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Summary White spruce (Picea glauca) was treated with ammoniacal solutions of various preservatives containing copper, zinc, and arsenic. The wood was then leached in a severe accelerated test and the amount of copper, zinc, and arsenic lost from the wood was determined. The leachability of arsenic depended on the preservative formulation; when the ratio of metal oxide to arsenic oxide was less than 1.25, 35 to 67% of the arsenic was lost, but when this ratio was greater than 1.25 only 1 to 15% of the arsenic was lost. Only small amounts (1 to 4%) of copper and zinc were leached out using any of the tested formulations. Temperature of fixation had only a slight influence on leaching of copper, zinc or arsenic.The technical assistance of Mr. C. D. Ralph is appreciated.  相似文献   

Summary The performance of copper-chrome-arsenate (CCA) and two quaternary ammonium compounds as wood preservatives was compared using a serial exposure technique, involving successive 10-week exposures in conventional soil jars. All preservative treatments were successful in preventing decay of Pinus radiata sapwood after the first exposure, but successive 10-week exposures clearly distinguished those treatments likely to offer long-term protection. The progressively increasing times of exposure with test fungi overcame the time lag for decay initiation in wood treated to preservative retentions above the toxic threshold established by conventional laboratory methods. Consequently, an additional and higher toxic threshold could be calculated. Examination of data from field stake tests suggested that a series of toxic thresholds established by a serial exposure technique could be related to preservative retentions which protect wood in the field from decay for increasing periods of time. Results of all tests are discussed in relation to the development of a laboratory procedure which may predict field performance of wood preservatives.  相似文献   

The physical and mechanical properties of boards treated with a preservative at different points during the manufacture process were evaluated to determine the best stage for the application of preservative. A copper boron tebuconazole amine water-based preservative was used in 3% PF-bonded strand boards to achieve five different retentions. Preservative addition was examined at different stages of the manufacture cycle, namely, green strand diffusion, dry strand vacuum treatment, glue-line spray addition, heat and cold quench of manufactured board, and by post-manufacture vacuum treatment. The treatment methods had marked effects on the mechanical properties of some of the boards when the boards with the highest preservative retention were compared with their respective untreated controls. The best results were achieved where the preservative was applied by vacuum treatment of dry strands or by diffusion of green strands before board manufacture. Increasing preservative retention had minimal effects on board properties with these two methods but significant deterioration was noted when the preservative was applied by spraying dry strands or by post-board-manufacture heat and cold quench. An increase of pressing temperature resulted in significant improvements to the mechanical properties of the spray-treated boards. Post-manufacture vacuum treatment of boards caused excessively high losses in internal bond strength.  相似文献   

饵木诱集松墨天牛的研究   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
饵木诱集松墨天牛Monochamus alternatus Hope效果明显,平均诱集幼虫0.58条/dm^2,最高0.76条/dm^2,最低0.44条/dm^2。松墨天牛成虫产卵部位主要集中在饵木距基部2-5m处,占总数的80.1%。  相似文献   

To improve the performance of cross-laminated woods, 30 types of three-ply parallel-laminated and cross-laminated woods were prepared from five species with various densities and shear compliances in cross section, and their bending creep performances were investigated on the basis of our previous research in cross-laminated wood made with sugi (Japanese cedar). The creep deformation perpendicular to the grain was decreased by cross laminating. The creep deformation perpendicular to the grain of parallel-laminated woods (P type), that perpendicular to the grain of face laminae of cross-laminated woods (C type), and also that parallel to the grain of face laminae of cross-laminated woods (C type) tended to decrease with increasing density of species used for perpendicular-direction lamina. It was found that the extent of the decrease was greater in creep deformation than in initial deformation. The degrees of anisotropy for both deformations of laminated wood were markedly decreased by cross laminating. The extent of the decrease was much greater in creep deformation than in initial deformation and considerably smaller in buna with higher density than in sugi with lower density. The measured values of initial deformation and creep deformation of C type were almost equal to the calculated values obtained from the measured values of parallel-laminated woods, whereas the measured values of both deformations of C type were much greater than their calculated values and increased markedly with increasing shear compliance in cross section of perpendicular-direction lamina used for core. The ratios of the average of measured values to the calculated value of C type ranged from 1.05 (katsura) to 1.50 (sugi) in initial deformation and from 1.30 (katsura) to 3.69 (sugi) in creep deformation. This result can be explained as the effect of deflection caused by shear force.  相似文献   

Thirty types of three-ply parallel- and cross-laminated woods were prepared from five species, and their static bending strength performance were investigated. The modulus of elasticity (MOE), proportional limit stress, and modulus of rupture (MOR) perpendicular to the grain were increased by cross-laminating, and the extent of the increase increased with decreasing density of the species. The measured values of MOE parallel and perpendi-cular to the grain of parallel-laminated woods and perpendicular to the grain of face laminae of cross-laminated woods were approximately equal to those calculated from true MOEs of individual laminae. However, the MOE parallel to the grain of face laminae of cross-laminated woods was much lower than the calculated MOE owing to the effect of the deflection caused by shear force on the MOE. The percentage of deflection caused by shear force versus total deflection (Y s) showed high values, from 16.1% (buna) to 40.5% (sugi), and it decreased linearly with increasing shear modulus in the cross section of the core. In addition, there was an extremely high positive correlation between the MOR and the measured MOE parallel to the grain of face laminae of cross-laminated woods. The MOR was also highly dependent on the shear modulus in cross section of the core.Part of this paper was presented at the 50th Annual Meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society, Kyoto, April 2000  相似文献   

高瑞堂 《林业研究》1994,5(4):88-90
THEBASICTHERM0-DYNAMICFUNCTI0NOFW0ODThephysicalcharactersofwoodaremainlydependentonthecompositionofcellwall.Andthecelluloseisthemaincomponent,aswellastheframeworkma-terialofcellwall.Thecrystallinestructureofthecellu1osebe1ongstomonoclinicsys'tem.Regardingthewoodflbersasmo1ecu-larcrysta1swhichhavethecomp1exlattice,bystatistictheoryatheoreticalformulaofwoodtherma1capacitywasderivedatcon-stantvo1ume.C.=28RnD(H./T)(l).'Where:R--gasconstantn--molarnumberT-thermodynamictemperatureHD…  相似文献   

主要从城市森林的概念、作用,提出了城市森林建设的主要模式、需要处理好的几个关系及加快城市森林建设采取的主要措施等,为更好地指导城市森林建设,促进人与自然和谐相处提供了参考。  相似文献   

The density (), dynamic Young's modulus (E), loss tangent (tanL) in the longitudinal (L) direction, and the dynamic shear modulus (G), loss tangent (tanS) in the LT or LR (T, tangential; R, radial) plane of woods and cane (Arundo donax L.) in air-dried and wet conditions were measured. The acoustic converting efficiency (ACE), expressed by E/3/tanL, and the factors of anisotropy, expressed byE/G and tanS/tanL, of woods were compared with those of the canes. Low-density coniferous woods had higher ACE values and were of a more anisotropic nature than the cane. These woods seemed appropriate for clarinet reed owing to their homogeneous cellular structure. The stability in vibrational properties and the anticreep properties of the woods were enhanced by the acetylation treatment. Professional clarinet players suggested that acetylated Glehn's spruce and sitka spruce were suitable for clarinet reeds.Part of this report was presented at the 48th annual meeting of the Japan Wood Research Society at Shizuoka, April 1998  相似文献   

Fire-retarding properties of 200?ppm nano-silver solution, with a size ranging from 20 to 80?nm, on five woody species were studied and compared with Borax and Celcune ? . Blocks of 150?×?130?×?9?mm3 were prepared and divided into four groups of control samples, nano-silver-, Borax-, and Celcune-impregnated specimens. A special apparatus was designed, and six fire-retarding properties of each specimen were measured, namely ignition, glowing, back-darkening and back-holing times, as well as length and width of burning. Results showed that all three kinds of treatments had improving effects on the fire-retarding properties. Celcune showed the best improvement on glowing time. Cluster analysis showed direct relation between density and fire-retardant properties; also, fire-retarding behaviors of the four hardwoods were quite different to those of the one softwood. Furthermore, there are improvements in some fire-retarding properties of nano-silver-impregnated specimens that are in connection with its heat-transfer property.  相似文献   

The heartwood and sapwood characteristics of 11 Amazonian trees were investigated. Whereas 7 of the specimens had densities greater than 0.7 g/cm3, the heartwood density of ipê amarelo (Tabebuia serratifolia), maçaranduba (Manilkara huberi), cumaru-ferro (Dipteryx odorata), and guarita (Astronium lecointei) exceeded 1.0 g/cm3. Jatobá contained small amounts of Klason lignin and α-cellulose, and large amounts of holocellulose and alkali extract, suggesting that it has a high polysaccharide content that can be dissolved in an alkaline medium. The difference in the syringyl/guaiacyl (S/G) ratios of the samples before and after alkali extraction suggests that alkali extracts contain syringyl-type polyphenols. In all of the samples, the heart-wood methanol extracts were larger in volume than the sapwood methanol extracts, and the sapwood alkali extracts were larger in volume than the heartwood alkali extracts. The antioxidant activities of the methanol and alkali extracts were assayed by measuring the levels of 1,1-diphenyl-2-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) radical scavenging activity and super oxide dismutase (SOD)-like activity, respectively. The heart-wood methanol extract of jatobá (Hymenaea courbaril) exhibited the highest level of activity (EC50 = 44 mg/l), which exceeded that of α-tocopherol (EC50 = 48 mg/l), and the heartwood alkali extracts of jatobá and ipê amarelo had high SOD-like activity comparable with red wine.  相似文献   

Summary Infrared spectra (4000...250 cm-1) of thin sections (12m) of woods from some pored gymnosperms of the order Gnetales and of a non-pored angiosperm of the family Winteraceae have been obtained and found to resemble closely the spectra of typical angiosperms rather than gymnosperms. These results indicate that the gross chemical composition of a wood is not related to its anatomical structure and show that chemically the Gnetales resemble angiosperms.
Zusammenfassung Die Infrarot-Spektren (4000...250 cm-1) dünner Holzchnitte (12m) von einigen gefäßführenden Gymnosperment der Ordnung Gnetales, sowie von einem gefäßlosen Angiospermen der Familie Winteraceae zeigten mit Spektren von typischen Angiospermen — und nicht etwa mit denjenigen von Gymnospermen — eine große Ähnlichkeit. Diese Ergebnisse deuten darauf hin, daß die chemische Zusammensetzung einer bestimmten Holzart nicht durch deren anatomisches Gefüge bedingt ist; sie zeigen fernerhin, daß die Ordnung Gnetales chemisch den Angiospermen nahesteht.

Fungi cause serious problems in wood utilization, and environmentally benign wood protection is required as an alternative to traditional chemicals. Chitosan has shown promising antimicrobial properties against several microorganisms. In this study, we present the characterization of and antifungal properties of a commercial chitosan formulation developed for impregnation of wood. A broad range of chemical and mycological methods were used to evaluate the uptake, fixation, and antifungal properties of chitosan for wood preservation. The results show that the higher the uptake of chitosan the lower the relative recovery of chitosan in wood after leaching, and the higher the molecular weight of chitosan the higher the recovery. Chitosan with high molecular weight proved to be more efficient against decay fungi than chitosan with low molecular weight. The fungi tested on chitosan-amended nutrient agar medium were totally inhibited at 1% (w/v) concentration. In decay studies using small wood blocks, 4.8% (w/v) chitosan concentration gave the best protection against brown rot fungi.  相似文献   

杨燕  邱坚  闭梅松 《福建林业科技》2007,34(3):82-86,106
要实现木材-无机质复合材的人工模拟,其关键还是在于研究和探讨木材生物矿化的机理,因此要对木材中无机物的情况进行研究,从而获取生物矿化所形成的木材/无机质复合材料的形成机理,以此来指导木材的生物改性或木材/无机复合材的仿生合成。本文采用光学显微镜对几种木材/二氧化硅生物矿化复合材中硅石的分布进行观察发现:硅石主要分布在木射线细胞中,大量的晶体在木射线细胞以及轴向薄壁细胞中均有分布;采用重量法对几种木材/二氧化硅生物矿化复合材中二氧化硅含量情况进行测定表明:子京、山油柑、柚木、柠檬桉、山竹子等5种木材/二氧化硅生物矿化复合材中二氧化硅含量分别为1.5106%、0.8941%、0.8654%、0.2155%、0.1676%。  相似文献   

We measured the longitudinal and tangential shrinking processes in wood specimens from Chamaecyparis obtuse Endl. with different microfibril angles (MFAs). The shape of the shrinking curve was compared with the MFA. Only the longitudinal shrinking process of specimens with a small MFA clearly showed nonlinearity, and the degree of nonlinearity increased as the MFA decreased. In contrast, the tangential shrinking process and the longitudinal shrinking process of compression wood with a large MFA were linear. The nonlinearity is probably caused by the longitudinal shrinkage of the noncrystalline region of the cellulose microfibril (CMF) in regions of low moisture content during water desorption. When the moisture content is high, the matrix substance in the cell wall begins to dry; however, the shrinkage in the chain direction is restrained by the rigid CMF. As the wood dries further, the noncrystalline region of the CMF embedded in the matrix substance begins to shrink. Because the longitudinal mechanical behavior of wood with a small MFA is greatly affected by a rigid CMF, longitudinal shrinkage increases suddenly at about 10% moisture content; as a result, the shrinking process shows nonlinearity.  相似文献   

The radial trends of vibrational properties, represented by the specific dynamic modulus (E′/ρ) and damping coefficient (tan δ), were investigated for three tropical rainforest hardwood species (Simarouba amara, Carapa procera, and Symphonia globulifera) using free-free flexural vibration tests. The microfibril angle (MFA) was estimated using X-ray diffraction. Consistent patterns of radial variations were observed for all studied properties. E′/ρ was found to decrease from pith to bark, which was strongly related to the increasing pith-bark trend of MFA. The variation of tan δ along the radius could be partly explained by MFA and partly by the gradient of extractives due to heartwood formation. The coupling effect of MFA and extractives could be separated through analysis of the log(tan δ) versus log(E′/ρ) diagram. For the species studied, the extractive content putatively associated with heartwood formation generally tends to decrease the wood damping coefficient. However, this weakening effect of extractives was not observed for the inner part of the heartwood, suggesting that the mechanical action of extractives was reduced during their chemical ageing.  相似文献   

液化木质素磺酸钙基环保酚醛胶黏剂的合成   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
探讨了加料方式对传统酚醛树脂(PF)胶黏剂游离酚、醛的影响因素.在此基础上,采用热化学酚化技术活化木质素磺酸钙得到木质素磺酸钙酚化产物,将酚化产物代替苯酚制备低成本的木质素基酚醛胶黏剂(LPF).实验结果表明,当甲醛分3次加入、碱液分2次加入时,制备的PF胶黏剂具有较低的游离酚、醛,且以苯酚为液化试剂,液化温度140℃、液化时间15min、苯酚与木质素磺酸钙的质量比(酚木比)为2∶1,酚化工业木质素磺酸钙,将得到的酚化液代替苯酚在酚醛物质的量之比为1∶1.7时,制得的LPF具有更低的游离酚、醛含量、较长的储存期和优异的胶合性能.  相似文献   

Summary Pole figures were described for (101), (101), (002) and (040) crystallographic planes of cellulose crystallites in opposite, normal and compression woods of Pinus densiflora. The orientation functions for these planes were plotted on the equilateral triangular coordinate. The orientation factors were calculated from the functions. It was found that the cellulose crystallites in the S2 layer contributed to the orientation distribution although those in the other layers also contributed to some extent. From the equilateral triangular coordinate plots it was found that the orientation distributions of cellulose crystallites in wood varied in some kind of regular fashion. This was more clearly confirmed by the variations of the orientation factors.The authors are indebted to Dr. Keizo Okamura, Faculty of Agriculture, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, and Dr. Misato Norimoto, Wood Research Institute, Kyoto University, Uji, Kyoto, Japan, for their valuable discussions and comments on this paper  相似文献   

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