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桑天牛卵啮小蜂Aprostocetus prolixus的寄生生物学研究   总被引:3,自引:2,他引:1  
桑天牛卵啮小蜂 (Aprostocetusprolixus)是一个新种 ,对桑天牛有较高的寄生率。观察发现该寄生蜂 1年 2~ 3代 ,老熟幼虫以休眠状态越冬。 6月下旬越冬代的成虫开始羽化 ;第 1代成虫 7月下旬开始羽化 ,8月上中旬为盛期 ;第 2代幼虫一部分以老熟幼虫直接越冬 ;第 2代成虫 8月下旬至 9月中旬羽化 ,8月底与 9月初为盛期 ,所产小蜂幼虫从 9月中下旬开始陆续以老熟幼虫在寄主体内越冬。探明了该寄生蜂的羽化时间、交配、产卵、寄生等行为习性。  相似文献   

来源于寄主昆虫的信息化合物对寄生蜂的寄主识别和趋性反应有较强的调控作用。桑天牛卵啮小蜂(Aprostocetus prolixus)是桑天牛(Apriona germari)的卵期寄生蜂。初步研究了雌性桑天牛成虫口腔分泌物和产卵后的肛门分泌物以及裸卵等单一信息化合物对桑天牛卵啮小蜂的寄主识别影响,结果表明这些单一信息化合物对该寄生蜂的寄主识别均没有影响。采用有机溶剂萃取法提取桑天牛成虫粪便中的信息类化合物,并且对不同提取溶剂获得的提取液进行了寄生蜂寄主趋性反应和寄主识别行为的测定,结果表明:二氯甲烷溶剂获得的提取液对该寄生蜂的趋性反应有显著影响,正己烷、甲醇、丙酮以及蒸馏水4种溶剂获得的提取液对寄生蜂的趋性反应均无影响;正己烷、二氯甲烷、甲醇3种有机溶剂获得的提取液对寄生蜂的寄主识别行为有影响,证明有机溶剂能够有效提取存在于桑天牛成虫粪便中的该寄生蜂的接触性信息化合物。利用硅胶柱层析的方法对提取液分离纯化,层析液对寄生蜂寄主识别影响的测定结果显示,用正己烷作溶剂的层析液对该寄生蜂的寄主识别有一定的调控作用;而二氯甲烷、甲醇、丙酮和蒸馏水作溶剂的4种层析液则没有调控作用。  相似文献   

桑天牛长尾啮小蜂产卵及寄主识别行为的观察与研究   总被引:2,自引:6,他引:2  
桑天牛长尾啮小蜂(Aprostocetus fukutai)是桑天牛(Apriona germari)卵期寄生蜂,研究其寄生机制对桑天牛的生物防治有重要意义。该寄生蜂的产卵行为主要包括桑天牛刻槽的定向搜寻、刻槽表面的检验、寄主卵检验、产卵寄生、标记等,其中刻槽表面检验的时间较长。选择试验显示,正常刻槽产卵桑枝对寄生蜂的引诱作用明显高于正常桑枝和取食桑枝。在刻槽未产卵桑枝、刻槽产卵未涂抹分泌物桑枝和正常刻槽产卵桑枝中,正常刻槽产卵桑枝对寄生蜂的引诱作用最强,并且刻槽检验时间、寄主卵检验率和寄生率等都显著高于前两个处理。已寄生刻槽对长尾啮小蜂的引诱作用明显低于未寄生刻槽。  相似文献   

桑天牛卵长尾啮小蜂的发生与应用研究   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  

利用随机扩增多态性DNA标记和酯酶同工酶电泳技术,对分别属于河北、山东、湖北3个省区的6个桑天牛卵啮小蜂种群进行了遗传关系的分析。根据扩增结果构建了种群间的聚类树状图,山东泰安种群与河北各种群聚为一类,并与河北易县种群为同一亚类,其结果与形态学上的分类有些不同。而酯酶同工酶电泳图谱的结果显示,泰安种群与河北和湖北种群都有差别,与形态学分类的结果较一致。  相似文献   

桑天牛卵啮小蜂基因组DNA的提取及RAPD反应体系的优化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑天牛卵啮小蜂是抑制桑天牛的有效天敌。为使天敌能大量人工繁殖,从分子生物学角度对单头桑天牛卵啮小蜂基因组DNA的提取方法及RAPD反应条件进行了探索。结果表明,采用改良的SDS方法,提取的DNA质量较高,适宜于RAPD-PCR扩增分析。在25μL反应体系中,RAPD分析的优化反应体系为:1.5mmol/L Mg~(2+)、2μL的dNTPs(2.5mmol/L)、320nmol/L随机引物、80ng模板DNA、0.8U TaqDNA聚合酶。  相似文献   

桑天牛卵啮小蜂(Aprostocetus prolixus)有孤雌生殖现象,其后代几乎为雄性。沃尔巴克氏体(Wolbachia)是广泛分布于节肢动物体内的一类共生菌,参与多种调控寄主的生殖活动机制。通过对外膜蛋白基因(wsp)、细菌细胞分裂蛋白基因(ftsZ)和核糖体16S rDNA基因的特异性扩增,在米蛾(Corcyra cephalonica Stainton)的DNA中分别扩增出约600、1000和900 bp的片断,验证了米蛾体内已感染了Wolbachia;而在桑天牛卵啮小蜂的DNA中未扩增出任何片断,表明Wolbachia在桑天牛卵啮小蜂体内未被感染或感染率极低。  相似文献   

桑枝和桑天牛虫粪挥发物对桑天牛长尾啮小蜂的引诱作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
桑天牛长尾啮小蜂(Aprostocetus fukutai)是蛀干害虫桑天牛(Apriona gernari)重要的卵期寄生蜂,开展该寄生蜂趋性行为与其寄主昆虫(桑天牛)和寄主植物(桑树)挥发物关系的研究对桑天牛的综合防治具有重要意义。嗅觉测定表明,经不同处理的桑枝和桑天牛虫粪对桑天牛长尾啮小蜂都具有显著的引诱作用,而且咬食桑枝和产卵桑枝的引诱活性高于正常桑枝。通过热脱附/气相色谱-质谱联用仪(TCT/GC-MS)对桑枝和桑天牛虫粪挥发物进行分析鉴定的结果表明:正常桑枝挥发物主要为酯类物质,咬食桑枝和产卵桑枝挥发物主要为萜烯类物质,且大多数挥发物的释放速率高于正常桑枝,咬食桑枝挥发物的数量多于正常桑枝而少于产卵桑枝;桑天牛虫粪挥发物的数量少于桑枝,主要物质为1,6-庚二炔。  相似文献   

两种桑天牛卵寄生蜂触角感器超微结构的比较   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用扫描电镜观察了同属的桑天牛卵啮小蜂(Aprostocetus prolixus)和桑天牛长尾啮小蜂(Aprostocetus fukutai)的触角感器,对这两种寄生蜂触角感器的种类、形态、数量及分布进行了描述,并对雌雄两性触角之间的差异做了比较。结果发现,在两种寄生蜂的触角上着生着6种感器,分别为指形感器、板状感器、毛形感器、坛形感器、刺形感器、蒲姆氏鬃;两种桑天牛卵寄生蜂触角感器的种类、数量及分布模式在种间没有明显差异,但在种内雌雄个体间差异较为显著。研究结果将有助于揭示桑天牛卵寄生蜂的寄生机制。  相似文献   

桑天牛长尾啮小蜂对桑枝挥发物的触角电位和嗅觉反应   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
桑天牛长尾啮小蜂(Aprostocetus fukutai)是蛀干害虫桑天牛(Apriona germari)的重要卵寄生蜂之一,桑天牛危害的桑枝挥发物在该寄生蜂寄主生境定向搜寻过程中起着至关重要的作用。采用触角电位(EAG)仪测定了桑天牛长尾啮小蜂对8种桑枝挥发物的电生理反应,发现该寄生蜂对这8种桑枝挥发物都能产生电生理反应,且随着化合物浓度的增加电生理反应增强。利用Y型嗅觉测定仪测定了桑天牛长尾啮小蜂对不同浓度挥发物的趋性行为,结果显示0.01%月桂烯、0.01%里那醇和1%Z-乙酸-3-己烯酯对该寄生蜂均具有显著的引诱作用。研究结果对揭示桑天牛长尾啮小蜂寄主定向的化学本质具有重要意义。  相似文献   

There are only two species worldwide within the genus Rhipicentor, namely Rhipicentor bicornis and Rhipicentor nuttalli and both occur only in Africa. Rhipicentor nuttali has a widespread distribution in South Africa and the present investigation was initiated to elucidate its host preference, seasonality and life cycle. Rock elephant shrews, Elephantulus myurus were examined for ticks at four localities in the Free State Province, one in Gauteng Province and two in Limpopo Province, South Africa. Cape elephant shrews, Elephantulus edwardii were examined at two places in the Western Cape Province, and a single specimen of the bushveld elephant shrew, Elephantulus intufi was examined in central Namibia. Small mammals of other species were also examined at two of these localities. The majority of E. myurus at two sites in the Free State, at the locality in Gauteng and both sites in Limpopo Province were infested with larvae and/or nymphs of R. nuttalli, while the single E. edwardii examined at one site in the Western Cape Province and the single E. intufi examined in Namibia were infested with nymphs of this tick. Not one of the other small animals was infested. Although larvae and nymphs of R. nuttalli were present on E. myurus throughout the year, the former were generally most numerous during the period March to September, and the latter during May to October. The preferred hosts of the adults are domestic dogs, leopards, Panthera pardus and South African hedgehogs, Atelerix frontalis. Adult females engorged on Atelerix frontalis in 16-32 days and, after a preoviposition period of 2-4 days, produced approximately 170,00 eggs during the following 60-70 days. The average incubation period of the eggs was 59 days. Larvae engorged on E. myurus in 4-10 days and moulted to nymphs 12-20 days later. Nymphs required 11-15 days to engorge on E. myurus and moulted to adults 32-47 days later. Allowing 14 days for the exoskeletons and mouthparts of each of the three parasitic stages to harden before they can attach to a host, the life cycle took approximately 214 days to complete in the laboratory. The length of this period, considered in conjunction with the times of maximum seasonal occurrence of the immature stages, indicates that the life cycle probably takes a year to complete in the field.  相似文献   

Although colonies of Platythyrea lamellosa were found to be consistently queenless, the division of labour amongst workers resembled the pattern generally characteristic of ants. Mated workers were involved only with reproduction and tending larvae. The behaviour of virgin workers was influenced by their age. Athough they showed a degree of individual variation in behaviour, they were clearly organized into three roles: nursing eggs and larvae; tending cocoons and domestic tasks; and foraging. Behaviours sharing a common focus (e.g. larvae or prey) were highly associated. The integration of individual variability into a relatively precise pattern at the level of the colony was not merely a statistical artifact, but probably involved the way that tasks were spatially localized within the nest, as well as the changing physiological state of individual ants. Nest structure is probably important in this regard.  相似文献   

Seven laboratory mammal and bird species were orally inoculated with 200–1,000 encysted Metagonimus hakubaensis metacercariae that had been isolated from naturally infected lampreys (Lethenteron reissneri) captured in Aomori Prefecture. At 8 and 15 days post-infection, adult flukes were recovered from all of the laboratory animals tested, and therefore, hamster, rat, mouse, dog, cat, chicken and quail were considered as final hosts of M. hakubaensis. Recovery rates of the fluke were higher in dogs and hamsters than in cats, rats, mice, chickens and quails. The flukes recovered from dogs and hamsters showed increased body length and higher fecundity than those recovered from the other hosts. These results indicate that the suitability of dogs and hamsters for M. hakubaensis infection is higher than that of the other laboratory animals.  相似文献   

总结了蜜蜂属分类现状,重点介绍了亚洲分布的蜜蜂属8个种的确立过程和一些新蜂种的提出,最后分析了蜜蜂属分类研究中需要进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

猪瘟疫苗研究进展   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
简要地追求了猪瘟疫苗研究的历史沿革,结合猪瘟病毒基因组图主要囊膜糖蛋白生物学特性,重点介绍了猪瘟新型疫苗的研究现状,并依据现行养猪业猪瘟检疫、防制中存在的种种问题,对猪瘟新型疫苗应用和发展趋势作了初步探讨和展望。  相似文献   

Sera of weaned puppies from a hysterectomy-derived, specific pathogen free (SPF) closed dog colony did not contain antibodies against a TGE-associated virus or a serologically related one, but sera from puppies and older dogs from open kennels did. The higher antiviral titers in serum of older dogs suggested that these animals had suffered either persistent or recurrent infections. Seventy-two puppies had no contact with swine, indicating that the virus was able to propagate independently of contact with swine.  相似文献   

南岭山脉三节叶蜂科昆虫种类和区系   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
游群 《草业学报》2009,18(5):130-135
南岭山脉共有三节叶蜂28种,隶属于膜翅目叶蜂总科,其中南岭山脉特有种3种。区系分析表明,东洋种22种,占78.57%;其余6种为东洋古北兼有种,说明南岭山脉的三节叶蜂以东洋种占优势。南岭山脉三节叶蜂在我国动物地理区划中共有9个区系组合;其中最多的是华中+华南种,其次是华中种,两者之和已达物种总数的60.72%。南岭山脉不同自然保护区、不同海拔、不同植被类型间三节叶蜂的Jaccard相似性系数均小于0.5,属极不相似或中等不相似。  相似文献   

The collection of the immature stages of Dermacentor rhinocerinus from host animals is described for the first time. These are the bushveld gerbil (Tatera leucogaster, from which larvae and nymphs were collected, the red veld rat (Aethomys crysophilus), from which a larva was collected, and the Natal multimammate rat (Mastomys natalensis), from which a nymph was collected.The rodents were examined in a nature reserve in which there are white rhinoceroses (Ceratotherium simum).  相似文献   

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