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Journal of Soils and Sediments - Natural degradation of petroleum hydrocarbons (PHC) is a crucial process to consider when managing contaminated soils. However, the degradation rate is dictated by...  相似文献   

Anthocyanins (ACNs) are water-soluble plant pigments that have important functions in plant physiology as well as possible health effects. Over 100 common foods were screened for ACNs, and 24 of them were found to contain ACNs. Concentrations of total ACNs varied considerably from 0.7 to 1480 mg/100 g of fresh weight in gooseberry ('Careless' variety) and chokeberry, respectively. Not only does the concentration vary, but the specific anthocyanins present in foods are also quite different. Only six common aglycones, delphinidin, cyanidin, petunidin, pelargonidin, peonidin, and malvidin, were found in all of these foods. However, their sugar moieties and acylation patterns varied from food to food. Results from this study will add to the available data for the USDA Nutrient Database of flavonoids. On the basis of the concentration data and updated food intake data from NHANES 2001-2002, the daily intake of ACNs is estimated to be 12.5 mg/day/person in the United States. Of the different aglycones, cyanidin, delphinidin, and malvidin were estimated to contribute 45, 21, and 15%, respectively, of the total ACN intake. Nonacylated contributed 77% compared to 23% from acylated ACNs.  相似文献   

A method for the quantitative determination of epoxidized soybean oil (ESBO) in foods is described. The procedure involves addition of a diepoxidized fatty acid ester internal standard, followed by lipid extraction from the food and transmethylation under basic conditions. Without further cleanup, the methylated fatty acid epoxides are derivatized to form 1,3-dioxolanes, which are then determined by capillary gas chromatography-mass spectrometry with selected ion monitoring. A detection limit of 2.0 mg/kg of epoxidized soybean oil in foods and a relative standard deviation of 7% have been achieved routinely. The method has been applied successfully to the analysis of cheeses, sandwiches, cakes, and microwave-cooked meals which have been contaminated with ESBO by migration from PVC film.  相似文献   

采用单项与综合污染指数法,以海南省农产品为研究对象,开展了农产品中重金属Cu、Zn、Pb、Cd、Ni、As、Cr和Hg含量的抽样调查分析与评价。结果表明,全省农产品中重金属的平均含量均低于食品中规定的限值,各重金属的单项与综合污染指数均≤1,综合污染指数为0.57;全省农产品未受重金属污染,属于安全水平,适宜发展无公害农产品。同时发现,个别监测点的农产品中重金属含量有超标现象,新鲜水果中个别样品Pb、Cd、Hg超标,超标率在2.17%~10.87%之间;豆类蔬菜中个别样品Ni超标,超标率为9.09%;瓜果类蔬菜中个别样品Pb、Cd超标,超标率为12.24%~24.49%;叶菜蔬菜中个别样品Pb超标,超标率为6.67%;谷物中个别样品Pb、Cd、As超标,超标率在2.11%~7.37%之间。农产品中重金属含量间多呈正相关,其中Zn与Ni、As与Hg之间差异达到极显著水平,Cu与Zn、Cu与As、Cu与Hg、Zn与As、Zn与Hg、Cd与As、Cd与Cr、Cd与Hg、Ni与As、Ni与Hg、As与Cr之间差异达到显著水平。结合主成分分析结果,推测Cu、Zn、Ni、As、Hg含量主要受农业生产和人类活动的影响,而Cr、Pb和Cd含量受土壤母质的影响比较大。  相似文献   

In this study, we compared the differences of bacterial abundance and diversity between rhizosphere and surrounding bulk soils under soil salinization and petroleum contamination in the Yellow River Delta on a 110-km-distance scale. In comparison with bulk soils, rhizosphere soils were mainly characterized by lower salinity and higher water content in saline soils. For bacterial abundance, the numbers of total bacteria and hydrocarbon degraders were significantly higher in rhizosphere soils than those in bulk soils. Although there was no significant difference in total petroleum hydrocarbon (TPH) concentration between the two types of soils, TPH had distinctly different effects on bacterial abundance in rhizosphere and bulk soils. TPH concentration was the major determinant of total bacterial abundance and had positive effects on abundances of hydrocarbon degraders. However, the abundances of total bacteria and hydrocarbon degraders in bulk soils were primarily determined by soil salinity and water content. Great abundance of rhizosphere bacteria suggested that plant roots could alleviate the stresses from soil salinization and provide more favorable microhabitats for bacterial growth. TPH had positive effects on bacterial diversity of both rhizosphere and bulk soils. Our results support the view that petroleum in the environments functions as both toxic chemicals and carbon sources to soil bacteria. Great abundance and diversity of total bacteria in plant rhizospheres would potentially improve the roles of bacteria in maintaining ecosystem functioning in the degraded ecosystems. Our results would improve our understanding of the relationships between rhizosphere effects and multiple environmental stresses that control the development of bacterial community in fragile anthropologically-affected ecosystems.  相似文献   

The scope of this study was to evaluate the exposure of the Italian population to ochratoxin A (OTA) attributable to wine consumption. With this aim 1166 wine samples (773 red wines, 290 white, 75 rose, and 28 dessert wines), collected in 19 different Italian regions and mostly produced between 1988 and 2004, were analyzed for OTA content. The obtained results are reported by year of harvest, geographical area of production, and type of wine. Red wine showed the highest maximum level of contamination (7.50 ng/mL), even though rose wines were characterized by a higher mean value (0.01 ng/mL). A gradually increasing mean concentration was also observed from the north (0.05 ng/mL) to south of Italy (0.54 ng/mL). Exposure calculations, performed using two different consumption databases, indicate a daily intake for consumer only of 0.59 up to 1.24 ng/(kg of b.w.)/day and of 0.33 up to 0.90 ng/(kg of b.w.)/day for the total population. Even in the worst case, corresponding to the calculation of the intake for consumers only in southern Italy and Islands and considering the mean consumption data increased by 1 standard deviation, a quite low exposure (1.68 ng/(kg of b.w.)/day, accounting for 9.8% of TDI) was obtained. Considering the overall OTA dietary exposure, obtained exposure rates indicate that wine did not pose a risk to the Italian population health.  相似文献   

Catechins, compounds that belong to the flavonoid class, are potentially beneficial to human health. To enable epidemiological evaluation of these compounds, data on their contents in foods are required. HPLC with UV and fluorescence detection was used to determine the levels of (+)-catechin, (-)-epicatechin, (+)-gallocatechin (GC), (-)-epigallocatechin (EGC), (-)-epicatechin gallate (ECg), and (-)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCg) in 24 types of fruits, 27 types of vegetables and legumes, some staple foods, and processed foods commonly consumed in The Netherlands. Most fruits, chocolate, and some legumes contained catechins. Levels varied to a large extent: from 4.5 mg/kg in kiwi fruit to 610 mg/kg in black chocolate. (+)-Catechin and (-)-epicatechin were the predominant catechins; GC, EGC, and ECg were detected in some foods, but none of the foods contained EGCg. The data reported here provide a base for the epidemiological evaluation of the effect of catechins on the risk for chronic diseases.  相似文献   

A method for the separation, isolation, and identification of phytosterols was developed. A commercial phytosterols mixture, Generol 95S, was fractionated first by adsorption silica gel column chromatography and then separated by means of a semipreparative reverse phase high-performance liquid chromatography fitted with a Polaris C8-A column (250 mm x 10 mm i.d., 5 microm) using isocratic acetonitrile:2-propanol:water (2:1:1, v/v/v) as the mobile phase. Milligram scales of six individual phytosterols, including citrostadienol, campesterol, beta-sitosterol, Delta7-avenasterol, Delta7-campesterol, and Delta7-sitosterol, were obtained. Purities of these isolated sterols were 85-98%. Relative response factors (RRF) of these phytosterols were calculated against cholestanol as an authentic commercial standard. These RRF values were used to quantify by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) the phytosterols content in a reference material, oils, and chocolates.  相似文献   

海南省南渡江新坡河塘底泥养分状况及重金属污染评价   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:6  
南渡江流域新坡河塘疏浚底泥的利用方向规划为农田土地整治工程中耕作层的替代土,用来发展蔬菜种植业。为了探清该流域河塘疏浚底泥的养分水平及重金属污染状况,综合考虑河塘的形态、水域面积、断面特征、流速、底泥沉积量采取典型断面布设和网格法布点,将所调查的河塘分为上游和下游,共采集0~40cm深的底泥样品78个。通过室内底泥样品成分检测、养分灰色关联度评价、内梅罗综合污染评价、GIS空间分析等方法,分析和评价了河塘底泥的养分特征、肥力水平、重金属的含量、污染程度及空间格局分布特征,掌握了该流域底泥的养分条件、底泥重金属污染状况及底泥农业利用的风险。结果表明:1)底泥的全氮、全磷、全钾及有机质含量呈现空间异质性,下游的全氮、全磷均值含量较上游分别高出32.45%、11.88%,而下游的全钾、有机质均值含量较上游分别低14.64%、14.62%,上游段底泥养分数据的变异系数普遍高于下游段,底泥养分异质性是由河流流速、周边的自然环境及人为耕作活动造成。底泥中的全氮、全磷、有机质等养分指标达到1级(丰)水平,统计分析全钾含量为5级(缺)水平;整个河塘底泥养分要高于对照点,为底泥的农业土地利用提供了有利条件。2)底泥重金属污染物主要为Cd和Cu,其次为和Cr和Ni,Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni样品单因素污染超标率分别为76.92%、47.44%、56.41%、23.07%,且超标幅度分别为58.45%、104.58%、6.06%、68.48%;底泥重金属污染是因基性火山岩为成土母质,背景值偏高,土壤重金属被酸雨淋溶出,并随地表径流汇集在河塘中,造成了底泥的重金属超标。内梅罗综合污染指数评价可知河塘底泥是以轻微污染和中度污染为主,分别占样品数的46.15%、28.21%;底泥污染状况具有明显的空间异质性,轻微污染水平(3级)和中度污染水平(4级)的区域面积分别为62.05%、25.80%,以中、轻微污染水平的区域为主。河塘下游水面宽阔,流速减慢,造成底泥沉积量增加,污染加重及污染空间分布异质性强。应该根据底泥的污染等级及养分条件综合决定其农业土地利用。  相似文献   

南渡江流域新坡河塘疏浚底泥的利用方向规划为农田土地整治工程中耕作层的替代土,用来发展蔬菜种植业。为了探清该流域河塘疏浚底泥的养分水平及重金属污染状况,综合考虑河塘的形态、水域面积、断面特征、流速、底泥沉积量采取典型断面布设和网格法布点,将所调查的河塘分为上游和下游,共采集0~40 cm深的底泥样品78个。通过室内底泥样品成分检测、养分灰色关联度评价、内梅罗综合污染评价、GIS空间分析等方法,分析和评价了河塘底泥的养分特征、肥力水平、重金属的含量、污染程度及空间格局分布特征,掌握了该流域底泥的养分条件、底泥重金属污染状况及底泥农业利用的风险。结果表明:1)底泥的全氮、全磷、全钾及有机质含量呈现空间异质性,下游的全氮、全磷均值含量较上游分别高出32.45%、11.88%,而下游的全钾、有机质均值含量较上游分别低14.64%、14.62%,上游段底泥养分数据的变异系数普遍高于下游段,底泥养分异质性是由河流流速、周边的自然环境及人为耕作活动造成。底泥中的全氮、全磷、有机质等养分指标达到1级(丰)水平,统计分析全钾含量为5级(缺)水平;整个河塘底泥养分要高于对照点,为底泥的农业土地利用提供了有利条件。2)底泥重金属污染物主要为Cd和Cu,其次为和Cr和Ni,Cd、Cu、Cr、Ni样品单因素污染超标率分别为76.92%、47.44%、56.41%、23.07%,且超标幅度分别为58.45%、104.58%、6.06%、68.48%;底泥重金属污染是因基性火山岩为成土母质,背景值偏高,土壤重金属被酸雨淋溶出,并随地表径流汇集在河塘中,造成了底泥的重金属超标。内梅罗综合污染指数评价可知河塘底泥是以轻微污染和中度污染为主,分别占样品数的46.15%、28.21%;底泥污染状况具有明显的空间异质性,轻微污染水平(3级)和中度污染水平(4级)的区域面积分别为62.05%、25.80%,以中、轻微污染水平的区域为主。河塘下游水面宽阔,流速减慢,造成底泥沉积量增加,污染加重及污染空间分布异质性强。应该根据底泥的污染等级及养分条件综合决定其农业土地利用。  相似文献   

There is evidence that organic food often contains relatively high amounts of natural toxic compounds produced by fungi or plants, whereas corresponding conventional food tends to contain more synthetic toxins such as pesticide residues, but only a few studies have evaluated the impact of their consumption on health. This study proposes a novel approach to evaluate the potential health risk of organic compared to conventional food consumption, that is, the assay of sensitive markers of cell function in vulnerable conditions. The markers utilized were intestinal and splenic lymphocyte proliferative capacity and liver acute-phase reaction, both responding to the presence of toxins. The vulnerable conditions in which body defenses can be less efficient were weaning and protein-energy malnutrition. This study reports the results of a pilot experiment on one sample of eight varieties of organically and conventionally grown wheat. Weaned rats were assigned to two groups fed conventional (CV) or organic (ORG) wheat for 30 days. Each group was divided in two subgroups of well-nourished (WN) or protein-energy-malnourished (PEM) rats. For each rat, the lymphocyte proliferation was assayed by [(3)H]thymidine incorporation after stimulation of cells with a mitogen, in a culture medium containing either commercial fetal calf serum (FCS) or the corresponding rat serum (RS) to mimic the in vivo proliferative response. The acute-phase proteins (albumin, transthyretin, transferrin, ceruloplasmin, retinol-binding protein) were measured in plasma by Western blotting and immunostaining with specific antibodies. The proliferative response of lymphocytes cultured with FCS and the amount of acute-phase proteins of rats fed the ORG wheat sample, either WN or PEM, did not differ from those of rats fed the CV wheat sample. However, the proliferative response of lymphocytes cultured with RS was inhibited in PEM-CV compared with PEM-ORG. The content of mycotoxins was highest in the organic sample, and therefore the immunotoxic effect was probably due to other contaminants in the CV wheat. In conclusion, these results indicate that the conventional wheat sample tested represented a higher risk for lymphocyte function than the wheat sample organically grown, at least in vulnerable conditions.  相似文献   

Aflatoxins in domestic and imported foods and feeds   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
Aflatoxins, metabolic products of the molds Aspergillus flavus and A. parasiticus, may occur in foods and feeds. These toxins cannot be entirely avoided or eliminated from foods or feeds by current agronomic and manufacturing processes and are considered unavoidable contaminants. To limit aflatoxin exposure, the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has set action levels for these toxins in foods and feeds involved in interstate commerce. FDA continually monitors food and feed industries through compliance programs. This report summarizes data generated from compliance programs on aflatoxins for the fiscal year 1986. Commodities sampled included peanuts and peanut products, corn and corn products, tree nuts, cottonseed, milk, spices, manufactured products, and miscellaneous foods and feeds. Correlations were highest between aflatoxin contamination and geographical areas for corn/corn products and cottonseed/cottonseed meal. Higher incidences of aflatoxin contamination in corn and corn products designated for human consumption were observed in samples collected in the southeastern states (32 and 28%, respectively). A higher incidence of contamination was observed in corn designated for animal feed from Arkansas-Texas (74%) than from the southeastern states (47%). Only 3% of feed corn from corn belt states contained detectable aflatoxins. All aflatoxin-contaminated cottonseed was collected in the Arizona-California area; 80% of cottonseed meal analyzed from this area also contained detectable levels of aflatoxins.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)  相似文献   

The consumption of foods made from soybeans is increasing because of their desirable nutritional value. However, some soy foods contain high concentrations of oxalate and/or phytate. Oxalate is a component of calcium oxalate kidney stones, whereas phytate is an inhibitor of calcium kidney stone formation. Thirty tested commercial soy foods exhibited ranges of 0.02-2.06 mg oxalate/g and 0.80-18.79 mg phytate/g. Commercial soy foods contained 2-58 mg of total oxalate per serving and 76-528 mg phytate per serving. Eighteen of 19 tofu brands and two soymilk brands contained less than 10 mg oxalate per serving, defined as a low oxalate food. Soy flour, textured vegetable soy protein, vegetable soybeans, soy nuts, tempeh, and soynut butter exhibited greater than 10 mg per serving. The correlation between oxalate and phytate in the soy foods was significant (r = 0.71, P < 0.001) indicating that oxalate-rich soy foods also contain higher concentrations of phytate. There also was a significant correlation, based on molar basis, between the divalent ion binding potential of oxalate plus phytate and calcium plus magnesium (r = 0.90, P < 0.001) in soy foods. Soy foods containing small concentrations of oxalate and moderate concentrations of phytate may be advantageous for kidney stone patients or persons with a high risk of kidney stones.  相似文献   

The fat in vegetable foods--tree nuts, peanuts, sunflower seeds, avocado, and olives--can be determined volumetrically by acid digestion of the material and separation of the fat. The assay can be performed conveniently by using the equipment developed for fat determination of milk (Gerber method). The results agree well with those obtained by Soxhlet extraction. The advantages of using the Gerber method for vegetable foods are simplicity, speed, low operation cost, and elimination of the use of inflammable solvents.  相似文献   

The objective of most methods for determination of folates in foods and other biological materials is to estimate the total folacin content of the sample. Because folacin comprises a diverse group of related compounds exhibiting similar biological activity, the analytical method must be capable of measuring all of the folates. Methods have been developed for separation of folates in their monoglutamyl form by using anion-exchange, paired-ion reverse phase, or conventional reverse phase liquid chromatography (LC). The application of these separations to determination of folates in foods and other biological materials has been limited largely by the need for development of adequate preparative methods and sufficiently sensitive and specific detection procedures. Although LC with ultraviolet absorption detection has been successful in certain limited applications, the development of fluorometric detection methods has permitted LC determination of folates in a wide range of materials. Tetrahydrofolic acid and its substituted derivatives are detected by monitoring their native fluorescence in an acid mobile phase, while folic acid and certain other folates are measured by using an oxidative post-column fluorogenic derivatization system. Methods also have been developed for determination of the polyglutamyl chain length distribution of folates in biological materials. In total, these procedures permit a direct determination and characterization of folacin compounds.  相似文献   

Worldwide occurrence of mycotoxins in foods and feeds--an update   总被引:24,自引:0,他引:24  
In a review presented at the first FAO/WHO/UNEP Conference on Mycotoxins in 1977, the occurrence of aflatoxins, zearalenone, ochratoxin A, citrinin, trichothecenes, patulin, penicillic acid, and the ergot alkaloids was indicated to be significant in naturally contaminated foods and feeds. The information presented on aflatoxin contamination greatly exceeded that for all other mycotoxins combined. This study reviews the worldwide levels and occurrence of mycotoxins in various commodities since 1976. Comparatively few countries have lowered the acceptable levels for aflatoxins in susceptible commodities. However, intensified efforts are needed to establish control of aflatoxin levels in the global food supply, particularly in peanuts, tree nuts, corn, and animal feeds. Extensive deoxynivalenol (DON) contamination of grains, especially wheat, was demonstrated. Co-contamination of grains by Fusarium toxins, especially DON and nivalenol, with zearalenone to a lesser extent, was reported. However, more information on co-occurrence of Fusarium toxins in cereals should be developed. When contamination of feeds by ochratoxin A was significant, this toxin occurred in swine kidney and smoked meats in high levels. On the basis of occurrence and/or toxicity, patulin and penicillic acid contamination of foods does not appear to be of real concern. More recent developments suggest, however, that expanded monitoring studies of Alternaria toxins, moniliformin, citrinin, cyclopiazonic acid, penitrem A, and ergot alkaloids are indicated.  相似文献   

A simple and accurate method was developed for routine determination of fluoride in foods. Hydrogen fluoride is diffused 20 hr at 50 degrees C from fresh or freeze-dried samples (0.1 g dry wt) in polystyrene petri dishes containing 2 mL 40% HCIO4 and 0.3 g Ag2SO4, and is absorbed on the lids, previously spotted with 0.1 mL 0.5M NaOH. The absorbent layer is dissolved in 2 mL buffer solution, and the fluoride is measured potentiometrically. The method was verified by analysis of NBS Standard Reference Materials; recovery from 28 spiked infant foods (average = 99%, range = 75-135%); and comparison of results with colorimetry results for the same diffusates, after modification to handle 1 g samples. Relative standard deviations varied from 4 to 20% day to day. Detection limits were below 0.05 microgram/g dry weight.  相似文献   

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