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通过受试者不同坐姿表面肌电信号变化量、体压变动次数情况,探讨不同办公坐姿对人的身体部位舒适度和整体坐姿评价的影响,检验应用体压变动反映坐姿疲劳的可靠性。邀请8名受试者对6种典型办公坐姿分别进行了30 min的持续坐姿测试,收集坐姿期间竖脊肌、斜方肌表面肌电信号以及体压分布动态变化情况。结果表明:体压变动次数和表面肌电频域指标数据(尤其是竖脊肌)均与主观评价结果相关性显著。坐姿舒适性为后仰坐姿>前倾坐姿>直立坐姿,其中身体部位得到家具支撑的坐姿比没有受到家具支撑的坐姿舒适性更高,人体更不易疲劳。前倾坐姿、直立坐姿的不适感主要来自肩颈和腰部,后仰坐姿的不适感来自颈部、臀部和大腿。这说明了没有完美的坐姿,应当多变换坐姿以平衡每一种坐姿的优缺点,减少不适感的出现,从而达到高效、健康的工作状态。体压变动情况可作为总体疲劳的量化依据,利用动态体压检测疲劳状况是经济便捷有效的,建议应用动态体压展开更多疲劳相关研究。 相似文献
运用非接触式Kinect运动捕捉系统及OpenPose二维姿势检测开源实时系统,采集小学生坐姿行为中身体关键指标变化数据,通过分析各个关键指标在不同任务及时间段内的具体变化情况,总结人机适应的内在变化规律,以便为后期的桌椅适应性调节方案提供可靠依据。结果表明:颈部弯曲和视距受任务影响显著。书写任务下颈部弯曲均值大、视距小,表现出较强的振幅频率,且随时间延长有增长趋势。阅读任务和书写任务中的颈部弯曲超过20°的时间占比以及近距离用眼情况比较近似,而在平板电脑任务中,颈部弯曲数值则小于其他两项任务中的该数值,视距也相对更大,但躯干弯曲超过20°的时间增加,其振幅频率变得突出,说明躯干是使用平板电脑任务中变化性最大的身体部位。建议学习桌采用恰当方式引导小学生采用45°~60°竖立书本进行阅读,以减少颈部弯曲,加大视距。此外,可以适时调整桌高满足书写到使用平板电脑任务的变换,减缓躯干弯曲和振幅变化。 相似文献
应用三维人体CAD模型可在座椅的设计阶段对其舒适性进行灵活、有效地分析。参照二维人体模板拟定三维人体模型的结构划分,以人体形体数据和人机工程学为依托,在SolidWorks造型平台上实现对三维人体模型的建模。通过人体CAD模型对座椅CAD模型的"几何匹配",精确提取坐姿人体模型的姿态角度,对比人体坐姿标准舒适角度范围,实现对座椅舒适性的分析。 相似文献
针对目前单轨林果运输系统中存在的劳动作业方案不合理、劳动强度大、安全保障差等问题,利用虚拟样机技术建立人-物-车耦合模型,仿真作业环境。基于人机工程学理论,考虑人体生理尺寸及腰椎间盘受力等因素进行仿真分析。结果表明,在确定搬运作业方案时应根据运输距离和运输速度相应增减工作量;同时应正确选取单轨车支架高度以满足作业舒适性的需求;此外,仿真结果表明单轨车结构设计存在安全隐患。这些都将为单轨车的进一步改进设计及制定科学的运输作业方案提供依据。 相似文献
J-50拖拉机振动及乘坐舒适性评价研究的综述 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
J50拖拉机是林区木材生产中广泛使用的机械,但该机的剧烈振动直接影响操作者的身心健康和工作效率,也影响到该机的使用寿命。本文首先论述了近几年来我国对J50拖拉机的振动和乘坐舒适性评价的理论和实验研究,其次,对今后J50拖拉机的振动和乘坐舒适性评价研究提出了几点建议:(1)该机振动的研究可以简化成4个自由度系统的力学模型;(2)可使用电子计算机对该机减振进行研究,对整机进行模态参数识别;(3)研究拖拉机的主要振源,即发动机,对它采取减振措施,利用优化设计方法选择减振器参数;(4)对于驾驶室也可以采取减振措施和研制适合林区工作环境特点的减振座椅。通过以上几种方法,将会大大降低该机的振动。 相似文献
选取应用频率相对较高、生长状况较好的树木样株作为研究对象。采用手持式激光测距仪、温湿度露点测试器、照度计等仪器,观测、记录温度、湿度、照度等指标的变化情况。结果表明,不同树种的降温率、遮光率、增湿率、遮荫面积、荫质、遮荫效果存在较大差异。平均降温率、平均增湿率和平均荫质最高的树木为苹婆,分别为7.808%、8.645%和0.074n;平均遮光率最高的树木是阴香,为94.263%;平均遮荫面积和平均遮荫效果表现最佳的树木为腊肠树,分别为70.15m2和3.732。苹婆、阴香、腊肠树等树木可以从降温、遮光、增湿等不同的角度改善环境热舒适性。降温率主要与树木枝叶的浓密程度及枝下高密切相关;遮光率主要取决于树冠结构和枝下高;遮荫面积主要取决于太阳高度角及冠幅;荫质由降温率和遮光率共同影响。树木遮荫面积和遮荫效果的决定性因素为冠幅。可以通过树木的种植设计、栽培管理等措施促进遮荫潜力的发挥。在应用遮荫树木时,不仅应考虑遮荫效果的波动及其峰值,也要关注平均遮荫效果,并与景观营造策略相结合,提高树木选择的针对性和科学性。 相似文献
以人机工程学的理论为基础,从坐姿、座椅外形曲线、体压分布、几何参数、座椅材料5方面对设计进行评估。可以得出结论:(1)椅子设计的原理是从人们使用的健康角度来分析的,根据人的生理状况,疲劳测定等来定义椅子的外形曲线设计;(2)椅子的曲线主要是椅垫和靠背的曲线,是否和人的生理曲线相符。 相似文献
本文阐述了东方红60推土机座椅的振动测试方法和分析手段.得出了测试和分析结果.通过测取座椅和座椅悬挂点的自动率谱和传递函数.分析了该机座椅的动态特性.本文还简单介绍了车辆乘坐舒适性评价指标和标准 并采用ISO2631推荐的常用评价方法(疲劳—减效界限)对座椅进行了乘坐舒适性评价.结果表明.东方红60推土机的座椅舒适性尚需进一步改善. 相似文献
地面超低容量喷雾雾滴大小和空间分布对比试验 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
通过三种不同类型药液超低容量喷雾雾滴分布对比试验,绘制出雾滴空间分布图,找出不同药液类型、不同浓度在超低容量喷雾雾滴大小和分布上存在的差异,为地面细务滴喷雾技术在生产防治中的应用作参考。 相似文献
优良抗逆观赏地被蓝丁香的繁殖、栽培与观赏利用研究 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1
地被蓝丁香是内蒙古林业科学研究院选育出来的一个优良抗逆观赏品种,为了把优良品种培育、保护、扩繁、示范、推广有机结合起来,丰富自治区不同城市地区观赏地被木本植物品种,促进科技成果转化和产业化发展,研究其繁育技术,研制栽培与利用配套技术已是当务之急。 相似文献
Marc Palahí Timo Pukkala Elena Blasco Antoni Trasobares 《European Journal of Forest Research》2007,126(4):563-571
The purpose of this study was to compare the beta, Johnson SB, Weibull and truncated Weibull functions in describing the diameter
distributions of forest stands in Catalonia. The data consisted of permanent sample plots from the Spanish National Forest
Inventory in Catalonia. The empirical data represent left-truncated distributions, as the smallest diameter measured in the
field was 7.5 cm. A total of 1,242 plots were used to fit the functions and analyze their performance. The distribution functions
were fitted to the diameter distributions of the number of stems (DDN) and stand basal area (DDG). The performance of the candidate functions was compared by means of their bias and RMSE for different diameter sums measuring
the difference between the empirical and fitted distributions. The leftmost part (from 0 to 7.5 cm) of the non-truncated functions
was ignored in this analysis. Sensitivity analyses were conducted to check whether the results depended on the number of trees
measured in the stand, or the main species of the stand. The truncated Weibull function for the diameter distribution of stand
basal area appeared to be in all cases the most accurate and consistent function. Generally, functions describing the distribution
of stand basal area performed better than functions that described the distribution of the number of trees. Of the basal area
distributions, beta and Johnson’s SB were the second best and nearly equally good with each other. The order of precision
of the tested functions was: truncated Weibull for DDG, truncated Weibull for DDN, Johnson’s SB for DDG, beta for DDG, beta for DDN and Weibull for DDG, Weibull for DDN, and Johnson’s SB for DDN. 相似文献
Rafael Moreno-Sanchez Juan Manuel Torres-Rojo Francisco Moreno-Sanchez Sue Hawkins Justin Little Susan McPartland 《林业研究》2012,23(4):529-541
Forest managers and policy makers increasingly demand to have access to estimates of forest fragmentation,human accessibility to forest areas and levels of anthropogenic pressure on the remaining forests to integrate them into monitoring systems,management and conservation plans.Forest fragmentation is defined as the breaking up of a forest unit,where the number of patches and the amount of expose edge increase while the amount of core area decreases.Forest fragmentation studies in Mexico have been limited to local or regional levels and have concentrated only on specific forest types.This paper presents an assessment of the fragmentation of all forest types at the national level,their effective proximity to anthropogenic influences,and the development of an indicator of anthropogenic pressure on the forests areas.Broadleaf forests,tropical evergreen forests and tropical dry deciduous forests show the greatest fragmentation.Almost half(47%) of the tropical forests are in close effective proximity to anthropogenic influences and only 12% of their area can be considered isolated from anthropogenic influences.The values for the temperate forests are 23% and 29% respectively.Anthropogenic pressure in the immediate vicinity of anthropogenic activities is much higher in the tropical forests(75 in a scale 0-100) than in the temperate forests(30).When considering these results jointly,the tropical forests,and more specifically,the tropical evergreen forests and tropical dry deciduous forests are under the greatest pressure and risks of degradation. 相似文献
The purpose of this study was to estimate biomass and carbon storage for a fast-growing makino bamboo (Phyllostachys makinoi). The study site was located in central Taiwan and the makino bamboo plantation had a stand density of 21191 ± 4107 culms ha−1. A diameter distribution model based on the Weibull distribution function and an allometric model was used to predict aboveground biomass and carbon storage. For an accurate estimation of carbon storage, the percent carbon content (PCC) in different sections of bamboo was determined by an elemental analyzer. The results showed that bamboos of all ages shared a similar trend, where culms displayed a carbon storage of 47.49–47.82%, branches 45.66–46.23%, and foliage 38.12–44.78%. In spite of the high density of the stand, the diameter distribution of makino bamboo approached a normal distribution and aboveground biomass and carbon storage were 105.33 and 49.81 Mg ha−1, respectively. Moreover, one-fifth of older culms from the entire stand were removed by selective cutting. If the distribution of the yield of older culms per year was similar to the current stand, the yields of biomass and carbon per year would be 21.07 and 9.89 Mg ha−1 year−1. An astonishing productivity was observed, where every 5 years the yield of biomass and carbon was equal to the current status of stockings. Thus, makino bamboo has a high potential as a species used for carbon storage. 相似文献