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Spatial and temporal analysis of landscape patterns   总被引:89,自引:0,他引:89  
A variety of ecological questions now require the study of large regions and the understanding of spatial heterogeneity. Methods for spatial-temporal analyses are becoming increasingly important for ecological studies. A grid cell based spatial analysis program (SPAN) is described and results of landscape pattern analysis using SPAN are presentedd. Several ecological topics in which geographic information systems (GIS) can play an important role (landscape pattern analysis, neutral models of pattern and process, and extrapolation across spatial scales) are reviewed. To study the relationship between observed landscape patterns and ecological processes, a neutral model approach is recommended. For example, the expected pattern (i.e., neutral model) of the spread of disturbance across a landscape can be generated and then tested using actual landscape data that are stored in a GIS. Observed spatial or temporal patterns in ecological data may also be influenced by scale. Creating a spatial data base frequently requires integrating data at different scales. Spatial is shown to influence landscape pattern analyses, but extrapolation of data across spatial scales may be possible if the grain and extent of the data are specified. The continued development and testing of new methods for spatial-temporal analysis will contribute to a general understanding of landscape dynamics.  相似文献   

We explored patterns of plant species richness at different spatialscales in 14 habitats in a Swedish rural landscape. Effects of physicalconditions, and relationships between species richness and management historyreaching back to the 17th century were examined, using old cadastralmaps andaerial photographs. The most species-rich habitats were dry open semi-naturalgrasslands, midfield islets and road verges. Alpha diversity (species richnesswithin sites) was highest in habitats on dry substrates (excluding bedrock withsparse pines) and beta diversity (species richness among sites) was highest inmoist to wet habitats. Alpha and beta components of species richness tended tobe inversely related among habitats with similar species richness. Managementhistory influenced diversity patterns. Areas managed as grasslands in the17th and 18th century harboured more species than areasoutside the villages. We also found significant relationships between speciesrichness and soil type. Silt proved to be the most species-rich topsoil(10–20 cm) in addition to thin soils top of on green- orlimestone bedrock. The variation in species richness due to local relief orform of thesite also showed significant relationships, where flat surfaces had the highestnumber of species. In contrast, no significant relationship was found betweenspecies richness and aspect. Our study suggests that present-day diversitypatterns are much influenced by management history, and that small habitat,e.g., road verges and midfield islets, are important for maintaining speciesrichness.This revised version was published online in May 2005 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

In landscapes dominated by late-successional plant communities, early-successional species may lead a tenuous existence, persisting only as fugitives or relying on refuges in marginal habitats to provide a persistent seed source. The objective of this study was to relate fine-scale distributions of early-successional tree species in hemlock-hardwood forests of northern Wisconsin, USA to potential landscape persistence strategies. A special emphasis was placed on eastern white pine (Pinus strobus), a restoration priority in the region. Witness tree data from nineteenth century US Public Land Survey records (encompassing 40,610?km2 and 106,790 trees) were used with modern environmental data to relate species distributions to habitat characteristics. Early-successional tree species had strong positive associations with marginal habitats such as inclusions of sandy soil and margins of lakes, wetlands, and rivers. Marginal habitats occupied ~44 % of the landscape, which may help account for the abundance of early-successional species in our study area relative to other hemlock-hardwood forests. Populations of early-successional species in marginal habitats could also have provided important seed sources for the upland mesic landscape matrix, as >70 % of the landscape was within 200?m of these habitats. The degree to which early-successional species were limited to marginal habitats largely followed predictions based on species life-history characteristics, except that white pine was more common than expected in upland mesic habitats. These findings illustrate the potential importance of landscape heterogeneity for persistence of early-successional species in late-successional forest landscapes and provide baseline information on habitat associations and landscape dynamics that will be useful in restoration efforts.  相似文献   

Longterm (45 years) temporal data were used to assess the influence of spatial scale on temporal patterns of a semi-arid west Texas grassland. Temporal basal area dynamics of common curlymesquite (Hilaria belangeri (Steud.) Nash) collected from permanent plots within two areas that were released from disturbance (longterm overgrazing and drought), were evaluated at two spatial scales (quadrat, site). Wiens (1989) proposed hypotheses to characterize the influence of scale on variability, predictability, and equilibrium. These hypotheses were tested for this grassland and temporal patterns observed were different for each spatial scale. The large scale (site) was characterized by low variation between units, high variation within units, high potential predictability, and possible movement toward a fluctuating but relatively stable or equilibrial state. At the small scale (quadrat), variation between units was high, predictability low, and there was no indication of movement toward a stable state; chaotic behavior may be expressed at this scale although the length of the temporal record may not be sufficient to evaluate this phenomenon.  相似文献   

The distribution and abundance of species are shaped by local and landscape processes, but the dominant processes may differ with scale and increasing human disturbance. We investigated population responses of two pool-breeding amphibian species to differences in local and landscape characteristics in suburbanizing, southeastern New Hampshire, USA. In 2003 and 2004, we sampled 49 vernal pools for spotted salamander (Ambystoma maculatum) and wood frog (Lithobates sylvaticus) egg masses. Using egg masses as a proxy for breeding-female population size, we examined the relative influence of five land-use and three isolation variables at two scales (300 and 1000 m) and five wetland variables on egg-mass abundance. For both species, road density at the landscape scale (1000 m) and hydroperiod most strongly predicted egg-mass abundance, with abundance decreasing as roads became denser and hydroperiods shortened. Wetland isolation was also an important predictor, with abundance greatest at more isolated pools, suggesting that both species concentrate at isolated pools when alternative breeding sites are scarce. Surprisingly, no 300-m parameters were strongly associated with salamander egg-mass abundance, whereas several landscape parameters were. In suburbanizing areas, it is at least as important to consider landscape-scale road density as to consider hydroperiod when designing conservation plans for these species. Furthermore, both isolated and clustered pools provide these species important habitat and may require protection. Finally, the conceptual framework for spotted-salamander management must be expanded so that spatial configuration at the landscape scale becomes a regular, integrated component of conservation planning for this species.  相似文献   



Primates are an important component of biodiversity in tropical regions. However, many studies on the effects of habitat change on primates ignore the relative influence of landscape composition and configuration.


This study addresses the question: how important are landscape-scale forest area and composition relative to patch-scale (1–1080 ha) and site-scale (transect of 1 km) habitat variables for the occupancy and abundance of four primate species in the Colombian Llanos.


Using a randomly stratified survey design, 81 fragments were surveyed for primate occupancy and abundance. We used zero-inflated models to test the relative influence of landscape-scale, patch-scale and site-scale variables on occupancy and abundance for each species. A 95% confidence set of models was constructed using the cumulative Akaike weight for each model and the relative importance of each set of variables calculated for each primate species.


Occupancy was determined by a combination of site-scale, patch-scale and landscape-scale variables but this varied substantially among the primate species.


Our study highlights the importance of managing primates at a range of scales that considers the relative importance of site-, patch- and landscape-scale variables.

Understanding the influence of large and small-scale heterogeneity on species distribution and abundance is one of the major foci of landscape ecology research in fragmented environments. Although a large number of studies have addressed this issue individually, little effort has been made to synthesize the vast amount of literature published in the last decade. We reviewed 122 focal patch studies on 954 species published between 1998 and 2009 to determine the probability of species responding significantly to landscape, patch, and within-patch variables. We assessed the influence of taxonomic, life history, and methodological variables on probability of response to these 3 levels. Species in diverse taxa responded at high rates to factors at all three levels, suggesting that a multi-level approach is often necessary for understanding species response in patchy systems. Mammals responded at particularly high rates to landscape variables and therefore may benefit more than other taxa from landscape-level conservation efforts in fragmented environments. The probability of detecting a species response to landscape context, patch, and within-patch factors was influenced by a variety of methodological aspects of the studies such as type of landscape metric used, type of response variable, and sample size. Study design issues rarely are discussed by authors as reasons why a particular study did not find an effect of a variable, but should be given more consideration in future studies.  相似文献   



Complex structural connectivity patterns can influence the distribution of animals in coastal landscapes, particularly those with relatively large home ranges, such as birds. To understand the nuanced nature of coastal forest avifauna, where there may be considerable overlap in assemblages of adjacent forest types, the concerted influence of regional landscape context and vegetative structural connectivity at multiple spatial scales warrants investigation.


This study determined whether species compositions of coastal forest bird assemblages differ with regional landscape context or with forest type, and if this is influenced by structural connectivity patterns measured at multiple spatial scales.


Three replicate bird surveys were conducted in four coastal forest types at ten survey locations across two regional landscape contexts in northeast Australia. Structural connectivity patterns of 11 vegetation types were quantified at 3, 6, and 12 km spatial scales surrounding each survey location, and differences in bird species composition were evaluated using multivariate ordination analysis.


Bird assemblages differed between regional landscape contexts and most coastal forest types, although Melaleuca woodland bird assemblages were similar to those of eucalypt woodlands and rainforests. Structural connectivity was primarily correlated with differences in bird species composition between regional landscape contexts, and correlation depended on vegetation type and spatial scale.


Spatial scale, landscape context, and structural connectivity have a combined influence on bird species composition. This suggests that effective management of coastal landscapes requires a holistic strategy that considers the size, shape, and configuration of all vegetative components at multiple spatial scales.



Although forest fragmentation is generally thought to impact tree growth and mortality negatively, recent work suggests some forests are resilient. Experimental forests provide an opportunity to examine the timing and extent of forest tree resilience to disturbance from fragmentation.


We used the Wog Wog Habitat Fragmentation Experiment in southeastern Australia to test Eucalyptus growth and survivorship responses to forest fragmentation over a 26 year period.


We measured 2418 tree diameters and used spline-regression techniques to examine non-monotonic fragmentation effect over two time periods.


Over the first 4 years after fragmentation, individual eucalypt tree growth was greater than in continuous forest for large trees and mortality rates were higher only within 10 m of edges. Over the following 22 years only the effects on tree growth remained and on average all fragments rebounded so that their biomass and mortality rates were equivalent to continuous forest. Importantly non-monotonic patterns were observed in growth and mortality with respect to area and distance from edge in both study periods, demonstrating that fragmentation impacts on trees can be strong in localized areas (greatest in 3 ha fragments and 0–30 m edges) and over short time periods.


Dry-sclerophyll eucalypt forests join the set of forest types that display resilient growth dynamics post fragmentation. Moreover, persistent non-monotonic impacts on tree growth with respect to tree size, fragment area, and fragment distance from edge, highlighting landscape fragmentation as a driver of habitat heterogeneity within remnant forest fragments.

掌握国内仅分布于新疆的3种野生葱属植物人工栽培过程中形态及年生活史特征,为人工栽培条件下的环境控制提供依据。以新疆野生分布的新疆蒜、健蒜和多籽蒜为研究对象,在人工栽培条件下,于开花期观察形态指标;基于物候观察方法,在田间详细记录其年生长发育动态。结果表明,供试材料均为多年生草本植物,鳞茎单生,伞形花序,无珠芽。花梗基部无小苞片,花完全开放时,花被片成辐射状,具6枚花被片、6枚雄蕊和1枚雌蕊,子房扁球状,绿色,具疣突,子房3心室,除新疆蒜无蜜穴外,其余均具蜜穴。其中,新疆蒜具25~92枚小花,小花白色,每心室具4~8枚胚珠,年生活史85 d,其中从开始抽薹到种子散落约52 d。健蒜具20~66枚小花,小花深紫红色,子房腹缝线处有具帘蜜穴,每心室具4~6枚胚珠,年生活史96 d,其中从开始抽薹到种子散落约66 d。多籽蒜具18~64枚小花,小花粉红至紫红色,每心室具4~6枚胚珠,年生活史97 d,其中从开始抽薹到种子散落约56 d。新疆气候条件下的3种葱属植物具有早春萌动特征,具有一定的抗寒、抗旱能力,人工栽培条件下完成生殖生长,夏季高温来临前完成年生活史。可以作为早春露地栽培蔬菜和观赏花卉进行驯化栽培。  相似文献   

Landscape ecology has a high potential to contribute to sustainability in the interactions of people and nature. Landscape ecologists have already made considerable progress towards a more general understanding of the relevance of spatial variation for ecosystems. Incorporating the complexities of societies and economies into landscape ecology analyses will, however, require a broader framework for thinking about spatial elements of complexity. An exciting recent development is to explicitly try to integrate landscape ecology and ideas about resilience in social–ecological systems through the concept of spatial resilience. Spatial resilience focuses on the importance of location, connectivity, and context for resilience, based on the idea that spatial variation in patterns and processes at different scales both impacts and is impacted by local system resilience. I first introduce and define the concepts of resilience and spatial resilience and then discuss some of their potential contributions to the further interdisciplinary integration of landscape ecology, complexity theory, and sustainability science. Complexity theorists have argued that many complex phenomena, such as symmetry-breaking and selection, share common underlying mechanisms regardless of system type (physical, social, ecological, or economic). Similarities in the consequences of social exclusion and habitat fragmentation provide an informative example. There are many strong parallels between pattern–process interactions in social and ecological systems, respectively, and a number of general spatial principles and mechanisms are emerging that have relevance across many different kinds of system. Landscape ecologists, with their background in spatially explicit pattern–process analysis, are well placed to contribute to this emerging research agenda.  相似文献   

This paper addresses the challenge of measuring spatial heterogeneity in categorical map data. Spatial heterogeneity is a complex notion that involves both spatial variability and attribute variability, and metrics to capture this are a product of their developers’ simplifying assumptions about both spatial and attribute dimensions. We argue that the predominantly binary treatment of categorical data is frequently an unnecessary oversimplification that can be replaced by ordered measures based on semantic similarity evaluations. We develop a typology of autocorrelation metrics for categorical data that identifies a critical gap: existing measures are limited in their ability to capture variability of both spatial and attribute dimensions simultaneously. We demonstrate an approach to formally characterize the semantic similarity between pairs of categorical data classes as a continuous numeric variable. A series of experiments on synthetic and actual land cover data contrasts the information content provided by metrics representative of all portions of the typology: the recently proposed semantic variogram, the indicator variogram, the contagion index, and the edge contrast index. Experimental results suggest that the typology captures essential qualities of metric information richness. Among our findings is that the commonly used contagion index is directly correlated with Moran’s I for 2-class maps but it fails to distinguish between negatively and positively autocorrelated patterns. We identify the semantic variogram as the only metric that can simultaneously detect both spatial and semantic attribute aspects of categorical autocorrelation. The semantic variogram is also relatively robust to attribute scale changes and therefore less sensitive to class aggregation than the other metrics.  相似文献   

Understanding global landscape dynamics is a core challenge for the newly emerged field of land change science. Such an understanding requires insights into general pattern of landscape changes and the related driving forces. Many case studies of landscape change exist, but only few attempts have been made, to synthesize the results and to search for general pattern. We suggest that applying hypotheses on driving forces of landscape change derived from one case study in another region as a promising way to advance towards a more integrative view on landscape dynamics. Based on the conclusions drawn in a case study conducted in Godmanchester (Quebec, Canada; Domon and Bouchard 2007), we formulated three hypotheses and discussed them in a case study on landscape change in the Limpach valley, Switzerland. We confirm the importance of geomorphological characteristics for landscape development (hypothesis 1) and our analysis also supports the second hypothesis, which states that changes in demand for certain resources result in landscape change. However, we suggest replacing the term resources by the more encompassing concept of goods and services. The third hypothesis, which states that technological transformations stand at the beginning of landscape change, also was confirmed. Technologies have to be affordable, socially accepted, and corresponding to a demand, to be implemented on a large scale. This will cause a technological transformation, which then—depending on the specifics of the technology applied—becomes relevant for landscape development. We conclude with three reworded hypotheses on driving forces of landscape change and we hope that they will be tested and further developed in other case studies.  相似文献   



Management of wintering waterfowl in North America requires adaptability because constant landscape and environmental change challenges existing management strategies regarding waterfowl habitat use at large spatial scales. Migratory waterfowl including mallards (Anas platyrhynchos) use the lower Mississippi Alluvial Valley (MAV) for wintering habitat, making this an important area of emphasis for improving wetland conservation strategies, while enhancing the understanding of landscape-use patterns.


We used aerial survey data collected in the Arkansas portion of the MAV (ARMAV) to explain the abundance and distribution of mallards in relation to variable landscape conditions.


We used two-stage, hierarchical spatio-temporal models with a random spatial effect to identify covariates related to changes in mallard abundance and distribution within and among years.


We found distinct spatio-temporal patterns existed for mallard distributions across the ARMAV and these distributions are dependent on the surrounding landscape structure and changing environmental conditions. Models performing best indicated seasonal surface water extent, rice field, wetland and fallow (uncultivated) fields positively influenced mallard presence. Rice fields, surface water and weather were found to influence mallard abundance. Additionally, the results suggest weather and changing surface water affects mallard presence and abundance throughout the winter.


Using novel datasets to identify which environmental factors drive changes in regional wildlife distribution and abundance can improve management by providing managers additional information to manage land over landscapes spanning private and public lands. We suggest our analytical approach may be informative in other areas and for other wildlife species.

We present a parametric model for estimating the areas within watersheds whose land use best predicts indicators of stream ecological condition. We regress a stream response variable on the distance-weighted proportion of watershed area that has a specific land use, such as agriculture. Distance weighting functions model the declining influence of landscape elements as a function of their flowpath distances, first to the stream channel (to-stream distance), and then down the channel to the location at which stream condition was sampled (in-stream distance). Model parameters specify different distance scales over which to-stream and in-stream influences decline. As an example, we predict an index of biotic integrity (IBI) for the fish communities in 50 small streams of the Willamette Basin of Oregon, USA, from distance-weighted proportions of agricultural or urban land use in their watersheds. The weighting functions of best-fitting models (R 2 = 0.57) represent landscape influence on IBI as extending upstream tens of kilometers along the stream channel network, while declining nearly to zero beyond a distance of 30 m from the channel. Our example shows how parametric distance weighting can identify the distance scales, and hence the approximate areas within watersheds, for which land use is most strongly associated with a stream response variable. In addition, distance-weighting parameters offer a simple and direct language for comparing the scales of landscape influence on streams across different land uses and stream ecosystem components.  相似文献   

Landscape Ecology - Landscape ecology early on developed the awareness that central objects of investigation are not stable over time and therefore the historical dimension must be included, or at...  相似文献   

Gas exchange and growth of woody landscape plants is strongly affected by underlying surfaces. In urban areas, plants are subjected to energy balance characteristics of a variety of surfaces. We investigated energy balance properties of six urban surfaces: asphalt, gravel rock mulch, lava rock mulch, concrete, pine bark mulch, and turf. Each summer over a 3-year period, incoming global shortwave radiation, surface temperature, surface reflectivity (albedo), soil temperature below each surface, and soil heat flux were measured for each surface, and total incoming radiation, thermal conductivity, and longwave radiation emitted by each surface were calculated. Differences in surface properties were analyzed by regression analysis. Albedo was greatest for concrete and least for lava rock mulch, while thermal conductivity was greatest for asphalt and least for lava rock and pine bark mulches. Under maximum incoming total radiation, regression analysis indicated: soil heat flux was greatest under asphalt and concrete and least under lava rock and pine bark mulches; soil temperature below each surface was greatest for asphalt and concrete and least for pine bark mulch; surface temperature was greatest for pine bark mulch and least for turf; and longwave radiation flux of each surface was greatest for pine bark mulch and least for turf. This research revealed that more energy was conducted into the soil below asphalt and concrete, and that a greater portion of incoming radiation was prevented from entering the soil below pine bark and lava rock mulches than below other surfaces. Due to these effects, and the lack of evaporative cooling, surface temperatures were greater, and more longwave radiation was emitted from non-vegetative surfaces than from turf. In a concurrent study, we investigated if the energy balance of turf, pine bark mulch, and asphalt surfaces influenced gas exchange of four containerized tree species grown over each surface. On several occasions over a 2-year period, morning-to-evening measurements of stomatal conductance, leaf temperature, and plant water loss were made on containerized Bechtel crabapple (Malus ionensis ‘Plena’), Norway maple (Acer platanoides ‘Crimson King’), globe willow (Salix matsudana ‘Navajo’) and American plane tree (Platanus occidentalis). Leaves over pine bark mulch and asphalt intercepted more longwave radiation and generally had greater leaf temperature and leaf-to-air vapor difference than leaves over turf. As a result, trees over non-vegetative surfaces generally had lower stomatal conductance and water loss than trees over turf.  相似文献   



Hoverflies are often used as bio-indicators for ecosystem conservation, but only few studies have actually investigated the key factors explaining their richness in woodlands.


In a fragmented landscape in southwest France, we investigated the joint effects of woodland area, structural heterogeneity, connectivity and history on the species richness of forest-specialist hoverflies, and whether there was a time lag in the response of hoverflies to habitat changes, and tested the effect of spatiotemporal changes.


Current species richness was sampled in 48 woodlands using 99 Malaise traps. Structural variables were derived from a rapid habitat assessment protocol. Old maps and aerial photographs were used to extract past and present spatial patterns of the woodlands since 1850. Relationships between species richness and explanatory variables were explored using generalized linear models.


We show that current habitat area, connectivity, historical continuity and the average density of tree-microhabitats explained 35 % of variation in species richness. Species richness was affected differently by changes in patch area between 1979 and 2010, depending on woodland connectivity. In isolated woodlands, extinction debt and colonization credit were revealed, showing that even several decades are not sufficient for hoverflies to adapt to landscape-scale habitat conditions.


These findings emphasise the importance of maintaining connectedness between woodlands, which facilitates the dispersion in a changing landscape. Our results also highlight the benefits of using a change-oriented approach to explain the current distribution patterns of species, especially when several spatial processes act jointly.



The recently introduced concept of ‘landscape services’—ecosystem services influenced by landscape patterns—may be particularly useful in landscape planning by potentially increasing stakeholder participation and financial funding. However, integrating this concept remains challenging. In order to bypass this barrier, we must gain a greater understanding of how landscape composition and configuration influence the services provided.


We conducted meta-analyses that considered published studies evaluating the effects of several landscape metrics on the following services: pollination, pest control, water quality, disease control, and aesthetic value. We report the cumulative mean effect size (E++), where the signal of the values is related to positive or negative influences.


Landscape complexity differentially influenced the provision of services. Particularly, the percentage of natural areas had an effect on natural enemies (E++ =?0.35), pollination (E++?=?0.41), and disease control (E++?=?0.20), while the percentage of no-crop areas had an effect on water quality (E++?=?0.42) and pest response (E++?=?0.33). Furthermore, heterogeneity had an effect on aesthetic value (E++?=?0.5) and water quality (E++ =???0.40). Moreover, landscape aggregation was important to explaining pollination (E++?=?0.29) and water quality (E++?=?0.35).


The meta-analyses reinforce the importance of considering landscape structure in assessing ecosystem services for management purposes and decision-making. The magnitude of landscape effect varies according to the service being studied. Therefore, land managers must account for landscape composition and configuration in order to ensure the maintenance of services and adapt their approach to suit the focal service.

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