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1. The relationship between immunoreactive inhibin and follicle‐stimulating hormone (FSH) was studied in male and female chickens from hatch to sexual maturity. Plasma inhibin was estimated by a heterologous radioimmunoassay validated for use in the chicken. FSH was measured by a recently developed homologous radioimmunoassay.

2. In a cross‐sectional study, blood samples and gonads were collected from chickens of both sexes at 1, 3, 5, 7, 14, 21 and 28 d after hatching and subsequently at 14‐day intervals until 182 d of age.

3. In the female, plasma progesterone concentration (P4) progressively increased during sexual development. The plasma luteinising hormone (LH) concentration rose during the first week after hatching, and fluctuated thereafter, with troughs at 6 and 14 weeks and peaks at weeks 10 and 18. The plasma inhibin and FSH concentrations remained low until the start of puberty and increased simultaneously thereafter. However, from week 18 on, plasma inhibin continued to rise while plasma FSH fell. Hence, FSH and inhibin were positively correlated before puberty, but developed a negative correlation during sexual maturation.

4. In the male, plasma testosterone and LH concentrations increased 38‐ and 3–7‐fold respectively over the period studied. Inhibin and FSH followed similar time courses and were consequently positively correlated.

5. These results suggest sex differences in the role of inhibin in regulating FSH secretion during development. The FSH‐inhibin feedback loop may become operational at the onset of sexual maturity in the hens. In male chickens, the similar pattern of inhibin and FSH secretion suggests that inhibin secretion is driven by FSH.  相似文献   

1. The effect of feeding methimazole to chicks from about 2 to 13 or 15 weeks of age on their sexual maturation and productivity was studied.

2. Methimazole caused a three‐fold increase in the relative weight of gonads in 9‐week‐old chickens, and there was histological evidence of precocious gonadal development.

3. Pullets aged 15 weeks and pre‐treated with goitrogen, matured earlier and produced more eggs if the treatment was discontinued at that age. Their growth rate was lower than that of normal birds.

4. Pullets fed on a diet containing 10 mg methimazole/kg from 10 to 92 d of age matured earlier and laid more eggs (P<0.01) than normal birds. They also grew more rapidly (P<0.01).  相似文献   

To clarify the cellular source and secretory pattern of inhibin in the Japanese quail during follicular development, the plasma concentrations of immunoreactive (ir) inhibin were measured from 1 to 7 weeks after hatching. Localization of the inhibin/activin alpha, beta A and beta B subunits was investigated by immunohistochemistry. To monitor development of the pituitary and ovarian functions, the plasma luteinizing hormone (LH) and progesterone concentrations were also measured. Ovarian weight increased gradually until 6 weeks of age and then abruptly increased at 7 weeks of age just at the onset of egg production. Plasma concentrations of LH increased significantly at 6 weeks of age. The plasma concentrations of ir-inhibin and progesterone and the pituitary contents of LH also increased significantly at 7 weeks of age. Immunohistochemically, the inhibin/activin alpha, beta A and beta B subunits were localized in the granulosa cells of all follicles during different stages of development from 1 to 7 weeks after hatching. The inhibin alpha, beta A and beta B subunits were also found in the interstitial cells but not theca cells of all follicles. These results demonstrated that the plasma concentrations of ir-inhibin of the female Japanese quails rose with ovarian development. The immunohistochemical results suggested that granulosa and interstitial cells are the major source of ovarian inhibins in female Japanese quails.  相似文献   

Twenty-six 6-week old female New Zealand White rabbits were divided into two groups: ad libitum (AL) and 70% restricted (RS) feeding. At the beginning of the experiment the liveweights were practically the same: 0.99 +/- 0.08 vs. 1.01 +/- 0.08 kg in group AL and RS, respectively. At 18 weeks of age the body weight of Group RS rabbits was 84.7% (3.14 +/- 0.24 kg) of the group AL (3.71 +/- 0.31 kg). The apparent digestibility of crude protein was significantly (p < 0.001) higher in Group RS than in Group AL (76.5 +/- 1.4 vs. 73.0 +/- 2.7%). The daily water consumption was significantly (p < 0.05) higher (3.5 ml/g DM intake) in Group RS as compared to Group AL (1.9 ml/g DM). Since the average body weight in Group RS at 18 weeks was the same as that of Group AL at 14 weeks of age (3.14 kg), the comparison of the live body measures and indices was based on these ages. Animals fed ad libitum or restricted show no differences at the defined age in most live body measurements except in heart girth and rump width, which were significantly (p < 0.05) shorter in Group AL than in Group RS (29.3 +/- 0.8, 5.7 +/- 0.5 and 30.7 +/- 1.0, 6.2 +/- 0.3 cm, respectively). Body capacity was significantly (p < 0.05) smaller in Group AL, as the head capacity-body capacity proportion was significantly (p < 0.05) higher in Group AL than in Group RS (1653.1 +/- 134.5, 22.0 +/- 2.5 and 1913.7 +/- 168.7, 17.7 +/- 1.9, respectively). Due to restricted feeding the growth of the head proved to be less intensive than that of the body at the same body weight. The body in these does tended to be wider. Since the head in comparison to length or capacity of the body was smaller in does fed 70% of ad libitum, it could be concluded that the development of body parts of restricted-fed does was unequal (allometric growth). The effect of feed restriction reflected in lower dry matter and fat, and a higher ash and protein content both in total body and in dry matter composition of rabbits at 18 weeks of age. Restricted feeding delayed sexual maturity (69 vs. 92% of rabbits) with later starting ovarian activity, weaker ovarian responsiveness, and a smaller number of tertiary follicles on the ovarian surface.  相似文献   

Vibrionic hepatitis is a disease of poultry which is characterised by the presence of focal lesions in the liver, usually 1-2mm in size and greyish-white in colour. The cause of the disease remains unclear, as do the reasons for its recent re-emergence. We examined the livers of commercial broiler chickens taken during processing and found Campylobacter spp. in both normal livers and those displaying signs indicative of focal hepatitis. Livers with signs of hepatitis had significantly more Campylobacter spp. present than those without and other bacterial genera were infrequently present. We were unable to replicate the disease in a healthy host following experimental infection with a Campylobacter jejuni strain isolated from a liver showing signs of focal hepatitis. However, a significant T cell response to C. jejuni was seen in the liver of Campylobacter infected birds. We conclude that the presence of Campylobacter spp. in the liver alone is not sufficient to cause vibrionic hepatitis, but that a predisposing factor, possibly within the host is required. We also provide evidence that chickens mount an adaptive T cell response to systemic C. jejuni.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to identify candidate regions associated with sexual precocity in Bos indicus. Nellore and Brahman were set as validation and discovery populations, respectively. SNP selected in Brahman to validate in Nellore were from gene regions affecting reproductive traits (G1) and significant SNP (p ≤ 10–3) from a meta-analysis (G2). In the validation population, early pregnancy (EP) and scrotal circumference (SC) were evaluated. To perform GWAS in validation population, we used regression and Bayes C. SNP with p ≤ 10–3 in regression and Bayes factor ≥3 in Bayes C were deemed significant. Significant SNP (for EP or SC) or SNP in their ±250 Kb vicinity region, which were in at least one discovery set (G1 or G2), were considered validated. SNP identified in both G1 and G2 were considered candidate. For EP, 145 SNP were validated in G1 and 41 in G2, and for SC, these numbers were 14 and 2. For EP, 21 candidate SNP were detected (G1 and G2). For SC, no candidate SNP were identified. Validated SNP and their vicinity region were located close to quantitative trait loci or genes related to reproductive traits and were enriched in gene ontology terms related to reproductive success. These are therefore strong candidate regions for sexual precocity in Nellore and Brahman.  相似文献   

1. Comparisons of age, food intake, body weight and body composition at the onset of sexual maturity were made between dwarf and normal chickens from lines selected for high or low juvenile body weight.

2. At the same age birds which had started to lay were significantly heavier and contained significantly more abdominal and carcass fat than those which were not laying.

3. Differences between normal and dwarf pullets within lines varied with genetic background, indicating differences between lines in meeting a body weight or a body composition requirement, or both, for the onset of sexual maturity.


The hematological and body-weight responses of chickens with mutant and normal hemoglobin types were compared under conditions of hematopoietic stress from coccidiosis infection as well as blood loss from mechanical bleeding. A dose of 100,000 Eimeria tenella oocysts caused a highly significant decrease (about 30%) in the packed cell volume, resulting in a severe anemia in all hemoglobin types. Hematological response to the anemia produced by the coccidiosis was similar for all three hemoglobin types. Although body weights and gain of all hemoglobin types infected with coccidiosis were significantly depressed, there was no differential response between the mutant and normal hemoglobin types. Mechanical bleeding resulted in a hypochromic normocytic anemia in all hemoglobin types. Ability to compenstate for blood loss was similar for the mutant and normal hemoglobin types.  相似文献   

1. The effects of daily injections of corticosterone (1 or 5 mg/bird) on growth, fat deposition, liver lipid and plasma concentrations of uric acid, glucose, insulin and growth hormone were studied using genetically selected lines of fat (FL) and lean (LL) chickens. 2. Both doses of corticosterone depressed body weight gain and increased the liver lipid and the abdominal fat to the same extent in both lines. 3. In both lines, corticosterone caused a dose-dependent increase in the plasma concentrations of uric acid, glucose and insulin in the fasted and refed states. 4. In untreated birds, plasma concentrations of growth hormone (GH) were slightly higher in FL than in LL chickens and slightly decreased during refeeding. The response was not modified by injection of 1 mg corticosterone. Injections of 5 mg decreased plasma GH in both lines in the fasting state and in LL chickens during refeeding. In contrast, the same dose increased GH in FL chickens during refeeding. This contradiction remains unexplained. 5. The results suggest that corticosterone sensitivity is not involved in difference of fattening between FL and LL chickens.  相似文献   

1. The onset of lay, quality of eggs during early lay and gonadal development of both sexes were analysed in meat-type lines of Japanese quail, HG and LG divergently selected for high and low relative weight gain between 11 and 28 d of age, respectively, and constant body weight (BW) at 49 d of age. 2. The LG line was sexually mature at an earlier age and lower BW than the HG line. This corresponded with the trend during embryonic and early postnatal development. 3. Analysis of gonads also confirmed earlier sexual development in the LG than in the HG line. In both lines, the growth of testes was detected about one week earlier than the growth of ovary. 4. Despite the different age and BW at onset of lay, HG and LG quail commenced lay at the same degree of maturity (about 90% of adult BW). This implied that the onset of sexual maturity could be identified as a point on the growth curve which terminates the linear phase. 5. When compared with the LG line, the HG line was characterised by a longer acceleration and shorter retardation phase of the growth curve. This difference is seen as an important determinant of line differences in growth and reproductive performance.  相似文献   

Genetically lean (LL) or fat (FL) male broiler chicken's were fed on 5 diets containing either 3.80, 4.27, 4.75, 5.22 or 5.70 g true digestible threonine per kg. Threonine deficiency induced a more pronounced reduction in growth in the LL than in the FL but did not influence abdominal fat and breast muscle proportions in either line. Plotting weight gain or protein gain against threonine intake suggests that the requirement of both lines is very similar in terms of mg per g of gain. Thus food intake or appetite should account for differences between genotypes. Requirement for true digestible threonine was estimated as 10.70 mg per g of weight gain or 63.8 mg per g of protein gain, using a linear regression approach. The quadratic polynomial equations suggest that the requirements are 13.9 and 12.4 mg digestible threonine per g of gain for LL and FL respectively.  相似文献   

One hundred thirty-seven broiler chickens at a poultry meat processing plant had dark green to black livers. Thirty-one chickens of these were collected at random and examined pathologically and biochemically. All of thirty-one chickens were female. The chickens showed mild retarded growth and a remarkable atrophy of the gallbladders. Microscopically, the livers showed dark brown pigments in the Kupffer cells, hepatocytes, and portal triads. These pigments showed birefringence with a Maltese-cross pattern under polarized light. Hyperplasia of the cholangioles, fibrosis, and infiltration of inflammatory cells were present in the portal triads. All the examined samples showed the same dark brown pigments in alveolar walls of the lungs. A high concentration of protoporphyrin was detected in affected livers, marrow, and feces (489, 104, and 116 microg/g wet wt., respectively) by biochemical assay.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: The present study was conducted to investigate the effect of early feed restriction on protein kinase Calpha (PKCalpha) expression in pulmonary arterioles, which has been revealed to promote pulmonary vascular remodeling in pulmonary hypertensive broilers. METHODS: A total of 270day-old mixed sex commercial broilers were randomly distributed to a normal temperature control group (NT), a low temperature control group (LT) and a low temperature plus feed restriction group (LR). The PHS incidence, the right/total ventricular weight ratio (RV/TV), the vessel wall area/vessel total area ratio (WA/TA), the mean media thickness in pulmonary arterioles (mMTPA) and the expression of PKCalpha in the pulmonary arterioles were measured weekly. RESULTS: Low temperature treatment significantly increased the PHS mortality. The RV/TV, WA/TA and mMTPA values of group LT were significantly elevated compared with those of group NT on d 35 and 42. The LT chickens had increased PKCalpha expression compared with their NT counterparts on d 28 and afterwards. Feed restriction reduced the PHS mortality, RV/TV, WA/TA and mMTPA in cold-exposed broilers. The LR chickens had much lower PKCalpha expression in pulmonary arterioles than the LT chickens. CONCLUSION: Early time feed restriction inhibited pulmonary vascular remodeling in broilers, which might be partly attributed to reduced PKCalpha expression in pulmonary arterioles.  相似文献   

1. Data from 9 experiments in which broiler breeder pullets had been photostimulated at two or more ages were integrated to produce a model to predict age at 50% egg production following a single increase in photoperiod during rearing. 2. It was clear that the photosexual response in broiler breeders was strongly influenced by the feed allowance and hence the rate of prepubertal growth. Regressions for birds given either a constant photoperiod or a single increase indicated that mean age at 50% lay advances by 2 d for every 100-g increase in body weight at 20 weeks. 3. The general response of broiler breeders was similar to that previously reported for egg-type pullets, but with important changes in the ages at which the birds progressed from one physiological state to the next, depending on body weight. 4. Broiler breeders, unlike modern egg-type pullets, exhibit juvenile photorefractoriness and, depending on their body weight, require up to 20 weeks to dissipate this (faster growth allows quicker dissipation). As a consequence, a group of birds grown to a typical weight of 2.1 kg at 20 weeks do not start to be photoresponsive until about 10 weeks and are not uniformly responsive until 19 or 20 weeks. A transfer to a stimulatory photoperiod before a bird has dissipated photorefractoriness causes a delay of about 3 weeks in its sexual development, and this results in a bimodal distribution of ages at maturity when a flock is photostimulated between 10 and 20 weeks. 5. Once photosensitive, the response of broiler breeders to an increment in photoperiod is between 0.50 and 0.65 of that observed in ISA Brown egg-type pullets. However, a flock of broiler breeders with typical feed restriction starts to mature spontaneously under the influence of the initial photoperiod from about 25 weeks. 6. There is a difference of only 1 to 3 d in age at 50% egg production between a flock transferred to 11 or 12 h followed by further increases to 15 or 16 h and one increased abruptly to one of these photoperiods, and so this model can be used to predict maturity in a commercial flock of birds even though they are likely to be given a stepped, rather than a single, increase in photoperiod.  相似文献   

1. In several experiments, hormonal changes in the somatotrophic axis, growth hormone (GH) sensitivity to a GH-secretagogue, thyroid hormones and their metabolising enzymes and plasma glucose levels were measured in relation to food deprivation and reinitiation after a single daily meal in 4- to 5-week-old male broiler chickens. 2. Floor-reared male broiler chickens were fed ad libitum or were restricted to a daily food intake of 40 or 45 g per d from the age of 2 weeks onwards. The daily food allowance was consumed in 0.5 h. 3. Food deprivation increased plasma GH concentrations but decreased GH-dependent variables such as plasma insulin-like growth factor-I and 3,3',5-triiodothyronine (T3) concentrations. Hepatic inner ring deiodinating type III activity was markedly elevated, presumably as a consequence of low hepatic GH receptor numbers, and is thought to be the causal mechanism for the low plasma T3 concentrations. Food intake reversed these variables in a time-related manner. 4. GH pulsatility characteristics, as calculated by deconvolution analysis, revealed profound changes between food restricted and ad libitum fed animals. Chickens deprived of food for about 23.5 h were characterised by an enhanced pulsatile GH release as reflected in the higher GH secretory burst amplitude, GH mass per burst, GH production rate and GH pulse frequency. These variables returned very quickly to normal values after refeeding. 5. In summary these experiments taken together demonstrate very clearly the interdependent and time-related changes of the somatotrophic and thyroid axes upon a single meal in previously food-deprived broiler chickens.  相似文献   

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