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水稻IR26悬浮细胞与白叶枯病菌互作的过敏反应现象   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
 当水稻IR26悬浮细胞与白叶枯病菌的不亲和小种(JXOV)互作时,在数小时内,悬浮细胞死亡率可达60%、膜透性增加40%、呼吸升高一倍多,而水稻IR26悬浮细胞与白叶枯病菌的亲和小种(JXOⅢ)互作时,在数小时内,悬浮细胞死亡率只有20%、膜透性只增加20%、呼吸升高不足40%,这些数据表明在水稻悬浮细胞与白叶枯病菌互作系统中可能存在着和水稻植株与白叶枯病菌互作系统中相似的互作机制。  相似文献   

过氧化氢诱导水稻细胞过敏反应的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
 本文报道了过氧化氢(H2O2)诱导水稻细胞过敏反应(HR)的剂量和时间作用效应。由葡萄糖/葡萄糖氧化酶组成的H2O2发生体系能稳定持续产生H2O2,有效地诱导HR;然而,直接添加的H2O2则被水稻细胞快速降解,不能有效地诱导HR。利用添加过氧化氢酶清除H2O2发生体系产生的H2O2,控制H2O2对水稻细胞作用时间的方法,揭示H2O2诱导水稻细胞HR存在时间作用效应。此外,H2O2也是水稻与病原细菌不亲和互作中诱导HR的信号组分之一。  相似文献   

水稻品种与水稻细菌性条斑病菌的互作机制   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
水稻叶片接种3d后,水稻细菌性条斑病菌开始在叶片上大量增殖;接种10d后,病菌数量开始保持相对的稳定,但感病品种上的菌量比抗病品种上的菌量在10倍左右,病斑在接种后第3d开始出现,接种10d以后,病斑在感病品种上能继续快速发展,而在抗病品种上开始受到抑制,通过对抗病和感病品种叶片上的气孔观测发现,感病品种的气孔密度和气孔长度一般都较抗病品种大,相关分析表明,气孔长度理发师品种抗性相关。接种后对PAL酶的活性测定结果表明,PAL酶的活性与品种抗性呈负相关关系。  相似文献   

 本论文选用以中国春(Chinese Spring)为背景的小麦抗秆锈病近等基因系,与我国小麦秆锈菌3个主要生理小种,组成完全非亲和性互作ISr5-Ra/21C3 CKR (Sr5/P5,侵染型0)、高度非亲和性互作ISr11-Ra/34M KG (Sr11/P11,侵染型0)及中度非亲和性互作ISr6-Ra/34C2 M FR (Sr6/P6,侵染型1,2),对各类型互作对秆锈菌生长发育的影响、互作中重要酶系活性及同功酶组成、重要生化组分含量变化规律及它们在互作中的可能作用进行了研究。并比较了所用小麦近等基因系及秆锈菌致病型间可溶性蛋白含量和种类、重要酶系活性和同功酶组成的差异,对基因组DN A限制性片段长度多态性进行了研究。  相似文献   

水稻纹枯病是由死体营养型真菌立枯丝核菌Rhizoctonia solani AG1-IA亚群引起的一种土传病害,在世界水稻种植区均有发生,是限制水稻高产的主要病害之一。虽然国内外学者针对纹枯病菌已开展了大量的研究工作,但由于该菌寄主范围较广、抗性水稻资源缺乏及其田间抗性鉴定的不稳定性等问题,该病害的研究仍没有取得突破性进展。挖掘自然界中存在的纹枯病抗源材料,选育抗病水稻品种是防控该病害、降低水稻产量损失,从而最大限度保障全球水稻产业可持续发展的有效手段。该文对近年来国内外关于水稻纹枯病菌与寄主的互作分子机制、抗性水稻基因资源挖掘及其抗性机制的最新研究进展进行综述,并提出下一步的重点研究方向,以期为推动水稻对纹枯病的抗性机制解析及抗纹枯病水稻育种提供参考。  相似文献   

水稻白叶枯病是水稻生产上重要的细菌病害之一。随着水稻和白叶枯病菌(Xanthomonas oryzaepv.oryzae,Xoo)全基因组序列的完成,该病害己成为植物-病原物互作研究的模式。水稻-Xoo互作涉及到寄主与病原菌因子的时空表达和严密调控。因此,阐明互作基因的表达调控机理,对于全面解析水稻-Xoo互作机制具有重要的科学意义。本文介绍了近年相关工作的研究进展。1Xoo基因鉴别和功能分析1.1Xoo侵染的基因表达谱和分子量化根据Xoo基因组序列信息,自主研制了载有调控基因、致病基因、特有基因以及保守基因特异片段的基因芯片,成功地用于在离体培养、…  相似文献   

 本研究对水稻白叶枯病菌与水稻悬浮细胞非亲和互作中蛋白类激发子进行了分离纯化和鉴定.白叶枯病菌JXOV与水稻IRBB4和IR24悬浮细胞互作36 h后的上清液,经Q-Sepharose阴离子交换层析柱分离,对分离的各组分进行抗病性诱导测定,结果表明JXOV与IRBB4非亲和互作的上清液中存在蛋白类激发子.有活性的蛋白组分经阴离子交换层析柱Mono-Q进一步纯化后,SDS-PAGE分析鉴定出2个具激发活性的蛋白,其分子量分别为17.2 kD和49.2 kD,等电点分别为5.8和6.2.利用上述激发子处理水稻能减少病斑长度并诱导水稻防卫酶活性的增加.  相似文献   

 卵菌是多分枝的群体,包括60多种疫霉菌、多个活体营养的霜霉菌和100多种腐霉菌,其中许多是植物病原菌。  相似文献   

 细胞在生长、分化和感应各种环境因子刺激时,蛋白质的可逆磷酸化是一系列信号感受和转导过程中的重要反应。  相似文献   

为探寻非寄主和寄主种子分泌物中抗病信号分子,通过显微观察,采用菌丝生长速率法和离体接种法对不同种子分泌物处理后大豆疫霉Phytophthora sojae的游动孢子数、孢子囊数、游动孢子释放后残留的空囊数、成囊和未成囊的游动孢子数、萌发和未萌发的胞囊数、菌落直径、卵孢子数进行测量,并计算抑制率,明确非寄主菜豆和寄主大豆抗病品种、感病品种种子分泌物对大豆疫霉游动孢子趋化性、生长发育和侵袭力的影响。结果显示,非寄主菜豆种子分泌物不吸引大豆疫霉游动孢子,显著抑制大豆疫霉孢子囊形成、胞囊萌发和卵孢子产生,抑制率依次为97.3%、73.0%和17.5%,然后溶解胞囊,最终导致游动孢子对下胚轴侵袭力降低,抑制率为67.1%。寄主大豆种子分泌物能吸引大豆疫霉游动孢子,感病品种种子分泌物吸引力高于抗病品种。感病品种种子分泌物对大豆疫霉生长发育无显著影响,但促进大豆疫霉游动孢子侵袭力;抗病品种种子分泌物显著抑制大豆疫霉孢子囊形成、胞囊萌发和卵孢子产生,抑制率依次为86.6%、34.3%和12.8%,然后溶解胞囊,但作用强度小于非寄主菜豆种子分泌物,最终导致游动孢子对下胚轴的侵袭力降低,抑制率为24.2%。表明非寄主菜豆和寄主大豆抗病品种的种子分泌物对大豆疫霉有抑菌活性,大豆疫霉的非寄主和寄主抗病性与种子分泌物有关。  相似文献   

An oxidative burst was previously demonstrated to be induced in tomato plants by race specific elicitors of the fungal pathogen Cladosporium fulvum . The in planta levels of H2O2estimated to occur during elicitor treatment, were compared with the levels required to show toxicity to host cells and to the fungal pathogen. Injection of Cf-9 tomato leaves with 100 m m H2O2caused an insignificant degree of necrosis and 1m H2O2was required to cause complete leaf necrosis comparable to that induced by the AVR9 elicitor. Assays with Cf-5 tomato cell suspensions confirmed the low toxicity of H2O2to tomato cells but, as expected, the addition of Fe2+with H2O2(or with intercellular fluids containing AVR5 elicitor) enhanced cell death as determined by the Evans Blue assay. Germination and germ tube growth of conidia of C. fulvum were significantly retarded by 4–5 m m H2O2, and at higher concentrations, death of germ tubes was observed (ED50=22 m m), as determined by the fluorescein diacetate assay. The addition of Fe2+with H2O2had little effect on fungal growth or viability in vitro . These results suggest that the amount of H2O2accumulating during an elicitor-induced response in leaves may be sufficient to affect fungal colonization but not to affect viability of host cells unless the Fe2+status in the apoplast is in some way altered by the elicitor to facilitate OH.production via the Fenton reaction.  相似文献   

Nitric oxide (NO) is an important signal molecule involved in numerous plant responses to biotic and abiotic stresses. The effect of nitric oxide (NO) solution on pathogen infection and defence response of peach (Prunus persica (L.) Batsch) fruit against brown rot disease caused by Monilinia fructicola was investigated. The results showed that 15 μmol l?1 NO solution did not significantly inhibit spore germination, germ tube length or pathogenicity of M. fructicola, but significantly reduced disease incidence and lesion areas in the fruit. Although 100 μmol l?1 NO solution effectively inhibited the spore germination, germ tube elongation and pathogenicity of M. fructicola, the high concentration of NO solution caused damage to the fruit. Moreover, 15 μmol l?1 NO enhanced the activities of chitinase (CHI) and β-1,3-glucanase (GNS) in the fruit. RT-PCR analysis showed that the expression of four genes, CHI, GNS, pathogenesis-related protein 1 and 10 genes (PR-1, PR-10) all increased after NO treatment. Conversely, pretreatment with 100 μmol l?1 NO scavenger, 2-4-carboxyphenyl-4,4,5,5- tetramethylimidazoline-1-oxyl-3-oxide (cPTIO), rendered the fruit relatively susceptible to pathogen infection and inhibited the defence response of the fruit. These results suggest that NO solution treatment can protect peach fruit from pathogen infection by inducing the activities of the defence enzymes and the expression of PR genes.  相似文献   

为明确我国南方杂交水稻制繁种区稻粒黑粉病病原菌及其致病力情况,于2015年8月从安徽、湖南、江苏、贵州、四川遂宁、四川新津、四川温江7个主要杂交稻制繁种区采集稻粒黑粉病样本,采用冬孢子悬浮液分离法进行病原菌的分离。基于形态学、菌丝细胞核荧光染色和r DNA-ITS序列分析对病原菌进行鉴定,并应用柯赫氏法则对不同地区病样中分离的纯培养物致病性进行测定。结果表明分离到的35株病原菌菌株并无明显形态学差异,冬孢子呈球形或椭圆形,次生小孢子单细胞核,呈线状或弯曲状两种类型,与已报道的黑粉菌属Tilletia horrida形态特征相似;r DNA-ITS序列分析表明,选取的7株病原菌菌株与T.horrida DQ827699同源性达100%,说明所分离菌株为稻粒黑粉病菌;致病性试验表明,7株病原菌菌株侵染水稻稻粒均能产生稻粒黑粉病的典型症状,其中分离自江苏的菌株JS造成的单穗病粒数和产量损失最大,致病力较强,且萌芽率最高,分离自不同地区的菌株致病力具有明显差异。该7株病原菌最适生长温度为28℃,光照对其生长没有明显影响。  相似文献   

The competitive outcomes between weedy rice from Malaysia (MWR), the Philippines (PWR), and Vietnam (VWR) and cultivated rice (IR64) grown in pots were evaluated in a replacement series experiment with added N (0, 50, 100, and 150 kg N ha?1) and competition with IR64 plants (no competition, eight weedy rice plants : 0 IR64 plants; low competition, six weedy rice plants : two IR64 plants; and high competition, two weedy rice plants : six IR64 plants). The growth observations were taken at 10 weeks after sowing. When grown in a monoculture (no competition with IR64 plants), the PWR plants had a lower shoot biomass across N rates than did the MWR and VWR plants. The leaf area and shoot biomass of weedy rice across populations significantly increased with an increase in the N application rate. Each weedy rice population and the IR64 population showed linear responses of the leaf area and shoot biomass to the N rate at all levels of competition. The weedy rice and IR64 plants, when grown without competition, had a similar rate of response in the shoot biomass to the N rate. However, when grown in competition, the response to the added N varied among the weedy rice populations. The MWR plants under competition produced a similar amount of shoot biomass to the IR64 plants per unit addition of N. In contrast, the PWR and VWR populations under competition produced a greater amount of shoot biomass with each additional unit of N, compared to the IR64 population. The results illustrate that N fertilizer management might affect the outcome of weedy rice competition. This information could be incorporated into weedy rice management strategies.  相似文献   

Priming of pearl millet seedlings with nitric oxide (NO) donors sodium nitroprusside (SNP) and S-nitrosoglutathione (SNOG) induced hypersensitive reactions (HR) and accumulation of Proline/Hydroxyproline-rich glycoprotein (P/HRGP) during infection by downy mildew pathogen Sclerospora graminicola. Such defense responses were specifically altered by concentration of NO donors resulting in the modulation of endogenous NO in seedling tissues. The stoichiometric interactions of NO and hydrogen peroxide (H2O2) when followed in relation to HR and P/HRGP accumulation, the degree of defense response varied with H2O2 level, the latter being largely influenced by NO concentration. Therefore, balancing NO and H2O2 is vital for optimum expression of defense responses for imparting disease resistance.  相似文献   

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