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Chlorsulfuron, giyphosate and imazaquin were evaluated in pot and field studies for their efficacy in controlling broomrape (Orobanche ramosa L.) in tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum Mill.) in Northern Greece. All herbicides were applied four to five weeks after tomato transplanting, when the crop was at early flowering stage and broomrape had started to develop underground attachments. The number of emerged broomrape shoots and underground attachments were less affected by herbicide treatments than the dry weight, suggesting that the herbicides suppress the growth of broomrape rather than kill its underground organs. In the pot experiments, chlorsulfuron applied at 5 g AI ha?1 was the most effective treatment for broomrape control and the least toxic to the crop. Imazaquin and glyphosate applied at 37 and 180 g AI ha?1, respectively, controlled broomrape but imazaquin reduced crop yield. In the field, similar rates of glyphosate and higher rates of imazaquin were not toxic to the crop but were less effective on broomrape. Chlorsulfuron applied at 10 g AI ha?1 controlled broomrape emergence by 88%. When the herbicide was applied twice (5+10 g AI ha?1), it gave complete control of broomrape but delayed crop maturity. The yield of tomato was not increased as a result of these treatments because of low broomrape infestation and a short competition period.  相似文献   

In 1997 and 1998, five field studies were conducted at four Portuguese wine‐growing regions in order to evaluate the effectiveness of the chemical control of vineyard weeds under Mediterranean conditions using either reduced doses of residual herbicides or only foliar herbicides. Amitrole (3440 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + glyphosate mono‐ammonium salt (1720 + 900 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole (3400 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + terbuthylazine (2580 + 1500 g a.i. ha?1) and amitrole + diuron + simazine (2580 + 1300 + 1400 g a.i. ha?1) were assayed and compared with the following reference herbicides: glyphosate isopropylamine salt (1800 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + diuron (2520 + 1680 g a.i. ha?1), diuron + glyphosate + terbuthylazine (1275 + 900 + 1425 g a.i. ha?1), amitrole + simazine (1900 + 3900 g a.i. ha?1) and glyphosate + simazine (800 + 2200 g a.i. ha?1). The herbicides were applied during late winter. The results indicated that good control was achieved by the application of foliar herbicides alone or of reduced rates of a mixture of residual herbicides with foliar herbicides for at least 2 months. Three months after application, the efficacy of post‐emergence herbicides and lower rates of residual herbicides decreased significantly in clay soils and under heavy rainfall conditions. Convolvulus arvensis– a weed that is becoming increasingly significant in Portuguese vineyards – was poorly controlled, even when glyphosate was used. Despite this, it can be assumed that in those regions in which the trials were conducted, it is possible to employ weed control strategies that entail the elimination or a reduction in the rate of residual herbicides.  相似文献   

P.C. LOLAS 《Weed Research》1994,34(3):205-209
In field tests conducted on oriental and flue-cured tobacco, six herbicides were evaluated for their effect on broomrape (Orobanche ramosa L.) control and on tobacco growth, yield and chemical composition. Imazaquin+pendi-methalin (1:6) at 0.09+0.55 kg a.i. ha?1 soil in corporated before transplanting controlled broomrape effectively only in 1990 and signifi cantly reduced tobacco yield. Glyphosate (as Roundup 360 ga.e.1?1 and Armada (90 ga.e.l?1) and sulfosate, each at 0.2+0.3 kg a.e. ha?1 and imazaquinat 0.07+0.1 kg a.i. ha?1 foliar applied at 40 days and 60 days after transplanting gave excellent control of broomrape, with no adverse effect on tobacco growth or yield; however, the 9% formulation of glyphosate was damaging. Maleic hydrazide gave moderate to good (up to 80%) control of broomrape. Reducing sugars in flue-cured tobacco and nicotine in both oriental and flue-cured tobacco were higher where a her bicide was used. Des herbicides pour lutter contre Orobanche ramosa L. dans le tabac (Nicotiana tabacum L). Dans des expérimentations au champ conduites sur du tabac oriental et ‘flue cured’, six herbicides ont étéévalués pour leur effet sur Orobanche ramosa L. ainsi que sur la croissance, le rendement et la composition chimique du tabac. Le mélange imazaquin+pendiméthalin (1:6 à 0.09+0.55 kg ha?1, incorporé avant le repiquage, n'a permis de détruire l'orobanche qu'en 1990 et réduisait de manière significative le rendement du tabac. Le glyphosate (Roundup, 360 m.a. 1?1 et Armada, 90 g m.a. l?1) et le sulfosate chacun aux doses 0.2+0.3 kg m.a. ha?1 et l'imazaquin 0.07+0.1 kg m.a. ha?1 appliqués en post-levée 40 et 60 jours après le repiquage donnaient d'excellents résultats contre l'orobanche, sans effet sur la croissance du tabac et sur son rendement, si l'on excepte la formulation de giyphosate 9%. L'hydrazide maléique donnait des résultats moyens à bons (jusqu'à 80% d'efficacité). Les teneurs en sucres réducteurs chez le tabac ‘flue cured’ et en nicotine chez les tabacs ‘flue cured’ et oriental étaient plus élevées lorsqu'un herbicide avait été utilisé. Herbizide zur Bekämpfung von Orobanche ramosa L. in Tabak (Nicotiana tabacum L.) In Freilandversuchen wurden in Orient- und Vir-gin-Tabak 6 Herbizide hinsichtlich der Bekämpfung der Sommerwurz Orobanche ramosa sowie des Wachstums, des Ertrags und der chemischen Zusammensetzung des Tabaks geprüft. Mit einer Mischung von Imazaquin mit Pendimethalin zu 0,09+0,55 kg AS ha?1, vor dem Pflanzen in den Boden eingearbeitet, konnte die Sommerwurz nur 1990 wirkungsvoll bekämpft werden, aber der Tabakertrag wurde signifikant reduziert. Glyphosat (als Roundup [360 g AS 1?1] und als Armada [90 g AS 1?1) mit Sulfosat zu 0,2+0,3 kg AS ha?1 und Imazaquin zu 0,07 sowie 0,1 kg AS ha?1, 40 bzw. 60 Tage nach dem Pflanzen angewandt, wirkten hervorragend, ohne Wuchs und Ertrag des Tabaks zu beeinträchtigen, ausgenommen bei der 9% igen Glyphosatformulierung. Mit Maleinhydazid ließ sich die Sommerwurz befriedigend bis gut (bis zu 80 %) bekämpfen. Der Gehalt an reduzierenden Zuckern im Virgin-Tabak und Nikotin in beiden Tabaken war erhöht, wenn ein Herbizid angewandt worden war.  相似文献   

The broomrape (Orobanche crenata Forsk) susceptibility to glyphosate applied on faba-bean (Vicia faba L.) as affected by the parasite growth stages at the time of application was studied under field conditions. Glyphosate treatments delayed O. crenata emergence. Single glyphosate application to faba-bean infected with O. crenata predominantly at the stage (a) (small nodule) and (b) (nodules with initial vestigial roots) resulted in a moderate to low control. When the stages (c) (shoot bud already visible) or (d) (shoot and vestigial roots well developed) were the predominant stages, an excellent control was achieved with a single glyphosate application at 60 g ha?1. Increased development stages, with the shoot emerged from the shoot bud, decreased its susceptibility to glyphosate. La lutte contre Orobanche crenata en culture de férerole avec le glyphosate; influence des doses d'herbicide et du stade de développement du parasite  相似文献   

The effects of two herbicides, glyphosate (as a 359 g litre?1 SL) and hexazinone (as a 50gkg?1 granule) on soil microbial population, carbon dioxide evolution, and in-vitro growth of five species of ectomycorrhizal fungi were investigated. Glyphosate at 0–54 and 3.23 kg a.i. ha?1 and hexazinone at 1. 2 and 8 kg a.i. ha?1 did not reduce soil microbial population or carbon dioxide evolution in the long term (6 months). However, there was a significant short-term (2 months) effect of glyphosate on both fungal and bacterial counts at the 0.54 kg ha?1 treatment. In in-vitro tests, Cenococcum graniforme. Hebeloma crustuliniforme and Laccaria laccata were more susceptible to both herbicides than was Suillus tomentosus. which was, in turn, more susceptible than Paxillus involutus. The growth of all five ectomycorrhizal fungi was significantly reduced when subjected to concentrations above 50 μl formulation litre?1 (glyphosate) or 50 μg formulation litre?1 (hexazinone).  相似文献   

Field experiments were conducted from 1989 to 1992 to determine the effects of pre-emergence herbicides in sunflower (Helianthus armuus L.) on: (1) the control of Orobanche cemua Loefl. (broomrape) and (2) crop damage and crop yield. Herbicides tested belong to the imidazolinone, sulfonylurea and substituted amide families. Imazethapy r (20–40 g ha?1), imazapy r (12.5–25 gha?1) and chlorsulfuron (4–6 gha?1) controlled broomrape efficiently without crop injury. With good O. cernua control and good crop tolerance, sunflower seed yield from these treatments were generally similar to the non-infested checks and higher than the infestedchecks. Imazaquin (20–40 gha?1), triasulfuron(4gha?1), pdmisulfuron(3g ha?1), acetochlor (4–4 kg ha?1) and metazachlor (2 kg ha?1) were less effective. Imazamethabenz (200–600 g ha?1) and metolachlor (3–3 kg ha?1) were ineffective. Wetconditions aftercropsowing considerably decreased O. cemua control with pre-emergence herbicides probably caused by enhanced degrädation. Des herbicides de prelevee pour la lutte contre Vorobanche (Orobanche cemua Loefl.) dans le toumesol (Helianthus annuus L.) Des expérimentations au champ ont été conduites de 1989 á 1992 pour determiner les effets d'herbicides de pré1evée du toumesol sun (a) la destruction de l'orobanche (Orobanche cernua Loefl.) et (b) la phytotoxcité sur la culture. Les herbicides testés appartenaient aux imidazolinones, aux sulfonylurdes et aux amides substituées. L'imazethapyr (20 á 40 gha?1), l'imazapyr (12,5 á25gha?1)et le chlorsulfuron (4 á 6 gha?1) détruisaient efficacement l'orobanche sans occasionner de phytotoxidt6 sur la culture. Dans ces conditions, les rendements étaient généralement semblables à ceux des témoins non infestés et supérieurs à ceux des témoins infestés. L'imazaquin (20 à 40 g ha?1), le triasulfuron (4 gha?1), le primisulfuron (3 g ha?1), lacétolachlor (4,4 kg ha?1) et le métazachlor (2 kg ha?1) étaient moins efficaces. L'imazaméthabenz (200 á 600 g ha?1) et le métolachlor (3,3 kg ha?1) etaient inefficaces. Des conditions humides aprfes le semis diminuaient considérablement la destruction de O. cemua par les herbicides de prélevée, probablement à cause d'une dégradation plus élevée. Vorauflaufherbigide zur Bekdmpfung der Sommerwurz Orobanche cemua Loefl. in Sonnenblume (Helianthus annuus L.) Zwischen 1989 und 1992 wurden in Sonnenblume Feldversuche zur Wirkung von Vorauflaufherbiziden aus den Gruppen der Imidazolinone, Sulfonylharnstoffe und substitutierten Amide auf die Sommerwurz Orobanche cernua und auf Kulturpflanzenschaden sowie den Ertrag durchgefuhrt. Mit Imazethapyr (20 bis 40 g ha?1), Imazapyr (12,5 bis 25 g ha?1) und Chlorsulfuron (4 bis 6 g ha?1) lieβ sich die Sommerwurz wirksam bekampfen, ohne daβ Schaden an der Sonnenblume auftraten, und die Ertrage waren allgemein ahnlich oder hoher als bei der nichtparasitierten Kontrolle. Imazaquin (20 bis 40 ha?1), Triasulfuron (4 g ha?1).Primisulfuron (3 g ha ?1). Acetochlor (4,4 kg ha ?1 und Metazachlor (2 kg ha ?1) waren weniger wirksam. Imazamethabenz (200 bis 600 g ha?1) und Metolachlor (3,3 kg ha?1) hatten keine Wirkung. Bei Niederschlagen nach der Saat der Sonnenblume war die Bekampfung der Sommerwurz mit Vorauflaufherbiziden vermutlich wegen verstärkten Abbaus erheblich schwächer.  相似文献   

Echinochloa colona is the most common grass weed of summer fallows in the grain‐cropping systems of the subtropical region of Australia. Glyphosate is the most commonly used herbicide for summer grass control in fallows in this region. The world's first population of glyphosate‐resistant E. colona was confirmed in Australia in 2007 and, since then, >70 populations have been confirmed to be resistant in the subtropical region. The efficacy of alternative herbicides on glyphosate‐susceptible populations was evaluated in three field experiments and on both glyphosate‐susceptible and glyphosate‐resistant populations in two pot experiments. The treatments were knockdown and pre‐emergence herbicides that were applied as a single application (alone or in a mixture) or as part of a sequential application to weeds at different growth stages. Glyphosate at 720 g ai ha?1 provided good control of small glyphosate‐susceptible plants (pre‐ to early tillering), but was not always effective on larger susceptible plants. Paraquat was effective and the most reliable when applied at 500 g ai ha?1 on small plants, irrespective of the glyphosate resistance status. The sequential application of glyphosate followed by paraquat provided 96–100% control across all experiments, irrespective of the growth stage, and the addition of metolachlor and metolachlor + atrazine to glyphosate or paraquat significantly reduced subsequent emergence. Herbicide treatments have been identified that provide excellent control of small E. colona plants, irrespective of their glyphosate resistance status. These tactics of knockdown herbicides, sequential applications and pre‐emergence herbicides should be incorporated into an integrated weed management strategy in order to greatly improve E. colona control, reduce seed production by the sprayed survivors and to minimize the risk of the further development of glyphosate resistance.  相似文献   

Many herbicides promote plant growth at doses well below the recommended application rate (hormesis). The objectives of this study were to evaluate glyphosate‐induced hormesis in soyabean (Glycine max) and determine whether pre‐treating soyabean seedlings with low doses of glyphosate would affect their response to subsequent glyphosate treatments. Seven doses (1.8–720 g a.e. ha?1) of glyphosate were applied to 3‐week‐old seedlings, and the effects on the electron transport rate (ETR), metabolite (shikimate, benzoate, salicylate, AMPA, phenylalanine, tyrosine and tryptophan) levels and dry weight were determined. The lowest dose stimulated ETR and increased biomass the most. Benzoate levels increased 203% with 3.6 g a.e. ha?1 glyphosate. Salicylate content and tyrosine content were unaffected, whereas phenylalanine and tryptophan levels were increased by 60 and 80%, respectively, at 7.2 g a.e. ha?1. Dose–response curves for these three amino acids were typical for hormesis. In another experiment that was replicated twice, soyabean plants were pre‐treated with low doses of glyphosate (1.8, 3.6 or 7.2 g a.e. ha?1) and treated with a second application of glyphosate (1.8, 3.6, 7.2, 36, 180 or 720 g a.e. ha?1) 14 days later. For total seedling dry weight, a 3.6 and 7.2 g a.e. ha?1 glyphosate dose preconditioned the soyabean seedlings to have greater growth stimulation by a later glyphosate treatment than plants with no preconditioning glyphosate exposure. Optimal hormetic doses were generally higher with pre‐treated plants than plants that had not been exposed to glyphosate. Thus, pre‐exposure to low doses of glyphosate can change the hormetic response to later low‐dose exposures.  相似文献   

Structure-concentration–foliar uptake enhancement relationships between commercial polyoxyethylene primary aliphatic alcohol (A), nonylphenol (NP), primary aliphatic amine (AM) surfactants and the herbicide glyphosatemono(isopropylammonium) were studied in experiments with wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) and field bean (Vicia faba L.) plants growing under controlled-environment conditions. Candidate surfactants had mean molar ethylene oxide (EO) contents ranging from 5 to 20 and were added at concentrations varying from 0·2 to 10 g litre?-1 to [14C]glyphosate formulations in acetone–water. Rates and total amounts of herbicide uptake from c. 0·2–μl droplet applications of formulations to leaves were influenced by surfactant EO content, surfactant hydrophobe composition, surfactant concentration, glyphosate concentration and plant species, in a complex manner. Surfactant effects were most pronounced at 0·5 g acid equivalent (a.e.) glyphosate litre?-1 where, for both target species, surfactants of high EO content (15–20) were most effective at enhancing herbicide uptake: surfactants of lower EO content (5–10) frequently reduced, or failed to improve, glyphosate absorption. Whereas, at optimal EO content, AM surfactants caused greatest uptake enhancement on wheat, A surfactants gave the best overall performance on field bean; NP surfactants were generally the least efficient class of adjuvants on both species. Threshold concentrations of surfactants needed to increase glyphosate uptake were much higher in field bean than wheat (c. 2 g litre?-1 and < 1 g litre?-1, respectively); less herbicide was taken up by both species at high AM surfactant concentrations. At 5 and 10 g a.e. glyphosate litre?-1, there were substantial increases in herbicide absorption and surfactant addition could cause effects on uptake that were different from those observed at lower herbicide doses. In particular, the influence of EO content on glyphosate uptake was now much less marked in both species, especially with AM surfactants. The fundamental importance of glyphosate concentration for its uptake was further emphasised by experiments using formulations with constant a.i./surfactant weight ratios. Any increased foliar penetration resulting from inclusion of surfactants in 0·5 g litre?-1 [14C]glyphosate formulations gave concomitant increases in the amounts of radiolabel that were translocated away from the site of application. At these low herbicide doses, translocation of absorbed [14C]glyphosate in wheat was c. twice that in field bean; surfactant addition to the formulation did not increase the proportion transported in wheat but substantially enhanced it in field bean.  相似文献   

The present study assessed the effect of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi (AMF) on broomrape (Orobanche aegyptiaca Pers.) control to determine its effects on tomato (Lycopersicon esculentum L.) growth indices. This experiment was carried out using a randomized complete block design with four replications. The treatments included three strains of AMF (Glomus mosseae, Glomus intraradices and Glomuse hoe ) at three levels (100, 200 and 300 kg ha?1). The control treatments (without mycorrhiza) were with and without broomrape (weed infest and weed free). The results showed that the use of G. intraradices and G. mosseae decreased broomrape seed germination, the number of nodules and the dry weight of the broomrape and increased root area and dry weight of the tomato plant when compared to G. hoe and the control treatments without broomrape. The tomato yield in G. intraradices 300 kg ha?1 treatment increased by 10 and 205% than weed free and weed infest treatments, respectively. Finally, G. intraradices and G. mosseae at, respectively, 200 and 300 kg ha?1 are recommended for land under tomato cultivation that has been contaminated with broomrape.  相似文献   

A pot bioassay procedure, based on root growth of pre-germinated maize was used to study residual phytotoxicity of chlorsulfuron and DPX-L5300 methyl-([4-methoxy-6-methyl-1,3,5-triazin-2-yl(methyl) carbamoyl]sulphamoyl)benzoate under field conditions. The results indicate that residual bioactivity of both herbicides, applied either pre-or post-emergence at 5, 10, 20 and 40 g a.i. ha?1, was increased with increasing rate of application. Chlorsulfuron persisted longer than DPX-L5300, and both herbicides, when applied pre-emergence, persisted longer than when applied post-emergence. Pot bioassay did not detect any residues eight months after either application. Maize and sunflower, planted as rotational field crops eight months after pre-emergence application, were not injured by either herbicide. Also, these crops were not affected when planted four months after post-emergence application of any of the DPX-L5300 rates or 5 or 10 g a.i. ha?1 of chlorsulfuron, but their fresh weight was significantly reduced where 20 or 40 g a.i. ha?1 of chlorsulfuron were applied.  相似文献   

Phalaris minor, the most serious weed in wheat in north‐western India, has developed extensive isoproturon resistance due to continuous isoproturon use. For its control, alternative herbicides (flufenacet, metribuzin and sulfosulfuron) at different application rates and timing were evaluated in wheat. In addition, herbicide carryover risk onto rotational crops (sorghum; maize and green gram, Vigina radiata) was also assessed. Isoproturon at 1 and 2 kg a.i. ha?1 provided only 10.5% and 51.8%P. minor control respectively. Of the other herbicides, early post‐emergent [15–21 days after sowing (DAS)] flufenacet at 180–480 g a.i. ha?1 provided acceptable control of P. minor, but failed to control broad‐leaved weeds and was phytotoxic to the wheat crop. Metribuzin at 210 g a.i. ha?1 was effective in controlling both Phalaris and dicotyledonous weeds. Mixtures of both flufenacet and metribuzin at reduced rates were better than flufenacet for weed control and grain yield. The efficacy of flufenacet and metribuzin was drastically reduced with later growth stages of P. minor (four to five leaf). Whereas sulfosulfuron at 25–30 g a.i. ha?1, applied either early post‐emergence (19 DAS) or post‐emergence (30–42 DAS), was quite effective. Overall, sulfosulfuron was the most effective treatment with regard to weed control and crop yield. However, maize and sorghum grown in rotation after harvest of sulfosulfuron‐treated wheat plots showed 65–73% crop biomass inhibition. The residual effect of sulfosulfuron was also noticed on Trianthema portulacastrum (Horse purslane), causing 73.5% dry matter reduction. By contrast, no carryover damage with flufenacet was observed on maize, sorghum and green gram. Glasshouse pot experiments and field trials investigating crop sensitivity to pre‐plant applications of sulfosulfuron found the decreasing order: sorghum > maize > green gram. The risk of carryover onto rotational crops should be considered when choosing alternative herbicides for P. minor control in wheat.  相似文献   

Palmer amaranth is a problematic weed in grain sorghum production in central United States. Due to limited herbicide options available and ever increasing herbicide-resistant weed species, there is a demand for new mode-of-action herbicides for use in grain sorghum. Fluthiacet-methyl is a relatively new active ingredient that inhibits the enzyme protoporphyrinogen oxidase in target plants. Field studies were conducted at three sites in central United States in 2010 and 2011 to evaluate crop response and Palmer amaranth control with postemergence application of fluthiacet-methyl in grain sorghum. Treatments included fluthiacet-methyl at 4.8 and 7.2 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha?1 alone and tank-mixed with 2,4-D amine at 260 g acid equivalent (a.e.) ha?1 or atrazine at 840 g a.i. ha?1. Carfentrazone at 8.8 g a.i. ha?1, atrazine at 840 g ha?1, and a non-treated control were also included. Fluthiacet-methyl treatments caused 9–38% crop injury at 4 ± 1 days after treatment. Tank-mixing atrazine with fluthiacet-methyl seldom affected crop injury, while mixing 2,4-D with fluthiacet-methyl often reduced crop injury. Generally, injury caused by fluthiacet-methyl alone or in combination with atrazine or 2,4-D disappeared within 3 weeks after treatment. Grain yields were reduced in one trial, when 2,4-D mixed with 4.8 or 7.2 g ha?1 of fluthiacet-methyl caused 18% and 13% plant lodging and 24% and 14% grain yield loss, respectively. Across site-years, fluthiacet-methyl alone at 4.8 or 7.2 g ha?1 provided 55–95% control of Palmer amaranth. Greater Palmer amaranth control (≥75%) with fluthiacet-methyl alone was achieved when weeds were small or density was low at the time of spraying. Tank-mixing atrazine with fluthiacet-methyl increased Palmer amaranth control and sorghum yields considerably. Tank-mixing 2,4-D with fluthiacet-methyl also increased Palmer amaranth control, but to lesser extent and less consistently than with atrazine. Results indicated that fluthiacet-methyl has potential for use in grain sorghum to combat weeds resistant to acetolactase synthase-inhibitors, triazines, and synthetic auxin herbicides. Tank-mixing atrazine or 2,4-D with fluthiacet-methyl is desirable for effective Palmer amaranth control.  相似文献   

The rapid range expansion of naturalized Italian ryegrass (Lolium multiflorum Lam.) in farmland is a serious problem in Fukuroi city in Shizuoka Prefecture, Japan. Glyphosate has been used to control Italian ryegrass in the levees of rice paddy fields and wheat fields for ~20 years, but this weed in Fukuroi city is poorly controlled by glyphosate. In order to elucidate the level of resistance to glyphosate in Italian ryegrass populations, seed bioassays and a foliar application experiment, using seeds collected from 16 wild populations in and around Fukuroi city and from three susceptible cultivars, were conducted. For the susceptible cultivars and one population from a site where glyphosate had not been applied for >10 years, the shoot length in the seed bioassays was greatly suppressed at a glyphosate concentration of 10 mg ai L?1 and no seedling survived after the foliar application of glyphosate at a rate of 2.3 kg ai ha?1. Nine wild populations from levees in the southern part of Fukuroi city showed vigorous shoot growth at a glyphosate concentration of 10 mg ai L?1 and had at least a 78% survival rate after the application of glyphosate at 2.3 kg ai ha?1. Four wild populations from levees in the northern part of Fukuroi city showed a slight suppression of the shoot growth as a result of the glyphosate treatment and their survival rates ranged from 20 to 64%. The results suggested that resistance to glyphosate has evolved in the wild populations of Italian ryegrass that are growing on the levees. This is the first report of a glyphosate‐resistant weed in Japan.  相似文献   

Control of Avena fatua (L.) (wild oat) with diclofop methyl applied at 0·7 kg ha?1 at the two-leaf stage and difenzoquat at 0·84 kg ha?1 at the four-leaf stage in wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) under field conditions was good and not affected when either of these herbicides was mixed with 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid as the monoethanolamine salt at 0·14, 0·20 or 0·30 kg ha?1. In the glasshouse, mixtures containing 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid at rates as high as 0·6 kg ha?1 also did not affect control of A. fatua. When barban at 0·35 kg ha?1, or flamprop methyl at 0·56 kg ha?1 was mixed with similar rates of 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid and applied at the two-leaf and four-leaf stage of A. fatua respectively, a reduction in control of A. fatua (antagonism) occurred under both field and glasshouse conditions. The herbicides for control of A. fatua did not influence the fresh weight suppression of C. arvense shoots obtained in the glasshouse with 3,6-dichloropico-colinic acid at 0·3 kg ha?1. Early tolerance of wheat (cv. Neepawa) was acceptable with all mixtures. Wheat yields with diclofop methyl or difenzoquat alone or in mixture with 3,6-dichloropicolinic acid were increased over the yields from the A. fatua-infested control.  相似文献   

A putative graminicide-resistant biotype of E. indica (L.) Gaertn. and a wild (graminicide sus ceptible) biotype were compared with regard to their growth, development and resistance to ary-loxyphenoxypropionate and cyclohexanedione herbicides in controlled environment studies. The resistant biotype produced much lower amounts of shoot biomass (46% less) but flow ered earlier and allocated a higher proportion and amount of biomass into seed-bearing struc tures compared with the wild type. The resistant biotype survived the application of 50 g a.i. ha?1 of clethodim, tralkoxydim, sethoxydim, fluazi-fop-butyl, fenoxaprop-ethyl and diclofop methyl with the greatest resistance being shown to the aryloxyphenoxypropionates. At rates of >1000 g a.i. ha?1, tralkoxydim achieved superior con trol to that of fluazifop-butyl. Even at rates of 4000 g a.i. ha?1, some 50% of the resistant test plants survived the application of fluazifop-bu-tyl. The trait for graminicide resistance did not appear to be strongly heritable, as assessed by the growth and survival of a graminicide-treated F1 population grown in isolation. It is concluded that widespread graminicide resistance in E. in dica is unlikely to develop from this biotype. Études comparatives de biotypes d'Eleusine indicata résistant et sensible aux herbicides à action antigraminée Un biotype d'Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn., supposé résistant aux herbicides à action antigraminée, a été comparé en conditions contrôlées à un biotype sauvage (sensible) en ce qui concerne la croissance, le développement et la résistance aux herbicides aryoxyphénoxypropioniques et cyclohexanediones. Le biotype résistant produisait beaucoup moins de biomasse aérienne (-46%) mais fleurissait plus tôt et attribuait aux structures porteuses de graines une proportion et une quantité plus importantes de biomasse. Le biotype résistant survivait à un traitement à la dose 50 g ha?1 de clethodime, de tralkoxydime, de séthoxydime, de fluazifop-butyle. de fénoxaprop-éthyle et de diclofop-méthyle, la plus grande résistance se manifestant à l'égard des aryloxyphénoxypropioniques. à des doses >1000 g m.a. ha?1, le tralkoxydime était plus efficace que le fluazifop-butyle. Même à des doses 4000 g m.a. ha?1, environ 50% des plantes résistantes survivaient à un traitement au fluazifop-butyle. Le caractère conférant la résistance aux herbicides à action antigraminée n'a pas montré de forte héritabilité, celle-ci étant estimée par la croissance et la survie d'une population F1 traitée aux herbicides à action antigraminée et cultivée en isolement. En conclusion, il est peu probable qu'une résistance aux herbicides à action antigraminée se répande chez E. indicaà partir de ce biotype. Untersuchungen an Graminizid-resistenten und -toleranten Biotypen von Eleusine indica An einem wahrscheinlich Graminizid-resistenten und einem toleranten Biotyp von Eleusine indica (L.) Gaertn. wurden Wachstum, Entwicklung und Empfindlichkeit gegenüber Aryloxyphenoxypropionat- und Cyclohexandion-Her-biziden unter kontrollierten Bedingungen untersucht. Der resistente Biotyp hatte eine viel geringere Sproßbiomasse (46 % weniger), blühte aber früher und lagerte in die samenbildenden Organe einen größeren Anteil und Menge der Biomasse ein. Der resistente Biotyp überstand Behandlungen mit 50 g AS ha?1 Clethodim, Tralkoxydim, Sethoxydim, Fluazi-fop-butyl, Fenoxaprop-ethyl und Diclofop-methyl. wobei die höchste Resistenz gegen die Aryloxyphenoxyproprionate bestand. Bei Aufwandmengen von >1000 g AS ha?1 war die Bekämpfung mit Tralkoxydim besser als mit Fluazifop-butyl. Selbst bei Aufwandmengen von 4000 g AS ha?1 Fluazifop-butyl lag die Wirkung auf die resistenten Pflanzen bei 50 %. Die Graminizidresistenz wurde nicht sicher vererbt, wie sich bei Untersuchungen des Wachstums und der Resitenz an F1-Populationen zeigte, und eine weite Ausbreitung der Graminizidresistenz von diesem Biotyp aus wird bei Eleusine indica für wenig wahrscheinlich gehalten.  相似文献   

The seed production of Fallopia convolvulus (L.) A. Love, Galium spurium L, and Thlaspi arvense L., treated with MCPA or tribenuron-methyl, was studied in a pot experiment. The herbicides were applied in doses from 1/16 to 1/l of a full dose at five different growth stages. The largest reduction of seed production was observed on plants treated when one true leaf had developed (F. convolvulus, both herbicides) or at the beginning of the generative phase (G. spurium treated with tribenuron-methyl and T. arvense treated with either herbicide). Tribenuron-methyl (0.375 g a.i. ha?1) or MCPA (0.1875 kg a.i. ha?1) applied at bolting stage was enough to reduce the seed production of T. arvense by 83% and 100%, respectively. The seed production of F. convolvulus, treated with 0.75 kg MCPA at the cotyledon stage, was reduced by 70%. Plants of G. spurium with 5–9 axillary shoots, treated with 3 g tribenuron-methyl, produced 45% fewer seeds than the control. Both herbicides (at least at the highest doses) reduced seed production of all three species more than shoot dry matter.  相似文献   

Glyphosate‐resistant Ambrosia trifida is a competitive and difficult‐to‐control annual broad‐leaved weed in several agronomic crops in the Midwestern United States and Ontario, Canada. The objectives of this study were to compare treatments for control of glyphosate‐resistant A. trifida with tillage followed by pre‐emergence (PRE) and/or post‐emergence (POST) herbicides in glyphosate‐resistant maize and to determine the impact of A. trifida escapes on maize yield. Field experiments were conducted in 2013 and 2014 in grower fields infested with glyphosate‐resistant A. trifida. Tillage prior to maize sowing resulted in 80–85% control compared with no tillage. Tillage followed by PRE application of saflufenacil plus dimethenamid‐P with or without atrazine resulted in 99% control compared with ≤86 and 96% control with PRE herbicides alone at 7 and 21 days after application respectively. Tillage or POST‐only herbicides resulted in 4–14 A. trifida plants m?2, whereas a PRE and POST programme had <3 plants m?2. Maize yield was greatest (13.1–14.2 tonnes ha?1) with tillage followed by PRE and POST herbicide programme. The relationship between maize yield and late‐season density of A. trifida escapes showed a 50% maize yield reduction irrespective of control measures when A. trifida density was 8.4 plants m?2. It was concluded that the combination of tillage with PRE and/or POST herbicides reduced A. trifida density and biomass accumulation early in the season and provided an integrated approach for effective management.  相似文献   

A study on the population dynamics of broom-rape (Orobanche crenata Forskal) in faba bean (Viciafaba L.) was conducted in two locations for 8 years. The O. crenata seed bank increased every year in the 20-cm depth arable layer until it reached approximately 4 million (M) seeds m?2. Seed viability ranged between 53% and 68%, approximately half of the seeds remaining dormant. About 3 × 10?3% of the seed bank became attached to the root system of the faba beans. Only 9% of the attached broomrapes developed and emerged from the soil, possibly reflecting high levels of intraspecific competition. Maximum broomrape seed production for a population of 53 emerged broomrapes per m2 was approximately 4 M seeds m?2. About 43% of the seeds produced were not incorporated into the soil, most probably as a result of their degradation, decomposition or dispersion. Stock semencier et autres paramètres démographiques de I'orobanche crénelée (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) dans des cultures de féverolle (Vicia faba L.) Une étude de la dynamique de populations d'orobanche crénelée (Orobanche crenata Forsk.) dans des cultures de féverolle (Viciafaba L.) a été menée pendant 8 années sur deux sites. Le stock semencier de O. crenata a augmenteéchaque année dans la couche (20 cm) arable du sol jusqu'à atteindre 4 millions (M) de graines m?2. La viabilité des graines était comprise entre 53 et 68%, approximativement la moitié d'entre elles présentaient une dormance. Environ 3 × 10?3% du stock semencier adhérait au système racinaire de la féverolle. Seulement 9% des orobanches adhérantes se développaient et levaient, ce qui pourrait refléter une compétition intraspécifique importante. La production maxi-male de graines par une population de 53 orobanches levées au m2était d'environ 4 M graines m?2. Environ 43% des graines produites n'étaient pas incorporées au sol, très prob-ablement en raison de leur dégradation, de leur décomposition ou de leur dispersion. Bodensamenbank und andere populationsde-mographische Parameter der Sommerwurz Orobanche crenata Forsk. in Bestanden der Acker-Bohne (Vicia faba L.) Bei einer Untersuchung der Populationsdy-namik der Sommerwurz Orobanche crenata Forsk. in Beständen der Acker-Bohne (Vicia faba L.) an 2 Orten über 8 Jahre hin nahm die Bodensamenbank in der Pflugzone von 20 cm Tiefe jedes Jahr zu, bis sie rund 4 Millionen Samen m?2 erreichte. Die Lebensfähigkeit der Samen lag bei 53 bis 68%, etwa die Hälfte war dormant. Ungefähr 3 × 10?3% kamen mit den Bohnenwurzeln in Berührung. Nur 9% davon entwickelten sich und wuchsen heran, worin vielleicht der hohe Grad intraspezifischer Konkurrenz zum Ausdruck kommt. Die höchste Zahl gebildeter Samen eines Sommer-wurzbestands von 53 Pflanzen m?2 war rund 4 Millionen. Etwa 43% der gebildeten Samen gelangten nicht in den Boden, wahrscheinlich weil sie zerstört oder verweht wurden.  相似文献   

Two field experiments were carried out a year apart on the alkaloid poppy (Papaver somniferum) in 2012 and 2013 in north-west Hungary, to assess the efficacy of mesotrione and tembotrione herbicides for post-emergence weed control. Our experiments tested (1) a single application of mesotrione at 144 g active ingredient (a.i.) ha–1, (2) two separate applications of mesotrione at 144 g a.i. ha–1, (3) a single application of tembotrione at 88 g a.i. ha–1, (4) two separate applications of mesotrione at 88 g a.i. ha–1, and (5) the combination of a single application of mesotrione at 144 g a.i. ha–1 followed by a single application of tembotrione at 88 g a.i. ha–1. Both non-treated and hand-weeded plots were used as controls. Among the most important weeds, Chenopodium album was most successfully controlled in the majority of the test treatments, but Fallopia convolvulus and Polygonum aviculare tolerated each herbicide application in 2012, likely due to the dry weather conditions. Because of the botanical similarity to the crop, none of the treatments proved to be significant against Papaver rhoeas. One dosage of tembotrione alone never reduced the dry weights of the target weed species or weed numbers significantly. The cuticular wax layer of the opium poppy can provide a natural defence against these herbicides, but some temporary phytotoxic yellowish discoloration occurred after tembotrione treatments. Our results show that mesotrione in combination with tembotrione is the most effective treatment and should be employed in poppy cultivation.  相似文献   

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