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松阳县生物防火林带布设初探   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
通过对松阳县2000-2010年森林火灾发生情况的分析,将松阳县划分为Ⅰ、Ⅱ、Ⅲ级森林火险区,在行政区划和森林火险等级区划的基础上,结合区域林中空地、防火公路和山脊线分布等主要影响因子,采用分区控制的方法,确定生物防火林带的空间布局:在Ⅰ、Ⅱ级森林火险区内布设规划生物防火林带,将整个防火林带网络分割成2 691个网格,网眼平均面积为34 hm2,其中Ⅰ级火险区有1909个网格,平均网眼面积为28 hm2,Ⅱ级火险区有782个网格,平均网眼面积为48 hm2;生物防火林带总长度为4 587.1 km,防火网络所形成的网络密度为50.1 m/hm2,防火林带设计宽度应不小于15 m,防火网络总面积占区域面积的7.5%。主要造林树种为木荷(Schima superba)、杨桐(Adinandra millettii)、杜英(Elaeocarpus sylvestris)、浙江红花油茶(Camellia Chekiang-oleosa)、杨梅(Myrica rubra)等。  相似文献   

对江西省赣州市安远县蔡坊乡蔡坊村葛坳林场下坪工区米老排不同坡位生物防火林带幼树生长情况进行调查分析。结果表明:在4种坡位中,米老排造林幼树的成活保存率、树高、地径、米径、冠幅均表现为山脚田坑边>山脊下部>山脊中部>山脊上部,且山脚田坑边、山脊下部明显大于山脊的中部、上部。营造米老排生物防火林带,最适宜坡位是山脚田坑边,适宜坡位是山脊下部,最不适宜坡位是山脊上部,如在山脊中部营造,需选择土层较厚、坡度较平缓蓄水能力强的地段。  相似文献   

本文通过对鹤峰县走马林场森林防火林带综合效益的评价 ,得出如下结论 :1、防火林带较之空白防火带有显著的社会效益 (防火效益 )、经济效益和生态效益 ,具有广阔的推广应用前景。 2、防火林带的面积占整个森林面积的比例大约在 4.0 %~ 4.3%之间 ,走马林场合适的林带面积为 1 85~ 2 0 0hm2 。 3、不同防火林带模式之间存在着合适的配置比例关系 ,确定不同防火林带模式的规模 ,应综合考虑当地的社会经济条件、自然条件和森林火灾现状 ,走马林场茶带和乔木防火林带的面积比例接近于 1∶1。  相似文献   

免修、半免修复层防火林带阻火机理研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
利用山沟、小山脊呈"鸡爪型"分布的特点,在沟边和小山脊采取不同措施营建高阻火效能、低维护成本的免修、半免修复层防火林带,并研究其阻火机理.对火环境主要因子调查分析表明:免修复层防火林带衰减光照能力强,降温保湿效果好,挡风能力强,乔木、灌木、草本层和枯枝落叶层以及土壤的含水率高,阻火效果最好;半免修复层防火林带阻火效果次之,山脊单层防火林带阻火效果最差.因此,应充分利用沟边残存阔叶林和沟边小山脊特有的湿润环境,营建免修、半免修复层新型防火林带,并对现有单层防火林带进行改造.  相似文献   

1研究制定生物防火林带工程质量标准从三明林区的自然条件、防火需要、林带阻火效能、经济效益等方面综合考虑,确定包括防火林带网络的分布格局、网络的密度和走向、林带的宽度、树种的组成与配置等项目内容的工程建设质量标准。1.1防火林带营造质量标准从试验研究结...  相似文献   

调查研究了湖南省双牌县山脊防火林带,其林冠层透风系数为0.417 7~0.527 3,接近林带透风系数的最佳值0.45~0.50.林带冠层中,中间林道的相对风速最低.林带中设计林道,有利于提高林带的防火效益.模拟得出了山脊防火林带透风系数和疏透度的关系式.  相似文献   

采用目测判断、直接火烧、实验测定、火场植被调查和实地营造试验的方法,探究了防火树种的选择和防火林带营造技术。结果表明:防火树种的条件主要是枝叶茂密、含水量大、含油脂少、不易燃烧、耐火性强;下层林木应耐潮湿,与上层林木种间关系相适应;生长迅速、郁闭快、适应性强、萌芽力高;无病虫害寄生和传播。防火能力较强的树种有刺槐、核桃和青杨等;防火能力较弱的树种有三裂绣线菊、华北落叶松和丁香等。防火林带的营造技术条件是造林面积在100hm2以上,防火林带一般设置在山脊、林地边缘等,主林带宽度一般为30m左右,副林带宽度为20m左右,密度越大,防火效果越好。林带营造技术措施主要有整地、栽植和抚育管护。  相似文献   

营建生物防火林带是预防森林火灾蔓延、减少经济损失的有效方法,科学地选择防火树种和合理确定林带密度则是营建生物防火林带的关键。以广西国有雅长林场为研究对象,提出了基于理想点评价方法的防火树种选择和地理信息系统支持下的防火林带密度确定方法,结果表明:借助于现代决策方法与地理信息系统技术,可使防火树种的选择和林火阻隔网合理密度确定更为科学、客观、合理。  相似文献   

防火林带迎风面风速分布规律的风洞试验   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
采用风洞模拟方法,对通风结构、疏透结构和紧密结构3种防火林带迎风面的风速进行测定,绘制了3种结构防火林带迎风面的相对风速等值线图;根据风速的分布特征,采用多模型选优的方法,确定了山脊防火林带迎风面的相对风速预测模型。结果表明:紧密结构与疏透结构的防火林带迎风面的阻风性能比较好,最小相对风速达到70%以下,而通风结构的阻风性能最小,迎风面的最小相对风速在80%左右。如考虑其综合防火效能则以疏透结构的防火林带阻火性能最佳。  相似文献   

由中南林学院资源与环境学院文定元副教授主持的林业部项目“南方森林防火林带技术规范研究”,于1997年底通过了由林业部科技司组织的技术鉴定。该研究系统地总结了防火树种的选择方法,建立野外实验火场和燃烧风洞,进行了燃烧床试验,完善了目测判断方法。研究还界定了耐火、阻火、抗火和防火树种等概念,提出乔木防火林带是植物防火林带的最高级形式,山脊是营造防火林带的最佳位置,林带透风系数0.45~0.5为宜,林带近地面层应为通风结构等理论,具有创新性;通过风洞试验,建立了防火林带有效宽度的数学模型,解决了防火林带宽度的…  相似文献   

Schima superba is a pioneer species for forestation inwildland in tropical and subtropical zones. It can growwell in arid and barren sites and has a strong power ofsprouting from stools. The species has been widelyused for fuelbreak in southern China. In China thefuelbreak is often created by planting broadleaf treesalong the ridge, which is different from the conceptdiscussed in some papers (Agee, et al, 2000; Green,1977; Omi, 1996). In these studies, the shaded fuelbreakwas created by alte…  相似文献   

森林防火隔离带技术的变革与优势   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
以消减可燃物的方式预防和阻隔森林火灾是林火管理工作的核心。传统阻隔技术向遮荫型防隔火技术的演变已成为近10余年西方多林国家林火管理工作的重要走向。从林火的特点和蔓延基本规律出发, 遮荫型防火隔离带技术通过局部消减可燃物载量和规则化可燃物分布, 显著降低其可能形成的林火强度, 使大多数火灾自行熄灭。该项技术的实施不受区域和气候条件限制; 与传统全光式防火隔离带和生物防火林带相比, 不但工作量较小, 对林分植被和生态环境的干扰也较小。该项技术实现了偶发性林火的防控、森林健康及生态维护的有机结合, 以此替代传统防火隔离带技术效益显著。针对遮荫型防隔火技术的进一步研究工作应包括不同稀化程度林带潜在火行为和其防隔火效能的量化评估、林地局部可燃物稀化的高效作业机具以及伴随该项技术实施产生的大量生物质副产品的有效利用问题。  相似文献   

Round wood supply in Austria is often affected by different factors such as bottlenecks or oversupply due to changing market, weather and road conditions. An additional factor impacting the complex wood supply chain is the rising transport costs from the landing to the sawmill. Logging trucks are the primary transportation technology used from the forest to the customer??s site. The objectives of this study were to analyze the actual situation and characteristics of typical trucking activities for round wood supply from the region to an Austrian sawmill. The study used time and fuel consumption, proportion of travel on forest roads and average speed on different functional road classes to estimate productivity and costs. Data collection including GPS-tracking was done using fleet management equipment built into the driver??s cabin. The GPS-routes were analyzed in ArcGIS 9.3 based on the national road network and its attributes. The sawmill studied with a yearly demand of 600,000 m3 round wood was located in southern Austria. In total, more than 2,000 round trips operated by seven logging trucks recorded close to 100,000 km. The transport distance from the forest to the sawmill averaged 51 km. The average share on forest roads within a route to the sawmill was 14.2% with an average speed of 13.5 km/h, whereby the forest road is defined as road with minor importance. Transport costs from the forest site to the sawmill with a truck and trailer were ? 11/m3 solid timber based on an average load size of 25 m3. An average 0.77 l of diesel fuel per kilometer was consumed during a round trip including all work phases. A trip to an interim storage location consumed 2.05 l/km due to the number of work phases without driving distance.  相似文献   

Roads and topography can determine patterns of land use and distribution of forest cover, particularly in tropical regions. We evaluated how road density, land use, and topography affected forest fragmentation, deforestation and forest regrowth in a Brazilian Atlantic Forest region near the city of São Paulo. We mapped roads and land use/land cover for three years (1962, 1981 and 2000) from historical aerial photographs, and summarized the distribution of roads, land use/land cover and topography within a grid of 94 non-overlapping 100 ha squares. We used generalized least squares regression models for data analysis. Our models showed that forest fragmentation and deforestation depended on topography, land use and road density, whereas forest regrowth depended primarily on land use. However, the relationships between these variables and forest dynamics changed in the two studied periods; land use and slope were the strongest predictors from 1962 to 1981, and past (1962) road density and land use were the strongest predictors for the following period (1981–2000). Roads had the strongest relationship with deforestation and forest fragmentation when the expansions of agriculture and buildings were limited to already deforested areas, and when there was a rapid expansion of development, under influence of São Paulo city. Furthermore, the past (1962) road network was more important than the recent road network (1981) when explaining forest dynamics between 1981 and 2000, suggesting a long-term effect of roads. Roads are permanent scars on the landscape and facilitate deforestation and forest fragmentation due to increased accessibility and land valorization, which control land-use and land-cover dynamics. Topography directly affected deforestation, agriculture and road expansion, mainly between 1962 and 1981. Forest are thus in peril where there are more roads, and long-term conservation strategies should consider ways to mitigate roads as permanent landscape features and drivers facilitators of deforestation and forest fragmentation.  相似文献   

Fire poses the greatest threat to the forests of Amazônia. The magnitude of this threat is amplified by three positive feedback loops that drive the expansion of forest fire in the region: (1) Fire promotes drought, and therefore more fire, by releasing smoke into the atmosphere, thus reducing rainfall. Fire-assisted conversion of forests to pastures may also promote drought by increasing albedo and decreasing water vapor flux to the atmosphere, further inhibiting rainfall. (2) Fire increases the susceptibility of forests to recurrent burning by killing trees, thereby allowing sunlight to penetrate the forest interior, and increasing the fuel load on the forest floor. (3) Finally, fires also self-perpetuate by burning agricultural and forestry systems, discouraging landholders from making those fire-sensitive investments in their land that would allow them to move beyond their dependence upon fire as a management tool.The long-term reduction of Amazon fire, and its substantial costs to society, is most likely to emerge through investments and policy change that stimulate permanent agricultural and forestry production systems within existing frontiers while slowing the rate of frontier expansion. But the Brazilian government’s plan to pave, recuperate or construct 6245 km of roads in the Amazon may have the opposite effect. We present research findings that the government plan would nearly double the area of forestland that is accessible by paved highways, including 192,000 km2 of fire-prone forest. Our analysis finds that these roads will stimulate 120,000–270,000 km2 of additional deforestation, and forest impoverishment through logging and understory fire, if the historical relationship between road paving and forest alteration by humans continues. Infrastructural investments are urgently needed in Amazônia to help integrate isolated urban centers into the market economy, to improve the quality of life for millions of rural Amazonians, and to improve the profitability of agribusiness in Brazil’s agricultural belt. But as currently planned, these investments will have the ancillary effects of accelerating deforestation, logging, forest fire, smoke-related illness, and the displacement of small-scale farmers.  相似文献   

A forest road network in northeastern Italy was explored by field investigations to evaluate the cost of covering annual demand of woodchips according to three scenarios. The first scenario (A) considered the current extent of the forest road network (mainly tractor road) and the associated qualitative characteristics; the second scenario (B) evaluated the possibility of increasing the availability of the technical amount of forest biomass by extending the forest road network by three tractor roads (3.9 km); the third scenario (C) considered the impact on woodchip supply of converting 9.3 km of tractor forest road into truck forest road. At a woodchip price of 60 € t−1, the cost–supply curve of scenario C indicated a woodchip amount of 2886 t year−1, which was 561 t year−1 greater than scenario A and 161 t year−1 greater than scenario B.  相似文献   

针对常宁市域范围,利用GIS和Fragstat软件,通过建立缓冲区并进行情景分析,分析了不同等级道路对景观格局的影响。结果表明:常宁市内一级道路所影响面积最大,二级道路最小,而影响的斑块数目则为三级路一级路二级路高速路,受影响生态面积为水田灌木林地茶园旱地其他建筑用地有林地水体住宅用地其他林地疏林地裸地果园其他园地,受影响斑块数目最高为灌木林地,其次为水田。情景分析表明,随着道路的建设,斑块分维数升高,但总体上,高等级道路对景观形状指数和斑块形状因子升高的贡献率最小。  相似文献   


Efficient forest management, and wood production in particular, requires a forest road network of appropriate density and bearing capacity. The road network affects the choice of a suitable extraction method and the length of the transport route from the forest, while the road standard defines the truck type that can be used.

We evaluate the forest road network’s economic suitability for harvesting operations in the entire Swiss forest, an area of about 13,000 km2 covering a range of topographies, based on the Swiss National Forest Inventory’s (NFI) forest road dataset. This dataset is based on information from an interview survey with the local forest services and includes all forest roads in Switzerland capable of carrying trucks. Extraction options and hauling routes are analysed together; thus, the entire logging process is examined.

Model results include maps of the most suitable extraction method; extraction costs; hauling costs; and a suitability map based on a combination of the results. While the larger part of the Swiss forest is classified as “suitable” for economic harvesting operations, significant portions also fall into the “limited suitability” and “not suitable” categories. Our analysis provides an objective, country-wide, spatially explicit assessment of timber accessibility. The resulting suitability map helps identify areas where timber harvesting is economic using the current forest road network, and where it is not. The model results can be used in road network planning and management, for example, by comparing road-network re-design scenarios, and compared to the spatial distribution of available wood volume.


国外林区道路发展现状及启示   总被引:4,自引:2,他引:2  
林区道路是林业和区域发展不可或缺的基础设施。德国、奥地利等较早实现工业化的欧洲国家林道建设起步早, 现已形成了与本国林业生产作业体系相适应的完善的林道路网体系。奥地利林道密度已达到89 m/hm2, 德国超过100 m/hm2, 英国、法国、美国、加拿大、澳大利亚和新西兰等国家也具备了密集的林道路网体系, 而日本、印度、韩国和俄罗斯林道配置水平较低。文中概述了这些国家林区道路的发展现状和经验教训; 针对我国林区道路总量不足、等级低下等严重滞后问题, 提出合理提高林区道路密度和等级, 林道建设要科学规划合理配置、重视森林生态保护, 制定林道建设技术标准和规程, 减少对环境的负面影响等建议。  相似文献   

This study was conducted in the Huoditang naturally-regenerated forest,which is located at the center of the natural forest region across the southern-slope of the Qinling Mountains. Rainwater and stream water samples were collected mainly in rainy seasons in the area.The sample pH values and chemical concentrations were measured. The response of stream water chemistry to rainwater acidification in the region was studied.The results showed that long time rainwater acidification could result in reduction of pH value,Ca2+ and Mg2+ concentration in the stream water.The changes of K+,Na+ concentration of stream water were not correlated with the rainwater acidification.There was no response of Zn,Pb and Cd concentration of the stream water to rainwater acidification.The acidified rainwater did not result in the release of the heavy metals enriched in the forest soil.  相似文献   

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