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漂浮水生植物对污水处理的研究   总被引:5,自引:2,他引:5  

水生植物净化污水与生态开发利用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对水生植物的利用,不论是净化污水、生物生化等方面,还是在畜禽养殖业作青饲料方面,它的作用及各种效益都是非常显著的。走循环之路,可利用再生绿色能源来发展畜禽及水产养殖业,达到形成良性循环的目的。水生植物的生长环境只要求水质的pH值6~8,在其生长过程中需要大量的N、P及微量元素,是再生能力很强的绿色能源植物。水生植物在生活污水或养殖业排出的污水中可以更加速生。水葫芦一般5d可繁殖1株新植株,8个月能繁衍60万株的庞大群体;细绿萍3d就可翻一番。水生植物具有不占用耕地、繁殖速度快、管理方便等特点,是一种取之不尽、用之不竭的再生绿色能源。  相似文献   

利用水生植物净化富营养化水体是污染水体生物治理的途径之一,为了找出适宜在水体中生长并对磷的去除效果较好的植物,选择5个品种的水稻以及空心菜、茭白和水花生为供试水生植物,通过静态水培试验,研究了各植物在富营养化水体中的生长状况,以及对水体中磷的去除效果。结果表明,在不添加任何植物营养的条件下,植物在富营养化水体中均能正常生长;有植物处理系统对水体中总磷(TP)、水溶性总磷(DTP)的去除效果显著高于无植物对照;有植物处理系统TP的去除率为53.28%~84.07%,DTP的去除率为44.99%~88.81%;无植物对照TP的去除率为32.57%,DTP的去除率为37.51%。植物组织所累积的磷占各自系统去除量的21.54%~75.32%,植物的吸收作用是磷去除的主要途径。水稻功米1号的经济产量最高,为616.28 g.m-2,组织所累积的磷占系统去除量也是最大,为75.32%。在所有供试植物中,水稻功米1号对富营养化水体既有较好的净化效果,又能获得一定的经济产量,是最优的净化植物,同时也是最适宜在水体中生长的水稻品种。  相似文献   

6种水生植物及其组合对模拟污水中磷的净化效果   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]针对河流湖泊水体污染严重现状,选择6种水生植物进行水质净化试验,为污染水体的水生植物治理提供选择依据。[方法]选择6种具观赏效果的水生植物菖蒲、美人蕉、大薸、凤眼莲、金鱼藻、穗花狐尾藻,采用静态水培的方法,研究6种水生植物及其组合对不同浓度模拟污水中总磷净化效果。[结果]单一水生植物试验中,凤眼莲在高(2 mg/L)、中浓度(0.5 mg/L)磷水体中总磷去除效果最好,去除率分别为95.9%,93.4%。金鱼藻在低浓度磷(0.1 mg/L)水体中总磷去除效果最好,去除率为91.1%。组合水生植物试验中,高浓度磷水体中金鱼藻+菖蒲+凤眼莲的水生植物组合对水体中总磷去除效果最好,去除率为96%。中浓度磷水体中穗花狐尾藻+菖蒲+凤眼莲水生植物组合总磷去除效果最好,去除率为98.8%。低浓度磷水体中穗花狐尾藻+菖蒲+大薸水生植物组合总磷去除效果最好,去除率为94.3%。[结论]选择的6种水生植物对总磷均有一定的去除效果,对水生植物的种植数量、面积、时间以及组合方式进行优化配置,可用于污染水体水质净化。  相似文献   

植物分泌物和功能微生物的相互作用对于植物-微生物系统净化水质效果扮演着重要的作用.加入3种植物(黄花水龙、凤眼莲、伊乐藻)的分泌物对接种的氮循环微生物和光合细菌进行培养,结果表明:3种水生植物粗分泌物对光合细菌都起到了促进生长的作用,但是对于氮循环微生物却有不同的作用效果:分泌物对氨化菌和反硝化菌生长有促进作用,但是对于亚硝化菌和反硝化菌表现出抑制的作用,而且不同水生植物的分泌物对微生物作用大小也有所差异.这些结果能为今后进行植物-微生物修复体系中选择何种水生植物和接种微生物才能起到最佳的修复效果提供依据.  相似文献   

水景是园林景观中不可或缺的一部分,而水生植物是水景营造的重要内容之一,其在水景规划与设计中发挥着重要作用.对于水生植物来说,不但展现出较强的观赏价值,同时具备一定的生态价值.因此结合水生植物基本类型,重点分析水生植物在风景园林植物造景中的应用价值,根据水生植物在风景园林植物造景中的应用结果,提出水生植物在风景园林植物造...  相似文献   

南宁市水生植物资源相当丰富,且品种繁多.经统计,南宁城市园林中常见的水生植物有27种,分属16科,对这些水生植物的生态习性、繁殖方法、种植方式及园林应用进行了分析,并提出了园林应用中的问题和建议.  相似文献   

微生物在氧化塘处理污水中的作用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  

人工湿地在处理污水中的应用   总被引:49,自引:1,他引:49  
丁疆华  舒强 《农业环境保护》2000,19(5):320-320,F003
介绍了人工湿地的构成和特点,阐述了人工湿地的净化机理和应用及对废水中的污染物质氮、磷、有机物的去除过程,提出人工湿地这种处理污水的方法具有良好的实用价值和应用前景。  相似文献   

[目的] 探讨水生植物修复技术对农村生活污水的治理效果,为乡村生态综合治理提供思路借鉴和参考资料。[方法] 通过模拟室内控制试验的方法,选取不同生态型的6种湿地植物为研究对象,分析植株生物量、去除率、植物积累量、底泥吸附量等多项指标变化,研究不同水生植物及其组合对污水中氮磷的净化效果差异以及水生植物系统的脱氮除磷特征。[结果] 无论单一种植组或混合种植组,水生植物系统对污水中TN,NH4+-N,TP均有较好的净化效果,平均去除率分别达到96.6%,93.2%和95.9%,显著高于对照组。单一种植的再力花长势最好,鸢尾地上和地下部分生物量的比值最大,混合种植的美人蕉以及单一种植的梭鱼草相对生长速率最低。挺水植物对氮素的吸收作用更好,苦草对磷的吸收效果更好。植物吸收氮、磷占系统总去除量的比例在6.9%~18.3%和4.1%~13.6%之间,底泥吸附氮、磷占总去除量的比例在14.0%~31.5%和26.3%~68.4%之间。微生物及其他植物的间接作用是植物系统脱氮除磷的主要影响因素。[结论] 再力花、鸢尾及苦草的镶嵌组合是在淮北平原区湿地植物种植的理想选择。对水生植物的组合方式、数量、时间等进行优化配置,能够有效用于农村生活污水的净化。  相似文献   

This paper describes the presence of 33 pharmaceuticals and hormones in waters from two sewage treatment plants (STPs) situated in Catalonia, in northeastern Spain. The target compounds were one psychoactive stimulant, one antiepileptic, four analgesics and non-steroidal anti-inflammatories, one lipid regulators, two anti-ulcer agents, nine antibiotics (sulfonamides and macrolides), two beta-blockers, two metabolites, and 11 hormones (free and conjugates). The determination was performed using liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry after enrichment by solid-phase extraction with Oasis HLB sorbent. Most of the pharmaceuticals were found in both influent and effluent samples from the two STPs. The most frequently detected were caffeine, acetaminophen, carbamazepine, diclofenac, ibuprofen, naproxen, sulfamethoxazole, sulfapyridine, sulfathiazole, ranitidine, omeprazole, estrone 3-sulfate, and estradiol 17-glucuronide. Specifically, the highest concentrations found in influents were 19,850?ng/L (acetaminophen), 9,945?ng/L (caffeine), 4,215?ng/L (ibuprofen), 5,695?ng/L (sulfamethoxazole), and 5,140?ng/L (sulfathiazole). Most of the pharmaceuticals present in influent waters were found in effluents at lower concentrations. The highest concentrations in effluents were 970?ng/L (caffeine), 670?ng/L (sulfamethoxazole), 510?ng/L (bezafibrate), and 1,032?ng/L (diclofenac).  相似文献   

We investigated for the first time the occurrence, stability and antibiotic resistance of 593 enterococci in six samples collected from three urban sewage treatment plants (STPs) located in the north, south and west part of Tehran, Iran between October 2004 and September of 2005. Isolates were typed with a biochemical fingerprinting method (the PhPlate system) and tested for their resistance to six antibiotics. The most prevalent species in all three STPs were E. faecium followed by E. hirae and E. faecalis accounting for 93% of the total isolates examined. In all, 317 (55%) isolates were susceptible to all six antibiotics tested and the remaining isolates were resistant to between 1 and 6 antibiotics. Biochemical fingerprinting with PhPlate system showed a high diversity for E. faecalis (D i?=?0.95), E. hirae (D i?=?0.93) and E. faecium (D i?=?0.95) populations with an overall diversity of D i?=?0.97 for the whole enterococcal populations found in all three STPs. Our data indicate a high degree of polyclonality among the enterococci populations of human origin. This study suggest that the municipal wastewaters might be an important source of dissemination of antibiotic-resistant enterococci in Iran.  相似文献   

焦岗湖本土水生植物的水质净化试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
[目的]针对淮南市焦岗湖近期污染物超标问题,开展本土4种水生植物进行水质净化试验,为焦岗湖利用水生植物修复水质提供可靠依据。[方法]在对淮南市焦岗湖水质检测的基础上,选取焦岗湖本土种植的泽泻(Alisma plantago-aquatica)、千屈菜(Lythrum salicaria)、石菖蒲(Acorus tatarinowii)以及金鱼藻(Ceratophyllum demersum)等水生植物为研究对象,在人工模拟自然条件下,研究其对焦岗湖水体中总氮(TN)、总磷(TP)、氨氮(NH_3-N)、化学需氧量(COD)等污染物的去除效果。[结果]千屈菜、泽泻和石菖蒲对TN去除率较好;石菖蒲和金鱼藻对氨氮去除效果良好,千屈菜对TP去除效果最佳,而对于COD而言,4种水生植物均有较为理想的去除效果。[结论]所选取的4种水生植物对各污染物均有一定的去除效果,将水生植物的种植面积、数量和时间进行优化配置,可用于焦岗湖水质改良。  相似文献   

This study assessed the efficiency of sewage treatment plants (STPs) in removing sterols based on chemical analyses of both influents and effluents. Samples from 3s and three tertiary plants were collected and analyzed by gas chromatography mass spectrometry for 23 individual sterols including mestranol, norethindrone, equol, estrone, equilin, norgestrel, 17α-ethinylestradiol, 17α-estradiol, 17β-estradiol, estriol, dihydrocholesterol (cholestanol), coprostanol, epicoprostanol, cholesterol, desmosterol, campesterol, stigmasterol, β-sitosterol, coprostanone, cholestanone, epicholestanol, stigmastanol, and 24-ethylcoprostanol. The percentage of sterols remaining in effluent samples (compared to influent samples) ranged from 0% to 80% and varied among sterol compounds and with STP location and treatment type. Differences in the efficiency of sterol removal for secondary and tertiary STPs were statistically significant. Although the concentration of sterol compounds differed between influents and effluents, sterol abundances remained the same. The most abundant sterol detected was cholesterol, followed by the fecal sterol coprostanol, and the plant sterols 24-ethylcoprostanol and β-sitosterol. For three STPs, the hormone estrone was detected in effluents at concentrations of 0.03–0.05 μg L−1. Ten sterol ratios specific for human fecal contamination and eight sterol ratios for differentiating among multiple sources of fecal contamination were calculated and showed that 12 ratios for influent and nine ratios for effluent were successful for human fecal source tracking. Based on sterol ratio values in this study, new criteria for identification of human fecal contamination were suggested.  相似文献   

Increasing environmental concentrations of platinum group metals (PGMs), in particular platinum (Pt), rhodium (Rh) and palladium (Pd), from catalytic converters has been reported worldwide. The impact of these three metals on the uptake and use of essential mineral nutrients was examined using two plant models: the submerged aquatic plant, Elodea canadensis, and the terrestrial emergent plant, Peltandra virginica. Plants were grown for 2 weeks in nutrient solutions with either Pt4+ at concentrations between 0.05 and 5 mg/L, or a 0.1 mg/L Pt4+, Rh3+, Pd2+ mixture. Some treatments received additional Ca2+, Zn2+, or humic acid (with varying pH) to study how these conditions affected PGM uptake. Metal concentration analyses were conducted using a graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrometer (GFAAS) or an inductively coupled plasma emission spectrometer (ICP). Growth response was assessed through total chlorophyll content. There was significant Pt accumulation in plant tissues, from 55 to 326 times the concentration in nutrient solution. At pH 8, the addition of humic acid doubled Pt accumulation in comparison to the control. Additional exogenous minerals did not significantly affect PGM uptake, nor did the uptake of PGMs interfere with the uptake of Ca, Fe or Cu. Synthesis of chlorophyll in new shoots was not affected by Pt accumulation; however, visible chlorosis was observed in older shoots at 5 ppm Pt. Roadside Daucus carota samples from four heavy traffic locations in Dutchess County (New York) were also assessed for PGM content. Pt, Pd and Rh concentrations averaged 14.6, 10.2, and 0.7 μg/g, respectively.  相似文献   

银川平原人工湿地水生植物去污能力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
利用人工湿地模拟开展城市生活污水处理后二级水深度处理研究,发现人工湿地可以实现二级水的进一步处理,有效提升水质.选用西部地区常见的6种植物,利用箱培养开展不同植物在不同时期对水体COD,BOD5,NH4+-N处理效果的研究.研究显示,不同水生植物不同时期对不同污染物处理效率明显不同,8月份各类水生植物的处理效率最高,其中茭白对3类污染物的处理效率最高,菖蒲、芦苇处理效率较高,相对而言,慈姑的处理效率最低.因此利用天然湖泊或人工湿地可以进行城市生活污水的深度处理,开展污水治理过程中,水生植物的选择十分重要.  相似文献   

水生植物是前置库水生生态系统中物质与能量流的主要传递者,其种类和种群数量变动会对库区生态及水环境质量产生重要影响。室内水生植物对水质的作用研究结果表明,通过植株相对增长率显著性分析,氮浓度为伊乐藻植株含氮量的第一影响因素,氮形态为菹草植株含氮量的第一影响因素,氮磷比为伊乐藻和菹草植株含磷量的第一影响因素;水芹和伊乐藻相对生长率分别为48.5%~92.2%和43%~94.2%,生长状况最好。伊乐藻和水芹对水质作用分别主要表现为伊乐藻降低浊度(最高净降低率达87.9%)、富氧(最高净增氧量达3.3 mg/L)、降低营养盐浓度(TN最高净降低率达43.0%)。挺水植物中水芹对总氮、氨氮和总磷的去除效果最好,平均去除率达到26%以上。综上所述,建议水生植物以水芹和伊乐藻为全年物种,并适当搭配其他植物作为前置库净化系统的植物组合。研究结果可为前置库工程建设提供建议技术支撑。  相似文献   

Background, Aim and Scope   Part 1: Behaviour of Polycyclic Musks in Sewage Sludge of Different Treatment Plants in Summer and Winter Part 2: Investigation of Polycyclic Musks in Soils and Plants -  Preamble. In Part 1 of the study, screening tests were performed to investigate the occurrence of PCMs in sewage sludges. For a preliminary risk assessment, further information is needed about their behaviour in the terrestrial environment. Hence, Part 2 examined the adsorption of PCMs to soil, their dissipation and leaching in soil and their uptake by plants. Background, Aim and Scope   Polycyclic Musks (PCMs) enter the environment via the waste water system. Because of their persistence, they can accumulate in different matrices like sewage sludge or biota. By the use of sewage sludge as a fertilizer, PCMs are transferred to agricultural soils. Therefore, in Part 1 of the study, screening tests were performed to investigate the occurrence of PCMs in sewage sludge. For a preliminary risk assessment, further information is needed about their behaviour in the terrestrial environment. Hence, Part 2 of the study examined the adsorption of PCMs to soil, their dissipation and leaching in soil, and their uptake by plants. Materials and Methods: In the screening study, samples of activated sewage sludge were taken both in summer and in winter at 21 treatment plants. In order to get an overview of the contamination situation, sampling covered different types of treatment plants (in rural, urban, industrial areas). Analytical methods for the determination of HHCB, AHTN, ADBI, ATTN, AHDI and ATII in the sludge samples were developed and applied. Results: The analytical screening of PCMs showed their presence in activated and dried sewage sludge samples. HHCB and AHTN represented about 95% of the PCMs investigated. Their concentrations in the activated sludge samples varied between 2.9 and 10.4 mg/kg dry mass (dm) and 1.1 to 4.2 mg/kg dm, respectively. Although different types of sewage treatment plants were investigated, similar PCM levels were found, showing the widespread input of these compounds into domestic waste water. Discussion: PCM concentrations in activated sludge varied widely. The variation drops substantially when concentrations are related to the varying dry mass. In dehydrated sludge, PCM concentrations were up to 24 mg/kg dm for HHCB and up to 6.9 mg/kg dm for AHTN. These high values are comparable to those obtained in other investigations analysing PCMs. If the degradation of organic mass during anaerobic decomposition is included in the evaluation, the figures obtained are comparable to those for activated sludge. Elimination in sewage sludge was higher in summer than in winter. Therefore, the contamination of the sludges in winter reached higher levels compared to the summer. Conclusions: The results show that PCMs are widespread contaminants in sewage sludge. Recommendations and Perspectives: PCM should be considered in a risk assessment as potential contaminants of sewage sludge destined for agricultural use. Due to the high PCM levels in sewage sludge, further investigations into the degradation and elimination behaviour in sewage sludge have to be carried out, including that involving PCM metabolites such as lactone derivatives.  相似文献   

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