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低温干燥气候对断奶仔猪健康的影响   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
在两个不同气候条件下 ,对 4 0头断奶仔猪的增重、临床表现进行了研究。同时也对其免疫功能进行了测定。经过白细胞分类计数 ,淋巴细胞转化试验和E Y玫瑰花环形成试验等。结果表明 ,断奶仔猪在低温干燥条件下 ,增重显著下降 (P <0 .0 5) ,临床症状也有明显改变 ,免疫反应显著降低 ,这些结果表明 ,断奶仔猪的健康状况受到损害。  相似文献   

A case of cold agglutinin disease associated with trauma and exposure to lead is described in a domestic cat. A definitive diagnosis was made on the basis of autohaemagglutination at cold temperatures and histopathology. Exposure to lead has been associated with cold agglutinin disease in other species. The cat spontaneously recovered after removal of the lead from its body. Cold agglutinin disease has been reported twice in the cat.  相似文献   

Climate change is already resulting in changes in cold desert ecosystems, lending urgency to the need to understand climate change effects and develop effective adaptation strategies. In this review, we synthesize information on changes in climate and hydrologic processes during the past century for the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau and discuss future projections for the 21st century. We develop midcentury projections of temperature and climate for the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau at timescales relevant to managers (2020 ? 2050) and discuss concepts and strategies for adapting to the projected changes. For the instrumented record in the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau (1985 ? 2011), a temperature increase of 0.7 ? 1.4°C has been documented, but changes in precipitation have been relatively minor with no clear trends. Climate projections for 2020 ? 2050 indicate that temperatures will continue to increase, especially in winter and during the night. Precipitation is more difficult to project, and estimates range from an 11% decrease to 25% increase depending on location. Recent records indicate that the Great Basin and Columbia Plateau are becoming more arid, a trend that is projected to continue. Droughts are likely to become more frequent and last longer, invasive annual grasses are likely to continue to expand, and the duration and severity of wildfire seasons are likely to increase. Climate projections can help in developing adaptive management strategies for actual or expected changes in climate. Strategies include reducing the risks of nonnative invasive plant spread and wildfires that result in undesirable transitions, planning for drought, and where necessary, facilitating the transition of populations, communities, and ecosystems to new climatic conditions. A proactive approach to planning for and adapting to climate change is needed, and publicly available Internet-based resources on climate data and planning strategies are available to help meet that need.  相似文献   

In 1998, two cases of silica urolithiasis occurred in castrated male dromedaries on an intensive camel farm in the Canary Islands. The immediate attributable cause was the ingestion of large amounts of silica in the feed, estimated as 84.44 g/day. An associated cause was the low level of salt in the diet. Daily ingestion of salt from feed and water was estimated to be 21.8 g (8.6 g of sodium). Seventy-six castrated males from the same farm were divided into four groups: group A received 30 g of salt daily; group B received 40 g; group C received 60 g; and group D received no added salt in the diet (control). The animals were maintained on these dietary regimes for 2 years. No animals from groups A, B or C suffered overt urinary retention. One animal from group D had an obstructive urinary retention 10 months after the study commenced. Thus, 52 g of salt daily appears to be sufficient to prevent urinary retention in dromedaries raised in a subtropical climate.  相似文献   

Primary cold agglutinin disease is an autoimmune disease seen in the dog and man. A case of cold agglutinin disease is described in a puppy which was undergoing treatment for lead intoxication.  相似文献   

麦洼牦牛冷季补饲试验研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
[目的]为了提高麦洼牦牛冷季成活率.[方法]在红原县的三个示范户中开展麦洼牦牛冷季补饲试验.补饲时间为2008年1~4月份,比较全群全期补饲青干草+精料模式与当地的传统的"少量补饲"模式的效果.试验牦牛分为1.5岁育成牛、6~8岁经产的空怀带犊母牛和6~8岁的经产怀孕母牛.分析的指标包括体重,体尺及死亡率.[结果]表明,尽管除了部分体尺指标外,大部分体重体尺指标均表现了"掉膘",但试验组育成牛与空怀母牛相对于对照组在体重上减少较少(P <0.05),试验组牛只的越冬死亡率及怀孕牛的初生流产、死亡率均比对照组明显降低.[结论]说明冷季补饲是十分必要的.  相似文献   

高寒地区,生态环境恶劣,牧草生长缓慢、生长期短,草地过牧等因素是导致牧草缺乏,放牧藏羊生长缓慢,出栏率低的重要原因之一。在冷季分别对牧区、半农半牧区的架子羊开展不同方式的补饲育肥。结果表明,"放牧+精料"试验组比对照组体重少减少7.47 kg,"放牧+舔砖+干草"试验组比对照组体重少减少5.97 kg。"放牧+精料+暖棚"试验组比对照组体重少减少8.26kg;"放牧+舔砖+干草+暖棚"试验组比对照组体重少减少6.79 kg;"放牧+舔砖+干草+精料+暖棚"试验组比对照组体重少减少11.6 kg。五个试验组中以有暖棚设施补饲效果最好。说明甘南高寒牧区,暖棚对减少羊只死损具有很大的作用。  相似文献   

Cold agglutinins in cats with haemobartonellosis   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Coombs-positive anemia developed in cats inoculated with Haemobartonella felis. Cold agglutinins were detected in serum during the acute stage of the disease when anemia was present. The cold agglutinating activity was associated with IgM, was demonstrated at 4 C, and was abolished by treatment of sera with 2-mercaptoethanol. At 4 C, the sera from infected cats agglutinated or lysed parasitized autologous erythrocytes or normal erythrocytes pretreated with neuraminidase. These data indicate that cold agglutinins are associated with haemobartonellosis and suggest that immunologic responses to erythrocytic antigens have a role in the anemia.  相似文献   

家禽冷应激研究进展   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
冷应激是养禽业普遍存在的问题,对家禽生产性能、抗病的影响日益严重,对家禽冷应激的研究也在不断深入。本文对家禽冷应激时下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺皮质激素、下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺轴的激素(T3、T4和T4/T3)、胰岛素和胰高血糖素、血清总抗氧化能力(T-AOC)、丙二醛(MDA)的含量、肥大细胞、血液淋巴细胞数量等改变进行了综述,提出了冷应激的预防和治疗措施。通过各品种家禽在冷应激时的不同的神经-内分泌的变化规律、体内各种酶变化规律及其基因表达,培育出耐寒、抗病、抗应激并具有较高的肉品、蛋品质量的家禽品种,是提高家禽抗应激能力的有效途径。  相似文献   

A 5‐year‐old neutered male Mastiff and an 8‐year‐old spayed female Labrador Retriever were presented to the University of Minnesota Veterinary Medical Center. The Mastiff was presented for evaluation of lameness and pyoderma one month prior in Missouri, where he tested positive for Ehrlichia canis by serum ELISA test, treated with doxycycline. PCR for Ehrlichia sp, Anaplasma sp, Babesia sp, and Bartonella sp, and PCR for antigen receptor rearrangement were negative, serum protein electrophoresis (SPE) revealed polyclonal gammopathy, and mildly reactive lymphoid cells were seen cytologically. The Labrador presented with a proliferative rostral mandibular gingival mass and lipomas for further presurgical evaluation of cold agglutinin activity documented by a commercial laboratory 2 years earlier prior to removal of a grade II mast cell tumor. This dog had a negative SNAP4Dx, normal SPE, and persistently increased serum ALP activity and polyuria/polydipsia suggestive for hyperadrenocorticism. Both dogs had markedly agglutinated RBC in the EDTA samples that dispersed with warming, and normal plasma color. Cold agglutinin activity was demonstrated by direct saline agglutination testing using whole blood and washed erythrocytes demonstrating agglutination at 30°C, 25°C, 15°C, and 4°C, but not at 37°C . CBC results (ADVIA 2120i) from the Mastiff revealed no significant differences in the RBC results obtained at room temperature (RT) and at 37°C; however, the RT run demonstrated negative bias in neutrophil and platelet concentrations attributed to rapid RBC settling. This uncommon hematologic condition may cause artifacts on the automated leukogram and platelet count, and may be subclinical for long periods.  相似文献   

不同气候带的白三叶品比试验研究   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
在云南四个不同气候带条件下,分别对国外引进的15个白三叶品种的相对干物质产量进行比较,同时,观测各品种的物候发育和营养成分。结果表明,在云南北亚热带至寒温带气候区域,最优良的品种为海法白三叶,其次为草地胡依阿白三叶和南迪诺白三叶。本文旨在为云南及相似气候环境草地建植中白三叶的品种选用提供参考。  相似文献   

在云南四个不同气候带条件下,分别对国外引进的15个白三叶品种的相对干物质产量进行比较,同时,观测各品种的物候发育和营养成分.结果表明,在云南北亚热带至寒温带气候区域,最优良的品种为海法白三叶,其次为草地胡依阿白三叶和南迪诺白三叶.本文旨在为云南及相似气候环境草地建植中白三叶的品种选用提供参考.  相似文献   

四川草坪草种植气候区划的探讨   总被引:10,自引:1,他引:10  
以引种试验结果和生产应用效果为依据,以最冷月和最热月的平均气温,结合降水特征作为划区指标,提出草坪草种植的区划原则,将四川省划分为四个草坪种植气候区。  相似文献   

为深入研究抗寒分子机理以及为分子标记辅助育种奠定基础,以具有代表性的96份种源为材料,利用假俭草(Eremochloa ophiuroides)抗寒品种TifBlair低温诱导后所得的EST及其近缘种高粱NCBI中低温胁迫响应的EST开发分子标记,对假俭草抗寒指标LT50观测值和EST分子标记位点进行关联分析.结果表明:开发的17对引物在假俭草群体共扫描到46个多态遗传位点,其中CINAU114-900,CINAU115-1500和CINAU116-400位点与抗寒指标LT50有显著关联,其表型变异的解释率分别为5.10%, 4.04%和4.59%;其LT50表型效应分别为0.2518℃,-0.3121℃和0.2449℃.CINAU114-900和CINAU116-400位点提高假俭草对低温的敏感性,而CINAU115-1500位点可提高其抗寒性.  相似文献   

牦牛养殖是甘南高寒牧区农牧民收入的重要来源,甘南州养殖牦牛90余万头,约年产鲜牛粪48亿t,但牦牛粪资源化利用率极低.本文系统分析了牦牛粪资源化利用的必要性,针对存在问题,提出了利用措施.  相似文献   

几年前,得克萨斯大学奥斯汀分校教授卡米拉·帕梅森因为严重的“职业抑郁”,想完全放弃自己对气候变化的研究.这则消息出来后令人震惊,因为帕梅森在他的领域颇有建树:在2007年,她作为“政府间气候变化专门委员会”(ICPC)第三工作组的研究者,与阿尔·戈尔共同获得了当年的诺贝尔和平奖;在2009年,她又因为对于气候变化对全球物种的研究与影响,成为《大西洋报》提名的27名“勇敢的思想者”之一,同样获得这个提名的还有美国总统奥巴马和FacebooK的创始人扎克伯格.  相似文献   

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