circulation.  相似文献   

Two days after castration, urinary free felinine plus N-acetylfelinine decreased 24% in male cats, but, by day 5, the concentration had not decreased to that routinely found in males that have been castrated for several months. In a second experiment, three groups of castrated adult male cats received different subcutaneous injections: control (carrier), testosterone, testosterone plus estradiol. A fourth group of intact adult female cats received a testosterone injection. Urine was collected and analysed for free felinine, N-acetylfelinine and 3-methylbutanolglutathione. Baseline blood testosterone and estradiol concentrations were low during the pre-period, but increased sharply after hormone injections. The concentration of all three urinary metabolites increased as a result of testosterone injections with estradiol not modulating the effect. The effect of testosterone was not gender dependent. The concentration of free felinine, N-acetylfelinine and 3-methylbutanolglutathione in the urine remained low in the placebo control group throughout the study. The relative molar contribution of free felinine to the total amount of felinine containing compounds increased due to testosterone treatment, while the contribution of 3-methylbutanolglutathione and N-acetylfelinine decreased. Testosterone increases free felinine, N-acetylfelinine and 3-methylbutanolglutathione excretion in castrated adult male and intact female cats, whereas estradiol does not modulate this effect.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to evaluate the applicability of the Cryotech technique for the vitrification of domestic cat (Felis catus) oocytes, as a model for other feline species threatened with extinction. This technique, in which oocytes are stored in a minimal volume of medium, is already widely used in human assisted reproductive technology. In the first part of this study, a viability test (EtBr/FDA) was used to evaluate the toxicity of the vitrification media (solutions). After IVM, oocytes were placed in vitrification and warming solutions according to the manufacturer's procedure, with or without exposure to liquid nitrogen. The solutions and the vitrification procedure each caused a reduction in oocyte viability, with survival rates of 71.4% in oocytes exposed to the Cryotech media (without cooling in liquid nitrogen), and 62% in oocytes that were vitrified. In the second part of the experiment, parthenogenetic activation was used to evaluate the developmental potential of oocytes previously vitrified using the Cryotech method. After warming, the oocytes were activated using a combination of 0.7 µM ionomycin in TCM 199 medium (5 min) followed by 2 mM 6-DMAP in TCM 199 supplemented with 10% FBS (3 hr), then cultured and evaluated every 24 hr for parthenogenetic cleavage. In the experimental group, 23/50 (46%) cleaved embryos were obtained. Domestic cat oocytes, vitrified by the Cryotech method, are characterized by high survival rates. However, it is necessary to improve the technique to increase the developmental competence of embryos obtained from vitrified oocytes.  相似文献   

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